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1177 BC Study Guide with All Questions and Answers Updated 2023-2024 New Latest Version, Exams of Nursing

1177 BC Study Guide with All Questions and Answers Updated 2023-2024 New Latest Version

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Download 1177 BC Study Guide with All Questions and Answers Updated 2023-2024 New Latest Version and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! 1177 BC Study Guide with All Questions and Answers Updated 2023-2024 New Latest Version Who was James Henry Breasted? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 5 The man who discovered the inscriptions and scenes at Medinet Habu when he returned from his journey through the Near East Who wrote the book 1177BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed? -------- Correct Answer -- ------- Eric H. Cline How did the ending of trade affect societies of the Mediterranean -------- Correct Answer --------- (?) It did not affect them well and was one of the factors that led to their decline (they were dependent on one another and needed the trade) Did climate change wipe out the late Bronze Age? Why or why not? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 147 No because droughts frequented the region throughout history and though they may have influenced social tensions and limited resources, it was not enough to cause an end to the Late Bronze Age without other factors being involved. Name two other theories about what happened to the Bronze Age -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 147 Internal rebellions, cutting off of international trade routes, other natural disasters, etc. Can archaeology prove internal rebellions occurred? If so, how? If not, why not? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 148 No, because there is not evidence that can be left behind to show mounting internal conflicts and gradual decline culminating. What climate change occurred in the late Bronze Age? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 146-147 There was a sharp increase in Northern Hemisphere temperatures immediately before the collapse of the Mycenaean palatial centers, and then there was a sharp decrease in temperature during the abandonment of these civilizations (it first got hotter and then got cooler) Did the Dorians invade Greece? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 149 Possibly but long after the collapse of the Late Bronze Age What advice was given to the Hittites about the invaders? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 150 The letter told Ugarit to remain firm, surround the city with walls, station the troops and chariots closer, bring the infantry and chariotry into them, be on the lookout for the enemy and make yourself very strong. What is the decentralization and Privatization theory of collapse? Is it valid? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 152-153 A theory that the Sea Peoples are a representation of sociopolitical and economic change from a predominantly palatial-controlled economy to one in which private merchants and smaller entities had considerably more economic freedom and that is what caused the collapse of the Late Bronze Age; this theory is not valid for being the single causation of the collapse, and more than likely it could be true that a new trade system developed through the chaos of the collapse and that some people were able to benefit from it. Who were the Sea Peoples according to the author? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 160 They were more likely a somewhat more peaceful mixed group of migrants in search of new land/refugees who settled down among the local people rather than militant invaders intent on destruction Give the names of the tribes associated with the Sea Peoples. -------- Correct Answer --- ------ P. 3;154 The Peleset, Tjekker, Shekelesh/Shikila, Shardana, Danuna, and Weshesh What records give specific names of the Sea Peoples? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 155 Egyptian records (Ramsses III and Mernephtah), Ugarit texts (letter from the House of Urtenu); Possible references by the last Hittite king Suppiluliuma II, inscriptions found at Hattusa, What places show signs of destruction by these Sea Peoples? -------- Correct Answer --- ------ P. 156 City of Troy; kingdoms of Arzawa and Tarhintassa in Anatolia; Tarsus and Ugarit in southeastern Anatolia and northern Syria Were the Hittites destroyed by the Sea Peoples? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 156 No, causes most likely internal and not external What other theories are there about the Sea Peoples' origin and movements? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 155- Sea People as invaders beginning their journey in Greece and passed through the Dardanelles to western Turkey/Anatolia and/or beginning in western Turkey/Anatolia and continuing along the southern coast of Turkey to Cilicia at the eastern end and then down to the southern Levant (via a route along the coast); Sea People as settlers in the areas after they were destroyed (but not by the Sea Peoples) having originally occupied coastal cities including Tarsin, Mersin, and even the same thing for the region on the border between southwestern Turkey and northern Syria in the area of Tell Ta'yinat becoming known as "Land of Palistin"; populations migrating over a long period of time; farmers looking for better land What other people of Cannan might be connected to the Sea Peoples? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 157-158 The Philistines (Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gaza, Ekron, etc.) What is the Report of Wenamun? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 157 An Egyptian story which dates to the 1st half of the 11th century BC which could possibly have mentions of the Sea Peoples settling into the north of what is now known as Israel (it refers to Dor as a town of the Tjekker or Sikils (Shekelesh)). What was the 1st use of the term "Israel" outside of the scripture? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 6 The Mernaptah Stele or "The Israel Stele" (an inscription by the ancient Egyptian king Merneptah) How did one often prove victory over an enemy? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 8 By counting the number of hands (?) What happened to Egypt after the second wave of the Sea Peoples? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 9 They survived but they were never the same as before (the pharaohs after Ramses III were content to rule over a country much diminished in influence and power Was all the destruction of Bronze Age places caused by the Sea Peoples? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 10-11/Notes; No, other causes include a series of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions (Santorini), climactic shifts and drought(2 in a period of 300-400 years), invasions of other peoples besides the Sea Peoples (including the Dorians, Libyans, and Thracrasis), and internal rebellions. Define epigraphic -------- Correct Answer --------- The study of inscriptions or epigraphs as writing What evidence was the initial Sea Peoples theory based upon? Why was this problematic? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 11 The theory was based solely on epigraphic evidence of the inscriptions before any of the destroyed sites had been excavated; The writings could have been incorrect/did not tell the whole story. The best evidence would come from the civilizations that had been destroyed. What did the Minoans do for the Egyptians at the city of Per-never? -------- Correct Answer --------- Who were the Hyksos? How did they affect Egypt? -------- Correct Answer --------- They were the hated invaders of Egypt who ruled much of the country from ca. 1720-1550 (the 2nd Intermediate period). They ruled over Egypt as "pharaohs" and overran the country. They used the phrase "hekau khasut" which translates to "chieftains of foriegn lands" (mistranslated by an Egyptian priest to say "Shepard Kings") What technology did the Hyksos have that made them successful? -------- Correct Answer --------- Composite bows (first strike capability), horse drawn chariots What were the milk stones? Who tracked them? What discovery did that lead to? -------- Correct Answer --------- Milk stones were stones that Greek women who had given birth or who were about to give birth wore; the stone had symbols engraved upon them that Evans recognized as writing, traced back to a buried site at Knossos; Sir Arthur Evans traced them; Knossos Why was Evans able to excavate Knossos? -------- Correct Answer --------- Because he purchased the land What did the Minoans call themselves? -------- Correct Answer --------- We do not know Define thalassaocracy -------- Correct Answer --------- Kratia: power thalassos: Sea (sea power) basically naval supremacy or ruling over the waters Who was Evans' successor? -------- Correct Answer --------- John Devitt Stringfellow Pendlebury Describe the evidence of trade from Egypt -------- Correct Answer --------- Page 22 Where was Punt? Who sent expeditions? -------- Correct Answer --------- We don't know (possibly Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, or along the Red Sea/modern day Yemen) What happened at the battle of Megiddo? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 29 What types of activities connected the Ancient World (name at least 3 activities) -------- Correct Answer --------- P.79 Trade, migration, diplomacy, and war What name did the Hittites use for themselves? -------- Correct Answer --------- Neshites or Neshians Who was Suppliuliuma? -------- Correct Answer --------- One of the most famous Hittite kings from the Hittite Empire period who led the Hittites to a preeminent position in the Near East Who did Schliemann tell he had looked on the face of Agamemnon? -------- Correct Answer --------- The King of Greece Name two other archaeologists who worked on Mycenae? -------- Correct Answer -------- - Carl Blegen and Alan Wace Who were the Anniyawa? -------- Correct Answer --------- What the Hittites called the Mycenaeans; mainland Greece and the Mycenaeans What was the Colossi of Memnon really? -------- Correct Answer --------- Statues depicting a seated Amenhotep III (pharaoh of Egypt from 1391 to 1353BC) Where was the Aegean list found? -------- Correct Answer --------- On the 5th base of the 5th statue found where the mortuary temple once stood, on the West Bank of the Nile near the Valley of the Kings across from the modern city of Luxor. What was the Aegean List most likely? -------- Correct Answer --------- Itinerary of a round trip voyage from Egypt to the Aegean and back; list based on factual knowledge and actual contacts and not mendacious self-aggrandizement P. 47-48 What place did Keftiu mean for the Egyptians? What did Tanaja mean? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 46 Island of Crete; mainland Greece Who was Amenhotep III? Who was his wife? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 48 an Egyptian Pharaoh, went on a round trip voyage to Aegean. During his reign something rather unusual in terms of international contact took place especially with the Mycenaean's; Queen Tiyi What were foundation deposits? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 49 Plaques placed in specific deposits under temples or statues of kings (in Egypt) functioning as a time capsule and the purpose being to ensure that the gods and future generations would know the identity and generosity It's of the donor or builder, and the date when the building/statue/etc. was completed What is the Armarna archive? What did it contain? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 52- 53 Clay tablets that Akhenaten recorded the correspondence with kings and governors (mostly around Egypt, as he carried out his father's tradition of diplomatic negotiations and trade partnerships with foreign powers); includes a treasure trove of correspondences wth kings and governors that Akhenaten and his father had diplomatic relationships with including Cypriot and Hittite rulers, and Babylonian and Assyrian kings. Also letters to and from locl Canaanite rulers. The latter were requests for Egyptian help, the former were requests and mentions of gifts Who was Amenhotep III's heretic son? Why was he heretic in Egypt? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 51-52 Amenhotep IV or Akhenaten; he implemented the Armana Revolution and made himself the head of government, military, and religion. He closed down the temples of the main Egyptian gods and condemned worship of any other gods besides Aten, the disk of the sun, whom only he could worship directly. What languages were found in the Armarna archive? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 53 Akkadian (diplomatic lingua franca of the day) How did "monotheism" work in Egypt? Was it true monotheism? -------- Correct Answer - -------- P. 52 It did not work well; no because for ordinary citizens there was basically 2 gods Akhenaten and Aten (since they had to worship Aten through Akenhaten Who were the gods for ordinary Egyptians? -------- Correct Answer --------- Akhenaten and Aten (they prayed to Akhenaten who prayed to Aten for them) What were the social networks in the Amarna letters? -------- Correct Answer --------- (?) Picture on P. 55 What role did the Israelites play after the collapse of the Bronze Age civilizations? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 96 The Israelite's are among the groups of people who make up the new world order emerging out of the chaos that was the end of the Late Bronze Age Which societies was Ugarit connected with? Where was Uragit? -------- Correct Answer - -------- P. 102-104 Egypt, Cyprus, Assyria, Hatti, Carchemish, Tyre, Beirut, Amurru, Mari, and the Aegean; on the coast of North Syria Did trade end gradually? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 103 No, they were suddenly destroyed and abandoned soon after the beginning of the 12th century BC How much warning was there of the raids of the Sea Peoples? -------- Correct Answer -- ------- P. 108 Not much at all beyond a letter mentioning enemy ships What happened to Ugarit? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 108-109 Violent destruction: collapsed walls, burnt pise plaster, heaps of ashes, presence of numerous arrowheads, destruction level reaching 2 meters high in some places; it was cause by enemy attackers and not an earthquake, and the inhabitants (8 thousand give or take) fled in haste. What are the 3 archives found at Ugarit called? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 107 Urtenu Archive; P. 109 The Southern Archive; P. 152 Rapanu Archive What other areas was Ugarit connected to? (Name 7) -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 107, 112 Sidon, Alashiya, Emar, Ras Bassit, Ras Ibn Hani, Was there a letter found a kiln? What is the significance of this? -------- Correct Answer - -------- P. 109/112 No, the letter was instead stored within a basket that had fallen from the 2nd floor after the building was abandoned; The letter can be used to discuss the presence of enemy ships and invaders, however it is unclear exactly what invasion it refers to Where was the best evidence of destruction? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 113 At Tell Tweini the site of the Late Bronze Age harbor town of Gibala within the kingdom of Ugarit How long were the Sea Peoples raiding? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 114 About 30 years? (1st wave started in 1207 bc, 2nd wave collapsed civilization in 1177 bc) How many waves of attacks by the Sea Peoples were there? -------- Correct Answer ----- ---- P. 114 2 What was the result of the 1st wave of the Sea People attacks? -------- Correct Answer - -------- Describe what happened at Megiddo and at Lachish -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 115-123 Megiddo: suffered such extensive destruction that rebuilders decided to build on top of the debris rather than remove it before the building process, fallen stone to the height of 1.5 meters, charred horizontal lines on walls Lachish: 2 destrucion periods, violent fiery destruction, Who destroyed Lachish? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 120 They do not know for certain; evidence points to destruction by a strong and resolute enemy; possible candidates: the Egyptian Army, the Israelite Tribe, and the invading Sea Peoples Were the Sea Peoples the only attackers in the Late Bronze Age? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 121 No Did the Sea Peoples attack Babylon? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 123 No (The Elamite army did) Who was Shutruk-Nahhunte? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 123 The King of the Elam which was a minor player on the world stage during the Late Bronze Age, but was connected to some larger players through marriage (Shutruk-Nahhunte was married to the daughter of a Kassite Babylonian king, and his mother was a Kassite princess); he complained about being passed over for the Babylonian throne despite being fully qualified including by birth and then threatened to destroy them which he did in 1158 BC when he invaded Babylon and overthrew the Kassite king to place his son on the thrown and brought back to the Elamite city Susa massive amounts of booty including the Stele of Hammurabi Who were the Kashka? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 125 An old and well-known enemy of the Hittites that could possibly be to blame for the destruction of Hattusa (the capital of the Hittites). They were located to the northeast of the Hittite homelands, and had sacked the city earlier just before the Battle of Qadash. What happened to the Hittites? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 125-126 Only a small number of sites of the Hittite world were actually destroyed (with fire; evidence of ash, charred wood, mudrbricks, and slag formed when mudbricks melted from the intense heat of the conflagration) the rest simply abandoned What happened to Troy? What makes circumstances of the Trojan War problematic? --- ----- Correct Answer --------- P. 127 Destroyed in warfare (bodies in the street, arrowheads embedded in walls, evidence of burning and catastrophe) but it was more likely because of the Sea Peoples than the Mycenaeans; the date of this destruction is problematic for the argument of the Trojan War being between the Trojans and Mycenaeans How precise is the dating of the Late Bronze Age? What are the reference points? ------- - Correct Answer --------- P. 171 The reference points are from about the time of Hatshepsut's reign (1500 BC) until the time that everything collapsed (after 1200 BC, 1177 BC being when the Egyptians said the Sea Peoples began their 2nd wave of destruction) What were the inhabitants of Pylos watching for? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 129 Based on the Linear B tablets, it is possible that they were "watchers of the sea" and it could have been to watch out for the Sea Peoples in the final years before destruction What happened to Pylos? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 129 The palace at Pylos was destroyed in a cataclysmic fire around 1180 BC though it is unclear who or what caused it (could have been invaders or natural disasters) Who are the candidates for the attacks on Cyprus? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 135 The Sea Peoples, the Hittites, earthquakes, Aegean invaders What happened to Ramesses III? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 136 He was apparently assassinated Explain what the Turin Judicial Papyrus was and its significance. -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 136 The longest of documents telling the story of Ramsses III's assassination. It may have been connected with other documents and originally been a single 15 foot long papyrus scroll; it is important because it records the trial of the accused assailants known as the Harlem Conspiracy What was the Harem Conspiracy? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 136 It was a plot hatched by a minor queen in the royal harem to have her son succeed Ramses III. There were as many as 40 accused conspirators, both members of the harem and court officials, who were tried in four groups. Several were found guilty and executed (some even forced to commit suicide right in the court) including the queen and her son. What are the signs of a city destroyed by earthquake? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 140 Collapsed, patched, or reinforced walls; crushed skeletons or bodies found lying under fallen debris; toppled columns lying parallel to one another; slipped keystones in archways and doorways; and walls leaning at impossible angles or offset from their original position. What areas of the Bronze Age showed signs of earthquake? -------- Correct Answer ----- ---- P. 141 Greece and much of the rest of the Aegean (Mycenae, Tiryns, Midea, Thebes, Pylos, Kynos, Lefkandi, the Menelaion, Kastanas in Thessaly, Korakou, Profitis Elias, and Gla) and Eastern Mediterranean (Troy, Karaoglun, and Hattusa in Anatolia; Ugarit, Megiddo, Ashdod, and Akko in Levant; and Enkomi in Cyprus). How long did the waves of earthquakes last? -------- Correct Answer --------- P. 141 From 1225 BC until 1175 BC (as long as 50 years)
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