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Translation Challenges: English vs. Bahasa Indonesia's Grammar, Exams of English Language

LinguisticsTranslation and Interpreting StudiesApplied Linguistics

The difficulties in translating languages, specifically English into Bahasa Indonesia, focusing on the differences in grammatical systems and their impact on sentence structure and meaning. examples of total and restricted translation, as well as changes in grammatical complexity and voice. It also touches upon the concept of different meaning in translation.

What you will learn

  • How does the translator handle changes in grammatical complexity and voice during translation?
  • What are the main differences in grammatical systems between English and Bahasa Indonesia?
  • What are the four basic sentence structures and how do they change during translation?
  • What is the difference between total and restricted translation?

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Download Translation Challenges: English vs. Bahasa Indonesia's Grammar and more Exams English Language in PDF only on Docsity! AN ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURE SHIFTS IN THE ENGLISH-BAHASA INDONESIA OF L.FRANK BAUM’S THE MARVELOUS LAND OF OZ’ NOVEL TEXT A THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Attainment of Sarjana Sastra Degree in English Language and Literature By: MARTINA SARI PRIHASTANTI 06211144033 ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE STUDY PROGRAM ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE DEPARTEMENT FACULTY OF LANGUAGES AND ARTS YOGYAKARTA STATE UNIVERSITY 2014 APPROVAL AN ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURE SHIFTS IN THE ENGLISH-BAHASA INDONESIA OF L.FRANK BAUM’S THE MARVELOUS LAND OF 02’ NOVEL TEXT A THESIS Ed. Rachmat Nurcahyo, MA NIP: 19480722 197603 1 001 NIP: 19800224 200312 1 001 ii v MOTTOS “Do Good. And good will come to you” “The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do ” -Walter Bagehot- vi DEDICATIONS I’d like to dedicate this thesis to my beloved mother and father. You are the reason I want to finish this thesis and thank you for always supporting me. vii ACKNOWLEDMENTS All praise be to Allah for blessing and mercy in finishing this thesis entitled An Analysis of Structure Shift in English-Indonesian Translation Of Frank Baum’s The Marvelous Land Of Oz. The researcherwould like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. A. Ghani Johan, M.Ed., as her first consultant, and Mr. RachmatNurcahyo, M.A as her second consultant who has shared his valuable time, suggestions, andguidance during the process of writing this thesis.She also expresses her gratitute to all lecturers of English Department who always motivate me to finish my thesis. Her deepest thank is also dedicated to her beloved mother and father, MujiAstuti, S.Pd and SupriyonoS.Pd for their endless love, prayers, patience and support; and her brother, NugrohoSigitPrabowo for his support and love. She also dedicates her special thanks to SeptianHandokoS.Kom who always accompanies, gives support, love and care. Last but not least, she present her special thanks go to all her best friends in English Translation (Dani, Uni, Indah,Echa, Tita,Desi, Cenot, Dwi) and her best friends (Winda, Bonita). She would also like to extend her gratitude to all of whom she cannot mention one by one. Finally, the researcher realizes that her thesis is far from being perfect. Therefore, she would gratefully accept any comments and suggestions for the betterment of this thesis. Martina Sari Prihastanti x LIST OF FIGURE AND TABLE Figure 1: Translation Process ................................................................................. 11 Figure 2: Analytical Construct ............................................................................... 25 Table 1: Data Sheet ................................................................................................. 27 Table 2: Structure Shift Data .................................................................................. 30 Table 3: Equivalent and Non- Equivalent Data ..................................................... 32 xi AN ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURE SHIFTS IN THE ENGLISH- INDONESIAN TRANSLATION OF FRANK BAUM’S THE MARVELOUS LAND OF OZ By Martina Sari Prihastanti 06211144033 Abstract This research aims to analyze the occurrence of structure shifts in grammatical complexity and voice change in Frank Baum’s The Marvelous Land Of Oz and its translated version. This research also aims to analyze the reason of the occurrence of that structure shifts and the impact of those structure shifts on transferring messages from the source language to the target language. This study is in bilingual translation which includesEnglish text as the source language and Bahasa Indonesiatext as the target language. This research is adescriptive qualitative research. The data of structure shift taken from the English-Indonesian translation The Marvelous Land of Oz. The instruments of this research are the researcher and the data sheets. The discussion of this research is based on the frequency of the occurrence of the grammatical complexity change and the voice change. The result of the research shows that there are many data which contain structure shifts in the two versions of the novel. The most frequency of structureshifts are in grammatical complexity change which constitute78 cases from the total number of 107data.The occurrences of voice shiftare8 cases. There are 21 data which bring about grammatical complexity change and voice shift all together. Among those type of structure shift, the grammatical complexity change is most frequently used by the translator. It is because the grammatical systems between the source language and the target language are different. Then, the data which are collected are analyzed into meaning equivalence. The meaning equivalence is categorized into equivalent (complete, increased, and decreased) and non- equivalent (different). There are 52 data of complete, 9 data of increased, 43 data of decreased, and 3 data of different meaning. It means that the messages of the source language are transferred as equally as possible in the target language. From the explanations, it can conclude that shift are used to make appropriate, to get clearer and natural translation. 1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of The Study Translation is very close to our life nowadays. We can see and feel the advantages of translation for our daily life. The example is when we are watching television or reading books with different language. Actually when we are watching or reading with different languages, we always do translation. Translation acts as a bridge of communication between people in all over the world. So, translations connect people in all over the world. Without translation, people cannot communicate with other people all over the world. Therefore, translation becomes important in every part of the world. There are some definitions of translation which describe what translation is. According to Catford (1965:20), translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL). Newmark (in Machali 1998:1) states that translation is a craft consisting of the attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language. McGuire (inMachali 1998:1) adds that translation is the rendering of a source 4 Differences in the grammatical system raise the phenomena of shift in translation. According to Catford (1965:73), shift is departure from formal correspondence in the process of going from the source language to the target language. There are two major types of shifts in translation, that is level shifts and category shifts. Level shifts are shifts between grammar and lexis, e.g the translation of verbal aspect by means of an adverb or vice versa. Category shifts are further subdivided into structure shifts (e.g a change in the clause structure), class shifts (e.g a change in word class), unit shifts (e.g translating a phrase with a clause) and intra system shifts (e.g a change in number even though the languages have the same number system). This study is trying to find the shifts which occur in The Marvelous Land of Oz novel. The shift analyzed in this research is structure shift. Structure shift is one of the category shifts. The reason which makes the novel interesting to be analyzed that is The Marvelous Land of Oz is a popular novel about children and it is published internationally; in the translation ofThe Marvelous Land of Oz the researcher finds a lot of structure shifts that are very interesting to be analyzed. B. Research Focus Considering the wide range of the problem and the limitation of the writer’s ability to handle the whole matter related to the topic, this research is 5 only focused on the analysis of structure shifts in novel The Marvelous Land of Oz. In the novel The Marvelous Land of Oz and its Bahasa Indonesia version, there are lots of shifts that are usual for the translation process. To make the analysis easier and achieve the efficiency, the terms SL and TL are used to mention the term of source language and target language. The focus of the problem is formulated as follows: 1. What are the sentences that are categorized as structure shifts in the grammatical complexity change and voice shiftoccur in L.Frank Baum’sThe Marvelous Land of Oz’s novel textsand the Bahasa Indonesia versiontext? 2. What are the impacts of grammatical complexity change and voice shift on the meaning equivalence in L.Frank Baum’sThe Marvelous Land of Oz’ novel texts and the Bahasa Indonesia version text? C. Research Objectives Related to the formulation of the problems, the objectives of the research are proposed as follows: 1. to identify the sentences that are categorized as structure shifts in the grammatical complexity change and voice shift that occur in L.Frank Baum’sThe Marvelous Land of Oz and the Bahasa Indonesia version, and 6 2. to analyze the impacts of structure shifts in grammatical complexity change and voice shift toward the meaning equivalence of L.Frank Baum’sThe Marvelous Land of Oz and the Bahasa Indonesia version’s text. D. Research Significance The result of this research hopefully can contribute benefits for the following: 1. Theoretically, the result of this research can be used to provide knowledge about translation shift, especially structure shift. 2. Practically, this research is to be used as a reference for English students who want to conduct the research in structure shift. 9 2) Categories of translations in terms of levels a) Total translation Total translation is the replacement of source language grammar and lexis by equivalent target language grammar and lexis. b) Restricted translation There is the replacement of the source language textual material by equivalent target language textual material at only one level. 3) Categories of translation in term of ranks a) Word for word translation Catford (1965: 32) states that word for word translation generally means what it says. This method is applicable only when both the source language and target language have the same structure. b) Free translation Catford (1965: 25) says that free translation is always unbounded- equivalence shunt up and down the rank scale, but tend to be at higher ranks – sometimes between larger units than the sentence. c) Literal translation Carford (1965: 25) state that literal translation lies between these extreme (word for word and free). It may start as it were, from a word for word translation, but make changes in conformity with the target language grammar. 10 Most translators tend to translate literally and make a partially modified literal translation. They modify grammar and use the acceptable sentence structure in the receptor language. c. Translation Process Translation is not only about changing a Source Language to Target Language. Actually the process of translation can be assumed as a step of activities in transferring message of a text by a translator. Besides understanding what the translation is and what should be produce in translation, a translator should know thattranslation is complex.Nida in Hatim (2001: 22) states that the system of translation consists of a complex procedure comprising three stages. They are analysis, transfer, and restructuring. In the analysis step, the translator analyzes the source text in terms of the grammatical relationship, and the meaning of the word and combinations of the word. According to Baker and Saldanha (2009: 42), the translation process may be instigated in various ways: by the writer of the source text, by a prospective reader of a translation, or by agents acting for writer and/or reader. According to Bell (1991:44), the translation process can be assume: (1) a special case of the more general phenomenon of human information processing, (2) should be modeled in a way which reflects its position within the phycological domain of information processing, (3) takes place in both short-term and long-term memory through devices for decoding text in the source language (SL) and encoding text into the target language 11 (TL), via a non-language-specific semantic representation, (4) operates at the linguistic level of clause, irrespective of whether the process is one of the analysis is coming signals or the synthesis of outgoing ones (monolingual, reading and/or writing or bilingual, (5) process in both a bottom-up and a top- down manner in processing text and integrates both approaches by means of a style of operation which is both cascaded and interactive, (6) requires there to be, for both languages. Here is the diagram of translation process based on Bell (1991: 21) : Figure 1: Process of Translation Source Language Text Memory Representation Semantic Representation Analysis Synthesis Target Language Text 14 correspondence in which the translation equivalence of a unit at one rank in the source language is a unit at a different rank in the target language. Intra-system shiftrefers to the shifts that occur internally within the system that is for those cases where the source language and the target language possess systems which approximately correspond formally as to their constitution, but when translation involves selection of a non-corresponding term in the target language system. Here, structure shifts as one of category shifts types will be selected as the main topic of the research. Structure shifts are the type of category shifts that often occurs. The structure shifts occur when the structure of the target language is different from the structure of the source language. Usually, those happen in all of phonological and graphological translation as well as in total translation Catford(in Venuti, 2000: 143). In grammar, the structure shifts occur at all lines and usually involves the class shift. Catford(in Munday2001: 61) says that structure shifts become a regular form of shifts and involve grammatical structure which is shifted mostly. These are identical with grammatical formulas which are different for each country. Therefore, every country with different language usually creates shifting of structural (structure shifts) because of their different grammar formulas. It often occurs in translating product because the most frequent of category shifts is structure shift. As Halliday (2004:50) state that one is that the grammar of every (natural) language is a theory of human experience.Every language has its own grammatical structure. Therefore, the process of translating always causes the 15 translation shift whether rank shift or category shift. The structure of sentence has to be looked in the process of translation to make a complete message. A translator has to identify each word than whole meaning first because each word has certain meaning. After that, a translator observes the whole meaning/message of the text and start to write the translation version without losing meaning equivalence. To make the analysis of the datum specific, the topic is limited totwo object types. They are structure shifts which happen in grammatical complexity change and voice shift. a. Grammatical Complexity Change Grammar itself is the central processing unit of language, the powerhouse where meanings are created. Halliday (2004: 21) says that it is natural that the systems of sound and writing through these meanings are expressed by reflecting the structural arrangement of the grammar. Grammatical structure is divided into five types. They are number, gender, person, tense and voice. The number is the part of lexical. The gender is a grammatical distinction according to which a noun or pronoun that is classified as either masculine of feminine in some long-ages. The person relates to the concept of participant roles. The tense and aspect are grammatical categories in a large number of languages based on time relations and aspect differences. The voice is grammatical category which defines the relationship between a predicate and its subject. The object that is analyzed in the research is sentence. According to Englewood Clift (1987: 164), all sentencescan be classified by the number of 16 clauses and kinds of clauses that they contain. There are four kinds of basic sentencestructure, they are simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence and compound-complex sentence. The four kinds of sentence above which are written in the novel as the object can be used and analyzed by dividing them into grammatical complexity change. Hurfordet. al. (2007: 49) says that a simple sentence only has one predicator, although it may well contain more than one instance of a predicate. The simple sentence is the complete unit of written language type which has one sentence structure. Cruse (2000: 58) says that differences of relative prominence can also be observed within a simple sentence. This shows that a simple sentence is undemanding to be analyzed its structure because the structure order is more simple than the two other sentence types. Another idea of simple sentence comes from Englewood Clift (1987: 165) that the simple sentence can be short or long. It must contain a subject and a verb. It may contain complements, modifiers and phrases. His idea can give the simpler pattern of simple sentence than the ideas before. The second type is compound sentence. Accordingto Johan (2006: 84), compound sentence is a sentence which consists of two or more simple sentence or main clause which uses conjunction (and, but, or, so). Further Englewood Clift (1987: 166) says that compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses. The independent clauses in most compound sentences are joined by a comma and one of the coordinating conjunctions (and, but, for, nor, or, so, yet). Sometimes a semicolon (;) is used to join independent clauses in a compound 19 that translation products are equivalent when the form of the target language text is changed and only when a given form of the source language text is changed. According to Hervey and Haggins (in Miyanda2007: 46), ‘equivalence’ denotes an observed relationship between the source language utterances and the target language utterances that are seen as directly corresponding to one another. Obviously, ‘equivalence’ denotes the relationship between the SL expression and the standard TL rendering of it, for example as given in the dictionary as a standard of equivalency between the source language and the target language. The theory of meaning equivalence is used in this research to see how similar or different between text 1 and text 2. It can show to the reader how structure shifts as the main subject of the research influence the meaning of the TL. The process of translation always causes certain effects. It can be equivalent or non-equivalent in the meaning context. By examining some examples drawn from certain languages, it is found that total meaning in translation does not exist. It is for the simple reason that meaning, especially, belongs to language and culture. It also discovers when a certain language only uses one language but in other languages it becomes two or more words to refer the same meaning, for example the English word “beautifully” is translated into Bahasa Indonesia “dengan indahnya”. It is obvious that the two languages have different amount of words to express one similar thing. Jakobson (in Miyanda2007:46) has an idea about it and says “Likewise, on the level of interlingual translation, there is ordinarily no full 20 equivalence between code-units, while messages may serve as adequate interpretations of alien code.” However, shifts that occur in translation may distort the original concept of the text (Nida, 1962:4). This happens because the differences in grammatical structures of the source language and the target language often results in some changes in the information content or the meaning of the message. Meaning equivalence which happens in translation can be further categorized into: equivalent meaning and non-equivalent meaning whereas equivalent meaning is divided into three types; they are complete meaning, increased meaning and decreased meaning. Non-equivalent meaning is divided into two types; they are lost meaning and different meaning. 1) Equivalent Meaning a) Completed Meaning Based on Catford (1965: 28), completed meaning occurs when the process of translation happens from the SL into the TL without adding or omitting the information. For example: “I don’t want to be a marble statue!” Tip protested, in English is translated to “aku tidak mau menjadi patung batu!” protes Tip, in Bahasa Indonesia. In this case the information of the Source Language is transferred into Target Language without any changes of meaning. b) Increased Meaning Based on Catford (1965: 28), increased meaning occurs when the translator adds some information in the TL content which is not found in the 21 ST. For example: “But war is terrible thing,” said Tip translated into Bahasa Indonesia “Tapi kan perang itu mengerikan dan tak menyenangkan sama sekali,” ujar Tip. In this case translator adds the expression “dan tak menyenangkan sama sekali”, it makes the meaning of the TL to be increased. c) Decreased Meaning Catford (1965: 29) says that decreased meaning occurs when the translator omits some information which is found in the SL text so the information content of the TL is decreased. For example: in English expression “So he picked up his wooden man and carried it back to the house with him” is translated into Bahasa Indonesia “Dia pun membopong tubuh orang-orangan yang telah dibuatnya itu dan beranjak pulang”. The translator does not transfer the meaning of noun phrase completely, the word “wooden” is not transalted in the TL. 2) Non-Equivalent Meaning a) Lost Meaning Based on Catford (1965: 29), lost meaning happens when the translator eliminates all of the information found in the TL so that the TL loses all of the information content of the ST. Therefore, the meaning of the word is lost totally or not transferred. It also happens in the case of deleting a phrase or a sentence from the SL which is translated into the TL as a result it loses the information from the SL which should be given in the TL. For example: “Mombi was not exactly a Witch, because the Good Witch who ruled that part of the Land of Oz had forbidden any other Witch to exist in 24 shifs, intra-system shifts. Structure shifts involves a change in grammatical structure between the source language and the target language. Class shifts occours when the translation equivalent of a SL item is a member of different class from the original item. Unit shift means changes of rank, departures from formal correspondence in which the translation equivalent of a unit at one rank in the SL is unit at a different rank in the TL. Intra-system shifts means a departure from formal correspondence in which one system in the SL has a different non- corresponding-system in the TL. The aim of this research is to analyze the structure shifts phenomenon of the novel The Marvelous Land of oz and its Bahasa Indonesia version.The data which are taken from the novel are sentences, that are categorized to simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence, compound-complex sentence, and complex-compund sentence. The structure shift is the change of grammatical complexity and voice shift from the source language into the target language. The grammatical complexity change analyzes the changing of the sentences. Therefore, the analysis of voice shift analyzes the changing voice of the sentences. It can be change from active sentence into passive sentence and vice versa. 25 Zam aUIJUIS, aga} Uag aamajuag 99uaqUag 92U9}UIS aUIPUIS duds, DAISSEd aanoy punodwo;) xajduio:y | |xajdurog punoduro; | | xefduioy | | punodmoa ayduis l l | [ NUS aa]0A, asueyD [eopeUUELD poseoisoqi || 1SOT pasraisaqy | pasvarouy ayo|duie) LT yLYS wayshg enuy | | yrys HUN | | YTYS sse[D | [FIs eanjanAyg juajeainby-woN qusyeamby suruvayy, WAYS [20207 ys A108aye9 aweydioy] MIMS BOHEISHEAL omoydioyy Ploy PIOM ase aseld aauayuag aouaquag woneyuesaider uoneyuasaidar — Teoneuuresy Teaneuuesy [ 1 Sulu Surmvayay ABooydesd /ABojouoyd anuBULas aeUTUe.AZOIIXa"] AVUIUT.IBOIIXI] ayueWIs ASopoydess ASoouoyd 20 fo puny snopaainyy 20 fo puvy snopaampy ayy JO Xd], VISIUOPU] BSeYyLg wonesuery jensuyig ayy JO OY YSU ayL 26 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD A. Research Type In doing this research, the writer employs qualitative descriptive method in which the writer collects the data, analyzes them and draws a conclusion without making generalization.This research is also a qualitative study because it is studied through the explanation by using some words to solve the problem. Because of the nature of qualitative research, the data are analyzed based on their context and natural setting. B. Data and Source of the Data The data of this research were sentences. The source of the data were taken from two books, one is in English version as the original and the other is in Indonesian version as the translated version, the novel entitle The Marvelous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum. The novel was published by Books of Wonder William Morrow & Company, Inc., New York on June 1904.It contains 24 chapters in 279 pages. Published onJune 1904, the and its translation published on January 2012 by penerbit Atria an Imprint of Penerbit Serambi Ilmu Semesta, translated by Justine Tedjasukmana. 29 researcher’s consultants to fulfill the trustworthiness. To gain the transferability of the analysis, the English and Bahasa Indonesia novel as the object of the research have been read and observed repeatedly in order to collect the data. The researcher also checked the data from the point of view of the consultants, A. Ghani Johan, M.Ed and RachmatNurcahyo, MA. 30 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS In this research, finding and discussion are presented together as a whole unity. Findings are obtained by doing analysis based on structure shift, which are two types, grammatical complexity and voice shift. The structure shifts analysis is in the sentence level of a language. A. Findings The research data were taken from L. Frank Baum’s novel The Marvelous Land of Ozand its Bahasa Indonesia version. After doing a research, the researcher finds many structure shifts occurring. Based on the analysis, the results as follows: Table 2. Structure Shift No Structure Shifts Number of Data 1 Grammatical Complexity Changes 78 2 Voice Changes 8 3 Grammatical Complexity and Voice Changes 21 Total Data 107 31 From the result of the data in the table above, total of the sentences which contain structure shift are 107 sentences. They were determined as grammatical complexity and voice shift. Those data contain 78 sentences of structure shifts in grammatical complexity change. The data are classified as grammatical complexity change because there arechanging of the sentence structure from the source language to the target language. From the data, there are some sentence that the structure changes.The sentences of structure shift in voice shift are 8 sentences. The structure shifts which happen in voice shift are caused by maintaining the meaning that make the translator consider to change the voice of the sentence in the target language. There are 21 sentences that are categorized as grammatical complexity and voice shift. Those sentences occur because in one sentence there occurs not only shifting of grammatical structure but also the changing of voice shift. Structure shift may change information or message of the source language and the Bahasa Indonesia as the target language. Those changes may give the same or different meaning both two languages. It can be complete meaning, increased meaning, decreased meaning, lost or different meaning. The different degree of equivalence can be seen in Table 3. 34 b. SL:Hearing this, the boybecame uneasy; for he knew Mombi had a bad and revengeful heart, and would not hesitate to do any evil thing. (p.11) TL: Mendengar itu, Tip jadi gelisah. Dia tahu betul sifat Mombi yang pendendam.Dia juga yakin Mombi tak segan-segan menghukum Tip tanpa ampun. (p.15) The example shows the changing of sentence structure. The Target Language becomes three sentences. The Source Language is categorized as a compound sentence in one sentence. Then, the Target Language is categorized as three simple sentences.The type sentence of the SL and the TL are different, the main idea of the expression can be maintained but the part of “to do any evil thing” is translated differently in the TL to be “menghukum Tip tanpa ampun”. c. SL: “I wonder if riding through the air is liable to spoil pumpkins,” he said. (p.91) TL: “Apakah terbang di angkasa bisa mempercepat proses pembusukan labu?” tanyanya. (p.164) The source language in the example above is a simple sentence in the direct sentence, but the target language is a question sentence. The translator changes the structure in the target language. If the translation is not changed 35 the word order, the translation will be unnatural and the realization becomes “aku cemas jika berkendara di angkasa berkemungkinan untuk merusak labu”. Therefore the translator changes the structure of the source language into the target language and that shift, causes the sense of the sentence is acceptable. d. SL: “But war is terrible thing,” said Tip, throughtfully. (p.38) TL: “Tapi, kan, perang itu mengerikan dan tak menyenangkan sama sekali,” ujar Tip memprotes. (p.68) The Source Language is a simple sentence, but the Target Language is a compound sentence. Here, the translator changes the structure of the Target Language in order to make the information clearer. If the Source Language is not changed, it will be hard to catch the meaning when it is translated in the target language, because the information is not clearer. So, the translator changes the structure of the source language and adding information to make the target language clearer. e. SL: Tip soon had it fitted to the neck again and replaced Jack upon his feet. (p.60) TL: Tip langsung membantu memasangkan kepala Jack yang hampir terlepas itu. (p.107) In the example above, the translator tries to translate the source language itself in the form of positive expression. Because, if the source 36 language is not done shift, it will be hard to catch the meaning when it is translated into the target language because it is not simple and the target language will be “Tip segera telah itu dipasang ke leher lagi dan diganti Jack pada kakinya ”. The negative expression in the target language is clearer than in the source language and information said is acceptable by the readers. f. SL: This view of the case puzzled the Scarecrow. (p.76) TL: Perkatan Jendral Jinjur membuat bingung Boneka Jerami. (p.136) In this example, the translator changes the structure of the sentence. If the translator does not change the word order, the translation will be unnatural and the realization becomes “Pemandangan ini membingungkan Boneka Jerami “. This shift has been done by the translator because he wants to maintain the menacing of the TE. g. SL: The Witch was at first frightened at finding herself captured by the enemy; but soon she decided that she was exactly as safe in the Tin Woodman’s button-hole as growing upon the bush. (p.116) TL: Awalnya tukang sihir tua itu ketakutan menyadari dia telah ditangkap musuh. Namun, pikirannya, dia akan selamat selama dia tetap berada di lubang kancing Tin Woodman. (p.209) 39 translator changes the voice of the sentence because he wants to maintain the message in the target language. It makes the voice between the two text to be different but have the same meaning. However, the meaning of the expression above is categorized as complete meaning. b. SL: Now when this message was delivered to the Queen it filled her with dismay, for Mombi was her chief counsellor, and Jinjur was terribly afraid of the old hag. (p.112) TL: Ketika hasil perundingan sampai ke ratu Jinjur, dia langsung merasa lemas dan kecewa, sebab Mombi adalah penasehat utamanya, dan Jinjur takut bukan main pada perempuan itu. (p.203) From the example above, it can be seen that that source language is a compound sentence and passive sentence. But the target language is an active sentence and categorized as complex and compound sentence. The two sentences have different vice but the meaning between the two of them still be maintained bythe translator. c. SL: Tip awoke soon after dawn, but the Scarecrow had already risen and plucked, with his clumsy finger, a double-handful of ripe berries from some bushes nearby (p.52) 40 TL: Tip bangun pagi-pag sekali. Dia segera disuguhi segenggam buah berry oleh Boneka Jerami, buah-buahan itu hasil petikan dari hutan. (p.92) The example above of the voice shift shows the structure shift happen in voice of the sentence whereas the expression of the source language is passive voice. The target language is active voice.The change is done and chosen by the translator to reach the effectiveness. d. SL: I should like to become your tutor, when you are transformed into a girl again. (p.122) TL: Aku bersedia menjadi guru pribadimu setelah kau berubah kembali menjadi anak perempuan. (p.223) Here, the source language is in the form of passive voice “when you are transformed into a girl again” and it is change by the translator into active voice “setelah kau berubah kembali menjadi anak perempuan”. The change is done by the translator to make sentence sound natural. e. SL: On promise of good behavior Jinjur was likewise released. (p.126) TL: Setelah dipaksa berjanji tak akan berbuat nakal lagi, Jinjur juga dilepaskan. (p.231) 41 It is obvious that the form of the source language is categorized as an active voice but the form of the target language is a passive voice. The translator changes the voice of the sentence because he wants to maintain the message in the target language. It makes the voice between the two sentences to be different but have the same idea. The target language is categorized as increased meaning, because the translator adds information in the target language in which the information is not found in the source language. It aims to clarify the meaning of the source language. 3. Grammatical Complexity Change and Voice Shift Sometimes structure shift includes two changes in one sentence. This type can be seen in some data which are included grammatical complexity change and voice shift which happen in one sentence. There are five examples which are presented: a. SL: The face, when completed, could not have been considered strictly beautiful; but it wore a smile so big and broad, and was so Jolly in expression, that even Tip laughed as he looked admiringly at his work. (p.6) 44 d. SL: She sent a sheet of crack-ling flame rushing over meadow to consume them; and for the first time the Scarecrow became afraid and turned to fly. (p.72) TL: Dikirimnya gulungan api yang berkobar dari seluruh penjuru ladang menuju tempat mereka berjalan. Untuk pertama kalinya, Boneka Jerami hampir kehilangan akal dan bersiap-siap untuk kabur. (p.130) The example above of the voice shift shows the structure shift happen in voice of the sentence whereas the expression of the source language is active voice which happens in compound sentence. The target language is passive voice which happens in one complex sentence and one compound sentence. The change is done and chosen by the translator to reach the effectiveness. e. SL: The Jackdaws had stolen it to the last wisp and flung it all into the chasm that yawned for hundreds of feet beneath the nest. (p.99) TL: Kawanan gagak telah mencuri semuanya hingga helai terakhir dan melemparkan tumpukan itu ke dalam kegelapan jurang yang menganga di bawah sana. (p.178) 45 The example of the datum above shows that the source language is categorized as compound-complex sentence which happen in one sentence. the target language is categorized as compound sentence. In this case, the translator does another type, voice shift. The source language that is passive sentence is translated to the target language of active sentence. This voice shift does not cause different meaning. The meaning still can be maintained. This datum is categorized as complete meaning. f. SL: This Jellia dared not tell, having been threatened with death by the witch if she confessed the fraud. (p.113) TL: Jellia tak berani menjawab. Mombi telah mengancamnya dengan hukuman mati kalau dia berani membongkar kedoknya. (p.205) The analysis of grammatical complexity change is that the source language has one complex sentence. Meanwhile the target language has one simple sentence, one complex sentence. The translator makes the target language to be similar in idea with the source language and he tries to make the target language to be more understandable for the target reader. The analysis of voice shift occurs in the both sentences. The source language is the passive voice, and the target language is the active voice. The grammatical 46 complexity and voice shift which happen in one datum all together make the meaning equivalence to be decreased. 1. Meaning Equivalence Meaning equivalence is divided into Equivalent and Non-Equivalent. Those types are categorized to be more specific as follows. a. Equivalent Equivalent means that the source language is translated into the target language with the same meaning or message. This process not only translates with the same structure of part of speech, but also with adding or reducing the source language into the target language. Equivalent is divided into increased, complete and deceased. These kinds of equivalent meaning will be described as follow: 1) Complete Meaning Complete meaning occurs when the meaning in the source language is transferred completely to the target language. There is no addition or omission the information delivered by the source language. Besides, complete meaning is the main aim of a translator to transfer meaning and give accurate information of the target 49 such arts as she could command to prevent the return of the Scarecrow and his companions. (p.58) TL: Tak lama, setelah Mombi tiba di istana, dia mendapati, dengan bantuan kekuatan gaibnya, bahwa Tip dan teman-temannya tengah menuju kota Zamrud. Diapun mengasingkan diri di menara istana dan menggunakan ilmu sihirnya untuk mencegah boneka jerami dan rombongannya kembali ke kota. (p.104) The example above happens in grammatical complexity which shows that the translator has tried to maintain the meaning in the target language. This different sentences structure does not cause different meaning at all because it can be seen that the message or meaning in the source language is transferred completely in the target language. e. SL: Jack was not especially pleased with this idea; but he submitted to having his left leg amputated by the Tin Woodman and whittled down to fit the leg of the Saw-Horse. (p.68) TL: Jack tak terlalu senang mendengar ide baru ini, namun dia tak melawan ketika Tin Woodman 50 memotong sebelah kakinya dan memasangkan kaki itu ke tubuh si Kuda. (p.121) The fifth example of complete meaning shows that the source language and the target language happen in grammatical complexity. All information of the source language is transferred accurately by maintaining the meaning. 2). Increased Meaning Increased meaning occurs when the translator adds some information contents which are not found in the SL text to the TL text. The examples of increased meaning occurrences which have been categorized as structure shifts are presented below. a. SL:“But war is terrible thing,” said Tipthroughfully.(p.38) TL:“Tapi kan perang itu mengerikan dan tak menyenangkan sama sekali,” ujar Tip. (p.68) In the example above happens in grammatical complexity. The source language is a simple sentence, and the target language is a compound 51 sentence. The translator adds the expression “dan tak menyenangkan sama sekali”, it makes the meaning of the TL to be increased. b. SL: This boy remembered nothing of his parents, for he had been brought when quite young to be reared by the old woman known as Mombi, whose reputation, I am sorry to say, was none of the best. (p.5) TL: Tip tak ingat siapa orang tuanya yang sebenarnya, sebab sejak kecil dia sudah tinggal dan dibesarkan oleh seorang perempuan tua yang dikenal dengan sebutan Mombi. Kebanyakan penduduk Gilikin percaya bahwa Mombi ini adalah tukang sihir yang licik. (p.2) The second example above shows that the datum is categorized as grammatical complexity change. The source language is a complex sentence and the target language is a compound-complex sentence. The meaning equivalence which is created in the datum is increased meaning because the translator adds information in the target language. It makes the information of the target language increased. 3). Decreased Meaning 54 compound sentence and the target language is simple sentence. The meaning equivalence which is created in this datum is different meaning. b. SL: So he selected a fine, big pumpkin-one with a lustrous, orange-red color-and began carving it. (p.6) TL: Tip memilih labu oranye berukuran raksasa. (p.4) The example above shows that the source language is categorized as compound sentence. The target language is categorized as simple sentence. the meaning which is created is different because the sentence in source language “so he selected s fine, big pumpkin-one with a lustrous, orange-red color and began to carving it” is translated to “Tip memilih labu orange berukuran raksasa”. The meaning of two sentence is different. 55 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion Generally, translation always includes structure shifts which can make the source language more understood for the reader of the target language. As a result, there are some changes in the target language which are related to grammatical complexity and voice. That is because every language has its own grammatical structure. From Text 1 as the source language and Text 2 as the target language, there are many factors that make those occurrences of structure shifts. After analyzing those occurrences from the English original novel entitledThe Marvelous Land Of Oz and its translation version.Some conclusions can be drawn as follows. 1. The data which are taken from the novels are sentences which contain grammatical complexity change which includes simple sentence, compound sentence, and complex sentence. The changing of the type of sentence is categorized as grammatical complexity change. It can be from simple sentence to compound or complex sentence, compound sentence to simple or complex sentence, and complex sentence to simple or compound sentence. The structure shift are done in the novel The Marvelous Land of Oz for some reason. The reason is to achieve natural translation and to 56 clarify the meaning. It is because the grammatical system between both languages are different. So, the translator tries to deliver the messages accurately to get clearer for the readers. 2. The other type of structure shift that occurs in the English-Bahasa Indonesia novel is voice shift. The voice change occurs in the data that have changed their voice. It can be from active sentence to passive sentence or passive sentence to active sentence. These kinds of data are caused by the switching of sentence structure which is made by the translator to make the target text more interesting and acceptable for the target readers who have different ways in understanding a text. 3. Shifts in grammatical complexity and voice bring some effects toward meaning equivalence. The total numbers of the data are 107 data. The grammatical complexity is divided into equivalent meaning and non- equivalent meaning. The 78 data of grammatical complexity change are categorized as 50sentences of complete meaning, 7 sentences of increased meaning, 33 sentences of decreased meaning, and 3 sentences of different meaning. Then, the 18 data of voice change are divided into equivalent meaning and non-equivalent meaning. There are 2 sentences resulting in complete meaning, 2 sentences resulting in increased meaning, and 10 sentences resulting in decreased meaning. There are some data which have 59 Munday, Jeremy. 2001. Introducing Transalation Studies: Theories and Applications. London and New York: Routledge. Tedjasukmana, Justine. 2012. The Marvelous Land of Oz. Jakarta: Serambi Ilmu Semesta. Venuti, Lawrence. 2000. The Translation Studies Reader. London: Routledge. APPENDIX 60 N O Page AN ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURE SHIFT IN ENGLISH-INDONESIAN TRANSLATION OF FRANK BAUM’S THE MARVELOUS LAND OF OZ SS ME SL GC VS EQ NON-EQ TL S Cmp nd Cmp lx Cmpn d- Cmpl x Cmpl x- Cmpn d A P I C D L D 1. p.5 There was moreto his name that, for old Mombi often declared that his whole name was TIppetarius, but no onewas expected to say such a long word when “Tip” would do just as well. v v V p.1 Walaupun si tua Mombi sering mengatakan bahwa anak itu bernama Tippetarius, tak seorang pun dari penduduk negri yang mau repot-repot mengingat nama yang begitu panjang. v v 2. p.5 This boy remembered nothing of his parents, for he had been brought when quite young to be reared by the old woman known as Mombi, whose reputation, I am sorry to say, was none of the best. v v p.2 Tip tak ingat siapa orang tuanya yang sebenarnya, sebab sejak kecil dia sudah tinggal dan dibesarkan oleh seorang perempuan tua yang dikenal dengan sebutan Mombi. Kebanyakan penduduk Gilikin percaya bahwa Mombi ini adalah tukang sihir yang licik. v v  3. p.5 Tip was made to carry wood from the forest, that the old woman might boil her pot. v v p.2 Setiap hari, Tip ditugaskan pergi ke hutan untuk mengumpulkan kayu bakar agar Mombi dapat merebus ramuan di panci ajaibnya. v v V 4. p.6 So he selected a fine, big pumpkin-one with a lustrous, v v 63 lembah di bawah ladang pertanian untuk mengumpulkan kacang-kacangan yang tumbuh di antara pepohonan di sana. 14. p.9 At first he was generally disappointed; but the next moment he became curious to know what Mombi was going to do. v v p.11 Tip merasa kecewa. Namun perasaan kecewanya berubah menjadi rasa penasaran ketika ia mengamati tingkah Mombi. v v v v 15. p.11 After the candle had been lighted Mombi ordered him to build a fire in the heart, and while Tip was thus engaged the old woman ate her supper. v v p.17 Setelah lilin menyala, Mombi lalu menyuruh Tip membuat api unggun di perapian. Ketika Tip melakukan semuanya itu, Mombi duduk untuk menyantap makan malamnya. v v v 16. p.14 He was walking slowly toward the road when a thought made him pause. v v p.22 Dia berjalan perlahan-lahan menuju jalan raya, namun tiba- tiba langkahnya terhenti dan sebuah pikiran sedih terlintas dalam benaknya. v v v 17. p.15 He retraced his steps to the cow-stable and opened the door of the stall where the pumpkin-headed man had been left. v v p.22 Serentak dia berbalik menuju kandang sapi dan dibukanya pintu bilik tempat Jack ditinggalkan beberapa jam yang lalu. v v v 18. p.15 Jack was standing in the middle of the stall, and by the moonlight Tip could see he was smiling just as jovially as ever. v v p.22 Jack sedang berdiri diam di tengah bilik kosong itu. Dalam penerangan cahaya bulan, Tip menatap siluet wajah Jack yang dihiasi senyuman. Ekspresinya tetap terlihat riang, v v v 64 namun Tip yakin dia tak sedang bergembira. 19. p.15 Fairly satisfied that he had escaped-for a time, at least-being turned into a marble statue, the boy stopped his companion and seated himself upon a rock by the roadside. v v p.23 Perasaan hati Tip kini dipenuhi sukacita. Paling tidak untuk sementara, dia sudah berhasil menghindari nasib dijadikan patung batu oleh Mombi. Kini dia dan Jack dapat beristirahat sejenak. v v v 20. p.15 Jack Pumpkinhead watched Tip curiously, but refused to join in the repast. v v p.23 Jack, Si Manusia Labu, menatap Tip dengan keheranan. Dia menolak roti yang disodorkan Tip. v v v v 21. p.16 “Yes; he was one of those who helped Dorothy to destroy the Wicked Witch of the West, and the Winkies were so grateful that they invited him to become their ruler, --just as the people of the Emerald City invited the Scarecrow to rule them.” v v v p.26 “Ya, dia salah satu dari mereka yang membantu Dorothy mengalahkan si penyihir jahat dari barat. Penduduk Winkies begitu bersyukur akan kekalahan sang penyihir jahat, mereka lantas menobatkan si Tin Woodman sebagai pemimpin mereka. Sama seperti penduduk kota Zamrud yang kemudian memilih sang Boneka Jerami untuk memimpin negri mereka.” v v v v v 22. p.21 Jack had now managed to raise himself to a sitting position, and he looked at the Saw-Horse with much interest. v v p.36 Sementara itu, Jack berhasil bangkit ke posisi duduk. Penuh keheranan, ia mengamati tingkah si kuda kayu. v v v 65 23. p.24 Then he led the Saw-Horse back to where Jack was vainly struggling to regain his feet, and after assisting the Pumpkinhead to stand upright Tip whittled out a new ear dan fastened it to the horse’s head. v v p.41 Dituntunnya kuda itu ke tempat jack yang masih saja berusaha untuk bangkit berdiri. Setelah sekali saja membantu jack berdiri, Tip mengukir telinga yang baru dan memasangnya di kepala si kuda. v v v v 24. p.24 That seemed reasonable, so Tip tried to think of something else. v v p.41 Alasan yang masuk akal. Tip berusaha menemukan solusi lain. v v v 25. p.27 Jack also waded in up to his knees and grasped the tail of the horse so that he might keep his pumpkin head above the water. v v p.47 Jack memegang erat buntut kuda agar kepala labunya itu tidak tenggelam dalam air. v v v 26. p.27 They soon regained the road of yellow brick, which proved to be a continuation of the road they had left on the other side, and then Tip once more mounted the Pumpkinhead upon the back of the Saw-Horse. v v p.48 Mereka kembali berjalan di jalan bata kuning yang kini bersambung di seberang sungai. Sekali lagi, Tip membantu Jack menaiki si kuda kayu. v v v v 27. p.28 Now, the Saw-Horse remembered that this word was the command to go fast as he could; so he began rocking along the road at a tremendeous pace, and Tip had hard work— runing faster than he ever had before in his life—to keep his v v 68 dengan bantuan kekuatan gaibnya, bahwa Tip dan teman- temannya tengah menuju kota Zamrud. Diapun mengasingkan diri di menara istana dan menggunakan ilmu sihirnya untuk mencegah boneka jerami dan rombongannya kembali ke kota. 36. p.60 Tip soon had it fitted to the neck again and replaced Jack upon his feet. v v p.107 Tip langsung membantu memasangkan kepala jack yang hampir terlepas itu. v v v 37. p.60 So they sat in a row upon the grass and began to think, while the Saw-Horse occupied itself by gazing curiously upon its broken limb. v v p.108 Maka mereka merebahkan diri dan duduk di atas rumput, dan mulai berfikir. Sementara itu, si Kuda Kayu tak berhenti memandangi kakinya yang patah. v v v 38. p.68 Jack was not especially pleased with this idea; but he submitted to having his left leg amputated by the Tin Woodman and whittled down to fit the left leg of the Saw- Horse. v v p.121 Jack tak terlalu senang mendengar ide baru ini, namun dia tak melawan ketika Tin Woodman memotong sebelah kakinya dan memasangkan kaki itu ke tubuh si Kuda. v v v 39. p.69 So they were obliged to halt while the Tin Woodman chopped it down with his axe, after which the wooden steed paced along more comfortably. v v p.123 Mau tak mau, mereka berhenti lagi supaya Tin Woodman bisa memotong kaki baru si Kuda dengan kapaknya, dan si Kuda bisa kembali berjalan normal. v v v 69 40. p.72 Again, ahigh wall of granit towered high above their heads and opposed their advance. v v p.129 Lalu, mereka menemui dinding batu menjulang tinggi sehingga mereka berfikir tak mungkin dapat berjalan terus. v v v 41. p.72 She sent a sheet of crack-ling flame rushing over meadow to consume them; and for the first time the Scarecrow became afraid and turned to fly. v v p.130 Dikirimnya gulungan api yang berkobar dari seluruh penjuru lading menuju tempat mereka berjalan. Untuk pertama kalinya, Boneka Jerami hampir kehilangan akal dan bersiap- siap untuk kabur. v v v v 42. p.75 The Scarecrow stepped forward and confronted her, while the Tin Woodman leaned upon his axe and the other formed a half-circle back of his Majesty’s person. v v p.135 Boneka Jerami maju untuk menentang gadis pemberontak itu, sementara Tin Woodman mencengkeram kapaknya dan yang lain berdiri di belakang keduanya. v v v 43. p.76 This view of the case puzzled the Scarecrow. v v p.136 Perkataan Jendral Jinjur membuat bingung Boneka Jerami. v v v 44. p.76 The entire throne room seemed to be filled with the rebels, and the Scarecrow and his comrades realized that they were prisoners. v v p.137 Jalan keluar terhalang pemberontak, dan rombongan ini pun menyadari mereka telah menjadi tawanan. v v v 45. p.77 This programme of extermination was so terrible that the prisoners looked upon one another in a panic of fear. v v p.138 Begitu sadisnya rencana yang dibeberkan sang ratu, para tawanan saling menatap satu sama lain dengan wajah yang v v v 70 takut. 46. p.82 He paused to note the effect of these words; but all his hearers seemed puzzled and unconvinced. v v p.147 Ia terdiam sejenak untuk membiarkan yang lain berbicara. Namun, para pendengarnya hanya menatapnya dengan ekspresi bingung. v v v 47. p.84 No one seemed to have a very clear idea of what was required, but all had brought something. v v p.150 Tampaknnya memang tak satu pun dari mereka yang tahu bahan apa yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat alat terbang. Jadi, mereka asal saja. v v v v 48. p.84 The Pumpkinhead had broughta broom, which was the first thing he saw. v v p.151 Si Manusia Labu membawa sebuah sapu, yang merupakan benda pertama yang dilihatnya. v v v v 49. p.87 It was a grave and impressive ceremony. v v p.156 Sungguh pertunjukan sihir yang mengesankan. v v v 50. p.88 And the Gump obeyed, slowly and gracefully waving its four wings in the air until the Thing had settled once upon th roof and become still. v v p.158 Dan Gump menuruti. Perlahan dan dengan gerakan anggun, ia mengepakkan keempat sayapnya di angkasa dan turun kea tap dimana para penciptanya berada. v v v v 51. p.89 Yet, here I am, alive again, with four monstrous wings and a body which I venture to say would make any respectable animal or fowl weep with shame to own. v v p.159 Tapi, kok, aku bisa hidup lagi, dengan empat sayap raksasa, dan tubuh yang kocak menggelikan. Binatang mana yang v v v v 73 63. p.99 The awful question startled them all. v v p.178 Pernyataan yang mengerikan itu semakin mengejutkan yang lain. v v v 64. p.99 The Jackdaws had stolen it to the last wisp and flung it all into the chasm that yawned for hundreds of feet beneath the nest. v v p.178 Kawanan gagak telah mencuri semuanya hingga helai terakhir dan melemparkan tumpukan itu ke dalam kegelapan jurang yang menganga di bawah sana. v v v 65. p.101 But just then the boy began to suffer such fearful pains that he became alarmed. v v p.183 Namun, mendadak anak itu merasa sakit yang luar biasa dan dia jadi ketakutan. v v v 66. p.104 So it was decided to wait daylight, and the adventurers amused themselves in the twilight by searching the Jackdaws’s nest for treasures. v v p.186 Maka mereka memutuskan untuk menunggu samapai pagi dan para petualang pun menghibur diri di senja hari dengan menjarah harta karun yang ditimbun dalam sarang. v v v 67. p.107 Upon her throne of finely wrought gold sat Glinda, and she could scarcely repress a smile as her peculiar visitors entered and bowed before her. v v p.193 Di atas tahta yang berlapis emas gemerlap, duduklah Glinda, dan gadis itu tak bisa menyembunyikan senyumnya ketika melihat wajah-wajah aneh para pengunjungnya. v v v 68. p.113 This Jellia dared not tell, having been threatened with death by the witch if she confessed the fraud. v v p.205 Jelia tak berani menjawab. Mombi telah v v v v 74 mengancamnyadengan hukuman mati kalau dia berani membongkar kedoknya. 69. p.113 So Mombi called jellia Jamb to her, and performed a certain magical rite with which she was familiar. v v p.204 Mombi memanggil Jelia Jambmenghadapnya dan melakukan trik sihir yang sudah lama dikuasainya. v v v 70. p.114 Then Jellia was forced to tell of the trick Mombi had played and she also begged Glinda’s protection, which the Sorceress readily granted. v v p.206 Maka Jelia terpaksa menceritakan perbuatan Mombi dan memohon perlindungan Glinda. v v v 71. p.114 But the wicked old creature had already thought up a new deception, and had made Jinjur promise to carry it out. v v p.206 Namun makhluk jahat itu sudah memikirkan rencana licik lainnya, dan Jinjur berjanji untuk membantunya. v v v 72. p.114 Tip walked by the side of the Sorceress, for Glinda had conceived a grat liking for the boy. v v p.207 Sementara itu, Tip berjalan disamping Glinda, sebab penyihir Jelita itu sangat menyukai kepolosan anak muda yang ramah itu. v v v 73. p.114 It was a clever idea, and a trick Glindadid not suspect; so several precious hours were spent in a vain search for Mombi. v v p.207 Ini ide yang cerdik, dan merupakan trik yang tak diketahui Glinda. Karena itu mereka menghabiskan berjam-jam mencari Mombi dengan sia-sia. v v v v 74. p.114 As sundown approached the Sorceress realized she had been defeated by the superior cunning of the aged witch; so she v v 75 gave the command to her people to march out of the city and back to their tents. p.207 Saat matahari terbenam, sang penyihir yang bijak menyadari dia telah dikalahkan oleh kelicikan si perempuan tua. Diperintahkannyapasukannya untuk keluar dari kota Zamrud dan kembali ke perkemahan. v v v v 75. p.114 The Scarecrow and his comrades happened to be searching in the garden of the palace just then, and they turned with disappointment to obey Glinda’s command. v v p.208 Kebetulan Boneka Jerami dan teman-temannya memutuskan untuk mencari Mombi di taman istana. Mereka bermaksud membatalkan pencarian begitu mendengar perintah Glinda. v v v 76. p.116 The Witch was at first frightened at finding herself captured by the enemy; but soon she decided that she was exactly as safe in the Tin Woodman’s button-hole as growing upon the bush. v v P209. Awalnya tukang sihir tua itu ketakutan menyadari dia telah ditangkap musuh. Namun, pikirannya, dia akan selamat selama dia tetap berada di lubang kancing Tin Woodman. v v v 77. p.117 While the Woodman was speaking Glinda’s eyes had been nothing the rose in his button-hole, and now she imagined she saw the big red leaves of the flower tremble slightly. v v p.211 Ketika Tin Woodman berbicara, mata Glinda tertuju pada sekuntum mawar yang menghias dada Nick. Kalau tidak salahhelaimawarnya bergetar perlahan. v v v v 78. p.117 These words so alarmed Mombi that she quickly transformed herself from a shadow to a Black Ant, in which shape she crawled along the ground, seeking a crack or v v 78 helpless so long as the magical thread encircled her throat. p.217 Perjalanan pulang ditempuh dengan selamat. Mombi duduk di tempatnya sambil merenggut marah, sebab si tukang sihir kini tak berdaya berkat tali yang diikatkan Glinda di lehernya. v v v v 88. p.120 At this the Witch turned to glare upon him so horribly that the Tin Woodman shrank back abashed. v v p.218 Mendengar itu, si tua Mombi memelototi Tin Woodman dengan pandangan penuh kebencian sampai Nick mundur karena malu. v v v 89. p.120 “What will you do with me then?” v v p.219 “Akan diapakan aku setelah ini?” v v v 90. p.121 From this the Sorceress drew an immese white preal, attached to a slender achain which she placed around her neck in such a way that the pearl rested upon her bossom, directly over her heart. v v p.220 Dari dalam peti, Glinda mengeluarkan sebutir mutiara putih yang berkilau, yang bergantung pada seutas rantai emas dan mengalungkannya sebegitu rupa hingga mutiaranya berada tepat di depan jantung hatinya. v v v 91. p.121 “You may make your choice,” Glinda said to old Mombi, “between death if you remain silent, and the loss of your magical powers if you tell me the truth. But I think you will prefer to live.” v v v v p.121 Sekarang kau tinggal memilih,,” kata Glinda pada Mombi, “dihukum mati kalau kau tak mau menjawab, atau kehilangan kemampuan sihirmu jika kau jujur. Aku yakin kau lebih memilih untuk terus hidup. v v v v 79 92. p.122 “I should like to become your tutor, when you are transformed into a girl again.” v v p.223 “Aku bersedia menjadi guru pribadimu setelah kau diubah kembali menjadi anak perempuan.” v v v 93. p.123 So the Witch consented to effect the transformation, and preparations for the event were at once made. v v 224 Maka perempuan tua itu menyetujui permintaan Glinda untuk merubah wujud Tip kembali ke semula. Persiapan untuk mengubah Tip segera dilaksanakan. v v v 94. p.123 The Witch squatted upon the ground and kindled a tiny fire of dried herbs, which she drew from her bossom. v v p.225 Mombi lalu berjongkok di tanah untuk membuat api unggun kecil dari dedaunan yang diambilnya dari dalam saku gaunnya. v v 95. p.123 Then, while the others watched her curiously, the hag chanted a rhythmical verse in words which no one understood, and bent her lean body seven times back and forth over the fire. v v p.225 Saat yang lain menatap aksi Mombi ini dengan penasaran, perempuan tua itu mulai menyenandungkan mantra dalam bahasa asing. Dia membungkukan badannya tujuh kali berturut-turut kearah api yang membara. v v v v 96. p.124 At this exquisite vision Tip’s old comrades stared in wonder for the space of a full minute, and then every head bent low in honest admiration of the lovely Princess Ozma. v v p.226 Melihat pemandangan yang bagitu indah, teman-teman Tip tecengang tak bergerak selama beberapa menit. Mereka menganggukkan kepala untuk mengagumi kecantikan Putri v v v v 80 Ozma. 97. p.125 But when it came to the walls this brave assembly made a sudden halt; for Jinjur had closed and barred every gateway, and the walls of the Emerald City were builded high and thick with many blocks of green marble. v v p.228 Namun begitu mereka sampai di tepi dinding dalam kota, penyerangan mendadak terhenti; sebab Jinjur telah memagari dan mengunci setiap gerbang kota. Dinding kota itu sendiri begitu tebal dan kuat karena dilapisi marmer hijau. V v v v 98. p.125 The Sorceress turned quickly at this speech, and her face now wore a bright smile. v v p.228 Sang ratu penyihir menatap keduanya dengan wajah bersinar. v v v 99. p.126 Then the Scarecrow and his friends climbed aboard, and still there was room for a Captain and three soldiers, which Glinda considered sufficient for a guard. v v p.229 Lalu, Boneka Jerami dan teman-temannya menyusul. Masih ada tempat untuk si kapten dan tiga orang prajurit lagi, dan Glinda merasa mereka memiliki pengawalan cukup. v v v 10 0. p.126 And it is said that the women were so tired eating of their husband’s cooking that they all hailed the conquest of Jinjur with joy. v v p.230 Rupanya para istri juga bosan menyantap masakan suaminya yang tidak enak dan mereka menyambut kekalahan Jinjur dengan suka cita. v v v 10 1. p.126 Certain it is that, rushing one and all to the kitchens of their houses, the good wives prepared so delicious a feast for the v v
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