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Security Cooperation Activities Study Guide, Exams of Humanities

This study guide provides accurate solutions to 120 exam questions related to Security Cooperation activities. It covers topics such as Security Assistance programs, Building Partner Capacity, International Armaments Cooperation, and more. The guide also includes questions about the roles of different organizations involved in Security Cooperation activities, such as the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls and the Geographic Combatant Commands. The guide is useful for students studying Security Cooperation activities and related topics.

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Download Security Cooperation Activities Study Guide and more Exams Humanities in PDF only on Docsity! DO NOT COPY ACQ 120 Exam 1 Latest Study Guide 202 3 Questions And Answers>Highly Accurate Solutions. AA 1) Which of the following categories is part of Security Cooperation activities? International Armaments Cooperation Support to Cooperation International Training Assistance Equipment Sales & Operations 2) Which of the following best describes Security Assistance programs? [Describe Security Assistance programs, their purpose and scope.] Group of programs by which the United States provides defense articles, training, or other services by grant, loan, cash sale, or lease Logistics, infrastructure, and command and control for combined operations that assist partner security forces Instruction provided to foreign defense civilians and military to develop technical capacity to support combined operations Activities whereby the DoD and a foreign partner(s) share resources and technology for acquisition program development 3) Which of the following provides defense articles and/or services to other nations to enhance their ability to conduct counter-terrorism, counter drug- related activity, and counterinsurgency operations and support U.S. military and stability operations and multilateral peace operations? [Describe Building Partner Capacity (BPC) programs administered by DoD.] Building Partner Capacity (BPC) programs Support to Operations IMET funds appropriated by Congress Economic Support Fund 4) Which of the following is a building block of International Armaments Cooperation? [Identify the types of activities conducted under International Armaments Cooperation (IAC).] Cooperative Production Building Partner Capacity Loans for Exploratory Discussions Education and Training Fals e True 3) Which State Department organization is responsible for decisions regarding export licenses? [Recognize the role of the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC).] Directorate of Defense Trade Controls Chief of Mission Office of Defense Cooperation Defense Technology Security Administration 4) True or False : Regional Security and Arms Transfers (RSAT) is a key link between the Departments of State and Defense through interactions with the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Joint Staff and the Combatant Commands. [Recognize the role of the Regional Security and Arms Transfer (RSAT) office.] True Fals e 5) True or False : Companies seeking U.S. Government support in a specific international defense competition should contact the Department of State to request advocacy for sale of their items. [Recognize the role of the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) in international acquisition activities.] True Fals e Lesson3 1) What Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) organization provides education and training to advance U.S. foreign policy through Security Assistance and Security Cooperation? [Recognize the roles of key Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD[P]) organizations.] Defense Institute of Security Assistance National Defense iversi Management c Un Developing strategic policy priorities and providing policy counsel to USD(P) and USD(AT&L) Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the Department of Commerce's programs and operations Coordinating on international agreements with primary interests in financial equitability and DoD funds availability 5) True or False : The Geographic Combatant Commands are focused on combat operations and are not involved in Security Cooperation planning. [Recognize the role of Geographic Combatant Commanders in Security Cooperation activities] Fals e True 6) Which of the following is included in the Military Departments Security Cooperation organizations? [Describe how the Military Departments (MILDEPs) are organized to support international acquisition.] A Security Assistance training organization Embassy liaison officers Defense Intelligence Agencies Defense Attaché Offices 7) Which document requires the Geographic Combatant Commands to develop Theater Campaign Plans for their area of responsibility? [Describe how DoD organizations interact in planning Security Cooperation activities] Guidance for the Employment of the Force (GEF) National Security Strategy Integrated Country Strategy Country Campaign Plan Lesson4 True Fals e True Fals e 3) True or False : According to DoD policy, equipment procured for U.S. forces employed in NATO and other coalition operations must be standardized or at least interoperable with the equipment of other allies and coalition partners. [Recognize the DoD position on allied interoperability.] Fals e True 1) True or False : Within both JCIDS and the Defense Acquisition System, a joint DoD development program is preferred over a cooperative development program with one or more Allied nations. [Identify the preferred order of materiel solutions contained in the Joint Capabilities. Integration and Development 2) True or False: Embassy contacts with either DoD Security Cooperation Organizations (SCOs) or embassy officials stationed in the United States can be helpful in determining potential partner’s military capability needs. [Recognize mechanisms to determine the military capability needs of potential foreign partners.] development ice t servi join A program A component unique development program Implementation of Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership and education, Personnel, Facilities, and Policy Defense Planning Guidance changes 2) Which mechanism provides insight into the needs of potential foreign partners? [Recognize mechanisms to determine the military capability needs of potential foreign partners.] Exploratory discussions Cooperative production Defense sales and transfers Grant aid 3) True or False : International Cooperative Programs are exempt from most statutory, regulatory, contracting reports, and milestone requirements [Identify the factors considered in the decision to pursue an International Cooperative Program (ICP).] Tru e Fal s e e True 2) Opportunities for international cooperation in the Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction phase include which of the following? [Describe international considerations in the Technology Maturation & Risk Reduction (TMRR) phase.] Using foreign science and technology or subsystem designs to reduce technological risk Foreign Military Sales of developed systems Entering into cooperative logistics arrangements Cooperative Operational Test and Evaluation 3) Which of the following activities unique to International Cooperative Programs is conducted in the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) phase? [Describe international considerations in the Engineering and Manufacturing. Development (EMD) phase.] Conducting system or subsystem cooperative development under an international agreement Developing the initial Program Protection plan Selling equipment to allies under Foreign Military Sales Providing opportunity to enhance allied interoperability 4) Which of the following statements about DCS coproduction is true? [Identify the forms of cooperation in production and their differences.] Involves use of munitions export licenses issued by the State Department Naval Supply Office Comma c nd ONR Global Naval Research Lab NATO Science and Technology Organization Conference of National Armaments Directors NATO Support Agency NATO Armaments Group 4) Identify one nation in the Pacific region that the U.S. is involved in formal bilateral armaments cooperation forums. [Recognize key USD(AT&L) bilateral forums.] Japan Taiwa n Vietna m Thailan d 5) The core objectives of International Armaments Cooperation are: [State the core objectives of International Armaments Cooperation (IAC).] Operational, Economic, Technical, Political, and 3) Which NATO agency promotes and conducts cooperative scientific research and exchange of technical information among the member nations? [Identify Industrial Security Assistance, Building Partner Capacity, and Counter Terrorism Operational, Industrial Participation, and Force Protection Establish personnel exchanges Provide for exchanging operational or intelligence data 2) Which program funds U.S. test and evaluation of defense items developed by allied and other friendly foreign countries to determine whether they can satisfy DoD requirements? [Identify the purpose of the Foreign Comparative Testing (FCT) program.] Foreign Comparative Testing Program Rapid Fielding Program Foreign Technology Evaluation Program International Technology Acquisition Program 3) True or False : Funding for the International Cooperative Research and Development (ICR&D) program is provided directly to the Military Departments through specific program elements. [Identify the purpose and management responsibilities for the International Cooperative R&D (ICR&D) program.] True Fals e 4) Which of the following is a proposal requirement for the Coalition Warfare Program? [Identify the purpose and management responsibilities for the Coalition Warfare Program (CWP).] Address a problem faced by the warfighter and identified as a need by COCOMs, MILDEPs, DoD Agencies, or the OSD staff Contain a request for production funding only Identify enough DoD funding so that contributions from allies are not required Include a milestone schedule for production, delivery and operational support phases of the program Fals e True 6) Identify one exchange program that is encompassed under the Defense Personnel Exchange Program (DPEP)? [Identify the two personnel exchange programs that support International Armaments. Cooperation (IAC) engagement.] Engineer and Scientist Exchange Program (ESEP) Cooperative Information Transfer Program Exchange of Military Training Program Military Armaments Exchange Program 7) What type of functions can Cooperative Program Personnel perform? [Describe the role of Cooperative Program (or Project) Personnel (CPP) in an International Cooperative Program (ICP).] Planning and managing Sign contracts for host 5) True or False : International agreements are used by the DoD to establish contracts with foreign defense companies. [Identify the characteristics of an international agreement.] [Remediation Accessed :N] Secretary of Defense directed programs Agreements that are legally binding under international law 1) Which of the following is characteristic of an international agreement? [Identify the characteristics of an international agreement.] Signifies the intention of the parties to be bound in international law Describes agreed-to payment terms and monetary exchange rates Contracts signed under the Federal Acquisition Regulations Concluded with foreign industry Lesson8 1) Identify one of the major points to the DoDI 5000.02 definition of an International Cooperative Program? [Describe International Cooperative Programs.] Cooperation can be used in any phase of a system’s life cycle Involve industry-only relationships No international agreement is required Funded by one way transfers/grants 2) Which of the following describes the provision of AECA Section 27 that allows the United States to contract on behalf of another country for an International Cooperative Program without having all of their funding in advance of the contractual obligation? [Identify the type of activities that can be conducted under Arms Export Control Act (AECA) Section 27 legal authority.] Dependable Foreign Military inancing Full faith Undertaking Cc F Cc and credi Project Agreements for specific projects can be negotiated more expeditiously Commits participants to cooperation on specific projects Locks in advantageous foreign currency exchange rates Does not depend on political stability of participating nations 7) Which agreement allows the United States and partner nations to access each other’s test facilities and to undertake cooperative test and evaluation projects? [Describe the type of activities that can be conducted under Test and Evaluation Program (TEP) MOUs.] Test and Evaluation Program MOU Umbrella RDT&E MOU Master RDT&E MOU Cooperative Development and Test MOU 8) Cooperation during the Engineering and Manufacturing development (EMD) and Production and Deployment phases of an International Cooperative Program would likely be covered by which type of international agreement? [Describe the type of activities that can be conducted under program-specific or framework MOUs.] Program-Specific Defined 6) What is a benefit of using a master RDT&E MOU? [Describe the advantages of using master RDT&E MOUs and the relationship between the MOU and Project Arrangements or Project Agreements (PAs).] [Remediation Accessed :N] MOU An umbrella MOU Progra m agreeme nt Master RDT&E MOU 9) True or False : Equitability is determined by evaluating the participating nation’s financial and non-financial contributions to an International Cooperative Program relative to the benefits received. [Describe the principle of financial equitability and how this is determined on a specific cooperative program.] Fals e True 10) What is a type of integrated program structure where a legal entity is established through a NATO approved charter that can contract on behalf of the participating nations? [Identify the different forms of joint management structures used on cooperative programs.] NATO Agency Project Management Office International Military Staff North Atlantic Council 1) How are specific projects agreed to under a Master RDT&E MOU? [Describe the advantages of using master RDT&E MOUs and the relationship between the MOU and Project Arrangements or Project Agreements (PAs).] Project Agreement or Project Arrangement (PA) Memorandum of Agreement ing hari ligence s Burden sharing, building partner capacity, and support tell c in Industrial offsets, Security Assistance, and third-party transfers Excess Defense Articles, force deployment, and overseas basing 4) True or False : In the USD(AT&L) streamlined process DoD Components have been authorized to enter into international agreements without OSD review. [Identify the steps in the USD(AT&L) streamlined process and the required documentation.] Fals e True Avoid binding commitments Occur after signature of an international agreement Are conducted to review draft international agreements Conducted only after funding is identified 6) What organization must the DoD consult with to consider the effects of an international agreement on the U.S. industrial base? [Identify interagency coordination and Congressional notification requirements.] Department of Commerce Congres 5) How do exploratory discussions differ from negotiations? [Identify the difference between exploratory discussions and negotiations.] [Remediation Accessed :N] s Department of Homeland Security U.S. Trade Representative Agency Letter of Offer and Acceptance Lesson10 1) Which of the following is an eligibility requirement for sales or leases of defense articles or services under Section 3 of the Arms Export Control Act? [Describe Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program eligibility and authorized uses of transferred articles and services.] Furnishing the defense articles and services must strengthen U.S. security and promote world peace Recipient country must pay cash in advance for all articles or services Recipient country agrees to periodic inspection of their defense articles by the United Nations Secretary of Defense national interest determination 2) Which DoD agency performs contract administration and management, quality assurance, and inspections for both the DoD and foreign customers? [Identify the DoD infrastructure and organizations that support FMS.] Defense Contract Management Agency Defense Security Cooperation Agency Defense Contract Audit Agency Defense Logistics Agency 3) Which of the following is true about international weapons competitions? [Describe activities in the preliminary stage of the FMS case development process.] Foreign nations often compete weapon system procurements Foreign nations must pursue a sole source acquisition strategy The United States restricts its offers to a single proposal The United States does not participate in international weapons competitions 4) True or False : The U.S. Government is bound to honor commitments made by industry on DCS programs. [Identify the DoD position on FMS versus Direct Commercial Sales (DCS).] True Fals e 5) True or False : A Letter of Request (LOR) is submitted by the Implementing Agency for the foreign customer in the format prescribed by the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM). [Identify the purpose of a Letter of Request (LOR).] Fals e True 6) True or False : A Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) is an offer from the U.S. Government to sell defense articles and services through Foreign Military Sales (FMS). [Distinguish Price and Availability (P&A) data from a Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA).] Fals e True 11) True or False : On FMS and DCS hybrid programs it is important to clearly define integration responsibilities to manage program risk. [Identify the sources of FMS/DCS hybrid programs.] Fals e True 12) True or False : Reconciliation should not begin until all deliveries under an FMS case have been completed. [Describe how FMS cases are reconciled and closed.] True Fals e Fals e True 1) True or False : In Building Partner Capacity (BPC) programs during the Planning and Requirements Definition phase a U.S. Government Requesting Authority submits an actionable Memorandum of Request (MOR) to an Implementing Agency. [Identify the stages and documents in the Building Partner Capacity (BPC) case process.] Fals e True 1) Which of the following sets of actions correctly defines major Security Assistance functions of SCOs? [Identify SCO Security Assistance and Building Partner Capacity (BPC) functions.] Training management and program monitoring FMS program management and intelligence collection Training management and operational testing LOA preparation and intelligence 13) True or False : Building Partner Capacity (BPC) programs are initiated when the foreign government submits a Letter of Request (LOR) to an Implementing Agency. [Identify the stages and documents in the Building Partner collection 2) True or False :SCOs assist the DoD acquisition workforce in identifying and making recommendations on cooperative opportunities with the host nation. [Describe the SCO’s role in International Armaments Cooperation (IAC).] Officer Regional Security Officer 2) What is a major contribution provided by SCOs? [Identify SCO’s major contributions.] Conducts operational training Expedites export license approval for U.S. industry Provides host personnel English language training Strengthens host nation self-defense 1) The SCO coordinates with what political section representative for issues of concern to the State Department, such as proposed major weapons sales that require a Country Team Assessment (CTA)? [Describe SCO’s interaction with other organizations.] Political Military Officer Chief of Mission Defense Attaché Regional Security Officer Lesson12 1) What regulation requires the DoD to give preference to domestically grown or produced items related to food, textiles, and tools? [Identify major U.S. domestic preference legislation that limits DoD’s ability to contract with non- U.S. sources.] Berry Amendme nt Buy America Act Act Goldwater–Nichols Nunn–McCurdy Amendment 2) Which of the following is NOT a purpose of DoD Reciprocal Defense Procurement Agreements? [Identify the purpose of Reciprocal Defense Procurement Agreements.] Establish procurement procedures to increase transparency of defense procurements with all members of the United Nations Establish procurement principles and procedures to increase transparency of defense procurements Promote standardization, rationalization, and interoperability Enhance access to each country’s defense market 3) What are the two categories for Government Quality Assurance agreements? [Identify the purpose of Government Quality Assurance Agreements.] Reciprocal No-Charge Agreements and Reciprocal Fee-for- Service Agreements Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) Agreements and Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy (DPAP) Agreements Reciprocal No-Charge Agreements for NATO countries and Full Cost 7) On an International Cooperative Program for another country to contract on behalf of the U.S., what type of approval is required? [Describe major contracting considerations on International Cooperative Programs.] Determination and Finding (D&F) Justification and Approval (J&A) Reciprocal Defense Procurement (RDP) MOU Government Quality Assurance (GQA) agreement 8) True or False : On International Cooperative Programs the DoD seeks best value procurement without guarantees of specific workshare but if needed will work to attain equitable worksharing. [Distinguish offsets from workshare including DoD’s position on each.] Fals e True Lesson13 1) True or False : Because of divergent foreign partner requirements, performance-based logistics is NOT a suitable logistics support framework for International Cooperative Programs. [Recognize major international considerations in the acquisition logistics Integrated Product Support (IPS) elements and Performance-Based Logistics (PBL).] True False 2) For a weapons system sale, what term describes including all aspects of initial logistics support in the Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA)? [Describe the Total Package Approach (TPA) concept.] Total Package Approach (TPA) Acquisition Logistics Performance-Based Logistics (PBL) Blanket order case 3) True or False : FMS customers must obtain follow-on support from the U.S. Government. Engineering and how it is accomplished.] Conducting a cooperative opportunity analysis Development of a list of known or probable Critical Program Information (CPI) and potential countermeasures Use of open systems design across the acquisition life cycle Pursuit of opportunities throughout the acquisition life cycle that enhance allied interoperability 2) Information that if compromised could cause significant degradation in mission effectiveness; shorten the expected combat-effective life of a system; reduce technological advantage; significantly alter program direction; or enable an adversary to defeat, counter, copy, or reverse engineer the technology or capability describes what type of information? [Describe program protection planning including the type of information that is protected and how planning is documented.] Critical Program Information Export Controlled Information Classified Information Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals (NOFORN) Information 3) Which of the following is a program manager responsibility for anti-tamper (AT) measures? [Identify program manager responsibilities for anti-tamper.] Implement AT measures and plan for verification and validation Construct and maintain AT technology roadmaps Establish and maintain the AT technology database Identify and develop new and innovative AT technologies 4) A Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) that includes any weapon systems or components that contain CPI may not be offered until what condition exists? [Identify anti-tamper considerations on Foreign Military Sales (FMS) programs.] The DoD ATEA has issued written approval of the AT plan The DoD ATEA has waived all AT requirements DSCA has issued written approval of the AT plan DSCA has waived all AT requirements 5) What is the name of the pilot program established to develop and incorporate technology protection features into a system or subsystem during its research and development phase? [Describe the purpose and scope of the Defense Exportability Features (DEF) pilot program.] Defense Exportability Features Defense Technological Export Features Defense Technology Protection Program National Defense Exportability Program 6) When preparing design-to-specifications for a system, program personnel should identify International Standardization Agreements (ISAs) that meet which of the following requirements? [Identify the aims and focus of the International Standardization Program and its relationship to defense acquisition.] Disclosure (TS&FD) decision-making and acts as the overarching DoD authority to ensure clear, senior level direction for TS&FD reviews is the . [Describe how disclosure authorizations are made.] Arms Transfer and Technology Release Senior Steering Group National Disclosure Policy Committee Deputies Management Action Group Tri-Service Committee 4) What are the two principle export licensing authorities in the U.S. Government? [Describe export control processes, the key interagency and DoD players, and the governing laws and regulations.] State Department and Commerce Department State Department and Defense Department Defense Department and Treasury Department Defense Department and Department of Homeland Security 5) What transfer mechanism provides more controlled information and technology than all other methods combined? [Describe how authorizations are provided for foreign visits to the United States and for overseas visits by U.S. personnel.] Foreign visits and assignments Internet searches Commercial exports U.S. Postal Service registered mail 6) Which of the following documents provides foreign disclosure guidance and authority for a specific defense acquisition program? [Identify the purpose of each of the key Technology Security and Foreign Disclosure (TS&FD) documents.] Delegation of Disclosure Authority Letter
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