
Are animals spiritually flawless, compared to humans- all of which have personality flaws?

"for example, kim kardashian is narcissistic. that is her downfall, her flaw.
i cannot think of any specific animal that has a flaw like that. animals are pure-hearted and don't have major flaws like humans tend to have.
do you agree or not?"

6 replies

over 11 years ago
Hi dear flaw less one.Animals only have instinct but we have the instinct+the reason!That is the reason that makes us flaw less or not!Also there has not been any test yet to prove that animals have souls!Also thanks and congratulions to the God for the flaw less perfect creation that is you who are so sensitive to care even about the animals.I also hope and wish you as a flawless person to think and care about thousands of people whom are being killed every single week.With the best wishes for you the flawless.so long wise.
about 11 years ago
"Most of us are longing for a perfect, faultless human being. Precisely how dif­ficult it is to discover a perfective individual within our time Once we observe weaknesses which come up by people valuable folks to whom all of us obedience and also appreciate, were disillusioned, split lower from inside, so we really feel an need to adore folks along with agree to these with their particular both equally bad and good attributes. We say, ""Exquisite people can not be establish. "" Playing with this kind of consider we should 't be wholly impossible. Though in this world citizenry use materialistic valuations through sacrificing spiritual beliefs, it's still probable to uncover ranking(a) citizenry, sleek individuals, along with best men and women whether or not there're one inch hundreds of. They may be the suns with the spiritual domain along with the arena of human race. "