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American Foreign Policy and National Interest - Midterm Exam | POLI 4043, Study notes of Political Science

AFP Midterm Material Type: Notes; Professor: Mokeba; Class: AMER FOREIGN POLICY; Subject: Political Science; University: Louisiana State University; Term: Winter 2012;

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Download American Foreign Policy and National Interest - Midterm Exam | POLI 4043 and more Study notes Political Science in PDF only on Docsity! American Foreign Policy 01/06/2013  Blow back: Where your policy at any given period end up hurting you  Mujahedean= Taliban Islam and  poly walier (soviets)  Taliban  Somalia  Same in Laden sept 11  US alive  Intervention: Over emphasize Military (troops)  Political Power  Diplomacy  Historical Role  America became a  Sole Surviving Super Power (after 1945 people began using this phrase)  What does it mean? o At the end of the cold war, we remained the only country to dominate o The United States places such a important role on politics o US  Indispensable  The world needs the US  The world cannot do much without the US  The world revolves around the impulses by the US  Some argue we should not aruge the US is a Super Power abdicate since 1990 some say we are becoming too selective o We pick and chose o We are Frugal / we are poor miserable, lowsy  Hegemon Power, country that dominates command respect “hollow” not something big and strong and effective o We have created an Empire  Imperfect empire or some argue that we are an empire in denial o We often tend to be too impatient o WE often tend to questions ourselves as to what we are and what we really are  Interacts with other countries  Indispensable role in the world  Way it interacts with other counties o Foreign Policy  Our image is that we think so wonderful of what America is  Reality is bitter as to what America really is  American F P is like a Pastor / Teacher  We like your country but we hate its foreign policy  It is contradictory, hypocritical  No one will ever satisfy everyone else  United States faces such crisis  So many debates surrounding AFP  Is it hegemon?  Is it an empire?  Obama (president of the world) selected for Americans interest  National Interest: o Why do we study AFP? AFP in todays world determines much of what goes on in the international scene which means that the US remains the most important country on the world scene for that reason in an increasing interdependent world (no one is an island, connected in so many diverse ways) o People outside of the US know a lot more about our FP than we do  Varied view points: Represents varied view points and perspectives as to what the US is and what the US should be  PERSONAL: FP can be highly personal  Change, continuity  Has Historical and contemporary value  When something happens on the world scene, the US can show interest in that issue through any 4 of the following: 1. Show concern 2. Have some presence in that area 3. They can exercise come influence in that area 4. Exercised full control i. SILENCE : mistake, shows we don’t care  Morsi/gaza Israel crisis  Hyper power: French said the US is too involved and wants to say something whenever something happens  Concern: Ready to answer questions everything that goes on in the world effects us if things are not stable in the world it endangers our equilibrium  Presence: Us often has business men and troops in other countries provideds the need for Protection  Us tends to act very quicky when crisis goining on  Influence: bc of powerful role the united stats plays they can make decisions  Control: a country can single-handedly determine outcomes (decide what should happen, when it should happen) this type of influence is not exercised effectively by any country including the US  The US seem not to have control over the Taliban, Pakistan, Haman  Most of nonstate actors have not , not able to deal effectively  How can you find example of these? Some phrase, Line, that shows that  Make answers more compelling use other sources  Is Us more of an Empire, Hegemon, SuperPower?  Hegemonic Power: kind of entity that has indirect control (influence) over a given geographical area or geopolitical area, where you establish yourself on top of that region or area, put yourself in control of that area and no other can test that type of influence that you have o Charles Kravthammer: he believes US needs to accept its role as a hegemonic power and not try to object or deny it. Blames Liberalism (liberals) for not accepting america’s ascendancy of the world o Liberals are in Decline o We don’t stand up for America o We are ashamed and should be proud of being #1 in the world  ARROGANCE OF POWER , they do not want to appear to be arrogant, this idea keeps reoccurring in AFP  The first time it was used it come from US senator (Arkansas) William Fulbright, head of senate foreign commissions committee 1966  John Kerry today (democrat), Richard Lugar (rep)  Study abroad scholarship Fulbright scholarships  Fulbright argued many great empires have collapsed b/c their leaders did not have the wisdom and the good judgment to use their power wisely  We have now reached a historical point at which a great nation is in danger of losing its perspective on what exactly is within its realm of power ad what is beyond it. (referring to Vietnam) o Sen. Byrd said the same about Iraq o Obama has done well in trying to avoid involvement in other peoples business b/c of what he inhereited from Bush o I have traveled everywhere and the feeling of humiliation has been heavier on Bush then any other American President.  Waving goodbye to Hegemony : Parag Khanna suggest that the US is in relative decline military and economically (should expect to be where we were before) The rise of others has not done a fatal damage to America’s control of the world  Kaplan: claims that US Hegemony may be in decline but only to a degree o Claims the US is still a hegemonic power of some kind b/c it influences world politics from a position in which no other country can  Henry Alfred Kissinger argues that the US will remain powerful but not hegemonic  HOW DO MAINTAIN YOUR POWER WHILE REMAINING HEGEMONIC? Fine line  Empire Idea  Nial Ferguson: Empire in Denial  Argues: although being a super power doesn’t mean that you become an empire  He claimes that the influence of the US and the world is so strong that it qualifies that it is an empire  Only diff b/w US and British : DEFICITS o Economic deficts: cannot truly control the world when our own economy is not in order i. What makes it so important was communism but not that there is no communism fill it with every other problem going on in the world ii. Become so much more different to determine what our national interest are  Michael Mandelbaum  Frugal Super power  Made argument US not just a world government but a frugal super power   When ppl study foreign policy how do they study?  Defensive Realism: somewhat difference in the sense when a country wants to maintaining is powerful status it does so without offending other countries o Without offending  Offensive Realism: idea that a country would play a major role to defend its status (on the world scene) o Doesn’t care about being offensive  Bush more offensive than Obama  Context and timing play an important role, events happen b/c certain particular  Would lead to a certain actions  Multipolar: Multiple centers of power that operate at one particular time  the center of power in the world at any given time  before 1945  most believe it’s the least secure system b/c when you have multiple countries as equals creates competition = Wars  Bipolar : 2 centers of power  1945-1990  US/SU  Unipolar: only 1 country that dominates international politics  Since 1990  Dependent, countries heavily dependent on Us  Do not expect ww  US and China  Ghetto Wars  Valarie Hudson: FP has been studied through several generations  1. First Generation: which 60’s to 1970’s which it described growth and much of the studies done at this time involved examining the various SOCIETAL INFLUENCES  Graham Allison : the essence of decisions  Organized process  Bureaucratic politics  Rational actol : examination of your cost and benefits 1. 2nd Generation: 85-95: building of middle-range theories, multicausal explanation varied of other issues that play a role 2. Third Generation: Since 1990’s if you study FP try to limit your scope i. Dynamic theory: something that lasts over time and not just a particular period ii. Policy-relevant: the fact that 1. Jeane Kirkpatrick Un amb- How to deal with dictators and Authoritarian a. Better to deal with authoritarians b/c can never change dictators b. Reagan Doctrine: (Soviet- sponsored regimes) played a key role in Afghanistan, Nicaragua, Angola, Mozambique c. North Korea biggest Ally is China, US try to get to China through NK d. Hillary e. Susan rice: most believe she is not becoming secretary of state b/c of Benghazi, doesn’t get along with others temperament f. War in the Congo (Rwanda) Susan Rice has been a big supporter g. Soft v. Hard Power h. Obama’s New Asia policy: Pivot to Asia, means rebalancing. For a long time our FP has been focused on Europe and now for a change we move away from Europe and getting more involved with Asia (money)  Tuesday 12/18/12  1. In recent times Obama put all FP on hold until after November  Domestic politics: impacts on FP  If country is having troubles domestically makes  When dp affects FP = Intermestic connected when dom pol affect international politics the two cannot be separated from each other  Research Paper  U.S. Pakistani relations 700 million  National Interest  Libya  Presidential debate on FB  Islamic Terrorism  the new communism o Communism driving force o Islam that involves some type of terrorism leads to some kind of action  HISTORY o Barbara A Cleary: Visiting Germany in 1963, friends and I eating at café Germans asked if we were Americans they insisted on paying for our dinner, prisoners of Americans during the war and they treated us so well, moment made her proud to be an American o In Iraq we held prisioners as well but we tortured them  We were a better country then we seem to be today o Ronald Reagaon : good days of America are still ahead (optimistic)  History teaches us so much about ourselves o Frank Klingberg: make things easy for everyone  The study of AFP history: can be examined in 5 different periods that lasts about 20-30 years and each of these periods seem to coincide with an introvert phase and extrovert phase in AFP  Every 20-30 years AFP seems to be changing  First 30 introvert  Next 30 extrovert  Introvert striving to be isolationism  Extrovert  In AFP there were periods of isolationism and interventionism  4 Introvert and Extrovert Periods  Introvert first period 1776-1798  Avoid Entangling alliances  Extrovert phase 1798 -1824  Highlighted with US war with G. Britain 1812  Monroe 1823  Second Introverison Period 1824-1844  Conflict with indian tribes  Controversy over slavery  Second Extroversion period 1844-1871  Defined by Manifest Destiny belief and War with Mexico o Americans having too many children, gaining new lands o The more kids you have and need land we go to Mexico  Walter La Feberre: Inevitable Revolutions o Lead to revolution with the kind of relationship they have with the US o Find own way and identity  Third Introvert period: 1871-1891  Internal Devlelopment stocktaking  Third Extrovert period: 1891-1918  War with spain  1898 WW1  ANTI-Imperialist League/movement  Movement organized to limited June 1898 war of limiting America’s expansion to the war  Philippines  Argument made by these guys was simple, getting new terrorities was wrong on the following grounds o 1. In violation of the constitiution of the US o 2. Economic drain to the resources of the country o 3. Belief that gaining other terroritories would cause diplomatic probs with other countries o 4. Subject other peoples lives was Morally wrong  guys who made us these movement were mostly conservatives  claimed we worry more about our own territory, it prosperity  we are spacial and god given territory  the movement had one big achievement when it ALMOST defeated the signing of the treaty of Paris 1898 o In the end the movement failed because  1. Always on the negative side of the debate  2. The leaders were from Massachusetts  3. Not much trend of Unity in what they were trying to do  4. They fell b/c America was just destined to be a great power o 2003 war dominated by young = difference b/w the two o Sept 11  After 1898, when we gained control of the Philippines  Open-Door Policy (me-too policy): Made America Strong, Plan to become strong o Me too policy we were too involved in Asia that we wanted to put our foot in the door  Idea that the US has truly become a major power and deserved some kind of respect from other countries  Idea based on the request by the US, should receive equal commission, financial and geopolitical benefits like other countries operating in the Asia continent  Accept America as a major power  ODP also meant that by becoming a World power US had no choice anymore becoming involved in WW1 o FOR NEXT 20 YEAR THIS WAS THE MOST IMPORTANT BLUE PRINT THAT WAS USED BY THE US IN ITS FIGHT AGAINST THE SOVIETS o THE REASON FOR THE DOC. THE US WAS FACING SETBACK B/ C OF THE BELIEF THAT THEY SEEMED TO BE LOSING  THE BERLIN BLOCKADE  CZECH COUP  COMMUNIST INFILTRATION INTO WESTERN EUROPE  COMMUNIST VICTORY IN CHINA 1949  With all of these things happening NSC 68 suggested a soviet take over of the world was anti-theoretical (damaging) to American Interest  United states had to be UNITED in its determination to fight communism  Single-Mindedness : fact that a consensus finally did exist on what to do with soviet domination  Principle ideas mentioned in NSC 68: 1. No negotiation with the soviets 2. Develop the hydrogen bomb 3. Build up conventional forces 4. Large Tax increased to pay for these expenditures 5. Sacrifice unity from the public 6. Strong Alliance with major Allies = CREATION OF NATO 1949 7. This document did not just called for containment but for absolute victory over soviet imperialism, ROLLBACK STRATEGY i. Containment taking away some territory and just let them have it ii. Rollback is when you seize that territory that they used to have make it your own and they go disappear and go somewhere b. Document: Bellicose nature/ militant tone created war KOREA 1. Japan first controlled Korea 2. Soviet took over that region i. Became communist ii. Became an obsession of ours to rollback communism here iii. US decided to take action iv.Us came to argue that the Truman Doctrine does not only apply to Europe but now could be applied to Asia v. Truman Doctrine March 12, 1947 a. Believe that it must be the policy of the US to support free peoples that are facing attempted subjugation from armed minorities and from outside pressures b. It does not use the word communism at all even though the words armed minorities and outside pressures defined communism c. Become the 10 commandments during this period d. A blank check given to the president to conduct FP anyway he sees fit e. Consensus happened this time not necessarily a good thing i. This obsession of consensus often leads to disasters ii. Which didn’t happen in Korea but later happened in Vietnam (disasters) f. Walter La feber June 1950, The country of Korea lacked virtually everything except authoritarian leaders, illiteracy, epidemics, poverty (no reason to be there) expect the fact that we didn’t want the communist to be there g. McCarthy became a big time hero b/c he pushed back the North Koreans back to 38th parallel in the end the war in Korea was a disaster based on the amount of ppl who lost their lives 32,000 American killed in action, 20,000 died of other causes, 103,000 were wounded h. When Mc Carthy returned to US given a hero Welcome, believed he was trader o Rejected Multilater  1945 We embraced o we have become number 1 and we needed the tools o The united nations became an important instrument 1940 and 1950’s the US was able to dominate the proceedings at the United Nations in a sense that up until 1970  resolutions passed by united nations security council vetoed most of those resolutions o Before 1970 US good guy felt good about UN o After 1970, Resolution Soviets became the good guys and the US the bad guys  US POISON UN  Those in government do not seem to trust in the fairness of the United Nations  US payed and still pays the most amount to of the budget used to pay 30% , then 25% and no reduced to 22%  This could mean for some reason the US does not trust the organization  By paying less it tends to reduce the inference the US has in the United nations  Palestine Issue  John Bolton recess appt :  Zalmay Khalizad Bush appointed (Afghanistan) Ambassador, THE US IMAGE AT UN BEGAN TO APPROVE  Obama has style of diplomacy that is not very helpful in bringing Allies to the US  United states Champion of International Law = losing that title where we used to be an ambassador  Iran-Contra  Represents a tendency to conduct sacred FP agenda by bypassing the constitutional process  Which means: in defiance of congressional restrictions the president tried to pursue his own FP by providing funding to the contras for monies that US had made when they sold weapons to IRAN o We should not have not been  send weapons to Iran  supporting the contras  against the authority of Congress  tomorrow’s lecture tied to this  Tower Commission was established (rep of TX)  Issued a report that he constitution of the US places the president and the congress in a dynamic tension o Both have certain rights, certain areas and have to work together for these 2 to be effective  1970’s when the US b/c of the Vietnam Sydrome Iran was selected as one of the regional policemen to do America’s dirty business in the world (become big time allies) love leader : Shah  distance b/w him and his population o Iran was alienated by their ppl b/c their leader was so close to the US (poison) and began Islamic revolution o New Leader: Ayatollah Khomeini  Hostage crisis  Tehran  Sent a bible  US sell weapons secretly to government  Switzerland  When Reagan came to power had famous Reagan Doctrine: regions backed by soviet union should be kicked out of power one was Nicaragua  started providing help  Contras (congress supporting aid )  Then congress stop supporting  Money from Switzerland and sent to contras and was in violation  Oliver North took blame for everything, showed how one single person could be able to conduct AFP on his own terms  Argument made by tower commission, president and congress  President wants someone SUSAN RICE and congress wants someone else   Wednesday 12/19/12  QUESTION ON TEST: The History of the Unites States 5pts  1. -How would you account for the way the US became a world power?  2.-Who prevails between a dispute amongst the president and congress on one hand  -Who prevail on a dispute between the state department and the department of defense  3.-Role played by interest groups, intellengence agencies, political parties, the press, public opinion and discuss the role they play in FP?  4. Definition section (3) A, B, C worth 6 pts select on from each column  these ppl tend to be disinterested in FP  Also play roles in FP:  SUPREME COURT involved in FP  The Treasury department involved in FB  Trade Representative FP  Department of Congress  Attorney General  The outside world: Afhanistan and other countries o Plays an important role in AFP o Also want to influence what American does in FP  Everyone wants to have a say, which policy is going to prevail is a difficult choice the president has to make.  Contending for influence, difficult choice pres has to make   Jentelson: 4 P’s  Despite the difficult job the president has he remains the decider (bush said this)  While the president succeeds in FP depends on several factors: o 1. His FP experience o 2. His individual characteristics or attributes o 3. His World view (his image of what is in the world and how the world works) o 4. The role of his senior Advisors o 5. Bureaucratic Politics and organizational process involved in FB (are they fighting with one another)  Bush: 4.5/10, friendlier/stubborn  World view: he didn’t see any middle ground just this guy is good or bad  Role of senior advisor: Cheney, Rumsfeld: secretary of Defense, Wolfowitz  Beaucratic pols: DOD often argues in favor of S.D.  Obama: More open to the world, more embraced by the world 5/10, why he selected Biden as VP to help him because he knows he (Obama) wasn’t very strong, aloof/contemplative before he decides on something  World view: complexity  Role of Senior Advisor: Biden VP, Clinton State department  Beaucratic pls: o Out of 10 pts: o Most successful president in FP GHW Bush  Best prepared president to be Security of State   In a study done by McCormick he seems to suggest that American FP is characterized by PRESIDENTAL DOMINANCE however  Hillman’s suggest the president’s are NOT kings: don’t have all the power in the world to make FP  Nathan Oliver claims that as of 1947: President Harry Truman had a lot more powers that even ppl like Napolean and Caesar would envy Truman  However by 1970 Oliver suggest that the presidency has been imperial and diminished: the powers the president seemed to have have gone away o Why? The Vietnam war  The president was given so much power the country had come to some kind of consensus  And the more consensus you have only leads to trouble/ disaster  President wasn’t doing job effective  FP argument today powers of president has diminished, the president often tends to thrive when there is a major international crisis we decide to give the president all the powers  We give them the benefit of the doubt  OVERSELL: When a major crisis does exist the president power seems to increase and for that reason president often tend to magnify/exaggerate a crisis in order to obtain or gain more power (Theodore Lowi)  When you do this too much it becomes old  USATODAY had a study: Since 1945 American President’s often face a major FP crisis early in their presidency  Harry Truman: had to deal with the atomic bomb 4 month after taking office (japan)  Kennedy: dealt with poss. Crisis of Cuban missile 3 mothns after taking office  George W. Bush: Sept 11, 8 months after taking office  The president controls a huge bureaucracy when it comes to FP making this does not include the state department or the department of defense  Includes the National Security Council : dominated by the president himself, created after the 2nd ww to give president influence and control over FP so he could effectively handle the crisis  It has been argued the current nsc under the Obama admin is 4 times larger (200 members) than the staff Nixon, carter, and George H W Bush had  The question is whether having such a huge staff would lead to effectiveness to FP  The current national security advisor: Tom Donilon  Its best to not know who these guys are (seen less)  Condi rice too much a public figure than doing her job, seemed to have done a lowsy job as nat. sec. advisor and did a much better job as sec. of state  One person who combined these two jobs together was Henry A. Kissinger under president Nixon, o 1982 Reagan (global) would support anticommunist forces in 3rd world countries that are trying to overthrown soviet backed regimes o 1989 Bush I (Europe) dealt with a new world order (post cold war) that the Us would do everything to intergreate former soviet union and its empires into the new world o 1999 Clinton (global) American Power and common interest should be used for the interest of humanity o 2001 Bush II,(ME) After 9/11 Policies , statements he made about for us or against us (arguments of terrorism) ideas designed to give America pre-emptive strikes  Theme in all doctrines is ME is seen the most  Obama too early to judge anyone who is currently in office 01/06/2013  CONGRESS AND FP  THE PRESIDENT CLEARLY DOMINATES THE FP PROCESS  THE ONLY OBSTACLE THE PRESIDENT FACES USUALLY COMES FROM CONGRESS  B/C CONGRESS SHOULD NOT BE SEEN AS AN OBSTACLE EVEN THOUGH THIS SEEMS TO BE THE WIDELY HELD PERSPECTIVE THE TRUTH REMAINS THAT THE ROLE OF THE CONGRESS IS CLEARLY DEFINED IN THE CONSTITUION OF THE US  that constitution does not give the president a monopoly in the conduct of AFP o when congress participates in FP one can see certain advantages in the sense it creates a better PUBLIC AWARENESS o when congress involved creates a better public awareness o publicity often given to congressional hearings makes local people and public opinion gain a better understanding of what goes on in FP  the idea that congress is an obstacle or that they intrude in the FP process needs to revised o In a study done by Lieber her argues “American Primacy on the international scene” he suggest that the influence of the president is different than the role played by the congress o President:  Has more decisive action when it comes to FP  More proactive  Could be secretive in FP o Congress:  Tend to be more deliberative when it comes to FB  While congressional characterized by delay  While congressional involvement leads to diversity of opinion and greater democracy (brings democracy back into the FP process) o TOWER COMMISSION: Dynamic tension b/w president and Congress  Jentelson examines US constitution: the powers the president has are largely diff than congressional powers  War Powers (act) o Role on Treaties o Role on Appointments o Foreign Trade and commerce o General Powers  Congress and the President Roles  According to const. Congress declares war while president serves as commander in Chief  When it coms to treaties: Congress ratifies treaties and president negotiates them  When it comes to appointment the president nominates officials while the congress has to confirm them (Susan Rice)  When it comes to foreign trade and commerce president has no explicit powers and congress has most of the powers however has allowed president to negotiate treaties with other countries and congress will approve them  Executive (president) Congress has legislative and power of power, congress controls the money  Oversight: Who deals  Could argue that congress is vital, significant realize that they too want something  Crab and Holt: In a study they make the argument that for a long time congress had all these powers but in the period after WW2 they were largely content to leave FP in executive hands  Trying to give pres. More power  Congress abdicate their function  They felt the country was facing a crisis and threatened  The white house seems to get the upperhand when crisis occurs o Congress allows the white house : Imperial Presidency, given the predidnt, executive branch all the powers that was needed when found necessary o Consensus: Korea, Vietnam,  Disarray  Any country doing business with cuba would Not be allowed to do business in the US , when that act was passed several countries (allies with Us) sued the US and Clinton decided to make a deal that act would stay in place but would never be implemented  USAID  United states information agency should not be funded because Al jezera does it better  Why US has not signed ICC or UNCLOS  Helms had a huge influence on AFP while he was in control and when Lugar took over from Helms he was not able to have such an influence, even with a republica maj. He was not able to get a republican nominee to join  Because Lugar was weaker it showed it played a key role into the effectiveness  Secret Gun  Obama FP o When it comes to the House the previous leader Rps- Leithne made headlines in 2010 when she called funds for UN to be suspended b/c the UN does not agree with AFP most of the time  Cuban background = anti castro and she called for US FP  Ed Royce  Iran  Only give aid to Palestine if they do things that the US wants  World Powers Act : act passed by congress which requests that the president must consult with congress before putting troops in hostility anywhere in the world.  Also those troops must be removed within 60 days if congress does not declare war against the country where troops have been located  This: Takes back the powers (commander in chief power) that president generally has  designed by congress for the benefit of congress and most presidents have not except it o Limits what the president can do and how they do it     Trade Promotional Authority : gives the president the power to go negotiate trade deals with other countries  Important b/c: when the president has such powers any deal that it negotiates would be accepted by congress  Congress being nice to president, when you have this power congress no reject  Countries are willing to know if the president has such power b/c whether or not accept deals   Conflict b/w the two who prevails: the President  DOD : department of Defense   Benghazi article:   Friday: political parties, interest groups, intelligence, public opinion and press   Depart of Defense: represents the security complex that conducts American FP  Depart. of State: represents the diplomatic complex  Argument is that when there is a disagreement b/w the 2 complexes the security complex usually prevails (depart of Def) which means in conduct of AFP since 1945 the Defense depart. Has played an increasingly important role.  2004 (critical time in Iraq war) Book: Andrew Bacevich “the new American militarism” he claims that America has fallen in love with milititary power as a means for its global influence  critical of the defense dep o DOD prevails for these reasons  The Us went to war in Irag in 2001 eventhough the secretary of state at the time Collin Powell was not in favor of the war  Rumsfel/wolfovitz view prevailed over powell  The white house and Def. dep claimed it was okay to torture prisoners the state department has objected to torture, The defense department prevailed b/c it was what they wanted state dep on wrong side of the deal  Bremel Ad –Iraq first administrator in Iraq after over throw os sadama Huss. He was a diplomat working for state dep but when he got to Iraq dealing more with dep of def  DOD has gained expoinentially over the years more than any other Us departmental department  Their growth can be see in the function and influence that the pentagon has  The pentagon is? The building that houses the department  The growth of the pentagon goes as far back as the period when the cold war began and the military was used as instrument to fight against communism  Witt the Truman Doctrine in 1947 the Us began a policy based on containment then that policy was amened to improve massive retaliation, rollback strategy , pre- emptive strike has = force places a huge role in DOD  Partly for this reason the Pentagon DOD has seen its budget grow since the 1950’s (all the roles they have to play, things they have to preform)  2003 budget = 449, 2007=472  SEQUESTARIAN MECHANISM: If a deal is not done b/w congress and President certain things are going to have to be given up. Gov. needs to do something to make sure this fiscal cliff doesn’t happen because penetta is going to cause signif. Setback for military in its development  Controlled by several remarkable individual, major role and became heros for America:  Shwarzkop involved in first war in Iraq  Petraeus: CIA  Colin Powell if you don’t have an exit strategy you should never go to war = Collin Powell Doctrine  MCNamara: Defene Secretary during Vietnam l  Cheney: defense Secretary Gulf war  Caspar Weinberger  Donald Rumsfeld : served for Bush II, level or Arrogance very arrogant tone, he accused Europeans of having been divided by new and old Europe : Old = gernmans, French who did not support up , also suggest you go to war with the army that you have and not the one that you wish  The best defense security in recent times served during bush and Obama: Bob Gates, he has called on the Pentagon to come up with a balance strategy  Not to be so absorbed in military action and function but try to do something diff in civilian life as well o He has been willing to encourage congress to provide more funding for the State department and that way the state department can have more money for the things they need to do and military will be less involved in disputes I the world o He was able to raise the moral of the troops of the troops who work in the Pentagon unlike Mr. Rumsfeld who was arrogant and didn’t care about their lifestyles  Wolfitz brain behind Us going to war in Iraq   State Department  State department has be infiltrated but the defense department  What is odd about it’s name? Most countries call it the ministry of external affairs. Why do we call it the state dept? at a certain time in History, these department was giving the task of performing several state functions including Protection of the seal of the United State, Registration of major US documents doing things state related and even though they don’t preform those functions anymore the name has not been changed.  The state dept represents the diplomatic complex in foreign policy making in the senate , oldest post in U.S. council, original foreign policy establishmnet   Original FP Establishment: First preformed most but not the only one anymore Other institutions, departments have emerged that play an important role in America Diplomacy  State dep now has to compete with other departments and instutions : (include)  National Security Council: is one among them controlled by president  Department of Defense: also take away power of dep of state  Congress  Department of commerce  Office of the Us trade representative  The justice department o All also play various roles in conduct of FP o US has widest range of diplomatic relations than any other country in the world, clearly plays an important role in Today’s world Politics o Another that plays an important role is: The Vatican o Some of the few countries with no relationship with US  Iran: us interest in this country is represented by Switzerland  Cuba: interest mission in each other’s country, o The irony in US FP the country with the largest Us embassy in the world is Iraq, when it was opened many US diplomats refused to go be deployed in Iraq  Equatorial guinea: the united states closed its embassy In 1980’s for major human rights violations but after oil was discovered by US companies and most ppl who do oil business endup in those countries even though many human rights issues still exist, they operate there b/c of oil  The State department coordinates all non-militry overseen by US but done outside the US is controlled by the state department, involves thousand of ppl, 16,000 work abroad and 8,000 work in the US  Among those in 16,000 who work abroad are those who are not citizens of the US  ALTHOOUGH THE DEFENSE DEP. Dominates when there conflict b/w the state and the defense department, the truth remains that the post of Secretary of State is the one that carries the most prestigue when it comes to covant posting in the US administrations  HOWEVER PRESTIGE that it has does not translate into power and influence o Colin Powell: Secretary of State at once o John Kerry: could have been president but now lobbying like crazy to be Secretary of State o Hilary Clinton:  There is some kind of charm that seems to sourround the Secretary of State  Coup d’etat military overthrows the gov of a country in today’s world it is seen as wrong when you see it happened you automatically condemn it (prearranged Responses)  Sometimes it might be better for the military to take over in certain circumstances, find something unique about it (Standard Operating procedures)   Since Sept 11 US embassies abroad have be infiltrated and overwhelmed by the presence of military officials who pretend to be part of the diplomatic staff  So much trouble and concern for diplomats  Richard J Burnett has made an argument in a book that was entitled the roots of war that the reason the state department has decline in import in American FP is b/c the US organized itself after 1945 firmly toward conduct of war which means that AFP during that period has become more militaristic and less diplomatic  Because of the department of Defense  Infiltrating their areas ex.  In a Bulletion pub. By former foreign service officals several articles suggest the high level of despair  The is a problem in the culture of state department  One that saps our will damages our moral and lowers our productivity  When Cond. Rice becaome Sec of State (bush admin) she came up with a new idea that she describes as a transformational diplomacy. Diplomats should do less observing, analyzing and reporting and more persuading, advocating and more effecting change  She claimed diplomats should not just focus on what the gov of other countries are doing but also eliminating poverty, recuing desease and promoting democracy  She required that diplomats should world outside the capital city, should go to other parts of the city  Only problem State dep need money, transformation dipl become empty rhetic where nothing true or good came out of it  2 ppl play important role here: o 1. Either promote the morale within the state dept itself o 2. Try to improve your image in the eyes of the president  All this is tied to how close you are with the president of the country  When you are close to him you do thing to help make him look better (Rice)  If not close (powell) do things to help department itself o To argue in a study that was done several years ago, it was arugued that among graduates which kind of job would you want?  #3 work abroad SD  Intelligence  Political Parties  Interest Groups  The Press  Public Opinion  Definition and explain their role in foreign policy 01/06/2013  RESEARCH PAPER  Islam Places where Obama has failed  Libya  Syria  Mali  Drone  Egypt   Question 3 on Exam  Intelligence: The institution that got most of the blame when Sept 11 happened  Has gone through the biggest reform since (national security)  Intelligence is often described as the first line of defense which means that if the US does not have reliable most intelligence this means that their national security is in danger  Intelligence involved in preventing any kind of dangers from foreign countries and provide any early warning of possible attack o Requires a lot of planning o Stationing ppl in strategic locations where they will be able to get some kind of information  2 Ways of collecting information  Human Int : Spys get information from people  Tech Int: technology to get info  In recent time the the argument has been made that the Us seems to be emphasizing Technological Intelligence over Human Intel critized by several ppl that US had sufficient human intel then sept 11 may have been avoided o Info on Sept on 10 big match coming  translated September 12 o Those that have ciritized made arg. That most of our intel methods are still tied to the cold war and they are struggling to adapt to the new threats today like Al Queda o Consensus on bipartisanship after 9/11 but it didn’t seem to last very long  2003-4 Bipartisanship had disappeared o Senator Byrd of W. Virginia. Sent a warning to colleagues on issue of bipartisanship it may be good for the pres when we have bipartisanship but may be bad for American Diplomacy in general (long run) 2002  All of these things are symbols that we have of them in but different in reality  Interest Groups  See them play important roles today. Can influence events that take place in AFP  Any organization or coalition of organizations that tend to influence FP o AIPAC : defend or ensure that America always stands with Isreal, give most of our foreign aid to Isreal o CANF: largely supporting republicans, largely weaker now  Policy makers  take interest groups very seriously especially the ones that have money. Lobby the congress to somehow pass various laws o Farmers lobby them to make sure to bring some kind of profit to them o Political groups/issue play an important role in FP o NeoCons led US to go to war in 2003, after 9/11 big on going to war before them there was committee on the present Danger they oppose communism, do everything to push Russia away o State and local official can play role in FP as well  Louisiana would like to get involved in selling crawfish abroad  Cartlin Blanco  The terminator (Arnold S.) conducted FP on issues on like global warming, visiting world leaders on his own terms o Foreign Gov make sure that they interest are pretected in America o Henry Kissinger Assoc: influence what kind of policy America can make o John Pendergast (Clooney) --> South Sudan, led by people who have strong connection abroad  The Press  The media plays important role in FP but often their role tends to contradict the role that is played by the government o The press is in the business of revelation while the government is in the business of concealment o Complicated relationship b/w 2  The US during the war of Iraq the US began to practice a strategy of embedded journalist  Embedded journalism refers to news reporters being attached to military units involved in armed conflicts. While the term could be applied to many historical interactions between journalists and military personnel, it first came to be used in the media coverage of the 2003 invasion of Iraq.  Work for major networks and given military uniforms to wear, talk to troops, see the troops problem with this  The role of the press has been transformed in AFP, in the sense that just like what congress did after 1945, the press allowed the predident/exec branch conduct FP any way he wanted to because of the threat of communism but as that threat began to disapper the press began to play critical roles in FP and the reason for this change like anything else in AFP was the crisis in Vietnam. Since V the press has been more critical of the gov exemplified in major emphasis of crisis area  1. Opposition to contras  2. Opposed to the apartheid in Africa (regean admin)  3. 1979 Hostage crisis Iran (Nightline) o Biggest problem with press is they are too Liberal: Fox News seen as a welcome of news coverage, their claim to be fair and balanced could be questioned o MSNBC o American press takes sides and takes different angles, somewhat hurting America’s public opinion o Influence of the press is diminishing b/c of social media, people can go to other sources to get information o  Public Opinion : what people feel and how they buld their minds on FB  Can only have an opinion if you read and know what is goinging  Problem: most Americans do not read and don’t know what is going on, reluctant to learn FP  AFP: is not heavily affected by what ppl think about it partly b/c that knowledge is lacking from a public that seems disinterested in Foreign issues o Jentelson: The American public could be divided into 2 categories  1. Neo Isolationist (59%) – those who want restrict America’s global involvement, don’t see a need for us to be involved in Syria  Apathetic: don’t care 39%  Antagonist: America always number one, just better 20%  2. Neo Internationalist (41%) – people who believe the US should be involved in world affairs even if the cold war is over  Attentives: see foreign policy as relevant 27%  Activists: 14%    Institution that got most of the blame for Benghazi was the State Department
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