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Symbolic Analysis of Songs: Understanding Meanings through Westlife's Lyrics, Exams of Music

Semiotics and MusicSymbolism in LiteratureSymbolic Interpretation of Songs

The use of symbols in songs, focusing on Westlife's lyrics. The research identifies various types of symbols, including symbols of color, things, situations, sound, and the imaginative. The study also discusses the impact of symbols on real life and references previous research on symbol usage in literature.

What you will learn

  • What are the objectives of the study on Westlife's song lyrics?
  • How do symbols impact real life according to the research?
  • What are the three major ways Dickinson constructs symbols in her death poems?
  • What are the five types of symbols identified in the study?
  • How does the study differentiate between symbols and legisign?

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Download Symbolic Analysis of Songs: Understanding Meanings through Westlife's Lyrics and more Exams Music in PDF only on Docsity! ANALYSIS OF THE SYMBOLS IN WESTLIFE’S SONG LYRICS a final project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra in English by Hanna Eka Rosita 221141058 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF LANGUAGES AND ARTS UNIVERSITAS NEGERI SEMARANG 2019 APPROVAL This final project has been approved by the board of the examiners of the English Department of Languages and Arts Faculty of Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) on February 2019, Board of Examiners 1, Chairman: Dr. Sri Rejeki Urip. M. Hum NIP. 196202211989012001 2. Secretary: Arif Suryo Priyatmojo, S. Pd. NIP. 198306102010121002 3. First Examiner: Maria Johana Ari W.. 8. S.. M. Si, NIP. 197405162001 122001 4, Second Examiner: Mohamad Ikhwan Rosyidi. S. S.. MA NIP. 198012062009121001 5. Third Examiner: Bambang Purwanto, S. S.. M. Hum. NIP. 197807282008121001 ina Approved by, MOTTO AND DEDICATION Man jadda wa jadda. “barang siapa bersungguh-sungguh maka dia akan mendapatkan (kesuksesan)” I whoheartedly dedicate this final project to: Me, Myself, and I My Mommy and Daddy My Husband, Reza Indrayana and My Sweetheart, Kafka Xavier Indrayana My Family and My Friends ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Allah SWT. the Almighty for the blessing and the guidance to the completion for this final project. And also I am heartily thankful to my advisors, Bambang Purwanto, S. S., M. Hum., and M. Ikhwan Rosyidi, S.S., M.A., for their patience in giving careful guidance, helpful correction, valueable suggestion, and advice as well as encouragement in completing and finishing this final project. Last but not least, my special gratitude also goes to my super family. My beloved mommy, my daddy, my mom-in-law, my dad-in-law, my brother, my sisters, my husband, and my dearest son who always be my biggest supporters through their helps and prayers. My loves; Munifah, Imelda, Diah KP, Ayum, Lia, Rani, Kholifah, also all of my friends in the English Literature who have inspire, help, and support me in finishing my final project. I realize that this final project is not perfect. Therefore, I hope criticisms and suggestions for its betterment. Finally, I hope that this final project will be useful for the readers. Hanna Eka Rosita ABSTRACT Rosita, Hanna Eka. 2018. Analysis of the Symbol in Westlife’s Song Lyrics. Final Project. English Department. Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES). Advisor: Bambang Purwanto, S. S., M. Hum., Mohamad Ikhwan Rosyidi, S. S., M. A. Keywords: Symbol, Song, Semiotics, Westlife Song is one example of literature. Listening song is enjoyable activity, but the listeners cannot get a pleasure if they do not understand the meaning in the song. Sometimes song consists of symbol to describe the meaning of a song. Based on the reason, it brought the researcher to find out the symbol and meaning in the song lyrics and to explain the impacts of symbol toward real life. This study applied a descriptive qualitative method. Through this method the researcher tried to analyze, explain, and find out the meaning of the symbols by using Charles Sanders Pierce’s theory. In this case, Charles Sanders Pierce developed a triadic model in illustrating the definition of the sign as a symbol. The triadic model consisted of three components; representamen, object and interpretant. The unit analysis of this study was Westlife’s songs, there were more than 145 songs in 11 albums. Because of the large amount of the songs, the researcher chose 7 songs from the Greatest Album of Westlife that are Swear it Again, If I Let You Go, Flying without Wings, I Have a Dream, My Love, Uptown Girl, and You Raise Me Up. This study contained 5 kinds of symbols that were symbol of color (12 items), symbol of thing (19 items), symbol of situation (18 items), symbol of sound (5 items), and symbol of imaginative (7 items). Furthermore, the most dominant symbol was symbol of thing. Symbols brought some impacts to real life to help the listeners or the readers to understand the real meaning toward real life. LIST OF APPENDICES Appendices Page Appendix 1: List of Westlife’s Song Lyrics ................................................ 79 Appendix 2: Data Classification of Westlife’s Song Lyrics ....................... 99 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Chapter I presents introduction of the study, which contains of background of the study, reasons for choosing the topic, statements of the problem, objectives of the study, significance of the study, and the outline of the study. Description of subchapter is presented as follows. 1.1 Background of the Study Language is a means of human communication method, either spoken or written consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way. According to Pickering, James H.& Hoeper, Jeffrey D. (1981: 307) that, “the creation of literature is uniquely human activity, born of man’s timeless desire to understand, express, and finally share experiences”. Literature reflects the various experiences, ideas, passions of human beings in their daily life that express on several forms and styles of literary works. One form of literature is song lyric. Song lyric is like a poem that is a part of the literary work which has the intrinsic elements like poetry. It is expressing a person’s personal feelings and thoughts, and connected to written for, singing. It is also a kind of poetry which is generally short and characterized by a musical use of language. It is the name for a short poem, that is usually divided into stanzas and directly expressing the poet’s own thoughts or sentiments. It is 2 the word of a song and it is an important part in the creation of a song because song lyric is a tool that can be used to express ideas and feelings of the songwriter. In reading the song lyric, someone not only read or looked at the words that were lined up in the song lyric but he/she also tries to understand the meaning of the song lyric. The expression of idea in a poem sometimes comes in a form of sign, symbol, icon, or even code. Pierce (in Hawkes 1978: 126-128) that “sign is something for someone to represents something else.” Also, there is the ‘typology of signs’: starting from Pierce’s trichotomy are symbols, indices, and icons. Symbol is a mode in which the signifier does not resemble signified but which is fundamentally arbitrary or purely convention (for example: numbers, traffic light, national flag). Icon/iconic is a sign whose signifier bears a close resemblance to the thing it refers to (for example: a photograph of the girl can be said highly iconic because it looks like her, a road sign showing the silhouette of a car and motorbike is highly iconic because it looks like a car and motorbike). Index/indexical is a mode in which the signifier is directly connected in some ways (physically or causally) to the signified (for example: smoke as an index of fire, thermometer as an index of temperature, clock as an index of time). A symbol may be roughly defined as something that means more than what it is. The symbol is meaningless except as it stands for something else, and the connection between sign and what it stands for is purely arbitrary. Symbol is the richest, and at the same time the most difficult of the poetic figures. Symbols vary in the degree of identification and definition given them by their authors. Poems sometimes are fully symbolic to make it more interesting because the poem is 5 (2) During the popularity of Westlife’s songs, which consists of some popular songs and they are still remembered. However, there are some impacts toward real life. 1.3 Statements of the Problem In order to have through analysis; this final project will be focused on the following problems stated below: (1) What symbols and meanings are stated in some of Westlife’s song lyrics? (2) How are the impacts of the symbols toward real life? 1.4 Objectives of the study Based on the problems that have been stated above, the objectives of the study are: (1) To identify the kinds of symbols and find out the meanings in Westlife’s song lyrics. (2) To show the impacts toward real life. 1.5 Significance of the study After analyzing the song lyrics, the researcher stated two significances of the study into following statements: The first significance of the study is theoretical value that can improve the reader’s knowledge about literature especially in understanding poetry in a form of song lyrics. The second significance of the study is practical value which can improve knowledge for the researcher especially in making a research. This final project can also be a reference for the next researcher, and the study will give 6 information for those who are interested to conduct another study with the similar topic. 1.6 Outline of the study The discussion of the study has been divided into chapters and sub-chapters. The explanation of each chapter can be elaborate as follow: Chapter I is introduction, which consists of background of the study, reasons for coosing the topic, statements of the problem, objectives of the study, significance of the study, and outline of the study. Chapter II is review of related literature. This chapter is divided into three sub-chapters. They are reviews of the previous studies, theoretical reviews, and theoretical framework. Chapter III is method of investigation. It deals with the method used by the researcher in doing the research. It includes object of the study, research design, role of the researcher, the procedure of collecting the data, and the procedure of analyzing the data. Chapter IV is findings and discussion. In this chapter, the researcher presents the finding, data interpretation, as well as the answers from the problem provided in the first chapter. Chapter V is the conclusion and suggestion. It contains the conclusion which is the crystallization of the research result and followed by suggestion dealing with the subject matter of the research. 7 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE The second chapter presents the theories underlying the topic of the study. This chapter consists of five subchapters. They are Review of Previous Studies, Review of Related Theories, and Theoretical Framework. 2.1 Review of the Previous Studies Before doing this research, a review of previous study related to the material object of Westlife’s song lyrics and the formal object of symbol need to be done. The purpose is to avoid plagiarism. First, a thesis entitled An Analysis of Symbolic Sign in Emily Dickinson’s Death Poems by Nabila Inaya Jannati, Universitas Sebelas Maret, 2012. The research uses semiotic approach and applies Rifaterre’s Semiotics of Poetry. This theory focuses on poetry analysis and gives the most representative tool to uncover symbolic signs in poem. The theory also relates to social and cultural background analysis. The findings are 1) two kinds of symbols; personal symbols and conventional symbols, 2) three major ways of Dickinson in constructing symbols in her death poems that have been found in the thesis are she employs indirection in her poetry; she uses cliche, customs, and the role of influence or any characteristics of the conventional poems; and she creates personal symbols by 10 a sentence for proposing the theme, and the sentence is “The Super Power of the Queen makes no future of the England”. Eighth, a journal entitled A Semiotic Analysis in Music Video of Naughty Boy’s La La La by Dimas Anugrah Satya, 2018. The research is a descriptive qualitative method and using semiotic theory from Roland Barthes. The results of this research indicated that the semiotic signs portrayed in this music video were visual signs that realized in the images that told about a boy travelled from his house to the mine hill with his friends that he met while travelling; and verbal signs that realized in the lyrics that portrayed about rebellion words; then the meaning of the semiotic signs realized in this research were the denotation meaning was a boy's journey to a mine hill by inviting a dog, gym guard and policeman to face the goat statue; the connotation meaning was the boy as the main character conveys the ideology of disobedience to the oppressed people he met; and the myth realized in this video was the depiction of a messiah that symbolized by the boy in seeking followers to fight demon or evil. The findings that contained in this video were the film structure technique that used to analyze the video, help to focusing the object in the image. Ninth, a journal entitled A Semiotic Analysis of Angel’s Wings by Westlife in Coast to Coast Album by Arifin and Linda Deviana, Malang, Jawa Timur, 2005. This is using semiotic theory. The findings tell about the relationship between a mother and children which is a mother’s feeling is very amazing to take care of her children, doing whatever that makes her children happy and giving unconditional love to her children. 11 Tenth, a journal entitled The Semiotic Perspectives of the Symbol by Aniko Radvanszky, 2010. The paper analyses Tzvetan Todorov’s Theories of the Symbol, which describes the history of the theories of symbol. The essay reflects on the shortcomings of the history of the symbol presented and the inadequacy of the chosen semiotic method. The author assumes that Todorov’s book adopts the views of the 20th century neo-rhetorics on severa points, and she intends to point out some basic consequences of this correlation that related to the methodology of the book. 2.2 Review of Related Theories 2.2.1 Definition of Semiotics A general semiotic theory will be considered powerful according to its capacity for offering an appropriate formal definition for every sort of sign-function, whether it has already been described and coded or not. Semiotics is concerned with everything that can be taken as a sign. A sign is everything which can be taken as significantly substituting for something else. Charles Sanders Peirce / Peircian Semiotics (1839-1914) Charles Sanders Peirce said that there are three sides of sign. The sides are representamen, object and interpretant (Peirce 1940:101). In that book, Peirce says that a sign is something stands for something. Peirce gives a definition of representamen as the sign itself, the object is the thing which is referred, and the interpretant is the product from the connection between interpretant and object. Taking the example above, according to Peirce the word pen is the representamen, yet the object is the pen physically. For the interpretant is what thought which is 12 appeared when someone hears pen, such as “writings”, “ink:, “paper”, and so on. Here is the Peirce’s diagram (Sheriff 1981:53) : Representamen Object Interpretant Futhermore, Peirce (1940:99-100) says that in the semiosis process (the process of interpreting a sign) there are three elements. A Sign, or Representamen, is a First which stands in such a genuine triadic relation to a Second, called its Object, as to be capable of determining a Third, called its Interpretant, to assume the same triadic relation to its Object in which it stands itself to the same Object. The triadic relation is genuine, that is its three members are bound together by it in a way that does not consist in any complexus of dyadic relation. That it the reason the Interpretant, or Third, cannot stand in a mere dyadic relation to the Object, but must stand in such a relation to it as the Representamen itself does. Nor can the triadic relation in which the Third stands merely similar to that in which the First stands, for this would make the relation of the Third to the First a degenerate Secondness merely. It means that those sides (Representamen, Object, Interpretant) are something which should always be together. They are inseparable in semiosis because they have their functions to determine each other so that semiosis process can describe or determine the sign clearly. Nevertheless, a sign cannot call as the Firstness, and so forth. Definitely, Firstness is a probability or something which does not refer to anything else. Then, 15 completely formless signified (Saussure 1983, 101; Saussure 1974, 102-103). A sign is a recognizable combination of a signifier with a particular signified. The Saussurean legacy of the arbitrariness of signs leads semioticians to stress that the relationship between the signifier and the signified is conventional dependent on social and cultural conventions. This is particularly clear in the case of the linguistic signs with which Saussure was concerned: a word means what it does to us only because we collectively agree to let it do so. Saussure felt that the main concern of semiotics should be 'the whole group of systems grounded in the arbitrariness of the sign'. He argued that: Signs which are entirely arbitrary convey better than others the ideal semiological process. That is why the most complex and the most widespread of all systems of expression, which is the one we find in human languages, is also the most characteristic of all. In this sense, linguistics serves as a model for the whole of semiology, even though languages represent only one type of semiological systems. (Saussure 1983, 68; Saussure 1974, 68). However, whilst purely conventional signs such as words are quite independent of their referents, other less conventional forms of signs are often somewhat less independent of them. Nevertheless, since the arbitary nature of linguistic signs is clear, those who have adopted the Saussurean model have tended to avoid “the familiar mistake of assuming that signs which appear natural to those who use them have an intrinsic meaning and require no explanation.” (Culler 1975: 5) Michael Riffaterre When reading a literary work, the reader must constantly be aware of the multiplicity of representations that the text imposes on him. Riffaterre (1978: 3) 16 stated that, “from the standpoint of meaning of the text is a string of successive information units. From the standpoint of significance the text is one semantic unit.” From this standpoint, reading is more than a simple one-way operation of identifying signs put down on paper. According to Riffaterre, the text makes it apparent that “[it] is constructed in such a way that it can control its own decoding” (Riffaterre, 1983: 6) and consequently, it acts on the reader as much as the reader acts on it. Riffaterre (1983: 7) defines the stylistic unit as “a dyad made up of inseparable poles, the first of which creates a probability and the second of which frustrates that probability. The contrast between the two results in a stylistic effect.” The first of the two poles – the one that creates the probability – is the grammar established by the text, that is, a series of expected, mimetic utterances that appear normal at first glance. In literary text, the reader will encounter ungrammaticalities: the apparently incongruous elements that come in and disrupt the grammar of the text. This is where we can find the second poles of dyad: the stylistic unit. Ungrammaticality is what allows us to jump from mimesis to semiosis and thereby gain access to the significance of the text. Moreover, the characteristics of ungrammaticality is that it must be perceptible; if it habours a hidden meaning, the text will give formal indices to the reader, who will furnish the key to interpretation. These indices exhibit two features, or properties: 1. A deictic feature, perceived as a distortion of mimesis. Riffaterre (1983: 12) cities -Encoded in such a way that, first, it reveals that it is hiding something. 17 2. A hermenuetic feature: the sort of disortion of mimesis. Riffaterre (1983: 12) says, -Indicates how we can find that something. Roland Barthes Roland Barthes further develops the theory of the arbitrary nature of signs, drawing from the philosophical pool of such theorists as Marx, Freud, Sartre, Levi-Strauss, Foucault, Derrida, Phillipe, Sollers, and Kristeva. In his work, Barthes focuses on the artificial nature of all communication systems. Barthes believes that a dividing line between reality and the symbols used to represent it extends to many cultural forms (photographs, film, advertising, music, etc.). He attacks these modern cultural forms because they blur this dividing line between real and the artificial. For example, a photograph is not merely a captured moment, but rather it is allowed with same way, a sporting event can be seen as a ritualistic expression of social and cultural values. Barthes is one of the leading theorists of semiotics, the study of signs. A sign, in this context, refers to something which conveys meaning. For example, a written or spoken word, a symbol or a myth. As with many semioticists, one of Barthes’s main themes was the importance of avoiding the confusion of culture with nature, or the naturalisation of social phenomena. Another important theme is the importance of being careful how the researcher use words or other signs. One characteristics of Barthes’s style is that he frequently uses a lot of words to explain 20 performance by a soloist”. According Wikipedia (2011), in music, a song is a composition for voice or voices, performed by singing. A song may be accompanied by musical instruments, or it may be unaccompanied, as in the case of a cappella songs. The lyrics (words) of songs are typically of a poetic, rhyming nature, though they may be religious verses or free prose. From the definitions of song above, the researcher can say that song is a peace of music that can be sung. Sometimes, it is voiced and sung by solo singer, a duet, trio, or large ensemble involving more voices. Song and music are in one unity, it means that song and music have a close relation. They cannot be separate each other. Music is an arrangement of sound which followed the song is sung. According Britainician Concise Encyclopedia (2011), “Songs written by a particular composer or poet generally are more sophisticated and are not attached to activities”. The composer uses the song to express willing, though, and feeling. Song can be used to present the human life. Everything is happen in all sides of this life, such as: love, hate, happiness and sadness, regret, good and bad, nature, and so on. Some experts give their opinion about song, that “song is categorized as a piece of music to be sung by human voice” (Wordsworth, 1965:681). Or that “song is a piece of music with words for singing” (Procter, 1987: 1066). We can also define songs as a short musical work set to a poetic text work set, with equal importance given to music and to the words. It is generally performed with instrumental accompaniment. (Tyler, 1975: 1220) 21 Not quite different from the definition above, Mish (1983: 1124) gives also some definitions of song, they are: (1) song is an act or art of singing; (2) song is poetical composition; (3) song is a short musical composition of words and music; (4) song is a collection of such composition; (5) song is a distinctive or characteristic sounds; (6) song is a melody for a lyric poem or ballad; (7) song is a poem easily to set music. Based on Wikipedia, song can be divided into three types. First is art song. Art song is song created for performance in their own right, or for purposes of a European upper class, usually with piano accompaniment, although they can also have other types of accompaniment such as an orchestra or string quartet, and are always notated. Generally, they have an identified author(s) and require voice training for acceptable performance. The lyrics are often written by lyrics and the music separately by composer. Second is popular song. Popular Song can become a modern folk song when members of the public who learn to sing it from the reordered version teach their version to others. Popular song may be called pop songs for short, although pop song or pop music may instead be considered a more commercially popular genre of popular singers in every country right now. Third is folk song. Folk song is a song of the often anonymous origin (or are public domain) that are transmitted orally. They are frequently a major aspect of national or cultural identity. Art song often approach the status of folk songs when people forget who the author was. Folk songs are also frequently transmitted non-orally especially in the modern era. 22 Song is a kind literary work that is sung by human voice and accompanied by other musical instruments. Unlike another literary works such as prose, short story, everything is written, song has its own characteristic that is to be sung after written by a lyric form. Furthermore, with song people would caught the meaning and expression that the singer wants to convey easily. 2.2.3 Lyric According to Silvian B., William Bruto, and James Joyce (2006: 697), a lyric is a song accompanied by a lyre. It is short, and it usually expressed a single emotion such as joy or sorrow. Rees (1973: 75) states that a lyric is now the name for a short poem, that is usually divided into stanzas and directly expressing the poet’s own thoughts or sentiments. Suharto’s stated in his journal entitled Music and Language: A Stress Analysis of English Song Lyrics that lyric is simply words of a song. Lyric roles are not only as a complement of the song but also as an important part of the musical elements, which determines the theme, character, and mission of the song. Lyric actually denotes non-musical element of a music song. However, it gives the song a new unique dimension and enriches its music performance. It is a part of the song, which has an important role to express a composer’s feeling. The lyric is now used for any short poem with a single speaker, not necessarily the poet itself, who expresses personal thought and feelings rather than public events. Sussane Lo Iudice (2000) cities song lyrics often add meaning to the story or are used to represent a character’s feelings, usually taking one of two forms. 25 translation alone. Symbol is using an object or action that means something more than its meaning. Symbols are extremely in helping people to comprehend abstract concepts such as “freedom”, “goodness”, and “badness.” For instance, a birth may stand for “freedom” because, to earth-bound humans, they seem to able to go where they please. Similarly, “good” is sometimes represented by the colour white and “bad” by black. In the book by Roberts amd Jacobs (1998: 56), it is explained that symbolism is a mode that expands meaning. It is literary device developed from the connection rea life poepole make between their own existence and particular objects, places, or occurences either through experience or reading. A symbol creates a direct meaningful equation between (1) specific object, scene, characters, or action and (2) ideas, values, persons, or ways of life. As a result, a symbol is a substitute for the elements being signified, much as the flag stands for the ideas of nation. It means that symbol represents something standing for or something else. Symbol is an object which refers to another object, but also demands attention in its own right as representation. Notion of Symbol Symbols are reflection of a profound reality. They dramatically represent our deepest instinctive understanding. Symbols are collective and communal and so bring a sense of wholeness and togetherness to social life. 26 In its history, symbol had significant part in many aspects such as education, theology, philosophy, literature and even language itself. Symbol has given name to a specific literary movement and it continues to turn up in largely different context and purpose. There have been so many definitions presented by some of symbol experts. Symbol is anything concrete, such as a person, a thing, or even a situation. Which stand for something abstract or in tangible. It provides an excellent transition between illusion and reality by making the reader aware of the unknown through comparison with the known. (Opdhal, 1986: 92) Hodgins in Burrow (1973: 92) has classified the four basic types of symbol dealing with symbol as part of our life experiment. They are as follows: (a) Literary symbol. It uses certain images to evoke certain ideas. (b) Natural symbol. It represents a quality of naturally associated with it. Such a spring represents a joy. Happiness and winter represents sadness. (c) Conventional symbol. It stands for something other than themselves such as rose as the symbol of love. (d) Private symbol. It is significant to the author in her private way and unless she explains her meaning that maybe different to the reader’s meaning. More clearly, Fromm in Browns (1973: 37) says that “symbol is something which connected on something else.” In searching the specific connection between the symbol and something which is symbolized, he differenciates the symbol on three matters they are: 27 (a) Conventional symbol. It is employed in everyday language. The only reason the word symbolized the thing is the convention of calling the particular thing with particular name. (b) Accidental symbol. There is no relationship between symbol and something symbolized. The connection between them is entire accident. (c) The universal symbol. Here the only one in which the relationship between the symbol and the object which is symbolized is not coincidental intrinsic. It is rooted in the experience of the affinity between emotion and though on the one hand and a sensory experience on the other hand. Why it can be universal? Because all men could share it. There are so many definitions of symbol. In this case, the researcher can conclude the definition of literary symbol. In fact, the literary symbols are different from the arbitrary symbol such as number, alphabet, and some ordinary signs. Kennedy (1983: 145) states, “a symbol in literary has a meaning as a thing that suggests more than its literal meaning.” 2.2.5 Meaning The term meaning is simply derived from the word mean. The meaning is also the intention or idea of speaker or writer about meaning given in the form of language, Daniel (2004: 43). In other hand, Cowie (2009: 6-10) said that there are two part in meaning; 1. Multiple meaning, we have note that units of meaning are not always confined to simple words, and that, as rule, the forms of these words do not reliably indicated their meaning. 70 70 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION This chapter presents two sub chapters, the first one is conclusion of the study and the second one is suggestion given for the reader. 5.1 CONCLUSION After conducting the research, several conclusions can be drawn as follows. First, from the song lyrics in Westlife’s selected songs entitled Swear it Again, If I Let You Go, Flying without Wings, I have a Dream, My Love, Uptown Girl, and You Raise Me Up, the symbols were described in several categories such as Symbol of Color (12 items), Symbol of Thing (19 items), Symbol of Situation (18 items), Symbol of Sound (5 items), and Symbol of Imaginative (7 items). These songs can be as means to express the characters, the feelings, the opinions, and the experiences. Each lyric is written certainly does have a message directed to the listener and the reader. The message is directed with the intention that they get the impression after listening and reading the lyrics. Second, the collections of lyrics that hit much in reflecting human’s life. The impact of these symbols toward real life is “humans are highly social beings that tend to live in large complex social groups.” Human being is always need someone’s else to continue the life. Humans have some different characteristics, behaviors, or even hobbies. In the lyrics of Westlife’s selected songs contain symbol that is helpful in understanding it. The symbols that have 71 been found are promise, doubt, optimism, spirit and motivation, loyalty, simplicity, and strength. According to the symbols that have been found in the song, the researcher can conlude that these songs are dominantly told the listeners or the readers about life’s struggle and sacrifice. The researcher knows that life is not easy, and life is complicated. So, these songs can be a motivation song to face something in some sides to see a good side and bad side. Moreover, by listening to the song people can see the life experiences and get some moral value inside the song lyrics. Based on the elaborate above, it concludes that symbols bring some impacts to real life to help the listeners or the readers to understand the real meaning of the song lyrics. 5.2 SUGGESTION Hopefully, this study can give useful contribution to the readers or next researchers. Here are some points that the researcher would like to emphasize. First, regarding to the study, this study mainly focused on the personal character of Westlife’s song lyrics. The further researcher who would take the same topic or approach. It is suggested that they do more in-depth analysis of the symbol in a song lyric. Second, the researcher suggests the readers on how to control the attitude and behavior in social relationship with others. A personal character is an attempt to enter into social relationship by noticing and realizing the face, public self-image of people we adress. So, what people do should be considered first and should respect each other. 72 BIBLIOGRAPHY Book Bressler, Charles E. 1998. Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice. Houghton College: Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 Eagleton, Terry. 1943. Literary Theory: An Introduction. London: University of Minnesota Press. Diyanni, R. 2004. Literature:Approach to Fiction, Poetry and Drama. New York: McGraw Hill Companies. Eco, Umberto. 1976. A Theory of Semiotics. United States of America: Indiana: University Press. Faruk. 2012. Metode Penelitian Sastra: Sebuah Penjajahan Awal. Indonesia: Pustaka Pelajar. Hartshorne, Charles, Paul Weiss. 1935. 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