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Understanding the Role of Renewable Energy in Sustainable Development, Exams of History

This document delves into the significance of renewable energy sources in promoting sustainable development. It discusses the benefits, challenges, and potential solutions for a more sustainable energy future. Topics covered include solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal energy, energy storage, and policy implications.

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AQA A Level History- Russian History- Communist Control and Terror Chapter.17 Questions with answers how many types of opposition id the Bolsheviks face in their early days of power - Correct Answers From their earliest days in power, the Bolsheviks faced three types of opposition what was one political opponent of the Bolsheviks - Correct Answers From other political groups both on the right and left of politics what was one opponent to the Bolsheviks from the empire - Correct Answers From their many opponents throughout the empire, from former tsarist officers to capricious peasants who were ultimately to resist the regime militarily what was an ideological opposition to the Bolsheviks - Correct Answers From the ideological opposition, more often perceived than real, the bourgeoisie, the upper classes of society against whom the Bolsheviks had fought opposition in what city was the priority to get rid of for the Bolsheviks - Correct Answers Political opposition in Petrograd itself was the first concern what happened in October 1917 - Correct Answers The Menshevik and SR opposition in the soviet congress of October 1917 destroyed themselves by their walkout, leaving the Bolsheviks with a monopoly of power what happened on 27th October 1917 - Correct Answers On 27th October, sovnarkom banned the opposition press, and ordered the arrest of cadet, Menshevik, and SR leaders pressure from who were the Bolsheviks able to avoid in 1917 - Correct Answers Over the next month, the Bolsheviks skillfully avoided pressure from striking railway men, for a coalition government describe the scale of political opposition that ended up in jail - Correct Answers So many political prisoners were put in the capitals goals that criminals had to be released to accommodate them what was the establishment of the chukka a symbol of - Correct Answers The establishment of the chukka, under ' iron' Felix Dzerzhinsky in December 1917, was a sign of the new regimes determination to destroy its opponents what else apart from the creation of the check showed the Bolsheviks to be controlling - Correct Answers Combined with the dismissal of the constituent assembly and the extension of the red army to deal with rebellion, it soon became clear that the Bolshevik state would do all in its power to destroy all enemies, be they political, military or ideological who was Dzerzhinsky - Correct Answers Felix Dzerzhinsky was a pole from Lithuania who had once intended to become a Jesuit priest what was Dzerzhinsky’s political background - Correct Answers He became involved in Marxist groups as a student and spent many years in tsarist prisons when did Dzerzhinsky join the bolshevik party - Correct Answers He welcomed Lenin in 1917, became a Bolshevik, played a part on the military revolutionary committee in the October revolution and was rewarded with the directorship of the chukka, to which he transferred some of his early religious fanaticism when did Dzerzhinsky lose his post in the Bolshevik party - Correct Answers He held this post until his death what was established in 1918 - Correct Answers In 1918, the chukka established in Moscow base in the Lucians, former insurance company, building what was in Moscow that the chukka controlled - Correct Answers This housed a prison, leading to the joke that it was the tallest building in Moscow, since Siberia could be seen from its basement. The chukka controlled units of the red guard and military what did most provinces have their own branch of by 1918 - Correct Answers Most provinces had their own chukka branch, with officials reporting directly to Lenin and the politburo what happened to the hike in 1922 - Correct Answers From 1922, the chukka was renamed the GPU and in 1923, the OGPU, joint state political directorate who controlled the chukka from 1933-1943 - Correct Answers From 1933 to 1943 it was placed under the control of the NKVD, the peoples commissariat for internal affairs. It was therefore often referred to itself as the NKVD how did the consolidation of Bolshevik power intimidate the classes - Correct Answers The consolidation of Bolshevik power was accompanied by a form of ' class warfare' which was intimidate and exact revenge on the middle and upper classes what happened to bourgeois property - Correct Answers Bourgeois property was confiscated social privilege ended and discriminatory taxes levied on the burzhui- the enemies of the people what did the ban on factions in 1921 mean for the party - Correct Answers His ban of factions, of 1921 meant that all party members had to accept the decisions of the central committee. Anyone who opposed was threatened with expulsion from the party what had been established with the ban on factions in 1921 - Correct Answers The opportunity for debate and challenge was thus removed, and in the highly centralized, authoritarian, one party state, that emerged from the years of civil war, opposition became virtually impossible what did stains rise to leadership give him to opportunity to do - Correct Answers Stalin's rise to the leadership position gave him plenty of opportunity to show his skill in out maneuvering and defeating those who opposed him what did stalin extend when he became leader - Correct Answers He extended the use of terror and class warfare, as practiced by Lenin , to enforce collectivisation through the destruction of the kulaks and maintain his five year plans for industry how did stalin extend the use of terror and class warfare - Correct Answers He accomplished this by sending ' bourgeois managers' specialists and engineers, whom he accused of machine breaking and sabotage, to labour camps what was the Shakhty trail of 1928 a demonstration of - Correct Answers The Shakhty show trail of 1928 was a clear indication of stalin determination to find a scapegoat for the chaos caused by his own economic policies, while delivering the message that the regime had to maintain its vigilance against those who were set to destroy it what had happened in 1928 - Correct Answers In 1928, 53 engineers at the shaky coal mine in the northern Caucasus were accused of counter revolutionary activity after there was a decline in production there what happened to the shaky coal miners - Correct Answers They were given a show trails in which they were forced to confess were the shaky miners executed - Correct Answers Five were executed and 44 received long prison sentences what was heralded after the sentencing and execution of the shaky coal miners - Correct Answers This heralded an industrial terror which deprived hundreds of bourgeois specialists, of their jobs and often, lives what was removed from the go plan after the shaky trial of 1928 - Correct Answers Critics within go plan were removed and further trails took place throughout the soviet union what happened in the November 1930 trial - Correct Answers In the industrial party, show trail in November 1930, a group of industrialists were accused of sabotage what happened in the 1933 metro Vickers trial - Correct Answers In the 1933 metro Vickers trial, British specialists were found guilty of wrecking activities describe the pressure on soviet prisons by 1929 - Correct Answers By 1929, soviet prisoners could no longer cope with the number of kulaks, bourgeois specialists, wreckers, saboteurs and other opponents that arrived and Genrikh Yagoda was commissioned to investigate ways in which the prison population could be put to better use when did pagoda join the bolshevik party - Correct Answers Genrikh Yagoda joined the Bolsheviks to 1907 and became a member of the chukka un 1920 what is pagoda’s political history - Correct Answers He was a deputy chairman of the OGPU, 1924-1934 and from 1930 was in charge of the labour camps when did pagoda join the central committee - Correct Answers in 1934, he joined the central committee and was put in charge of the commissariat of internal affairs, into which the secret police was absorbed what may pagoda have done inside the boll party - Correct Answers He may have engineered the murder of Kirov what was prepared by pagoda in 1936 - Correct Answers ·He prepared the first show trial in 1936, but was dismissed in September 1936 and replaced by yeshiva when was pagoda arrested - Correct Answers ·He was arrested in 1937, accuse of being a member of the ' Trotskyite conspiracy what happened when pagoda was accused of being a Trotskyite - Correct Answers He was convicted, sentenced to death on 13th march and shot what did pagoda’s proposal involve - Correct Answers His proposal involved building on the corrective labour camps established by Lenin by creating a series of new camps, of 50,000 prisoners each, in remote areas of the north and Siberia, where diamonds, gold, platinum, oil, nickel , coal and timber were all to be found how could pagoda’s gulags contribute to economic growth - Correct Answers By offering minimum per capita funding and imposing economies of scale it was believed these gulags could contribute to economic growth, while at the same time offering appropriate correction for the prisoners what does per capita mean - Correct Answers Per capita is per head or for each person what are gulags - Correct Answers Gulags are ' economic colonies', a w2ay of exploiting the prison population to boost economic growth, millions of prisoners were used to dig mines, and canals build railways and clear forests whose authority would the gulag camps be under - Correct Answers The camps were to be placed under r the direct authority of the OGPU, the political police until 1934, when the NKVD took control, how many people did the gulag camps house by 1934 - Correct Answers By then they housed a million people describe one major gulag project - Correct Answers One major gulag project was the constriction of the white sea canal, joining the Baltic sea and the white sea, which was dug cheaply, with no more than axes, saws and hammers in freezing cold temperatures how many prisoners were employed for the construction of the white sea canal - Correct Answers Some 100,000 prisoners were employed on this task in 1932, but 25,000 died in the 1931-32 winter when was the white sea canal project opened - Correct Answers It was opened, by Stalin in a blaze of publicity in 1933, but since it was only 12 feet in depth, it actually proved useless to bigger shipping what happened to stalin in November 1932 - Correct Answers In November 1932, Stalin's, wife, Nadezhda committed suicide what did stains wife leave when she killed herself in 1932 - Correct Answers she let a note criticizing Stalin's policies and showing her sympathy for Stalin's political enemies what do historians think the death of his wife did to stalin - Correct Answers According to Orlando figs this ' unhinged' Stalin, who now felt that even those closest to him, could be betraying him behind his back- saying one thing but believing another why did the death of stains wife come at a bad time - Correct Answers The suicide which was reported to the republic as death from appendicitis, came at the end of a bad year what had happened previously in 1932 - Correct Answers In 1932, there had been famine in the countryside and a spate of workers strikes in the industrial towns, primarily driven by economic factors, but also bringing voiced criticisms of the five year plan and Stalin's leadership how did the famine affect stains position as leader, was it secure? - Correct Answers ·Stalin’s position was far from secure industrialisation, and others within the politburo, including Kirov, who spoke about stopping forcible grain seizures and increasing workers rations what is unlikely about the apparent opposition to stalin - Correct Answers It is unlikely that Kirov set out to challenge Stalin as he was very close to the leader who in the politburo certainly supported stalin - Correct Answers Nevertheless, only two of the politburo firmly supported Stalin, Molotov and kaganovich, while Kirov received a long, standing ovation for his speech advocating a more moderate approach what issue arose in the 17th party congress - Correct Answers A further issue which also arose from the 17th party congress was the abolition of the title of general secretary , who were all given the title of secretary of equal rank in the central committee - Correct Answers Stalin and Kirov, along with Andrei Zhdanov and kaganovich were given all the title of secretary of equal rank why did stalin support there being multiple people appointed the secretary of equal rank - Correct Answers Stalin may have supported this, in order to spread the responsibility for the economic crisis, but it meant , in theory at least that Stalin was no more important than the other secretaries who was kaganovich - Correct Answers Lazar kaganovich had been a Bolshevik since 1911 what was kaganovich's political background - Correct Answers From 1924, he was responsible for party patronage and helped Stalin defeat his political rivals what was kaganovich a member of by 1930 - Correct Answers He rose quickly in the party administration and by 1930 was a full member of the politburo what did kaganovich support of stains policies - Correct Answers He supported collectivisation and brought the Moscow regional party organisation firmly under stains control who was Molotov - Correct Answers Vyacheslav Molotov had joined the Bolsheviks in 1906 and become secretary of the central committee in 1921 what was the political background of Molotov - Correct Answers He supported Stalin in the leadership struggle and in 1926 was promoted to the politburo when did Molotov take control of the Moscow party committee - Correct Answers He took control of the Moscow party committee, purging it of its anti-Stalin membership in 1928-1039 and in 1930 was made chairman of the council of peoples commissars, a post he held until 1941 when did Molotov become commissar for foreign affairs - Correct Answers He replaced Litvinov as the soviet commissar of foreign affairs in May 1939, and negotiated the Nazi soviet pact in august what happened to Kirov in 1934 - Correct Answers Kirov was murdered in December 1934 why was Kirov’s murder suspicious - Correct Answers The circumstances were suspicious and Stalin, who may well have been implicated, was quick to claim that this was part of a trotskysike conspiracy, led by ' zinovievites', to overthrow the party what was published the day after kirovs murder - Correct Answers A decree was published a day after the assassination, giving pagoda, head of NKVD, powers to arrest and execute anyone found guilty of terrorist plotting, who was arrested under the decree after kirovs murder and when - Correct Answers Around 6500 people were arrested under this law in December who actually did kill Kirov - Correct Answers Kirov was shot in the neck by lentoid Nikolayev, as he approached his office of the Leningrad party headquarters on 1st December 1934 who was Nikolayev - Correct Answers Nikolayev was a disgruntled party member, once expelled, but reinstated what was thought about Nikolayev - Correct Answers Who wide may have been having an affair with Kirov what did Nikolayev say when questioned about the murder of Kirov - Correct Answers However, he was not linked to the left opposition and when questioned, Nikolayev suggested the NKVD knew all about the murder why couldn't the witnesses to kirovs murder give evidence - Correct Answers Kirovs bodyguard and some NKVD men were mysteriously killed in a car accident before they could give evidence and although some leading NKVD men were sentenced for failure to protect Kirov, their terms were short and their treatment lenient what happened in 1938 - Correct Answers In 1938, pagoda pleaded guilty to allowing Nikolayev to reach Kirov, although since pagoda himself was then on trial, this may have been said under duress what happened in January 1935 - Correct Answers In January 1935, Zinoviev, kamaenec and 17 others were arrested and accused of instigating terrorism, and sentenced to between five and ten years imprisonment who was arrested in jan and fib 1935 - Correct Answers Some 843 former associates of Zinoviev were also arrested in January/ February 1935 describe the arrests made in the year Kirov was murdered - Correct Answers During the course of that year, 11,000 former people were arrested, exiled or placed in camps and 250,000 party members were expelled, after investigation by the NKVD, as anti- Leninists, to uncover reputed foreign spies who was expelled from the central committee and why - Correct Answers Abel Yenukidze, chairman of the central committee and a high ranking communist, was even expelled for helping oppositionists find employment in the kremlin who died in mysterious circumstances in 1934 - Correct Answers Stalin's old civil war comrade, grigroy Ordzhonikidze, also died in mysterious circumstances what was stalin about to create in 1936 - Correct Answers While Stalin was creating a new, and seemingly more liberal, constitution for the soviet union in 1936, he was also busy preparing for a new purge, one that would be more far reaching than ever before what is homogenous - Correct Answers Homogenous is forming a whole of the same type what happened in august 1936 - Correct Answers In august 1936, a show trial involving zinioivie, Kamenev and 14 others took place what was the purpose of the show trail of Zinoviev and Kamenev - Correct Answers Its purpose, like that of others which followed, was not only to gain confessions and convictions, but to prove the existence of political conspiracies who was found guilty at the trial in 1936 - Correct Answers · All 16 were found guilty of involvement in a Trotsky inspired plot to murder Stalin and other politburo members who was executed for the trial in 1936 - Correct Answers All were executed together with 160 accomplices what happened a month after the executions for the show trial in 1936 - Correct Answers A month later, pagoda was replaced by Nicolai yeshiva as NKVD chief, as it was claimed pagoda had not been active enough in uncovering this conspiracy who was yeshiva - Correct Answers Yezhov was nicknamed the dwarf because he was only five feet tall what was the political background of yeshiva - Correct Answers He joined the communist party in march 1917, and became a political commissar in the red army in the civil war what evidence was produced in 1999 to suggest that there was opposition to stalin - Correct Answers John arch Getty in the road to terror, 19999, produced evidence that Trotsky was in contact with middle ranking communist officials between 1930 and 1932 and that it is perfectly possible there was a trots Zinoviev alliance e to oust Stalin did the scale of the terror outwit the actual threat of opposition - Correct Answers However, the scale of the purges and terror went far beyond the likely number of oppositions associated in such a conspiracy, even if it did exist what did the purges merge with in 1938 - Correct Answers In 1937-38, the great purges merged with the Yezhocvchina, named after yeshiva, head of the NKVD, as terror was spread down from the party hierarchy into the soviet institutions and ultimately into every town and village who was terrorized as part of the yezhovchina - Correct Answers Thousands, from all sections of society were terrorized, executed or sent to labour camps, what was the terror of the yezhovichina directed to - Correct Answers Increasingly, this great terror, was directed at ordinary citizens when did persecution reach its height in the yezhochina - Correct Answers The persecution reached its height in mid-1937, and lasted until December 1938 when yezhov was replaced by lavrenti Beria what happened in July 1937 - Correct Answers In July 1937, a politburo resolution condemned anti-Soviet elements, in Russian society and an arrest list of over 250,000 was drawn up, including artists, musicians, scientists and writers, as well as managers and administrators what was established after July 1937 - Correct Answers A quota system was established and each region was expected to find a proportion of oppositionists what was everywhere during the purge of ordinary citizens - Correct Answers Surveillance was everywhere what were citizens encouraged to do between 1937-38 - Correct Answers Ordinary citizens were encouraged to root out hidden enemies, to check up on fellow workers, and even watch friends and family for signs of oppositional thoughts what role did the NKVD play in the purge of ordinary citizens - Correct Answers The NKVD maintained a strict vigilance, employing reliable in offices, universities and factories how did people live during the purge of ordinary citizens - Correct Answers Everyone lived in fear of a knock on the door since the arrests were continuous and random what happened to many soviet citizens during the yezhochina - Correct Answers Many soviet citizens died in prison what happened to those that didn't die in prison during the yezhochina - Correct Answers Many were shot, others were sent to the gulags describe how leading party members suffered during the yezhochina - Correct Answers Leading party members, Around 70 per cent of the members of the central committee at the 17th party congress were arrested and shot. Of 1966, delegates to the congress, 1108 were arrested describe how old Bolsheviks suffered during the yezhochina - Correct Answers Old Bolsheviks on both the left and right of the party were removed through show trials. The party members were encouraged to criticize and denounce others, leading to local as well as high level central party purges describe how national minorities suffered during the yezhochina - Correct Answers Leaders of national republics were charged with treason or other offences and removed,. In Georgia, two state prime ministers, four out of five regional party secretaries and thousands of lesser officials lost posts. Around 350,000 people from minority, groups were put on trial, including 140,000 poles describe how army members suffered during the yezhochina - Correct Answers Eight senior generals, three out of five Marshalls, all eleven war commissars, all eight admirals, and their replacements, were shot. All but one of the senior air force commanders, approximately 50 per cent of the officer corps in all three services and a substantial number in military intelligence were also tried, many were shot describe how science and technology people suffered during the yezhochina - Correct Answers ·Manage3rs, engineers and scientists. High proportion of mangers, leading physicist and biologists lost their positions, some were executed describe how the NKVD members suffered during the yezhochina - Correct Answers Yagoda and more than 230,000 naked men were put on trial, most were shot describe how peasants and industrial workers suffered during the yezhochina - Correct Answers Peasants and industrial workers, although it’s difficult to differentiate the victims of purges from the victims of famine, kulaks represented around 50 per cent of all arrests and more than half of the total number of executions describe how relatives of the purges suffered during the yezhochina - Correct Answers Colleagues, subordinates, relatives, wives, children, friends, and associates of the purged were also liable to be arrested, and deported or shot when did the pace of the purges begin to slow down and why - Correct Answers although the purges of Stalin's opponents continued until well into the second world war, the pace slowed down after the end of 1938 what had the purge of ordinary citizens threatened to do - Correct Answers the Yezhovshchina had threatened to destabilize the state and both industry and administration had suffered what did stalin do because of the threat the yezhovochina caused the state - Correct Answers consequently, Stalin used yezhov as a scapegoat, accusing him of excessive zeal, and in November he was replaced by his deputy, beria what was announced at the 18th party congress - Correct Answers the 18th party congress declared that the mass cleansings, were no longer needed how many cases of opposition were reviewed in the 18th party congress - Correct Answers around 1.5 million cases were reviewed, 450,000 convictions were quashed, 128,000 cases were closed, 30,000 people were released from goal, and 327,000 were allowed home from the gulags what happened to yezhov himself - Correct Answers yezhov himself was arrested and shot in February 1940 who else was murdered in 1940 - Correct Answers the same year a hired assassin murdered Trotsky in Mexico what did the murder of Trotsky mean for old bolsheviks - Correct Answers this meant that almost all the old Bolsheviks who might have had a greater claim to leadership that Stalin had been removed describe stains position by the end of the purges - Correct Answers by the end of the purges Stalin was in a position of supreme power describe the lack of opposition stalin had by the end of the purges - Correct Answers his political rivals had gone, while the quashing of sentences and release of so many prisoners helped restore faith in the system and its leader how was yezhov viewed after the purges ended - Correct Answers yezhov was generally viewed as he cause of the troubles and faith in Stalin remained as high as ever summaries stains position by 1940 - Correct Answers he had absolute control over the party and a subservient populace
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