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APUSH All Test Questions and Answers 2023, Exams of Nursing

A list of multiple-choice questions and answers related to the history of the United States, from the pre-Columbian era to the early 1800s. The questions cover topics such as European exploration, colonization, slavery, the American Revolution, and the early years of the United States. The document can be useful for students studying for an AP US History exam or for those interested in learning more about US history.

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Download APUSH All Test Questions and Answers 2023 and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! APUSH All Test Questions and Answers 2023. Before the coming of Europeans, the people who lived in what is now the United States had not developed Correct Answer: A common language The first European country to launch long ocean voyages of exploration was Correct Answer: Portugal When Christopher Columbus made his famous voyages to the New World, he Correct Answer: Believed that he had reached the Far East The Spanish conquest of the Aztecs was, in part, due to Correct Answer: The diseases the Spaniards had given the Indians Before the arrival of the Europeans, the political system of southern and western Africa was composed of Correct Answer: A number of small- and medium-sized regional kingdoms According to the principles of mercantilism, Correct Answer: A successful nation should export its own goods in exchange for gold and silver The religious dissatisfactions that ultimately propelled English "Separatists" into the New World can be traded to the 1517 protests of the German priest Correct Answer: Martin Luther Henry VIII started the English Reformation because he Correct Answer: Required a divorce in order to marry The majority of English Puritans were religious dissenters who Correct Answer: Wished to purify Anglican forms of worship The most important single event influencing England's decision to begin New World colonization was the Correct Answer: Defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 The first permanent English settlement in the New World was established at Correct Answer: Jamestown Civilizations in the Americas before the arrival of Columbus Correct Answer: Included elaborate and sophisticated cultures that rivaled those of Europe The Treaty of Tordesillas contained a provision to Correct Answer: Divide the Americas between Spain and Portugal to colonize The Coureurs des Bois relationship with Indians differed from the English because Correct Answer: They formed successful partnerships with Indians by becoming a part of native society and intermarrying An assumption that the English learned in Ireland and brought to their American settlements was Correct Answer: English colonial settlements must remain separated from native populations Virginia began to prosper when the governor changed from Correct Answer: A communal system of labor to private ownership The survival and expansion of Virginia were due, in part, to Correct Answer: The discovery that tobacco would grow well there During the 1600s, the rapid growth of Virginia's population led to the Correct Answer: Violation of Indian treaties and frequent border conflicts By the early eighteenth century, Africans in North America Correct Answer: Began more commonly to be seen as inferior by whites The Making of New World Slavery, by Robin Blackburn stressed a theme of Correct Answer: Economic advantages of slavery In American Slavery, American Freedom, Edmund S. Morgan suggested that the Correct Answer: American colonies were new in creating a permanent condition of servitude In South Carolina during the early 1740s, a new staple crop was Correct Answer: Indigo The rise of commerce in the English colonies was aided by Correct Answer: A group of adventurous entrepreneurs In general, plantations in the American South can be described as Correct Answer: Self-contained communities The southern agrarian economy was dominated by Correct Answer: Wealthy landowners The Great Awakening of the 1700s Correct Answer: Came in response to a decline in religious piety The American political system developed differently than the British political system because Correct Answer: Britain did little to exert its authority before 1760s The Navigation Acts Correct Answer: Helped the colonial economy by supporting shipbuilding and protecting trade from foreign competition Enlightenment thought influenced the colonies by Correct Answer: The colonial assemblies assuming the powers of Parliament within the colonies Puritan theologian Jonathan Edwards strayed from Puritan orthodoxy in his belief that Correct Answer: God's power was absolute, but one could work toward salvation although it was difficult to gain Religious toleration developed in America because Correct Answer: So many immigrants with different religious backgrounds settled in America, it was impossible to impose a single religion After the first few decades of settlement in British North America, Correct Answer: Conflicts with Indians continued as settlers pushed westward and settled on lands claimed by Indians In the 1750s, the relationship between the British Empire and the American colonies was characterized by Correct Answer: Most Americans believing that the benefits of the empire far outweigh the costs In the mid 1770s, the relationship between the British Empire and the American colonies was characterized by Correct Answer: Most Americans becoming disillusioned with the empire In the immediate years after the Glorious Revolution of 1688, the British government Correct Answer: Eased its control over the American colonies During the late 1600s and early 1700s, French settlement in North America was characterized by the Correct Answer: Toleration of the Indians' way of life In his policy toward the American colonies, Prime Minister George Grenville maintained that the colonists should be Correct Answer: Compelled to pay part of the cost of administering and defending the empire The Proclamation of 1773 was supported by Correct Answer: Indians During the 1760s and 1770s, the political program that angered the Americans most was the British effort to take away local control over Correct Answer: Appropriating money for local government Although the financial burden imposed by the Stamp Act of 1765 was small, it antagonized and unified the colonies against the British government more so than had the Sugar Act of 1764 because Correct Answer: The new tax was blatantly designed to produce revenue, and it fell on all the colonists regardless of colony or class Prime Minister Charles Townshend established a board of customs commissioners in America that Correct Answer: Virtually ended smuggling in Boston Following the "Boston Massacre" of 1770, Samuel Adams stirred up public outrage and then helped to create a committee of Correct Answer: Correspondence In response to Boston's opposition to the Tea Act of 1773, the British Parliament decided to Correct Answer: Punish all of Boston and all of Massachusetts During the final phase of the American Revolution, General Cornwallis was surrounded and forced to surrender his entire force at Correct Answer: Yorktown, Virginia The Treaty of Paris included a provision that Correct Answer: Awarded the Americans with a generous cession of land By the end of the American Revolution, most Native American tribes had Correct Answer: Managed to escape to the safety of southeast Canada In the 1770s and 1780s, the powers of government were Correct Answer: Concentrated in the state governments During the early 1780s, the authority of the national government was vested in Correct Answer: A legislative branch General Anthony Wayne's 1794 victory over the Miami Indians led to the Treaty of Greenville in 1795, which recognized Correct Answer: The sovereignty of Indians nations over tribal lands Shays' Rebellion strengthened the movement to Correct Answer: Produce a new national constitution After the battles at Lexington and Concord, the Continental Congress sent the Olive Branch Petition to the king to Correct Answer: Seek a reconciliation with the Crown by stating colonial grievances The sentiment expressed in this phrase from the Declaration of Independence, "That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [securing life, liberty, and property] it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it," best expresses the political philosophy of Correct Answer: John Locke The major consequence of the American Revolution for the Iroquois Confederacy was Correct Answer: Division among the various tribes of the Confederacy as some abandoned its traditional policy of neutrality and supported the British against the Americans The Treaty of Paris at the end of the Revolutionary War contained provisions for Correct Answer: Recognition of the United States' independence and Britain's withdrawal from the North American continent The republican ideology of equal rights and liberty that was fundamental to the Revolution Correct Answer: Helped push New England states to abolish slavery in their new constitutions The national government under the Articles of Confederation was particularly successful in Correct Answer: The resolution of western land issues in the Northwest Territory The Republican vision of America as proposed by Thomas Jefferson included the ideal of Correct Answer: A society of sturdy, independent farmers During the Jeffersonian era, American education exhibited the characteristic of Correct Answer: Private institutions dominating the educational system In 1784, Judith Sargent Murray published an essay that promoted the ideas that Correct Answer: Women should have the same opportunity for education as men During the early 1800s, the profession that normally required college training was Correct Answer: Minister The acknowledged leader of American literature in the early 1700s, the man who created such characters as Rip van Winkle and Ichabod Crane, was Correct Answer: Washington Irving Overall, the Second Great Awakening resulted in Correct Answer: Increased belief in salvation attained through faith and good works In both England and the United States, the Industrial Revolution began in Correct Answer: The textile industry The invention of the cotton gin led to the Correct Answer: Spread of cotton growing into the upland South Jefferson sought to make his victory in the election of 1800 a "revolution" by Correct Answer: Reducing drastically the size and power of the national ovenrment Thomas Jefferson attempted to decrease the public debt by Correct Answer: Reducing government spending In the 1803 case of Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court ruled that Correct Answer: An act of Congress had exceeded its constitutional authority President Jefferson initially tried to purchase the city of New Orleans because Correct Answer: The port of New Orleans had been closed to western farmers Most of the Louisiana Territory was Correct Answer: West of New Orleans Marshall's decision in Fletcher v. Peck and Dartmouth College v Woodward dealt with the Correct Answer: Protection of contracts from violation by state governments In the case of Gibbons v Ogden in 1824, the Supreme Court Correct Answer: Strengthened the power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce One immediate effect of the Monroe Doctrine was that it Correct Answer: Served as an important expression of emerging American nationalism In 1824, the breakdown of the caucus system resulted in Correct Answer: The election being thrown into the House of Representatives The election of 1828 was characterized by the Correct Answer: Emergence of a new two-party system Americans during the early nineteenth century viewed the American West as uninhabitable because Correct Answer: John Jacob Astor failed in his trading ventures in the Pacific Northwest In 1817 Madison vetoed a bill for federal support of roads and canals on the grounds that Correct Answer: His strict interpretation of the Constitution did not authorize funding for internal improvements Those who claimed a "corrupt bargain" occurred in the election of 1824 believed Correct Answer: Clay's support for Adams in the House balloting was in return for his appointment as secretary of state Henry Clay's American System contained provisions for Correct Answer: High tariffs to promote industry, which would provide funds for internal improvements linking western farmers to growing cities One of the major differences between the Virginia and New Jersey plans for the new United States Constitution was Correct Answer: Whether states would have equal representation in Congress For the Constitutional Convention to reach agreement on the power of the federal government to regulate commerce, the members agreed taht Correct Answer: The government would not be permitted to stop the slave trade for twenty years The men who wrote the Constitution resolved the question of sovereignty by deciding that in the United States political power rested ultimately with the Correct Answer: People The element of the Constitution most representative of the anti-federalist perspective is the Correct Answer: Bill of Rights The authors of The Federalist Papers wrote them for the purpose of Correct Answer: Explaining the meaning and positive qualities of the Constitution The Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution was significant to the distribution of power because it Correct Answer: Reserved to the states and the people all powers not specifically delegated to the federal government To win support for the federal assumption of state debts, Hamilton's supporters negotiated a bargain that Correct Answer: Called for the construction of a new national capital on the banks of the Potomac River Andrew Jackson could be described as Correct Answer: Frontier aristocrat The inauguration of Andrew Jackson in 1829 was significant because it Correct Answer: Signified the empowerment of a heretofore disenfranchised class of Americans After the Dorr Rebellion in the early 1840s, the state government of Rhode Island Correct Answer: Drafted a new, more democratic competition The most significant proponent of the "Nullification Doctrine" was Correct Answer: John C Calhoun The theory of nullification was based on the writings of Correct Answer: James Madison and Thomas Jefferson The theory of nullification is based on the principle that Correct Answer: Individual states may declare federal laws unconstitutional The Webster-Hayne debates began over one issue but quickly switched to another. They switched from Correct Answer: The sale of public lands to states' rights In the early 1800s, most people thought that Indians were Correct Answer: "Savages" who were not civilized When Jackson heard Marshall's decision in the case between Georgia and the Cherokees (Worchester v. Georgia), he Correct Answer: Refused to enforce the decision The situation of women and immigrants in the factory system was similar in that they both Correct Answer: Were powerless to affect pay rates or working conditions Between 1800 and 1860, the nature of the family changed because of the decline in the Correct Answer: Rate of births Among the most popular formats of entertainment in antebellum America, as epitomized by P.T. Barnum, were Correct Answer: Lectures The rise of cities also stimulated Correct Answer: The rise of profitable dairy farming The automatic reaper revolutionized farming by making Correct Answer: The labor of grain production much quicker In farming communities, people were especially drawn together by Correct Answer: A need to unify against Indian raids Popular theater activities for antebellum Americans included Shakespearean Correct Answer: Parodies like "Hamlet and Egglet" By decreasing the use of the Mississippi River, new transportation developments Correct Answer: Weakened economic ties between the Northern and Southern states One of the consequences for the family of the commercialization of agriculture was Correct Answer: Large farms relied less on family, and more on hired help One of the main consequences of the "cult of domesticity" for women was Correct Answer: Increased detachment of women from the world outside the home In Commonwealth v. Hunt the Massachusetts Supreme Court decided Correct Answer: Both strikes and labor unions were legal The development of the North and South differed in that the South Correct Answer: Had fewer cities The growth of cotton as the major crop for the South was enhanced by Correct Answer: Success of a new variety of cotton The Southern planter class Correct Answer: Dominated the political, economic, and social life of the region What practice continued in the South long after it had largely vanished in the North? Correct Answer: Dueling The "Southern lady" of the mid-1800s was taught to Correct Answer: Obey her husband in all matters The group in white Southern society that most objected to the institution of slavery was the Correct Answer: Hill people The slave system was characterized by Correct Answer: Considerable variety in the conditions under which slaves lived For dangerous tasks, many plantation owners used Correct Answer: Immigrant labor One effect of Nat Turner's rebellion was Correct Answer: The decline in the number of slaves freed in the South The domestic slave trade in the period 1820-60 Correct Answer: Often included the separation of families An instrument that had its origins in Africa is the Correct Answer: Banjo As settlement rapidly pushed into the Southwest during the 1840s and 50s, plantations Correct Answer: From the upper South sold slaves to the lower South to maintain their profits In the antebellum era, the South never developed a significant industrial economy because Correct Answer: Cotton prices were high and provided adequate incentives for Southerners to continue investment in that sector Even though divided by a large gap in income and wealth, Southern plain folk were linked to the planter aristocracy Correct Answer: Since race and kinship ties linked the two groups Some historians maintain that conditions for Northern factory workers were worse than those of slaves for the reason that Correct Answer: Planters had an economic incentive to keep their slaves healthy Looking at the overall economy of the United States before 1860 Correct Answer: Southerners feared economic colonialism, with the Northern economy becoming their master The Seneca Falls convention of 1848 promoted Correct Answer: Women's rights In the early antislavery movement of the 1810s and 20s, the most common plan called for Correct Answer: Colonization of freed slaves in Africa On the issue of slavery, William Lloyd Garrison urged Correct Answer: Immediate unconditional abolition of slavery, without compensation to slaveowners In the antebellum North, the abolitionist movement Correct Answer: Attracted some support, but also frequent mob violence The chief objective of the "free soil" movement was to Correct Answer: Keep slavery and blacks out of the federal territories The novel Uncle Tom's Cabin Correct Answer: Inflamed passions over sectional differences regarding slavery New England's transcendentalists embraced nature because Correct Answer: There the individual could leave society's artificiality and find truth Temperance was one of the most influential reform movements of the antebellum period because Correct Answer: Social reformers believed it was responsible for almost all social ills The main thrust of the "declaration of Sentiments" adopted at the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 was Correct Answer: Political rights including the vote, should be extended to all female citizens In the 1840s, the Oregon Country's ownership remained in dispute between the United States adn Correct Answer: Britain Democrat Franklin Pierce won the election of 1852 following a strategy of Correct Answer: Avoiding the issue of slavery as much as possible In the 1857 case of Dred Scott vs Sanford, the Supreme Court ruled that Correct Answer: Congress had no authority to exclude slavery from the federal territories In the late 1850s, Abraham Lincoln argued that slavery should be Correct Answer: Allowed to continue in the slave states, but prohibited in all territories In choosing Indian removal, white society of the 1830s was rejecting the concept of Correct Answer: Creating a shared world with the Indians Lyceums were established as Correct Answer: Meeting houses for nativist political parties In 1849 and 1850, Congress was thrown into turmoil by the statehood application of Correct Answer: California The Young America movement Correct Answer: Supported the ideology underlying the Revolution of 1848 in Europe During the 1850s, Correct Answer: Compromises regarding slavery gave way to bitter divisiveness Popular sovereignty failed in Kansas because of Correct Answer: Illegal voting by Missouri residents The Wilmot Proviso that prohibited slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico Correct Answer: Passed the House but lost in the Senate The initial migration of American settlers to Texas was encouraged by the Correct Answer: Mexican government In the election of 1852, the Whig party lost the chance for victory when it split over the issue of Correct Answer: Slavery Andrew Jackson and his followers believed that the United States needed to Correct Answer: Challenge the power of the Eastern elites John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry Correct Answer: Increased Southern fears of Northern hostility The provisions of the Compromise of the 1850 included Correct Answer: Abolished the slave trade in the District of Columbia The turmoil over the Kansas-Nebraska act led to the creation of the Correct Answer: Republican party Advocates of Manifest Destiny claimed the motive for territorial expansion was to Correct Answer: Extend American liberty to new territories The US government precipitated a crisis with Mexico by Correct Answer: Deploying an army in a disputed border area During 1863, the Union forces achieved decisive victories that effectively sealed the fate of the Confederacy in the battles of Correct Answer: Vicksburg and Gettysburg The difficulties of the Union war effort included Correct Answer: Extended supply lines across hostile territory During the Civil War, the US Congress Correct Answer: Created a national banking system that could issue national bank notes The purpose of the Black Codes was to Correct Answer: Guarantee white supremacy in the South By the early 1870s, Ku Klux Klan violence against African Americans was Correct Answer: On the decline President Lincoln responded to opposition to the war effort by Correct Answer: Ordering suspension of civil liberties in a few extreme cases General Ulysses S Grant was known for his Correct Answer: Aggressive assault on Confederate resources In the Strange Career of Jim Crow, C. Vann Woodward argued that Correct Answer: Laws of the 1890s institutionalized segregation in the South The Emancipation Proclamation freed Correct Answer: All the slaves of the South except those already under Union control In the 1896 case of Plessy v Ferguson, the US Supreme Court allowed to stand the practice of Correct Answer: Separate but equal public facilites The Congressional Reconstruction Acts of 1867 Correct Answer: Divided the South into military districts The Amendment to the Constitution that ended the practice of slavery throughout the United States was the Correct Answer: Thirteenth Prior to the Civil War, minstrel shows Correct Answer: Contained ridiculous and ignorant portrayals of African-American culture The victorious Union commanders who led the final major campaigns of the war were Correct Answer: Sherman and Grant The Republican Congress responded to the establishment of Black Codes in the South by Correct Answer: Extending the life of the Freedman's Bureau Before the end of the Civil War, the Reconstruction plan advanced by Congress in opposition to Lincoln's "Ten Percent Plan" was the Correct Answer: Wade-Davis Bill The death toll in the American Civil War was Correct Answer: Far greater than that of any other American war To many Northerners, the murder of Abraham Lincoln Correct Answer: Seemed to indicate a large conspiracy on the part of the defeated South Ulysses S Grant is considered to have been Correct Answer: A failure as a president The First Battle of Bull Run ended in Correct Answer: A stunning rout of the Union army The Battle of Antietam was Correct Answer: The bloodiest single day's fighting of the war During the Civil War, the economy of the South Correct Answer: Was devastated by the widespread destruction The 1862 campaigns in Virginia Correct Answer: Resulted in a frustrating and bloody stalemate In the New York draft riots in 1863, some of the opposition to the draft was fueled by Correct Answer: Irish laborers who believed African Americans would compete for their jobs Post-Reconstruction industry in the South Correct Answer: Far surpassed that of the years before the Civil War Southern politics after Reconstruction was dominated by Correct Answer: Democrats The greatest source of division in the South was Correct Answer: The doctrine of states' rights The rise of the factory began in the Correct Answer: Textile industry in the Northeast Many early explorers called the region of the American West between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains the Correct Answer: Great American Desert By the early nineteenth century, the most powerful tribe in the Missouri River valley was the Correct Answer: Sioux When the United States began to govern Hispanic New Mexico, it created a territorial government composed of Correct Answer: A mix of Anglos, Hispanics, and a few Indians In California, anti-Chinese sentiment grew to the point that Correct Answer: The federal government prohibited any further Chinese immigration into the country To encourage settlement, the federal government passed a law that permitted settlers to buy land for small amounts of money if they lived on that land. The law was called the Correct Answer: Homestead Act Mining in the West was characterized by Correct Answer: Areas that rapidly declined after the deposits were mined Women in politics gained most respect and earliest suffrage in the Correct Answer: Western frontier territories The historian Frederick Jackson Turner argued that the frontier shaped America by Correct Answer: Stimulating individualism, nationalism, and democracy For legal purposes, the federal government traditionally viewed Indian tribes as Correct Answer: Independent nations with whom treaties could be negotiated Under the 1867 Indian Peace Commission plan, the federal government attempted to relocate the Plains Indians to Correct Answer: Oklahoma and the Dakotas The 1887 law that tried to force Indians to assimilate into white society by ending tribal ownership of land and distributing it to individual tribe members was the Correct Answer: Dawes Severalty Act Sand Creek and the Washita River are associated with the Correct Answer: Massacre of peaceful Plains Indians Geronimo managed to resist the US military for more than a decade by Correct Answer: Setting up effective bases in the mountains The most important factor in allowing farmers to settle the Great Plains was the Correct Answer: Transcontinental railroad Farming on the Great Plains in the late 1800s consisted mainly of Correct Answer: Commercial operations In comparing themselves with the rest of the nation, farmers felt that they were Correct Answer: Receiving fewer economic and social rewards than were other groups Railroad building in the West was not an example of a federal policy of laissez faire because Correct Answer: Millions of acres of land and low-cost loans subsidized its construction In the late nineteenth century ranching eventually gave way to farming because Correct Answer: Farmers began to fence the plains and end the practice of open- range grazing The advance of white settlement affected by Plains Indians' economy most directly by Correct Answer: Annihilating the herds of buffalo on which the Indians depended for food and supplies The steel industry emerged in Correct Answer: Western Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio The purpose of the Bessemer-Kelly process was to Correct Answer: Burn the impurities out of iron by blowing air through it The Duryea brothers invented the Correct Answer: First gasoline-driven motor vehicle After the Civil War, the growth of railroads was aided by Correct Answer: Subsidies from local, state, and federal governments Andrew Carnegie rose "from rags to riches" by Correct Answer: Cutting costs and prices for his products The combining of a number of firms engaged in the same business, such as the merging of man different petroleum drilling companies into one company, is an example of Correct Answer: Horizontal intergration In dealing with the huge numbers of immigrants, most cities solved their housing problems by moving the new arrivals into Correct Answer: Tenement slums Jacob Riis's 1890 book How the Other Half Lives shocked middle-class Americans with its sensational description of Correct Answer: Lower-class slums The city machine and "boss rule" were created and continued to thrive because Correct Answer: Immigrants needed services and employment During the late 1800s, the most significant effect of the change in incomes upon society was that Correct Answer: The middle class grew larger and more prosperous Montgomery Ward and Sears Roebuck stores were the first to Correct Answer: Provide mail-order catalogues in rural areas In the late 1800s, the most popular of the new spectator sports was Correct Answer: Baseball Organized football was first played by Correct Answer: College students During the Teddy Roosevelt administration, the White House conference on organized sports culminated in the formation of what was to become the Correct Answer: National College Athletic Association In the late 1800s and early 1900s, the only form of popular entertainment open to large numbers of black was Correct Answer: Vaudeville The first truly universal mass-entertainment medium, which reached all areas of the country and all levels of the population, was the Correct Answer: Motion picture The ethnic working class showed great enthusiasm in its celebration of Correct Answer: The Fourth of July During the early 1900s, the term "yellow journalism" referred to Correct Answer: A sensational, often lurid style of reporting The need for entertainment in the new cities resulted in Correct Answer: The creation of distinct "highbrow" and "lowbrow" cultures In the early 1900s, American artists began to Correct Answer: Portray realistic scenes of ordinary life John Dewey's educational theories emphasized that schools should Correct Answer: Use a flexible, democratic approach that allows students to deal with the realities of society Congress in 18882 passed legislation restricting the entry of immigrants from which of the following countries? Correct Answer: China Which of the following trends in income distribution and the most impact on the development of the late-nineteenth-century and early-twentieth-century consumer economy? Correct Answer: The growth and increasing prosperity of the middle class In the late 1800s, most Americans engaged in political activity because of their Correct Answer: Regional, ethnic, or religious sentiments During the late 1800s, the federal government had a reputation for Correct Answer: The Civil War veterans' pension In the political battles of the late 1800s, the Stalwarts and the Half-Breeds were Correct Answer: Two rival factions within the Republican party who fought over political patronage The purpose of the Pendleton Civil Service Act of 1883 was to Correct Answer: Fill some government jobs on the basis of competitive examinations The Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 declared illegal any contract, trust, or restraint of trade in Correct Answer: Interstate commerce Because of the Republican passage of a high protective tariff in 1890, the next two national elections resulted in Correct Answer: Substantial victories by the Democrats The Supreme Court eventually overturned the Granger Laws of the 1870s on grounds that Correct Answer: State regulation of freight rates was an unconstitutional attempt to control interstate commerce When it was first created in 1887, the Interstate Commerce Commission was designed to regulate Correct Answer: Railroads The Grange declined in power in the 1870s because of Correct Answer: The defeat of the Granger laws and the political inexperience of its leaders The new middle class of the early 1900s placed a high value on Correct Answer: Education and individual accomplishment As a result of the increasing demands for reform in medicine by the progressives, the medical profession Correct Answer: Established the American Medical Association, to represent the field as a whole Most progressive reformers advocated sufffrage for women because they thought it would Correct Answer: Strengthen the forces of reform The progressive measure that gave voters th rightt to remove a public official from office through special election was Correct Answer: Recall The death toll in the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire was much higher than it should have been because Correct Answer: The management of the company had locked the emergency exits so that employees could not sneak away from work In the progressive push to adopt the Eighteenth Amendment in 1917, only Connecticut and Rhode Island refused to ratify it because Correct Answer: They had primarily Catholic immigrant populations The Dillingham Report concluded that Correct Answer: Newer immigrants were not efficient at assimilating to American culture In the early 1900s, the man who became famous as the leader of the Socialist party and who was its perennial presidential candidate was Correct Answer: Eugene V. Debs Herbert Croly, whose 1909 book The Promise of American Life was one of the most influential progressive documents, expressed a "nationalist" position on the American economy. This nationalist policy called for Correct Answer: Guarding against abuses of power by large institutions by distinguishing between "good trusts" and "bad trusts" The president who became the most powerful symbol of the reform impulse a the national level was Correct Answer: Theodore Roosevelt In 1910, Teddy Roosevelt reacted to Taft's actions as president by Correct Answer: Urging La Follette to run against Taft
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