
According to the school of ethical relativism

- A. Concepts of ethically right and ethically wrong are relative across countries and cultures but are universal within countries or cultures
- B. Individuals and businesses have a basic right to "moral free space" and that it is inappropriate to specify ethically permissible and ethically impermissible actions and behaviors
- C. There are important occasions when local cultural norms and the circumstances of the situation determine whether certain behaviors are right or wrong
- D. Concepts of right and wrong as applied to business situations are always a function of eachcompany's own set of values, beliefs and ethical convictions (as stated in the company's code of ethical conduct)
- E. Standards of what is ethically right and ethically wrong as applied to business behavior are determined solely by whatever business norms prevail in a particular country/culture/society and these business norms are certain to vary across countries/cultures/societies
almost 5 years ago

4 replies

almost 5 years ago
The schools of ethical relativism and ethical universalism draw a boundary line between a local culture and ethical norms and a universally acceptable moral values implied across multiple cultures and societies. There could be many different cultures and norms in a country. Ethical relativism helps the business to determine the ethical values/rules based on local culture rather than accepting what is right or wrong on other places of business. So, C is right answer. More detain in lecture notes on theory of ethical relativism.