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Capability Security: A Fine-Grained Approach to System Security - Prof. Hao Chen, Papers of Computer Science

Capability security, a system security approach that uses capabilities instead of users to control access to resources. Capabilities represent actions that can be performed on resources, and they can be derived from existing capabilities. The properties required for capabilities to function as a security system, such as unforgeability and encapsulation. It also explores various ways to manage capabilities, including designation, monitors, access control lists, and authentication.

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Download Capability Security: A Fine-Grained Approach to System Security - Prof. Hao Chen and more Papers Computer Science in PDF only on Docsity! Access Control (v0.1) Ben Laurie ( 1. INTRODUCTION Access control is central to computer security. Traditionally, we wish to restrict the user to exactly what he should be able to do, no more and no less. You might think that this only applies to legitimate users: where do attackers fit into this worldview? Of course, an attacker is a user whose access should be limited just like any other. Increasingly, of course, computers expose services that are available to anyone – in other words, anyone can be a a legitimate user. As well as users there are also programs we would like to control. For example, the program that keeps the clock cor- rectly set on my machine should be allowed to set the clock and talk to other time-keeping programs on the Internet, and probably nothing else1. Increasingly we are moving towards an environment where users choose what is installed on their machines, where their trust in what is installed is highly variable2 and where “in- stallation” of software is an increasingly fluid concept, par- ticularly in the context of the Web, where merely viewing a page can cause code to run. In this paper I explore an alternative to the traditional mech- anisms of roles and access control lists. Although I focus on the use case of web pages, mashups and gadgets, the tech- nology is applicable to all access control. 2. ACCESS CONTROLS BASED ON ROLES Of course, in reality, we are never actually controlling the user’s access – instead we are controlling programs that act 1Perhaps it should also be allowed a little long-term storage, for example to keep its calculation of the drift of the native clock. 2A user probably trusts their operating system more than their browser, their browser more than the pages they browse to and some pages more than others. on his behalf. Traditionally we have taken the view that the program itself is trustworthy: that is, that it will faithfully carry out the wishes of the user who is controlling it. For that reason, traditional access control has focused on con- trols based on the identity of the user running the program. In practice we use roles rather than users because of messi- ness in the real world: • Sometimes there isn’t really a particular person associ- ated with an activity we’d like to control: for example, if we are running a nuclear power plant, the entities we wish to be in control are identified by their role, such as ”engineer in charge” or ”janitor”. It is the role we wish to grant permission to, not the person. • People come and go. When somebody starts a job they acquire a new role (or roles), and when they leave they lose the role. • People are fallible: it is useful for their own safety to limit their powers to their current role so that mistakes are less costly. But increasingly we are moving to a world where the user cannot trust the program he is running. Even if we look at traditional environments the devolution of control away from the data centre and professional IT staff and towards the end user himself means there are programs running on peoples’ machines that they have no idea how much to trust, and nor do they have any way to evaluate those programs. If we look at the Web, particular the modern trend towards mashups, gadgets and single-domain3 applications (e.g. Twit- ter, Flickr, Dopplr) we see this problem in spades. Appli- cations are webpages, users switch between applications, in- cluding to completely new ones, at the click of a mouse. With mashups and gadgets the user is not even running a single program but multiple programs from multiple sources all sharing the same page. Yet we are still trying to control everything with access con- trols based on roles (ACBR)4. 3Single problem domain, that is, not DNS domain. 4I avoid saying “role-based access controls” because that has a rather specific meaning. This makes no sense at all. The user has no way to sensibly create roles and the permissions associated with them. Even if they had, the task of assigning those roles to the various components of, say, a web page would be impossible. Of course, I would not be saying all this if I did not think there was a better way. There is: capabilities. A capability can be thought of as a “handle” representing some operation on some object. Possession of the capability is all that is required to perform that operation. The security of a capability system then boils down to your ability to control who5 has each capability. Some examples of capabilities are: • Read this particular file. • Write the same file (note that this is a completely dif- ferent capability from the read capability). • Pay money into my bank account. • Pay money into your bank account. • Take money out of my bank account. Each of these capabilities is completely independent of all the others. I cannot derive a read capability from a write capability, nor vice versa. I cannot take money out of your bank account just because I can pay it in. Note, however, that it is possible to derive new capabilities from old ones, for example: • Write only well-formed HTML to some file, derived from the capability to write to the file. • Write a safe subset of HTML to some file (for example, banning <script> tags and other unsafe constructs, derived from the HTML capability above. • Transfer money from my bank account to your bank account, derived from the capability to take money out of my bank account and the one to put money into yours. Note that neither of these can do any more than the capa- bilities they are derived from (of course: how could they?) – indeed, in both cases they do less. In fact, this is generally likely to be the case for derived capabilities, otherwise why bother to derive them? In order to turn capabilities into a security system, we need some extra properties... • Capabilities are unforgeable – that is, the only way to possess a capability is to be given it, or to derive it from capabilities you already have. 5That is, which program. • All access to resources (that is, anything outside the program itself) is through capabilities. In practice, it is usually simplest to build capabilities on traditional object-oriented programming. In this approach, an object corresponds to a group of capabilities which op- erate on some underlying state (in the case of read access to a file, the object might let me do seek operations as well as read operations on the underlying file object), often it- self represented as another object which might be shared between multiple capabilities (my bank account would be shared between the capability to deposit money in it and the capability to withdraw money from it). Deriving new capabilities from old then becomes business as usual – cre- ate a new object, include references to the relevant existing capabilities and away you go. When capabilities are implemented in this way you need to impose a further property on the objects: encapsulation. That is, it should not be possible for the holder of a capa- bility to look inside it and see its inner state6. The requirement for unforgeability of course needs to cover naughtiness on the part of programs: they should not be able to steal capabilities from other programs, for example, nor should they be able to access an existing capability by creating a new reference to it. I hope, by this point, you can see that capabilities could, in- deed, form the basis for a very fine-grained security system. But what do they have to do with mashups and gadgets? And how on Earth do you manage all these capabilities? 3. MANAGING CAPABILITIES Let us answer the second question first. The first thing to understand is that capability security has nothing to say, of itself, about how you create and who you give capabilities – other than that both these operations should be deliberate. So, capability security does not inherently dictate any par- ticular way of managing capabilities – it is up to the designer to choose an appropriate mechanism. In the following sections, I describe a few ways to manage capabilities. In practice, capability systems tend to use some combination of these and other ideas. 3.1 Designation is Authorisation In an interactive environment, it may often be possible to delegate the handing out of capabilities to the user himself. For example, imagine a word processing program – it needs to read the file the user wants to edit. How does it get the capability to that file? One answer is to have the system in possession of all-powerful capabilities: for example, the capability to manufacture a read or write capability for any of the user’s files. The sys- tem has a component which can interact with the user to 6Obviously, or you would be able to get hold of my bank account from the capability allowing you to put money into it. Once more authentication should not be needed in these systems when capabilities are controlled by the operating system, but could be needed in the case where capabilities are managed instead by a privileged process. 4.3 Machines The third line we can draw is between machines. Capabil- ities are then manifested as network objects. One simple way to do this is to have each capability correspond to a URL whose path is a large random number13 – this gives the required unforgeability property, so long as the URL is kept secret. Waterken[8] is an example of this, as is the E programming language, in which local objects can actually be references to objects on remote systems. If keeping the URL secret is not possible (or desirable), then combining presentation of the URL with authentica- tion would restore unforgeability14. HP’s eSpeak[2] system, which combined capabilities with public keys – in order to exercise a capability you had to prove both possession of the corresponding private key and of the capability itself – is an example of this kind of system. This mechanism is also often seen used in an ad-hoc way – for example, the confirmation mails that Mailman[3] (and other list managers) sends are effectively capabilities. Likewise, a common way to prevent cross-site request forgery15 is to include a field in the form with a random number in it that the server can check. When an attacker attempts to forge the form submission this number will be missing or incorrect and so the attempt will fail. This number is a capability. 5. CAPABILITIES AND THE BROWSER The browser is an environment that is hard to imagine how to control with ACLs, but capabilities seem to fit right in. Let’s consider a gadget, for example. A gadget is, when you get down to it, a piece of javascript supplied by one site running in a page supplied by another. From a security point of view this presents an interesting dilemma: it is very likely that the user has different lev- els of trust for the two pieces of code (say, for example, that the enclosing page is Google Mail and the gadget is provided by god-knows-who) – but from a traditional se- curity point of view they are indistinguishable – they both run as the same user and they are both effectively on the same page. Furthermore the objects that one might want to protect (contact lists, contents of emails and so forth) are effectively invisible to the operating system’s access control mechanisms, and to the browser’s (if only it had any). The view in a capability world could not be more different. In this case the gadget is entirely at the mercy of the enclos- 13Often known as a Swiss Number. 14Note that it is not necessary for the server to keep any kind of state in order to perform the authentication - that could be bundled into the URL itself, for example by including a public key. Obviously the URL would have to be signed in some way so that the key is bound to the capability. 15The attacker persuades the victim to click on a link that is equivalent to the victim submitting a form that causes some action to be performed on the victim’s behalf – such as sending the attacker some money. ing page, which can decide in infinite detail what the gadget has access to and how. What’s more, providing these de- tailed capabilities to the gadget is as easy and natural as providing Javascript objects to it. Indeed, in the case of Caja, at least, that is precisely how capabilities are imple- mented: as Javascript objects. 6. ADVANCED USES It has long been held that anything capabilities can do ACLs can also do. This is not the case, and the most obvious counter example is this: if Alice wants to give Bob access to some file, say, then in an ACL system all Alice needs to do is add Bob to the ACL for that file. ACLs cannot prevent Alice from giving access to Bob. In a capability system, Alice also needs a capability giving access to Bob in order to pass him the capability to the file[12]. Furthermore, it must be a capability whose API allows the passing of other capabilities. The ramifications of this difference could form the subject matter of a whole book, but I give some examples here. 6.1 Allowing Access to Dangerous Operations Again, thinking about the browser case; in order to render untrusted code safe it must have its output restricted so that it cannot place “dangerous” HTML on the web page (for example, <script> tags with arbitrary Javascript). But it may be that the container wants to allow it to use such HTML that has been “blessed” by the container. In this case, a capability can be used to wrap the blessed HTML. The capability prevents the untrusted code from modifying its contents (by not providing a method to do so), but when handed to the safe-HTML-writing capability it bypasses the HTML safety checks and allows the blessed HTML to be written. 6.2 Oblivious Transport Suppose Alice wants to tell Bob a secret, but has to do so via an intermediary, Carol. Alice can hand Carol a capa- bility containing the secret, which has a method allowing access to the secret, but only if that method is also handed a second capability. Only Bob and Alice have this second capability. Alternatively, the second capability can have a method which can unseal the first one. Carol can then hand that capability on to Bob, who can then combine it with the “unsealing” capability to access the data inside. This may seem like an artificial construction, but consider the case where Alice and Bob are components of a trusted system, and Carol is untrusted code running in that system. Combining this idea with the example above, the capability handed to Carol could also contain data which, when handed to the trusted HTML renderer, would be made visible to the user, but which Carol could not herself see. Carol may determine from user actions that this capability should be used to perform some action on behalf of the user and hand it on to Bob to do so. 6.3 Proving User Choice If we don’t even trust Carol to correctly report the user’s choices in the example above, we could elaborate this further by having the trusted renderer hand Carol a capability which proves that the user did indeed click on the capability she is now handing to Bob, and Bob could decline to act unless he sees that capability. 6.4 Limited Spend Suppose I have a capability allowing unfettered access to my bank account. I could hand a capability to Alice, who I partially trust, that could be used to spend up to some limit directly from my bank account. Alice could then go and buy something on my behalf using that capability ... or steal the money from me. But Alice could not steal or spend any more than the limit I had set. Furthermore, until Alice does actually spend the money, it remains available to me in my bank account, so this is not the same as actually giving the money to her. Also, if I thought I might change my mind later, I could first wrap the bank account capability in a revocable capability, and then wrap the revocable capability in the limited-spend capability. Note that the limited-spend capability would not need to know whether the account-access capability was revocable or not. 7. CONCLUSION Identity-based access controls, and related schemes, are too coarse-grained for the requirements of modern collaborative systems. Capabilities offer the hope of fixing what otherwise appears to be a hopeless problem. Furthermore, capabilities make some security options quite simple that would otherwise be hopelessly unwieldy. For those interested in further exploration and experimen- tation, I would skip the operating system approach. The language-based approach offers three viable alterna- tives, Caja, which should be in wide use by the time this pa- per is published, E, which is mature and functional, but not very much used, and Joe-E. Caja and Joe-E share the advan- tage that they are based on existing languages (Javascript and Java respectively) and so do not present a steep learn- ing curve. E, on the other hand, has a number of interest- ing features, such as built-in support for writing distributed systems and an interesting and useful distributed message ordering paradigm. For distributed systems, Waterken implements a web-based approach, and, as mentioned above, E has support at the language level. In all cases, it makes sense to exploit the natural link be- tween capabilities and objects by using a language designed to handle capabilities inherently, thus reducing the cognitive load on programmers and the verbosity of the code. 8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS George Danezis, Mark Miller, Eric Sachs, Jasvir Nagra, Niels Provos, Mike Samuel, Ihab Awad, Damien Miller and Cat Okita provided valuable feedback on earlier versions of this paper. 9. REFERENCES [1] Caja. Website: [2] espeak. Website: http: // [3] Mailman. Website: [4] one laptop per child. Website: [5] Plash: Principle of least authority shell. Website: [6] Se-linux. [7] userv.∼ian/userv/. [8] Waterken. Website: httpp:// [9] A. Bomberger, W. Frantz, A. Hardy, N. Hardy, C. Landau, and J. Shapiro. The keykos(r) nanokernel architecture. In Proceedings of the USENIX Workshop on Micro-Kernels and Other Kernel Architectures: 27–28 April,. [10] Ivan Krstic and Simson L. Garfinkel. Bitfrost: the One Laptop per Child Security Model. 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