
According to the text, goals should be

- a. Extremely difficult so that only 10% of your players can reach them.
- b. Easy enough to achieve so that self-esteem is enhanced.
- c. Difficult enough to be a challenge, yet realistic enough to achieve.
- d. Set to the same value (e.g., the same score, the same time) for everyone on the same team so that no one is singled out as a favorite.
- e. Both C and D
almost 5 years ago

4 replies

almost 5 years ago
Goal setting is a common practice in businesses. Team leaders, managers and supervisors set tasks and goals for employees under their command. Goal setting works very well across the organizations. The easier goals enhance performance better. The goals should always be tough to challenge but yet be possible to achieve. It means only option c is right answer. More in lecture slides on organizational planning and goal setting.