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AQA A Level PE Questions and answers AQA A Level PE Questions and answers, Exams of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences

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Download AQA A Level PE Questions and answers AQA A Level PE Questions and answers and more Exams Physical Activity and Sport Sciences in PDF only on Docsity! AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Role of Sportscoat CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Lead and develop the national standards of coaching Also works alongside the award schemes of the NGBs, BOA sport-specific knowledge (techniques/strategies) Teaching/coaching methodology (communication skills) Practical coaching experience. Policies of SportsCoachUK CORRECT ANSWERS✅ The UK Coaching Framework- UK Coaching Certificate Coach Education Workshops UK Coaching Awards Magazine - 'Coaching Edge' Codes of practice Coachwise1st4Sport Enhance the quality of coaches at all levels. Provide high quality education programmes, products and services such as coaching, videos, seminars and worksheets, factsheets and databases Factors considered during Talent Identification CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Physiology/Anthropometry AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Psychology Hereditary factors Sociological factors SPORT ENGLAND CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Organisation responsible for the development of sport in the UK. Aims to get more participants in sport. Aims to create more locations in which to play sport. Aims to set up a world-class community sports system. The development of whole sport plans in order to meet "Grow, Sustain, and Excel policy. Regional offices which work with local authorities. funded by national lottery and the government. Also work with other national organisations. Whole sport plans Aim to nurture/ develop talent. Ensure real opportunities for communities. Have a role protecting sports provisions. AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Olympic and Paralympic Employment Network: assists athletes in establishing career paths. Performance Lifestyle: programme to support all aspects of an athlete's life. Olympic Passport Scheme: allows elite athletes access to national sport centres. Athlete Medical Scheme- medical cover for Team GB Planning for success workshops- advice from seasoned Olympians Coral Beach Hotel - Cyprus- warm weather training venue Positive impact of technology on the performer CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Analysis of performance Adapted equipment Development of training aids Control of stress(biofeedback) Sports medicine= faster rehabilitation More accurate feedback Negative impact of technology on the performer CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Pressure from analysis Higher forces in contact sports May be tied to certain brands AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Positive impact of technology on the Spectator CORRECT ANSWERS✅ More camera angles= better viewing Interactive- share decision Ticket security Immediacy of coverage Wider range of sports available Negative impact of technology on the Spectator CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Breaks in play Boring of records not broken Spectator rather than performer Positive impact of technology on Officials CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Increased communication Accuracy of decisions Less pressure to make final decision Accurate timing/measuring Awareness of difficulty for officials AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Negative impact of technology on Officials CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Technology can be wrong Can become over reliant Programmes run by UKSport CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Talent ID Performance Lifestyle High Quality Coaching Research and Innovation High Quality Facilities/equipment Sports Science Sports Medicine World Class Performance Pathway World Class Performance Pathway CORRECT ANSWERS✅ World Class Podium - support realistic medal capabilities at next Olympics. 4 years max. World Class Development- Supports the stage of pathway immediately beneath the podium. 4-8 years World Class Talent- The identification and confirmation of athletes who have the potential to progress through the World Class Performance AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Benefits of Sport to the Individual CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Sport represents a challenge As a culture we encourage excellence academically , e.g in the arts Sport can offer an alternative employment pathway It provides individual with self-esteem and ability to act as a role model for others Benefits of Sport to Society CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Sporting success can boost national moral and pride Helps to reduce anti-social behaviour Sport is big business Sport is considered a healthy pursuit which if pursued by the mass of the population will in turn reduce the spending by the NHS Elite sport can help boost grass roots sports People are still curious to discover the limits of human potential Contract to Compete CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Unwritten Mutual agreement to Abide by written and unwritten rules Give 100% effort Allow opponents to demonstrate their skill AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Accept codes of behaviour Follow etiquette Contract to compete is broken when CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Rules are not followed Others denied equal opportunity Sportsmanship- Qualities in sport such as fair play, observance of written and particularly unwritten rules Outside pirit of the game Evidence that Sportsmanship has declined CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Increaed sports related prosecutions More emphasis on winning Monetary rewards make it worth the risk Spectator behaviour may encourage aggression Methods to encourage Sportsmanship CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Fair play schemes Positive role models Develop positive values in childhood Punishment for negative behaviour AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Codes of conduct Popular Recreation CORRECT ANSWERS✅ e.g. mob football: no clear set rules (except no murder)/Physical force rather than skill/No set number of players Mainly lower classes/No specialist equipment or facilities/ Violent, occasional due to lack of free time for workers Rational Recreation CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Regular participation/Complex written rules, highly structured/ Spectator and participation based, regionally and nationally based/ Skills rather than force/Upper and middle class development Reasons for decline of Popular Recreation CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Industrial revolution: technological advancement, more civilised lifestyle, emergence of the middle class, Urbanisation Less Space need for disciplined workforce AQA A Level PE Questions and answers BRITISH OLYMPIC ASSOCIATION(BOA) CORRECT ANSWERS✅ SUPPORT TEAM GB IN BUILD UP TO OLYMPIC GAMES ENCOURAGE INTEREST IN OLYMPICS AND ORGANISED OLYPIC GAMES +DAY NATIONAL LOTTERY CORRECT ANSWERS✅ MONEY FOR INDIVIDUAL ATHLETES TO HELP FUND TRAINING, TRAVELLING AND OTHER EXPENSES SPORTS AID CORRECT ANSWERS✅ PROVIDES FUNDING FOR TALENTED ATHLETES (WHICH DONT RECIEVE LOTTERY FUNDING) CHARACTERISTICS OF WORLD GAMES CORRECT ANSWERS✅ ELITE LEVEL COMPETITION WHICH CAN BE SINGLE OF MULTI EVENT, INVOLVES COMMERCIALISATION USING TOP FACILITIES BENEFITS OF LONDON 2012 CORRECT ANSWERS✅ ECONOMIC GROWTH AND SOCIAL REGENERATION ELITE SPORT CORRECT ANSWERS✅ REFERS TO PERFORMERS WHO HAVE REACHED A LEVEL OF EXCELLENCE- BOTH AMATEUR AND PROFESSIONAL AQA A Level PE Questions and answers NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF PURSUING EXCELLENCE CORRECT ANSWERS✅ ONLY THE EXCLUSIVE MINORITY WHO CAN REACH THIS LEVEL, MORAL VALUES CAN BECOME LOST AND OVER SPECIALISATION AND EXCESSIVE TRAINING CAN LEAD TP PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL DAMAGE QUALITIES REQUIRED FOR ELITE PERFORMANCE CORRECT ANSWERS✅ NATURAL ABILITY, HIGH LEVEL OF FITNESS, HIGH PAIN THRESHOLD, HIGH LEVEL OF COMPETITIVENESS AND WILLINGNESS TO TRAIN IDENTIFICATION SCREENING CORRECT ANSWERS✅ A SYSTEM FOR THE INITIAL SELECTION OF PEOPLE BASED ON THEIR POTENTIAL TO DEVELOP INTO AN ELITE ATHLETE TALENT IDENTIFICATION IN THE UK CORRECT ANSWERS✅ DECENTRALISED AND RELIES UPON SCHOOLS AND CLUBS. INDUSTRIALISATION CORRECT ANSWERS✅ process in the 18th and 19th centuries when Britain moved from being a predominantly agricultural country to one where the economy was dominated by manufacturing AQA A Level PE Questions and answers URBANISATION CORRECT ANSWERS✅ the process whereby the mass of the population changes its lifestyle from living in villages and rural areas to living in towns and cities POPULAR RECREATION CORRECT ANSWERS✅ These activities were characterised by being played occasionally by the lower classes, having few rules, relying on physical force rather than skill and with limited structure CHANGES TO WORKING CONDITIONS CORRECT ANSWERS✅ FACTORY ACTS SAW WORKING HOURS REDUCED, HALF DAY SATURDAY, BANK HOLIDAYS RATIONAL RECREATION CORRECT ANSWERS✅ the middle classes changed the recreations of the working classes, giving them rules and codes of conduct PHILANTHROPISTS CORRECT ANSWERS✅ people who carry out charitable or benevolent actions TEMEPRANCE MOVEMENT CORRECT ANSWERS✅ a movement practising restraint or moderation, especially abstinence from alcoholic drink AQA A Level PE Questions and answers ENDORSEMENTS CORRECT ANSWERS✅ athletes display companies' names on their equipment, clothing and vehicles. The athletes are contracted to publicly declare their approval of a product or service OLYMPISM CORRECT ANSWERS✅ a concept balancing the mind and body which encourages effort, educational values and ethical behaviour OLYMPIC OATH CORRECT ANSWERS✅ 'In the name of all the competitors I promise that we shall take part in these Olympic Games respecting and abiding by the rules which govern them in the true spirit of sportsmanship.' 6 OLYMPIC GOALS CORRECT ANSWERS✅ 1. personal excellence 2. sport as education 3. cultural exchange 4. mass participation 5. fair play 6. international understanding. DEVIANCY CORRECT ANSWERS✅ behaviour which goes against society's general norms and values AQA A Level PE Questions and answers DYSFUNCTIONAL BEHAVIOUR CORRECT ANSWERS✅ this occurs when a part of the social structure does not contribute positively to the maintenance of society, resulting in disharmony and conflict NEGATIVE DEVIANCY CORRECT ANSWERS✅ in sporting situations this can include violations such as deliverately fouling another player or taking performance enhancing drugs. The main motivation is to win at all costs. POSITIVE DEVIANCY CORRECT ANSWERS✅ athletes are encouraged to behave in ways that would be unacceptable in other spheres of life. This can be classed as over-conformity to the sport ethic. AGGRESSION CORRECT ANSWERS✅ the intention to harm another human being either verbally or mentally BALANCED TENSION CORRECT ANSWERS✅ a degree of stress can be productive if it is controlled and channelled MASCULINITY CORRECT ANSWERS✅ possessing qualities or characteristics considered typical or appropriate to a man. Example characteristics might be dominant, strong, forceful AQA A Level PE Questions and answers SPORT LAW CORRECT ANSWERS✅ The application of legal principles to all levels of competition of amateur and professional sport and to physical activity.' COMMERCIALISM CORRECT ANSWERS✅ an emphasis on the principles of commerce with a focus on profit CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL SPORT CORRECT ANSWERS✅ • professional sport • sponsorship/business • entertainment (sport becomes a spectacle or display for spectators) • gate receipts/an affluent population • contracts (athletes/clubs/businesses/stock market/merchandise/TV rights) • athletes as commodities/endorsements/an asset to the company • the media • winning and success. Causes of hooliganism CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Ritualistic-Not always violent- Exerting masculinity Alcohol linked to violence Influenced by refereeing decisions Media heightens rivalries Methods to control hooliganism CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Crowd segregation AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Advantages to company of sponsoring a sport CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Adds value to brand Brand stands out from competition Association with excellence Hospitality to do business with clients Employee relations Disadvantages of sponsorship to sport CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Uneven development- male/female, elite/grass roots Media attractive sports get most sponsorship Can make sports change format/rules Sponsorship withdrawn if company unhappy Some products not in keeping with sporting image. Should athletes consider nature of sponsor - yes CORRECT ANSWERS✅ As role model you have social responsibility Consideration of human rights Product should suit nature of sport Could bring criticism AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Should athletes consider nature of sponsor - no CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Did not choose to be a role model Oher forms of financial support unavailable Financial needs override ethics Other companies may withdraw support for you positive impact of technology on the coach CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Adapt training based on data analysis Improved knowledge of performance More coordinated approach New training techniques negative impact of technology on the coach CORRECT ANSWERS✅ May become over reliant Other specialists may be seen as more important positive impact of technology on the sport CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Improved facilities and equipment Increased standards of performance Increased media coverage AQA A Level PE Questions and answers More excitement Better safety negative impact of technology on the sport CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Technology becomes too important Change in nature of sport Increased pressure to use technology Conflict with manufacturers Positive impact of world games on performer CORRECT ANSWERS✅ World stage to display talents Compete against the best Make a career Encourages positive values (commitment/drive to succeed) Able and disabled given recognition Negative impact of world games on individual CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Need to win may encourage deviancy Can lose privacy AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Occurs in mitochondria Krebs cycle [oxidation of citric acid / CO2 produced / resynthesis of ATP Electron transport system [water formed / 34 ATP] Beta oxidation of fats / after 20mins of sub maximal activity Advantages of the Aerobic System CORRECT ANSWERS✅ high energy yield body has stores of glycogen & triglycerides no fatiguing by products Beta Oxidation CORRECT ANSWERS✅ The metabolism of Free Fatty Acids to Acetyl Co-enzyme-A Disadvantages of the Aerobic System CORRECT ANSWERS✅ takes time for O2 to kick in slow transport of fatty acids hitting the wall fats must be used alongside Glycogen VO2max CORRECT ANSWERS✅ the Maximum volume of oxygen that can be utilised by the working muscles per minute AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Absolute Vo2max CORRECT ANSWERS✅ measured in l/min larger people will have a higher value Relative VO2max CORRECT ANSWERS✅ measured in ml/kg/min takes into account body size allows comparison respiratory exchange ratio CORRECT ANSWERS✅ RER respiratory quotient ratio of VCO2 expired per min to VO2 consumed per min RER value of 1 = glycogen / 0.7=fatty acids factors affecting VO2max CORRECT ANSWERS✅ physiology lifestyle genetics gender age body composition AQA A Level PE Questions and answers training Sarcomere CORRECT ANSWERS✅ contractile unit of muscle fibres Actin Mysin Z-lines Sliding Filament Theory CORRECT ANSWERS✅ preparing the binding site [release of calcium] power stroke [myosin cross bridge attaches to binding site - pulls on actin filament] binding of ATP - myosin filament uncouples from actin filament to expose ATP] ratchet mechanism - with calcium present power stroke repeated return of calcium ions to sarcoplasmic reticulum - tropomyosin returns to protect myosin cross bridge in relaxed state] Motor Unit CORRECT ANSWERS✅ a motor neuron and all the muscle cells it stimulates AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Plyometrics CORRECT ANSWERS✅ aim to improve power/strength & speed bounding/hopping/jumping/medicine balls pre load muscle / stores elastic energy eccentric followed by concentric contraction improves elasticity & contractility of muscle fibres muscle spindles stretch during eccentric contraction send message to CNS initiates stretch reflex / a concentric contraction prevents over stretching / injury 3 stages - stretch shortening cycle/ prestretch, amortisation and muscle contraction Lactic Acid System CORRECT ANSWERS✅ also known as lactate anaerobic sytem fuel source=glycogen broken down by PFK to pyruvate anaerobic glycolysis in sarcoplasm 1:2 moles Pyruvate converted to lactic acid by LDH 10 secs - 3 mins AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Can be called upon in aerobic events for extra bursts of speed Advantages of the Lactic Acid system CORRECT ANSWERS✅ quick LA can be converted back to liver glycogen Fatigue CORRECT ANSWERS✅ feeling of tiredness often associated with inhibited muscular performance Causes of fatigue CORRECT ANSWERS✅ glycogen depletion = hit the wall reduced ATP re synthesis +PC = unable to sustain muscular contraction accumulation of hydrogen ions = due to splitting of lactic acid / acidity / inhibits PFK enzyme=pain reduced calcium = essential for muscular contraction /prepares the binding sitE reduced acetycholine = need for impulse to cross from nerve to muscle [synapse] dehydration - water lost through sweating/loss of electrolytes / lactic acid build up - OBLA Solutions to fatigue CORRECT ANSWERS✅ train relevant energy system e.g. continuous training for endurance spare glycogen / switch to metabolising fats earlier AQA A Level PE Questions and answers glycogen loading / manipulation of diet take on fluids/with a carb content / hypertonic drinks Minimum height for altitude training CORRECT ANSWERS✅ 2000m Short term adaptations to altitude training CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Breathe more quickly and deeply/ HR increases fatigue faster loss of perfromance Long term adaptations to altitude training CORRECT ANSWERS✅ increased RBC increased erythropoietin increased haematocrit reduced HR at same intensity Increased oxygen carrying capacity lower resting HR Problems associated with altitude training CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Detraining can occur AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Bloating, Dehydration, Moods during the depletion phase Who would use this? Endurance events athletes Creatine Supplementation CORRECT ANSWERS✅ What does it do? bulks up stores of creatine phosphate in muscles and boosts lean body mass. Proposed benefits: Increases maximal strength and power output Risks / side effects? ~strain on the liver, abdominal cramps, water retention, bloating, diarrhoea & weight gain Who uses it? Sprinters, weight lifters etc. Protein Supplementation CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Helps build muscle mass and recover more quickly from high intensity exercise Proposed benefits: Increases maximal strength and power output AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Ability to train more frequently Risks / side effects? Too much can inhibit enzyme action causing fat increase Depletes calcium stores Can cause liver and kidney failure Who uses it? Those in heavy training e.g. weight lifters, power athletes Herbal Remedies CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Claims - reduce body fat, increase hormone levels, increase muscle mass, enhance energy, improve stamina Proposed benefits: various performance benefits depending on what you take E.g. Ginseng believed to increase blood flow around heart & muscles = improve stamina Risks / side effects? Reacting to prescribed drugs Testing positive to banned substances! Who uses it? A variety of athletes Soda Loading CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Increases blood pH making it more alkaline AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Enhances buffering i.e. of lactic acid Proposed benefits: Lengthens threshold of lactic acid system can work at higher intensities for longer Delays Fatigue Risks / side effects? Bloating, diarrhoea, stomach cramps, nausea Who uses it? Those who train anaerobically eg. 400/800/1500m runners / swimmers Caffeine CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Reduces perception of muscle fatigue and increases usage of fat as a fuel Improve mental alertness, concentration and reaction time. Proposed benefits: Conserves glycogen so intensity is maintained for longer Delays fatigue Risks / side effects? Dehydration, sleep deprivation, muscle & abdominal cramping Who uses it? Endurance athletes AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Human Growth Hormone CORRECT ANSWERS✅ What does it do? ~facilitates protein synthesis & increases lean muscle mass, increases muscle strength ~other benefits are increased bone density & decreased body fat Athletes who use it? ~those requiring strength e.g. weight lifters Risks? ~enlargement of internal organs e.g. heart - leads to heart failure & high blood pressure ~abnormal bone development - broadening of facial features ~increased risk of some cancers Beta Blockers CORRECT ANSWERS✅ A group of hormones used to lower metabolic activity, reduce heart rate & blood pressure Why? ~steady nerves and stop trembling What athletes/sports would benefit? ~archery, shooting, snooker (fine skills) Side effects? AQA A Level PE Questions and answers ~low blood pressure, chronic fatigue EPOC CORRECT ANSWERS✅ excess post exercise oxygen consumption Extra volume of O2 consumed following exercise/ recover to pre exercise state EPOC stage 1 CORRECT ANSWERS✅ fast replenishment stage[alactacid debt]/2-3 minutes following exercise/ Uses 4 litres O2 Functions: Re saturate myoglobin / resynthesize ATP EPOC stage 2 CORRECT ANSWERS✅ slow replenishment stage[lactacid debt]/ Up to 2 hours/ 5-10 litres O2 Functions : remove lactic acid /maintain elevated HR replenish glycogen stores/ elevated body temp. Proprioceptive Neuronmuscular Facilitation- process CORRECT ANSWERS✅ PNF passive stretch- to stretch reflex isometric contraction relaxation AQA A Level PE Questions and answers passive stretch Aim of PNF CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Delays Stretch Reflex Advantages - apply force for longer /improves power /increased range of movement ROM Intrinsic causes of injury CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Age Gender Body Weight/composition muscle weakness joint hyperlaxity poor flexibility malalignment of body parts Extrinsic causes of injury CORRECT ANSWERS✅ wrong training method overtraining innappropriate/unfamiliar surface AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Used to maintain fitness level even though training prevented through injury (doesn't treat the injury itself) What type of athletes?~endurance Ice Baths CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Treat both tissue swelling & soreness following hard exercise ice cold water for 6-20minutes constriction (narrowing) of blood vessels surrounding muscles squeezes blood and waste products away from muscles when exiting (after 6 mins approx.) blood rushes to muscles fresh oxygenated blood & nutrients enter muscles damaged & sore tissue is revitalised Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness CORRECT ANSWERS✅ DOMS Feelings of muscle stiffness experienced in the days following exercise (48 hours) Causes of DOMS CORRECT ANSWERS✅ beginning exercise or activities such as weights Also more common after eccentric (lengthening) contractions e.g. running downhill, plyometrics etc. AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Thought to be caused by tears to the muscle fibres & swelling Only temporary Methods to reduce likelihood of DOMS CORRECT ANSWERS✅ warm-up and cool- down, progress gradually, leave eccentric contraction to end of session Periodisation CORRECT ANSWERS✅ manipulate a performer's training load (volume / intensity) over a specific period of time so as to: ~Maximise their physical fitness ~Optimise their performance in competition Preventing overtraining or boredom. macrocycle CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Long term goals e.g. season, world championships, Olympics mesocycle CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Divisions of a macrocycle Particular focus e.g. component of fitness 2-8 weeks AQA A Level PE Questions and answers microcycle CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Divisions of a mesocycle More detail e.g. intensity & volume 1-2 weeks Preparation Phase (1) CORRECT ANSWERS✅ High volume Low Intensity Aerobic and muscular endurance General strength and mobility Preparation Phase 2 - pre competition CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Increased intensity of training reduced volume strength and speed technique and tactics Competition CORRECT ANSWERS✅ aim to maintain fitness Competitve programme Transistion CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Recovery phase AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Inertia CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Is the reluctance of a body to move or change its state of motion. The bigger the mass of an object the harder it is to move or change its motion Distance CORRECT ANSWERS✅ amount of ground an object covers during its motion. Displacement CORRECT ANSWERS✅ usually measured 'as the crow flies' from the starting to the finishing point. Acceleration CORRECT ANSWERS✅ the rate of change of velocity of an object. = vf-vi/t Momentum CORRECT ANSWERS✅ the amount of motion a body possesses and is the product of mass and velocity. Impulse CORRECT ANSWERS✅ - The time a force is applied for force x time AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Newton's 1st Law- The law of inertia CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Every body at rest, or moving with a constant velocity in a straight line, will continue in that state unless compelled to change by an external force exerted upon it'. Newton's Second law- (the law of acceleration) CORRECT ANSWERS✅ the rate of change of momentum of a body is proportional to the force causing it and takes place in the direction in which force exists'. Newton's 3rd Law CORRECT ANSWERS✅ 'for every force that is exerted by one body on another, there is an equal and opposite force exerted by the second body on the first'. Vector line (arrow) CORRECT ANSWERS✅ A line (arroew) to show size and direction of force. Balanced force CORRECT ANSWERS✅ occurs when two or more forces are in operation that are equal size but opposite in direction. When this is the case then the object will remain at rest, or if moving, continue to do so at constant velocity. AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Unbalanced forces CORRECT ANSWERS✅ occur where a force acting in one direction is greater than that of the force in the opposite direction. This means that the object will start to move or accelerate / decelerate in the direction of the net (resultant) force Symmetrical flight path CORRECT ANSWERS✅ occurs when projectile reaches maximum height halfway. Centre of mass located in the middle of the object Parabolic Asymmetrical flight path CORRECT ANSWERS✅ occurs when projectile's maximum height does not occur at the halfway point Centre of mass not in the centre of the object shuttlecock/javelin distorted parabolic Factors which influence horizontal displacement of a projectile CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Height of release Angle of release Velocity of release AQA A Level PE Questions and answers distribute mass away from centre of rotation Spread arms/legs reduce angular velocity Zone of Optimal Functioning CORRECT ANSWERS✅ the unique level of arousal which allows performer to have maximum concentration and effort Characteristics of the zone of optimal functioning CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Movement being effortless Select correct cues and make quick and accurate decisions Does not always occur at midpoint of arousal Occurs over a bandwidth of arousal Attentional Narrowing CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Not using perceptual field, important cues are missed Focus on the goal and not a team mate in a better position Attentional wastage CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Concentration misdirected to irrelevant cues Thinking about the crowd and referee AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Peak Flow CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Timing of movements and actions are perfect, ultimate intrinsic experience Requires positive attitude, relaxed, confidence, etc. More likely to occur correct somatic arousal and low cognitive arousal Arousal CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Energised state of readiness/activation Types of Arousal CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Cognitive- psychological changes Somatic- physiological changes Drive theory CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Linear relationship between arousal and quality of performance Adapted to arousal and dominant response Does not explain autonomous failings No account of different types of arousal Inverted U theory CORRECT ANSWERS✅ As arousal increases so does performance, but only up to an optimal level after which performance deteriorates AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Need to consider, nature of the task, skill level and personality Catastrophe theory CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Increase in arousal will have positive effect on performance, over arousal causes a rapid deterioration Can be recovered - if arousal drops slightly Observation method CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Record Individual behaviour- fidgeting, changes in speech, acts of aggression Aspects of performance- accuracy, decision-making, speed of reaction Repeated patterns noted Requires several observers, know the performer. Biofeedback CORRECT ANSWERS✅ monitoring physiological responses to performance Data collected- HR, sweating, respiratory rate, muscle response Provides accurate data Difficult to record during competition Self-Report Questionnaires CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Ease of administration, large numbers and cheap AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Stable and enduring Focused to a particular object/action Evaluative, subjective or beliefs Attitude object CORRECT ANSWERS✅ focus of an individual's attitude Triadic model CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Cognitive, Affective, Behavioural Cognitive- reflects beliefs, knowledge, thoughts Affective- emotional response of feelings Behavioural- intended/actual behaviour Persuasive communication CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Status of messenger Quality of the message Strength of attitude Situation/context of message delivery Cognitive dissonance CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Creating conflict with attitude Cognitive- new information Affective- different experience - positive AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Behavioural- simplify skill allow success Cognitive Methods of Stress Management CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Imagery Self Talk Thought Stopping Attentional Control Imagery CORRECT ANSWERS✅ create mental pictures Calm atmosphere Recreate kinaesthetic feeling of successful movement Can be internal or external Thought stopping CORRECT ANSWERS✅ recognise when they are starting to worry Use of action/key word to redirect to positive thoughts Attentional control CORRECT ANSWERS✅ ability to alter their perceptual field Vary the amount and type of information the enters the body AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Self-Talk CORRECT ANSWERS✅ - developing positive thoughts about their performances Aim to eradicate any negative thoughts Somatic Stress Management techniques CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Biofeedback Progressive Muscle Relaxation Reelaxation Biofeedback- stress management CORRECT ANSWERS✅ - measurement of physiological responses Skin response, skin temperature, muscle tension Relaxation - stress management CORRECT ANSWERS✅ - muscles become less rigid- Uses cognitive or somatic methods Progressive Muscle Relaxation CORRECT ANSWERS✅ - alternating sensations of tension and relaxation Specific muscle groups targeted in succession Gradually reduces tension throughout the body AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Allow us to predict behaviour patterns Hollander's Interactionist model CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Psychological core- the real you Beliefs, values, attitudes Typical responses- usual response to a situation Often learned Role-related behaviours- our behaviour based upon specific circumstanced May act out of character EPI CORRECT ANSWERS✅ - Eysenk's personality inventory Extrovert need more arousal, Introvert-easily over aroused Stable- calm, even tempered, reliable, controlled, Neurotic- moody, anxious, and restless. Too simplistic, do not allow for situational factors, not accurate in terms of sport preference or success Interactionist theories of Personality CORRECT ANSWERS✅ - mixture of inherited traits and situation B=f (PE) AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Behaviour may change due to crowd, significant other, rivalry, importance of outcome POMS CORRECT ANSWERS✅ - profile of mood sates Iceberg profile (vigour above) all the rest below average Sceptical approach- questions link between personality and performance Credulous approach- believes the link between personality and performance SELF-EFFICACY CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Degree of confidence when placed in a specific situation Applies to team or individual May generally have confident personality but may lack confidence in a specific situation Self-efficacy may affect choice of activity, amount of effort and persistence Self-efficacy is affected by past experiences, factors affecting Self Efficacy CORRECT ANSWERS✅ past experiences, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion arousal AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Methods to improve Self Efficacy CORRECT ANSWERS✅ early success, role models, appropriate goal setting, performance goals, positive feedback Stress management, mental rehearsal, correct use of attributions AGGRESSION CORRECT ANSWERS✅ BEHAVIOUR INTENDED TO HARM BY PHYSICAL OR VERBAL It must happen, It must harm, It must be intentional Types of Agression CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Assertion- Within the rules, complete task but side effect of inflicting harm Channelled Assertion CORRECT ANSWERS✅ No intent, goal-directed, within rules, legitimate force Caused by- nature of sport, rivalry, importance of event High arousal, frustration, officiating, rewards AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Social Inhibition CORRECT ANSWERS✅ The negative effect on performance caused by the presence of others Social Facilitation Theory (Zajonc) CORRECT ANSWERS✅ linked to drive theory Audience- those watching Co-actors- performing same task but not in direct competition Competitive co-actors- those in direct competition Social reinforcers- direct influence e.g. coach Experienced leads to social facilitation, inexperienced leads to social inhibition Evaluation apprehension- CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Anxiety caused when performer feels they are being judged Leads to a deterioration in performance Factors affecting social facilitation CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Trait anxiety Personality Previous experience Status of observers Nature of audience (noise level) Size of audience AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Social inhibition avoided by- Mental rehearsal Training in front of others Increase self-efficacy Reduce importance of event Stress management/relaxation A group CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Two or more people interacting, Common/shared goal Collective identity Structured forms of communication Stages of Group Formation CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Forming- Development of relationships within the group Storming- Some form of conflict as attempt to establish position/ roles/ status Norming- Rules /roles set structure established Performing- AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Players work together towards common goal. Roles are accepted Cycle may be repeated when members arrive / leave the group Attribution Theory _ definition CORRECT ANSWERS✅ The perceived reasons for success or failure Weiner's Attribution theory CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Locus of causality- the cause of the final outcome Internal- ability + effort , External- Task difficulty + luck Locus of stability- factors that may influence the final results Stable - ability +task difficulty, unstable - effort + luck Success attributed internally = increased pride/motivation Failure attributed internally = increased shame and loss of motivation Controllability- affects moral judgement and reaction to other people Praise if they tried hard despite result. More critical if failure due to laziness Failure should be attributed externally AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Authoritarian/ Autocratic CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Leader dictates group actions- little or no member input Task orientated, group works hard when present Effective when - large numbers, quick decisions, limited time, complex or dangerous, clear goals Democratic CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Group involved in decision making but leader has final say. When left alone group continues on task Effective when - more experience performers, individual sports, limited facilities available Younger / female players Laissez-faire CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Leaves group to make all decisions, adopts a passive role Left alone group does very little work Prescribed leader CORRECT ANSWERS✅ - appointed by higher authority E.g. captain appointed by manager AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Emergent leader- CORRECT ANSWERS✅ leader selected by team Captain voted for by members Qualities of a good leader CORRECT ANSWERS✅ good communication skills Interpersonal skills Empathy Approachable Perceptual skills Highly knowledgeable Effective decision maker Inspirational Confident Organised Great man theory- CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Trait theory applying to men only Intelligent, self-confident, good looking Social learning theory of leadership CORRECT ANSWERS✅ nurture AQA A Level PE Questions and answers Behavioural patterns are learnt through observing others and copying their leadership style Makes no allowance of traits and natural personality Fiedler's contingency model CORRECT ANSWERS✅ Effectiveness of leader is dependent upon personality traits and the situation Task orientated - concentrates on efficiency, completing task as quickly as possible Adopts autocratic approach Desirable when time is limited, dangerous, large group Relationship centred- concentrates on developing interpersonal relationships adopts democratic Effectiveness of each style depends on favourableness- Relationship between leader and group Leaders position of power / authority Task structure Task orientated in favourable / unfavourable conditions Person orientated in moderately favourable Favourable - good leader/group relationship, highly respected, group is highly able, highly motivated, good support , task is simple
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