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Biolmisc Exam 2 Health Assessment Study: Questions & Answers Best Exam Solution, Exams of Biology

A comprehensive study guide for the biolmisc exam 2 health assessment, featuring questions and answers for various topics related to client needs, safe and effective care environment, and management of care. The guide covers cognitive levels such as understanding, analyzing, and applying, and is updated for the 2022/2023 academic year.

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Download Biolmisc Exam 2 Health Assessment Study: Questions & Answers Best Exam Solution and more Exams Biology in PDF only on Docsity! BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, EXAM2HEALTHASSESSMENTSTUDYQUESTIONS CHAPTER 1MULTIPLECH OICE  Aftercompletinganinitialassessmentofapatient,thenursehaschartedthathisresp irations areeupneicandhispulseis 58beats per minute.Thesetypesof datawould be: a. Objective. b. Reflective. c. Subjective. d. Introspective. ANS:A Objective data are what the health professional observes by inspecting, percussing, palpating,and auscultating during the physical examination. Subjective data is what the person says abouthim or herself during history taking. The terms reflective and introspective are not used todescribedata. DIF: CognitiveLevel:Understanding(Comprehension) BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, REF:p.2MSC:ClientNeeds:SafeandEffectiveCareEnvironm ent:ManagementofCare  A patient tells the nurse that he is very nervous, is nauseated, and “feels hot.” These types of datawouldbe: a. Objective. b. Reflective. c. Subjective. d. Introspective. ANS:C Subjective data are what the person says about him or herself during history taking. Objectivedata are what the health professional observes by inspecting, percussing, palpating, andauscultatingduringthephysicalexamination.Theterms reflectiveandintrospectivearenotusedto describedata. DIF: CognitiveLevel:Understanding(Comprehension) REF:p.2MSC:ClientNeeds:SafeandEffectiveCareEnvironm ent:ManagementofCare BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, immediate (e.g.,establishinganairway,supportingbreathing,maintainingcirculation,monito ringabnormalvitalsigns)(seeTable1-1). DIF: CognitiveLevel:Understanding(Comprehension) REF:p.4MSC:ClientNeeds:SafeandEffectiveCareEnvironm ent:ManagementofCare  When considering priority setting of problems, the nurse keeps in mind that second-level priorityproblemsincludewhich of theseaspects? a. Lowself-esteem b. Lackofknowledge c. Abnormallaboratoryvalues d. Severelyabnormal vitalsigns ANS:C Second-level priority problems are those that require prompt intervention to forestall furtherdeterioration (e.g., mental status change, acute pain, abnormal laboratory values, risks to safetyorsecurity)(seeTable1-1). DIF: CognitiveLevel:Understanding(Comprehension) BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, REF:p.4MSC:ClientNeeds:SafeandEffectiveCareEnvironm ent:ManagementofCare  Whichcriticalthinkingskillhelpsthenurseseerelationshipsamongthedata? a. Validation b. Clusteringrelatedcues c. Identifyinggapsindata BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, d. Distinguishingrelevantfromirrelev ant ANS:B Clusteringrelatedcueshelpsthenurseseerelationshipsamongthedata. DIF: CognitiveLevel:Understanding(Comprehension) REF:p.2MSC:ClientNeeds:SafeandEffectiveCareEnvironm ent:ManagementofCare  Thenurseknowsthatdevelopingappropriatenursinginterventionsforapatien treliesontheappropriatenessofthe diagnosis. a. Nursing b. Medical c. Admission d. Collaborative ANS:A An accurate nursing diagnosis provides the basis for the selection of nursing interventions toachieveoutcomesforwhichthenurseisaccountable.Theotheritems donotcontributetothedevelopmentof appropriatenursing interventions. BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, d,body,and spirit as interdependent. The basis of disease originates from both the external environmentand from within the person. Both the individual human and the external environment are opensystems, continually changing and adapting, and each person is responsible for his or her ownpersonal healthstate. DIF: CognitiveLevel:Understanding(Comprehension) REF:p.7MSC:ClientNeeds:SafeandEffectiveCareEnvironm ent:ManagementofCare CHAPTER5 MULTIPLECHO ICE  Duringanexamination,thenursecanassessmentalstatusbywhichactivity? a. Examiningthepatie nt’selectroencepha logram BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, b. Observing the patient as he or sheperformsanintelligencequotien t(IQ)test c. Observing the patient and inferring healthordysfunction d. Examiningthepatient’srespon setoaspecific setof questions ANS:C Mental status cannot be directly scrutinized like the characteristics of skin or heart sounds. Itsfunctioning is inferred through an assessment of an individual’s behaviors, such asconsciousness,language, moodandaffect,andother aspects. PTS: 1 DIF: CognitiveLevel:Understanding(Comprehension)REF: p.67 MSC:Client Needs:Psychosocial Integrity  Thenurseisassessingthementalstatus ofachild.Whichstatementaboutchildrenandmentalstatusis true? a. Allaspects BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, ofmentalstatusinchildrenare interdependent. b. Childrenarehighlylabileandun stableuntil theageof 2years. c. Children’smentalstatusislar gelyafunction of their parents’ level offunctioninguntilthe ageof7years. d. A child’s mental status is impossible toassess until the child develops the abilitytoconcentrate. ANS:A Separating and tracing the development of only one aspect of mental status is difficult. Allaspects are interdependent. For example, consciousness is rudimentary at birth because thecerebralcortexisnotyetdeveloped.Theinfantcannotdistinguishtheselffromt hemother’sbody.Theother statementsarenottrue. PTS: 1 DIF: BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score,  Whenassessingaging adults,thenurseknowsthatoneofthefirstthingsthatshould beassessedbefore makingjudgmentsabouttheirmentalstatus is: a. Presenceofphobias b. Generalintelligence c. Presenceofirrationalthinkingpatter ns d. Sensory-perceptiveabilities ANS:D Age- relatedchangesinsensoryperceptioncanaffectmentalstatus.Forexample,visionlo ss(asdetailed in Chapter 14) may result in apathy, social isolation, and depression. Hearing changesare common in older adults, which produces frustration, suspicion, and social isolation andmakestheperson appear confused. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Analyzing (Analysis)REF: p.68 MSC:ClientNeeds: PsychosocialIntegrity  Thenurseispreparingtoconductamentalstatusexamination.Whichstatementis trueregardingthe mentalstatusexamination? BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, a. Apatient’sfamilyisthe bestresourceforinformation about the patient’s copingskills. b. Gathering mental status informationduring the health history interview isusuallysufficient. c. Integratingthementalstatusexami nationinto the health history interview takes anenormousamountofextratime. d. Togetagoodideaofthepatient’sleve loffunctioning, performing a completemental status examination is usuallynecessary. ANS:B Thefullmentalstatusexaminationisasystematiccheckofemotionalandcognitivefun ctioning.The steps described, however, rarely need to be taken in their entirety. Usually, one can assessmental statusthrough the contextofthe healthhistoryinterview. BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Applying (Application)REF: p.68 MSC:Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity  A woman brings her husband to the clinic for an examination. She is particularly worriedbecause after a recent fall, he seems to have lost a great deal of his memory of recent events.Whichstatement reflects the nurse’s best courseofaction? a. Performacompletementalstatus BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, begins the mental statusexamination and finds that the patient has dysarthric speech and is lethargic. The nurse’s bestapproachregardingthis examination is to: a. Plantodefertherestofthementalst atusexamination. b. Skipthelanguage portionofthe BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, examination,andproceedontoass essingmoodand affect. c. Conduct an in-depth speech evaluation,anddeferthementalstat usexaminationtoanother time. d. Proceed with the examination, and assessthe patient for suicidal thoughts becausedysarthriaisoftenaccomp aniedbyseveredepression. ANS:A In the mental status examination, the sequence of steps forms a hierarchy in which the most basicfunctions (consciousness, language) are assessed first. The first steps must be accurately assessedto ensure validity of the steps that follow. For example, if consciousness is clouded, then theperson cannot be expected to have full attention and to cooperate with new learning. If languageis impaired, then a subsequent assessment of new learning or abstract reasoning (anything thatrequireslanguagefunctioning) cangiveerroneous conclusions. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Analyzing BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, (Analysis)REF: p.69 MSC:ClientNeeds: PsychosocialIntegrity  A 19-year-old woman comes to the clinic at the insistence of her brother. She is wearing blackcombat boots and a black lace nightgown over the top of her other clothes. Her hair is dyed pinkwith black streaks throughout. She has several pierced holes in her nares and ears and is wearingan earringthrough her eyebrowandheavyblack makeup.Thenurseconcludesthat: a. Sheprobablydoesnothaveanyprobl ems. b. She is only trying to shock people and thatherdress shouldbeignored. c. Shehasamanicsyndromebecauseo fherabnormal dress and grooming. d. More information should be gathered todecidewhetherherdressisappr opriate. ANS:D BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, (Analysis)REF: pp.70-71 MSC:ClientNeeds: PsychosocialIntegrity  Duringamentalstatusexamination,thenursewantstoassessapatient’saffect.Then urseshouldaskthepatientwhichquestion? a. “Howdoyou feeltoday?” b. “Wouldyoupleaserepeatthefollo wingwords?” c. “Havethesemedicationshadanyeff ectonyour pain?” d. “Hasthispainaffectedyourabilityt ogetdressed byyourself?” ANS:A Judge mood and affect by body language and facial expression and by directly asking, “How doyoufeeltoday?”or“Howdoyouusuallyfeel?”Themoodshouldbeappropriatet otheperson’splaceandconditionandshould appropriatelychange with thetopics. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Applying (Application)REF: p.70 MSC:Client Needs: BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, Psychosocial Integrity  Thenurseisplanning toassessnewmemorywitha patient.Thebest wayforthenursetodothiswouldbeto: a. AdministertheFACTtest. b. Askhimtodescribe hisfirstjob. BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, c. GivehimtheFourUnrelatedWordsT est. d. Askhimtodescribewhattelevisions howhe was watching before coming to theclinic. ANS:C Ask questions that can be corroborated, which screens for the occasional person whoconfabulatesormakesupanswerstofillinthegapsofmemoryloss.TheFourUnr elatedWordsTest tests the person’s ability to lay down new memories and is a highly sensitive and validmemorytest. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Applying (Application)REF: p.71 MSC:Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity  A 45-year-old woman is at the clinic for a mental status assessment. In giving her the FourUnrelatedWordsTest,thenursewouldbeconcernedifshecouldnot fourunrelatedwords . a. Invent;within5minutes BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, sidewalk?” ANS:B A person exercises judgment when he or she can compare and evaluate the alternatives in asituationandreachanappropriatecourseofaction.Ratherthantestingtheperson’s responsetoahypothetical situation (as illustrated in the option with the envelope), the nurse should be moreinterested in the person’s judgment about daily or long-term goals, the likelihood of acting inresponsetodelusionsorhallucinations,andthe capacityforviolent orsuicidalbehavior. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Applying (Application)REF: p.74 MSC:Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity  Whichofthese individualswouldthenurseconsider athighestriskforasuicideattempt? a. Manwhojokesaboutdeath b. Womanwho,duringapastepiso deofmajordepression,attempt edsuicide BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, c. Adolescent who just broke up with herboyfriendandstatesthatshewou ldliketokill herself d. Olderadultmanwhotellsthenurs ethathe is going to “join his wife in heaven”tomorrowand plansto useagun ANS:D When the person expresses feelings of sadness, hopelessness, despair, or grief, assessing anypossible risk of physical harm to him or herself is important. The interview should begin withmore general questions. If the nurse hears affirmative answers, then he or she should continuewith morespecificquestions.Aprecise suicideplantotakeplacein thenext 24to48hourswithuseof alethalmethodconstitutes high risk. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Applying (Application)REF: p.74 MSC:Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity  The nurse is performing a mental status assessment on a 5-year-old girl. Her BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, parents areundergoingabitterdivorceandareworriedabouttheeffectitishavingontheirda ughter.Whichactionorstatementmightleadthe nursetobeconcernedabout thegirl’smentalstatus? a. Sheclingstohermotherwheneve rthenurse is in theroom. b. Sheappearsangryand willnotmake eyecontactwiththenurse. c. Hermotherstatesthatshehasbeg untoridea tricyclearound theiryard. d. Hermotherstatesthatherdaughter preferstoplaywithtoddlersinsteado f kidsher ownagewhileindaycare. ANS:D The mental status assessment of infants and children covers behavioral, cognitive, andpsychosocial development and examines how the child is coping with his or her environment.Essentially,thenurseshouldfollowthesameAssociationforBehavior BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score,  The nurse is performing the Denver II screening test on a 12-month-old infant during a routinewell-child visit.The nurse should tell the infant’sparentsthat theDenver II: a. Teststhreeareasofdevelopment: cognitive,physical,andpsychologica l b. Will indicate whether the child has aspeech disorder so that treatment canbegin. c. Isascreeninginstrumentdesig nedtodetect children who are slow indevelopment. d. Is a test to determine intellectual abilityand may indicate whether problems willdevelop laterin school. ANS:C The Denver II is a screening instrument designed to detect developmental delays in infants andpreschoolers. It tests four functions: gross motor, language, fine motor-adaptive, and personal-social. The Denver II is not an BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, intelligence test; it does not predict current or future intellectualability. Itis not diagnostic;it does notsuggesttreatmentregimens. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Applying (Application)REF: p.75 MSC:Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity  A patient drifts off to sleep when she is not being stimulated. The nurse can easily arouse her bycallinghername,butthepatientremainsdrowsyduringtheconversation.Thebes tdescriptionofthispatient’s levelofconsciousness would be: a. Lethargic b. Obtunded c. Stuporous d. Semialert ANS:A Lethargic (or somnolent) is when the person is not fully alert, drifts off to sleep when notstimulated, and can be aroused when called by name in a normal voice but looks drowsy. He orsheappropriatelyrespondstoquestionsorcommands,butthinkingseemsslowan dfuzzy.Heorshe is inattentive and loses the train of thought. Spontaneous BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, movements are decreased. (SeeTable5-3 for the definitions of theother terms.) PTS: 1 DIF: CognitiveLevel:Understanding(Comprehension)REF: p.79 MSC:Client Needs:Psychosocial Integrity  A patient has had a cerebrovascular accident (stroke). He is trying very hard to communicate. Heseems driven to speak and says, “I buy obie get spirding and take my train.” What is the bestdescriptionof this patient’sproblem? a. Globalaphasia b. Broca’saphasia BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, Thepillisred.Iseered.Red velvet is soft, soft as a baby’sbottom.” d. “Iwashmyhands,washthem,washt hem.I usually go to the sink and wash myhands.” ANS:C BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, Flight of ideas is demonstrated by an abrupt change, rapid skipping from topic to topic, andpracticallycontinuousflowofacceleratedspeech.Topicsusuallyhaverecogniz ableassociationsorareplayson words. PTS: 1 DIF: CognitiveLevel:Understanding(Comprehension)REF: p.84 MSC:Client Needs:Psychosocial Integrity  Apatientdescribesfeelinganunreasonable,irrationalfearof snakes. Hisfearisso persistentthathe can no longer comfortably look at even pictures of snakes and has made an effort to identifyallthe placeshemight encounterasnakeand avoidsthem.Thenurserecognizesthat he: a. Hasasnakephobia. b. Is a hypochondriac; snakes are usuallyharmless. c. Hasanobsessionwithsnakes. d. Has a delusion that snakes are harmful,whichmuststemfroman earlytraumaticincidentinvolving BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, snakes. ANS:A Aphobiaisa strong,persistent,irrationalfearof anobjectorsituation;theperson feelsdriventoavoid it. (SeeTable5-7 forthedefinitionsoftheotherterms.) PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Applying (Application)REF: p.85 MSC:Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity  A patient has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. During a recent interview, he shows the nurse apicture of a man holding a decapitated head. He describes this picture as horrifying but thenlaughsloudlyatthecontent.Thisbehavior is adisplayof: a. Confusion b. Ambivalence c. Depersonalization d. Inappropriateaffect ANS:D Aninappropriateaffectisanaffectclearlydiscordantwiththecontentoftheperson ’sspeech.(SeeTable5-5for thedefinitionsof theotherterms.) BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score,  A 20-year-old construction worker has been brought into the emergency department with heatstroke. He has delirium as a result of a fluid and electrolyte imbalance. For the mental statusexamination,thenurseshould firstassessthepatient’s: a. Affectandmood b. Memoryandaffect c. Languageabilities d. Levelofconsciousnessandcogn itiveabilities ANS:D Deliriumisadisturbanceofconsciousness(i.e.,reducedclarityofawarenessoftheenv ironment)with reduced ability to focus, sustain, or shift attention. Delirium is not an alteration in mood,affect,or languageabilities. PTS: 1 DIF: CognitiveLevel:Understanding(Comprehension)REF: p.69 MSC:Client Needs:Psychosocial Integrity  A patient states, “I feel so sad all of the time. I can’t feel happy even doing things I used to BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, liketodo.”Healsostatesthatheistired,sleepspoorly,andhasnoenergy.Todifferenti atebetweenadysthymicdisorderandamajordepressivedisorder, thenurseshouldaskwhichquestion? a. “Haveyou hadanyweightchanges?” b. “Areyouhaving anythoughtsofsuicide?” c. “Howlonghaveyoubeenfeeling thisway?” d. “Areyouhavingfeeling sofworthlessness?” ANS:C BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, Major depressive disorder is characterized by one or more major depressive episodes, that is, atleast 2 weeks of depressed mood or loss of interest accompanied by at least four additionalsymptoms of depression. Dysthymic disorder is characterized by at least 2 years of depressedmood formoredaysthan not,accompaniedbyadditional depressivesymptoms. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Analyzing (Analysis)REF: p.73 MSC:ClientNeeds: PsychosocialIntegrity  A 26-year-old woman was robbed and beaten a month ago. She is returning to the clinic todayfora follow-upassessment.Thenursewill wanttoaskher which oneofthesequestions? a. “Howarethingsgoingwiththetrial?” b. “Howarethingsgoingwithyourjob? ” c. “Tellmeaboutyourrecentengageme nt!” d. “Areyouhavinganydisturbingdrea ms?” ANS:D BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score,  A 23-year-old patient in the clinic appears anxious. Her speech is rapid, and she is fidgety and inconstantmotion.Whichofthesequestionsorstatementswouldbemostappropria teforthenurseto usein this situationtoassess attentionspan? a. “Howdoyouusuallyfeel? Isthisnormalbehavior for you?” b. “Iamgoingtosayfourwords.Inafew minutes,Iwillaskyoutorecallthem.” c. “Describe the meaning of the phrase,‘Lookingthroughrose- coloredglasses.’” d. “Pick up the pencil in your left hand,moveittoyourrighthand,and place itonthetable.” ANS:D Attention span is evaluated by assessing the individual’s ability to concentrate and complete athoughtortaskwithout wandering.Giving aseriesofdirectionsto followisonemethodusedtoassessattention span. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Applying (Application)REF: p.71 MSC:Client Needs: BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, Psychosocial Integrity  Thenurseisplanninghealthteachingfora65-year- oldwomanwhohashadacerebrovascularaccident (stroke) and has aphasia. Which of these questions is most important to use whenassessing mentalstatusin this patient? a. “Please count backward from 100 byseven.” b. “Iwillnamethreeitemsandaskyo utorepeat theminafewminutes.” c. “Pleasepointtoarticlesinthe roomandpartsof the bodyas Inamethem.” d. “What would you do if you found astamped, addressed envelope on thesidewalk?” ANS:C Additionaltestsforpersonswithaphasiaincludewordcomprehension(askingthei ndividualtopoint to articles in the room or parts of the body), reading (asking the person to read availableprint), and writing (asking the person to make up andwriteasentence). BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Applying (Application)REF: p.71 MSC:Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity CHAPTER18 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, a. Consistsoftwolobes. b. Isdividedbythe horizontalfissure. c. Primarilyconsistsofanupperlobeon theposteriorchest. d. Isshorter thanthe rightlungbecauseof BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, theunderlyingstomach. ANS:A The left lung has two lobes, and the right lung has three lobes. The right lung is shorter than theleftlungbecauseoftheunderlyingliver.Theleftlungisnarrowerthantherightlun gbecausetheheartbulges to theleft.The posterior chest is almost alllowerlobes. DIF: CognitiveLevel:Remembering(Knowledge) REF:p. 415MSC:ClientNeeds:General 4. Whichstatement abouttheapicesofthelungsistrue?Theapicesofthe lungs: a. Are at the level of the second ribanteriorly. b. Extend3to4cmabovetheinnerthir doftheclavicles. c. Arelocatedatthesixthribanteriorl yandtheeighthrib laterally. d. Rest on the diaphragm at the fifthintercostalspaceinthemidclav icularline(MCL). BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, ANS:B The apex of the lung on the anterior chest is 3 to 4 cm above the inner third of the clavicles. Onthe posterior chest,theapicesareatthelevelof C7. DIF: CognitiveLevel:Remembering(Knowledge) REF:p. 415MSC:ClientNeeds:General 5. During an examination of the anterior thorax, the nurse is aware that the trachea bifurcatesanteriorlyatthe: a. Costalangle. b. Sternalangle. c. Xiphoidprocess. d. Suprasternalnotch. ANS:B The sternal angle marks the site of tracheal bifurcation into the right and left main bronchi; itcorresponds with the upper borders of the atria of the heart, and it lies above the fourth thoracicvertebraon theback. DIF: CognitiveLevel:Remembering(Knowledge) REF:p.416MSC:ClientNeeds:SafeandEffectiveCareEnviron BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, b. Sternomastoidsandscaleni. c. Trapeziiandrectusabdominis. d. Externalobliquesandpectoralismaj or. ANS:A Themajormuscleofrespirationisthediaphragm.Theintercostalmusclesliftthest ernumandelevate the ribs during inspiration, increasing the anteroposterior diameter. Expiration isprimarily passive. Forced inspiration involves the use of other muscles, such as the accessoryneck muscles—sternomastoid, scaleni, and trapezii muscles. Forced expiration involves theabdominal muscles. DIF: CognitiveLevel:Remembering(Knowledge) REF:p. 418MSC:ClientNeeds:General 8. A 65-year-old patient with a history of heart failure comes to the clinic with complaints of “beingawakenedfromsleepwithshortnessofbreath.”Whichactionbythenurseis mostappropriate? a. Obtaining a detailed health history of thepatient’sallergiesandahistoryo BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, fasthma b. Telling the patient to sleep on his or herrightsidetofacilitateeaseofres pirations c. Assessingforothersignsandsymp tomsofparoxysmal nocturnal dyspnea d. Assuring the patient that paroxysmalnocturnal dyspnea is normal and willprobablyresolvewithinthen extweek BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, ANS:C Thepatientisexperiencingparoxysmalnocturnaldyspnea— beingawakenedfromsleepwithshortnessof breath and theneedto beuprighttoachievecomfort. DIF: Cognitive Level:Applying(Application) REF:p.421MSC:ClientNeeds:SafeandEffectiveCareEnviron ment:ManagementofCare 9. Whenassessingtactilefremitus,thenurserecallsthatitisnormaltofeeltactilefre mitus mostintenselyoverwhichlocation? a. Betweenthescapulae b. Thirdintercostalspace,MCL c. Fifthintercostalspace,midaxilla ryline(MAL) d. Overthelowerlobes,posteriorside ANS:A Normally,fremitusismostprominentbetweenthescapulaeandaroundthesternum .Thesesitesare where the major bronchi are closest to the chest wall. Fremitus normally decreases as oneprogressesdown thechestbecausemoretissueimpedes BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, a. Shallowbreathing. b. Normallungtissue. c. Decreasedadiposetissue. d. Increaseddensityoflungtissue. ANS:D A dull percussion note indicates an abnormal density in the lungs, as with pneumonia, pleuraleffusion,atelectasis,oratumor.Resonanceistheexpectedfindinginnormallu ngtissue. DIF: CognitiveLevel:Understanding(Comprehension) REF:p. 427MSC:ClientNeeds:General 12.12. a. Side-to-side b. Top-to-bottom c. Posterior-to-anterior d. Interspace-by-interspace BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 Thenurseisobservingtheauscultationtechniqueofanother nurse.Thecorrectmethodtousewhenprogressingfromone auscultatorysite onthethorax BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, ANS:A Side-to- sidecomparisonismostimportantwhenauscultatingthechest.Thenurseshouldlis tento atleastonefull respirationin eachlocation.Theother techniquesarenot correct. DIF: CognitiveLevel:Understanding(Comprehension) REF:p.435MSC:ClientNeeds:SafeandEffectiveCareEnviron ment:ManagementofCare 13. When auscultating the lungs of an adult patient, the nurse notes that low- pitched, soft breathsounds are heard over the posterior lower lobes, with inspiration being longer than expiration.The nurseinterprets thatthesesounds are: a. Normallyauscultatedoverthetrache a. b. Bronchialbreathsoundsandnor malinthat location. c. Vesicularbreathsoundsandnormal inthatlocation. BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, d. Bronchovesicularbreathsoun dsandnormal in that location. ANS:C Vesicular breath sounds are low-pitched, soft sounds with inspiration being longer thanexpiration.Thesebreathsoundsareexpectedovertheperipherallungfieldsw hereairflowsthrough smallerbronchiolesand alveoli. DIF: Cognitive Level:Applying(Application) REF:p.430 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, ANS:C Bronchovesicular breath sounds in the peripheral lung fields of the infant and young child up toage5or6yearsarenormalfindings.Theirthinchestwallswithunderdevelopedmu sculaturedonot dampen the sound, as do the thicker chest walls of adults; therefore, breath sounds are loudand harsh. DIF: Cognitive Level:Applying(Application) REF:p.437MSC:ClientNeeds:SafeandEffectiveCareEnviron ment:ManagementofCare BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, 20. Wheninspectingtheanteriorchestofanadult,thenurseshouldincludewhichassessm ent? a. Diaphragmaticexcursion b. Symmetricchestexpansion c. Presenceofbreathsounds d. Shapeandconfigurationofthechest wall ANS:D Inspection of the anterior chest includes shape and configuration of the chest wall; assessment ofthe patient’s level of consciousness and the patient’s skin color and condition; quality ofrespirations; presence or absence of retraction and bulging of the intercostal spaces; and use ofaccessory muscles. Symmetric chest expansion is assessed by palpation. Diaphragmaticexcursion is assessed by percussion of the posterior chest. Breath sounds are assessed byauscultation. DIF: CognitiveLevel:Understanding(Comprehension) REF:p.432MSC:ClientNeeds:SafeandEffectiveCareEnviron ment:ManagementofCare BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, 21. Thenurseknowsthatauscultation offinecrackleswouldmost likelybenoticedin: a. Ahealthy5-year-oldchild. b. Apregnantwoman. c. Theimmediatenewbornperiod. d. Associationwithapneumothorax. ANS:C Fine crackles are commonly heard in the immediate newborn period as a result of the opening ofthe airways and a clearing of fluid. Persistent fine crackles would be noticed with pneumonia,bronchiolitis,or atelectasis. DIF: Cognitive Level:Applying(Application) REF:p.438MSC:ClientNeeds:SafeandEffectiveCareEnviron ment:ManagementofCare 24.The nurse is reviewing the characteristics of breath sounds. Which statement BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, onineach location b. Listeningasthepatientinhalesan dthengoingtothenextsiteduring exhalation c. Instructing the patient to breathe in andout rapidly while listening to the breathsounds d. If the patient is modest, listening tosoundsoverhisorherclothingorh ospitalgown ANS:A During auscultation of breath sounds with a stethoscope, listening to one full respiration in eachlocation is important. During the examination, the nurse should monitor the breathing and offertimesfor the person to breathenormallytoprevent possibledizziness. DIF: Cognitive Level:Applying(Application) REF:p.429MSC:ClientNeeds:SafeandEffectiveCareEnviron ment:ManagementofCare BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, 38. The nurse is auscultating the lungs of a patient who had been sleeping and notices short,popping,cracklingsoundsthatstopafterafewbreaths.Thenurserecogniz esthatthesebreathsoundsare: a. Atelectaticcracklesthatdonothavea BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, pathologiccause. b. Finecracklesandmaybeasig n ofpneumonia. c. Vesicularbreathsounds. d. Finewheezes. ANS:A One type of adventitious sound, atelectaticcrackles, does not have a pathologic cause. They areshort, popping, crackling sounds that sound similar to fine crackles but do not last beyond a fewbreaths. When sections of alveoli are not fully aerated (as in people who are asleep or in olderadults), they deflate slightly and accumulate secretions. Crackles are heard when these sectionsareexpandedby a fewdeepbreaths.Atelectaticcracklesareheardonlyintheperiphery,usuallyin dependentportions ofthe lungs,anddisappear afterthefirstfewbreathsorafter acough. DIF: CognitiveLevel:Analyzing (Analysis) REF:p.431MSC:ClientNeeds:SafeandEffectiveCareEnviron ment:ManagementofCare BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, A patient with pleuritis will exhibit a pleural friction rub upon auscultation. This sound is madewhen the pleurae become inflamed and rub together during respiration. The sound is superficial,coarse, and low-pitched, as if two pieces of leather are being rubbed together. Stridor isassociated with croup, acute epiglottitis in children, and foreign body inhalation. Crackles areassociatedwithpneumonia,heartfailure,chronicbronchitis,andotherdiseases (seeTable18-6).Wheezes are associated with diffuse airway obstruction caused by acute asthma or chronicemphysema. DIF: Cognitive Level:Applying(Application) REF:p.449MSC:ClientNeeds:SafeandEffectiveCareEnviron ment:ManagementofCare MULTIPLERESPONSE 1.The nurse is assessing voice sounds during a respiratory assessment. Which of these findingsindicatesanormalassessment?Selectallthatapply. a. Voice sounds are faint, muffled, andalmost inaudible when the patientwhispers“one,two,three”i BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, naverysoftvoice. b. Asthepatientrepeatedlysays“ni nety-nine,” the examiner clearly hears thewords“ninety- nine.” c. When the patient speaks in a normalvoice, the examiner can hear a sound butcannot exactly distinguish what is beingsaid. d. As the patient says a long “ee-ee- ee”sound,theexamineralsohearsal ong“ee-ee-ee”sound. e. As the patient says a long “ee-ee- ee”sound,theexaminerhears along“aaaaaa”sound. ANS:A, C,D As a patient repeatedly says “ninety-nine,” normally the examiner hears voice sounds but cannotdistinguish what is being said. If a clear “ninety-nine” is auscultated, then it could indicateincreased lung density, which enhances the transmission of voice sounds, which is a measure ofbronchophony. When a patient says a long “ee-ee-ee” sound, normally the examiner also hears along BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, “ee-ee-ee” sound through auscultation, which is a measure of egophony. If the examinerhears a long “aaaaaa” sound instead, this sound could indicate areas of consolidation orcompression. With whispered pectoriloquy, as when a patient whispers a phrase such as “one-two-three,” the normal response when auscultating voice sounds is to hear sounds that are faint,muffled,andalmostinaudible.Iftheexaminerclearlyhearsthewhisperedvoic e,asifthepatientisspeaking through the stethoscope, thenconsolidation of thelung fieldsmayexist. BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, Returning blood from the body empties into the right atrium and flows into the right ventricleandthengoestothelungsthroughthepulmonaryartery.Thelungsoxygen atetheblood,anditisthen returned to the left atrium through the pulmonary vein. The blood goes from there to the leftventricleand thenouttothebodythrough theaorta. DIF: CognitiveLevel:Remembering(Knowledge) REF:p. 461|p. 463MSC:ClientNeeds:General BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, 3. Thenurseisreviewingtheanatomyandphysiologicfunctioningoftheheart.Whic hstatementbest describes whatis meantbyatrialkick? a. The atria contract during systole andattempttopushagainstclose dvalves. b. Contractionoftheatriaatthebeginn ingofdiastole canbe felt as apalpitation. c. Atrial kick is the pressure exerted againstthe atria as the ventricles contract duringsystole. d. The atria contract toward the end ofdiastoleandpushtheremainingbl oodintotheventricles. ANS:D Toward the end of diastole, the atria contract and push the last amount of blood (approximately25%ofstrokevolume)intotheventricles.Thisactivefillingphasei scalled presystole,oratrialsystole, or sometimestheatrialkick. BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, DIF: CognitiveLevel:Remembering(Knowledge) REF:p. 463MSC:ClientNeeds:General 4. Whenlisteningtoheartsounds,thenurseknowsthevalve closuresthat canbe heardbestatthebaseof theheartare: a. Mitralandtricuspid. b. Tricuspidandaortic. c. Aorticandpulmonic. d. Mitralandpulmonic. ANS:C Thesecondheartsound(S2)occurswiththeclosureofthesemilunar(aorticand pulmonic)valvesandsignalstheendofsystole.Althoughitisheardoverallthep recordium,theS2isloudest atthebaseof theheart. DIF: CognitiveLevel:Understanding(Comprehension) REF:p. 464MSC:ClientNeeds:General 5. Whichofthese statementsdescribestheclosureofthevalves inanormalcardiaccycle? a. The aortic valve closes slightly BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, impulse.Becausethe SAnode hasan intrinsic rhythm, itiscalled thepacemakerofthe heart. DIF: CognitiveLevel:Remembering(Knowledge) REF:p. 464MSC:ClientNeeds:General 7. Theelectricalstimulusofthecardiaccyclefollowswhichsequence? a. AVnodeSAnodebundle ofHis b. BundleofHisAVnodeSAnode c. SA nodeAV nodebundle of Hisbundlebranches d. AV nodeSA nodebundle of Hisbundlebranches ANS:D Specialized cells in the SA node near the superior vena cava initiate an electrical impulse. Thecurrent flows in an orderly sequence, first across the atria to the AV node low in the atrialseptum. There it is delayed slightly, allowing the atria the time to contract before the ventriclesarestimulated.Thenthe impulsetravelsto thebundleofHis,therightandleftbundlebranches,and then through theventricles. BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, DIF: CognitiveLevel:Understanding(Comprehension) REF:p. 464MSC:ClientNeeds:General BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, 9.When assessing a newborn infant who is 5 minutes old, the nurse knows which of thesestatementsto be true? a. Theleftventricleislargerandwe ighsmorethan therightventricle. b. Thecirculationofanewbornisiden ticaltothatof an adult. c. Bloodcan flowintotheleft sideoftheheart through an opening in the atrialseptum. d. Theforamenovaleclosesjustmi nutesbefore birth, and the ductusarteriosusclosesimmedi atelyafter. ANS:C First, approximately two thirds of the blood is shunted through an opening in the atrial septum,the foramen ovale, into the left side of the heart, where it is pumped out through the aorta. Theforamen ovale closes within the first hour after birth because the pressure in the right side of theheartis now lower thanin theleftside. BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, 15. Inassessingthecarotidarteriesofanolderpatientwithcardiovasculardisease,thenu rsewould: a. Palpatethe arteryin theupper onethirdoftheneck. b. Listenwiththebellofthestethosco petoassessfor bruits. c. Simultaneouslypalpatebotharte riestocompare amplitude. d. Instructthepatienttotakeslow deepbreathsduring auscultation. ANS:B Ifcardiovasculardiseaseissuspected,thenthenurseshouldauscultateeachcarotida rteryforthepresence of a bruit. The nurse should avoid compressing the artery, which could create anartificial bruit and compromise circulation if the carotid artery is already narrowed byatherosclerosis. Excessive pressure on the carotid sinus area high in the neck should be avoided,andexcessivevagalstimulation could slowdowntheheartrate,especiallyinolder adults. Palpatingonlyonecarotidarteryat atime BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, willavoidcompromisingarterialbloodtothebrain. DIF: Cognitive Level:Applying(Application) REF:p.476MSC:ClientNeeds:SafeandEffectiveCareEnviron ment:ManagementofCare 16. Duringanassessmentofa68-year-oldmanwitharecentonsetofright- sidedweakness,thenurse hears a blowing, swishing sound with the bell of the stethoscope over the left carotidartery.This finding wouldindicate: a. Valvulardisorder. b. Bloodflowturbulence. c. Fluidvolumeoverload. d. Ventricularhypertrophy. ANS:B Abruitisa blowing,swishingsoundindicatingblood flow turbulence;normally,noneis present. DIF: CognitiveLevel:Analyzing (Analysis) REF:p.476MSC:ClientNeeds:SafeandEffectiveCareEnviron BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE. Download to score, ment:ManagementofCare 17. Duringaninspectionoftheprecordiumofanadultpatient,thenurse noticesthechestmovingina forcefulmanneralong thesternalborder.Thisfinding most likelysuggestsa(n): a. Normalheart. b. Systolicmurmur. c. Enlargementoftheleftventricle. d. Enlargementoftherightventricle. BIOLMISC EXAM 2 HEALTH ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023
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