Recent questions in Business Ethics - Economics

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What do you planning to do with a degree in business management?

do you think you will have great opportunities with that?
over 4 years ago

According to Holmes Rolston III,

- a. Naturalistic ethics ought to be abandoned.- b. Some natural objects are morally considerable in their own right, apart from human interests.- c. All moral rights are derived from the interests of human beings.- d. Nature has no value apart from human beings.
over 4 years ago

According to John Rawls

- A. Each person should be permitted the maximum amount of basic liberty compatible with a similar liberty for others.- B. Freedom of speech and assembly is the single most important component in a justice system.- C. Equal basic liberty is impossible in a pure market economy.- D. Ethics is culturally determined.
over 4 years ago

According to libertarianism

- A) Every person owns his or her own life- B) Every person has the right to be helped by others- C) Every person has the right to be assisted in making one's free choice- D) All of the above
over 4 years ago

According to one survey of cultural values

- a. For Americans, only good health is more important than work.- b. Americans value work more than Japanese do.- c. Americans typically value things like their children's education and a satisfactory love life more than work.- d. Americans place no value on work, only on money.
over 4 years ago

According to Shaw and Barry utilitarians

- a. Focus on human well-being and ignore animal welfare.- b. Oppose animal experimentation in principle.- c. Should include nonhuman animal pleasures and- d. Pains in the overall utilitarian calculus.- e. Are likely to favor factory farming.
1-6 of 11
almost 5 years ago

________ refers to standards of moral behavior.

- A. Legality- B. Responsibility- C. Integrity- D. Ethics
over 4 years ago

According to Galbraith's "dependence effect,"

- A) Production depends upon wants.- B) Advertising depends on the wants of the consumer.- C) Consumer demand tends to be shaped by the production process.- D) Advertising depends on consumerism.
over 4 years ago

According to Holmes Rolston III,

- a. Naturalistic ethics ought to be abandoned.- b. Some natural objects are morally considerable in their own right, apart from human interests.- c. All moral rights are derived from the interests of human beings.- d. Nature has no value apart from human beings.
over 4 years ago

According to John Rawls

- A. Each person should be permitted the maximum amount of basic liberty compatible with a similar liberty for others.- B. Freedom of speech and assembly is the single most important component in a justice system.- C. Equal basic liberty is impossible in a pure market economy.- D. Ethics is culturally determined.
over 4 years ago

According to libertarianism

- A) Every person owns his or her own life- B) Every person has the right to be helped by others- C) Every person has the right to be assisted in making one's free choice- D) All of the above
over 4 years ago

According to one survey of cultural values

- a. For Americans, only good health is more important than work.- b. Americans value work more than Japanese do.- c. Americans typically value things like their children's education and a satisfactory love life more than work.- d. Americans place no value on work, only on money.
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Business Ethics