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Are Wisconsin Public School Teachers Really Underpaid?, Study notes of Statistics

It concludes with a dis- cussion of labor unions and their effects on teacher salaries. Whether certain employees are underpaid or not will always remain a ...

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Download Are Wisconsin Public School Teachers Really Underpaid? and more Study notes Statistics in PDF only on Docsity! Wisconsin Interest 33 Most people would agree t h a t Wisconsin's school- teachers perform some of the most important work done in the state. Most also would probably agree that Wisconsin's public school teachers are markedly underpaid. That view is wide- spread. But are they in fact underpaid? The question has received surprisingly little attention, and several facts relevant to it have been obscured by the marketing and pro- paganda of Wisconsin’s largest teacher’s union, the Wisconsin Educational Association Council (WEAC).1 Getting at the Question The following report addresses the ques- tion of teacher pay by reference to publicly available data from the U.S. Department of Census2 for a statistically significant sample of 15,202 Wisconsin employees (from 1994 to 20023). Of these employees, 775 were school- teachers. The data include information about age, weekly wage, union status, education, weeks worked, occupation, industry, and employment sector (public or private). This analysis compares wages earned by Wisconsin public school teachers to the wages of private school teachers and to wages earned by other workers with similar educational levels. It also exam- ines experience, union status, and sector of employ- ment as these factors relate to wages. These analyses con- trol for differences in weeks worked, as well as fringe bene- fits, for teachers and other employees. It concludes with a dis- cussion of labor unions and their effects on teacher salaries. Whether certain employees are underpaid or not will always remain a question of judg- ment, with answers depending in part on beliefs about underlying values. One can argue that, because of the importance of their jobs, teachers or fire fighters or police officers or res- cue workers — and many others — deserve to be paid more. In the absence of an agreed- upon scale of importance to be used for rank- ing the occupations in question, there is no way to respond rationally to such arguments. In the real world, nonetheless, employers must decide how much employees are worth, and these decisions become matters of public importance when taxpayer dollars are ARE WISCONSIN PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS REALLY UNDERPAID? M. SCOTT NIEDERJOHN M. Scott Niederjohn is a Doctoral Candidate, Department of Economics, The University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee. involved. Ordinarily, the labor market shapes these decisions through the interaction of the supply and demand for workers. The market mechanism may be distorted, however, by var- ious outside influences. This paper will show that distortions in the labor market for teachers are partially responsible for the perception that teachers are underpaid. Underpaid Compared to What? To ascertain whether public school teach- ers are really underpaid, consider first a com- parison between the salaries earned by teach- ers in public and private schools. In providing instruction, private and public school teachers do similar work, but of course private school salaries are funded by churches or school tuition payments. Table 1 shows average Wisconsin public and private school teacher salaries for teachers with 4-year college degrees as well as master’s degrees. These data clearly show that public school teachers are compensated more handsomely than their pri- vate school peers. In fact, the average public school teacher with a bachelor’s degree makes about 23 percent more than his or her private school counterpart. For those with master’s degrees, the public school salary premium is about 20 percent. Clearly public school teach- ers are not underpaid in comparison to private school teachers. WEAC does not comment on this point; however, it is commonly known that private school teachers make less than their public school colleagues — in part because of tight parochial school budgets and because many private school teachers are will- ing to accept a lesser salary in order to work for a cause (and children) they deeply care for. Other factors may also be relevant, including perhaps differences in years of service for the average teachers in each group. It may also be important, therefore, to compare public school teacher salaries to salaries earned by other public sector employ- ees. Table 1 also includes average salaries of Wisconsin (Non-Teacher) public employees. These data show that public school teachers with 4-year degrees earn salaries almost iden- tical to the salaries of other public employees with 4-year degrees. When a teacher earns a master’s degree, he or she outpaces equivalent public sector employees by about 5 percent. Lastly, it is interesting to compare public school teacher salaries with salaries earned by Wisconsin private sector employees. In claim- ing that they are underpaid, teachers refer fre- quently to private sector salaries. Here the data show that teachers have a point. Private sector employees with 4-year college degrees earn, on average, about 16 percent more than public school teachers. For those with master’s degrees, the difference favoring private sector employees is about 13 percent. Does this com- parison end the debate? Does this make WEAC’s point? It would if the comparison involved apples and apples; however, it clear- ly does not. The salary differences in question are related to two other important differences between private sector employees and public school teachers; the first of these has to do with the length of the work year for each group. Fall 200234 TABLE 1 AVERAGE WEEKLY (AND YEARLY) SALARIES OF SELECTED WISCONSIN EMPLOYEES Public School Private School Public Private Teachers Teachers Employees Employees (Non-Teachers) (Non-Teachers) 4-Year College $788 $642 $780 $912 Degree ($40,976) ($33,384) ($40,560) ($47,424) Master’s Degree $1004 $838 $958 $1130 ($52,208) ($43,576) ($49,816) ($58,760) than comparable private or public sector employees. The average yearly salary for pub- lic school teachers in their first five years of employment is $28,600. However, once this salary figure is annualized, it jumps to $34,606. As a point of reference for interpreting this fig- ure, Chart 1 shows the average weekly salary, by years of experience, for selected occupa- tions. The data show that public school teacher salaries, adjusted for days worked, place teach- ers among the best-compensated employees at nearly every range of experience. Unionized Trades: A Better Comparison? Public school teaching is clearly a profes- sional occupation. It requires a 4-year degree from an accredited college. It attracts some highly professional workers, devoted to their students and to scholarship. Among many citi- zens it commands great respect and admira- tion. This being said, the salary bargaining practices of Wisconsin public school teachers closely resemble the bargaining practices of union tradespeople. Unlike the pay of other professional employees, teacher pay is based solely on education and time on the job. Job performance is not part of the equation. With this in mind, it would be remiss not to compare Wisconsin public school teacher salaries to those of other unionized employees. Table 4 shows data from this analysis. The average unionized schoolteacher in Wisconsin makes $881 per week. Even without calculat- ing for weeks worked, this salary is significant- ly higher than that earned by non-unionized teachers (25 percent), all non-teacher union- ized employees (21 percent) and all 4-year, Wisconsin Interest 37 $0 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 $1,200 < 5 5 to 10 11 to 20 21 to 30 31 to 40 Years of Experience Public School Teacher Public School Teacher (Adjusted) Public Employee (Non-Teacher) Private Employee (Non-Teacher) CHART 1 WEEKLY AVERAGE SALARIES BY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE TABLE 4 AVERAGE WEEKLY SALARIES OF SELECTED WISCONSIN EMPLOYEES, CONTROLLING FOR UNION STATUS Unionized All Non-Teacher All Non-Teacher Non-Union School Wisconsin Unionized Wisconsin Unionized School Teachers Employees Employees with 4-Year Degree Teachers $881 $728 $762 $705 degreed, non-teaching, unionized employees (16 percent). Labor Markets, the Teacher’s Union, and the QEO Conventional labor economic theory states that workers are paid their marginal products (or their value). In real labor markets, theory never matches reality perfectly, given various labor market distortions or wage rigidities. There are always some workers who make too much, some who make too little, and some who make just the right salary. In a competi- tive labor market, the majority of workers fall into the “just right” category. To illustrate this point, consider any industry where many firms compete to make some product. Any employee who makes too much will eventual- ly be eliminated, as firms are trying to maxi- mize their profits and cannot afford to pay someone more than the value he or she adds. Any employee who makes too little will even- tually leave the company and find a job at a competitor who will pay more. Given enough time, the market settles near some point of equilibrium where most people make what they are worth. In the case of public school teachers this model does not apply. Most public school teachers are organized in labor unions, and this mode of organization distorts the labor market for teachers. Unionized teachers are not paid their marginal product (or value); they are paid the collective value of everyone in the group. Accordingly, many good teachers are paid too little, many poor teachers are paid too much, and most teachers are not paid what is just right. This is the type of equilibrium that results when a person’s salary is not based on the value he or she adds. If quality teachers in Wisconsin really wanted to raise their salaries (to what they are worth), they would concentrate on breaking their union, as opposed to spending time wor- rying about Wisconsin's Qualified Economic Offer (QEO).10 As my analysis has shown, the problem for teachers is not one of a v e r a g e teacher salaries; it is an allocation problem — one of allocating the total pot of money available for raises. Consider an example using a 3.8 percent (as mandated by the QEO) across-the-board raise. I’m sure a good teacher would be thrilled to receive a raise of 7.6 percent. However, a poorly performing teacher would then have to receive no raise. This is how it is done in the private sector. Merit based pay is the real answer to the reasonable complaints of good teachers about their salaries.11 Too many good teachers are effectively “passing” their poten- tially higher salaries on to weak performers through the contract provisions negotiated in collective bargaining. Some Teachers Are Underpaid Only one argument about underpaid teachers actually holds water. That is an argu- ment on behalf of the best teachers. Because of labor union contracts, teachers’ salaries are basically homogenous. The difference between the highest and lowest is much closer than it is in most occupations. As mentioned earlier, the salary premiums are essentially taken from the best teachers and given to the worst teachers, since compensation is not a function of perfor- mance or quality. This point is illustrated in Table 5. The difference between the highest and lowest salaries for Wisconsin public school teachers is much smaller than this difference in other occupations. In fact, when compared to the private sector, the difference is more than 63 percent smaller. Fall 200238 TABLE 5 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM WEEKLY SALARIES FOR SELECTED WISCONSIN EMPLOYEES Public School Public Employees Private Sector Teachers (Non-Teaching) Employees $1,680 $2,581 $2,739 The big differences here are generated on the high-end, as the low-end salaries are nearly identical in all of the occupation groups. The data show that in the public school teaching profession, the best-of-the-best make less than comparable employees in other fields. Conclusions Are Wisconsin's public school teachers in fact underpaid, or is the underpayment argu- ment a product of teacher union propaganda? An analysis of a U.S. census survey data on wages finds no evidence that Wisconsin's pub- lic school teachers are underpaid in compari- son to their peer groups. In fact, quite the con- trary. When public school teacher salaries are adjusted for the number of weeks teachers work each year, it becomes clear that teachers are among some of the most highly compen- sated employees in the state. Public school teacher salaries dwarf those of private school teachers. Before adjusting for time worked, moreover, public school teacher salaries are very close to the salaries of other public sector employees. Once the time- worked adjustment is added, teacher salaries are revealed as significantly higher than the salaries of other public employees and even private sector employees. Unionized public school teachers also make significantly more than other unionized state employees. An analysis of public school teacher health insur- ance benefits reveals another compensation advantage over other Wisconsin employees. If there is any inequity revealed in this analysis of teacher salaries, it is one related to the effects of collective bargaining. Because collectively bargained teacher salaries are not based on merit, the best teachers make signifi- cantly less than the top employees of other labor market sectors, even though the a v e r a g e public school teacher salary remains very high. Notes 1. S e e Thomas Hruz, “Wisconsin Teacher Compensation: A Bum Deal or a Plum Deal?” W I Wisconsin Interest, Vol. 10, No. 3 (Fall 2001), for a dis- cussion of WEAC positions and propaganda. 2. Current Population Survey data available from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics at <> 3. Because a small percentage of those surveyed include salary data, this analysis had to use many years of data. The salary data are adjusted for inflation using the Consumer Price Index. 4. Wisconsin’s largest school district contract calls for 191 workdays (this includes three days of vacation, so actual days worked total 188). See “Contract between Milwaukee Board of School Directors and the Milwaukee Teacher Education Association”, July 1, 1999-June 30, 2001, page 56. Available from Milwaukee Teachers Education Association (MTEA) <> Information in this articles was obtained from the labor relations department at the Milwaukee Public Schools. 5. The figure on the left is generated assuming school- teachers work 21% fewer days that other employees. This estimate was made in The Great Underpaid Teacher Myth , American Legislative Exchange Council, March 2001. The figure on the right assumes that schoolteachers work 9% fewer days than other employees. This estimate is from the actual CPS data where employees were asked to record the number of weeks they work per year. The average teacher responded with 47 weeks. 6. S e e Thomas Hruz, “Wisconsin Teacher Compensation: A Bum Deal or a Plum Deal?” W I : Wisconsin Interest , Vol. 10, No. 3 (Fall 2001), for more discussion of the other benefits afforded public school teachers. 7. “2001-2002 Health Insurance Cost Comparisons – Statewide,” available at Interestingly, this report shows that many school districts, includ- ing Milwaukee Public Schools, pay 100% of teacher health insurance premiums. 8. “Employee Medical Contributions are on the Rise,” U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Data are from a 1995 Employee Benefits Survey of medium and large private establishments. 9. See Mark Browne and Linda Leetch. Health Insurance for Public School Teachers in Wisconsin: A Good Value for Taxpayers or a Case of Market Abuse? Wisconsin Policy Research Institute Report. Vol. 13, No. 8 (December 2000). 10. The QEO was mandated by the 1993 Wisconsin State Budget and allows school districts to restrict teachers’ annual salary and benefit increases to 3.8% without going to binding arbitration. 11. For a discussion of merit based pay see Thomas Hruz, “Quality Control: Merit Pay and Why the Teachers’ Unions Stand in the Way.” WI: Wisconsin Interest, Vol. 9, No. 3 (Fall 2000), pp.19-25. Wisconsin Interest 39
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