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A&P II Final Exam Updated Version Portage Learning A&P II: Final Exam Latest Version 2023, Exams of Nursing

A&P II Final Exam Updated Version Portage Learning A&P II: Final Exam Latest Version 2023-2024

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Download A&P II Final Exam Updated Version Portage Learning A&P II: Final Exam Latest Version 2023 and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! A&P II Final Exam Updated Version Portage Learning A&P II: Final Exam Latest Version 2023-2024 1 / 23 1. This is a collection of cell bodies found in the peripheral nervous system. 2. This part of the autonomic system increases digestion. 3. The ventral root of a nerve contains what type of neurons? 4. This part of a neuron conducts nerve impuls- es away from the cell body. 5. An interneuron inside the spinal cord is part of the: 6. Describe the synthesis and storage of neuro- transmitters. Ganglia Parasympathetic Motor (Efferent) Axon Central nervous system The neuron cell body manufactures neurotrans- mitters, which are stored in secretory vesicles at the end of axon terminals. 7. An afferent neuron carries information: From the peripheral to the central nervous system 8. What is the location and function of Astro- cytes? 9. A patient's left thumb was severed in a cooking accident and then reattached during surgery. Would the patient be expected to re- grow axons in their thumb? Why or why not? 10. Name and describe what is occurring in the neuron cell membrane in section 2 of the di- agram. Include the charge of the membrane during this phase. Astrocytes form the blood/brain barrier, are found in the brain, and are part of the CNS Yes; Peripheral nerves can regenerate the length of the axon through axon- al regeneration because of the growth of Schwann cells ahead of the axon. Depolarization: The sodi- um gates open and sodi- um rushes into the axon during the depolarization Portage Learning A&P II: Final Exam Study online at 2 / 23 phase of the action poten- tial. Voltage travels past zero and then on up to +40 mV. 11. At rest, a neuron plasma membrane is: -70mV 12. Which of the following is false concerning the sodium-potassium pump? 13. True or false: A sensory neuron is signaling the body of a light touch. This means that the strength of the action potential is weaker than usual. Explain your reasoning. The overall effect is a neg- ative charge on the out- side of the membrane. False. The action potential is always the same. The frequency and number of nuerons activated change the increase in intensity. 14. Which of the following statements is false con- Ach is released from the cerning the neuromuscular junction? 15. How is a message sent from one neuron to another? 16. What neurotransmitter helps regulate emo- tional responses and muscle tone? presynaptic motor neuron to cause an action poten- tial in the muscle fiber. A signal travels from the cell body through the axon and releases neurotrans- mitters into the synapse. These nuerotransmitters bind with receptor that car- ry the message to the den- drite of the next neuron, and the process begins again. Dopamine 17. In a reflex, the neuron conducts Sensory (afferent) nerve impulses along a pathway towards the central nervous system. Portage Learning A&P II: Final Exam Study online at 5 / 23 sel. Portage Learning A&P II: Final Exam Study online at 6 / 23 35. A patient has decreased hand strength in her right hand. She also has numbness in her first three digits. What is most likely the cause? 36. What cranial nerve is highlighted in blue (also indicated by the arrow) in the figure below? 37. What type of nerve is the cranial nerve below and what does it control? Carpal tunnel syndrome Oculomotor Motor: Shoulder move- ment 38. The maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve: receives sensory informa- tion from the upper lip and upper gums 39. This cranial nerve receives information from the retina. 40. This cranial nerve is responsible for the sen- sation of the digestive tract. B. (Optic) J (vagus) Portage Learning A&P II: Final Exam Study online at 7 / 23 41. This cranial nerve controls movement of the eye laterally. 42. This cranial nerve receives sensory informa- tion for hearing. 43. This cranial nerve is responsible for voluntar- ily moving the tongue. C (occularmotor nerve) H (Auditory/vestibulo- cochlear) I (glossopharengeal) 44. The lumbar plexus is from spinal nerves: T12-L04 45. A patient is on a ventilator post a car accident. Phrenic What nerve is most likely damaged? Portage Learning A&P II: Final Exam Study online at 10 / 23 59. True or False: All sensory information from the optic nerves cross at the optic chiasm. 60. The is controlled by the abducens nerve. 61. Your elderly patient is discussing her vision problems. She describes her vision as blurry. False Lateral rectus She most likely has ab- ducens nerve damage be- Following a visual examination, her left eye de- cause the lateral rectus viates medially when looking straight ahead. What is most likely causing the vision prob- lem? A. Cataracts B. Abducens nerve damage C. Brain tumor in the occipital lobe D. Medial rectus damage E. Superior rectus damage is not working properly, causing the eye to deviate medially. 62. Which of the following statements is true re- garding the external ear? The auricle funnels sound into the external acoustic meatus. 63. Which of the following statements is true re- garding the middle ear? It is filled with air. 64. Which of the following statements is false re- garding the inner ear? There are two semicircu- lar canals which house sensory receptors. 65. Sound waves are funneled in the Auditory Canal 66. Tympanic Membrane Portage Learning A&P II: Final Exam Study online at 11 / 23 Vibrations push against the which moves the ossicles. 67. The stapes pushes against the . Cochlear Duct 68. Movement of the causes neurons to send impulses through the to the brain. 69. A person cannot perceive tastes from the an- terior portion of the tongue. What nerve is most likely damaged? 70. A patient has lost his sense of taste follow- ing a TBI. What term should be documented should to describe his loss of taste? 71. Describe the steps in the taste pathway. Begin in the mouth and end in the specific lobe of the brain. 72. A patient sustains an injury to the malleus. What type of deafness does this patient most likely have? 73. Which layer of heart anchors it to the di- aphragm? Stereocilia Cochlear Nerve The facial nerve is most likely damaged. Agusia The circumvalate and fungiform papille on the tongue contain gustory cells that transmit taste in- formation to the facial or glossopharngeal nerves. These nerves transmit the taste information to the parietal lobe of the brain. Injury to the malleus would result in conduc- tion deafness because it is damage to the structure of the inner or middle ear, not the nerve. Pericardium 74. What is the purpose of the mitral valve? The mitral valve allows the flow of blood from the left atrium into the left ventri- cle Portage Learning A&P II: Final Exam Study online at 12 / 23 75. Name the vessel in the figure below: (high- lighted in blue, also indicated by the arrow) 76. Name the vessel in the figure below: (high- lighted in blue, also indicated by the arrow) 77. Name the vessel in the figure below: (high- lighted in blue, also indicated by the arrow) 78. True or False: Arteries have high amounts of stretch with little recoil. 79. Which vessel would you expect to be the best place to feel a strong pulse? 80. What is the correct order of blood flow starting from the heart? 81. Which layer of a vessel contains the muscular layer? Anterior intraventricular artery Left coronary artery False Subclavian artery Artery ’ arteriole ’ capillary ’ venule ’ vein Tunica media Portage Learning A&P II: Final Exam Study online at 15 / 23 97. Label the organ below (highlighted in blue, also indicated by the arrow): 98. Name the lymphatic vessel below (highlighted in blue, also indicated by the arrow): 99. True or False: Lymph flows from the heart out to the tissues via the lymphatic vessels. 100. True or False: Fluid inside tissues that is not returned via the veins is returned to the heart through the lymph system. 101. True or False: Lymph fluid moves in the follow- ing order: Interstitial fluid’ lymph capillaries’ Lymph vessels’ Lymphatic Duct’ Veins 102. A patient has lymphedema in his left arm. What lymph vessel would most likely be ob- structed? 103. Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning lymph nodes? 104. 104. thus bypassing the block- age. Thalmus Thoracic Duct False True True Thoracic Duct There are more efferent vessels than afferent ves- sels. Portage Learning A&P II: Final Exam Study online at 16 / 23 Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning the spleen? 105. Blood enters the spleen via the . 106. Blood in the hepatic portal system transports blood to this organ before returning it to gen- eral circulation. 107. The tonsils contain channels called which trap bacteria. 108. The thymus produces hormones which helps these types of cells mature? 109. Which of the following is a part of the nonspe- cific immune response system? 110. Discuss how the body induces a fever. (Be sure to include the cells and regions of the body involved) 111. Interferons inhibits what type of infection agent: 112. Has granules in the nucleus and is the most abundant of the white blood cells. It has many efferent and afferent lymph vessels. Splenic Artery Liver Crypts T Cells Normal flora Cytokines Interleukins Pyrogens, which is a type of Interlueken, raise the temperature of the body. When the temperature is raised, the body can better fight off infection because some bacteria can't repro- duce under higher tem- peratures, at higher tem- peratures lysosomes re- lease digestive enzymes to help fight infection, and also more white blood cells are released. Virus Neutrophil Portage Learning A&P II: Final Exam Study online at 17 / 23 113. Performs phagocytosis Neutrophil Eosinophil Basophil Macrophage Monocyte 114. Stains light pink in the cytoplasm with a mul- ti-lobed nucleus. 115. Which type of immune cell continues to pro- duce a small amount of antibody after the in- fection is over: 116. These cells contain a glycoprotein receptor as part of their cell coat: 117. These cells contain an antigen receptor as part of their cell coat: Neutrophil Memory B cells B Cells T Cells 118. What is FALSE concerning the MHC? These are antibody recep- tors found on only certain types immune cells. 119. Discuss how cell-mediated immunity defends the body against diseases. Give an example of what type of cell uses this form of immunity in the body. Cell mediated immunity is when the body uses cytokines, enzymes, and phagocytosis to fight an invader. Macrophages use cell-mediated immunity. 120. What is graft rejection and why does it occur? Graft rejection is when a person receives a trans- plant from somebody else. The MHC views the trans- plant as a foreign invad- er and fights it as it would fight a pathogen. 121. Myelin Sheath Portage Learning A&P II: Final Exam Study online at 20 / 23 130. Blood tests indicate that progesterone and es- trogen levels are both increased. Your patient is most likely in what phase of the female uterine cycle? 131. Which of the following is true concerning the organs of the male reproductive system? the mother begins push- ing and delivers the baby. Secretory Phase The testes function to pro- duce sperm. 132. The join with the vas deferens seminal vesicles to form an ejaculatory duct. 133. Seminal Vesicles Secretes vitamin C Produces prostaglandins 134. Prostate Gland Secretes alkaline fluid 135. Bulbourethral glands Secretes alkaline fluid First to secrete during ejaculation 136. Testes Produces testosterone 137. Anterior Pituitary Produces LH 138. Name and discuss the purpose of the region of sperm indicated by the arrow in the figure below. 139. Discuss in detail the action of sperm needed to fertilize an egg. This is the midpiece of the sperm. It contains mi- tochondria which helps power the sperm's move- ment. The sperm are ejected into the vagina during in- tercourse. They use their flagellum tails to travel into the fallopean tubes Portage Learning A&P II: Final Exam Study online at 21 / 23 140. Which of the following is true concerning hu- man cells? 141. Discuss in detail the layers of cells (of the blastocyst) which form the embryo. to join with an egg. The sperm uses the enzymes in the acrosome head to break down the corona ra- dia around the egg. Once that is broken down, one sperm will embed into the egg, and fertilization has occured. Gamete cells are haploid cells. The ectoderm forms the epidermis and the nueral tube The endoderm forms the glands, the solid organs, and the lining of the hallow organs. The mesoderm forms the cardio vascular system 142. Eyes begin to detect light and dark: 2nd trimester 143. Heart beat begins 1st trimester 144. Fingerprints develop 2nd trimester 145. Sucking reflexes established 3rd trimester 146. Fat develops under skin 3rd trimester 147. Find the steps that correctly order neurula- tion: 148. A person sustained blunt force trauma to the Ectoderm’ convergence’ neural groove ’ neural tube ’ spinal cord Yes, the kidneys lie be- back at the L1 level, with no spinal cord injury. tween the T-12 and L-3 Portage Learning A&P II: Final Exam Study online at 22 / 23 Would you suspect the kidneys to be dam- aged? Why or why not? 149. Describe the consistency and purpose of the renal capsule. 150. Name the layer and the parts of the nephrons located in the region highlighted in blue, be- low. The renal capsule is a tough fibrous outer skin of the kidney which protects it from injury and infection. Renal cortex the renal pyramids jut into the cor- tex 151. These arteries feed the afferent arterioles. Interlobular 152. After filtration occurs, next blood travels into these vessels. 153. Which of the following is true about the loca- tion of the bladder? 154. Discuss two features of the bladder that allow for expansion. Efferent arteriole In females, the bladder is anterior to the vagina. The bladder is made out of elastic tissue that allos for expansion, and it also contains ruggae folds that can expand. 155. This region of the male urethra exits the body. Spongy 156. What causes the extremely high blood pres- sure in the glomerular capillaries? The afferent atrioles are larger than the efferent atrioles and the pres- sure of the blood flow- ing through causes high
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