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business intelligence, Essays (university) of Interface between Computer Science and Economics

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Download business intelligence and more Essays (university) Interface between Computer Science and Economics in PDF only on Docsity! GD UNIVERSITY + 2 Nas? GREENWICIL “BT E Cc “e QE ‘BTEC aeree wen (Bag, eovcain Higher Nationals in Computing Business Intelligence ASSIGNMENT No.1 Learner’s name: CAO MINH HOANG Assessor name: NGUYEN XUAN SAM Class: GCSO804B Learner’s ID: GCS190814 Subject’s ID: 1641 Assignment due: Assignment submitted: GR UNIVERSITY 7 GREENWICH anaceons BEF sous ASSIGNMENT 1 FRONT SHEET ‘BTEC Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing Unit number and title Unit 14: Business Intelligence Submission date Date Received 1st submission Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission Student Name Student ID Class Assessor name Student declaration I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice. Grading grid Student’ s signature Pl P2 Ml M2 D1 D2 eh) UNIVERSITY of iS GREENWICH “BT E Cc atone (ILI cts ‘ Unit Learning Outcomes LO1 Discuss business processes and the mechanisms used to support business decision-making. LO2 Compare the tools and technologies associated with business intelligence functionality Assignment Brief Your company is currently working in [Assumed Domain] for 2 years. For a new, young company, the competition in the market is very high. Therefore, the Board of Director has decided to apply Business Intelligence to improve the company business process by making better decisions. The Board of Directors assigns a small group including you in Research & Development Department to study business intelligence to apply for the company in the coming years. You need to research about business processes and decision support processes in the company and identify the types of data (unstructured, semi-structured or structured) generated by these processes with examples. You also need to research about current software used in the business process or decision support process and evaluate these usages (benefits and drawbacks). Next you need to understand the types of support for decision-making at different levels (operational, tactical and strategic) within the company and study which business intelligence features can help on that types of support. Study the information systems or technologies (of BI) can be used in this case, compare and contrast them to conclude which should be used. Your group needs to present the research results to the board in a presentation of 30 minutes. x UNIVERSITY iS GREENWICH atone (ILI cts ‘BTEC Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria Pass Merit Distinction LO1 Discuss business processes and thi decision-making e mechanisms used to support business P1 Examine, using examples, the terms ‘Business Process’ and ‘Supporting Processes’. M1 Differentiate between unstructured and semi-structured data within an organisation. D1 Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of using application software as a mechanism for business processing. LO2 Compare the tools and techni intelligence functionality jologies associated with business P2 Compare the types of support available for business decision- making at varying levels within an organisation. M2 Justify, with specific examples, the key features of business intelligence functionality. D2 Compare and contrast a range of information systems and_ technologies that can be used to support organisations at operational, tactical and strategic levels. $f) UNIVERSITY 4 GREENWICH atone (ILI cts 1. Introduction 2. Business processes and the mechanisms used to support business decision-making..................::c ee 8 2.1. Examine, using examples, the terms ‘Business Process’ and ‘Supporting Processes’............:0000 8 2.2. Differentiate between unstructured and semi-structured data within an organisation.............. 12 3. Compare the tools and technologies associated with business intelligence functionality.................... 14 3.1. The tools and technologies associated with business intelligence functionality... 3.2. Levels of Management Decision Making. 3.3. Compare the types of support available for business decision-making at varying levels within an organization... 3.4. Justify, with specific examples, the key features of business intelligence functionality............... 20 4. CONCLUSION... cece cece eee ce cece eeee cece cece econ cece cuss eceeceesseseceeceseseesaseeceseeceesseesesseceessesesesesceeesisseseesreesesnenenes 21 5. REFEPENCES. 0... eee cceccceece cece eesesees cues ceseseessneecensenenaneeceusenersuse caus enaraete sees enevsesa ces etansetatensetessntatensetiventateneete® 22 List Of Figure Figure 1 Business process(source : reshCOCeit)............ccc cece cece cee cee cee tee tees ceee testes teeseeiseeeseeeeeeeeenee 9 Figure 2 Oracle BI (source : MOpPINION)............c cece cece eeeeeeee eee eee eee eee eeee sees sees sees sees seeseteeeeeeeeeeeeenees 15 Figure 3 Microsoft Power BI (source : MOPiNiON)...........0cc cece cece eee tee tee tee tee teee tee teeeteeeieeeeenee 16 Figure 4 Tableau (source : MOpiNiON).......0.. ccc eee eee ce cesses sees eee sees eeeeeteeeteeeeeeeesteeseevseeeneeetenees 17 Figure 5 Domo (source : MOpiNiON)......... cece eee eee eee eee eee eee eteeeeeseeeeteeeteseeeseesteeseeveseseeeneeets 17 Figure 6 Levels of Management Decision Making (source : researchgate)............0cccccce cece 19 List Of Table Table 1 Difference between structured, unstructured and semi-structured data............0...:::ceee 13 & UNIVERSITY y Pb a ‘BTEC ascents ILS ete . Step 5: Implement the process Start running the process in a live environment. Properly communicate and train all stakeholders (Kissflow. 2021). Step 6: Monitor the results Review the process and analyze its patterns. Document the process history (Kissflow. 2021). Step 7: Repeat If the process is able to achieve the goals set for it, replicate it for future processes (Kissflow. 2021). Examples of Business Processes Processes vary depending upon the type, industry, location, etc., of a business, but there are a few processes that are practiced across all these segments of businesses around the globe. To make this easy to understand, we will look at examples of such processes (Gaikwad, M , 2021). Sales process Making a sale is a fundamental business process across various industries, offerings, and other segments. The common process observed by most businesses involves the following steps: -Sharing the sales proposal -Sending quotes -Negotiations -Receiving orders for product/service -Updating records of sales -Delivery of product/service -Billing -Payment These are repetitive steps and the workflow and structure of the process are flexible based on the business. Customer service Customer service is another important process that is a part of global business operations. It involves the following steps: -Receive customer complaints/issues through CRM 10 EN “BT EC stones JIG an "* -Acknowledge the customer concern -Login details of the issue in the CRM system -Resolve the issue -Communicate status to customer A few more examples of business processes are: -Recruitment process -Invoicing process -Order processing -Customer onboarding process -Accounting process -Market research process -Product development process 2.1.2. Supporting process Supporting processes are those processes that support the core processes. In the manufacturing example, a supporting process might be to recruit production staff. There may also be sub processes, decisions and activities(Wilmington, 2019). For instance, support processes include: -Human Resource Management -Financial Management processes -Building and property management, cleaning and maintenance, Facility management -IT processes -Procurement and sourcing processes (supplier selection processes, purchasing services, purchasing materials, sourcing human and financial resources, etc.) -Vendor Management processes 11 EB UNIVERSITY Pi ascents ILS ete . -Operational processes and routine operation and organization management -Risk Management processes -Security Management processes -Quality Management processes -Corporate Governance processes Unlike core processes they are relatively similar in different types of organizations (human resource processes are similar both in the automotive company and in the bank). Support processes are usually more complex and complicated in larger companies, because more people are involved, organizational structure is taller, and so. Whereas in small companies only one person can be responsible for a particular support process or activity (Wilmington, 2019). Example: The payroll department doesn’t necessarily make you money — but without them your employees wouldn’t be paid. And the same for a cleaner, or someone who washes dishes, they may not bring in money with their role — but without them, you would certainly notice! 2.2.Differentiate between unstructured and semi-structured data within an organisation. Data classification is the process of analyzing structured or unstructured data and organizing it into categories based on file type, contents, and other metadata. Data classification helps organizations answer important questions about their data that inform how they mitigate risk and manage data governance policies. It can tell you where you are storing your most important data or what kinds of sensitive data your users create most often. Comprehensive data classification is necessary (but not enough) to comply with modern data privacy regulations(Groot, J., 2021). 2.2.1. Structured data Structured data is information that has been formatted and transformed into a well-defined data model. The raw data is mapped into predesigned fields that can then be extracted and read through SQL easily. SQL relational databases, consisting of tables with rows and columns, are the perfect example of structured data(Marr, B., 2019). 12 & UNIVERSITY y Pb apa “BTEC ascents ILS ete . 3.1.2. The tools and technologies Oracle BI Figure 2 Oracle BI (source : mopinion) Oracle BI is an enterprise portfolio of technology and applications for business intelligence. This technology gives users pretty much all business intelligence capabilities, such as dashboards, proactive intelligence, ad hoc, and more. Oracle is also great for companies who need to analyse large data volumes (from Oracle and non-Oracle sources) as it is a very robust solution. Additional key features include data archiving, versioning, a self-service portal and alerts/notifications (Haije, E. and Haije, E., 2021). Website: Microsoft Power BI 15 GD UNIVERSITY GREENWICH ascents ILS ete Power Bl Figure 3 Microsoft Power BI (source : mopinion) Microsoft Power BI is a web-based business analytics tool suite which excels in data visualisation. It allows users to identify trends in real-time and has brand new connectors that allow you to up your game in campaigns. Because it’s web-based, Microsoft Power BI can be accessed from pretty much anywhere. This software also allows users to integrate their apps and deliver reports and real-time dashboards (Haije, E. and Haije, E., 2021.). Website: Tableau ‘ online tableaucom G CCS Projects Workbooks 17 Views Data Sources + C selscted 2 General Filters h Project Owner fj Y Funding Flow ersuss 2013 Median Age Views Teg Mocites or of aker Modified or 0 before s\ a ee Crime Statis: ony ny favertes ‘ny my recent viewed Has on slot Unemploymert 16 & UNIVERSITY y Pb a ‘BTEC ascents ILS ete . Figure 4 Tableau (source : mopinion) Tableau is a Business Intelligence tool specialised in data discovery and data visualisation. With the software you can easily analyse, visualise and share data, without IT having to intervene. Tableau supports multiple data sources such as MS Excel, Oracle, MS SQL, Google Analytics and SalesForce. Users will gain access to well-designed dashboards that are very easy to use. Additionally Tableau also offers several standalone products including Tableau Desktop (for anyone) and Tableau Server (analytics for organisations), which can be run locally, Tableau Online (hosted analytics for organisations) and many more (Haije, E. and Haije, E., 2021.). Website: Domo ROI by Digital Channel rl Caria Macias Remaith Figure 5 Domo (source : mopinion) Domo is a completely cloud-based business intelligence platform that integrates multiple data sources, including spreadsheets, databases and social media. Domo is used by both small companies and large multinationals. The platform offers micro and macro level visibility and analyses (including predictive analysis powerd with Mr. Roboto, their Al engine). From cash balances and listings of your best selling products by region to calculations of the marketing return on investment (ROI) for each channel. The only setbacks with Domo are the difficulty in downloading analyses from the cloud for personal use and the steep learning curve (Haije, E. and Haije, E., 2021.). Website: 17 EB UNIVERSITY Pi i “BTEC ascents ILS ete . Operational decisions are often very specific and highly certain. Although single operational decisions have no lasting or material impact on the company, they guide the execution of strategic and tactical plans. The operations manager must respond to company officials about the operational decisions made by the operations manager (Chand, S., 2021). 3.4. Justify, with specific examples, the key features of business intelligence functionality. 3.4.1. Key Business Intelligence Features Ranking Reports Ranking reports let you easily view the best- and worst-performing facets of your business, from products to marketing campaigns to salespeople. You can view rankings across multiple dimensions and specify various criteria to focus your results ( 2021). What-If Analysis If you’re curious about how a future decision will affect your business, you can run a “what-if” analysis using past data to predict the potential impacts. Tools for what-if analyses give you an objective view of the risks and rewards involved in each potential decision, and allow you to plan better for the future ( 2021). Executive Dashboards Executive dashboards give your organization’s leaders a real-time overview of your business in the form of graphs, charts, summaries and other information reports. They allow your company’s executives to make smarter, faster and better decisions ( 2021). Interactive Reports Interactive reports allow users to condense the massive amounts of collected data into a wide variety of possible views. Users can take advantages of features like statistical analysis and regression to identify trends, anomalies and outliers in the data ( 2021). Geospatial Mapping Applications using location intelligence can take your information and transform it into graphical and cartographic representations, simplifying your geographical data. At a glance, judging which regions are performing better than others — and which ones need particular attention — becomes much easier ( 2021). Operational Reports 20 & UNIVERSITY y Pb a ‘BTEC ascents ILS ete . At the end of each day, business intelligence features like these can provide your organization’s executives with a detailed summary of the daily events, giving them the information they need to make critical decisions ( 2021). Pivot Tables Pivot tables can automatically extract significant features from a large, messy set of data. They can perform calculations such as sorting, counting or averaging the data stored in one table, and show the summarized results in another table. Pivot tables are essential tools for analyzing information and uncovering hidden trends( 2021). Ad-Hoc Reports Instead of burdening your IT department with requests for detailed reports, ad-hoc reports are one of several important features of BI that let your nontechnical end-users generate their own reports on the fly. Users can pick and choose the elements that they wish to be included in the report, emphasizing only those aspects that are relevant to their query( 2021). User-Specific Security If you need to restrict certain users’ access to particular data sets, your BI tool should allow you to personalize your BI features and applications to individuals or groups of users. Some solutions provide user-specific data sources, where a single application pulls from different sources of data depending on who’s using the application ( 2021). Open Integration Smart BI platforms will be able to access not only your organization’s own data, but information from email, social media, websites and more. For example, instead of only providing your internal sales data, your BI platform could accompany that information with reviews and comments about your products. With so many data formats and so many applications to pull from, it’s important that your BI platform is able to integrate as many different types of data as possible under a single roof, seamlessly combining disparate forms of information into an actionable report ( 2021). 4. Conclusion Tasks achieved through this report: © Understand business processes and mechanisms used to support business decision making. 21 EB UNIVERSITY Pi ie ‘BTEC ascents ILS ete . * Compare tools and technologies related to business intelligence functionality. 5. References Kissflow. 2021. Business Process - Definition, Lifecycle Steps, and Importance. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 30 October 2021]. Gaikwad, M., 2021. What is a Business Process? Definition, Examples, and Advantages. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 30 October 2021]. Kissflow. 2021. Business Process Examples | 6 Real Examples of Small Business Processes. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 30 October 2021]. Lehmann, C., 2021. Defining Processes. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 30 October 2021]. Wilmington, 2019. Support Processes. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 30 October 2021]. Checkify. 2021. Business Process Design: Three Main Types ¢ Checkify. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 30 October 2021]. Groot, J., 2021. What is Data Classification? A Data Classification Definition. [online] Digital Guardian. Available at: ~— < definition> [Accessed 30 October 2021]. Marr, B., 2019. What’s The Difference Between Structured, Semi-Structured And Unstructured Data?. [online] Forbes. Available at: < the-difference-between-structured-semi-structured-and-unstructured-data/?sh=4fdcbdc62b4d> [Accessed 30 October 2021]. Vishwakarma, A., 2021. Difference between Structured, Semi-structured and Unstructured data - GeeksforGeeks. [online] GeeksforGeeks. Available at: < unstructured-data/> [Accessed 30 October 2021]. Chappell, D., 2012. APPLICATION PLATFORMS AND BUSINESS PROCESSES. [online] Available at: < ocesses--Chappell.pdf> [Accessed 30 October 2021]. Nimsaj, J., 2016. Executive Support System. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 30 October 2021]. 22
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