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Medical Terminology: Understanding Common Suffixes, Prefixes, and Root Words, Exams of Medical Sciences

A comprehensive guide to understanding common suffixes, prefixes, and root words used in medical terminology. It covers a wide range of terms, from 'ab-' meaning 'away from' to 'xeroderma' meaning 'dry, discolored, scaly skin'. This guide is essential for students, healthcare professionals, and lifelong learners seeking to improve their understanding of medical terminology.

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Available from 05/18/2024

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Download Medical Terminology: Understanding Common Suffixes, Prefixes, and Root Words and more Exams Medical Sciences in PDF only on Docsity! AAPC-CPC Coding Certification Exam 2024 Review with Answers abdomin/o - Answer>> abdomen -agon - Answer>> assemble -22 - Answer>> Increase procedural services When should an ABN be signed? - Answer>> When a service is not expected to be covered by Medicare. acetabul/o - Answer>> hip socket -78 - Answer>> Unplanned return to the operating/procedure room by the same physician or other qualified health care professional following initial procedure for a related procedure during the postoperative procedure -algesia - Answer>> pain sensation ABG - Answer>> Arterial blood gas Absence - Answer>> without a- - Answer>> not acr/o - Answer>> height/extremities -79 - Answer>> Unrelated procedure or service by the same physician during the postoperative period What are NCD's interpreted at the MAC level considered? - Answer>> LCD -algia - Answer>> pain ABN - Answer>> Advance Beneficiary Notice; used by CMS to notify beneficiary of payment of provider services adipose - Answer>> fatty an- - Answer>> not ante- - Answer>> before Albinism - Answer>> Lack of color pigment ACL - Answer>> anterior cruciate ligament AD - Answer>> right ear AFB - Answer>> acid-fast bacillus AFI - Answer>> Amniotic fluid index AGA - Answer>> appropriate for gestational age audi- - Answer>> hearing bi- - Answer>> two Allograft - Answer>> Homograft, same species graft Alopecia - Answer>> Condition in which hair falls out AGCUS - Answer>> atypical glandular cells of undetermined AKA - Answer>> above-knee amputation -chezia - Answer>> defecation -clast, -clasia, -clasis - Answer>> break -coccus - Answer>> spherical bacterium -cyesis - Answer>> pregnancy -desis - Answer>> fusion -dilation - Answer>> widening, expanding What is ABN? - Answer>> Advance Beneficiary Notification What is AMA? - Answer>> American Medical Association. What is CPT? - Answer>> Current Procedural Terminology. What was changed into codes-services/procedures. What is ICD-9-CM? - Answer>> International Classification of Disease, 9th Clinical Modification. Why are diagnoses changed to codes? -24 - Answer>> Unrelated E/M service by the same physician during a postoperative period What is HIPAA? - Answer>> Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. Law passed by Congress to improve the portability and continuity of healthcare coverage. -25 - Answer>> Significant, separately identifiable evaluation and management service by the same physician on the same day of the procedure or other service adenoid/o - Answer>> adenoids adip/o - Answer>> fat adren/o, adrenal/o - Answer>> adrenal gland albin/o - Answer>> white albumin/o - Answer>> albumin alveol/o - Answer>> alveolus brady- - Answer>> slow de- - Answer>> lack of dys- - Answer>> difficult, painful ecto- - Answer>> outside endo- - Answer>> in epi- - Answer>> on/open Anhidrosis - Answer>> Deficiency in which hair falls out Autograft - Answer>> From patients own body Avulsion - Answer>> Ripping or tearing away of part either surgically or accidentally ANS - Answer>> autonomic nervous system ASCUS - Answer>> atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance ASCVD - Answer>> arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease ASD - Answer>> atrial septal defect ASHD - Answer>> arteriosclerotic heart disease AU - Answer>> both ears Ambi- - Answer>> Both Angio - Answer>> Vessel (blood or lymph) Ano - Answer>> Anus Ante- - Answer>> Before Anti- - Answer>> Against Arterio - Answer>> Artery Arthro - Answer>> Joint Asthenia - Answer>> Weakness. Auto- - Answer>> Self Bi- - Answer>> Two, twice Brady- - Answer>> Slow Broncho - Answer>> Bronchus -32 - Answer>> Mandated services -26 - Answer>> Professional component -47 - Answer>> Anesthesia by surgeon -50 - Answer>> Bilateral procedure -51 - Answer>> Multiple procedures -52 - Answer>> Reduced services -53 - Answer>> Discontinued procedure -54 - Answer>> Surgical care only -55 - Answer>> Postoperative management only -56 - Answer>> Preoperative management only -eal - Answer>> pertaining to -ectasis - Answer>> stretching -ectomy - Answer>> removal -edema - Answer>> swelling AV - Answer>> atrioventricular BCC - Answer>> benign cellular changes BiPAP - Answer>> bi-level positive airway pressure BKA - Answer>> below-knee amputation BP - Answer>> blood pressure BPD - Answer>> biparietal diameter BPH - Answer>> benign prostatic hypertrophy BPP - Answer>> biophysical profile BUN - Answer>> blood urea nitrogen BV - Answer>> bacterial vaginosis bx - Answer>> biopsy C1-C7 - Answer>> cervical vertebrae Cephalo - Answer>> Head Chole - Answer>> Gall Cholecysto - Answer>> Gall bladder Choledocho - Answer>> Common bile duct Chondro - Answer>> Cartilage -cide - Answer>> Kill Circum - Answer>> Around -cise - Answer>> Cut -57 - Answer>> Decision for surgery -58 - Answer>> Staged or related procedure or service by the same physician during a postoperative period -59 - Answer>> Distinct procedural service -62 - Answer>> Two surgeons -63 - Answer>> Procedure performed on infants less than 4 kgs -76 - Answer>> Repeat procedure or service by the same physician or other qualified health care professional -77 - Answer>> Repeat procedure or service by another physician or other qualified health care professional -emia - Answer>> blood -esthesis - Answer>> feeling -gram - Answer>> record -graph - Answer>> recording instrument -graphy - Answer>> recording process -gravida - Answer>> pregnancy -ia - Answer>> condition -latrist - Answer>> physician specialist -iatry - Answer>> medical treatment -ical - Answer>> pertaining to -ictal - Answer>> pertaining to CABG - Answer>> coronary artery bypass graft CBC - Answer>> complete blood (cell) count CF - Answer>> conversion factor, national dollar amount that iOS applied to all services paid on the Medicare Fee Schedule basis CHF - Answer>> congestive heart failure CHL - Answer>> crown-to-heal-length CK - Answer>> creatine kinase CMS - Answer>> Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, formerly HCFA, Health Care Financing Administration CNM - Answer>> certified nurse midwife CNS - Answer>> central nervous system COB - Answer>> coordination of benefits, management of payment between two or more third-party payers for a service COPD - Answer>> chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Costo - Answer>> Rib Cranio - Answer>> Skull Cyano - Answer>> Blue Cysto - Answer>> Urinary bladder Denti - Answer>> Tooth Dermo, dermato - Answer>> Skin Di- - Answer>> Two Dia- - Answer>> Through, between, across, apart -in - Answer>> a substance -ine - Answer>> a substance -itis - Answer>> inflammation -listhesis - Answer>> slipping -lithiasis - Answer>> separation -malacia - Answer>> softening -megaly - Answer>> enlargement -meta - Answer>> change -meter - Answer>> measurement; instrument that measures -oid - Answer>> resembling -oma - Answer>> tumor CPAP - Answer>> continuous positive airway pressure CPD - Answer>> cephalopelvic disproportion CPK - Answer>> creatine phosphokinase CPP - Answer>> chronic pelvic pain CSF - Answer>> cerebrospinal fluid CTS - Answer>> carpal tunnel syndrome CVA - Answer>> stroke/cerebrovascular accident CVI - Answer>> cerebrovascular insufficiency D&C - Answer>> dilation and curettage D&E - Answer>> dilation and evacuation derm - Answer>> dermatology Melanoma - Answer>> Tumor of epidermis, malignant and black in color Mohs' surgery or Mohs' micrographic surgery - Answer>> Removal of skin cancer in layers by a surgeon as a pathologist during surgery Muscle Flap - Answer>> Transfer of muscle from to recipient site Neurovascular flap - Answer>> Contains artery, vein, and nerve Pedicle - Answer>> Growth attached with a stem Pilosebaceous - Answer>> Pertains to hair follicles and sebaceous glands Sebaceous gland - Answer>> Secretes sebum Seborrhea - Answer>> Excess sebum secretion Sebum - Answer>> Oily substance -parous - Answer>> to bear -penia - Answer>> deficient DHHS - Answer>> Department of Health and Human Services DLCO - Answer>> diffuse capacity of lungs for carbon monoxide DRGS - Answer>> Diagnosis Related Groups, disease classification system that relates the type of inpatients a hospital treats (case mix) to the costs incurred by the hospital DSE - Answer>> dobutamine stress echocardiography retro- - Answer>> behind sub- - Answer>> under supra- - Answer>> above sym- - Answer>> together syn- - Answer>> together tachy- - Answer>> fast tetra- - Answer>> four tri- - Answer>> three tropin- - Answer>> act upon uni- - Answer>> one ab- - Answer>> Away from (abduction -pexy - Answer>> fixation -phagia - Answer>> eating -phonia - Answer>> sound -phylaxis - Answer>> protection -physis - Answer>> to grow -plasty - Answer>> repair -plegia - Answer>> paralysis -pnea - Answer>> breathing -poiesis - Answer>> production -porosis - Answer>> passage -retro - Answer>> behind ad- - Answer>> toward (adduction) ecto, exo- - Answer>> outside (ectopic, exocrine) endo- - Answer>> within (endoscope) infra- - Answer>> below, under (infrastructure) ipsi- - Answer>> same (ipsilateral) meso- - Answer>> middle (mesopexy) Ex- - Answer>> Out Febr - Answer>> Fever Fibro - Answer>> Connective tissue Gastro - Answer>> Stomach -gene,-genic - Answer>> Production, origin Glosso - Answer>> Tongue Gluco, glyco - Answer>> Sugar, sweet Micro - Answer>> Small Mono- - Answer>> Single, one Muco - Answer>> Mucous membrane Myelo - Answer>> Spinal cord, bone marrow Myo - Answer>> Muscle Narco - Answer>> Sleep Naso - Answer>> Nose Necro - Answer>> Death Neo- - Answer>> New Nephro - Answer>> Kidney Neuro - Answer>> Nerve Non- - Answer>> No, not Oculo - Answer>> Eye -ology - Answer>> Study of Oophor - Answer>> Ovary Ophthalmo - Answer>> Eye Orchi - Answer>> Testicle -rrhaphy - Answer>> To repair a defect, suture Ortho- - Answer>> Straight -oscopy - Answer>> Look into, see Osteo - Answer>> Bone -ostomy - Answer>> Surgical opening Oto - Answer>> Ear -otomy - Answer>> Incision, to cut into Para- - Answer>> Along side Path - Answer>> Disease Ped (latin) - Answer>> Foot Ped (greek) - Answer>> Child peri- - Answer>> Around, covering pharyngo - Answer>> Throat phlebo - Answer>> Vein -phobia - Answer>> Fear, dread plegia - Answer>> Paralysis Pneum - Answer>> Air, lungs -rrhagia - Answer>> bursting of blood rrhea - Answer>> discharge -schisis - Answer>> split -sclerosis - Answer>> hardening -scopy - Answer>> to examine -spasm - Answer>> contraction of muscle -steat/o - Answer>> fat -stenois - Answer>> blockage, narrowing -stomy - Answer>> opening
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