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an oxymoron analysis on romeo and juliet plays by, Study notes of English

to figure of speech to find out an Oxymoron on Romeo and Juliet Plays by. William Shakespeare script. From the data obtained, there were sixty (60).

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Download an oxymoron analysis on romeo and juliet plays by and more Study notes English in PDF only on Docsity! AN OXYMORON ANALYSIS ON ROMEO AND JULIET PLAYS BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE PROPOSAL Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) English Education Program By: RAHAYU EKA FITRI NPM. 1302050282 FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF MUHAMMADIYAH SUMATERA UTARA MEDAN 2017 i ABSTRACT Fitri, Rahayu Eka. NPM. 1302050282, “An Oxymoron Analysis on Romeo and Juliet Plays by William Shakespeare”. Skripsi : English Education Program. Teacher’s Training and Education Faculty, University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara. Medan. 2017. This study deal with an oxymoron analysis on Romeo and Juliet Plays by William Shakespeare script. The data in this research was taken from Romeo and Juliet Plays. The script consisted of 127 of pages were taken as the data. Descriptive qualitative method was applied to analyzed the data. Thus, in doing this research, library research was applied in analyzing the data. The objectives of the study are to figure of speech to find out an Oxymoron on Romeo and Juliet Plays by William Shakespeare script. From the data obtained, there were sixty (60) oxymoron found on the Romeo and Juliet script. iv 13. All people who loves, helps, and supports the researcher during this study , May Allah SWT bless them all, Amin. Hopefully the findings of this research are expected to be useful for those who read thisthesis and interested to the topics. Finally, the researcher realizes that his thesis is still far from being perfect in spite of the fact she has done his best completing this work. Therefore, constructive criticism, comments, suggestions are welcomed for further improvement of this thesis. Wassalamualaikum Wr.wb Medan, March 2017 Researcher, Rahayu Eka Fitri v TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ................................................................. 1 B. The Identification of the Study ....................................................... 2 C. Scope and Limitation ...................................................................... 3 D. The Formulation of the Study ......................................................... 3 E. The Objectives of the Study ............................................................ 3 F. Sifnificance of the Study ................................................................. 3 CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF LITERATURE A. Theoretical Framework ................................................................... 5 1. Definition of Figurative Language ............................................ 5 2. Definition of Oxymoron ............................................................. 6 3. Definition of Antonymy ............................................................. 15 4. Romeo and Juliet ........................................................................ 16 B. Previous of the Study ...................................................................... 17 C. Conceptual Framework ................................................................... 19 CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHOD A. Research Design .............................................................................. 20 B. Source of Data ................................................................................. 20 C. Technique for Collecting the Data .................................................. 21 D. Technique for Analyzing the Data .................................................. 21 vi CHAPTER IV A. Data Collection ............................................................................. 23 B. Data Analysis ................................................................................ 23 CHAPTER V A. Conclution ....................................................................................... 34 B. Suggestion ....................................................................................... 34 REFERENCE APPENDIX 2 Oxymoron are important because it’s allow us to be creative in our descriptions. Oxymoron also make us stop and think about what is really possible in our writing: things that may appear to be contradictory actually work really well together. Using oxymorons can help you develop stronger sentence style by adding more description. However, many people do not understand, confuse and in fact they never know about oxymoron, especially for the reader. So based on the problem I choose Romeo and Juliet Plays , because in the plays has many oxymoron. From the problem, the reseacher find out the title to solve the problem, the title is “An Oxymoron Analysis on Romeo and Juliet Plays by William Shakespeare”. Based on the explanation above, the researcher chose Romeo and Juliet Plays to analyze which is focused on the oxymoron found on the script. Many cultural knowledge give an impact to the statement of conversation in the plays, so they need contextual expalnation to interpret the meaning contained innit. Due to the reason above, this study is very significant and interesting to be conducted. Therefore the researcher intend to conduct study entitled An Oxymoron Analysis on Romeo and Juliet Plays by William Shakespeare. B. The Identifcation of the Study The Problem of this research identified as follows: 1. The readers still confuse to analyze an oxymoron in figurative language. 2. The readers still difficult to analyzethe meaning of figurative language. 3. The readersstill do not understand the meaning of oxymoron. 3 C. Scope and Limitation In this study the researcher focus her study on figurative language based on the context. It will be limited on the study of oxymoron found on Romeo and Juliet Plays by William Shakespeare. D. The Formulation of the Study This study examined the following questions: 1. What types of oxymoron are found on Romeo and Juliet Plays by William Shakespeare script? 2. How do they occuron Romeo and Juliet Plays by William Shakespeare ? 3. Why do they occur in the way they do? E. The Objectives of the Study The objectives of the study are : 1. To describe types of oxymoron found on Romeo and Juliet Plays by William Shakespeare. 2. To analyze how this types of oxymoron occur on Romeo and Juliet Plays by William Shakespeare . 3. To explain why this types of oxymoron occuron Romeo and Juliet Plays by William Shakespearein the way they do. F. Significance of Study Finding of this study are expected to be useful and relevant theoretically and practically. a. Theoretically 4 The researcher finding are expected to enrich the theories of figurative language. Finding of this study are considered being useful and relevant in providing the information of what types of an oxymoron used on Romeo and Juliet Plays by William Shakespeare. b. Practically 1. It is beneficial tothe students to enlarge their knowledge about analysis an oxymoron. 2. It is also beneficial to the teachersto make them understand about oxymoron. 3. It is beneficial to other researchers, it can be reference to make the new research. 7 known as subjective oxymoron (that latter word is the pedantic-looking plural) because they are not literally at odds with each other. An oxymoron (usual plural oxymoron, less commonly the Greek-style oxymora) is a figurative language that juxtaposes elements that appear to be contradictory, but which contain a concealed point. Oxymoron appearin a variety of contexts, including inadvertent errors (such as "ground pilot") and literary oxymoron crafted to reveal a paradox. An oxymoron (plural: oxymora) is a figurative languge that combines two opposing or contradictory ideas. Oxymoron appears in a variety of contexts, including inadvertent errors such as ground pilot and literary oxymoron crafted to reveal a paradox. The most common form of oxymoron involves an adjective- noun combination of two words. Oxymoron produces a dramatic effect in both prose as well as poetry. For instance, when we read or hear the famous oxymoron, ―sweet sorrow‖, crafted by Shakespeare, it appeals to us instantly. It provokes our thoughts and makes us ponder on the meaning of contradicting ideas. This apparently confusing phrase expresses a complex nature of love that could never be expressed through any other simple expression. Leech (1969:132) Oxymoron is the looking together of two expressions which are semantically incompatible, so that in combination they can have no conceivable literal reference to reality. In everyday conversation, however, people do not use oxymoron to make some deep statement like the one mentioned above. Instead, they do it to show wit. The use of oxymoron adds flavor to their speech. 8 Oxymoron can also be wooden irons in that they are in violation of the principle of contradiction which asserts that nothing can be thought if it contains contradictory characteristics, predicates , attributes, or qualities. ( Lederer, 2008:2). However, the original connotation is of an evocative paradox deliberately framed by a writer — an objective oxymoron. One of the most well-known examples is William Shakespeare’s line ―Parting is such sweet sorrow,‖ from Romeo and Juliet, in which Juliet exults in the bittersweet anguish generated by the lovers’ separation. Shakespeare provided a short list of literary oxymoron in this earlier passage from the same speech:Example: ―O heavy lightness! Serious vanity! Mis- shapen chaos of well-seeming forms! Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health!‖. Classic authors do not have a monopoly on oxymoron, though; contemporary coinages are often more than subjective punch lines like ―responsible government.‖ Here are some other recent examples that might inspire you to convey original ideas in phrases that are more than the sum of their parts: 1. alone together : said, perhaps, of two people that share a physical space but are emotionally isolated from each otherareemotionally isolated from each 2. cheerful pessimism : a description of a person who blithely notices and remarks on the dark cloud behind every silver lining 3. eloquent silence : a lack of response from someone that nevertheless 9 clearly conveys that person’s attitude 4. hellish paradise : an environment designed to make inhabitants or visitors feel bliss but is, to the more perceptive among them, unnerving in its illusory promise 5. sad smile : a mild expression of superficial cheer that does not maskmelancholyor sorrow. 6. sublimely awful : a reference to something that is so bad, it arouses ironic delight 7. wise fool : a person of supposed mental weakness more shrewd than he or she seems at first. a. The Function of Oxymoron 1. Oxymoron as a Figurative Languge Oxymoron is a literary figurative languge in which opposite or contradictory words, terms, phrases or ideas are combined to create a rhetorical effect by paradoxical means. For example, despairing hope, tender cruelty, glad mourning and sad joy ( Morner and Rausch, 1997 : 158). Oxymoron is a proper subset of the expressions called ― contradiction in terms‖. What distinguishes oxymora from other paradoxes and contradictions is that they are used intentionally, for rhetorical effect, and the contradiction is only apparent, as the combination of terms provides a novel expression of some concept ( Small, 2008:2). 12 juxtaposition in which the two meanings are just loosely contrasted such as eloquent silence. Silence has the basic and strong feature of [ - voice] ; although eloquent can be analyzed to have the semantic feature of [ + voice ], yet compared with other features of the word, [ + voice ] is not so strong. Therefore, eloquent and silence are just loosely contrasted. However, the two words do justify, though in an indirect way, the principle of binary opposition, which is indispensable in oxymoron. ( Chuanyu,2008:13) In other words, depending on the sense relation obtained between the two terms comprising the oxymoron, two types of oxymoron can be distinguished : direct and indirect. Example of direct oxymoron are: wet dryness and sound silence. These cases are characterized by the fact that the head noun and the modifiers represent direct antonyms. Typically, direct antonyms are two lexical items that represent two opposite poles on a certain dimension as in hot and cold where the relevant dimension is heat, wet and dry where the relevant dimension is wetness ( Shen, 2007: 174 ). The indirect oxymoron, on the other hand, can be illustrated by examples such as whistling silence, sunny coldness and watery dryness. Intuitively, the oxymoron’s two tems in each of these cases are not direct antonyms; whistle [ ing ] in not the direct opposite of silence, sun [ ny ] is not the direct opposite of coldness and water [ y ] is not the direct opposite of dryness. b. The Kinds of Oxymoron 13 There are three kinds of oxymoron can be outlined: 1. Objective Oxymoron Objective oxymoron refer to those phrases that use apparent contradictions like pretty ugly, sad smile , same difference, cheerful pessimist, hardly easy and proud humility. They are quite literal, without any hidden meanings. The individual words pretty and ugly, for example, are clear opposite. When paired together, the ― marriage of opposite‖ results in a new expression that makes a perfect sense ( Grothe, 2009 : 2 ). 2. Subjective oxymoron Eckler ( 2004 : 4) said that in subjective oxymoron, there are no inherent contradiction between the two words. When the words are put together, a value, judgement or oponion about the quality of one of them is expressed. The contradiction between two objects is a matter of oppinion. For example considering Microsoft works as an oxymoron implies that Microsoft cannot make a piece of software that works. An almost infinite number of these can be constructed. Whether these pharases are actually oxymoron depends on the reader’s point of view; someone who believes that Microsoft does work, would not think that Microsoft works is an oxymoron. Consequently, Lederer ( 2008 : 5 ) aptly coined the term opinion oxymoron for such expressions. Other illustration are: internet security, business ethics, peacekeeper missile and war games. 3. Punning Oxymoron The best – known punning oxymoron is jumbo shrimp . the use of jumbo shrimp as an oxymoron springs in part from an invitation to leap from an 14 apparent meaning to a less apparent one. While the meaning of jumbo as ―large‖ is obvious, the focus on the meaning of shrimp as ―small‖, rather than it’s apparent meaning as ―decapod crustacean‖, should be considered. This is the stuff that punning is made of, the compacting of two meanings into a verbal space that they do not occupy in ordinary discourse. Usually such punning oxymora depend on substitution of an alternate meaning for the noun in the phrase. Thus, flat busted relies on the multiple meanings of the second word, ―financially broke‖ and ―breasts‖. This process is at work in the likes of even odds, old news , baby grand, cardinal sin and death benefit (Eckler,2004:2). c. Rhetorical Effect of Oxymoron It is generally believed that rhetoric should be based on logic, yet, though closely related, they are not the same thing and do not operate on the same level. In fact, the ―rhetorical logic‖ usually operates on a deeper level than the ―general logic‖. To admit that one should not be logically contradictory in thingking and using language does not mean denying the contradiction or opposition that is there in the real world. It is by no means uncommon for contrasting features to coexist in the same thing. Therefore, two contrasting judgments of the same thing, when made from different angles or at different time, for example, may actually be logical. Superficially, the rhetorical use of oxymoron violates the stereotypically accepted logic in the world, as is true of many other rhetorical devices; but in fact, such use of oxymoron not only makes sense, but, more important, also creates rhetorical effect (Chuanyu,2008: 14). 17 different characters, sometimes changing the form as the character develops. Romeo, for example, grows more adept at the sonnet over the course of the play. Romeo and Juliet has been adapted numerous times for stage, film, musical and opera venues. During the English Restoration, it was revived and heavily revised by William Davenant. David Garrick 's 18th-century version also modified several scenes, removing material then considered indecent, and Georg Benda’s Romeo und Juliet omitted much of the action and added a happy ending. Performances in the 19th century, including Charlotte Cushman's, restored the original text and focused on greater realism. John Gielgud's 1935 version kept very close to Shakespeare's text and used Elizabethan costumes and staging to enhance the drama. In the 20th and into the 21st century, the play has been adapted in versions as diverse as George Cukor's 1935 film Romeo and Juliet, Franco Zeffirelli's 1968 version Romeo and Juliet, and Baz Luhrmann’s 1996 MTV-inspired Romeo + Juliet. B. Previous Relevant Studies There are some studies that related to this research had been conducted before. The first study is conducted by Asst. Lecturer Reja’a M. Flayih (2009) in his journal of Jounal of Kerbala University, Vol. 7 No.3 Scientific.2009 on his journal entitled: A Linguistic Study of Oxymoron. The basic purpose of this study is to investigate oxymoron in the figurative language. A manifestation for the various rhetorical effect of oxymoron and its kinds will also be highlighted. 18 The practical part includes certain text extracted from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. The second related is conducted by Yeshayahu Shen (1987) in journal of Poetics Today, Vol.8:1 (1987) on his journal entitled:On The Structure and Understanding of Poetic Oxymoron. This study is shown that poetics and comparative literature. It would seem reasonable to assume that theories of figurative languge whose main concern is the investigation of figurative language, try to distinguish between the poetic and non-poetic: between poetic and non poetic metaphors, poetic and non poetic oxymoron, etc. The fact is , however , that this question is relatively rarely addressed within theories of poetic language. The thrid related research is conducted in journal by Klaus Krippendorff (2007) in his journal Design Research, an Oxymoron?, october 2007. This study shown that Oxymoron. Oxymoron are not mere linguistic oddities. What makes this research different from the first previous until thrid previous is in this research the researcher analyzed more the word in oxymoron and using descriptive qualitative design. C. Conceptual Framework This terms ―oxymoron‖ is a figurative languge that combines two contradictory terms.There are three kinds of oxymoron: objective oxymoron, subjective oxymoron, and punning oxymoron.Oxymoron may remain unnoticed when the meanings of the contradictory parts are not distinguished, as in spendthrift, virtual reality, and Artificial Intelligence. Typically, contradictions of 19 this kind are resolved by taking one term as the inferior attribute of a superior concept. In this research, the researcher will analyze the oxymoron on Romeo and Juliet Plays as the object of this research by using qualitative descriptive analysis method to identifying the types of oxymoron . Perhaps, it is very interesting by the learners of English who does research because analyzing the palys from the beginning until the end to find out the oxymoron on Romeo and Juliet. 22 The last step after doing the data display is drawn of the conclusion and verification. It is used to describe all of the data, so that it will become clearly. The conclusion can be able to answer the formulation of the problem that formulated from the beginning. 23 CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS A. Data Collection The data of this research were collected from the figure of speech on the oxymoron which are found Romeo and Juliet plays by William Shakespeare . The researcher collected total 56 oxymoron on Romeo and Juliet plays script. B. Data Analysis After collecting data, the data were analyzed focused on oxymoron on Romeo and Juliet Plays by William Shakespeare. The data will be analyzed in the table as follows: Table 4.1 The sentences of oxymoron on Romeo and Juliet Plays by William Shakespeare. NO OXYMORON MEANING 1. Both my self and many other friends, but he, his own affection counsellor is to him self I will not say how true but to him self so secreat and so close, so far from saunding and discovery, as is the bud bit with envious worm, here he can spread hissweet leaves to the air, or dedicate his beauty to the sun. He leave best moment to get a new experience 1. See, where he comes so please you, step aside, I’II know his grievance, or be much denied He forget his aside to know and help the grievance of someone 2. Good morrow cousin. He hope good will come in the next day 3. Alas, that love, so gentle in his view should be so tyrannous and He think, it can be proof about love 24 rough in proof 4. Alas, that love, whose view is muffled still, should without eyes, see pathways to his will ! where shall we dine? O me ! what fray was here? Yet tell me not for I have heard it all . here’s much to do with hate, but more with love. Why then Brawling love Brawling from heart to say love to someone 5. Heavy lightness Love that difficult to struggle 6. Serious vanity The habit of someone that people don’t like 7. Loving hate. Anything of nothing first create Hate someone but still loving her 8. Feather of lead Make the certain decision 9. Bright smoke, cold first sick health . still waking sleep , that is not what is it. This love feel I that feel no love in this . dost thou not laugh? Something that hamper what you want 10. No, coz I Rather weep Crying because something happen 11. Why, such is love’s transgresssion. Griefs of mine own lie heavy in my breast which thou wilt propagate, to have it prest with more of thine this love that thou hast should doth add more grief to too much of mine own. Love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs being purged , a fire sparkling in lovers tears what is it else? A madness most discreet a choking gall and a preserving sweet. Farewell, my coz. Enmity that on great spirit 12. And too soon marr’d are those so early made. The earth hath swallow’d all my hopes but she, she is the hopeful lady of my earth but woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart, my will to her consent is but a part, an she agree, within her scope of choice. Lies my consent and fair according voice. This night I Something that impossible to get 27 keeperNor no without-book prologue, faintly spoke. After the prompter, for our entrance: But let them measure us by what they will, We'll measure them a measure, and be gone. 23. Not I, believe me you have dancing shoes. With nimble soles I have a soul of lead. So stakes me to the ground I cannot move. Moving faster 24. You are a lover borrow Cupid's wings, And soar with them above a common bound. The rule that must loyal 25. I am too sore enpierced with his shaft. To soar with his light feathers, and so bound, I cannot bound a pitch above dullwoe, Under love's heavy burden do I sink. Loving in deep hearth 26. If love be rough with you, be rough with love,Prick love for pricking. Want to do something with someone 27. and you beat lovedown. Give me a case to put my visage in, A visor for a visor! what care I. What curious eye doth quote deformities? It’s mean he like someone that make you falling in love 28. Here are the beetle brows shall blush for me. Watch out around the location 29. A torch for me let wantons light of heart. Tickle the sense less rushes with their heels, For I am proverb'd with a grandsire phrase Improper to do something 30. I'll be a candle holder, and look on. The game was ne'er so fair, and I am done. Victory in front of the eyes 31. Tut, dun's the mouse, the constable's own word, If thou art dun, we'll draw thee from the mire. Of this sir-reverence love, wherein thou stick'st. Up to the ears. Come, weburn daylight, ho! The condition of heart that on great spirit 32. O, then, I see Queen Mab hath Lazy to do something 28 been with you. She is the fairies' midwife, and she comes. In shape no bigger than an agate- stone. On the fore-finger of an alderman, Drawn with a team of little atomies. Athwart men's noses as they lie asleep, Her wagon-spokes made of long spiders' legs, The cover of the wings of grasshoppers, The traces of the smallest spider's web,The collars of the moonshine's watery beams,Her whip of cricket's bone, the lash of film, Her wagoner a small grey-coated gnat, Not so big as a round little worm. Prick'd from thelazy fingerof a maid 33. Her chariot is an empty hazelnut Made by the joiner squirrel or old grub, Time out o' mind the fairies' coachmakers. And in this state she gallops night by night. Through lovers' brains, and then they dream of love. Think about how to defend of love 34. O'er courtiers' knees, that dream on court'sies straight, O'er lawyers' fingers, whostraight dream on fees, O'er ladies ' lips, who straight on kisses dream, Which oft the angry Mab with blisters plagues, Because their breaths with sweet meats tainted are, Sometime she gallops o'er a courtier's nose. Dream about beauty in the future 35. Sometime she gallops o'er a courtier's nose,And then dreams he of smelling out a suit, And sometime comes she with a tithe pig's tail. Tickling a parson's nose as a' lies asleep, Then dreams, he of another benefice. Sometime she driveth o'er a soldier's neck, And then dreams he of cutting foreign throats ofbreaches, ambuscadoes, The leader that can’t to sovereign anymore 29 Spanish blades, Of healths five- fathom deep and then anon. Drums in his ear, at which he starts and wakes, And being thus frighted swears a prayer or two. And sleeps again. This is that very Mab. 36. That plats the manes of horses in the night, And bakes the elflocks in foul sluttish hairs,Which once untangled, much misfortune bodes,This is the hag, when maids lie on their backs, That presses them and learns them first to bear.Making them women of good carriage. The bodes that happen in the castle 37. True, I talk of dreams, Which are the children of an idle brain, Begot of nothing but vain fantasy, Which is as thin of substance as the air. And more inconstant than the wind, who wooes. Even now the frozen bosom of the north, And, being anger'd, puffs away from thence, Turning his face to the dew- dropping south. Not important fantasy 38. I fear, too early: for my mind misgives. Some consequence yet hanging in the stars. Shall bitterly begin his fearful date With this night's revels and expire the term. Of a despised life closed in my breast. By some vile forfeit of untimely death. But He, that hath the steerage of my course, Direct my sail! On, lusty gentlemen. The crafty someone that make lose best friend 39. We cannot be here and there too. Cheerly, boys be brisk awhile, and the longer liver talk all. Something that coming just for awhile 40. Welcome, gentlemen! ladies that have their toes. Unplagued with corns will have a bout with you. The corns that useless 32 seem'st, A damned saint, an honourable villain!O nature, what hadst thou to do in hell, When thou didst bower the spirit of a fiend In moral paradise of such sweet flesh? Was ever book containing such vile matter So fairly bound? O that deceit should dwell. In such a gorgeous palace! happiness 57. Gallop apace, you fiery-footed steeds, Towards Phoebus' lodging: such a wagoner. As Phaethon would whip you to the west, And bring in cloudy night immediately. Spread they close curtain, love-performing night, That runaway's eyes may wink and Romeo Leap to these arms, untalk'd of and unseen. Lovers can see to do their amorous rites. Tell about how giving love to someone 58. O deadly sin! O rude unthankfulness! They fault our law calls death but the kind prince, Taking thy part, hath rush'd aside the law, And turn'd that black word death to banishment. This is dear mercy, and thou seest it not. Bad conduct can be deadly in our life 59. Indeed, I never shall be satisfied. With Romeo, till I behold him dead. Is my poor heart for a kinsman vex'd. Madam, ifyou could find out but a man. To bear a poison, I would temper it, That Romeo should, upon receipt thereof, Soon sleep in quiet. O, how my heart abhors. To hear him named, and cannot come to him. To wreak the love I bore my cousin. Upon his body that slaughter'd him! Juliet feel she not suitable to loving Romeo 60. Hang thee, young baggage! disobedient wretch! I tell thee what: get thee to church o' Someone that resist the constant rule 33 Thursday, or never after look me in the face. Speak not, reply not, do not answer me, My fingers itch. Wife, we scarce thought us blest That God had lent us but this only child, But now I see this one is one too much, and that we have a curse in having her: Out on her, hilding! Based on the table, there are 60 oxymoron are found on Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare and the meaning of oxymoron 34 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion Having analized the data, the conclusion are : 1. There were oxymoron in the figure of speech. There are types of figure of speech especially oxymoron. 2. Based on the analysis, the researcher found oxymoron on Romeo and Juliet Playsby William Shakespeare script. B. Suggestion Based on the previous conclusion, the suggestion of this research are put forward as follows: 1. The students should study Semantic especially about oxymoron , because it will make them know better about the meaning and function of oxymoron. 2. Other researcher can conduct research with detail analysis related to oxymoron , because it can be used to help students to study Semantic better.
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