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European History Study Guide: Key Figures and Events of the 18th and 19th Centuries, Exams of Nursing

Correct answers to various questions related to european history during the 18th and 19th centuries. Topics covered include key figures such as maria theresa, frederick ii, joseph ii, and napoleon, as well as events like the seven years' war, the agricultural revolution, and the french revolution. This study guide is an essential resource for anyone preparing for an ap euro exam.

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Download European History Study Guide: Key Figures and Events of the 18th and 19th Centuries and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE, Destalinization Correct Answer: process started by Khrushchev to erase all memory of Stalin sputnik Correct Answer: Russian satellite that terrified US; started space race U2 Incident Correct Answer: 1960; occurred when US plane spying on the Soviet Union was shot down; pilot captured; deepened antagonism between US and USSR Detente Correct Answer: time period during Cold War when relations improved; under Khrushchev and Nixon Imre Nagy Correct Answer: leader of revolt in Hungary in 1956; eventually executed by Soviets Cuban Missile Crisis Correct Answer: 1962; Kennedy vs Khrushchev; USSR missile silos discovered in Cuba in retaliation for US missiles in Turkey; Soviet and American game of chicken; US bombers circle USSR; Russians remove silos from Cuba, US removes missiles from Turkey; US agrees not to invade Cuba Berlin Wall Correct Answer: erected in 1961 to separate East and West Berlin, primarily to keep people from going from East to West; symbol of oppression; 12 ft tall; falls in 1989 Brezhnev Correct Answer: Russian leader who takes over after Khrushchev; repressive Stalin- like govt; limits human rights; Brezhnev Doctrine Prague Spring Correct Answer: 1968; head of Communist party in Czechoslovakia wants to reform socialist dictatorship; "socialism with a human face"; put down by Brezhnev and Warsaw Pact countries Alexander Dubcek Correct Answer: head of the Communist party in Czechloslovakia Vietnam War Correct Answer: 1965-1973; US feared that communism would spread from Vietnam to surrounding countries (Domino Theory); caused Anti-War movements throughout Europe and America Domino Theory Correct Answer: theory that if one nation comes under Communist control, then AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE, neighboring nations will also come under Communist control Richard Nixon Correct Answer: president from 1970-1973; relations with Russia improve; first president to visit USSR and China; signs SALT I treaty with Brezhnev SALT I (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty) Correct Answer: limits the number of nuclear missiles a country can have; signed by Nixon and Brezhnev Jimmy Carter Correct Answer: 1977-1981; U.S. President, relations with USSR go downhill; human rights advocate; upset with how Soviet Union is treating its citizens; refuses to sign SALT II after USSR invades Afghanistan; boycotts 1980 Olympics in Moscow SALT II Correct Answer: 1979; between Carter and Brezhnev; would have limited the number of nuclear weapons even more; US refuses to sign after Russia invades Afghanistan Ronald Reagan Correct Answer: president from 1981-1989; goal was to bankrupt Soviet Union; increased spending on military to force Russia to try and keep up; launches SDI; signs INF with Gorbachev; BEST PRESIDENT SINCE LINCOLN SDI Strategic Defense Initiative Correct Answer: aka Star Wars; created by Reagan; the concept was for the US to fire lasers at Soviet missiles in space and destroy them, however this is impossible; tripled US deficit mujahideen Correct Answer: Islamic extremists who were aided by the CIA to fight the Russians INF Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty Correct Answer: signed by Reagan and Gorbachev; limited the number of missiles each country could have Gorbachev Correct Answer: in power from 1985-1991; Secretary General of the Communist party; Brezhnev's successor; launches glastnos and perestroika; signs INF with Reagan; wants to democratize USSR glastnos Correct Answer: means "openness"; Gorbachev's reform that got rid of censorship in AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE, be under Stalin; ultra-conservative; attempt a coup in August 1991 100 Years War Correct Answer: 1337 - 1453 English King Edward III declared himself King of France since his mother was Isabella of France; Joan of Arc franch on side of Charles VII; result: increases power of French king , more unified France, pride Early Renaissance Correct Answer: Late 1300s - 1494 Center of art and culture in Florence, changed because Savonarola started a theocracy High Renaissance Correct Answer: 1494 - 1520 Center in Rome Late Renaissance Correct Answer: 1520 - 1600 Italians had bleak view of future, Italian Renaissance coming to end, Rome sacked by Charles V, starts to shift North because of Italian Wars, mannerism art Mannerism Correct Answer: Art in Late Renaissance, clashing colors, confusing, elongated limbs, tortuous, full of emotion, bizarre themes (Christianity, classical, and mythology all combined) Georgio Vasari Correct Answer: Sixteenth-century painter, architect, and writer Used word "rebirth" to describe renaissance Individualism Correct Answer: Born during Renaissance, as people sought to receive personal credit for their achievements, opposed to medieval ideal of all glory to God Italian City-States Correct Answer: Middle Ages - under control of Holy Roman Empire Florence, Milan, Venice, papal states, Naples Popolo Correct Answer: "the people", urban underclass in renaissance italy Ciompi Revolt Correct Answer: 1378, in Florence, the Popolo expressed dissatisfaction with political and economic order with violent struggle against government AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE, Milan in Middle Ages Correct Answer: Land-locked, ruled by family of mercenary (condottiero) named Sforza Condottieri Correct Answer: Military leaders of mercenaries mercenary armies, and often took political power once they had created the existing government Florence and Venice government in Middle Ages Correct Answer: Republics, but few wealthy families dominated Medici Correct Answer: Wealth from banking, behind-the-scenes rulers of Florence AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Peace of Lodi Correct Answer: Agreement among 5 city states to respect borders Savonarola Correct Answer: 1494 - 1498 Creates Theocracy Bonfire of the Vanities, sent children to houses to collect "immoral possessions" fancy clothing, games, paintings; republic of virtue Republic of Florence Correct Answer: 1498 - 1512 Italian Wars Correct Answer: 1494 - 1549 Lorenzo II Correct Answer: Medici put back in power (after Republic) by Charles V and Spain who got involved in Italian Wars Machiavelli Correct Answer: Wrote The Prince - tried to use as resume for Medicis to take him up on his services Served as a general during the Italian Republic, tried to become part of Medici government when Lorenzo II rules; ideal ruler is Cesare Borgia Why was Italy so fragmented? Correct Answer: All city-states greedy/ wanted Roman Empire Naples and Florence wanted Milan - got blessing from Papal States - 1494: Ludovico il Moro, leader of Milan, asks Charles VIII (France) for help, France would want land - Papal States call on Spain (Ferdinand and Isabella) holy roman emperor feels obligation to protect pope, wants land/power Keeps Italy fragmented and weak 1871 - Italy unified Bubonic Plague Correct Answer: 1347-1351 1) Changed economic system (less people & more land), less people, got payed more, better economy AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Christine de Pisan Correct Answer: Italian who was daughter of physician to French King Charles V and received humanist education, wrote City of Ladies to counter the popular notion that women were inferior to men Middle Ages Art medium vs. Renaissance Art medium Correct Answer: Middle Ages - fresco on wet plaster or tempera on wood Renaissance - oil painting originating in northern Europe Filippo Brunelleschi Correct Answer: Built dome over the Cathedral of Florence Single- point perspective Correct Answer: style in which elements within painting converge at single point High Renaissance Correct Answer: Center of Renaissance moved from Florence to Rome AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Lasted until 1520s Late Renaissance or Mannerism Correct Answer: Distorted figures, confusing themes, growing sense of crisis in the Italian world both politically and economically Leonardo DaVinci Correct Answer: Renaissance man, engineer, architect, sculptor, scientist, inventor (submarines and helicopters), painter Mona Lisa Versachio Correct Answer: At time of baptism of Christ most famous artist Student was Leonardo da Vinci Let Leonardo paint one angel, saw that it was better so quit painting, Leonardo's angel was neither a boy or girl Raphael Correct Answer: Jesus and Mary, The School of Athens - Plato and Aristotle in single - point perspective Michaelangelo Correct Answer: David - commissioned by Florence as propaganda to inspire citizens in struggle against might of Milan Sistine Chapel - commissioned by Pope Julius II Massachio Correct Answer: First to perfect linear perspective Expulsion of Adam and Eve Holy trinity - fresco, perspective Northern Renaissance Correct Answer: More Christian because Christianity came to Northern Europe later Christian Humanists Correct Answer: Northern humanists who interpreted Italian ideas about AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED classical antiquity and humanism in terms of religion Erasmus Correct Answer: Praise of Folly - satire criticizing church, Handbook of the Christian Knight - inner faith as opposed to outer faith, Translated New Testament Friends with Luther until he separated from the church, Wanted church reform, not abandonment "civic humanist" Thomas More Correct Answer: Chancellor to King Henry VIII of England, executed for refusing to acknowledge him as Head of the Church of England, Utopia - sought top depict world in which political and economic injustices were limited by having all property in common Durer Correct Answer: Northern Renaissance artist, woodcarvings lent support to Luther's doctrines, The Young Hare and Adoration of the Magi Jan van Eych Correct Answer: Flemish (Flanders/Netherlands) , One of the earliest to use oil paints, Giovanni and his bride - witness to wedding/signs it, lady looks pregnant -> suggests fertility, fruit also suggests fertility AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Causes of the Protestant Reformation Correct Answer: 1. Ultimately growing anti-clericalism - dating back to the Black Plague of the 1300s 2. Humanism/ secularism - lead people to question the church 3. Powerful Monarchs - Challenges the church as supreme ruler, pope = foreign power 4. Resentment - jealous of church's wealth, exempt from taxes and war 5. Religious leaders' corruption - immorality Religious leader corruption Correct Answer: 1. Simony: selling church positions/ indulgences 2. Pluralism: holding multiple offices at once for more money which lead to absenteeism 3. Uneducated clergy: mumbled words in Latin even though they couldn't read, ignorant John Wycliffe Correct Answer: Early reformer who translated the Bible to vernacular so that individuals could interpret the Bible for themselves, not just a priest reading and not understanding Jan Hus Correct Answer: Bohemian follower of John Wycliffe who was burned at the stake for his beliefs Lollards Correct Answer: John Wycliffe's followers Archbishop Albert Correct Answer: The church hired him to sell indulgences for St. Peter's Basilica Martin Luther Correct Answer: Highly influential German reformer who devoted himself to God, becoming an Augustinian friar, after a thunderstorm; then became professor/ theologian at Wittenberg, afraid that he wasn't pious enough until the Abbot told him about St. Paul's letters which taught salvation from faith alone (sola fida) Johann Tetzel Correct Answer: Dominican friar sent by Archbishop Albert to preach the AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED indulgences throughout Germany, "As soon as gold in the coffer rings, right then the soul to heaven springs" 95 Theses Correct Answer: Written by Luther and hunk up on the door to the Castle Church at Wittenberg then spread rapidly by the printing press, complaints about the church and the selling of indulgences Diet of Worms Correct Answer: Charles V told Luther to take back what he said, Luther refuses unless they can convict him Edict of Worms Correct Answer: Declares Luther a heretic, pope excommunicated him Frederick, the Elector of Saxony Correct Answer: Helps shelter Luther after the Edict of Worms, during which time Luther translated the bible into German Imperial Diet Correct Answer: meeting of Protestant/Lutheran princes; called by Charles V (wants princes to recant); create Augsburg Confession; start Schmuldike Wars AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Augsburg Confession Correct Answer: created during Imperial Diet; states that Protestant princes can't reconcile with Catholicism; rebel Schmalkaldic Wars Correct Answer: 1540's; wars between Charles V and Protestant princes; end in Peace of Augsburg Peace of Augsburg Correct Answer: 1555; recognizes Lutheranism; germanic/protestant princes decide which faith to follow; ends Schmalkaldic Wars Diet of Speyers Correct Answer: Lutheran princes in germany decide to rebel against Catholic Church; origin of the term "Protestant" Catholicism vs Protestantism Correct Answer: Protestantism - two sacraments (baptism and penance), transubstantiation: Christ already present in the bread and wine, no celibacy/monasticism Catholicism - seven sacraments (marriage, ordination, extreme unction, confirmation, penance, communion, baptism), transubstantiation: act of changing bread and wine into body and blood had to be done by priest, celibacy/monasticism German Peasant's Revolt Correct Answer: German peasants' economic conditions were worsening, so they articulated in their Twelve Articles that Luther called for a "priesthood of all believers" that was a message of egalitarianism, but Luther was horrified and claimed that he meant everyone was equal in heaven not on Earth Appeal of Protestant Ideas Correct Answer: 1. Appealed to educated and literate because it mean they could interpret the Bible for themselves 2. priesthood of all believers - God is accessibly equal 3. Luther was willing to subordinate his church to the authority of German AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Catholic Church, but many still held Protestant beliefs "bloody Mary" - Burned several hundred Englishmen at the stake Elizabeth Correct Answer: (1558-1603) Restored the Anglican Church, mediator Elizabethan Settlement Correct Answer: Outward conformity of the Anglican Church, included both Catholics and Protestants, but was outerly Protestant John Knox Correct Answer: Modeled the Scottish Church after Geneva Presbyterian Church Counter Reformation Correct Answer: Catholic Reformation Catholic Church taking steps to counteract successes on protestant side Key parts to the Counter- Reformation Correct Answer: 1. Reforming the church: Pope Paul III implemented education/moral standing of the clergy, prohibition of simony, pluralism; Holy Office to destroy heretic influence, index of prohibited books AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED 2. Reconciliation: Council of Trent 3. Outreach: Urseline Order - nuns, education of women and children; Jesuits Society of Jesus (Jesuits) Correct Answer: Ignatius Loyola became soldier of Christ Spiritual Exercise, flexibility and willingness to respond at any time Council of Trent Correct Answer: (1545) Created by Pope Paul III Goal was to compromise with Protestants, but failed Tridentine Decrees Correct Answer: no more simony, pluralism, concubines, secret marriages Spanish Armada Correct Answer: fleet sent by Philip II of Spain against England as a religious crusade against Protestantism;led by Duke of Sidonia-Medina; defeated by weather and English fleet Baroque Art Correct Answer: Made popular during Catholic Reformation; emotional; Christian; turns secular (king portraits); many pieces done by Peter Paul Rubens Henry II Correct Answer: Dies during jousting tournament, 3 weak sons Francis II Correct Answer: Son of Henry II; crowned at 15 and died at 16 Charles IX Correct Answer: Son of Henry II, 10 years old, mother (Catherine Medici) acts as reagent Duke of Guise Correct Answer: Militant catholic, sees Huguenots by barn and kills them Henry III Correct Answer: King of Poland-Lithuania, moves to France to become King of France after Charles IX's death Henry Navarre Correct Answer: 1570s Huguenot, Marries Margaret Medici, converts to AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Catholicism, "Paris is worth a Mass", crowned Henry IV, 18 attempts at his life Bartholomew's Day Massacre Correct Answer: 1572 Protestant wedding guests murdered, starts civil war that lasts 15 years, Henry Navarre escapes Edict of Nantes Correct Answer: Grants religious tolerance to Huguenots Causes of European Expansion Correct Answer: God, Glory, Gold Prince Henry the Navigator Correct Answer: Son of King of Portugal participated in capture of North African port of Ceuta from Muslims Bartholomew Dias Correct Answer: Portuguese, Sailed around Cape of Good near tip of Africa Vasco da Gama Correct Answer: Portuguese, Reached coast of India AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Intendants Correct Answer: Commissioners of 32 districts Hobbes Geometric Proof Correct Answer: Given: Man is driven by greed, envy, revenge State of Nature: no government, Passion - war against all, "life is solitary" Social Contract between those who rule and those who are ruled: you give up the right to anything and the ruler makes sure that society is better than the state of nature Lottery: way to choose ruler King picks religion bc can't serve two masters Fatal Election Correct Answer: 1617 Matthias - childless HRE, wants his cousin Ferdinand to succeed him Ferdinand II Correct Answer: Originally Ferdinand of Styria, Test to prove himself: made head of Bohemia, forces Catholicism on people, Matthias dies in 1619 and the 7 electors make Ferdinand II HRE Defenestration of Prague Correct Answer: 1618 Group of noblemen threw two of Ferdinand's advisors out of a building, saved by manure Thirty Years War Correct Answer: 1619 - 1648 Started by Ferdinand II; 4 stages (Bohemian, Danish, Swedish, French); destroys Germany; bankrupts Spain and France (Spain hurt more); ended by Peace of Westphalia Phase 1 of Thirty Years' War (Bohemian) Correct Answer: 1619 Mathias dies and Ferdinand II inherits title, but Frederick of Palentine accepts crown as king of Bohemia, 1620 Battle of White Mountain - Catholic forces destroy Frederick, he flees to Denmark then Holland, Ferdinand sacks Prague AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Frederick of Palentine Correct Answer: Calvinist, said he should be king of Bohemia, Winter King Why does the Thirty Years' War widen? Correct Answer: 1. Fear of growing power of the Habsburg empires 2. Catholicism threatened German princes 3. Spanish expansion threatened France Phase 2 of Thirty Years' War (Danish) Correct Answer: Grand Protestant Alliance (England, Holland, Some German states, Denmark, secretly France) lead by King Christian IV, forces smaller than Catholics, Ferdinand wins and demands all lands given back to Catholic Church - unites Lutherans and Catholics against him Edict of Restitution Correct Answer: Passed by Ferdinand II; all Catholic properties lost to Protestantism since 1552 were restored; only Catholics and Lutherans could practice their faith AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Phase 3 of Thirty Years' War (Swedish) Correct Answer: 1630 Gustavus Adolphus (amazing general) - decides that it's in his countries' best interest to defend N. Germany, Hard to gain support of Protestant princes, Battle of Lutzen - Adolphus dies Phase 4 of Thirty Years' War (French) Correct Answer: 1635 - 1648 France declares war on Spain, bankrupts Spain, leads to the Fronde in France, Ends with Peace of Westphalia Peace of Westphalia Correct Answer: Ends 30 Years' War, recognizes Calvinism, princes can decide religion, Dutch gets independence and Sweden and Holland become more powerful Bureaucracy Correct Answer: Popular in 1600s, need $ - taxation and bigger armies, start recruiting/standing armies Louis XIII Correct Answer: 1610 - 1643 King of France, worked with Cardinal Richelieu to strengthen royal control through an administrative system, wanted control over Huguenots, Nobles, and French towns Richelieu Correct Answer: Lois XIII's favorite, wants to increase power of King, Nobility of the Robe, "raison d'etat" Richelieu's Accomplishments Correct Answer: 1. Nobility of the Robe 2. Intendents 3. Gets rid of Huguenot fortifications 4. Gets Spain involved in Thirty Years' War Raison d'etat Correct Answer: Reason of the state, do what's best for the state not yourself Nobility of the robe Correct Answer: Old - Nobility of the sword, now minor nobles with more influence AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Junkers Correct Answer: German nobility, persuaded to pay taxes by Frederick William the Great Elector Moscovy Correct Answer: Small principality that rises under Ivan the Great Ivan III Correct Answer: "Ivan the great", expands Moscovy, Moscow becomes center of Russian Orthodox Church, Marries Sophia - last Byzantine emporer's daughter - culture, gained control of nobility by giving lower nobles more power Ivan IV Correct Answer: 1550 - 1613 Grandson of Ivan III, "Ivan the Terrible", mother rules as regent but dies when he's 8, blames Boyars, raised by Boyars who treat him badly, marries Anastasia and is happy until Anastasia dies and blames on Boyars again - Oprichnicki, kills son, Oprichnicki Correct Answer: Death squad that killed disloyal people, caused peasants to flee (cossacks) Boyars Correct Answer: Nobility of Russia in 1550 - 1613 AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Cossacks Correct Answer: Free groups and warrior bands composed of runaway peasants living on the borders of Russia; eventually form alliance with Russian state Time of Troubles Correct Answer: 1598 - 1613 Ivan IV killed his son so no heir, nobility fighting Mikhail Romanov Correct Answer: Relative of Anastasia who takes the throne after Ivan IV and ends the Time of Troubles, starts the Romanov Dynasty Peter the Great Correct Answer: 1682 - 1725 Romanov, Grand Embassy, Table of Ranks, Westernizes Russia, Great Northern War, creates St. Petersburg, wants warm water ports, takes over Russian Orthodox Church Grand Embassy Correct Answer: Peter the great's tour of Europe, impressed with England and the Netherlands, Caused him to want to westernize Russia (Beard Tax, no arranged marriage, newspaper, forces western dress Table of Ranks Correct Answer: Created by Peter the great, Merit System, 14 ranks, start at bottom and work way to top instead of nepotism Great Northern War Correct Answer: 1700 - 1721 Peter the great vs. Sweden, Peter wants warm water ports, victorious, gets Latvia and Estonia St. Petersburg Correct Answer: Created by Peter the Great, "window to the West", warm water ports, forces peasants to build and forces nobles to live there (like Versailles) Holy Sinade Correct Answer: Peter the great makes himself in charge of Eastern Orthodox Church AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED James I Correct Answer: 1603 - 1625 King of England, cousin of Queen Elizabeth, Ends Tudor line and starts Stuart line, King of Scotland, conflict with Puritans, creates new version of bible, increases debt, divine right of kings Charles I Correct Answer: 1625 - 1648 King of England, son of James I, divine right, signs Petition of Rights then rips it up and dissolves parliament, creates the shipping tax for money (coastal cities have to pay for the navy to protect them), pushes Anglican prayerbook on Scottish People but they're Presbyterian so rebel but he has no army because parliament provides so has to call on parliament again, agrees then arrests members, Civil war (royalists - cavaliers vs. parliamentarians - roundheads) Petition of Rights Correct Answer: 1628 Limits power of King, outlines rules King must follow, cites Magna Carta, Habeas Corpus - can't arrest w/out just cause Royalists Correct Answer: Cavaliers, supported King AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Constitutional settlement that attempted to address pervasive issues before the Glorious Revolution Correct Answer: The Bill of Rights, The Act of Toleration, The Mutiny Act, The Act of Settlement, The Act of Union The Bill of Rights Correct Answer: 1689 Forbade use of royal prerogative rights that Charles and James used, armies couldn't be raised without parliamentary consent, Elections to parliament had no royal interference, Laws couldn't be suspended, The Act of Toleration Correct Answer: 1689 Compromise Bill, granted right of public worship to Protestant nonconformists, did not extend to Catholics, Test Act remained (no nonconformist, Jew, or Catholic could hold seat in parliament) The Mutiny Act Correct Answer: 1689 Authorized use of civil law to govern army when had previously been governed by royalty, parliamentary control of army The Act of Settlement Correct Answer: 1701 Passed to prevent Catholic Stuart Line from occupying English throne The Act of Union Correct Answer: 1707 Political reunification of England and Scotland, forming Great Britain, Scotland gave up parliament but was allowed to keep Presbyterian Church Dutch Republic Correct Answer: Declare independence at end of 1500s, recognized at end of 30 years' war, religiously tolerant, republic, banking, shipbuilding/trade Bank of Amsterdam Correct Answer: Early 17th century, issued own currency, Amsterdam banking capital of Europe AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Dutch East India Company Correct Answer: 1602 Company operated under part government control, gave rise to joint-stock companies Joint-stock Companies Correct Answer: Allowed risks and profits to be shared among individuals, Dutch East India Company Flyships Correct Answer: cheap to build, limited crew, gave Dutch advantage Stadholder Correct Answer: Each Dutch Estate elected main representative, usually wealthy merchant family Sultan Correct Answer: Ruler of Ottoman Empire Janissary Corps Correct Answer: Core of the sultan's army; made up of non-Muslim slaves; becomes voluntary after 1683 Medieval Perspective Correct Answer: Relying on: Bible - geocentric theory, Classical texts - Aristotle, Ptolemy, Galen, Superstition, Common Sense - Earth doesn't move AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Thomas Aquinas Correct Answer: 1225-1274 took works of Aristotle and harmonized them with the Church, medieval perspective Scientific Perspective Correct Answer: Based on: Observation, Experimentation, Research, Scientific Method Heliocentric Theory Correct Answer: The sun is the center of the universe; the idea that the earth and the other planets revolve around the sun; started by Copernicus; expanded/refined by Kepler and Galileo Geocentric Theory Correct Answer: Earth is the center of the universe; man is made in God's image, so earth/best thing is in the middle Ptolemy Correct Answer: Hellenized Greek; one of the people responsible for astrology; drew map to follow geocentric theory Galen Correct Answer: Greek doctor; thought pig and human anatomy were the same; no dissection, just theory; four humors; illness resulted from an imbalance of humors Vesalius Correct Answer: Studied anatomy by dissecting the bodies of executed criminals; author of On the Structure of the Human Body (includes 200 precise drawings of human anatomy Why did the church not like Scientific Perspective? Correct Answer: The church believed in geocentric theory based on Bible, if they were proven wrong less people would follow them, the Church would have less power/pull Copernicus Correct Answer: 1500s Flawed Heliocentric model, said sun center of galaxy and AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Redi Correct Answer: Disproves spontaneous regeneration, people thought that maggots grew out of meat but he covered one jar and not the other and disproved Pasteur Correct Answer: late 1800s, Germ Theory, heat kills bacteria Lister Correct Answer: late 1800s, Used Pasteur's Germ Theory to create sterilizer William Harvey Correct Answer: English scientist who described the circulation of blood through veins and arteries; heart worked like a pump Pascal Correct Answer: (1623 - 1662) Balanced thinking of Jesuits with religious skeptics, Pascal's Wager, better to wager on existence of God than on nothing John Locke Correct Answer: 1632-1704 Two Treatises on Government, man is born free in nature, social contract, Essay on Human Understanding, tabula rasa AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Social Contract Correct Answer: Man has the right to rebel against government if his life, liberty, or property gets taken Natural Rights Correct Answer: 1) life- no one should be able to take your life away 2) liberty- as much freedom as possible, can't infringe on other peoples liberty, religious tolerance (separation of church and state) 3) private property Tabula Rasa Correct Answer: Locke, At birth the mind is a blank slate Immanual Kant Correct Answer: 1724-1804 German, "What is the Enlightenment? Dare to Know", use reason to probe answers for questions on nature of mankind, against women's rights, racist Philosophes Correct Answer: Term used to describe the thinkers in the age of the enlightenment, no formal group, salons Salon Correct Answer: Where informal discussions were held during Enlightenment, wealthy women owned Republic of Letters Correct Answer: International community of writers who communicated in French Voltaire Correct Answer: 1694-1778 philosophe, Candide, visited England and saw happiness, freedom of speech ("I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"), hated Catholic Church, deist Candide Correct Answer: 1759 Pessimism, Satire attacking optimists, main character meets AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED disaster after disaster and keeps being resurrected, "Isn't life wonderful?" optimists Correct Answer: Believed that everything good in the world is good because God made it happen Emile Du Chalet Correct Answer: Voltaire's lover, female scientist, translated Newton's work from Latin to French Hume Correct Answer: Scottish, human mind is really nothing but a bundle of impressions that originate due to sensory experience, skeptic, negative view of women and racist Laissez-faire Correct Answer: Adam Smith, "leave alone", individuals should have right to pursue economic gain without government interference Adam Smith's Invisible Hand Correct Answer: Self-regulating system that would lead to meeting of supply and demand AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Spreading of Enlightenment Correct Answer: Reading revolution, coffehouses, salons, newspapers, pamphlets Freemasons Correct Answer: Secret society that accepted craftsmen and shopkeepers as well as middle-class men and nobles; helped spread enlightenment ideas Enlightened Absolutism Correct Answer: A term coined by historians to describe the rule of 18th century monarchs, who, without renouncing their own absolute authority, adopted Enlightenment ideals of rationalism, progress, and tolerance Peter III Correct Answer: Insane, played with toy soldiers, killed animals, had the chance to defeat Prussia but calls off Russian forces Catharine (II) the Great Correct Answer: 1762-1796 Kills Peter III, doesn't reform because scared of nobles/relies on them, Charter of Nobility, what makes her great is expansion, Pale Settlement, Partitions of Poland Gregory Orlav Correct Answer: Catherine II's lover (hint: not a horse); murders Peter III with the help of Catherine's brothers Charter of Nobility Correct Answer: Under Catharine the great, gives nobility power and the serfs become nobles' property Legislative Commission Correct Answer: Enlightenment ideas, progressive, religious toleration and emancipation of serfs, no torture Pugachev Revolts Correct Answer: 1773-1775 Pugachev thought he was Peter III reincarnated, got the peasants to side with him (serf uprising) until Catharine the Great puts him down AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Pale Settlement Correct Answer: Jews not allowed inside Russia, at first Catharine the great wants to help Jews but the nobility didn't so she doesn't do anything Partitions of Poland Correct Answer: 1772-1795; Catherine II expanding/threatening Prussia; Frederick II proposes that areas of Poland be split between Austria, Russia, and Prussia; Poland ceases to exist after 1795 Pragmatic Sanction Correct Answer: Issued by Charles VI; stated that the next ruler of Austria could be a boy or a girl (if there was no son); Prussia also adopts this Austrian War of Succession Correct Answer: 1740-1748; Frederick the Great invades Silesia; Prussia and France vs Austria/Hungary and Great Britain; ends in Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle; Prussia/Frederick gets Siliesia; Maria Theresa saves her empire Aix-la-Chapelle Correct Answer: Ends War of Austrian Succession; recognizes Maria Theresa's right to rule AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Anglo-French War Correct Answer: British and French forces in India supporting different sides during Austrian War of Succession Charles VI Correct Answer: Issues pragmatic sanction; father of Maria Theresa Maria Theresa Correct Answer: Austrian Empress, daughter of Charles VI, inherits Hapsburg Empire, cedes Silesia to Prussia after Austrian War of Succession, launches 7 years war to try to regain, reduced nobles power over serfs Seven Years' War Correct Answer: 1756-1763; aka Maria Theresa's Revenge/French and Indian War; Austria, Russia, and France vs Prussia and Great Britain; ends in Treaty of Paris; Frederick keeps Silesia (spared by Peter III); real winner is Britain (gets to control India) Treaty of Paris Correct Answer: 1763 Ends Seven Years' War; France gets kicked out of most of North America except Haiti Frederick (II) the Great Correct Answer: 1740-1786 Prussian king, Invades Austria and starts War of Austrian Succession, Takes Silesia, long-lasting reform and expansion, Partition of Poland, "I am a servant of the state", religious freedom except Jews, reduces censorship, abolishes torture, cameralism Cameralism Correct Answer: View that monarchy was the best form of government, that all elements of society should serve the monarch, and that, in turn, the state should use its resources and authority to increase the public good Partition of Poland Correct Answer: Under Frederick the Great, Increases size of Prussia by 1/4 by taking Silesia Joseph II Correct Answer: 1765-1790 Mother is Maria Theresa, wished to reduce power of AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED 2) birth control 3) delayed marriage malthus' positive checks Correct Answer: 1) disease 2) war 3) famine neo-mathusians Correct Answer: people who believe in Thomas Malthus's theory that limited resources keep populations in check and reduce economic growth; food is not an issue but water and global warming are Cottage Industry Correct Answer: 1700s Peasants working out of their homes to make goods instead of farming, year round putting out system Correct Answer: merchants would give raw material to people for cottage system; merchant gives them a certain amount of money per item they make; sells items at a higher price, constant money for peasants AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Nuclear Families Correct Answer: Family groups consisting of parents and children with no other relatives (western Europe) Community Controls Correct Answer: Common action taken to uphold economic, social and moral stability charivari Correct Answer: Degrading public rituals used to maintain moral standards Illegitamacy Explosion Correct Answer: many children born premaritial because men didn't always have the means of supporting family Founding Homes Correct Answer: Children generally cared for but 90% death rate Infanticide Correct Answer: Killing of baby if can't provide for it Just Price Correct Answer: what something should be worth, bread riots if wasn't just Consumer Revolution Correct Answer: More goods available for cheaper price, cottage industry helped lower these prices Reading Revolution Correct Answer: Enlightenment Ideals helped this spread, importance of education led to more ability to read Causes of French Revolution Correct Answer: 1) High Inflation 2) Poor Harvest in 1788-1789 3) Population Explosion (too many people and not enough food) 4) Debt (from the American revolution, extravagent lifestyle of the nobility and royalty, and debt from Louis XIV's and XV's spending 5) Social and Economic inequality (3 estates) 6) Enlightenment Thinkers vs. actual French society 7) Growing upper-middle class AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Estates General Correct Answer: Governing body of France; 3 estates 1- clergy (1% of population) 2- nobles (2% of population) 3- everyone else (97% of population) Bourgeois Correct Answer: bourgeois top of the 3rd estate; could marry/buy into second estate (nobility of the robe); had to pay high taxes Louis XVI Correct Answer: 1774-1792 King of France during Revolution, unfit ruler, locksmith, married to Marie Antoinette, unpopular, gets France involved in American Revolution, indecisive Marie Antoinette Correct Answer: Austrian duchess; married to Louis XVI; unpopular; Madame Deficit AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Olympe de Gouges Correct Answer: Writes Declaration of the Rights of Women in retaliation for Declaration of the Rights of Man; beheaded National Assembly and Catholic Church Correct Answer: National Assembly took over the catholic Church's land and political independence, took money to pay off debt, granted religious freedom to the Jews, Protestants, and monasteries, Established a National Church; Peasants Catholic so upset but Bourgeois deist so didn't care Why did Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette's escape to Austria fail? Correct Answer: 1791 1) Marie Antoinette brought too much stuff so the carriage was heavy and slow 2) Louis XVI wrote list of grievances that the National Assembly later used against him 3) Marie Antoinette got hungry so Louis bought her food, was recognized, captured and brought back to Paris Assignat Correct Answer: French paper money with Louis XVI's face on it Limited Monarchy Correct Answer: New constitution formed with Legislative Assembly creating laws and voting on matters of war Legislative Assembly Correct Answer: 1791 revolutionary new assembly that created laws and voted on issues of war, divided into three groups (radicals, moderates, conservatives) Radicals (Legislative Assembly) Correct Answer: (left) wanted change, opposed monarchy, wanted republic withpit King Moderates (Legislative Assembly) Correct Answer: (middle) wanted some change but didn't want to end the monarchy, still wanted King but less power Conservatives (Legislative Assembly) Correct Answer: (Right) supported limited monarchy, AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED didn't want change, constitutional monarchy Emigres Correct Answer: Wanted the old regime restored, nobles who fled, wanted to form army to put back the King (conservative) Declaration of Pilnitz Correct Answer: 1791 Austria and Prussia pledge to help put Louis XVI back on the throne; France declares war after Austria and Prussia urge France to restore the monarchy What did Austria and Prussia say they would do if the royal family was killed in the French revolution? Correct Answer: Destroy Paris Parisian Invasion of Tuileries Correct Answer: 1792 20,000 sans-culottes massacre guards and imprison the French royal family Cause of September Massacres Correct Answer: Rumor that the King's supporters (nobles and clergy - 1st/2nd Estate) would break out of jail AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED September Massacres Correct Answer: 1792 Peasants raid jails and kill 1,000 prisoners so that none of the King's supporters would escape National Convention Correct Answer: What the Legislative Assembly becomes in 1792 Battle of Valmy Correct Answer: Victory for france in 1792 which stopped invading armies of Prussia and Austria; one day before National Convention abolishes the monarchy and declares france a republic French Republic Correct Answer: National Convention became the French Republic in 1792 after the King was disposed of Jacobins Correct Answer: Political club in revolutionary France whose members were well- educated, radical republicans; members of the National Convention (Mountain and Girondists) The Mountain Correct Answer: Led by Robespierre and Danton; French National Convention's radical/left faction, wanted to execute the King; seized legislative power in 1793 Girondists Correct Answer: Moderate group that fought for control of French National Convention; liberal; no death penalty Jean-Paul Marat Correct Answer: Newspaper writer (L'ami du Peuple); makes republic more radical through writings; called for heads to roll; killed in bath by Charlotte Corday Charlotte Corday Correct Answer: French woman who wanted to end the senseless killings; saw Marat as source of Reign of Terror; killed Marat in bathtub; executed Jaques-Louis David Correct Answer: Famous painter of the French Revolution; painted Tennis AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Hero of the Hour Correct Answer: 1795 Royalists march on National Convention; Napoleon told to defend NC; greets Royalists with cannons; defends NC; gets this nickname Italian Campaign Correct Answer: 1796-1797 Directory tells Napoleon to go to war against Austrians and Sardinians; Napoleon's first major campaign; defends France; gains fame Gave his own medals to address brave soldiers, rallied troops Egyptian Campaign Correct Answer: 1798 - 1801 Napoleon goes to Egypt; views himself as next Alexander the Great; brings archaeologists and scientists with him; discovers Rosetta Stone; complete failure; Horatio Nelson destroys Napoleon's fleet on Nile; Nap buys off reporters to only report good things Battle of Trafalgar Correct Answer: 1805 Fight at the Straight of Jibaltar, combined French and Spanish navy attack Britain to stop trade but Horatio Nelson saves England AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Rosetta Stone Correct Answer: Key to deciphering hieroglyphs; discovered by Napoleon on Egyptian Campaign; Greek, hieroglyphs, demotic Horatio Nelson Correct Answer: British admiral; brilliant sea tactician; destroys Napoleons fleet in Nile; beats French at Trafalgar; dies from gunshot wound at Trafalgar coup d'etat Correct Answer: 1799 "blow to the state"; Napoleon gets Directory to make him head of army; overthrows Directory; installs Three Consuls; holds plebiscite; becomes emperor Plebiscite Correct Answer: Napoleon had the French people vote for who hey wanted emperor because he knew he would win Three Consuls Correct Answer: People who had executive power in Napoleon's government; installed after coup d'etat; Napoleon is one of them; kicks out other two eventually Napoleonic Code Correct Answer: Protection of Property (nobles felt secure), took away freedom of speech and the press in order to manipulate media and protect his reputation, took away women's rights Napoleon's Domestic Accomplishments Correct Answer: 1) 1800 Plebiscite 2) efficient taxation and national bank 3) dismissed corrupt officials 4) lycees 5) merit based political appointments (no nepitisim) 6) Concordat w/ Pope Pius VII 7) Napoleonic Code (most important/lasting) 8) crowned emperor @ Notre Dame (1804) Concordat Correct Answer: 1801 With Pope Pius VII, Napoleon makes agreement with Pope AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED giving him the ability to appoint Church officials, makes people happy because Robespierre had dechristianized but Napoleon reverses, Pope crowns him Emporer St. Domingue Correct Answer: Napoleon reinstates slavery here; causes revolution; gained independence under Toussaint L'Overture; Napoleon tries to regain control; foreign countries get involved; France loses Haiti; Nap decides to sell foreign land Louisiana Purchase Correct Answer: 1803; Napoleon sells U.S. Louisiana for 15 million; wants to concentrate on Europe, needs money, strengthen the Americans at the expense of the British Battle of Austerlitz Correct Answer: Napoleon vs Russia and Austria; Napoleon tricks Czar Alexander I into following him down hillside; ambushes him; France wins Napoleon's Mistakes Correct Answer: 1) Trafalgar 2) Continental System 3) Peninsula War 4) Russian Invasion AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Constitutional Charter Correct Answer: Issued by Louis XVII; accepted many of France's revolutionary changes; guaranteed civil liberties Holy Alliance Correct Answer: 1815 Alliance of leaders of Prussia, Austria and Russia; based on religion; use scripture to support monarchy; combat liberalism; proposed by Alexander I of Russia Concert of Europe Correct Answer: 1815 Alliance of Austria, Prussia, Russia, England, and France; put down reform movements; stifle nationalism Proclamation Line of 1763 Correct Answer: An order in which Britain prohibited its American colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains; intended to prevent conflict with Native Americans Stamp Act 1765 Correct Answer: Tax that the British Pariliament placed on newspapers and official documents sold in the American Colonies; repealed Tea Act 1773 Correct Answer: Law passed by parliament allowing the British East India Company to sell its low-cost tea directly to the colonies; undermined colonial tea merchants; led to the Boston Tea Party Coercive Acts of 1774 Correct Answer: Aka the Intolerable Acts; restricted right of colonists in Mass. to hold town meetings; required all colonists to provide food and housing to British soldiers living in colonies; closed Boston port Common Sense 1776 Correct Answer: a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that claimed the colonies had a right to be an independent nation AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED George III Correct Answer: King of England during American Revolution Declaration of Independence Correct Answer: The document recording the proclamation of the second Continental Congress (4 July 1776) asserting the independence of the colonies from Great Britain Conservatism Correct Answer: Ideology that stresses tradition, hereditary monarchy, privileged land-owning aristocracy and official state church, against nationalism because it could lead to revolutions, supports Congress of Vienna (recreating the map of Europe); Metternich, Alexander I, Holy Alliance Edmund Burke Correct Answer: Supports Conservatism, British statesman; wrote Reflections on the Revolution in France; against the revolution; defended nobles' privileges; predicted that reforms in France would lead to tyranny, "If something works don't try to prevent it" Metternich Correct Answer: Supports Conservatism, Austrian Prince 1) Containment of France - put strong countries next to France AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED 2) Long-term peace 3) Restore legitimate heirs to the throne 4) Balance of Power - no country should be significantly stronger or weaker than another Liberalism Correct Answer: Principle ideas include equality and liberty; representative govt; equality before the law; freedom of the press; freedom of speech; freedom of assembly; freedom of worship; freedom from arbitrary arrest John Locke, Utilitarians Adam Smith Correct Answer: 1723-1790 supports liberalism, Wealth of Nations, mercantilism, laissez-faire, invisible hand Utilitarians Correct Answer: Governments goal should be the greatest happiness for the largest number, trying to help workers and poor, women's equality (seems like socialism, but believe in freedom of religion,speech, government, only interferes when necessary) Nationalism Correct Answer: National pride; people with similar language, culture and ethnicity should be in same country; usually led to desire for independent nation Socialism Correct Answer: Main goal was to help the poor; lessen the difference between wealthy and poor (redistribute wealth); less regulation of private property; reaction to liberalism Henry St. Simon Correct Answer: Father of French Socialism, government's job to help the poor, doers: engineers, scientists, industrialists (work with gov to improve lives) and parasites: lawyers, aristocrats, clergy (industrialists want to pay works less so they are the problem) Charles Fourier Correct Answer: Utopian socialist, said that if society is broken and there's an uneven distribution of wealth, should form own community, U.S., phalanxes, no marriage, equal education AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Alexander Ypsilanti Correct Answer: Lead Greeks in revolution against Ottomans, major European powers support because Greece was cultural center and cradle of Western civilization and intellects realized that it shouldn't be put down under the Ottomans, but a German prince was made King to prevent a democracy Corn Laws Correct Answer: British laws governing the import and export of grain; prevented foreign trade for grain unless prices spiked; protected bourgeoisie; raised prices of grain; angered peasants/middle class; repealed in 1846 to prevent famine in England when Ireland's potato crop was failing, led to free trade Six Acts Correct Answer: Passed by British parliament in 1839; revoked right to assembly; revoked freedom of speech; repressed freedom of press; aimed to prevent rebellion St. Peter's Field Correct Answer: 1819 People gathering for parliamentary reform and universal male suffrage, government sent cavaliers who killed everyone, "Peterloo Massacre" AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED "Great" Reform Bill of 1832 Correct Answer: Allowed 12% population of men to vote, wealthy middle class People's Charter Correct Answer: 1838 Demanded universal male suffrage petition, list of grievances 1) secret ballet 2) Salary for parliament positions 3) Universal male suffrage 4) All men can vote Chartist Movement Correct Answer: Large amount of people (working class) signed petitions, wanted universal male suffrage, calling on Parliament to let all men vote, creating secret ballot Chartists Correct Answer: English reformers of the 1830-40s; demanded political and social rights for the working class; universal male suffrage; overthrow of Corn Laws Chartist Demonstration of 1848 Correct Answer: 25,000 Chartists assembled in London to march on House of Commons; govt deputizes 200,000 "special" constables; chartists disbanded What was life like for Irish Catholics living in Ireland during the early 1800s? Correct Answer: They didn't have future going to college, married early to have children for more hands on the farm, renting land from England so no need to save up money before got married Why did Ireland experience Population explosion in 1725 - 1840? Correct Answer: more hands needed on farm, so had lots of children, women didn't go to college or have a job so they had children earlier Great Famine Correct Answer: 1845 - 1852 A blight caused diseased, ruined crops in Ireland, especially potatoes AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Effect of Great Famine on Ireland and how they viewed the British? Correct Answer: They had no food but the British still charged rent, Irish hated British because 1.5 million die and many move to U.S./ Canada Constitutional Charter of 1814 Correct Answer: Formed constitutional Monarchy where Louis XVIII agreed to share power with parliament, only .3% of population could vote Charles X Correct Answer: Doesn't want to share power with parliament, devout conservative catholic, dissolves chamber of deputies, thinks parliament is too liberal, New Elections but more liberal people are elected so it's worse for him, invades Algeria Why did Charles X invade Algeria? Correct Answer: Winter food prices had risen by 75% so Charles X thought he could distract the people by invading, didn't help, still hated 4 Ordinances Correct Answer: Passed by Charles X, censored press, changed electoral law, dissolved Chamber of deputies AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED First International Correct Answer: aka International Working Men's Association; founded by Karl Marx; collapses after failure of Paris Commune Second International Correct Answer: lasted from 1889-1914; formed by socialist leaders; a federation of national socialist parties; great psychological impact; delegates met to interpret Marxian doctrines and plan coordinated action Wilhelm I Correct Answer: king of Prussia in 1861; sought to increase Prussian power; appointed Bismarck as his Prime Minister; proclaimed Kaiser at the end of Franco-Prussian war in Hall of Mirrors at Palace of Versailles Otto von Bismarck Correct Answer: 1815-1890 "the most important figure in German history between Martin Luther and Adolf Hitler"; used war to unite Germany and insure Prussian dominance; created conservative govt in Germany with civil liberties and socialist programs; first Grand Chancellor of Germany kulturkampf Correct Answer: "culture struggle"; Bismarck's attack on the Catholic Church within Germany from 1870-1878; resulted form Pius IX's declaration of papal infallibility which created conflict with german govt; ends in failure Anti-Socialist Laws Correct Answer: Bismarck disbands socialist political parties (SPD); forces them underground but doesn't take away their influence German Social Democratic Party Correct Answer: (SPD) a German working-class political party founded in the 1870's; championed Marxism but in practice turned away from Marxist revolution and worked instead for social and workplace reforms in the German parliament Evolutionary Socialism Correct Answer: written by Eduard Bernstein; suggested that socialists AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED should combine with other progressive forces to win gradual evolutionary gains for workers through legislation, unions, and further economic development revisionism Correct Answer: an effort by moderate socialists to update Marxist doctrines to reflect the realities of the time Eduard Bernstein Correct Answer: member of the SPD; founder of evolutionary socialism and revisionism Wilhelm II Correct Answer: son of Wilhelm I; fires Bismarck; leads Germany towards WWI; weak arm syndrome= has something to prove Ferdinand I Correct Answer: King of Austria; gives in to revolutionary demands for a liberal constitution; no heir; replaced by Francis Joseph Francis Joseph Correct Answer: replaces Ferdinand I of as king of Austria AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Austrian Revolution Correct Answer: 1848 starts in Hungary (want independence); spreads to Vienna; college kids and workers take up cause; demand universal male suffrage; peasant revolts; Ferdinand I gives in to demands; workers and bourgeoisie differ over universal male suffrage and workshops; minority groups side with conservative govt; Nicholas I of Russia invades and puts down revolt for good Frankfurt Assembly Correct Answer: German parliament that convened in Frankfurt; discussed unification of germany; Greater Germany or Lesser Germany; offered crown of Lesser Germany to Frederick William IV; he refused Greater Germany Correct Answer: a liberal plan for German national unification that included the German-speaking parts of the Austrian Empire, put forth at the national parliament in 1848 but rejected by the Austrian rulers first attempt to unify germany Correct Answer: Frankfurt Assembly; elected Frederick William IV king of Lesser Germany; Frederick William refuses to be king of a lesser Germany; constitution too liberal; ends in 1848 second attempt to unify germany Correct Answer: led by Frederick William IV; creates own conservative unified Germany; things progress; stopped by Austria; ends in Humiliation of Olmutz Frederick William IV of Prussia Correct Answer: king of Prussia; refuses to accept "crown from the gutter"; proposes conservative unified Germany; stopped by Austria Humiliation of Olmutz Correct Answer: signed by Prussia to prevent war with Austria; Prussia forced to accept Austrian dominance Austro-Prussian War Correct Answer: 1866; war between Austria and Prussia; only lasted 7 AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED zemstvo Correct Answer: localized government where peasants, shopkeepers, aristocracy, etc. met and discussed local issues; established by Alexander II The Will of the People Correct Answer: radical political group; assassinates Alexander II Alexander III Correct Answer: extremely repressive; secret police, cracked down on colleges, teachers kept records of every student, read mail, punished for not speaking Russian; censorship; pogroms; targeted: nationalists, liberals, jews Sergei Witte Correct Answer: Russian finance minister from 1892-1903; encouraged growth of railroad system; established high protective tariffs to support Russian industry; put Russia on the gold standard to strengthen finances; encouraged Europeans to build factories in Russia in order to westernize (extremely successful) pogroms Correct Answer: organized violence towards Jews; started by Alexander III AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Nicolas II Correct Answer: takes over after Alex III dies; never trained as tsar; repressive; passed October Manifesto and Fundamental Laws; disliked after Bloody Sunday; end of Romanov Dynasty Bloody Sunday Correct Answer: January 1905; massive crowd of workers and their families converge on Winter Palace in St Petersburg to present petition (peaceful); soldiers open fire on crowd, killing hundreds; turned many Russians against tsar Nicholas II October Manifesto Correct Answer: the result of a paralyzing general strike in October 1905; a Russian decree that granted full civil rights and promised a popularly elected Duma with real legislative power duma Correct Answer: Russian federal parliament Fundamental Laws Correct Answer: issued by the Russian Government in 1906; the tsar retained real power; the Duma was elected by universal male suffrage; the Upper House could pass laws but the Tsar had veto power Russo-Japanese War Correct Answer: Russia wanted to expand and take over Manchuria and Korea after their loss in the Crimean War, put them into conflict with Japan; Japan launched surprise attack on Russia ports and decimated Russian naval fleet; Russia surrendered in 1905, inciting rebellions across Russia Battle of Sadowa Correct Answer: fought in Bohemia on July 3, 1866; final battle in Austo- Prussian War; Prussian victory Zollverein Correct Answer: German Customs Union; founded in 1834 to stimulate trade and increase state revenues; excluded Austria AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Karl Lueger Correct Answer: mayor of Vienna 1897-1910; used antisemitism to get elected; influences Adolf Hitler Dreyfus Affair Correct Answer: Alfred Dreyfus was falsely accused and convicted of treason; the Catholic Church sided with the anti-Semites against Dreyfus; after Dreyfus was declared innocent, the French govt severed all ties between church and state Alfred Dreyfus Correct Answer: Jewish captain in the French army; falsely accused of treason Emile Zola Correct Answer: French novelist; wrote J'accuse; partially responsible for Dreyfus' retrial J'accuse Correct Answer: book written by Emile Zola about why Alfred Dreyfus was innocent; helped get retrial Devil's Island Correct Answer: horrible French prison; Dreyfus had to spend 4 years here AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Japan Imperialism Correct Answer: Ruled by figurehead emperor, shogun, and samurai; refused to trade; gunboat diplomacy opened 2 ports; industrialized/copied other European states; Meiji Reforms/Era Tokagawa Correct Answer: dynasty of shoguns ruling Japan gunboat diplomacy Correct Answer: diplomacy in which the nations threaten to use force in order to obtain their objectives; used by Matthew Perry to get Japanese to open ports Commodore Matthew Perry Correct Answer: American naval commander; sent by President Fillmore to force Japan to open its ports; takes 4 steamships into Japanese harbor; uses gunboat diplomacy; forces Japan to agree to Treaty of Kanagawa Milliard Fillmore Correct Answer: US president who sends Matthew Perry to Japan Treaty of Kanagawa Correct Answer: 1854 treaty between Japan and the US; Japan agreed to open two ports to American ships; extraterritorial rights to foreigners Meiji Restoration Correct Answer: 45 years of enlightened rule by Mutsuhito; pick and choose best modernization from different countries (British navy, American education, German army/govt) major reforms during Meiji restoration Correct Answer: 1) social equality (no more caste system) 2) freedom of movement 3) free/competitive government-stimulated economy 4) railroads/general industrialization 5) military/draft ** AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Mutsuhito Correct Answer: Japanese ruler during Maji Restoration, young, pushes modernization Imperialized Japan vs. China Correct Answer: Both are scared of the West, don't want to trade, see themselves as superior, China - change later, more gradual, resistant, Hundred Days Reform, Boxers Japan - sees no other option that to embrace change Hundred days of Reform in China Correct Answer: 1898 Attempt to westernize the Chinese government to meet the foreign challenge The Boxers Correct Answer: Chinese, disliked foreigners, sparks rebellion Boxer Rebellion Correct Answer: 1900 drought was catalyst, boxers blamed it on the foreigners, saying Gods angry, Western armies put down, At first Empress was for the rebellion but once they get put down she claims that she was against it AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Why until 1878 did Europeans not try to imperialize Africa? Correct Answer: 1) Africa was huge 2) people were afraid of powerful tribes 3) disease - malaria 4) difficult to travel (mostly deserts and forests) 5) Fear of the unknown 1878 - uncertainty alleviated by explorer going in and got money, fame, discovery, spread religion Dr. David Livingstone Correct Answer: Scottish missionary; goes into interior of Africa in 1860s; wanted to expose Africans to christianity and explore Nile River; letters from him stop coming; found by Henry Stanley Henry Stanley Correct Answer: New York Herald reporter; finds Dr. Livingstone; "Dr Livingstone, I presume?"; explored Congo for Leopold II; signed "treaties" with tribes in order to get their land Leopold II Correct Answer: king of Belgium; hires Stanley to go back to Africa and sign "treaties" with natives; Belgian Congo; tells Europe a lie; responsible for greatest genocide in history (10 million people), human zoos Belgian Congo Correct Answer: Leopold II hired Henry Stanley to sign treaties with tribes to get their land; tells Europe a lie in order to create his own highly profitable and bloody empire in Africa; center of genocide Leopold's Lie Correct Answer: Belgian king tells Europe that he is trying to protect the natives of the Congo by educating them and teaching them about Christianity AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Ram Roy Correct Answer: Indian national; wants English to leave India; realizes that Indians must change their ways in order to gain independence, get rid of child marriage, caste system, treatment of widows sepoys Correct Answer: Indian soldiers who help British rule; treated poorly, employment for Indians but dangerous for British because they have weapons Sepoy Mutiny Correct Answer: 1857; caused by poor treatment of Indians and rumor; sepoy unit refuses to arm themselves because rumor that pellet packages are lined with beef and pork fat (which is hated by Muslims and Hindus), arrested by British soldiers Sepoys invade Cawpoure and kill women and children, British force them to drink their blood Cawpoure Correct Answer: House of Ladies, British women and children in India Crown Jewel Correct Answer: India - Indigo, coffee, jute, opium, 3 million people, cotton AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED new imperialism Correct Answer: the late 19th century drive by European countries to create vast political empires abroad causes of new imperialism Correct Answer: 1) economic motives 2) nationalism 3) social darwinism 4) technological/military superiority of industrialized nations 5) social tension and domestic political conflict 6) special interest groups (missionaries, white settlers, shipping companies, etc) Boers Correct Answer: Dutch Farmers in 1600s - 1800s Afrikaners Correct Answer: aka Boers; descendants of the Dutch settlers in the Cape Colony in southern Africa Boer War Correct Answer: 1652 Dutch established colony in Cape town of Good Hope, The great Trek create their own states, anyone not dutch has no rights, British burn land and have concentration camps, British create South Africa The Boer's Great Trek Correct Answer: Boers leave Cape Town because British move there, create two Dutch states: Orange Free State & Transvaal, British foreigners attack Cecil Rhodes Correct Answer: British colonial financier and statesman in South Africa; made a fortune in gold and diamond mining; helped colonize the territory now known as Zimbabwe and Botswana direct rule Correct Answer: colonial government in which local elites are removed from power and replaced by a new set of officials brought from the mother country pros of direct rule Correct Answer: 1) trust ruler 2) troops on hand AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED cons of direct rule Correct Answer: 1) incite rebellion 2) don't know anything about country they're ruling 3) more expensive indirect rule Correct Answer: colonial government in which local rulers are allowed to maintain their positions of authority and status; think sepoys (used by England) pros of indirect rule Correct Answer: 1) ruler already knows people 2) been in power for a while (knows what they're doing) cons of indirect rule Correct Answer: 1) disloyalty 2) officials taking money on the side 3) ruler could double-cross AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Norman Angell Correct Answer: author of The Great Illusion; argued that war would hurt everyone involved, even the victor; part of peace movement The Great Illusion Correct Answer: (1910) written by Norman Angell; extremely influential; war wasn't profitable and would hurt everyone involved Friedrich von Bernhardi Correct Answer: author of Germany and the Next War; social darwinistic view; pro-war Germany and the Next War Correct Answer: written by Friedrich von Bernhardi; war was a necessity Kaiser Wilhelm I Correct Answer: unifies Germany with Bismarck through war Bismarck Correct Answer: unified Germany; Chancellor; takes steps to prevent war; axioms Bismarcks Axioms Correct Answer: 1) Germany needs to isolate France 2) Germany is a satisfied power 3) create/maintain a treaty with Russia 4) Germany must not build navy dreadnoughts Correct Answer: giant German battleships; threatened English navy Wilhelm II Correct Answer: fires Bismarck; breaks all the axioms; leads Germany on warpath Dual Alliance Correct Answer: alliance of Russia and France in 1894; becomes Triple Entente in 1907 Anglo-French Entente Correct Answer: alliance of Great Britain and France in 1904; settled colonial disputes between Britain and France AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED First Moroccan Crisis Correct Answer: 1905; German attempt to break up Franco-English alliance by taking Morocco; caused the Russian, French, and English alliance (see Germany as a threat) Triple Entente Correct Answer: created in 1907; alliance of France, Great Britain, Russia Triple Alliance Correct Answer: created in 1882; alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy Czar Nicky II r Correct Answer: elated to Wilhelm II through marriage; gets pushed around by Uncle Willy; declares war on AH to protect Serbia Serbia Correct Answer: country that broke off of the Ottoman Empire; wanted to create Greater Serbia; funded the Black Hand; started WWI brinkmanship Correct Answer: using the threat of war to get what you want AP EURO EXAM STUDY GUIDE WITH CORRECT ANSWERS WELL RATED Archduke Franz Ferdinand Correct Answer: next in line for the Austrian throne; assassinated by the Black Hand Black Hand Correct Answer: radical Serbian nationalists; worst assassins in history; somehow killed Franz Ferdinand Schlieffen Plan Correct Answer: German strategy for a lightning attack on France through Belgium; fails reasons Schlieffen Plan fails Correct Answer: 1) Belgians resist German occupation 2) Russians mobilize quickly 3) stalemate on Western Front King Albert Correct Answer: king of Belgium; decides to fight Germans; "Belgium is not a road"; gives France time to mobilize troops war of attrition Correct Answer: type of warfare where side that runs out of supplies first loses; used on western front Western Front Correct Answer: front to the west of Germany (France, GB); stalemate after First Battle of the Marne Eastern Front Correct Answer: front to the east of germany (Russia); Germans vs Russia U-Boats Correct Answer: German submarines during WWI Sukholminov Correct Answer: horrible Russian military general; literally sucked; prided himself on not reading military journals; "war never changes" Central Powers Correct Answer: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria new weapons during WWI Correct Answer: 1) heavy/long range artillery
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