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ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER, Exams of Architecture


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Download ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER and more Exams Architecture in PDF only on Docsity! PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER ‘The beginner of the great hypostyle hall at karnak and the Ri I 1 founder of the 19th dynasty. ameses ‘The mineral of greatest importance to Greek architecture of 2 . . Marble which Greece and her domains had ample supply of was. Greek architecture was essentially. Columnar trabeated Forming the imposing entrance to the acropolis and erected Propylaea by the architect Mnesicles is the. The building in the acropolis generally considered as being 5 aa . Parthenon the most nearly perfect building ever erected is the. 6 With the use of concrete made possible by pozzolan, a native ‘Arch and vault natural cement, the Romans achieved huge interiors with the. Which of the order was added by the Romans to the orders . 7 Composite used by the Greeks. From the 5th century to the present, the character of . . 8 . . f . . Domical roof construction Byzantine architecture is the practice of using. Romanesque architecture in Italy is distinguished from that 9 Jof the rest of Europe by the use of what material for facing Marble walls. 10 The most famous and perfect preservation of all ancient Pantheon buildings in Rome. ‘The space between the colonnade and the naos wall in 1 Pteroma Greek temple. 12__|Amphitheaters are used for . Gladiatorial Contests An ancient Greek Portico, a long colonnaded shelter used 13° |. Stoa in public places. 14 |The fortified high area or citadel of an ancient Greek City. Acropolis An upright ornament at the eaves of a tile roof, concealing 15 |the foot of a row of convex tiles that cover the joints of the flat Antefix tiles. Strictly, a pedestal at the corners or peak of a roof to . 16 . Acroterion support an ornament, more usually, the ornament itself. 17__|Also called a 'Honeysuckle' ornament. Anthemion In ancient Greece and Rome, a storeroom of any kind, but 18 : . - Apotheca especially for storing wine. 19__|The characteristic of Greek ornament. Anthemion 20__|The dining hall in a monastery, a convent, or acollege. Refectory 21__|The architecture of the curved line is known as Baroque 22__|The open court in an Italian palazzo. Cortel 23 The ornamental pattern work in stone, filling the upper part Tracery of a Gothic window. 24 |"cubicula" or bedroom is from what architecture. Roman How many stained glass are there in the Chartres 25 176 Cathedral? 2 Parts of an entablature, in order of top to bottom. vn 6 |. rere a . a.i, ii, iii i. Cornice ii. Frieze iii. Architrave 27__|Plan shape of a Chinese pagoda. Octagonal 28 __|Usual number of stories fora Chinese pagoda. 13. 29 __|Plan shape of a Japanese pagoda. Square 30__|Triangular piece of wall above the entablature. Pediment A spherical triangle forming the transition from the circular 31 [plan of a dome to the poly-gonal plan of its supporting Pendentive structure. 32__|A long arcaded entrance porch in an early Christian church. Narthex 1/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER The principal or central part of a church, extending from 38 the narthex to the choir orchancel and usually flanked by aisles. Nave 34 |The uppermost step in the crepidoma. Stylobate 35__|The lowest step in the crepidoma. Stereobate 36__|Intercolumniation of 2.25 diameters. Eustyle 37__|Intercolumniation of 4 diameters. Areostyle 38 _|Intercolumniation of 2 diameters. Systyle 39 __|Pycnostyle intercolumniation has how many diameters? 1.5 Diameters 40__|Diastyle intercolumniation has how many diameters. 3 Diameters At Roman building which is a prototype of the hippodrome of Circus the Greek. 42__|Roman building for which gladiatorial battles took place. Colosseum 43 __|What sporting event takes place in the Palaestra? Wrestling 44 __|A foot race course in the cities. Stadium 45 Architects of the Parthenon. Callicrates and Ictinus 46 ‘The tower atop the torogan where the princess and her Lami . . a . . . amin ladies in waiting hide during occasions. 47 Found in the ground floor of the bahay na bato, it is where Z . faguan the carriages and floats are kept. 48 ‘The emergency hideout found directly behind the headboard Bilik of the Sultan's bed. 49 In the kitchen of the bahay kubo, the table on top of which Dapogan is the river stone, shoe-shaped stove or kalan is known as 50__|Japanese tea house Cha-sit-su 51 {A Muslim temple, a mosque for public worship, also known as place for Prostration Masjid 52 __|Domical mound containing a relic. Stupa 53 __|Ifugao house (southern strain). Bale The style of the order with massive and tapering columns . 54, . Doric resting on a base of 3 steps. Earthen burial mounds containing upright and lintel stones 55 |forming chambers for consecutive burials for several to a Tumuli hundred persons. 56 A semi-circular or semi-polygonal space, usually in church, Apse terminating in axis and intended to house an altar. ‘Temples in Greece that have a double line of columns . 57 7 Dipteral surrounding the naos. 58__|Senate house for chief dignitaries in Greek architecture Prytaneion 59__|Architect of the Einstein Tower. Erich Mendelsohn 60__|Founder of the Bauhaus School of Art. Walter Gropius 61__|Founder of the Bauhaus School of Art. Art Noveau 62__|The architect of Chrysler building in N.Y. Van Alen Another term for crenel or intervals between merlon of a 63 Embrasures battlement. In the middle kingdom, in Egyptian architecture, who consolidate the administrative system, made a survey of the 64 . . Amenemhat | country, set boundaries to the provinces, and other helpful works. 65__|Who erected the earliest known obelisk at Heliopolis. Senusret | 66 _|The world's first large-scale monument in stone. Pyramid of Zoser 67__|The highest sloped pyramid in Gizeh Pyramid of Khufu 68_|Female statues with baskets serving as columns. Canephora 69__|A small tower usually corbelled at the corner of the castle. Bartizan 2/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER ‘The final plan shape of the St. Peter's Basilica by Carlo 145 Latin Cross Maderna. 146 On either side of the choir, pulpits for the reading of the ‘Ambo epistle and the gospel are In some churches, there is a part which is raised as part of 147 |the sanctuary which later developed into the transept, this is the Bema 148 In early Christian churches, the bishop took the central Apse place at the end of the church called 149 [Orientation of the Roman temple is towards the Forum 150_|Orientation of the Greek temple is towards the East 151 |Orientation of the Etruscan temple is towards the South 152_|Orientation of the Medieval Church West 153 ‘The space for the clergy and choir is separated by a low Cancelli screen wall from the body of the church called 154 |Smallest cathedral in the world. (Byzantine period) ttle Metropole Cathedral, One of the few churches of its type to have survived 155 |having a square nave and without cross-arms, roofed by a Nea Moni [dome which spans to the outer walls of the building. 156_|Type of plan of the Byzantine churches. Centralized 157_|First school which offered architecture in the Philippines Liceo de Manila 158 ‘The best example of a German Romanesque church with Worms Cathedral apses at both east and west ends. 159 _|The council house in Greece. Bouleuterion 160_|The senate house of the Greeks. Prytaneion 161_|The oldest circus in Rome. Circus Maximus 162 |The oldest and most important forum in Rome. Forum Romanum 163 |The warm room in the Thermae Tepidarium 164 |The Hot room of the Thermae Calidarium 165 |The dry or sweating room in the Thermae. Sudatorium 166_|The dressing room of the Thermae. Apodyteria 167_|The room for oils and unguents in the thermae. Unctuaria ‘The colosseum in Rome also known as the "flavian 168 |amphitheater" was commenced by whom and completed by Vespasian / Domitian whom? 169 ‘The finest of Greek Tombs, also known as the ‘tomb of T / reasury of Atreus Agamemnon’. 170_|Who commenced the ‘hall of hundred columns'? Xerxes 171_ |The private house of the Romans. Domus. 172 |The sleeping room of the 'megaron'. Thalamus. 173_|Roman apartment blocks Insulae 174 _|Semi-palatial house surrounded by an open site Villa 175_|A roman house with a central patio. Atrium House 176_|A small private bath found in Roman houses or palaces. Balneum |A megalithic structure consisting of several large stones set on end with a large 177 covering slab Menhir Monumental gateway to an Egyptian temple consisting with slanting walls flanking 178 |the entrance portal 5/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER A massive funerary structure of stone or brick with a square base and four sloping 179 triangular sides meeting at the apex; used mainly in ancient Egypt. Royal pyramids 180_|Principal room of Anatolian House Megaron It consists of the upright column or support including the capital, base, if any, and 181 |the horizontal entablature or part supported. Order 182 |The steps forming the base of a columned Greek temple Crepidoma 183_|The principal chamber in a Greek temple containing the statue of deity. Naos 184 |Dry sweating room with apodyteila or dressing room and unctuaria or for oils. Thermae A great awning drawn over roman theatres and amphitheatres to protect spectators 185 Jagainst the sun Velarium 186_|Roman apartment block that rose four or more storey high Insula 187_|Acanopy supported by columns generally placed over an altar or tomb. Baldachino 188_|A long arcaded entrance porch to a Christian Basilican Church. Narthex 189_|That part of a Greek house or Byzantine Church reserved for women Gymnaceum 190_|Truncated wedge-blocks forming an arc Voussoirs 191_|A monument erected in memory of one not interned in or under it Cenotaph 192_|A rose or wheel window of the Romanesque Church was of ten placed over the West door A period in Gothic Architecture in France characterized by circular windows with 193 |wheel tracery Rayonnant 194 neon ornament at the intersection of the ribs of ceilings, whether vaulted or Plough A slight convex curvature built into truss or beam to compensate for any anticipated 195 |deflection so that it will have no sag when under load. Camber ‘A method of forming stonework with roughened surfaces and recessed joints, 196 [principally employed in Renaissance building. Rustication 197 _|Designer of the Crystal Palace, London Sir Joseph Paxton 198_|Architect of the Sagrada Familia, Barcelona Antonio Gaudi 199 _|Architect of the White House, D.C. James Hoban 200 _|Second Filipino registered architect after the well-known Tomas Mapua Carlos Baretto 201 |Amosque principal place of worship, or use of the bldg. for Friday prayers Masjid 202_|Man who leads the congregation at a prayer Muenzzin 203_|Architectural style characterized by Friezes and Crestings Islamic 204 _|Sacred enclosure found at walls of Damascus great mosque Kibla Erected to the memory of his favorite wife Mumtaz Mahal, it was the culminating 205 |work in the life of the emperor. Shah-Jehan In Romanesque arch’re a period where an order founded by St. Bruno in 1806 is 206 |notably severe and adorned Cluniac 207_|General characteristic of the Romanesque empire was sober & dignified 208__|Vaulting compartment into six parts known as sixtite A rectangular feature in the shape of a pillar, but projecting only about one sixth of 209 |its breath from wall pilaster strips 210 |Is acircular tower 16 m ( 52 ft. ) in diameter rising in 8 stories of encircling arcades. campanile 6/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER Roughly carved of men and beasts used as support columns of projecting porches 211 |and of bishops throne. ambrogio 212_|A secluded place Altars 213 _|Secular architecture Castle The first Frankish king who became roman emperor, was crowned in 800 at Rome 214 by the pope, and ruled over the franks, which included central Germany and ‘Alexander northern France ‘Type of roof in which 4 faces rest diagonally between the gables and converge at 215 |the top Helm Roof ‘The most important of the distinctive characteristics of mature Spanish 216 |Romanesque architecture Church bldgs. Is well endowed with medieval military achre and grand castles are particularly 217 |numerous in castle Portugal 218 |Finest or Romanesque castles in Spain is at Alocabaca, Portugal 219 |Sited and designed to secure the routes from coastal ports to Jerusalem Fortress 220_|A civil settlement under the protection of a castle. fortification A projecting wall or parapet allowing floor openings, through w/c molten lead, pitch, 221 |stones were dropped only on an enemy below. machicolations A parapet having a series of indentions or embrasures, between which are raised 222 |portions known as merlons battlement The upstanding part of an embattled parapet, between two crenels/ embrasure 223 Jopenings. merlons A squared timber used in bldg. construction or a low ridge of earth that marks a 224 |boundary line bailey 225 _|A Scandinavian wooden church with vertical planks forming the walls Steve church Architecture was marked by copy roofs which frequently had more storey than the walls, and were provided with dormer windows to make through current of air for . 226 . ‘ domestic their use as a drying ground for the large monthly wash A projection block or spur of stone carried with foliage to decorate the raking lines 227 |formed by angles of spires and canopies. crocket An arch starting from a detached pier and abutting against a wall to take the thrust 228 |of the vaulting. buttress Acircular or polygonal apse when surrounded by an ambulatory of which are 229 |chapels. transept An architectural style which in its period is the English equivalent of the high gothic 230 Jof northern France first pointed. tudor 231 |Leafed ornament. mouldings 232_|Vertical tracery members dividing windows into different numbers of lights. tracery 7/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER His first designs were drawings of fantastic architectural visions in steel and glass 280 Jas well as costume and poster design. Erich Mendelsohn Much of his works has been described as post modern, since he rejected the excessive abstractionism of architects such as Le Corbusier and strove instead to . 281 |. . Kahn, Louis incorporate the valid elements of older style. Spanish architects, one of the most creative practitioners of his art in modern times.His style is often described as a blend of neo-gothic and art nouveau, but is 5 . 282 " . Antonio Gaudi also has surrealist and cubist elements. One of the world’s 1st futurist and global thinkers. His 1927 decision to work always 283 and only for all humanity led him to address the largest global problems of Buckminster Fuller poverty,disease and homelessness. In his practice he explores the use of indigenous materials infused with current 284 |technological trends to bring a new dimension in designs. Francisco Manosa Afterwards became deeply involved in the design and building of French railways and bridges. He worked on structures such as bridge across the Garonne River, - 285 . a Gustave Eiffel train stations at Toulouse and again in France. He has actively promoted the use of native architectural forms and indigenous nationals such as bamboo and thatch, in the creation of a distinctively Filipino . 286 . Francisco Manosa architecture. French-born, Brazilian architect and urban planner. This famous axiom “Each one . 287 . » Lucio Costa sees whatever he wishes to see” belongs to, He was the architect in his time that receives his license as award at his 60's or at 288 the age of 60 yrs. old. Buckminster Fuller An important Scottish architect who was particularly known for his interiors based 289 jon classical decoration. Robert Adam He was called “Masters master” where his students are architects like Gropius, 290 |Breuer and Van de Rohe Peter Behrens Architect who leads the development of the ‘Quezon Memorial Circle” in Quezon A 291 City Francisco Manosa 292_| Eiffel tower |_ Paris stands. 984 ft. 293 |Starting with holes” belongs to architect Buckminster Fuller 294 |A house is a machine to live in” philosophy belongs to Le Corbusier He paid great attention to the detailing of the structure, which he attributed to his 295 |father's teachings about craftsmanship. Mies van de Rohe One of his stylish choice which are circles and squares were used in his design 296 solutions. Richard Meier 297_|His contributions where the advocacy of the idea of planning rooms by volume. Oscar Niemeyer His solutions to building problem were always direct, transmitting to the ground by 298 |the shortest path the stresses developed within the structures. Nervi, Pier Luigi 299 _|Father of modern architectural movement in Brazil. Lucio Costa 10/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 300_|A city is subjected to growth, delay and rebuilt” Kenzo Tange For Egyptian Architecture design, due to excessive sunshine, there was no need for windows, the 301 massive unbroken walls provided the surface for hierogyphics In Greek Architecture, It is the largest building atop the Athenian Acropolis, It is a temple dedicated to 302 |Athena (The warrior of maiden) It is a Doric building, Parthenon and made entirely of white pentelic marble and surrounded by freestanding column. In Greek Architecture, The theater (designed (c.350 BC) by Polyclitus. It is among the largest and best preserved ancient theaters in Greece. The circular construction and the pitch of the seats, where held close to 14,000 spectators, permit nearly perfect acoustics. 303 Epidaurus Theater In Roman Architecture, It was built AD 72-82 in Rome Italy, It is the largest Roman Amphitheater, A four storey, elliptical structure that seated about 50,000 spectators. The exterior fagade was embellished with superimposed Doric, ionic and Corinthian columns. 304 Colosseum In Roman Architecture, It was built AD 112, It was designed by Apollodorous of Damascus for Emperor Trajan, it is often considered the most magnificent and architecturally most pleasing. 305 Trajans forum In Roman Architecture, The Pantheon (AD C118-28), A monument of imperial Rome, revived the use of brick and concrete in temple architecture. It is symmetry is enchanced by its hemispherical dome, Who is the architect of this historical monument? (he is the son in law of Augustus.) 306 Agrippa ‘The Washington D.C. monument. The tapering shaft contained in a Greek style temple, the obelisk is the 307 Jonly remnant of the original blueprint that remains. Robert Mills It was designed in the year 1812 by the American Architect, What is the name of this Architect? What is the name of the 308 |Cathedral in France that was designed Reims Cathedral by Jean d’ Orbais.( In France, It is the official residence of President of 309 |France, It was built in 1718 by Claude Mollet for Elysee Palace Henry de la Tour d’ Auvergne In Philippine Architecture, It is considered the home of the Sultans. Carved on the wooden posts in the 310 |niyaga, a stylized mytical snake design can be found. Torogan House It is the traditional residence of the reigning Sultan of Maranaw people and his family. 11/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 311 In Philippine Architecture, Being Isolated and wind frequented area. The Batanes Islands, exhibit the most different of all traditional Architecture in the Phil. The house is built solidly on all sides, made of a meter thick rubble work, covered by thick thatch roofing to withstand gales which frequent the area. Ivatan’s Rakuh 312 What is the name of this unigue house? The Is an art deco building designed by the Filipino Architect Juan M. de Guzman Arellano, and built in 1935. During the liberation of Manila by the Americans in 1945, the theatre was totally destroyed. After reconstruction by the Americans it gradually fell into disuse in the 1960's. In the following decade it was meticulously restored but again fell into decay. Recently a bus station has been constructed at the back of the theatre. The City of Manila is planning a renovation of this ance mannificent huildina Manila Metropolitan Theatre 313 ‘The Golden Empire Tower-( 1322 Roxas Boulevard) is the tallest building along the boulevard and one of the highest residential condominium in the world. ‘The one with the golden glass facing Manila Bay and United States Embassy compound in Manila. Who is the Filipino Architect of this famous residential condominium? G.F.& Partners 314 For the Creation of Space a Chinese Philosopher, said, “The reality of the building does not consist in the roof and walls, but in the space within to be lived in.” Lao Tze 315 ‘The base or platform upon which a column, pedestal, statue, monument, or structure rests. Plinth 316 (Greek Architecture) is a sculpted female figure serving as an architectural support taking the place of a column or a pillar supporting an entablature on her head. Caryatid 317 Is an architectural device, typically carved in stone and employed to decoratively emphasize the apex of a gable, or any of various distinctive ornaments at the top, end, or corner of a building or structure. Finial 318 The architect who said that the exterior of the building is the result of the interior. le Corbusier 319 ‘The later male counterpart of the caryatid and the name refers to the legend of Atlas, Telamon 320 Is an architectural term related to ancient Greek buildings, is the platform of, usually, three levels upon which the superstructure of the building is erected. The levels typically decrease in size incrementally, forming a series of steps along all or some sides of the building. Crepidoma 321 The Filipino Architect Who Designed the 66Meters(217 ft’) height Pylons Quezon Memorial Circle. Federico llustre 322 Is an ornamental molding or band following the curve of the underside of an arch, It is composed of bands of ornamental moldings (or other architectural elements) surrounding an arched opening Archivolt 12/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER The building that serve as a senate house for the chief dignitaries of the city and as 359 a palace where distinguished visitors and citizens might be entertained Prytaneion It is a traditional house that was called binangiyan. It was a single room dwelling 360 elevated at 1.50 meters from the ground; the floor were made of hard wood like Kankanay narra which rested on 3 floor joist which in turn were supported by transverse girders 361__|??? on natural rocks in a Greek theater is called Cavaea 362 Itis the third phase of English-Gothic Architecture where elaborated ornamental Decorated Style vaulting, and refinement of stonecutting techniques 363 _|Enclosure formed by huge stones planted on the ground in circular form Chromlech A revival style based on the buildings and publications of the 6th century architect a 364 | a Palladianism marked by ancient Roman Architectural forms ITS MOST OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENTS ARE ITS MASSIVE FUNERARY MONUMENTS & TEMPLES BUILT OF STONE FOR PERMANENCE, FEATURING 365 JONLY POST-AND-LINTEL CONSTRUCTION & CORBEL VAULTS W/ OUT Egyptian Architecture [ARCHES & VAULTING 366 CHARACTERIZED BY CLEAR PLANS, MASSIVE Romanesque Architecture ARTICULATED WALL STRUCTURES, ROUND ARCHES, & POWERFUL VAULTS CHARACTERIZED BY POINTED ARCH, THE GRADUAL REDUCTION OF 367 Gothic Architecture THE WALLS TO A SYSTEM OF RICHLY DECORATED FENESTRATION 368_|CHARACTERIZED BY RADIATING LINES OF TRACERY Rayonant 369_|CHARATERIZED BYFLOWING A FLAME-LIKE TRACERY. Flamboyant CHARACTERIZED BY THE USE OF THE CLASSICAL ORDERS, ROUND 370 Renaissance Architecture ARCHES, and_ SYMMETRICAL COMPOSITION. MODE OF BLDG FOLLOWING THE STRICT ROMAN FORMS, A SET FORTH IN 371_ |THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE ITALIAN REN. ARCHT.ANDREA PALLADIO (1508- Palladianism 1580). STYLE BASED ON A CLOSED STUDY OF ANTIQUITY. TRANSITIONAL STYLE IN ARCH’RE & THE ARTS IN THE LATE 16th. CENT, 372 CHARATERIZED IN ARCH’RE BY UNCOVENTIONAL USE OF CLASSICAL Mannerism ELEMENTS. IS CHARACTERIZED BY INTERPRETATION OF OVAL SPACES, CURVED SURFACES, & CONSPICUOUS USE DECORATION, ACULPTURE & COLOR. ITS LAST PHASE IS CALLED “ROCOCO BOLD, OPULENT & IMPRESSIVE TYPE OF 373 , Baroque AARCH'RE. THE PHASE IN WESTERN EUROPIAN RENASSAINCE ARCH’RE 1750-1830, 374 WHEN RENED INSPIRATION WAS SOUGHT FROM ANCIENT GREEK & ROMAN Antiquarian IARCH’RE ( NEO CLASSICAL) (FR. ROCALLE — ROCKWORK) A TERMAPPLIED TO TYPE OF RENAISSANCE ORNAMENT IN W/C ROCK-LIKE FORMS, FANTASTIC SCROLLS, & CRIMPED SHELLS ARE WORK UP TOGETHER IN A PRO- 375 Rococco FUSION & COMFUSION OF DETAIL OFTEN W/ OUT ORGANIC COHERENCE BUT PRESENTING A LAVISH DISPLAY OF DECORATION. 15/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 376 SIVERSMITH-LIKE”; THE RICHLY DECORATIVE STYLE OF THE SPANISH RENAISSANCE. Plateresque Architecture 377 THE TRANSITIONAL STYLE BETWEEN GOTHIC & RENAISSANCE IN ENGLAND, NAMED AFTER ELIZABETH |; MAINLY COUNTRY HOUSES, CHARATERIZED BY LARGED MILLIONED WINDOWS & STRAPWORK ORNAMENTATION Elizabethan Architecture 378 ENGLISH ARCH’L & DECORATIVE STYLE OF THE EARLY 17th CENT. , [ADAPTING THE ELIZABETHAN STYLE TO CONTINENATL RENAISSANCE INLUENCES; NAMED AFTER JAMES | Jacobean Architecture 379 THE PREVAILING STYLE OF THE 18th CENT. IN GREAT BRITAIN & THE NORTH AMERICAN COLONIES, SO NAMED AFTER GEORGE I, Il, Ill, BUT NOT INCLUDE GEORGE IV. DERIVED FROM CLASSICAL, RENAISSANCE, & BAROQUE FORMS. Gregorian Architecture 380 TERM IN A SPECIALIZED SENSE TO DESCRIBE ONE OF THE ATTITUDES OF TASTE TOWARDDS ARCH’RE & LANDSCAPE GARDENING IN THE LATE 18th & EARLY 19th CENT. BLDG’S & LANDSCAPE WERE TO HAVE THE CONTROLLED INFORMALITY OF A PICTURE. Picturesque Architecture 381 Mythical monsters each with the body of a lion and a head of a man, hawk, ram or lwoman possessed Sphinx 382 An ancient Egyptian rectangular, flat-topped funerary mound with battered (sloping) sides covering a burial chamber blow ground Mastaba 383 Huge monoliths, square on plan and tapering to an electrum-capped (alloy of silver & gold) “pyra-midion” at the summit, which was the sacred part. The four sides are cut with hieroglyphics Obelisk 384 ‘A massive funerary structure of stone or brick with a square base and four sloping triangular sides meeting at the apex Pyramid 385 Inward inclination or slope of an outward wall Batter 386 Consists of a complex of “sarsen” (any of the many large sedimentary rocks that have been broken into blocks by frost action and are found scattered across the chalk downs of southern England )stones and smaller blue stones set in a circle and connected by lintels Stonehenge 387 Artificial Mountains made up of tiered (layered), rectangular stages which rose in number from one to seven Ziggurat 388 Pictorial representation of religious ritual, historic events and daily pursuits Hieroglyphics 389 An ancient structure usually regarded as a tomb, consisting of two or more large upright stones set with a space between and capped by a horizontal stone Dolmen 390 Any of the pieces, in the shape of a truncated wedge, which form an arch or a vault. |A wedge-shaped stone: a wedge-shaped brick or stone used to form the curved parts of an arch or vault Voussoirs 391 In ancient Greece/ Rome, a room or covered area or open on one side used as a meeting place; architecture history conversation room: a room for relaxation or conversation, especially a semicircular recess in a larger hall with a continuous bench along the wall; furniture long curved outdoor bench: a long curved or semicircular outdoor bench, usually with a high back; architecture recess: any kind of recess or niche (technical) Exedra 392 ‘The sanctuary of a classical temple, containing the cult statue of the god Cella 16/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 393 Domical mounds which grouped with their rails, gateways, professional paths and crowning umbrella came to be known as symbols of the universe; a Buddhist shrine, temple, or pagoda that houses a relic or marks the location of an auspicious event. Stupa 394 An adjective used to describe an artist who selects forms and ideas from different periods or countries and combines them to produce a harmonious whole. Eclectic 395 ‘The exposed undersurface of any overhead component of a building such as an arch, balcony, beam, cornice, lintel or vault. bottom surface: the underside of a structural component of a building, for example the underside of a roof overhang or the inner curve of an arch Soffit 396 a large fortified (armed) place; a fort often including a town; any place of security. Fortress 397 the term applied to the triangular curved overhanging surface by means of which a circular dome is supported over a square or polygonal compartment. a sloping ‘triangular piece of vaulting between the arches that support a dome and its rim Pendentive 398 Pre-Columbian edifice dedicated to the service or worship of their god which is made of stones entered by a single door to a very steep single flight of steps, above it rises a high stone roof Mayan Temple Pyramid 399 ‘Term in a specialized sense to describe one of the attitudes of taste towards architecture and landscape gardening in the late 18th and early 19th century; very attractive: visually pleasing enough to be the subject of a painting or photograph Picturesqueness 400 A term originally applied painting on a wall while the plaster is wet and is notin oil colors. painting done on fresh plaster: a painting on a wall or ceiling made by brushing watercolors onto fresh damp plaster, or onto partly dry plaster Fresco 401 |A long colonnaded building, served many purposes, used around public places and as shelter at religious shrines; an ancient covered walkway: in ancient Greece, a covered walkway, usually with a row of columns on one side and a wall on the other Stoa 402 Carved male figures serving as pillars also called TELAMONES; architecture figure of man used as support: a figure of a man, either standing or kneeling, used as a support for the upper part of a classical building Atlantes 403 |A slab forming the crowning member of a column Abacus 404 |A swelling or curving outwards along the outline of a column shaft, designed to counteract the optical illusion which gives a shaft bounded by straight lines the appearance of curving inwards; a bulge in architectural column: a slight bulge in the shaft of a column, designed to counter the visual impression of concavity that a perfectly straight column would give Entasis 405 ‘The vertical channeling on the shaft of a column; architecture: groove in column: a groove running down an architectural column Flutes 406 Sculptures female figures used as columns or supports Caryatids 407 the portion of a pedestal between its base and cornice. A term also applied to the lower portions of walls when decorated separately. Daado 408 The sharp edge formed by the meeting of two surface usually in DORIC columns Arris 409 a small flat band between mouldings to separate them from each other. architecture flat narrow moulding: a raised or sunken ornamental surface set between larger surfaces Fillets 17/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER A castle in a French-speaking couniry or a stately residence. A French castle: a 455 |castle or large house in France, often one that has a vineyard attached and gives its Chateau name to wine produced there A slender wooden spire rising from a roof. A slender church spire: a slender spire, 456 Jespecially one that emerges from the roof of a church at the point where the ridges Fleche intersect. 457_|a (shell) or a recess in a wall, hallowed like a shell for a statue or ornament. Niche (Lump or knob) or projecting ornament at the intersection of the ribs of ceilings, 458 Boss whether vaulted or flat. ls a rectangular feature in the shape of a pillar, but projecting only about one sixth . 459 of its breadth (distance from side to side) from the wall. Pilaster Strip 460_|An umbrella shaped copula. Chatris 461 |—The ornamental pattern work in stone, filling the upper part of a gothic window. Tracery ‘The high platform on which temples were generally placed (in general, any elevate 462 |platform). A foundation wall: a low wall forming a foundation or base, for example for| Podium a colonnade ‘The part of a cruciform church, projecting at right angles to the main building. Wings 463 of church: the part of a cross-shaped church that runs at right angles to the long Transept central part (nave) Vaulting in Romanesque in which a framework of ribs supported thin stone panels. 464 ‘The new method consisted in designing the profile of the transverse (crosswise or Rib & Panel at right angle with something), longitudinal and diagonal ribs to which the form of the panels was adopted : __ 465 Special term for a lantern or raised structure above a roof admitting light into the Cimborio 466_|A room where food is stored; a pantry (a walk-in cupboard); a cupboard Larder 467_|The tapering termination of a tower in Gothic churches Spire 468 |The term applied to a tower crowned by a spire Steeple 469 _|—A room for storage of garments Wardrobe |A slight convex curvature built into a truss or beam to compensate for an anticipated 470 ; wee Camber deflection so that it will gave no sag when under load. Covered passages around an open space or “Garth”, connecting the church to the . 471 Coisters chapter house; a small courtyard or enclosed space A serving room between kitchen and dining room, or a room for storage of food 472 . Pantry supplies 473 _|A vault in which the ribs compose a “star-shaped” pattern Stellar Vault 474 Abullcing complex of a certain English order or a self-contained community used by Monastery 475 A bay window especially cantilevered or corbelled out from the face of the wall by Oriel Window means of projecting stones. 476 _|The dining hall of a monastery, convent or college Refectory An ornament consisting of a spirally wound band, either as a running ornament or 477 - ae Scroll as_a terminal, like the volutes of the ionic capital. 478 _|An Italian impressive building or private building Palazzo 479 One of a number of short vertical members often circular in section used to support Baluster a stair handrail or a coping (wall’s capping surface). 20/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 480 aterm applied to a type of Renaissance ornament in which rock-like forms fantastic scrolls, and ‘crimped’ folded or pressed together) shells (are worked up together in a profusion and confusion of detail often without organic coherence but presenting a lavish display of decoration; Any excessively ornate or fancy style; A style of architecture and the decorative arts characterized by intricate ornamentation that was popular throughout Europe in the early 18th century. Rococo 481 In France, anything extravagantly ornamented, so ornate as to be in bad taste, a style of art and architecture in Italy in the 17th to 18th century. baroque 482 A tower not connected with “Bell”. A term applied to the upper room in a tower in which the bells are hung. Belfry 483 ‘The entire construction of a classical temple or the like, between the columns and the eaves usually composed of an architrave, frieze, and a cornice. Entablature 484 (BRITISH) The hall built or used by medieval association as of merchants and tradesmen, organized to maintain standards that constituted a governing body. (Doge = Italian renaissance chief magistrate) Doge's Hall 485 (little house for pleasure & recreation). A prominent structure, generally distinctive in character. Pavillion 486 ‘The space about the altar of a church, usually separated by a screen for the clergy and other officials, usually referred to as the “choir Chancel 487 An eternal solid angle of a wall or the like. One of the stones forming it, corner stone (Renaissance) A block forming a corner: a stone block used to form a quoin, especially when it is different, for example in size or material, from the other blocks or bricks in the wall Quoins 488 A “BRACKET”: is a projecting member to support a weight generally formed with scrolls or volute when carrying the upper member of the cornice Console 489 A space entirely or partly under a building; in churches, generally beneath the chancel and used for burial in earlier times. An underground chamber: an underground room or vault, often below a church, used as a burial chamber or chapel, or for storing religious artifacts Crypt 490 ‘The central shaft of a circular staircase. Also applied to the post in which the handrail is framed. Newel 491 The chief magistrate’s buildings, in the former republic of Venice & Genoa. Doge's Palace 492 A spherical roof, (a dome-shaped roof) placed like an inverted cup over a circular square or multi-angular apartment. A dome on roof: a small dome on a roof, sometimes made of glass and providing natural light inside Cupola 493 An ante-room to a larger apartment of a building; An entrance hall: a small room or hall between an outer door and the main part of a building Vestibule 494 A construction such as a tower, at the crossing of a church rising above the neighboring roofs and glazed at the sides Lantern 495 A twisted band, garland or chaplet, representing flowers, fruits leaves, often used in decoration; A circular arrangement of flowers: a circular arrangement of flowers and greenery placed as a memorial on a grave, hung up as a decoration, or put on somebody's head as a sign of honor; a representation of wreath: a representation of acircular arrangement of flowers, vines, or other things, for example in a carving or on a coat of arms; [headdress; garland; laurel] Wreath 496 In Renaissance, a room used primarily for exhibition of art objects, or a drawing room;[grand sitting room; social gathering of intellectuals; art exhibition or gallery] Salon 497 A roof having a double slope on four sides; the lower slope being much steeper and the flatter upper portion. Also known as the gambrel roof. Mansard 21/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 498 ‘A room decorated with plants, sculpture and fountains (often decorated with beautiful Maiden living in Rivers, trees) and intended for relaxation. [nymph: a spirit or a minor goddess of nature: or a beautiful young woman] Nymphaeum 499 An ornate iron grille, or screen, a characteristic feature of Spanish Church interiors; An architectural decoration: a carved decoration at the top of a gable, spire, or arched structure Finial 500 (A support for a column statue or a vase, it usually consists of a base. “Die” or Dado, and a cornice or cap mould Pedestal 501 A window in a sloping roof usually that of a sleeping apartment. A window projecting from roof: a window for a room within the roof space that is built out at right angles to the main roof and has its own gable Dormer 502 A bust (sculpture of head & shoulders) on a square pedestal instead of a human body, used in classic times to mark boundaries on highways, and used decoratively in Renaissance times. Hermes 503 Vertical members dividing windows into different number of lights Mullions 504 A Spanish arcaded or colonnaded yard; a paved area outside a house: a paved area adjoining a house, used for outdoor dining, growing plants in containers, and recreation. A roofless courtyard: a roofless inner courtyard typical of a Spanish-style house Patio 505 Also called ‘brackets” or “consoles” or “ancones”. It is a projecting member to support a weight. generally formed with scrolls or volutes which carry the upper member of a cornice (a projecting moulding at the top of a wall or at where the wall & ceiling meets); also a bracket in Corinthian order: a small curved ornamental bracket under the corona of a Corinthian or Composite column Modilions 506 ‘The horizontal divisions or crossbars of windows. Transom 507 A decorative niche often topped with a canopy and housing a statue or an icon. Tabernacle 508 (to walk) the cloister (covered walkway around a courtyard) or covered passage around the east end of the church, behind the altar. Ambulatory 509 Also called “key pattern” the upper portion of the pinnacle [pinnacle: pointed ornament: a pointed ornament on top of a buttress or parapet]; an architectural decoration: a carved decoration at the top of a gable, spire, or arched structure Finial 510 a raised platform reserved for the seating of speakers and dignitaries; a raised platform: a raised platform at the end of a hall or large room. [podium, platform, pulpit, stage] Dais 511 ‘The window of a protruded bay or the windowed bay itself. A protruding window: a rounded or three-sided window that sticks out from an outside wall and forms a recess on the inside Bay Window 512 Bulbous termination to the top of a tower, found principally in Central & Eastern Europe Helm Roof 513 ‘A communicating passage or wide corridor for pictures and statues. An upper storey for seats in a church Gallery 514 |A type of relief ornament or cresting [cresting: a decorative roof ridge: an ornamental ridge on a roof] resembling the studded leather straps arranged in geometrical and sometimes interlaced patterns much used in the early renaissance architecture of England. Strapwork 515 [The space between two columns Intercolumnation 516 One of the winged heavenly beings that support the throne of God or act as guardian spirits, or Chubby, a rosy-faced child with wings Cherubs 517 Earth-baked (unglazed) or burnt in moulds. For use in construction, harder in quality than brick. [brownish red color] Terracotta 22/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER ‘Turret(medieval) ; minaret (Islamic) ;steeple (church tower & spire)(term use for spire 558 crowned towers) _ Pinacle Pinnacle(highest point); fleche (a church spire); spire (tapering termination of a 559 . an . : gothic church tower); finial (a design at the top of a spire) 560_|Boss (vaulted or flat); groin (vaulted only) Boss/ Groin 561_|Quoins (just_a corner stone) vs. squinch (structural arch to support a dome) Quoins / Squinch 562_|statue chamber Serdab 563 _|bldg that hold sculpture Glypthoteca 564_|bldg that holds painting Pinacotheca 565_|acropolis, sacred enclosure Themenos 566_|coffer, ceiling Lacunaria 567_|space bet naos wall and column Peroma 568_|tholos passageway Dromos 569_|sleeping room, megaron Thalamus 570 |(greatest example of Egyptian temple) The Great Temple of Arnak 571_|Great Sphinx at Gizeh God Horus Senusurets- built the earliest known obelisk at Heliopolis Amenemhat I- founded the great temple at Karnak ‘Thothmes I- began the additions to the temple of Amnon Karnak Amenophis IIl- built the famous Colossi of Memnon 572 |Rameses I- began the hypostyle hall at Karnak Egyptian Architects Seti I- built the temple at Abu- Simber Ptolemy II- built the pharos of Light House Ptolemy Ill- founded the Great Seradeum at Alexandria 573_|gateway to greek temple Propylaea Targest - geatest example of greek architecture - archt. Ictinus 574 - master sculptor- Callicrates Partenon - Doric temple - naos- made of gold and ivory - holds the statue of Athena prototype Greek Thetre 575 - largest for 30,000 people Theatre of Dionysus 576 _|oldest & most important bldg in Rome Forum Romanum 577_|largest circus in Rome Circus Maximus 578 _|largest forum in Rome Forum of Trajan 579 _|1. Temporary shelter from perishable materials 580_|2. Caves 581__|3. Rocks on top of each other Prehistoric Period 582_|4. Hard-packed snow blocks 583 _|5. animal skins 584 _|1. Battered or sloping outside walls 585_|2. Columns & Capitals from vegetable origins Egyptian Architecture 586 _|3. Papyrus Buds, Lotus Flower walls of mud brick, thick & 9M high 587_|4. Unbroken massive walls adorned with hieroglyphics 588 _|1. Abundance of clay-provided bricks 589 _|2. Roofs flat outside 25/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER Mesopotamian Architecture 590 |3. Architecture was arcuated winged deity and winged human headed lion used as décor 591_|4. Houses of one room, entered by a single door & without windows 592 _|1. Temple pyramids are approached by a single steep flight of steps. 593 2. Stone [finely dressed, carved, or laid as roughly dressed rubble] was employed for all Pre columbian Architecure important buildings 594 |1. Columnar & trabeated (have horizontal beams rather than archs) 595_|2. Wooden roofs were untrussed 596 _|3. Ceilings sometimes omitted Greek Architecture 597 _|4. optical illusions were corrected, in Greek Temples 598 _[5. Doric, Ionic, Corinthian [orders of columns] 599 _|1. The arch & the vault was developed 600 _|2. Two orders of architecture added [Tuscan & Composite] : Roman Architecture 601 3. Concrete is now used [composition of lime, sand, pozzolana & broken bricks or small stones. 602_|1. Widely Spaced Columns carrying semi-circular arches 603 _|2. Basilican Churches have 3 to 5 aisles, covered by a simple timber roof coat 604_|3. Mosaic decoration added internall Early christian Architecture 605 _|4. separate buildings used for baptism or baptisteries 606 _|1. Novel development of the Dome to cover polygonal and square plans of churches 607_|2. Tomb & baptisteries by means of “pendentives” Byzantine Architecture 608 _|3. ‘Fresco” decoration using marble & mosaic 609 _|1. Bulbous or onion dome 610 _|2. Minarets 611_|3. stalactite mouldin Islamic Architecture 612 _|4. cresting: decorative roof ridge: an ornamental ridge on a roof 613 _|5. painted arch 614 |1. Ribbed & panel, cross vaults; 615 _|2. plaster strips, arcades, rose windows, 616 _|3. Sober (serious/ not fanciful)& dignified style Romanesque Architecture 617 |4. Formal massing depends on the grouping of towers and the projection of transepts & choir. 618 _|1. Pointed arch 619 2. buttress, flying buttress 620__|3. gargoyles, decorated vaultin Gothic Architecture 621 |4. rose & lancet windows ploughshare twist 622 _|5. variety of open roofs (trussed, tie-beam, collar) 623 _|1. Rusticated masonry, (rough masonry) 624 _|2. Quoins, Balusters 625_|3. domes or raised drums 626 _|4. pediments one within the other Renaissance Architecture 627_|5. rococo 628 _|6. baroque style 629 _|7. mansard roof 630_|8. salon 631__|1. Picturesque values 632 2. Reflected in the predilection (liking) for highly textured, colorful materials, asymmetry & informality. 633_|3. palazzo style was a triumph of national ecclesiasticism Pa - 634 _|4. New functions & techniques produced new forms. Britain Architecture 635 _|5. Taller buildings were designed due to concrete & cast iron frames. 636_|6. New materials were used due to the effect of canals 637_]7. Railroad systems, central heating & elevator or lift 26/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 1. Repetition of standard bays, both plan & elevation, an affinity (similarity) with bay system, 838 programmatically adopted with the introduction of iron construction Continental Europe 639 _|1. Neo-classic & Greek revival was followed 640_|2. Baloon frame was introduced , . 641_|3. The skyscraper was contributed related to metal frame construction American Architecture 642 _|4. The non-load-bearing curtain wall & the elevator 4 1. Free-standing glass sheath suspended on a framework across the face of the building or 643 curtain wall. 644 |2. Art Noveau and Bauhaus was developed Modern International 645 _|3. Enormous Spans unobstructed were at length achieved with concrete. 646 _|4. Steel is used in space-frame 647 _|1. Hindu worship is an individual act 648 2. Buddhist religious buildings or shrines took the form of STUPAS (Buddhist shrine or pagoda), and are designed for congregational use. 649 _|3. Mouldings have BULBOUS character India / pakistan 650 _|4. The TORUS moulding is used 651_|5. Various BAS reliefs depicting scenes of daily life and story of Buddha 652_|6. The female form in its voluptuous (sensual) form is often used 653 _|1. Rock Temples, with square or octagonal pillars 654 2. A circular relic house (wata-dage) built in stone & brick is an outstanding architectural creation. 655 3. Architecture of wood, with high pitched roofs, with wide eaves, slightly curved, finished Sri Lanka with small flat shingles and terra cotta tiles. 656 4. Windows with lacquered wood bars, carved timber doorways, ornamental metalwork door furniture, painted walls. 1. Cupola Roofs (dome shaped roof or dome on roof), spanning with arched squinches, the 657 |square chamber angles, lantern roof and coffered dome, an elaborate system of hexagon, each containing the statue of Buddha, 658 _|2. The “SIKHARA” & “PAGODA” temples survive. 659 3. A monumental pillar generally supporting a metal superstructure adorned with mystic symbols, groups of divinities and portraits statuary of royalties. . . 4. Windows have intricate lattice screens and roof have red curved tiles, metal gutters and Afghanistan, Nepal, Tibet 660 |projecting cornice and fancifully decorated with carving, embossing, tinkling bells and hanging lamps. 661_|5. The monastery is fortress-like sited on hill tops. 662 6. Pillars and beams are painted “yellow or red” and “painted silks” hang from the roof. 663_|1. Stepped Temple Pyramid, terraced on a hill 664 |2. Using stone without mortar fitted perfectly and numerous colossal towers 665 3. Religious buildings overlaid with ornamentation of Chinese characters, surfaces often finished with porcelain tile Burma, Cambodia, Thailand, 666 |4. Walls are white stucco, (wall plaster) Indonesia 667 _|5._ multi-leveled overlapping timber roofs 668 _|6. Gables and bargeboard decorated with Hindu iconography. 669_|7.__Doors and window shutters are of carved wood, lacquered in black and gold. 1. Roof ridges are laden with elaborate ornamental cresting and the up-tilted angles are 670 5 ‘ ~ - adorned with fantastic dragons and grotesque ornament (distorted bizarre) 671 |2. Roofs one on top of the other using S-shape enameled tiles. China 672_|3. Roof framing in “rectangle” and not triangle. 673_|4. Use of bright colors 674 _|5. Column brackets are decorated with birds, flowers and dragons. 675_}1. Light and delicate timber construction is refined by a minute carving & decoration 27/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 6. Colosseum Coemeteria, Colosseum 70 —82 Architect: Vespacian and Domitian Location: Rome, Italy Style: Ancient Roman 720 three-quarter columns and entablatures, Doric in the first story, lonic in the second, and Corinthian in the third, face the three tiers of arcades largest Roman Amphitheater designed to held 50,000 spectators — had approximately eighty entrances so crowds could arrive and leave easily and quickly 721_|7. Triumphal arch, 722 _|8. gateways, 723 _|9. aqueducts 724 _|1. Basilican Churches, sti 725 _|2. Baptisteries Early Christian Structures 726 _|1. St. Sophia, Constantinople Byzantine Structures 727_|2. St. Mark, Venice 728 _|1. The great mosques, 729 _|2. Damascus & Cordoba, 730_|3. Kiosk @ Istanbul Islamic Buildings 731_|4. Taj mahal mausoleum @ Agra 732_|5. Tomb of Humayun, Delhi 733 _|1. St, Zeno, 734_|2. Maggiore Monastery, 735_|3. Leaning Tower, aa 736_|4. Cathedral & Baptistery of Pisa, Romanesque Buildings 737_|5. Castles, fortifications, 738__|6. chateus, Manor houses 739_|1. Notre Dame Cathedral, 740_|2. Paris Canterbury Cathedral, 741 _|3. King’s College, Gothic Buildings 742_|4. Canterbury Town Halls, 743 _|5. Skippers house @ Ghent 744 _|1, Palazzo Ricardi @ Florence, 745 _|2. St. Peter’s PIAZZA, 746_|3. Cathedral Vatican, 747_|4. Palais du louvre, Rennaissance Buildings 748 _|5. Paris Chateu Maisons, 749_|6. St Paul’s Cathedral, London. 750_|7. Guild Houses @ Brussels 751_|1. Westminster New Palace (House of Parliament), London 752 _|2. Crystal Palace, London [???] 753 _|3. University Museum, Oxford Britain Buildings 754 _|4. Red House, Kent 755 _|5. Cathedral @ Guildford 756 _|1. Eiffel tower, [??7] 757_|2. New louvre, a 758_|3. Paris Opera House, Continental Europe Buildings 759 _|4. Paris & cologne. 30/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 760 1. the White House Architect: James Hoban Location: Washington, D.C. Date: 1793 to 1801, burned 1814, porticos 1824 to1829 Style: Georgian Neoclassical official residence of the president of the United States of America, for the last 200 years 761 2. Capitol of the United States Architects: Thornton-Latrobe-Bulfinch Location: Washington, D.C. Date: 1793 to 1830 Style: Neoclassical meeting place of the U.S. Congress, the national assembly of the United States of America, consisting of the House of Representatives and the Senate 762 National Gallery of Art Architect: John Russel Pope houses one of the finest collections of painting, sculptures, and graphic arts in the world 763 ‘Washington Monument Architect: Robert Mills Location: Washington, D.C. Style: Neo-Egyptian = the obelisk is the only remnant of the original blue print that remains with George Marsh, competition 1836. standard Egyptian proportion of 10:1 height to base 764 Golden Gate Bridge 1933 to 1937 Architect: Joseph Strauss Location: San Francisco, California Building type: suspension bridge ‘Construction system: steel frame, steel cables Styles: Structural Modern with some Art Deco details one of the longest bridge in the world — a powerful and elegant human structure in an equally beautiful natural location overall bridge length of 9266 [ect, or 2824 meters bridge main span length of 4200 feet. or 1280 meters 765 Saint Patrick’s Cathedral Architect: James Renwick Location: New York shaped like a Latin cross the largest Roman Catholic Cathedral in the United States ~ designed in a Gothic Revival materials at English and French Gothie Style 766 3. Boston Empire State Building, 767 4. English Country Houses: 768 5. Bungalows American Structures 31/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 769 The Louvre 1546 to 1878 Architect: Pierre Lescot Location: Paris, France Building type: palace, art museum ‘Construction system: cut stone bearing masonry Style: French Renaissance also designed by Catherine de Medici, J-A. du Cerceau TI, Claude Perrault, cic. I.M. Pei: design the glass pyramid, which serves as the main public entrance 770 Palais Royal commissioned by Cardinal Richeliev ~ original name is Palais Cardinal 17th century Daniel Buren: stripped columns 771 Are de Triomphe = Napoleon, the French emperor decided to build a very big arch of triumph, which stands at the top of the Champs Elysees 772 Pompidou Centre 1972 to 1976 Architect: Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano Location: Paris, France Building Type: modern art museum ‘Construction system: high-tech steel and glass Style: High-tech modern — acost of $100,000,000, with an average attendance of approximately seven million people a year massive structural expressionist cast exoskeleton, "exterior" escalators enclosed in transparent tube 773 Notre Dame de Paris 1163 to 1250 Architect: Maurice de Sully Location: Paris, France Building Type: church, cathedral Construction system: bearing masonry, cut stone Style: Early Gothic ~ one of the most celebrated Gothic cathedrals in France iwin Lowers marking the entrance probably the most famous image in French Gothic art 32/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 785 Somerset House’ 1776 to 1786 Architect: William Chambers Location: London, England Building type: government offices and art school ‘Construction system: cut stone masonry Style: Neoclassical Home of Royal Academy of the Aris. Corinthian orders above arched courlyard apertures, rusticated base 786 aint Paul’s Cathedral 1675 to 1710 Architect: Sir Christopher Wren Location: London, England Building type: church (Construction system: masonry, brick, timber and cut stone Style: Late renaissance to Baroque the dome peaks at 366 feet above pavement = amasterpiece of Baroque architecture largest cathedral in Tingland 787 (Chiswick House’ 1729 Architect: Lord Burlington Location: Chiswick, England Building type: large house ‘Construction system: bearing masonry Style: Palladian also known as “Burlington House™ 788 Westminster Palace 1836 to 1868 Architect: Sir Charles Barry Location: London Building type: seat of government, government center ‘Construction system: cut stone bearing masonry Style: English Gothic Revival Big Ben: the clock tower best known is a great symbol of London — originally seat of kings as a royal residence 789 Durham Cathedral 1093 to 1280 Location: Durham, England Building type: church, cathedral Construction system: bearing masonry, cut stone Style: Romanesque ~ one of the most impressive Norman Romanesque style in Europe had a reciprocal influence on the architecture of Normady — the rib vault covering of Durham Cathedral is the oldest example that has survived 35/73 English architecture PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 790 Glasgow School of Art 1897 to 1909 Architect: Charles Rennie Mackintosh Location: Glasgow, England Building type: college ‘Construction system: bearing masonry Style: art and crafts, art nouveau 791 Buckingham Palace Architect: sir George Goring built during the reign of king James | 792 _ Salginatobel Bridge, 793 . Einstein Tower, Eirch Mendelsohn . Chapel of Notre Dame, Le Corbusier 795 . Johnson Wax Building, Frank Lloyd Wright 796 Falling Water, Frank Lloyd Wright 797 . Dulles International Airport, Eero saarinen 798 . Guggenheim Museum, Frank Lloyd wright 799 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. |. Sydney opera House, Jorn Utzon 800 9. Geodesic dome, Buckminster Fuller Modern International 801 ‘Temple of Heaven Location: China 700 acre enclosure built by the Ming Dynasty emperor Yongle (Yung-lo) means “Perpetual Help” 802 Hagia Sola 532 to 537 Architect: Isidoros and Anthemios Location: Istanbul, Turkey Building type: church ‘Construction system: bearing masonry Style: Byzantine = built as the new Cathedral of Constantinople by the Emperor Justinian a tremendous domed space a masterpiece of Byzantine architecture additional minarets when the church became a mosque 803 Cathedral of Siena Location: Southern Italy incorporated Gothic elements in a strongly Mediterranean design 804 Pisa Cathedral 103 to 1350 Location: Pisa, Italy Building type: church complex ‘Construction system: bearing masonry, cut stone, white marble Style: Romanesque = “Pisa Cathedral with Baptistery, Campanile and Campo Santo, together form one of the most famous building groups in the world — white marble with colonnaded facades the cathedral complex includes the famous Leaning Tower, La Torre Pendente 36/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 805 Florence Cathedral 1296 to 1462 Architect: Arnolfo di Cambio Location: Florence, Italy Building type: domed church, cathedral ‘Construction system: bearing masonry Style: Italian Romanesque ~ 1296: Cathedral begun on design by Arnolfo di Cambio 1357: Project continued on a modified plan by Francesco Talenti — 1366-7: Talenti's definitive design emerged calling for an enormous octagonal dome ~ 1418; competition for construction of dome. 1420: technical solution for vaulting proposed by Brunclleschi approved and construction begun ~ ‘The Duomo — dome added by Brunelleschi 1436— church consecrated 806 Krak des Chevaliers 1150 to 1250 Location: Syria Building type: fort Style: Medieval = crusader castle the best preserved and most wholly admirable castle in the world 807 Alhambra 1338 to 1390 Location: Granada, Spain Building type: palace ‘Construction system: bearing masonry Style: Moorish (Islamic) ~ palace of Nasrid Dynasty the most beautiful remaining example of Western Islamic Architecture — built as a cathedral in the mid-1200’s ~ “hall of justice”: noted from its elaborate stalactite (maqarmas) decoration 808 (Casa Batllo 1905 to 1907 Architect: Antonio Gaudi Location: Barcelona, Spain Building type: apartment building Construction system: concrete Style: Expressionist or Art Nouveau ~ uses animal styles al through-out the structure 37/73 Asian & Spain Architecture PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 817 Movementin 20th Century, art that represented the revolutionary effort of young Italian Concrete, steel and glass Advocators: Jim Slade and Robert Colley. an architects. ‘The architecture of reinforced concrete iron and glass. Calculation of audacity and simplicity Capable of expressing “tangible miracles.” Inspired by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. Futurism 818 Cubist style developed in Germany and Austria (1900s).CHARACTERISTICS: Devoid of ornamentation Symmetrical/Assymetrical plans Overlapping & intersecting 2-dimensional planes that enclose 3-dimensional space. Pure color like white & grey of exterior walls. Distribution of wall to window space is approximately equal. Functionalism 819 Sought for solutions for alternative cheap forms of construction in timber, brick & metal. Initiated by British (pre-fab. Architecture) A design of something Auspicious. Other definitions: Refers to low-cost housing Pre-Fabricated unit Utilitarianism 820 Non-representational style of art w/c uses modern industrial materials: plastic & glass. Ideal abstract art movement arose in Europe & Russia (1913-1920) Based on the idea: Art is an absolute entity, whose origin lie in the mind & whose forms are unrelated to objects of visible world. Concept of art: includes painting & sculpture. Constructivism 821 Out view in w/c the major activities or environmental factor was employed in the structure in a non-intellectual manner. CHARACTERISTICS: Continuity of forms rather than proportionality and geometric terms/means. ‘Tendency to avoid rectangular forms. ‘Tends to individual sensibility. Neo-expressionism 822 , first built in the 13th century and reconstructed in 1906-1909, is the largest clay building in the world. The Great Mosque of Djenné in Mali, 823 developed the first safe passenger elevator. In addition to this, was the development of techniques for manufacturing rolled steel Elisha Graves Otis 824 architecture OF THE borrowing and OF free selection Ecclectism 825 movement for aesthetic and moral crusade - escape FROM THE Industrial World - John Ruskin(1819-1900) and William Morris(1834-1896) were THE key figures The Arts & Crafts Movement 826 In Egyptian architecture, the tomb of the pharaohs is the. Pyramid 827 ‘The great pyramid at Gizeh was built during the 4th dynasty by. Cheops 40/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER ‘The beginner of the great hypostyle hall at karnak and the founder of the 19th 828 Rameses 1 dynasty. ‘The mineral of greatest importance to Greek architecture of which Greece and her 829 . Marble domains had ample supply of was. 830_|Greek architecture was essentially. Columnar trabeated 831 Forming the imposing entrance to the acropolis and erected by the architect Propylaea Mnesicles 832 The building in the acropolis generally considered as being the most nearly perfect Parthenon building ever erected is the. 833 With the use of concrete made Possible by pozzolan, a native natural cement, the Arch and vault Romans achieved huge interiors with the. 834 |Which of the order was added by the Romans to the orders used by the Greeks. Composite 835 From the 5th century to the present, the character of Byzantine architecture is the Domical roof construction practice of using. 836 |The finest and remaining example of Byzantine architecture. St Sophia, Constantinople 837_|The architectural character of the Romanesque architecture is. Sober and dignified Romanesque architecture in Italy is distinguished from that of the rest of Europe by 838 ; . Marble the use of what material for facing walls. 839 |The most famous and perfect preservation of all ancient buildings in Rome. Pantheon 840 |The space between the colonnade and the naos wall in Greek temple. Pteroma 841_|Amphitheaters are used for . Gladiatorial Contests 842_|An ancient Greek Portico, a long colonnaded shelter used in public places. Stoa 843 |The fortified high area or citadel of an ancient Greek City. Acropolis 844 An Upright ornament at the eaves of atile roof, concealing the foot of a row of Antefix (Antefixae) convex tiles that cover the joints of the flat tiles. 845 Strictly, a pedestal at the corners or peak of a roof to support an ornament, more Acroterion / Acroterium usually, the ornament itself. 846_|Also called a ‘Honeysuckle’ ornament. Anthemion 847 in ancient Greece and Rome, a storeroom of any kind, but especially for storing Apotheca 848 |The characteristic of Greek ornament. Anthemion 849 ‘The use of ___ for facing walls distinguishes Romanesque architecture in Italy from Marble that of the rest of Europe. 850_|The outstanding group of Romanesque is found in Pisa 851_|The dining hall in a monastery, a convent, or a college. Refectory 852__|The architecture of the curved line is known as Baroque 853 _|The open court in an Italian palazzo. Cortel 854_|The ornamental pattern work in stone, filling the upper part of a Gothic window. Tracery 855_|Japanese tea house. Cha-sit-su 856 |A Muslim temple, a mosque for public worship, also known as place for prostration. Masjid 857_|Domical mound containing a relic. Stupa 858 _|Ifugao house (southern strain). Bale 859 |In Mesopotamian architecture, religion called for temples made of sun-dried bricks. Ziggurat 860 Bee of the order with massive and tapering columns resting on a base of 3 Doric 861_|Tomb of the pharaohs. Pyramid 862 Earthen burial mounds containing upright and lintel stones forming chambers for Tumuli consecutive burials for several to a hundred persons. 41/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER A semi-circular or semi-polygonal space, usually in church, terminating in axis and 863 intended to house an altar. Apse 864 |Temples in Greece that have a double line of columns surrounding the naos. Dipteral 865_|Senate house for chief dignitaries in Greek architecture Prytaneion 866_|Architect of the Einstein Tower. Erich Mendelsohn 867_|Founder of the Bauhaus School of Art. Walter Gropius 868_|What architectural term is termed to be free from any historical style? Art Noveau 869 _|From what architecture is the Angkor Vat? Cambodian 870_|The architect of Chrysler building in N.Y. Van Alen 871_|Another term for crenel or intervals between merlon of a battlement. Embrasures 872_|Taj Mahal temple is located in Agra In the middle kingdom, in Egyptian architecture, who consolidate the administrative 873 |system, made a survey of the country, set boundaries to the provinces, and other Amenemhat | helpful works. 874 |Who erected the earliest known obelisk at Heliopolis. Senusret | 875_|Jubilee festivals of the pharaohs. Heb-sed 876_|The world's first large-scale monument in stone. Pyramid of Zoser 877_|The highest sloped pyramid in Gizeh Pyramid of Khufu 878_|A vault created when two barrel vaults intersect at the right angles. Groin Vault 879 _|Sarimanok is a décor reflecting the culture of the Visayan 880_|Caryatid porch is from what architecture? Greek 881 _|Female statues with baskets serving as columns. Canephora 882_|A small tower usually corbelled at the corner of the castle. Bartizan 883_|A hall built in Roman Empire for the administration of justice. Basilica 884 |The Parthenon is from what architecture. Greek 885 A root in which 4 faces rests diagonally between the gables and converge at the Helm Roof 886_|A compound bracket or capital in Japanese architecture. Masu-gumi 887 _|Aconcave molding approximately quarter round. Cavetto 888_|Architect of Iglesia ni Cristo. Carlos Santos Viola 889_|A Filipino architect whose philosophy is 'the structure must be well oriented’. Caesar Homer Concio 890_|What is not required as a feature in modern Muslim mosque. Pinnacle 891__|Architect of Robinson's Galleria William Cosculluela 892 |Major contribution of the Renaissance Architecture. Baroque for of Ornamentation 893 _|"A house is like a flower pot" Richard Josef Neutra 894 _|Richly carved coffins of Greece and Mesopotamia. Sarcophagus 895_|King Zoser's architect who was deified in the 26th dynasty. Imhotep 896 _|The council house in Greece. Bouleuterion 897 |Elizabethan Architecture is from what architecture. US. / English Renaissance 898_|Art Noveau style first appeared in what structure. Tussel House 899 _|A faced without columns or pilaster in renaissance architecture. Astylar 900_|Art Noveau is known as the international style, in Germany it is known as Jugendstil 7 Ludwig Mies Van Der 901 |Less is more. Rohe 902_|First school which offered architecture in the Philippines. Liceo de Manila 903_|Embrasures. Crenel 904_|Formal architecture, one of the principles of composition. Balance 905 _|Different historical styles combined. Eclecticism 906_|Architect of TWA airport. Eero Saarinen 907__|The falling water by Frank Lloyd Wright is also known as Kaufman House 908_|First president and founder of PAS. Juan Nakpil 42/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER Mortuary and Cult 986 |Two main classes of temples in Egyptian Architecture. Temples 987 _|Egyptian temples for ministrations to deified pharaohs. Mortuary Temple 988_|Structure whose corners are made to face the four cardinal points. Ziggurat 989 _|Structure whose sides are made to face the four cardinal points. Pyramid 990 |Egyptian temples for the popular worship of the ancient and the mysterious gods. Cult Temple 991 |The use of monsters in doorways is prevalent in what architecture? Persian 992 _|The Greek male statues used as columns. Atlantes 993 _|Arecessed or alcove with raised seats where disputes took place. Exedra 994_|A single line of columns surrounding the Naos. Peripteral 995_|The uppermost step in the crepidoma. Stylobate 996_|The lowest step in the crepidoma. Stereobate 997_|A building in Greek and Roman for exercises or physical activities. Gymnasium 998 |The three chamber of a Greek temple. Pronags, Naos, and pinaos. 999_|A Greek building that contains painted pictures. Pinacotheca 1000 _|Temple with a portico of columns arranged in front. Prostyle 1001 |The clear space in between columns. Intercolumniation 1002 |Intercolumniation of 2.25 diameters. Eustyle 1003 _|Intercolumniation of 4 diameters. Areostyle 1004 |Intercolumniation of 2 diameters. Systyle 1005 _|Pycnostyle intercolumniation has how many diameters? 1.5 Diameters 1006 _|Diastyle intercolumniation has how many diameters. 3 Diameters 1007 _|A kindred type to the theater. Odeion 1008 _|Roman building which is a prototype of the hippodrome of the Greek. Circus 1009 |Roman building for which gladiatorial battles took place. Colosseum 1010 _|What sporting event takes place in the Palaestra? Wrestling 1011 JA foot race course in the cities. stadium 1012 |A temple with 1-4 columns arranged between antae at the front. In Antis 1013 |A temple with 1-4 columns arranged between antae at the front and rear. Amphi-Antis 1014 |In Greek, itis the Roman prototype of the Thermae. Gymnasium 1015 |Greek order that has no base. Doric 1016 |The most beautiful and best preserved of the Greek theaters. Epidauros 1017 _|What orders did the Etruscans and the Romans add making 5 in all? Tuscan and Composite What allowed the Romans to build vaults of a magnitude never equaled till the birth 1018 a Use of Concrete of steel for buildings. 1019 |The finest of all illustrations of Roman construction. Pantheon 1020 _|The oldest and most important forum in Rome. Forum Romanum 1021 _|Who commenced the ‘hall of hundred columns'? Xerxes 1022 |Who completed the ‘hall of hundred columns'? Artaxerxes 1023 |Architects of the Parthenon. Callicrates and Ictinus 1024 |Master sculptor of the Parthenon. Phidias 1025 _|In Roman fountains, the large basin of water. Lacus 1026 _|Spouting jets in Roman fountain. Salientes 1027 |The oldest circus in Rome. Circus Maximus 1 ‘The colosseum in Rome also known as the "flavian amphitheater" was commenced . age 028 Vespasian / Domitian by whom and completed by whom? 1029 |Architect of the Erechtheion. Mnesicles 1030 |A water clock or an instrument for measuring time by the use of water. Clepsydra 1031 |The finest of Greek Tombs, also known as the 'tomb of Agamemnon’. Treasury of Atreus 1032 _|Architect of the Temple of Zeus, Agrigentum Theron 1033 |Architect of the Temples of Zeus, Olympia. Libon 45/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 1034 |Roman architect of the Greek Temples of Zeus, Olympius. Cossutius 1035 _|Both the regula and the mutule has guttae numbering a total of 18 1036 JA quadrigas is a 4-horse Chariot 1037 _|The water-leaf and tongue is a usual ornament found in the Cyma Reversa 1038 _|The Corona is usually painted with the Key Pattern 1039 Greek sculptures may be classified as "architectural sculpture, free standing Sculptured Reliefs statuary, 1040 |One of the best examples of a surviving megaron type of Greek domestic building. House #33 1041 |The molding that is often found in the Doric Order. Bird's Beak 1042 |The wall or colonnade enclosing the Temenos Peribolus 1043 |The private house of the Romans. Domus 1044 |Roman rectangular temples stood ona Podium 1045 _|Roman large square tiles. Bepidales 1046 |A type of Roman wall facing with alternating courses of brickworks. Opus Mixtum 1047 |A type of Roman wall facing which is made of small stone laid in a loose pattern Opus Incertum roughly resembling polygonal work. 1048 |A type of Roman wall facing with a net-like effect. Opus Recticulatum 1049 |A type of roman wall facing with rectangular block with or without mortar joints. Opus Quadratum 1050_|A Roman structure used as hall of justice and commercial exchanges. Basilica 1051 A type of monument erected to support a tripod, as a prize for athletic exercises or Choragic Monument musical competitions in Greek festivals. A type of ornament in classic or renaissance architecture consisting of an 1053 , . . . F Fret assemblage of straight lines intersecting at right angles, and of various patterns. 1054 Figures of which the upper parts alone are carved, the rest running into a Termini parallelopiped or diminishing pedestal. 1055 |Marble mosaic pattern used on ceilings of vaults and domes. Opus Tesselatum 1056 _|Conceptualized the Corinthian capital. Callimachus 1057 _|The sleeping room of the 'megaron'. Thalamus 1058 |The origin of the door architrave. Timber-enframed Portal 1059 |The atrium type of house originated with the Etruscans 1060 _|Roman apartment blocks. Insula 1061 A building in classic architecture decorated with flowers and plants with water for Nymphaeum the purpose of relaxation. 1062 |'5th to 18th century architecture. Renaissance 1063 _|"Form follows function". Louis Sullivan 1064 The dominating personality who became an ardent disciple of the Italian \figo Jones renaissance 1065 |A pillared hall in which the roofs rests on the column in Egyptian temples. Hypostyle Hall 1066 _|Who began the building of the Great Hypostyle Hall at Karnak? Thothmes | 1067 |Architect of the Great Serapeum at Alexandria. Ptolemy Ill 1068 _|He created the Dymaxion House, "the first machine for living". Buckminster Fuller 1069 |Tombs built for the Egyptian nobility rather than the royalty. Rock-Hewn Tombs 1070 |Architect of the Lung Center of the Philippines. George Ramos 1071 |The warm room in the Thermae. Tepidarium 1072 |The Hot room of the Thermae. Calidarium 1073 |The cold or unheated pool in the Thermae. Frigidarium 1074 |The dry or sweating room in the Thermae. Sudatorium 1075 |The dressing room of the Thermae. Apodyteria 1076 |The room for oils and unguents in the thermae. Unctuaria 1077 |Orientation of the Roman temple is towards the Forum 46/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 1078 |Orientation of the Greek temple is towards the East 1079 |Orientation of the Etruscan temple is towards the South 1080 |Orientation of the Medieval Church. West 1081 ‘The space for the clergy and choir is separated by a low screen wall from the body Cancelli of the church called 1082 |On either side of the choir, pulpits for the reading of the epistle and the gospel are Ambo. In some churches, there is a part which is raised as part of the sanctuary which later 1083 ; fei Bema developed into the transept, this is the 1084 In early Christian churches, the bishop took the central place at the end of the Apse church 1085 |The iconoclastic movement during the Byzantine period forbade the use of ___. Statues 1086 _|Type of plan of the Byzantine churches. Centralized 1087 Architects of the Hagia Sophia. (St. Sophia, Constantinople) Anthemius and Isidorus 1088 |The supreme monument of Byzantine architecture. St. Sophia, Constantinople . . . i fh. 1089 |Smallest cathedral in the world. (Byzantine period) Little Metropole Cath., Athens 1090 One of the few churches of its type to have survived having a square nave and Nea Moni without cross-arms, roofed by a dome which spans to the outer walls of the building. 1092 |A tower raised above a roof pierced to admit light. Lantern 1093 the covered passage around an open space or garth, connecting the church to the chapter Cloisters 1094 |house, refectory and other parts of the monastery. 1095 |The prominent feature of the facades in Romanesque Central Italy. Ornamental Arcades 1096 the best example of a German Romanesque church with apses at both east and Worms Cathedral 1097 ‘The term applied to the Episcopal church of the diocese and also the important Cathedral structure of the Gothic period. 1098 |The first plan shape of the St. Peter's Basilica by Bramante. Greek Cross 1099 |The final plan shape of the St. Peter's Basilica by Carlo Maderna. Latin Cross 1100 |He erected the entrance Piazza at St. Peter's Basilica. Bernini 1101 _|Used as food storage in the Bahay na Bato. Dispensa 1102 |The granary in traditional Bontoc House. Ealig 1103 [Architect of the World Trade Center. Minoru Yamasaki 1104 |The Erechtheion of Mnesicles is from what architecture? Greek 1105 |The part of the Corinthian capital without flower. Balteus 1106 |The Pantheon is from what architecture. Roman 1107 |The architect of the Pantheon. Agrippa 1108 |The senate house of the Greeks. Prytaneion 1109 |Architect of the Bi-Nuclear House, the H-Plan. Marcel Lajos Breuer 47/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 1159 |“Cube within a cube” Le corbusier 1160 |*A bridge is like a house” Robert Mailart “ : » Ludwig Mies Van De 1161 |“Less is more’ Rohe 1162 |Ornament is a crime Adolf Loos 1163 |Less is more only when more is too much Frank Loyd Wright 1164 _|FUNCTION INFLUENCE BUT DOES NOT DICTATE FORM. EERo Saarinen 1165 |MODERN ARCHITECTURE NEED NOT BE WESTERN Kenzo tange 1166 |RCHITECTURE MUST MEET 3 REQUIREMENTS: STENGTH, BEAUTY, UNITY Marcus Vitruvius 1167 |7 Formulated “Cubism and Futurism Ludwig Mes Van De 1168 |Less is Bore / “Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture” Robert Venturi 1169 The reality of the building does not consist in the roof and walls, but in the space Lao Tse within to _be lived in LEVER HOUSE - was one of the earliest steel and glass office towers and the first 1170 . . SOM such tower in New York City. 1171 _|CHRYSLER BUILDING, NY Willian Van Allen 1172 |GEODESIC DOME Buckminster Fuller 1173 |SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE Jorn Utzon 1174 |SOLOMON GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM Frank Loyd Wright Lucio Costa & Oscar 1175 |PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, BRAZIL Niemeyer 1176 |BAUHAUS BLDG, GERMANY Walter Gropius 1177_|EINSTEIN TOWER Erich Mendelson 1178 |CHAPEL OF NOTRE DAME Le corbusuier 1179 |CULTURAL CENTER OF THE PHILIPPINES Leandro Locsin 1180 }TAHANANG FILIPINO/ COCONUT PALACE Francisco Bobby Manosa 1181 |ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES CC. de cstro 1182 |SAN MIGUEL CORP. BUILDING Manuel manosa 1183 _|BANK OF CHINA, HK IM pei 1184 |TWA KENNEDY AIRPORT, NY Eero Saarinen 1185 |AT&T BLDG, NY Philip Jhonson 1186 |Casa Batllo, Barcelona Spain Antonio Gaudi 1187 |Crystal Palace, England Joseph Paxton 1188 |Glass House, New Caanan, Connecticut Philip Jhonson Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris France - OLDEST CATHEDRAL IN FRANCE-EARLY 1189 |GOTHIC Maurice de Sully 1190 |Sagrada Familia, Spain Antonio Gaudi 1191 |John Hancock Center, Chicago Illinois Bruce Graham & SOM 1192 |Woolworth Building, NY Cass Gilbert 1193 |Price Tower, Oklahoma Frank Loyd Wright 1194 |St.Basil Cathedral, Russia Barma_ & Posnik 1195 _|Notre Dame du Haut or Ronchamp, France Le corbusuier Italian architect 1196 |Member of Bauhaus Marcel Brever Popularized the Tubular steel cantilever chair German-American architect, the leading and most influential exponent of the glass 1197 and steel architecture of the 20th-century International Style. Mies van de Rohe Skin and bone construction. 50/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 1198 FATTETICATT ATOMMECT, DONT TT UTEVETAT, UOMO, ATO COUCATEM AT MaTVATO UMVETSTIY TT the classics and later in architecture ‘The architect who equated with an exhibition of modern architecture (1932) Invented the ‘International Style’ Father figure of ‘Post Modernism.’ INTERNATIONAL STYLE Volume rather than mass. Regularity rather than axial symmetry Prescribing arbitrarily applied decorations. WORKS: Glass house, Connecticut Seagram Building, N.Y. (w/Mies Van Der Rohe) ‘Theatre of the Dance, Lincoln Center Williams Proctor Museum, N.Y. Art Gallery for the University of Nebraska Ammon Corter Museum, Texas AT&T Building N.Y. Philip Jhonson 1199 PFOTESSTONAN TAME OF CTANTES ECOUAr JEAMMETET ( 1887-T9OH), SWISS-FTenicn architect, painter, and writer, who had a major effect on the development of modern architecture. PHILOSOPHY: “The house is a machine to live in.” WORKS: Palace of the League of Nations, Geneva (1927-1928) ‘The Swiss Building at the Cité Universitaire, Paris (1931-1932); Unité d'Habitation (1946-1952) an apartment house in Marseille, France; Notre Dame du Haut (1950-1955) a pilgrimage church in Ronchamp, France High Court Buildings (1952-1956) Chandigarh, India Le corbusuier 1200 Kann, Louis (Sadore) (TIUT-1974y, American architect and teacher, whose original, powerful designs in brick and concrete won him a prominent place in 20th-century architecture. Highly ordered sequence of space & noble structural systems. PHILOSOPHY: “ Searching for a materials want to be.” WORKS: Yale Art Gallery w/ Douglas Orr Alfred Newton Richard’s Medical Center Louis Khan 51/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 1201 French architect, one of the most important pioneers of the modern French style. Advocator of reinforced concrete architecture. THEORIES: “The truth is indispensable in architecture & every architecture lie courrupts.” “ Any project is bad if it is more difficult or more complicated to construct the necessary.” WORKS: ‘The Temple Tower 1889, Exposition Universale in Paris The Apartment Building Rue FranklinFrench Legation, Istanbul ‘Theatre Des Champs, Lysees - redesigning, original by Van del Velde Notre Dame Church, Paris Palace of the League of Nations, Geneva Eiffel Monument, Paris Palace of the Soviets, Moscow Perret Auguste 1202 American architect, who was a pioneer of the modern style. He is considered one of the greatest figures in 20th-century architecture. Frank Loyd Wright 1203 THMSTAANTEM CaM ACTMETT AMT USSTYNET, SUM OT MET SAAT AT OTE OT TE leading architects of the mid-20th century. PHILOSOPHIES: “Function influences but does not dictate form.” “Spiritual function is inseparable from practical function.” “Architecture is not just to fulfill man’s belief in the nobility of his exsistence on earth.” WORKS: Saint Louis Jefferson National Expansion Memorial ‘The General Motors Technical Center, Warren Michigan:1948-1956 Air Force Acadaemy U.S. Embassy in London ‘The Chapel & Kresge Auditorium, Massachussetts Institute of Technology 'T.W.A. Terminal, Kennedy Terminal, N.Y. - Ina for m of bird about to fly. ‘T.J. Watson Research Center, York Town, N.Y. ‘The Chapel of Concordia Senior College. Gateway Arch, St. Louis Eero Saarinen 1204 Finmisn-American archilect, who Strongly mnluenced modern arcnitecture. Popular w/ railway station designs especially in Europe. 2nd place in the Chicago Tribune Tower PHILOSOPHY: “ Beauty grows from the necessity not from repetition of formulas.” WORKS: Cranbook School, Michigan Christ Church, Minneapolis. Helsinki Railroad Station, Finland National Museum Finland Eliel Saarinen 52/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER Max Reinhardt House, Germany 1240 Peter Eissenman 1241 ‘Turin Exhibition Hall Pier Luigi Nervi 4242 Tjibao Cultural Center, New Caledonia Renzo Piano 1243 Jubilee Church, Rome Richard Meier 1244 CCTV China Reem Koolhaas 1245 |Saginatobel Bridge Robert Mailaart 1246 El Auditorio de Tenerife Santiago Calatrava 1247 Church of the Light, Osaka Tadao Ando 1248 |CHRYSLER BUILDING, NY Willian Van Allen 1249 |UN Building Wallace Harrison . Jacques Herzog and 1250 Allianz Arena Pierre de Meuron 1251 Lloyds Building, London Richard Rogers 1252 Torre Agbar Jean Nouvel 1253 |DULLES AIRPORT VIRGINIA, USA Eero Saarinen 1254 |THE ESPLANADE Singapore ° Mille 1255 |DUBAI BURJ-AL-ARAB W.S. Atkins & partners 1256 [HSBC Hongkong Lord Norman Robert Foster JIN MAO TOWER Shanghai - Number of floors: 88 Height: 420.60 meters 1257 | design most refer to the number 8, an auspicious number for Chinese SOM 1258 |WORLD TRADE CENTER New York Minoru Yamasaki 1259 |TAIPE! 101 TAIPEILTAIWAN C.Y. lee & partners 1260_|GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM Bilbao,Spain Frank Gehry 1261 _|GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM New York Frank Loyd Wright 1262 |John Hancock Center Chicago. SOM PETRONAS TWIN TOWER KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA - 1263 Number of floors: 88 Cesar Pelli Height: 452 meters 1264 |THE LOUVRE IM pei 1265 |CITIC PLAZA Guangzhou, China Dennis rau ENG Chun 1266 |EMPIRE STATE BUILDING New York SHREVE AON & 1267 |CENTRAL PLAZA Hong Kong Dennis ray ENG Chun 1268 _|SEARS TOWER Chicago Bruce Graham 55/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 1269 |Two International Finance Centre Hong Kong CESAR ANTONIO PELLI 1270 |Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Cleveland, Ohio IM pei 1271 |SHUN HING SQUARE Shenzhen, China Shreve , Lamb & Harmon 1272 |East Building, National Gallery of Art_1978 Washington, D.C. IM pei EGLIS STE. GENEVIEVE (THE PANTHEON (1755-1792) PARIS FRANCE . 1273 Jacques Germain Souflot 1274 |ST. PAUL’S CATHEDRAL, LONDON (1675-1710 Sir Christopher Wren 1275 ROYAL CRESCENT, BATH ENGLAND (1767-1775) John Wood 1276 ROYAL CHAPEL, THE PALACE OF VERSAILLES (1707-1710) FRANCE Robert de Cotte SEARS TOWER, CHICAGO (1947-1976) 110 STOREY Number of floors: 110 Height: 443 meters 1277 |_ Still the tallest building if the antennas are included Bruce Graham/ SOM 7 has the highest occupied floors 1278 |1st Suspension Bridge Puente Colgante 1279 | 1st Multi-Structure & Concrete Building Masonic Temple, Escolta 1280 _|1st Mall in the Country Crystal Arcade, Escolta 1281 _|1st Prefabricate Structure San Sebastian Church 1282 | 1st School in the American Period Philippine Normal School . a Ambassador Hotel 1283 |1st Skyscrapper in the Philippines (4-Storey) . . PSB Building 1284 |1st Skyscrapper in Manila (Picache Building) 1285 | 1st Hotel in Asia w/ an Elevator Manila Hotel 1286 | 1st Registered Architect Tomas Mapua 1287 |1st Filipino Architect of the American Period Carlos Barretto vai Burke Building, 1288 | 1st Building to use an Elevator Escolta (1910's) 1289 |Metropolitan Theatre Juan Arelleno 1290 |U.S.T. Main Building Roque Ruano 1291 _|F.E.U. Main Building Pablo Antonio 1292 |Alejandro Legardo Daniel Doane 1293 |Antonio Toledo Daniel Burnham 1294 |Carlos Barretto S. Rowland 1295 |Juan Arellano Harold Keys 1296 |Tomas Mapua William Birt 1297 _|Mapua Institute of Technology 1925 1298 |University of Santo Tomas 1930 1299 |Adamson University 1941 1300 [Adrian Wilson Rufino Tower 1301 |Andres Luna de San Pedro Chaco Building (Philtrust) 1302 |Andres Luna de San Pedro Crystal Arcade (demolish) 1303 |Andres Luna de San Pedro Department of Health 1304 [Andres Luna de San Pedro Evangelista House 56/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 1305 ae SM Megamall 1306 Antonio Sindiong VIP Building 1307 Department of Finance 1308 Department of Tourism 1309 |Antonio Toledo Leyte Capitol 1310 Lyric Theatre (demolish) 1311 Manila City Hall 1312 |Carlos Arguelles Manila Hilton 1313 |Carlos Arguelles Trader's ON (Holiday 1314 |Carlos Santos-Viola Iglesia ni Cristo 1315 |Carlos Santos-Viola Nuestra Sefiora de Guia 7 Our Lady of Lourdes 1316 |Carlos Santos-Viola Church 1317 |Cesar Concio Baclaran Church (Mother of Perpetual Help) 1318 |Cesar Concio Insular Life Building 1319 |Cesar Concio Union Church 1320 _|Cesar Concio UP Melchor Hall 1321_|Cesar Concio UP Palama Hall 1322 |Chika Go, Desu Go World Trade Exchange . Department of Foreign 1323 |Cresencio C. Castro ‘Affairs (ADB) 1324 |Cresencio C. Castro SM Makati i Ateneo de Manila 1325 |Felipe Mendoza University 1326 |Felipe Mendoza Ateneo de Manila University 1327 _|Felipe Mendoza FEU Hospital 1328 |Felipe Mendoza Mormon Temple 1329 |Fernando Ocampo Ambassador Hotel 1330_|Fernando Ocampo Manila Cathedral Philippine Women's 1331 |Fernando Ocampo University . Coconut Palace 1332 |Francisco Manosa (Tahanang Pilipino) . Corregidor Island 1333 |Francisco Manosa Landscaping 1334 |Francisco Manosa EDSA Shrine 1335 _|Francisco Manosa Metrorail Stations (LRT) 1336_|Francisco Manosa Moonwalk Church 1337 _|Gabino de Leon UE Chapel (Recto) 1338 _|Gabriel Formoso Metropolitan Museum 1339 _|Gabriel Formoso & Partners Glorietta 1340 _|Gabriel Formoso & Partners Greenbelt-3 1341 _|Gabriel Formoso & Partners Heritage Hotel 1342 |Gabriel Formoso & Partners Manila Peninsula 1343 |Gabriel Formoso & Partners Oakwood Towers 1344 |Gabriel Formoso & Partners Prudential Bank Building 1345 |Guillermo Tolentino Bonifacio Monument 1346 |Jorge Ramos Manila Golden Mosque 1347 |Jorge Ramos Philippine Heart Center 57/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 1439 |Gabriel Formoso Prudential Bank Ayala 1440 |William Coscolluela/ SOM RCBC Plaza (Yuchengco) 1441 |Antonio Sindiong Ritz Towers 1442 |Antonio Sindiong Pacific Plaza 1443 |Adrian Wilson Rufino Tower 1444 |Juan Nakpil Rufino Building 1445 |GF and Partners Shangrila Hotel Ayala . = Ateneo Professional 1446 |Franciso Mafosa Schools Building 1447 |William Coscolluela Atrium 1448 |GF and Partners Greenbelt 1449 |Recio Casas Greenbelt 2 1450 _|Leandro Locsin Greenbelt Chapel Oakwood Hotel (now 1451 |GF and Partners / SOM Ascott) 1452 |William Coscolluela/ SOM Philamlife Tower 1453 |Gabriel Formoso BA _Lepanto 1454 |Anonio Sindiong China Bank Building . Asian Institute of 1455 |Gabriel Formoso Management 1456 |Vicente C. Rodriguez/ Medi A. Nasrabadi Citibank Tower 1457 |Gabriel Formoso Dofia Narcisa De Leon Building " ; New World Hotel 1458 |Engracio Mariano (Renaissance) i Hotel Nikko Manila 1459 |Gabriel Formoso Garden (Dusit Hotel) 1460 |Rogelio Villarosa King's Court II 1461 _|Rogelio Villarosa Makati Sports Club 1462 |Angel Nakpil PLDT Dela Rosa 1463 |Recio Casas Shangrila Grand Tower 1464 |Otilio Arellano/ Felipe Mendoza RCBC Buendia 1465 [Antonio Sindiong Metrobank Buendia 1466 _|Gabriel P. Formoso Pacific Star 1467_|RMJM The Columns Buendia 1468 |Carlos Arguelles Development Bank of the Philippines 1469 |Antonio Sindiong Le Metropole 1470 |Leandro Locsin St. Andrews Church Amorsolo Square 1471 [Palafox/ SOM (Amorsolo East West) 1472 |Gabriel Formoso Coco Bank Makati 1473 |Jose Ma. Zaragoza Don Bosco Chapel 1474 |Pablo S. Antonio Sr. Manila Polo Club 1475 |Mafiosa Brothers Colegio de San Agustin 1476 |William Coscolluela Galleria De Magallanes 1477 |Leandro Locsin/ Dominic Galicia Magallanes Church 1478 |GF and Partners 1322 Roxas 1479 |Fernando Ocampo Admiral Apartments 1480 |Leandro V. Locsin Cultural Center of the Philippines 1481 |Leandro V. Locsin CCP Theater 60/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER Boulevard-Alhambra 1482 |Pablo S. Antonio Sr. Building now Bel-Air Apartments 1483 |Antonio Toledo Department of Finance . Department of Foreign 1484 |Cresencio De Castro Affairs ADB 1485 _|Gabriel Formoso Metropolitan Museum 1486 |Francisco Mafiosa Coconut Palace 1487 |Leandro V. Locsin PICC. 1488 |Leandro V. Locsin Philippine Plaza (Sofitel) F Manila Film Center/ Film 1489 [Froilan Hong Center of the Philippines Folk Arts Theater / 1490 |Leandro V. Locsin Tanghalang Francisco Balagtas 1491 |Jorge Ramos GSIS Building CCP 1492 |Leandro Locsin National Arts Center 1493 |Leandro Locsin PHILCITE 1494 |Carlos Arguelles/ Gabriel Formoso Manila Hilton 1495 |Gabriel Formoso (preservation) Fort San Antonio De Abad 1496 |Carlos Santos-Viola Nuestra Sefiora de Guia 1497 Alfredo Luz Magsaysay Center ; Central Bank of the 1498 |Gabriel Formoso Philippines in Vi Grand Boulevard Hotel 1499 |Rogelio Villarosa (Silahis Int'l) 1500 |Carlos Arguelles Holiday Inn (Trader's Hotel) 1501 _|Leandro V. Locsin Hyatt Regency Hotel a: Museo Pambata (Elks 1502 |William Parsons Club Building) 1503 |William Parsons/ Leandro V. Locsin Manila Hotel 1504 |Pablo S. Antonio Sr. Monterey Apartment 1505 |Arcenas, Payumo & Andrews Manila Midtown Hotel . Baclaran Church (Mother 1506 |Cesar Concio of Perpetual Help Church) . Manila International 1507 |Leandro Locsin Airport (NAIA 1) 1508 |Jose Ma. Zaragoza Philippine Airlines Bldg 1509 |Pablo S. Antonio Sr. Galaxy Theater 1510 |Pablo S. Antonio Sr. Ideal Theater 1511 _|Angel Nakpil Picache Building . Philippine Trust Building 1512 }Juan Nakpil (Plaza Goiti) 1513 |Juan Nakpil Quiapo Church 1514 |Carlos Arguelles PNB Escolta 1515 |Juan Nakpil Avenue Theater 1516 |Jose Ma. Zaragoza Casino Espafiol 1517 |Galvan Instituto Cervantes 1518 |Fernando Ocampo Ambassador Hotel 1519 |Fernando Ocampo Arguelles Building 61/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER Paterno Building Sta. 1520 |Fernando Ocampo Cruz 1521 |William Parsons Army Navy Club 1522 |Juan Hervas Assumption Convent 1523 |Juan Nakpil Capitol Theater 1524 |Juan Nakpil Ever Theater 1525 |Pablo S. Antonio Sr. Galaxy Theater 1526 |Antonio Toleda Lyric Theater 1527 |Pablo S. Antonio Sr. Ideal Theater 1528 |Federico llustre GSIS Building 1529 |Andres Luna de San Pedro Perez- Samanillo Building 1530 _|Angel Nakpil Petrona Apartments 1531 |Pablo S. Antonio Sr. Caplain Luis Gonzaga Building 1532_|Juan Nakpil Captain Pepe Building 1533 |Antonio Sindiong Cebe Plaza Building 1534 |Gabriel Formoso Metropolitan Museum 1535 _|Juan Arellano Metropolitan Theater 1536 _|Otilio Arellano Mehan Garden 1537_|William Parsons Museo _ng Maynila 1538 |Antonio Toledo Manila City Hall 1539 |Jose Ma. Zaragoza National Library 1540 |Juan Arellano Post Office Building 1541 _|Federico llustre Planetarium 1842 |Juan Arellano/ Toledo/Duane National Museum (Old Legislative Building) 1543 |Andres Luna de San Pedro Crystal Arcade 1544 |Andres Luna de San Pedro Regina Building Philippine Normal School/ 1545 |William Parsons and Antonio Toledo Philippine Normal University 1546 |Tomas B. Mapua De La Salle University 1547 |Tomas B. Mapua Nurses Home (PGH) 1548 |William Parsons/ Leandro V. Locsin PGH 1549 |Otilio Arellano National Burieau of Investigation 1550_|Cesar Canchela Manila Astral Tower. Department of Tourism 1551 |Antonio Toledo (agriculture and commerce) 1552 |Luis Araneta Manila Doctors Hospital 1553 |Carlos Arguelles Philam Life UN Ave. A Ramon Roces 1554 |Pablo S. Antonio Sr. Publications Building 1555 _|Pablo S. Antonio Sr. FEU Building 1556 _|Felipe Mendoza FEU Hospital 1557 _|Gabriel Formoso PLDT Espafia 1558 |Arcadio Arellano/ Juan Arellano Gota De Leche 1559 Alfredo Luz Far East Bank Intramuros 1560 _|Fernando Ocampo Manila Cathedral 1561 _|Juan Hervas Manila Highschool 62/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 1639 |Capitol of the United States Thorton, Latrobe, Bulfinch 1640 |National Gallery Of Art John Russel Pope 1641 _|Washington Monument Robert Mills 1642 |University of Virginia Thomas Jefferson 1643 |Massachusetts State House Charles Bulfinch 1644 |Saint Patrick's Cathedral James Renwick 1645 |Connecticut State Capitol Richard Upjohn 1646 _|Monticallo Thomas Jefferson 1647 |New York City Hall Pierre L'enfant 1648 |Fallingwater Frank Lloyd Wright 1649 |Guggenheim Museum Frank Lloyd Wright 1650 _|Coonley House Frank Lloyd Wright 1651_|Ennis House Frank Lloyd Wright 1652 |Johnson Wax Building Frank Lloyd Wright 1653 |Larkin Building Frank Lloyd Wright 1654 |Wingspread Frank Lloyd Wright 1655 _|Golden Gate Bridge Joseph Strauss 1656 |The Louvre Peirre Lescot 1657 |Tuileries 1658 _|Palais Royal 1659 |Sacre-coeur Paul Abadie, Lucien Magne 1660 _|Hotel de Ville Domencio de Cortona 1661 _|Arc de Triomphe 1662 |Pompidou Centre Richrad Rogers, Renzo Piano 1663 _|Notre Dame de Paris Maurice de Sully 1664 |ParisOpera House Charles Garnier 1665 _|Elysee Palace Claude Mollet 1666 _|Hotel de Invalides 1667 |La Madelaine Napoleon | 1668 |Sorbonne 1669 |Charles Cathedral 1670 |Amien's Cathedral 1671 |Rheims Cathedral 1672 |Eiffel Tower Gustave Eiffel 1673 |Notre Dame du Haut Le Corbusier 1674 |Villa Savoye Le Corbusier 1675 |Burgtheater Gottfried Semper with Karl Von Hasenaver . Georg Wenzeslaus Von 1676 |Berlin Opera House Knobelsdorf 1677 _|Wurzburg Residenz Balthazar Neumann 1678 |Einstein Tower Erich Mendelsohn 1679 |British Moseum Sir Robert Smirke 1680 _|Salisbury Cathedral 1681 |Queen's House Inigo Jones 1682 |Somerset House William Chambers 1683 |St. Paul's Cathedral Sir Christopher Wren 1684 |Chiswick House Lord Burlington 1685 _|Westminster Palace Sir Charles Barry 65/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER Charles Rennie 1686 |Glasgow School of Art Mackintosh 1687 |Durham cathedral 1688 |Buckingham Palace Sir George Goring 1689 |Temple of Heaven 1690 _|Hagia Sofia lsidoros and Anthemios 1691 |Cathedral of Siena 1692 |Pisa Cathedral 1693 |Florence Cathedral Arnolfo di Cambio 1694 |Krak des Chevaliers 1695 |Alhambra 1696 _|Casa Batllo Antonio Gaudi 1697 |Casa Mila Antonio Gaudi 1698 |Sagrada Familia Antonio Gaudi 1699 |Taj Mahal Emperor Shah Jahan 1700 _|Paoay Church Antonio Estavillo 1701 _|Vigan Church 1702 |Santa Maria Church Benigno Fernandez 1703 |Tumauini Church 1704 |Angat Church 1705 _|Barasoain Church 1706 |San Sebastian Church Genaro Palacios 1707 _|San Augustine Church Juan Macias 1708 |Taal Church Fray Marcos Anton 1709 |Daraga Church 1710 _|Miagao Church 1711 |Santo Nino de Cebu Basilica Fray Juan de Albarran 1712 |PBCom Tower Skidmore, Owings, Merill 1713 |Petron Mega Plaza Skidmore, Owings, Merill , Kohn Pedersen Fox Recio 1714 |G.T. International Tower Casas 1715 |Robinson's Equitable Tower HOK Kohn Pedersen Fox Recio 1716 |ICEC (LKG) Tower Casas 1717 |Pacific Plaza Tower 1& 2 Arquitectonica 1718 |Roxas Triangle 1 & 2 Skidmore, Owings, Merill 1719 Petronas Tower Cesar Pelli & Associates Skidmore, Owings and 1720 |Sears Tower Merill . a Skidmore, Owings and 1721 |Jin Mao Building Merill Skidmore, Owings and 1722 |Plaza Rakyat Merill 1723 |Empire State Building Shreve Lamb & Harmon Dennis Lau and Ng Chu 1724 {Central Plaza Man and Associates 1725 |Bank of China I.M. Pei & Partners 1726 |Emirates Tower | NORR Group Consultants 66/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 1727 |The Center Hellmuth, Obata & 1728 |T & C Tower Kassabuam/Cy Lee 1729 [AON Center Edward D. Stone & Skidmore, Owings and 1730 |John Hancock Center Merill 9 1731 [Shun Hing Square K.Y. Cheung Design _ Dennis Lau and Ng Chu 1732 |Citic Plaza (Sky Center Plaza) Man g 1783 |Burj Al-Arab Hotel Tom Wright of WS Atkins 1734 |Baiyoke Tower 2 Plan Architect Co. 1735 _|Chrysler Building William Van Allen i Johnson/Burgee 1736 |Bank of American Palza Architects ; Pei Cobb Freed and 1737 |Library Tower Partners 1738 |Malaysia Telecom HQ Hijjas Kasturi Associates 1739 |AT & T Corporate Center Peter Ellis, SOM Pei Cobb Freed and 1740 |Chase Tower Partners Baikdoosan Architects 1741 |Ryugyong Hotel &Engineers the first architect to be conferred the National Artist award in 1973 for ~..- his outstanding talents and services in creating edifices, both private and public, that are conceptually well designed and conscientiously executed ” 1. Geronimo Reyes Building 2. Capitol Theatre 3. Rizal theatre i 1742 4. Manila Jockey Club Juan Nakpil 5. Quezon Institue 6. UP administration building (Quezon Hall) 7. Library Building (Gonzales Hall) 8. SSS (use of folded concrete plates as aesthetic features) o 2nd National Artist of Architecture o Buildings: 1. Bel-Air Alhambra Apartments. 2. Syquia Apartments 3. Sea Tower apartments 1743 |4. Far Eastern University Building Pablo Antonio 5. Ideal Theatre 6. Lyric Theatre 7. May building (brise soleil) 67/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 1790 Agriculture Bldg ( w/ Arellano) 1791 Finance Bldg 1792 Baclaran Church 1793 US Protestant Church 1794 Perpetual Help Church 1795 UP Eng'g & liberal Arts Bldg. 1796 Childrens Hospital Cesar Concio 1797 ABS CBN QC. 1798 DBP - Makati 1799 Manila Hilton 1800 UPLB Masterplan 1801 UP Social Science & Humanities Center Carlos Arguelles 1802 Malacanang 1803 Manila Hotel 1804 PGH (Tomas Mapua) 1805 Phil. Normal college William Parson 1806 Manila Cathedral Rehabilitation 1807 UST Chapel 1808 Antipolo Church 1809 Fernando Ocampo 1810 Baguio 1811 Luneta Park 1812 Old Congress Bldg. (Legislative Bldg) Daniel Burnham 1813 T. Manila Hotel 2. Army & Navy Club 3. Philippine General Hospital 4. Philippine Normal School 5. Women’s Dormitory of the Normal School 6. University Hall of the University of the Philippipnes (Padre Faura) 7. YMCA building 8. Elk’s Club 9. Manila Club 10. “Gabaldon’” schoolhouse, most visible, 5 prototypes William Parson 1814 Arcadio Arellano 1815 Manila POLO Club 1816 FEU Main Bldg 1817 Lyric Ideal Theather 1818 Jai Alai Pablo Antonio 1819 Central bank of the Philippines 1820 Asian Inst. Of Managemnt - Makati Gabriel Formoso (GF) 1821 San Agustin Church Antonio Herrera 1822 UST Main Bldg Fr. Roque Roano 1823 Araneta Coliseum Rufino Antonio 1824 Sto. Domingo Church 1825 Quiapo Church (1985 Restoration) Jose Ma. Zaragosa 1826 Iglesia ni Kristo 1827 New Era 1828 Rustans QC 1829 Sulo Hotel reconstruction Carlos Santos Viola 1830 Vista De Loro Renato Punzalan ( 1995 UAP design Awardee for Architecture) 70/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 1831 |San Beda Chapel 1832 _|1. Legarda Elementary School — French renaissance 2. Rafael Fernandez House — French renaissance and official residence of Corazon 1833 . . , Aquino during her presidency 1834 |3. Perez-Samanillo Building — art deco and modern style Andres Luna de san 1835 4. Crystal Arcade — art deco and modern style, precursor of the modern-day Pedro shopping mall 1836 5. Perkin’s House — also known as “El Nido” (The Nest), awarded first prize in Manila’s 1925 House Beautiful Contest 1837 _|Malacanang residence 1838 _|UP Catholic Chapel 1839 |St. Andres Church - Makati 1840 _|Mandarin hotel Istana Nurul Iman (Palace of Religious Light) — the palace of the Sultan of Brunei, 1841 |which reinterprets traditional Islamic Southeast Asian motifs based on a modernist a Leandro Locsin idiom 1842 |National Arts Center 1843 |NAIA 1844 |Manila Hotel , New 1845 |CCP, PICC, FAT, Philcite,etc 1846 |Edsa Shrine Coconut Palace a luxurious guesthouse at the CCP Complex. It showcased a 1847 |double roof reminiscent of the salakot (a wide brimmed hat) and swing-out (naka- C Francisco Manosa tukod) window borrowed from the bahay kubo 1848 |Las Pinas Church Restoration 1849 |San Miguel Office bldg. - Ortigas 1850 _|Antonio Pacific 1851 _|Pacific Plaza 1852 Ali Mall Antonio Sidiong 1853 _|SM 1854 |China Bank - Paseo de Roxas 1855 _|Tektite Tower 1856 _|National Bookstores 1857 |Shangrila Edsa Plaza 1858 [Shangrila Makati Rogelio Villarosa 1859 |Kings Court 1&2 1860 _|Silahis Hotel 1861 _|Stella Maris College 1862 |Manila Doctors Hospital Luis Araneta 1863 |Times Theater 1864 |Makati Med. Center 1865 _|Quezon City Hall Ruperto Gaite 1866 |De La salle University T Mi 1867 _|Nurses Home omas Mapua 1868 |: UY-CHACO building 1869 Tomas Arguelles 1870 Carlos Baretto o Magsaysay Center 1871 [0 WHO building Alfredo Luz o Ermita Center 1872 |Robinson's Galeria William Coscolluela 1873 |Quiapo Mosque laraa Ramne 71/73 PREPARED BY: ALEXANDER N. SAN ANDRES HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE REVIEWER 1874 |Phil. Heart center oer 1875 |Meralco Building Jose Zaragosa o Feati University Building 1876 |° Ambassador Hotel (1 st skyscraper 4flrs) Fernando Ocampo o UST seminary building + PLDT TOWER, Ayala avenue, Makati City + 6790, Ayala avenue, Makati City * CITIBANK TOWER, Paseo de Roxas, Makati City (PRS) PIMENTEL, 1877 + AYALA LIFE FGU, Ayala avenue, Makati City RODRIGUEZ, SIMBULAN + EQUITABLE BANK TOWERS, & PATNERS + RENNAISANCE 2000 +» RENNAISANCE TOWERS 1878 |s AYALA TOWER 1, Ayala Avenue, Makati City (consultant: S.O.M.) LOCSIN & PARTNERS + PACIFIC PLAZA TOWERS, Fort Bonifacio (arquitectonica) + ICEC TOWER, manila (Kohn Petersen Fox Associates) 1879 |» KINGSWOOD, Vito Cruz, Makati City RECIO + CASAS * MANANSALA TOWER, Rockwell center, Makati City * GT INTERNATIONAL TOWER, Ayala avenue, Makati City 1880 * OAKWOOD PREMIER RESIDENCE GABRIEL FORMOSO & + PBCOM TOWER, Ayala avenue, Makati City PARTNERS + PETRON, MEGAPLAZA 1881 |+ JINMAO TOWER SOM * ROCKWELL (S.O.M.) 1882 |» FORBES TOWER, manila (RMJM London unlimited) Palafox 1883 |* ONE SAN MIGUEL, ortigas Recto ae PEI COBB FREED & 1884 |» ESSENSA TOWERS (Pablo Antonio jr) PARTNERS 1885 |Clasiao Church, Pangasinan ROMAN Dalinao 1886 _|Laoag Church, Ilocos Norte Joseph Ruiz 1887 |Las Pinas Church Fr. Diego cera 1888 |Loboc Church Bohol 1889 |Manila Cathedral Salazar 1890 |Miagao Church, iloilo Comporedando & Gonzales 1891 |Morong Church, Rizal dela Madre 1892 |Panay Church, Rizal 1893 |Quiapo Church restored by Nakpil & zaragosa 1894 |San Agustin Church Macias 1895 |World Trade Center — Minoro Yamasaki 1896 |Jose Ma. Zaragosa 1897 |Carlos Arguelles 1898 |Edmundo Lucero . 1899 |Francisco Fajardo Hezagon Architects 1900 |Gavino de Leon 1901 _|Cezar de dios 1902 |Antonio Turalba - Architecture 72/73 PRO Awardee 1008
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