
According to Piaget, assimilation involves

- a. Interpreting new experiences in terms of one's current understanding.
- b. The absorption of nutrients into the body for growth and development.
- c. Resolving social dilemmas in productive ways.
- d. Altering existing schemas in order to incorporate new information.
- e. Training children to behave in a socially acceptable manner
almost 5 years ago

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almost 5 years ago
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Piaget theory explains how a being construct the world’s information into his/her mind. A kid would save a little information at first, for example, trees are big and green. Latter, more information like tree names, their height difference, and their leaves color schemes in different weather, etc. would be saved to same tree set. Jean Piaget disagreed to the idea of fixed trait intelligence and proceeded to state that cognitive development is a process. More of theory of Piaget in detail in lecture handout.