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Understanding the Role of Renewable Energy in Sustainable Development, Exams of International Management

This document delves into the significance of renewable energy sources in promoting sustainable development. It discusses the benefits, challenges, and potential solutions for a more sustainable energy future. Topics covered include solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal energy, energy storage, and policy implications.

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Available from 04/23/2024

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Download Understanding the Role of Renewable Energy in Sustainable Development and more Exams International Management in PDF only on Docsity! AAERT Exam Practice Questions | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version ACTION - Correct Answer-a lawsuit ADVERSE WITNESS - Correct Answer-a witness whose testimony is prejudicial to the case of the party who called him AFFIDAVIT - Correct Answer-written statement of facts made under oath AFFIANT - Correct Answer-signs an affidavit AFFIRM - Correct Answer-to declare solemnly and formally AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCES - Correct Answer-considerations which increase a sentence imposed MITIGATING CIRCUMSTANCES - Correct Answer-considerations which decrease a sentence imposed ALLOCUTION - Correct Answer-formal statement by convicted defendant as to whether there is any reason why judgment should not be rendered against him AMENDMENT - Correct Answer-change/correction ANSWER - Correct Answer-response by defendant denying plaintiff's complaint ARBITRATION - Correct Answer-dispute mediation by impartial 3rd party ARRAIGNMENT - Correct Answer-bringing an accused person to court to plead a criminal charge ARREST - Correct Answer-restraint and detention of a person suspected of a crime BAIL - Correct Answer-amount of money deposited as form of collateral to guarantee that a person charged with a crime will appear in court when scheduled BENCH CONFERENCE - Correct Answer-a discussion between attorneys and the judge outside the hearing of courtroom BENCH WARRANT - Correct Answer-authority to find and to bring into court someone who has failed to appear CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEAL - Correct Answer-federal appellate level immediately below the Supreme Court CLASS ACTION - Correct Answer-suit joined in by a group of people who share a common interest in matter CLOSING STATEMENT - Correct Answer-attorneys final statement CLOUD ON TITLE - Correct Answer-claim or lien which impairs an owners otherwise free right to use property QUIET TITLE - Correct Answer-remove a claim or lien CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS - Correct Answer-federal regulatory agency rules and regulations which implement federal law COLLATERAL ESTOPPEL - Correct Answer-a bar to re litigating an issue already been tried between the same parties COLLOQUY - Correct Answer-any formal conference, conversation or discussion COMMON LAW - Correct Answer-customary law COMPLAINT - Correct Answer-plaintiff's initial pleading which a defendant initially answers CONCURRENT SENTENCES - Correct Answer-2 or more sentences served at the same time CONFLICT OF INTEREST - Correct Answer-conflict between the private interests an public obligations CONFRONT ACCUSERS - Correct Answer-right of a person accused of a crime to face those making accusations CONSECUTIVE SENTENCES - Correct Answer-2 or more sentences which must be served one after the other CONTEMPT - Correct Answer-willfully disobeying a court order COUNTER CLAIM - Correct Answer-defendant's claim against plaintiff COURT MINUTES - Correct Answer-summary record of events in a case CROSS EXAMINATION - Correct Answer-questions by an opposing party after the side calling the witness has examined DEADLOCKED - Correct Answer-jury is unable to agree on a verdict DECLARANT - Correct Answer-having an interest in a matter who makes an unsworn statement DECLARATION - Correct Answer-unsworn statement by one having interest in a matter DEFENDANT - Correct Answer-person of whom a lawsuit is filed DEMURRER - Correct Answer-assertion by a defendant that they do not entitle the plaintiff to prevail DEPOSITION - Correct Answer-questioning by attorneys of a party or witness under oath DEPONENT - Correct Answer-the person being questioned DIRECT EXAMINATION - Correct Answer-questioning by the attorney that called the witness DIRECT TESTIMONY - Correct Answer-answers given during direct examination; or testimony given under oath by a person who is Pro Se GRAND JURY - Correct Answer-special jury in criminal law which determines if evidence is sufficient enough to warrant a trial GRAVAMEN - Correct Answer-the part of the charge that weighs most heavily against the accused HEARSAY - Correct Answer-statement made by someone other than the person who was testifying HYPOTHECATE - Correct Answer-pledge property as collateral for a debt HOSTILE WITNESS - Correct Answer-witness called by one side, but whose interest lie with the other party IMPEACHED - Correct Answer-testimony contradicted with sufficient proof as to affect a witness's credibility REHABILITATED - Correct Answer-reestablishing that credibility with further evidence INDICTMENT - Correct Answer-formal criminal charge laid against a person COUNTS - Correct Answer-the individual acts alleged to have broken the law INFERENCE - Correct Answer-logical conclusion drawn from a basis assumed or known to be true INFORMANT - Correct Answer-someone who gives information INJUNCTION - Correct Answer-order either forbidding or compelling an action INTERLOCUTORY - Correct Answer-provisional, temporary or not yet finalized INTERROGATORIES - Correct Answer-written questions posed before trial INTERVENOR - Correct Answer-person voluntarily joining in an action; with permission of the court INTESTATE - Correct Answer-dying without having prepared a will JOINDER - Correct Answer-joining lawsuits together JUDGEMENT - Correct Answer-official court decision JUNIOR MORTGAGE - Correct Answer-mortgage next in line to a prior mortgage SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION - Correct Answer-cases or issues a court is authorized to hear GEOGRAPHIC JURISDICTION - Correct Answer-area within which a court may exercise its authority to hear cases LIMITED JURISDICTION - Correct Answer-court may only consider certain matters GENERAL JURISDICTION - Correct Answer-court may consider any matter constitutionally permitted ORIGINAL JURISDICTION - Correct Answer-no court other than the specific one holding jurisdiction may consider the matter in question JURY INSTRUCTIONS - Correct Answer-courts explanation of the law applicable in a case OPINION TESTIMONY - Correct Answer-provided by expert witnesses OWN RECOGNIZANCE - Correct Answer-defendant in criminal trial released from custody, on simple promise to appear in court as required PARITY - Correct Answer-relative equality as in status, amount, or value PECUNIARY DAMAGES - Correct Answer-money award in compensation for damages sustained PERCIPIENT WITNESS - Correct Answer-witness with firsthand knowledge of a matter, who observed the events PLAINTIFF - Correct Answer-person bringing action against another party PLEA - Correct Answer-document citing alleged wrongdoing on part of defendant and requesting a specific relief PRECEDENT - Correct Answer-prior court ruling or opinion PREJUDICE - Correct Answer-bias or preconceived opinion formed before the evidence is fully heard PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE - Correct Answer-principle that a defendant is considered innocent until proven guilty PRIVITY OF CONTRACT - Correct Answer-contractual relationship between parties PROBABLE CAUSE - Correct Answer-sufficient reason for law enforcement agents to obtain a search warrant or detain someone suspected of committing a crime PROBATION - Correct Answer-releasing a person found guilty of an offense PROOF HEARING - Correct Answer-after a default judgment; hearing where plaintiff presents the actual evidence supporting a position PUNATIVE DAMAGES - Correct Answer-money award above actual damages suffered; designed to punish the defendant and warn others against pursuing such a course of action REBUTTAL - Correct Answer-evidence/argument to contradict points made RECANT - Correct Answer-retraction of previous statement RECIDIVIST - Correct Answer-repeat criminal RECIDIVISM - Correct Answer-tendency to repeat crimes RECROSS - Correct Answer-questioning after redirect examination RECUSE - Correct Answer-to disqualify REDACT - Correct Answer-edit or revise document REDIRECT - Correct Answer-questioning a witness after cross examination REMAINDERMAN - Correct Answer-person who receives property after death of a life tenant REMITTITUR - Correct Answer-courts order reducing the amount of grossly excessive jury award SUBPOENA AD TESTIFICANDUM - Correct Answer-come prepared to testify SUMMARY JUDGEMENT - Correct Answer-courts decision is rendered before completion of trial SUMMONS - Correct Answer-official notice served upon a defendant SURPLUSAGE - Correct Answer-irrelevant matter in a proceeding; excessive verbiage JOINT TENANCY - Correct Answer-ownership of property by 2 o more persons TESTIMONY - Correct Answer-evidence given by witness under oath TORT - Correct Answer-civil wrong TORTFEASOR - Correct Answer-defendant who is alleged to have committed a civil wrong TRANSCRIPT - Correct Answer-verbatim record of what is said in court or deposition TRIER OF FACT - Correct Answer-one with responsibility to decide what evidence is true or which witnesses are to be believe UNITED STATES CODE - Correct Answer-body of federal legislation enacted by Congress VENUE - Correct Answer-place where something occurs; place where crime is committed; geographic area in which a jury is chosen; jurisdiction in which a case is heard VERDICT - Correct Answer-decision made by jury VERDICT FORM - Correct Answer-official form presented by a jury to the court with its findings VOIR DIRE - Correct Answer-examination of prospective jurors to see if they are qualified to sit on a jury WARRANT - Correct Answer-judicial permission to conduct search of premises or persons WITHIN THE FOU CORNERS- DOCUMENT SPEAKS FOR SELF - Correct Answer-the actual contents of document which require no special interpretation WRIT - Correct Answer-court order requiring that an act be performed or granting authority to perform an act WRIT OF CERTIORARI - Correct Answer-common law writ issued by a superior court to one of inferior jurisdiction demanding the record of a particular case ab - Correct Answer-from ad - Correct Answer-to ante - Correct Answer-before anti - Correct Answer-against com cum - Correct Answer-with, beside de - Correct Answer-about; from ex - Correct Answer-out of; away from in ALTER EGO - Correct Answer-another self AMICUS CURIAE - Correct Answer-friend of the court ANTE LITEM - Correct Answer-before trial ARGUENDO - Correct Answer-arguing; for the sake of arguing BONA FIDE - Correct Answer-in good faith; sincere CAVEAT - Correct Answer-beware CAVEAT EMPTOR - Correct Answer-let the buyer beware CAVEAT VENDITOR - Correct Answer-let the seller beware COMPOS MENTIS - Correct Answer-sane; of sound mind CORPUS - Correct Answer-body CORPUS DELECTI - Correct Answer-body of a crime CULPA - Correct Answer-fault CUM LAUDE - Correct Answer-with praise CURRICULUM VITAE - Correct Answer-course of life DE FACTO - Correct Answer-in fact DE JURE - Correct Answer-in law DE JURIS - Correct Answer-of the law DE MINIMIS - Correct Answer-on a tiny amount DE NOVO - Correct Answer-anew; to hear a case from the beginning DICTUM - Correct Answer-comments within a published opinion which do not relate directly to the facts of the case, but illustrate or explain the courts thinking DUCES TECUM - Correct Answer-bring with you E.G. [EXEMPLI GRATIA] - Correct Answer-thus, for example EN BANC - Correct Answer-on the bench EN BLOC - Correct Answer-in a bloc ERGO - Correct Answer-therefore ESCHEAT - Correct Answer-to fall out- reversion of property to state when there are no legal heirs ESTOPPEL - Correct Answer-legal impediment to brining an action ET AL. - Correct Answer-and another; referring to other parties involved but not names ET SEQ - Correct Answer-and the following ET UX. - Correct Answer-and spouse EX CONTRACTU - Correct Answer-from the contract EX CURIA - Correct Answer-out of court INTER VIVOS - Correct Answer-among the living INTRA VIRES - Correct Answer-within the power IPSE DIXIT - Correct Answer-said it to himself IPSO FACTO - Correct Answer-by the fact itself JURAT - Correct Answer-he swears [clause at the end of a sworn statement showing when, where and by whom the statement was signed, under penalty of perjury LACHES - Correct Answer-omissions, neglect or failure to perform a duty LEX SCRIPTA - Correct Answer-written law LIS PENDENS - Correct Answer-pending lawsuit MAGNA CUM LAUDE - Correct Answer-with great praise MALUM IN SE - Correct Answer-morally wrong, whether illegal or not MALUM PROHIBITUM - Correct Answer-forbidden wrong MEA CULP - Correct Answer-my fault MENS - Correct Answer-mind MENS REA - Correct Answer-a guilty mind; having criminal intent MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANO - Correct Answer-a healthy mind in a healthy body MINUTIA - Correct Answer-small; trivial NE PLUS ULTRA - Correct Answer-nothing further NOLLE PROSEQUI - Correct Answer-we shall no longer prosecute NOLO CONTENDERE - Correct Answer-no contest NON COMPOS MENTIS - Correct Answer-not of sound mind NON OBSTANTE - Correct Answer-notwithstanding NON SEQUITUR - Correct Answer-it is not to be followed NUNC PRO TUNC - Correct Answer-now for then PAROL - Correct Answer-a spoken word PENDENTE LITE - Correct Answer-during suit PER CAPITA - Correct Answer-by the heads PER CENTUM - Correct Answer-by a hundred- a percentage PER CURIAM - Correct Answer-by the court PER SE - Correct Answer-in an of itself POST HAC - Correct Answer-after this POST MORTEM - Correct Answer-after death SINE DIE - Correct Answer-without a day SINE QUA NON - Correct Answer-without which there is nothing SITUS - Correct Answer-place SOTTO VOCE - Correct Answer-under the voice STATUS QUO ANTE - Correct Answer-status as it was earlier STARE DECISIS - Correct Answer-let the decision stand SUA SPONTE - Correct Answer-by his own will SUB NOM [always italicized] - Correct Answer-under the name SUB ROSA - Correct Answer-under the rose SUMMA CUM LAUDE - Correct Answer-with high praise SUPRA - Correct Answer-above ULTRA VIRES - Correct Answer-beyond the power UX - Correct Answer-wife VIVA VOCE - Correct Answer-with the living voice-oral testimony algi- - Correct Answer-pain andro- - Correct Answer-man angio- - Correct Answer-blood blast- - Correct Answer-bud, cell carcino- - Correct Answer-cancer cardio- - Correct Answer-heart cephal- - Correct Answer-head cerebro- - Correct Answer-brain chole- - Correct Answer-bile coccus - Correct Answer-seed cyst- - Correct Answer-bag cyte - Correct Answer-cell cuta- - Correct Answer-skin derma- - Correct Answer-skin don't- - Correct Answer-tooth ecto- - Correct Answer-outer -ectomy - Correct Answer-cutting out encephala- - Correct Answer-brain endo- - Correct Answer-within, inside micro- - Correct Answer-small mono- - Correct Answer-one morph- - Correct Answer-shape neuro- - Correct Answer-nerve nucleo- - Correct Answer-center -oma, onco- - Correct Answer-tumor -osis - Correct Answer-condition osteo- - Correct Answer-bone -ostomy - Correct Answer-opening -otomy - Correct Answer-cutting path- - Correct Answer-feeling peri- - Correct Answer-around philia- - Correct Answer-tendency phobe- - Correct Answer-fear photo- - Correct Answer-light pneumo- - Correct Answer-air poly- - Correct Answer-many retro- - Correct Answer-backward sarco- - Correct Answer-flesh -scopy - Correct Answer-seeing spondylo- - Correct Answer-the spine -stasis - Correct Answer-balanced sym- - Correct Answer-together thoraco- - Correct Answer-chest -tome, -tomy - Correct Answer-cutting vaso- - Correct Answer-vessel AAA rating - Correct Answer-applied to bonds issued by the most creditworthy companies appreciation - Correct Answer-an increase in any items value over time asset - Correct Answer-an item which has intrinsic value, such as real estate or bonds balance of trade - Correct Answer-the difference between the value of country's exports and imports broker - Correct Answer-on acting as a middleman between buyers and sellers inflation - Correct Answer-more dollars buy fewer goods; higher prices=decreased value of currency LEI - Correct Answer-leading economic indicators liquidity - Correct Answer-assets available for immediate use mayoral - Correct Answer-relating to the mayor of a city NASD - Correct Answer-National Association of Securities Dealers NASDAQ - Correct Answer-stock price quotations published by NASD NYSE - Correct Answer-New York Stock Exchange patent - Correct Answer-legal ownership and sole control over their productions granted to inventors and certain others for a specific period of time prime rate - Correct Answer-interest rate charged by banks to their preferred business customers SEC - Correct Answer-Securities and Exchange Commission securities - Correct Answer-documents which show ownership of stocks or bonds Standard & Poor's - Correct Answer-publishers of selected stock market prices T-bill - Correct Answer-a U.S. Treasury note, considered a risk free investment trademark - Correct Answer-similar to copyright, but limited to names, symbols or other product identification marks or company logos 3 Types of Courts - Correct Answer-State, Federal, Supreme 2 Types of Jurisdiction - Correct Answer-Subject Matter & Territorial
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