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ACSM Personal Trainer Certification Exam Review, Exams of Nursing

Information on various topics related to personal training and exercise physiology. It covers different types of antidepressants, vasodilators, and their side effects. It also discusses the effects of alcohol, diet pills, antihistamines, and cold medications on exercise. Additionally, it explains pretest considerations for health appraisal, informed consent, and physician referral. The document also covers risk stratification, positive risk factors, and symptoms of cardiovascular and pulmonary disease. Finally, it explains different types of arrhythmias and their symptoms.

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Available from 12/26/2023

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Download ACSM Personal Trainer Certification Exam Review and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) - ANSWER-prevents breakdown of monamine neurotransmitters and increasing availability for depression, last choice treatment option due to require diet restrictions -cause dangerously high BP when w/certain foods Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) - ANSWER-act as serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (ANRIs) that block the transporters (SERT and NET) -major depression disorders, generalized anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, and post- traumatic stress disorder -significantly high rate of serious cardio diseases *side effects:* tachycardia, increased BP, slight prolongation of intraventricular conduction time (arrhythmias risk) Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) - ANSWER-antidepressants to treat depression, anxiety, and some personality disorders increase serotonin *side effects:* mild bradycardia, orthostatic hypotension, and prolongation in intraventricular conduction time -may demonstrate QRS lengthening or prolonged QT intervals Vasodilators - ANSWER-treat recurrent angina coronary artery disease reduce exertion if symptoms become present, avoid extreme heat/cold, reduce emotional stress, and avoid large meals prior to exercise higher risk of hypotensive episodes with postural changes w/exercise, RPE scale to monitor exercise! 1. nitrate and nitroglycerin 2. direct peripheral vasodilators ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 nitrates and nitoglycerin - ANSWER-widen blood vessels -decrease in vascular resistance and increase in BF ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 quick release of adrenaline leads to: -increase HR and BP -increased respiratory rates -increased muscular endurance due to higher blood sugar levels -increased of arrhythmias at rest/exercise long term effects outweigh short term benefits alcohol - ANSWER-if in system before or after exercising have several negative effects: -slower recovery time -increasing body fat percentage -disrupted sleep -depletion of water and nutrients diet pills - ANSWER-usually unsafe ephedrine and country mallow banned by FDA effects: -blocking or decreasing amount of fat absorbed from food -decreasing you appetite -increasing the amount of calories individuals burn use for extended periods of time have serious consequences: -pulmonary hypertension (may need lung transplant), heart palpitations, stroke, and elevated BP antihistamines - ANSWER-when body affected by outside substance (such as pollen) and reacts by producing histamines side effects of histamines: watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, and extreme cases cause shortness of breath and asthma *common side effects of :* drowsiness, dizziness and blurred vision, restlessness and nervousness, upset stomach, dry mouth/nose, irritability, and difficulty urinating ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 cold medications - ANSWER-can cause side effects with exercise may contain caffeine that can increase HR side effects that could occur: increased rest.exercise HR and BP, increased atrial and/or ventricular ectopic beats, irritability and anxiety pretest considerations for healh appraisal - ANSWER-systematic approach in screening clients for: signs and symptoms, family history, risk factors for disease informed consent - ANSWER-an agreement to do or allow something to occur, made with an awareness of relevant facts, including: procedures, risks, benefits, limitations, and discomforts -legal and ethical document -often paired with release of liability form Par-Q - ANSWER-used for screening Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire minimal standard for moderate intensity exercise 7 questions; if answered "yes" to any question, then require to get medical release form from healthcare provider physician referral - ANSWER-safeguard for high risk clients who may compromise health with exercise without medically trained staff -physician's name, stating diagnosis, and exercise perscription ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 risk stratification - ANSWER-assigns individuals to low, medium, or high risk based on presence of conditions ACSM risk stratification matrix - ANSWER-makes recommendations based upon low, moderate, or high risk clients positive risk factors - ANSWER-family history of disease cigarette smoking hypertension hyercholesterolemia/dyslipidemia impaired fasting glucose obesity sedentary lifestyle family history of disease - ANSWER-myocardial infarction, coronary revascularization, or sudden death before age 55 in males and 65 females (1st degree relatives) cigarette smoking - ANSWER-currently smoking or quit withing 6 months, or exposed to 2nd hand smoke over 6 months ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 lifestyle counseling stress test - ANSWER-usually only recommended by physician if the client has symptoms of coronary artery disease, or significant risk factors for CAD do NOT do vigorous exercise with: - ANSWER-clients with diagnosed or present cardio diseases, congenital abnormalities, and/or hereditary abnormalities: hypertrophic cardiomyopathy coronary arter abnormalities aortic stenossi signs/symptoms of cardiovascular and pulmonary disease - ANSWER--pain, discomfort, distress in areas that may be due to ischemia (chest, neck, jaw, arms, etc.) -shortness of breath at rest or mild exertion -dizziness or syncope -edema, especially ankle -tachycardia, or other arrhythmic occurrences (known heart murmur) -orthopnea or paroxysmal dyspnea -intermittent claudication -unusual fatigue or shortness of breath with ADLs ischemia - ANSWER-an inadequate blood supply to an organ or part of the body, especially the heart muscles. -can result in heart attack, can by silent intermediate condition of CAD edema - ANSWER-puffy swelling of tissue from the accumulation of fluid -common in arms, hands, legs, ankles, and feet, face, abdomen ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 *symptoms:* swelling of tissue directly under skin, stretched or shiny skin, skin that pits after being pressed, increased abdominal size -remove salt from clients diet may help with swelling -can be sign of underlying disease (heart failure, kidney disease, cirrhosis of liver etc.) orthopnea - ANSWER-ability to breathe only in an upright position -difficulty breathing in supine position -usually indicative of left ventricular dysfunction paroxysmal dyspnea - ANSWER-sudden, recurring episode of difficult breathing -asthma angina - ANSWER-heart pain -insufficient supply off blood *symptoms:* chest pain/discomfort, pain in neck shoulder back arms or jaw, nausea, fatigue, sweating, shortness of breath, anxiety, dizziness stable angina - ANSWER-most common type ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 occurring with exertion and going away with rest can be triggered by mental or emotional stress could feel like indigestion and spread to arms, back, or other areas unstable angina - ANSWER-*medical emergency* occurs even at rest and usually more severe and longer lasting (as long as 30 minutes) -may signal heart attack!!! arrhythmias - ANSWER-abnormal heart rhythm: -tachycardia -bradycardia -atrial fibrillation -ventricular ectopic beats (VEB tachycardia - ANSWER-very fast heart rate sinus: >100 bpm atrial: >100 bpm with narrow QRS complex, w/ P waves originating not from sinus node ventricular: potentially life threateing, >100 bpm, with at least 3 irregular heartbeats in a row (ventricular fibrillation, asystole, or death) bradycardia - ANSWER-unusually slow heart rate (less than 60 bpm) atrial fibrillation (A-fib) - ANSWER-irregular heart rhythm -continuous rapid firing of atrial foci ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 -when accompanied with dizziness may result from cardiac disorders preventing normal cardiac output: severe coronary artery disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, aortic stenosis, and malignant ventricular dysrhythmias palpitations - ANSWER-fluttering, rapid, or punding sensations in the chest related to cardiac arrhythmias, such as premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) -usually harmless -triggered by stress, exercise, or medication *if accompanied with chest pain/discomfort, fainting, shortness of breath, and/or severe dizziness seek emergency medical attention* indication - ANSWER-valid reason to use certain tests, medications, procedures, etc. contradictions - ANSWER-conditions or facts requiring the withholding of certain medical treatments or tests absolute contradictions - ANSWER-do not perform exercise test! ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 -acute myocardial infarction, unstable angina, uncontrolled cardiac arrhythmias, symptomatic severe aortic stenosis, symptomatic heart failure, acute pulmonary embolus, pulmonary infarction, acute myocarditis or pericarditis, acute dissection, dissection aneruysm, or acute system infection with fever body aches or swollen lymph glands relative contradictions - ANSWER-test may still be performed, sometimes with modifications -left main coronary stenosis, moderate stenotic valvular heart disease, electrolyte abnormalities, severe arterial hypertension, tachyarrhythmias or bradyarrhythmias, hypertropic cardiomyopathy, outflow tract obstruction, neuromuscular, musculoskeletal or rheumatoid disordors, ventricular aneurysm, uncontrolled metabolic disease, chronic infectious disease, mental or physical impairment, high degree atrioventricular block absolute indications - ANSWER-immediately stop if any seen: sings of heart attack onset of chest pain drop in systolic BP below resting pressure or with increasing workload signs of poor circulation extreme shortness of breath ataxia, vertigo, visual or gait problems, or confusion abnormal heart rhythms technical inability to monitor the ECG client's request to stop relative indications - ANSWER-do not call for immediate stop: increasing chest pain shortness of breath severe fatigue wheezing ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 leg cramps/ intermittent claudication hypertensive response (260/115 mm Hg or higher) pronounced ECG changes from baseline bundle branch block supraventricular tachycardia or other less serious arrhythmias 5 components of fitness assessment - ANSWER-cardio endurance muscular strength muscular endurance flexibility body comp isotonic contraction - ANSWER-contraction wherein the muscle remains unchanged, and the distance between the origin and insertion shortens ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 resistance training guidelines - ANSWER-at least 2 days/week for 45-60 min consist of 3 set of 12-15 reps 30 sec rest period 7-0 moderate exercises intensity measurements - ANSWER-heart rate METs VO2 max aerobic activity for healthy population - ANSWER-3-5 days/week on consecutive days, alternate with another mode 20-60 min of continuous activity volume of workload - ANSWER-duration and frequency of the activity performed within the time frame allotted for the training process cardio benefits - ANSWER-decrease obesity, hypertension, type II diabetes, depression increase immunity, blood lipids, glucose tolerance, and a sense of well being average VO2 - ANSWER-*sedentary:* 35 ml/kg/min *athlete:* 70 ml/kg/min can improve by increasing training volume and intensity MHR formula (Maximum Heart Rate) - ANSWER-206.9 - (0.67 * age) EX) 206.9 - (0.67 X 21) = 192.83 ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 Karvonen formula - ANSWER-(MHR - RHR) * intensity = + RHR = desired intensity EX) 25 year old with RHR being 65 bpm 206.9 - (0.67 X 25) = 190 MHR 190 - 65 = 125 125 X .65 = 75 + 65 = 140 125 X .85 = 106 + 65 = 171 target heart rate zone = 140-171 bpm METs calculation - ANSWER-*women:* 14.7 - (0.13 X age) = target *men:* 14.7 - (0.11 X age) = taret BMI - ANSWER-obesity related problem when >25 mild obesity = 25-30 moderate obesity = 30-35 severe obesity = 35+ linear periodization - ANSWER-continual progression of increasing intensity. The amount of weight is increase as the reps are decreased ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 -good for beginners/intermediate levels alternation periodization - ANSWER-altering between volume and intensity -god for more advanced clients EX) more weight with less reps, then less weight with more reps initial stage of condition - ANSWER-10-15 min warm up 15-30 min moderate activity (40-60% of heart rate reserve) 3-4 days/week improvement stage of conditioning - ANSWER-10-15 warm up 30 min of 50-85% intensity to start then increase duration by 10-20% every week increase intensity 5-10% every 2 weeks once goal met, maintain with other activities benefits of flexiblity - ANSWER-decrease occurrences of muscle imbalances, joint dysfunctions, and overuse injuries/ injury prevention -static, ballistic, and PNF static stretching - ANSWER-corrective measure passively stretch and hold 10-30 sec -muscles relax due to autogenetic inhibition and elongation of muscle ballistic stretching - ANSWER-uncontrolled bouncing, jerking, bobbing, or pulsing to achieve greater range of motion ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 target heart range for moderate activity - ANSWER-50-70% of max HR specificity principle - ANSWER-exercising a certain body part that develops primarily that part must perform exercise/skill to improve on exercise/skill overload principle - ANSWER-body easily adapts to increase or decreased physical demand, enabling people to develop muscle coordination and sports-specific skills adaption principle - ANSWER-greater stress than normal is required for adaption to occur to improve fitness/strength/endurance, then workload must increase accordingly progression principle - ANSWER-optimal overload level and optimal time frame for overload to occur if overload is too slow, then less improvements ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 if overload too fast could cause injury or muscle damange adequate rest and recover cardiovascular disease (CVD) - ANSWER-any disease that affects the heart or blood vessel increase risk of heart attack, heart failure, sudden death, high blood pressure, stroke, and cardiac rhythm problems *preventable/treatable:* high blood pressure, high cholesterol, excess weight, diabetes, physical inactivity, metabolic syndrome, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, illegal drug use, and stress *nonpreventable/treatable:* previous heart attack, family history of heart disease, increasing age, gender, and race athersclerosis - ANSWER-plaque formation lipid deposits i medium-large sized arteries sedentary lifestyle, diet with high intake of saturated fat, high blood pressure, smoking, and any other toxic agent to the body -endothelial cells of artery can be damaged -increased risk of heart attack obese statistics - ANSWER-1/3 adults 1/5 young people ages 6-19 type II diabetes cons - ANSWER-can increase risk of: affected blood vessels and nerves including: vision impairment, kidney disease, peripheral vascular disease, atherosclerosis, and hpertension chronic diseases - ANSWER-NEED PHYSICIAN APPROVAL BEFORE EXERCISE PROGRAM ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 -or ever exercise recommendations aerobic exercise benefits - ANSWER-conditions heart and lungs by increasing amount of oxygen the heart uses more efficiently -decrease risk of heart disease and stroke -positive effect in decreasing blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure resting metabolic rate - ANSWER-accounts for up to 75% of daily calories. increase in muscles requires more calories to maintain, which mean the higher your high blood pressure and resistance training - ANSWER-use lighter weights with more reps consider consulting physician for strength training routine borg scale - ANSWER-walking or cycling = level 13 strength activities = levels 15-17 ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 heart attack symptoms - ANSWER-MEDICAL EMERGENCY, CALL 911 chest discomfort pain/discomfort in one or both arms, neck, back, jaw, or stomach shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort breaking out in a cold sweat feeling nauseous or lightheaded hypothermia symptoms - ANSWER-MEDICAL EMERGENCY, CALL 911 exhaustion or drowsiness shivering confusion memory loss fumbling hands slurred speech chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) - ANSWER-a group of lung diseases that block airflow upon exhalations; difficult to breathe or dyspnea -higher altitude = less oxygen to inhale *conditions:* emphysema, chronic asthmatic bronchitis, asthma, cystic fibrosis medications (bronchodialators, steroids, and antibiotics), supplement oxygen, pulmonary rehabilitation; with severe emphysema can do lung volume reduction surgery or lung transplant exercise programming cardio recommendations - ANSWER-moderate intensity 55-69% high intensity 70-89% -new to exercising clients begin at 55% 20-60 min 3-5 days/week ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 strength training recommendations - ANSWER--involve 8-10 exercises for major muscles with at least one set per exercise -8-12 reps per set for 2-3 nonconsecutive training days/week -full range movements that are pain free -moderate speed body weight exercises - ANSWER-*pros:* can be performed anywhere without equipment *cons:* difficult to increase resistance easily and target specific muscle groups resistance machine exercises - ANSWER-*pros:* allow client to control resistance and isolate specific muscles *cons:* requires special equipment free weight exercises - ANSWER-*pros:* client controls resistance, isolate specific muscles, and improve muscle balance ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 *cons:* not mechanically supported so risk of injury is higher bioenergetics - ANSWER-process of transferring energy from foods throughout the body, supplying the contracting muscles with usable energy: ATP phosphagen system - ANSWER-uses immediate stored energy inside the muscle cell -ATP and phosphocreatine (PCR) EX) sprinting and weightlifting *no more than 30 sec* nonoxidative system (anaerobic) - ANSWER-AKA lactic acid or glycolytic system short term energy system ATP and phosphocretine to be re-synthesized at a rapid rate uses carbs (glucose and glycogen) for ATP production -byproduct: lactic acid produced when carbs breakdown w/o oxygen EX) running upstairs *30 sec - 3 min* high intensity effort oxidative system (aerobic) - ANSWER-long term energy system produces large amounts of ATP breaks downs carbs and fats -byproducts: water and carbon dioxide when broken down w/ oxygen EX) running marathon, hiking *>3 min* anaerobic/ lactate threshold - ANSWER-when working muscle demands more ATP than is being provided, the muscles will rely on the nonoxidative system for energy along with oxidative system ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 depleted blood back towards heart -circulated blood to all parts of body, except lungs blood flow of heart - ANSWER-right atrium tricuspid valve right ventricle pulmonic valve pulmonary artery lungs pulmonary veins left atrium mitral/bicuspid valve left ventricle aortic valve aorta (rest of body) anatomy of heart - ANSWER- ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 ejection fraction - ANSWER-% of blood in ventricle when heart is in a relaxation (diastolic) state but this blood actually gets pumped out during the contraction (systolic) phase frank-starling law - ANSWER-amount of blood left in each ventricle after end diastolic volume will significantly affect the stroke volume -every contraction creates a greater stretch on heart muscles; contractile force wil eventually increase normal EDV ~125 ml normal ESV ~55ml minute ventilation - ANSWER-volume of air breathed in 1 min at rest ~6 L/min -per breath is *tidal volume* (0.5L - 4 L) shunting - ANSWER-when blood is shunted away from all vital organs of body to exercising muscles axial skeleton - ANSWER-skull vertebral column ribs sternum (supports and protects vital organs) appendicular skeleton - ANSWER-arms legs pelvis pelvic girdle ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 (provides movement and support) spine - ANSWER-33 vertebrae: -7 cervical -12 thoracic -5 lumbar -5 sacral -4 coccygeal scoliosis - ANSWER-abnormal curve of spine in frontal plane kyphosis - ANSWER-outward curve on spine causing hunch thoracic and sacral region -develops as fetus lordosis - ANSWER-inward curve on spine cervical and lumbar regions -develops after birth ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 synarthrosis - ANSWER-fixed fibrous joints no movement held together with connective tissue -sutures in skull amphiarthrossi - ANSWER-slightly movable cartilaginous joints -spine and ribcage connected with cartilage darthrossi - ANSWER-freely movable synovial joints most common -head, knee, elbow, shoulder ball and socket joint - ANSWER-circumduction, rotation, and angular movements in all planes -shoulder and hip hinge joint - ANSWER-flexion/extension in one plane -knee and elbow pivot joint - ANSWER-rotation around central axis -range of motion of head and stability of neck saddle joint - ANSWER-flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, and circumduction/opposition -thumb gliding joint - ANSWER-inversion and eversion ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 -ankle condyloid joint - ANSWER-circumduction, abduction/adduction, and flexion/extension -wrist inversion - ANSWER-turning sole of foot toward midline of body eversion - ANSWER-turning sole of foot away from midline of body body comp readings - ANSWER-skinfold bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) waist-hip ratio *all have 3-4% rate of error* skinfold measurements - ANSWER-taken prior exercise client should not wear lotion/oil use right side of body ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 mark sites measure for 4 seconds measure to nearest 1/2 - 1 mm 2 measurements of each site in rotational order and averaged (difference more than 1 mm = measure again) women skinfold sites - ANSWER-triceps suprailium thigh mens skinfold sites - ANSWER-chest ab thigh bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) - ANSWER-fluid is capable of electrical conduction, safe, low level current flows through body fluids to determine body comp -clients lies flat on table no limbs touching w/ electrodes on hands and feet -more lengthy and expensive than skinfold implications of BIA - ANSWER-*min reccomended level of total body fat:* men: 5% women: 15% *optimal health:* men: 10-25% women: 18-30% lower ranges for athletes ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 -eating alone for fear of being embarrassed by how much food is being consumed -feeling disgusted, depressed or guilty after the episode of overeating complications with binge eating disorder - ANSWER-depression suicidal thoughts insomnia obesity high BP type II diabetes high cholesterol heart disease gallbladder disease and other digestive issues joint pain muscle pain headache menstrual problems some types of cancer ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 1 pound = - ANSWER-3500 calories of fat bad fats - ANSWER-saturated and trans fat complex fats good fats - ANSWER-mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fats lower cholesterol and reduce risk of certain diseases calories per gram - ANSWER-carbs - 4 fats - 9 proteins - 4 alcohol - 7 water soluble vitamins - ANSWER-B complex and C assist in ezyme activity like enrgy production fat soluble vitamins - ANSWER-A, D, E, K stored in liver usually no supplements- needed excess can be toxic female athlete triad - ANSWER-low bone mass disordered eating amenorrhea *sublcinical eating disorder* ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 in to cm - ANSWER-*2.54 cm to in - ANSWER-*0.39 kg to lbs - ANSWER-*2.2 lbs to kg - ANSWER-*0.45 par-Q - ANSWER-Physical Activity Readiness identifies people who should not be tested in a field setting. Proceed with caution if a client answers yes to one or more questions. May require physician clearance program planning - ANSWER-needs of the target population, the existing or needed expertise of the care deliverers, and market demand for particular services. -keep up with the health and fitness industry changes and modify programs accordingly! legal and ethical considerations - ANSWER-never try to diagnose a client -look for underlying health issues ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 ideal blood glucose level for diabetics - ANSWER-100-200 mg/dL when 1-2 hours after eating diabetic considerations - ANSWER-time workouts in relation to meals and insulin dosage -check blood glucose before and after workouts -consult physicians for possibility of reducing insulin by 10-50% when beginning exercise -proper warm up and cool down -appropriate footwear -remain hydrated -avoid exercising in extreme conditions hyperglycemia - ANSWER-blood glucose exceeding 200 mg/dL hyp*er*glycemic client - ANSWER-*symptoms:* frequent urination, increased thirst, blurred vision, fatigue, headache, cardiac arrhythmia, deep and rapid breathing 1. give water 2. test blood sugar levels if possible 3. have them take their prescribed dosage of insulin, if not there, seek medical attention immediately hypoglycemia - ANSWER-blood glucose below 70 mg/dL hy*po*glycemic client - ANSWER-*symptoms:* shakiness, dizziness, sweating, hunger, irritability/moodiness, anxiety/nervous, headache, ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 confusion, pallid skin 1. have client sit or lie down 2. have client check blood sugar 3. raise blood sugar levels immediately 4. rest until signs improve 5. check blood glucose when feeling better 100 mg/dL enough to resume activity *no signs of improvement: seek medical attention!* bradycardia symptoms - ANSWER-fainting, dizziness, light-headness, fatigue, shortness of breath, angina, confusion, tiring quickly during exercise if symptoms shown: perform CPR if needed, seek medical attention immediately! ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 tachycardia symptoms - ANSWER-dizziness, light-headedness, palpitations, angina, shortness of breath if symptoms shown: perform CPR if needed, seek medical attention immediately! responding to seizure - ANSWER-1. call 911 2. lower person to ground and on side 3. protect head from injury 4. turn person's head to side 5. cover with blanket if possible 6. once done, place into recovery position 7. check breathing and pulse 8. aderess any injuries 9. comfort person responding to shock - ANSWER-1. monitor breathing/pulse 2. keep warm 3. address external bleeding 4. elevate legs to maintain circulation (unless nausea, potential broken bones, or breathless) 5. avoid giving them anything to drink responding to diabetic emergency - ANSWER-1. address life threatening issues 2. if conscious give sugar 3. if conscious and not better 5 min after sugar, call 911 4. if unconscious, call 911 ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 learning phases - ANSWER-cognitive associative automatic cognitive phase - ANSWER-learning basics of exercise/skill -mostly thinking before executing -attention on instruction and guidance associative phase - ANSWER-muscle memory begins -more comfortable with exercise/skill -corrections on form or technique -give constructive criticism automatic phase - ANSWER-perform exercise efficiently without much thought to proper form or technique -muscle memory automatically makes corrections -positive feedback and further instruction necessary ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 health belief model - ANSWER-psychological reasons for a person's inactivity by evaluating their current attitudes and beliefs as a set of variables, dependent on individual perceptions, modifying factors, and the likelihood of action health belief model diagram - ANSWER- trans-theoretical model of change in behavior (TMC) - ANSWER-6 stages of change that people go through when developing new patterns of behavior: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, (relapse/termination) processes of behavioral change - ANSWER-within trans-theoretical model 10 processes of behavioral change -5 cognitive (best when in initial stages of chage) -5 behavioral (during action and maintenance stages) 5 cognitive processes - ANSWER-1. conscious raising 2. dramatic relief 3. environmental reevaluation 4. self-reevaluation 5. social liberation 5 behavioral processes - ANSWER-1. counter-conditioning 2. helping relationships 3. reinforcement management 4. self-liberation 5. stimulus control ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 decisional balance - ANSWER-part of trans-theoretical model of change how people view pros and cons of healthy lifestyle as going through stages of change -beginning cons outweigh pros, the in time they reverse self-efficacy - ANSWER-self-confidence social cognitive theory (SCT) - ANSWER-interaction of behavioral, personal, and environmental influences interaction creates unique behavior patterns -people influence and are influenced by their environments social cognitive theory dynamic model - ANSWER-personal: feelings/thoughts behavioral: demeanor/personality environmental: external events/other people *key constructs: observational learning, reinforcement, self-efficacy ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 atrial flutter multifocal atrial tachycardia (MAT) paroxysmal junctional tachycardia premature atrial complexes (PACs) premature ventricular complexes (PVCs) ventricular tachycardia (V Tach) supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) asystole *ventricular rhythms are life threatening!!!* ventricular fibrillation (v-Fib) - ANSWER-type of cardiac arrest no pumping action immediate CPR and defibrillation!!! rapid discharges from ventricular foci no identifiable waves (if any sort of pattern repetition, then not this case) atrial flutter - ANSWER-rapid series of atrial depolarization resembles teeth of saw multifocal atrial tachycardia (MAT) - ANSWER-various P wave shapes -sometimes associated with digitalis toxicity in clients with heart disease paroxysmal junctional tachycardia - ANSWER-Caused by sudden rapid pacing (150- 250bpm) of irritable automaticity focus in AV Junction. Can cause left ventricle to depolarize before right causing widened QRS complex. ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 premature atrial complexes (PACs) - ANSWER-not life threatening, occur often in exercise when atrial site other than sinus node depolarizes prematurely narrow QRS complex ventricular tachycardia (V Tach) - ANSWER-150-250 bpm pattern of huge, consecutive PVC-like complexes SA node continues to pace the atria only sporatic atrial depolarization *coronary ischemia or cardiac hypoxia* treat quickly! premature ventricular complexes (PVCs) - ANSWER-not life threatening, occur often in exercise site in ventricles fires before next wave p waves not present or hidden wide QRS complex chagnge from beat to beat ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) - ANSWER-atrial fibrillation and flutter narrow QRS tchycardia asystole - ANSWER-no electrical activity no waveforms defibrillation no longer initiated diagnostic stress testing indications - ANSWER-extension of clients medical history and physical examination provokes signs or symptoms of cardio or pulmonary disease evaluate exertional discomfort, chest discomfort, dyspnea, leg discomfort, palpitations, and neurological symptoms -diagnostic purposes, functional evaluation, and determines prognosis or risk diagnostic stress testing contraindications - ANSWER-risk of exercise outweighs benefits pre-exercise test evaluation and careful review of medical history absolute contradictions should not perform until stabilized or treated relative contradictions should be tested after evaluating risk/benefit ratio stress test procedures - ANSWER--informed consent document -cover with client risks and the purpose is to elicit signs and symptoms of cardio or pulmonary disease -review client's history, current medications, and indications for test, current/recent symptoms -record and examine resting ECG before testing (identify contradictions to compare) -appropriate personnel present (direct physician supervision for high risk medical conditions) stress test protocols - ANSWER-bruce protocol is most common ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 atrioventricular (AV) blocks - ANSWER-delay within AV node which delays impulse from atria (long pause before ventricular contraction) one 1st degree, 2 2nd degree, and one 3rd degree (complete) heart block types -heart disease, aging, and pericarditis can all cause 1st degree AV block - ANSWER-delay with a prolonged PR interval more than 0.2 sec on ECG cardiac cycle consistently normal, but PR interval is prolonged every cycle -partial block 2nd degree AV block (Wencheback block) - ANSWER-PR interval becomes progressively longer each cycle until AV node no longer conducts stimulus QRS complex eventually drops -irregular rhythm; more P waves than QRS complexes 2nd degree AV block (Mobitz) - ANSWER-punctual P wave is not followed by QRS response NO progressive lengthening of PR interval or premature P wave ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 3rd degree AV block - ANSWER-complete AV block none of the atrial depolarizations conduct to ventricles -automaticity focus below the blocks escapes overdrive suppression to pace the ventricles at its inherent rate -ventricular rate may be so low that insufficient blood flow to brain occurs bundle branch blocks (BBB) - ANSWER-block in conduction within the right or left bundle branch -wide QRS complex (>120 ms) --disease of bundle branches or ventricular abnormalities, drugs, electrolyte, or metabolic disorders may cause 2 classifications: left and right (RBBB & LBBB) RBBB - ANSWER-activation of the left ventricle occurs before the right ventricle -triphasic complex trigger screening for conditions affecting right side of heart or lungs (pulmonary emboli, COPD, and cardiomyopathy) LBBB - ANSWER-initial ARS deflection is altered due to initial impulse traveling across the septum from the right to left -initial negative deflection V1 and initial upright deflection in V6 (wide notched appearance) -followed by imaging study: underlying cardiac pathology (dialated/hypertropic cardiomyopathy, hypertension, aortic valve disease, cardio disease) myocardial ischemia - ANSWER-partial or complete blockage of blood to the heart muscle moderate-high risk for disease need to identify ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 -evidenced in ST segment as depression >1mm below baseline myocardial infarction (MI) - ANSWER-near-total or complete blockage to artery which blocks blood flow to an area of the heart *MI triad:* ichemia, injury, and necrosis (initial lack of oxygen, ischemia 20-40 min, then death of tissue) -time span of 2-12 hours abnormal Q waves, ST segment depression, ST segment elevation, T wave inversion (scan ALL leads) chamber enlargement - ANSWER-Involves the atria, the ventricles or both. It implies either dilation or hypertrophy of the chamber walls. right atrial enlargement - ANSWER-biphasic P wave, initial component is larger leads V1 and V2 tall, peaked P waves ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 identify any compromised artery opening as well as the presence of atherosclerosis cardiac cathererization - ANSWER-interventional treatment purposes minimally invasive identify cardiac pathologies (blockages, stenosis, thrombosis, etc) angioplasty: placement of stents (expandable stainless steel mesh tubes placed in vessels via balloon catheter to expand a blocked stenotic artery) -allows blood flow coronary bypass surgery - ANSWER-treats heart disease (revascularization surgery), due to extensive atherosclerosis or blockage restores blood flow by rerouting around blocked artery (healthy blood vessel removed else where is connected to artery) -done to single or multiple arteries -improves symptoms of angnia and shortness of breath pharmacologic agets for cardiac pathologies - ANSWER-*beta blockers:* decrease HR and cardiac output -hypertension, angina, arrhythmias, MI, and hear failure *ace inhibitors:* expand blood vessels and lower resistance by lowering angiotensin II levels -hypertension and chronic heart failure *nitrates:* relax blood vessels and increase blood and oxygen supply to heart -angina and chronic heart failure *anti-arrhythmics:* suppressing activity of tissue initiating electrical impulses too quickly in SA node OR slowing and regulating fast electrical impulses in heart -atrial fibrillation; normal sinus rhythm; ventricular arrhythmias; slow ventricular response in atrial fibrillation *anti-coagulants:* decrease the clotting ability of the blood ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 -atrial fibrillation which of the waveforms on the ECG will yield info about atrial enlargement? what should you look for? - ANSWER-P waves yield info about atrial enlargement look for tall, peaked P waves in 3rd degree AV block, how many impulses from the SA node penetrate the AV nod to depolarize the ventricles? is the rhythm regular or irregular? - ANSWER-3rd degree is a total block, NO impulses from the SA node penetrating the AV node regular rhythm which leads do you look for RBBB in? LBBB? - ANSWER-RBB leads V1 and V2 LBBB leads V5 and V6 what are the characteristic ECG changes that yield info about ischemia? - ANSWER- ECG changes such as *inverted T waves and/or ST segment depression* yield info about ischemia ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 what criteria need to be met for ST segment elevation to be considered abnormal on an ECG? ST segment depression? - ANSWER-abnormal is ST segrment > 1mm above or below baseline in 2 or more continuous leads which part of the ECG will yield info about the AV node? - ANSWER-the PR interval yield info about the AV node tells you the relationship between the atrial and ventricles true/false: sinus tachycardia is a regular rhythm - ANSWER-true what rhythm produces a straight line on the ECG, suggesting that there is no electrical activity left in the heart? - ANSWER-asystole: a rhythm which produces a straight line on the ECG, suggestion no electrical activity in the heart cardiac muscle cells are unique in that they are able to generate their own electrical impulse. what is the ability called? - ANSWER-automaticity: the ability in cardiac muscle cells to generate their own electrical imulse leads V3 and V4 view which area of the heart? - ANSWER-leads V3 and V4 view the *anterior left ventricle* of the heart on an ECG, what does the P wave represent? - ANSWER-the P wave represents atrial depolarization on an ECG age groups - ANSWER-*infant:* 3 weeks - 1 year ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 each day) -moderate to vigorous activity exercise prescription for children - ANSWER-*aerobic activity:* 5- 7 days/week moderate-vigorous activity intermittent in nature 60 min + per day (several sessions of 15-20 min) age appropriate exercises the utilize all muscle groups *resistance training:* 5-7 days/week 4-6 muscle groups 1- 3 set of 8-15 reps 20-30 min sessions (add weight up to 6 reps, then add 1-2 reps ever session until 12-15 reps) submax and using full range of motion *flexibility:* 5-7 day/week light-moderate (12/13 RPE) ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 hold 15-30 sec 2-4 static stretches for each muscle group exercise for older adults - ANSWER-pre-exercise evaluation in clinical setting recommended (medical history, physical exam, and lab tests) physiological considerations for older adults - ANSWER-1. lower VO2, reduced max HR and CO 2. higher resting/exercise BP 3. decreased immune function 4. decrease sensitivity in thermoregulation (reduced total body water and capacity for sweating) 5. increased risk factors such as: -hypertension, hyperlipedemia, diabetes, coronary artery disease physical considerations for older adults - ANSWER-1. decrease in bone and muscle mass 2. decreased balance and coordination 3. increase in obesity; higher % of fat mass 4. osteoarthritis 5. orthopedic injuries psychological considerations for older adults - ANSWER-1. self-efficacy (improve perception to perform task) 2. self-concept 3. cognitive functioning 4. life satisfaction exercise prescription for older adults - ANSWER-*aerobic activity: 5-7 days/week ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 light-moderate (50-80% max HR) 30-60 min a day (can be 10-15 min intervals) walking, stationary bike, low orthopedic stress *resistance training:* 2 days/week 1 set of 8-10 reps for each muscle group (RPE 12-13) 20-30 min sessions (Gradually add weight as tolerated) weight training machines, tubing and bands (with assistance) *flexibility:* 5-7 days/week light-moderate (12-13 RPE) hold 15-30 sec 2-4 static stretches for each muscle group COPD and restrictive lung disease tests for diagnosis - ANSWER-chest x-ray computerized temography (CT) ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 medications to block prior exercise (beta-agonist bronchodialator) effects of exercise on metabolic syndrome - ANSWER-acute and chronic activity have substantial impact on: 1. hypertension 2. dyslipidemia 3. glucose intolerance/insulin insensitivity 4. obesity effects of exercise on diabetes - ANSWER-type I: control blood sugar levels, similar to insulin; eventually can lower insulin injections needed type II: helps clean glucose from circulation 12-28 hours post exercise, decreases hyperglycemic episodes, eventually increased glucose storage capacity because muscles will require more glucose with exercise effects of exercise on coronary artery disease (CAD) - ANSWER-1. effects on risk factors: decrease resting/exercise BP, decrease in total cholesterol (LDL and triglyceride), increase in HDL, improved glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity, decrease in body fat percentage and waist circumference 2. reduces cardiac oxyge demand at rest/submax (increased ischemic/angina thresholds) 3. reduces platelet aggregation 4. improved endothelial function and tone medications: ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, calcium channel antagonists, nitrates, digitalis, diuretics claudication - ANSWER-to limp; pain/tension in legs while walking that subsides after rest; ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 caused by inadequate blood supply common symptom of peripheral artery disease (PAD) embolism - ANSWER-blockage in a blood vessel from a blood clot or other foreign matter that gets trapped when traveling through the bloodstream stenosis - ANSWER-abnormal narrowing or contraction of a valve or artery ECG changes in CAD - ANSWER-horizontal or downward sloping ST depression of 1 mm in 2 leads T-wave abnormalities ECG changes in pulmonary disease - ANSWER-low voltage QRS complex poor R wave progression ECG changes in hypertensive heart disease - ANSWER-left ventricular hypertrophy and left atrial enlargement are common LBBB and atrial fibrillation can occur ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 ECG changes in myocardial ischemia and infarction (MI) - ANSWER-severe or prolonged ischemia ST elevation upright T waves or inverted ECG changes in atrial enlargement - ANSWER-P wave >0.12 sec (mitral valve disease) tall P wave >2.5 mm (pulmonary disease) P wave notched or biphasic ECG changes in ventricular hypertrophy - ANSWER-high voltage criteria in leads over hypertophied areas left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH): tall R waves, deep S waves, ST changes w/ T wave inversion -aortic stenosis and hypertensive heart disease right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH): R wave greater than S wave, ST changes with T wave inversion ECG changes in pericarditis - ANSWER-ST segment elevation T wave inversion ECG changes in electrolyte abnormalities - ANSWER-hypokalemia: ST depression, flattened T waves hyperkalemia: narrow peaked T wave, prolonged PR interval, small P wave, wide QRS complex and asystole hypocalcemia: prolonged QT intervals 0.48 sec hypercalcemia: shortened QT interval 0.26 sec ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 and blood flow -will absorb and show where damaged tissue is (bad BF) *exercise:* -start at warm up speed on teadmill -speed up and increase incline every 3 min -exceed 85% age target HR -cool down -stop if develop sings/symptoms -inject radionuclide into vein during exercise -once circulated gamma camera takes pics of heart with client laying still on table prior to exercise (15-30 min) *pharmacologic:* -when medical conditions prevents treadmill use -given medication to dilate arteries -resting images prior to medication ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 stress echocardiography - ANSWER-diagnose, manage, or follow up with clients with known heart disease -size/shape heart chambers, pumping capacity, location and extent of damaged tissue, cardiac output, ejection fraction, and diastolic function *exercise:* -resting study (focus on resting ejection fraction and left ventricular wall) -warm up speed -increase speed and incline every 3 min -stop abruptly when client exceeds 85% of age target HR -stop early if develop signs/symptoms -lie on left side on table -repeat exam videos compared side by side to at rest and exercise -EF ^ w/ ^HR -LV walls shouldn't demonstrate abnormal movement --if either occur, indicates disease *dobutamine:* -resting study (measure EJ, how well heart is contracting, and LV wall) -assess heart muscle under stress -may use dobutamine meds when cannot use treadmill (speeds up HR) -once target HR reached take image and compare --closely monitor for adverse effects of meds!!! cardiac catheterization - ANSWER-used to diagnose and treat cardiovascular conditions catheter inserted into artery or vein in groin, neck, or arm the threaded to reach heart *purposes:* ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 -locate narrowing or blocks in coronary arteries -perform hemodynamic assessment -evaluate cardiac pressures -biopsies -diagnose congenital heart defects -diagnose heart valve abnormalities and defects revascularization procedures - ANSWER-percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty with stent(s) laser angioplasty coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) - ANSWER-cateter with deflated balloon inserted in groin and threaded to narrow portion of coronary artery -inflate balloon, decreases plaque build up -can be used during active ischemia to decrease myocardial wall damage -usually for younger single vessel disease clients with more distal sites ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 2. calcium channel antagonists 3. diuretics angiotension-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors - ANSWER-treat hypertension reduce myocardial oxygen demand, reduces vascular resistance and resting/exercise BP may increase exercise tolerance with left ventricular dysfunction calcium channel antagonists - ANSWER-treat hypertension, angina, atrial fibrillation, and supraventricular tachycardia reduce ischemia by altering determinants of oxygen supply and demand reduces resting/exercise BP (sometimes HR) diuretics - ANSWER-for mild hypertension reduce BP by increasing renal secretion of sodium and potassium loss of water in urine mildly affects resting/exercise BP may increase exercise tolerance in clients with congestive heart failure antiarrhythmics - ANSWER-can cause dizziness, dry mouth, and low blood sugar fluid intake and blood sugar check performed routinely may need to modify intensities when appropriate 1. digitalis 2. amiodarone 3. adenosine 4. lidocaine 5. procainamide 6. atropine ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 digitalis - ANSWER-treat congestive heart failure enhances myocardial contractility, increase stroke volume SA and AV node conduction, reducing resting.exercise HR w. tachycardia and atrial fibrillation amiodarone - ANSWER-treat tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, and atrial fibrillation acts like beta-blocker and potassium channel blocker on SA and AV nodes increases refractory period via sodium and potassium channel effects slowing intra cardiac conduction adenosine - ANSWER-treat supraventricular tachycardia, AV reentrant tachycardia, and AV nodal reentrant tachycardia transient heart block in AV node cell hyperpolarization increasing outward potassium flux when used to cardiovert abnormal heart rhythm, enters ventricular asystole for few seconds ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 lidocaine - ANSWER-treatment of stable, monomorphic ventricular tachycardia diastolic depolarization and decreases automaticity decrease action potential duration and effective refractory period, raising ventricular fibrillation threshold procainamide - ANSWER-used to treat supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias sodium channel blocker that blocks open sodium channels and prolongs cardiac action potential slowed conduction and decrease rate of rise in action potential atropine - ANSWER-treats brachycardia, 2md degree heat block mobitz type I, and 3rd degree heart block with high purkinjee or AV nodal escape rhythm increases firing rate of SA node and conduction through AV node of heart and blocks action of vagus nerve (part of heart that decreases HR) bronchodialators - ANSWER-asthma or COPD have difficulty exercising for extended durations -use short, intermittent bouts, rest as needed, begin at very low intensity -monitor for dyspnea -take asthma medications prior to exercising and have inhaler available -frequently check O2 levels with pulse oximeter 1. anticholinergics 2. sympathomimetics (beta2-receptor agonists) 3. anticholinergics with sympathomimetics (beta2-recepto agonists) 4. xanthine derivatives 5. leukotriene antagonists and formation inhibitors (American association of family physicians) 6.mast cell stabilizers anticholinergics - ANSWER-increase exercise capatiy w/ clients limited by bronchospasm ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 bigaunides - ANSWER-decrease hepatic glucose production and intestinal glucose absorption no effect on rest/exercise HR and BP glucosidase inhibitors - ANSWER-inhibit glucose absorption and have no effect on resting/exercise HR and BP meglitinides and sulfonylureas - ANSWER-stimulate pancreatic islet beta cells no effect on resting/exercise HR and BP thiazolidinediones - ANSWER-increase insulin sensitivity no effect on rest/exercise HR and BP insulin - ANSWER-caries how acts base on type -no effect on resting/exercise HR and BP ACSM PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM REVIEW WELL ELABORATED 2022/2023 *1. rapid acting (mealtime insulin):* onset occurring 5-15 minutes, peak at 45-90 minutes, overall duration of 3-4 hours *2. intermediate acting:* covers need for half day or overnight, typically combined with rapid. onset at 1-2.5 hours, peak at 3-12 hours, overall duration 18-24 hours *3. long lasting:* covers needs for full day, typically combined when necessary with rapid or intermediate. onset at 30min-3 hours, peak at 6-20 hours, overall duration 24- 36 hours psychotropics - ANSWER-help with depression and anxiety can increase drowsiness and dizziness -don't exercise too soon after injection! -adequate fluids 1. monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) 2. tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) 3. selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
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