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Medical Prefixes and Suffixes: A Comprehensive List, Quizzes of Medical Sciences

Definitions for various medical prefixes and suffixes, enhancing your understanding of medical terminology. From 'aer-' meaning 'air' to 'zym-' meaning 'ferment,' explore the meanings behind these essential components of medical terms.

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Download Medical Prefixes and Suffixes: A Comprehensive List and more Quizzes Medical Sciences in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 a- DEFINITION 1 without, not TERM 2 ab- DEFINITION 2 from, away from TERM 3 abdomin/o DEFINITION 3 abdomen TERM 4 abort/o DEFINITION 4 to miscarry TERM 5 -ac DEFINITION 5 pertaining to TERM 6 acid/o DEFINITION 6 acid TERM 7 -acusis DEFINITION 7 hearing TERM 8 -ad DEFINITION 8 toward TERM 9 ad- DEFINITION 9 toward TERM 10 aden/o DEFINITION 10 gland TERM 21 albumin/o DEFINITION 21 albumin (protein) TERM 22 -algesia DEFINITION 22 pain TERM 23 -algia DEFINITION 23 pain TERM 24 allo- DEFINITION 24 other, differng from the normal TERM 25 alveol/o DEFINITION 25 alveolus; air sac TERM 26 ambly/o DEFINITION 26 dull, dim TERM 27 amni/o DEFINITION 27 amnion (amniotic sac) TERM 28 an- DEFINITION 28 without, not TERM 29 an/o DEFINITION 29 anus TERM 30 ana- DEFINITION 30 aginst, up; back TERM 31 andr/o DEFINITION 31 male TERM 32 aneurysm/o DEFINITION 32 widened blood vessel TERM 33 angi/o DEFINITION 33 vessel (usually blood or lymph) TERM 34 aniso- DEFINITION 34 unequal, disssimilar TERM 35 ankyl/o DEFINITION 35 stiffeness; bent, crooked TERM 46 arteri/o DEFINITION 46 artery TERM 47 arteriol/o DEFINITION 47 arteriole TERM 48 arthr/o DEFINITION 48 joint TERM 49 -ary DEFINITION 49 pertaining to TERM 50 asbest/o DEFINITION 50 asbestos TERM 51 -asthenia DEFINITION 51 weakiness, debility TERM 52 astr/o DEFINITION 52 star TERM 53 -ate DEFINITION 53 having the form of, possesing TERM 54 atel/o DEFINITION 54 incomplete; imperfect TERM 55 ather/o DEFINITION 55 fatty plaque TERM 56 -ation DEFINITION 56 process (of) TERM 57 artri/o DEFINITION 57 atrium TERM 58 audi/o DEFINITION 58 hearing TERM 59 audit/o DEFINITION 59 hearing TERM 60 aur/o DEFINITION 60 ear TERM 71 -blast DEFINITION 71 embriyonic cell TERM 72 blast/o DEFINITION 72 embryonic cell TERM 73 blephar/o DEFINITION 73 eyelid TERM 74 brachi/o DEFINITION 74 arm TERM 75 brachy- DEFINITION 75 short TERM 76 brady- DEFINITION 76 slow TERM 77 bronch/o DEFINITION 77 bronchus (plural, bronchi TERM 78 bronchiol/o DEFINITION 78 brronchiole TERM 79 bronchi/o DEFINITION 79 bronchus (plural, bronchi) TERM 80 bucc/o DEFINITION 80 cheek TERM 81 calc/o DEFINITION 81 calcium TERM 82 calcane/o DEFINITION 82 calcaneum (heel bone) TERM 83 -capnia DEFINITION 83 carbon dioxide (CO2) TERM 84 carcin/o DEFINITION 84 cancer TERM 85 cardi/o DEFINITION 85 heart TERM 96 -ception DEFINITION 96 conceiving TERM 97 cerebell/o DEFINITION 97 cerebellum TERM 98 cerebr/o DEFINITION 98 cerebrum TERM 99 cervic/o DEFINITION 99 neck; cervix uteri (neck of uterus) TERM 100 chalic/o DEFINITION 100 limestone TERM 101 cheil/o DEFINITION 101 lip TERM 102 chem/o DEFINITION 102 chemical; drug TERM 103 chlor/o DEFINITION 103 green TERM 104 chol/e DEFINITION 104 bile, gall TERM 105 cholangi/o DEFINITION 105 bile vessel TERM 106 cholecyst/o DEFINITION 106 gall bladder TERM 107 choledoch/o DEFINITION 107 bile duct TERM 108 chondr/o DEFINITION 108 cartilage TERM 109 chori/o DEFINITION 109 chorion TERM 110 choroid/o DEFINITION 110 choroid TERM 121 -clast DEFINITION 121 to break TERM 122 clavicul/o DEFINITION 122 clavicle (collar bone) TERM 123 -clesis DEFINITION 123 closure TERM 124 clon/o DEFINITION 124 clonus (turmoil) TERM 125 -clysis DEFINITION 125 irrigation, washing TERM 126 coccyg/o DEFINITION 126 coccyx (tail bone) TERM 127 cochle/o DEFINITION 127 cochlea TERM 128 col/o DEFINITION 128 colon TERM 129 colon/o DEFINITION 129 colon TERM 130 colp/o DEFINITION 130 vagina TERM 131 condyl/o DEFINITION 131 condyle TERM 132 coni/o DEFINITION 132 dust TERM 133 conjuncitv/o DEFINITION 133 conjunctiva TERM 134 -continence DEFINITION 134 to hold back TERM 135 contra- DEFINITION 135 against, opposite TERM 146 -crine DEFINITION 146 secrete TERM 147 cruci/o DEFINITION 147 cross TERM 148 cry/o DEFINITION 148 cold TERM 149 crypt/o DEFINITION 149 hidden TERM 150 culd/o DEFINITION 150 cul-de-sac TERM 151 -cusia DEFINITION 151 hearing TERM 152 -cusis DEFINITION 152 hearing TERM 153 cutane/o DEFINITION 153 skin TERM 154 cyan/o DEFINITION 154 blue TERM 155 cycl/o DEFINITION 155 ciliary body of eye; circular, cycle TERM 156 -cyesis DEFINITION 156 pregnancy TERM 157 cyst/o DEFINITION 157 bladder TERM 158 cyt/o DEFINITION 158 cell TERM 159 -cyte DEFINITION 159 cell TERM 160 dacry/o DEFINITION 160 tear; lacrimal apparatus (duct, sac, or gland) TERM 171 dia- DEFINITION 171 through, across TERM 172 dipl- DEFINITION 172 double TERM 173 dipl/o DEFINITION 173 double TERM 174 dips/o DEFINITION 174 thirst TERM 175 -dipsia DEFINITION 175 thirst TERM 176 dist/o DEFINITION 176 far, farthest TERM 177 dors/o DEFINITION 177 back (of body) TERM 178 duct/o DEFINITION 178 to lead; carry TERM 179 -duction DEFINITION 179 act of leading, bringing, conducting TERM 180 duoden/o DEFINITION 180 duodenum (first part of small intestine) TERM 181 dur/o DEFINITION 181 dura matter; hart TERM 182 -dynia DEFINITION 182 pain TERM 183 dys- DEFINITION 183 bad; painful; difficult TERM 184 -eal DEFINITION 184 pertaining to TERM 185 ec- DEFINITION 185 out, out from TERM 196 -emia DEFINITION 196 blood condition TERM 197 emphys/o DEFINITION 197 to inflate TERM 198 en- DEFINITION 198 in, withing TERM 199 encephal/o DEFINITION 199 brain TERM 200 end- DEFINITION 200 in, within TERM 201 endo- DEFINITION 201 in, within TERM 202 enter/o DEFINITION 202 intestine (usually small intestine) TERM 203 eosin/o DEFINITION 203 dawn (rose-colored) TERM 204 epi- DEFINITION 204 above, upon TERM 205 epididym/o DEFINITION 205 epididymis TERM 206 epiglott/o DEFINITION 206 epiglottis TERM 207 episi/o DEFINITION 207 vulva TERM 208 erythem/o DEFINITION 208 red TERM 209 erythemato/o DEFINITION 209 red TERM 210 eschar/o DEFINITION 210 scab TERM 221 extra- DEFINITION 221 outside TERM 222 faci/o DEFINITION 222 face TERM 223 fasci/o DEFINITION 223 band, fascia (fibrous membrane supporting and separting muscles) TERM 224 femor/o DEFINITION 224 femur (thigh bone) TERM 225 -ferent DEFINITION 225 to carry TERM 226 fibr/o DEFINITION 226 fiber, fibrous tissue TERM 227 fibul/o DEFINITION 227 fibula (smaller bone of lower leg) TERM 228 fluor/o DEFINITION 228 luminous, fluorescence TERM 229 galact/o DEFINITION 229 milk TERM 230 gangli/o DEFINITION 230 ganglion (knot or knotlike mass) TERM 231 gastr/o DEFINITION 231 stomach TERM 232 -gen DEFINITION 232 forming, producing, origin TERM 233 gen/o DEFINITION 233 forming, producing, origin TERM 234 -genesis DEFINITION 234 forming, producing, origin TERM 235 genit/o DEFINITION 235 genitalia TERM 246 glucos/o DEFINITION 246 sugar, sweetnes TERM 247 glyc/o DEFINITION 247 sugar, sweetness TERM 248 glycos/o DEFINITION 248 sugar, sweetness TERM 249 gnos/o DEFINITION 249 knowing TERM 250 -gnosis DEFINITION 250 knowing TERM 251 gonad/o DEFINITION 251 gonads, sex glands TERM 252 goni/o DEFINITION 252 angle TERM 253 gon/o DEFINITION 253 seed (ovum or spermatozoon) TERM 254 -grade DEFINITION 254 to go TERM 255 -graft DEFINITION 255 transplantation TERM 256 -gram DEFINITION 256 record, writing TERM 257 granul/o DEFINITION 257 granule TERM 258 -graph DEFINITION 258 instrument for recording TERM 259 -graphy DEFINITION 259 process of recording TERM 260 -gravida DEFINITION 260 pregnant woman TERM 271 hist/o DEFINITION 271 tissue TERM 272 histi/o DEFINITION 272 tissue TERM 273 home/o DEFINITION 273 same, alike TERM 274 homeo- DEFINITION 274 same, alike TERM 275 homo- DEFINITION 275 same TERM 276 humer/o DEFINITION 276 humerus (upper arm bone) TERM 277 hydr/o DEFINITION 277 water TERM 278 hyp- DEFINITION 278 under, below, deficient TERM 279 hyper- DEFINITION 279 excessive, above normal TERM 280 hyp/o DEFINITION 280 under, below, deficient TERM 281 hypn/o DEFINITION 281 sleep TERM 282 hypo- DEFINITION 282 under, below, deficient TERM 283 hyster/o DEFINITION 283 uterus (womb) TERM 284 -ia DEFINITION 284 condition TERM 285 -iac DEFINITION 285 pertaining to TERM 296 idi/o DEFINITION 296 uknown, peculiar TERM 297 -ile DEFINITION 297 pertaining to TERM 298 ile/o DEFINITION 298 ileum (third part of small intestine) TERM 299 ili/o DEFINITION 299 ilium (lateral, flaring portion of hip bone) TERM 300 im- DEFINITION 300 not TERM 301 immuno/o DEFINITION 301 immune, immunity, safe TERM 302 in- DEFINITION 302 in,not TERM 303 -ine DEFINITION 303 pertainng to TERM 304 infer/o DEFINITION 304 lower, below TERM 305 infra- DEFINITION 305 below, under TERM 306 inguin/o DEFINITION 306 groin TERM 307 insulin/o DEFINITION 307 insulin TERM 308 inter- DEFINITION 308 between TERM 309 intra- DEFINITION 309 in, within TERM 310 -ion DEFINITION 310 the act of TERM 321 -itis DEFINITION 321 inflammation TERM 322 -ive DEFINITION 322 pertaining to TERM 323 -ization DEFINITION 323 process (of) TERM 324 jaund/o DEFINITION 324 yellow TERM 325 jejun/o DEFINITION 325 jejunum (2nd part of small intestine) TERM 326 kal/i DEFINITION 326 potassium (an electrolyte) TERM 327 kary/o DEFINITION 327 nucleus TERM 328 kerat/o DEFINITION 328 horny tissue; hard; cornea TERM 329 kern/o DEFINITION 329 kernel (neucleus) TERM 330 ket/o DEFINITION 330 ketone bodies (acids and acetones) TERM 331 ketone/o DEFINITION 331 ketone bodies (acids and acetones) TERM 332 kinesi/o DEFINITION 332 movement TERM 333 -kinesia DEFINITION 333 movment TERM 334 kinet/o DEFINITION 334 movment TERM 335 klept/o DEFINITION 335 to steak TERM 346 lei/o DEFINITION 346 smooth TERM 347 leiomy/o DEFINITION 347 smooth muscle (visceral) TERM 348 -lepsy DEFINITION 348 seizure TERM 349 lept/o DEFINITION 349 thin, slender TERM 350 leuk/o DEFINITION 350 white TERM 351 lex/o DEFINITION 351 word, phrase TERM 352 lingu/o DEFINITION 352 tongue TERM 353 lip/o DEFINITION 353 fat TERM 354 lipid/o DEFINITION 354 fat TERM 355 -listhesis DEFINITION 355 slipping TERM 356 -lith DEFINITION 356 stone, calculus TERM 357 lith/o DEFINITION 357 stone, calculus TERM 358 lob/o DEFINITION 358 lobe TERM 359 log/o DEFINITION 359 study of TERM 360 -logist DEFINITION 360 specialist in the study of TERM 371 -malacia DEFINITION 371 softening TERM 372 mamm/o DEFINITION 372 breast TERM 373 -mania DEFINITION 373 state of mental disorder freny TERM 374 mast/o DEFINITION 374 breast TERM 375 mastoid/o DEFINITION 375 mastoid process TERM 376 maxill/o DEFINITION 376 maxilla (upper jawbone) TERM 377 meat/o DEFINITION 377 opening, meatus TERM 378 medi- DEFINITION 378 middle TERM 379 medi/o DEFINITION 379 middle TERM 380 mediastin/o DEFINITION 380 mediastinum TERM 381 medull/o DEFINITION 381 medulla TERM 382 mega- DEFINITION 382 enarlargemnt TERM 383 megal/o DEFINITION 383 enlargement TERM 384 -megaly DEFINITION 384 enlargement TERM 385 melan/o DEFINITION 385 black TERM 396 metri/o DEFINITION 396 utuerus (womb) TERM 397 -metry DEFINITION 397 act of measuring TERM 398 mi/o DEFINITION 398 smaller, less TERM 399 micro/o DEFINITION 399 small TERM 400 micro- DEFINITION 400 small TERM 401 mono- DEFINITION 401 one TERM 402 morhph/o DEFINITION 402 form, shape, structue TERM 403 muc/o DEFINITION 403 mucus TERM 404 multi- DEFINITION 404 many, much TERM 405 muscul/o DEFINITION 405 muscle TERM 406 muta/ DEFINITION 406 genetic change TERM 407 my/o DEFINITION 407 muscle TERM 408 myc/o DEFINITION 408 fungus (plural, fungi) TERM 409 mydr/o DEFINITION 409 widen, enlarge TERM 410 myel/o DEFINITION 410 bone marrow; spinal cord TERM 421 neur/o DEFINITION 421 nerve TERM 422 neutr/o DEFINITION 422 neutral; neither TERM 423 nid/o DEFINITION 423 nest TERM 424 noct/o DEFINITION 424 night TERM 425 nucle/o DEFINITION 425 nucleus TERM 426 nulli- DEFINITION 426 none TERM 427 nyctal/o DEFINITION 427 night TERM 428 obstert/o DEFINITION 428 midwife TERM 429 ocul/o DEFINITION 429 eye TERM 430 odont/o DEFINITION 430 teeth TERM 431 -oid DEFINITION 431 resembling TERM 432 -ole DEFINITION 432 small, minute TERM 433 olig/o DEFINITION 433 scanty TERM 434 -oma DEFINITION 434 tumor TERM 435 omphal/o DEFINITION 435 navel (umbilicus) TERM 446 or/o DEFINITION 446 mouth TERM 447 orch/o DEFINITION 447 testis (plural testes) TERM 448 orchi/o DEFINITION 448 testis (plural testes) TERM 449 orchid/o DEFINITION 449 testis (plural testes) TERM 450 -orexia DEFINITION 450 appetite TERM 451 orth/o DEFINITION 451 straight TERM 452 -ory DEFINITION 452 pertaining to TERM 453 -ose DEFINITION 453 pertaining to; sugar TERM 454 -osis DEFINITION 454 abnormal condiditon; increase (used primarily with blood cells) TERM 455 -osmia DEFINITION 455 smell TERM 456 oste/o DEFINITION 456 bone TERM 457 ot/o DEFINITION 457 ear TERM 458 -ovus DEFINITION 458 pertaining to TERM 459 ovari/o DEFINITION 459 ovary TERM 460 ox/i DEFINITION 460 oxygen TERM 471 -paresis DEFINITION 471 partial paralysis TERM 472 patell/o DEFINITION 472 patella (kneecap) TERM 473 path/o DEFINITION 473 disease TERM 474 -pathy DEFINITION 474 disease TERM 475 pector/o DEFINITION 475 chest TERM 476 ped/o DEFINITION 476 foot; child TERM 477 pedicul/o DEFINITION 477 lice TERM 478 pelv/i DEFINITION 478 pelvis TERM 479 pelv/o DEFINITION 479 pelvis TERM 480 -penia DEFINITION 480 decrease, dificiency TERM 481 -pepsia DEFINITION 481 digestion TERM 482 per- DEFINITION 482 through TERM 483 peri- DEFINITION 483 around TERM 484 perine/o DEFINITION 484 perineum (area between scrotum {or vulva in the female} and anus) TERM 485 peritone/o DEFINITION 485 peritoneum
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