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James Madison's Federalist 10: The Role of Government and Representative Republic, Exams of Government & Non-Profit Accounting

In this document, james madison discusses the purpose of government in protecting the social rights of citizens, specifically focusing on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. He also introduces the concept of a representative republic and the importance of civic virtue. The document also covers the separation of powers, checks and balances, and the role of the president and supreme court.

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Download James Madison's Federalist 10: The Role of Government and Representative Republic and more Exams Government & Non-Profit Accounting in PDF only on Docsity! BYU Government Final Exam Questions with Verified Solutions. 1. John Locke is cited for influencing our founding fathers with the phrase "life, liberty, and property," a phrase which was modified slightly by Thomas Jefferson when he wrote "we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." In which document are these words written by Thomas Jefferson? - ANS the Declaration of Independence 2. Which leading political thinker is given credit for his influence on the separation of powers? - ANS Charles-Louis Montesquieu 3. How did Alexis de Tocqueville describe the 1830s in America? - ANS It was a time when Americans worked together for the common good of others. 4. According to the author of this course, why is Tocqueville still relevant today? - ANS Citizens should beware of being too self- absorbed and not participating in the political process. 5. After studying and reading examples about liberty and order consider the following: After the terrorist attack on September 11, President Bush and Congress passed the PATRIOT Act, which expanded the power of law enforcement to secretly investigate potential terrorists. What does this suggest? - ANS The president believed Americans had too much liberty and too little security. 6. What is a statement that Hobbes and Locke would both agree on? - ANS Government is necessary to protect life and property. 7. To keep our elected officials in check with the citizens they represent, frequent elections are held. According to the lesson, how long is the term for a member in the House of Representative before they face re-election? - ANS 2 years 8. In Federalist 10, James Madison describes our form of government where political ideas or current issues are enlarged or refined "by passing them through the medium of a chosen body of P a g e 1 | 27 citizens whose wisdom may best discern the true interest of their country." What term is best used to describe our government? - ANS representative republic 9. For the separation of powers or Three Branches of Government to work in practice, what item(s) are needed? - ANS The use of checks and balances. 10. What are two examples of the checks and balances the Executive Branch has on Congress and the Judicial Branch? - ANS Veto power, nominating judges 11. Which of the following is true of the Bill of Rights? - ANS It was included in the Constitution as a concession to the Anti- federalists who opposed ratification of the Constitution. 12. If a country has a political system where some decisions are made in local legislatures and others are made in the national legislature. Whose government would this most likely be compared to? - ANS the U.S. system of government created in Philadelphia 13. Which of the following documents outlines the purpose of government to protect the social rights of its citizens, chiefly among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? - ANS Declaration of Independence 14. Which of the following would Tocqueville most likely endorse? - ANS encouraging civic groups to help the poor 15. According to Tocqueville, civic virtue means simply that individuals have interests and desires that are not solely focused on themselves. Rather, they are willing to give up some of the things they want in order to promote the common good. What did he mean by this? - ANS People should help one another because the welfare of others affects individual welfare. 16. Which of the following is not one of the three types of government outlined by Montesquieu? - ANS Democracy 17. Which political thinker wrote The Prince, where he justified popular sovereignty, revolution, and a separation of religious and secular government? - ANS Machiavelli P a g e 2 | 27 37. Congress passes a law preventing individuals from engaging in particular forms of speech or expression because it is afraid the things they say or express MIGHT turn out to be illegal. Why would the Supreme Court find such a law unconstitutional? - ANS It places a prior restraint on the expression. 38. The phrase "the right to swing my fist ends where the other man's nose" exemplifies which of the following principles? - ANS Individuals have rights, but also have obligations to others in society. 39. What does a writ of habeas corpus do? - ANS It requires an explanation to the Court why a citizen is being held. 40. A law that forbids bands from playing in concerts when there is evidence that the band has previously engaged in illegal forms of expression is put in force. How is this not consistent with the guarantees in the First Amendment? - ANS The law imposes prior restraint. 41. A law that prohibits indecent material on the Internet is put into force. How is this not consistent with the guarantees in the First Amendment? - ANS The law is too vague. 42. 6. Which of the following is covered by the Constitutional guarantee of due process? - ANS Those who are accused of crimes will have a fair trial. 43. Where did the phrase separation of church and state originate or where was it first used? - ANS a letter written by Thomas Jefferson 44. What is civic dialogue? - ANS A group deciding something is good and it establishes expectations, customs, and ideals as a part of what society values. 45. Which of the following people is ready to become a naturalized citizen of the United States - ANS Candidate #1, who has been a permanent resident for the specified period of time, speaks English and understands civics basics, has never been convicted of illegal activity, and is willing to take the Oath of Allegiance. P a g e 5 | 27 46. In consideration of reciprocity, which of the following examples is a reasonable limitation on one's rights and freedoms as discussed in the lesson? - ANS a person not being allowed to build a campfire in the forest simply because there is a high chance of forest fires. 47. In unit 2, which of the following is emphasized as the most important tool available to help individuals become effective participants in the political process? - ANS By receiving accurate and timely information 48. When is a form of media considered obscene? - ANS When most average citizens do not find it appropriate 49. Which of the following best reflects the Founders views on self-interest and virtue? - ANS self-interest was beneficial to the economy, but citizens of the republic needed to develop "civic virtue." 50. A law makes it illegal to burn Bibles, but not other books, in public parks. How is this not consistent with the guarantees in the First Amendment? - ANS The law is not content neutral and gives one book precedence over another. 51. A Civil Rights group has decided to hold a public meeting to discuss recent prejudicial acts. Some members of the group are concerned they will be arrested for participating in the meeting, especially if the meeting becomes heated. They know that previous meetings on this issue have ended in arguments and, occasionally, with violence. Which of the following best describes the Supreme Court's history in the area of assembly? - ANS Assembly cases are given more scrutiny when public safety is a concern. 52. A law bans the sale of wooden poles and nails to prevent people from building crosses which they might burn on people's lawns. How is this not consistent with the guarantees in the First Amendment? - ANS The law is not the least drastic means available 53. According to Adam Smith's notion of the invisible hand, which of the following is the best way to enhance national wealth? P a g e 6 | 27 - ANS National wealth is best achieved by everyone seeking his or her own self-interest 54. Which of the following is true concerning the process of becoming a U.S. citizen? - ANS A test is given to determine language skill and civic knowledge. 55. What did the Founders believe was essential for the American government to succeed? - ANS Civic Virtue from its citizens 56. Which of the following is not a characteristic that an applicant for U.S. citizenship must demonstrate? - ANS have a relative who currently lives in the United States 57. Which of the following best describes the term pluralism? - ANS Freedom of association, expression, assembly, and religious exercise to pursue their own interests in the political process. 58. Through various organizations, citizens can contribute to their communities and to the broader political system through civic- minded service and participation. Which of the following groups did the most to promote participation during the Civil Rights Movement? - ANS churches 59. Which of the following is true of religion at the time of the founding of America? - ANS Religion was important to many people, so much so that many states had established churches. 60. Rhode Island became the first colony established that did not have an established religion. - ANS T 61. What was the purpose of the Fifteenth Amendment? - ANS to guarantee all citizens the right to vote 2. In country D, one person, such as Adolf Hitler, holds all of the political power. What type of government would country D be? - ANS dictatorship 3. What was the purpose of the Thirteenth Amendment? - ANS to abolish slavery P a g e 7 | 27 82. Which of the following is a formal role, not one of the informal roles assumed by presidents when they are elected? - ANS chief diplomat 1. United States Congress 2. President 3. Supreme Court a. Appoints Supreme Court justices b. Establishes the White House Budget c. Authority to review constitutionality of presidential activities - ANS 1b 2a 3c 83. Which of the following correctly describes the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court? - ANS Cases can originate in the Supreme Court, but most cases come on appeal from lower state and federal courts. 84. The President of the United States will recommend a name to be on the Supreme Court, but which branch has to approve the appointment? - ANS United States Senate 85. A law is passed limiting the free speech rights of high school students. A group of teachers brings a case before the Supreme Court, challenging the law on the grounds that it violates the students First Amendment rights. What is the Supreme Court most likely to do in this case? - ANS refuse to hear the case because the individuals bringing the case before it do not have standing or "injury in fact," i.e., that they have been harmed in some real way. 86. Bills must be passed in identical form by both the Senate and the House before being sent to the president. Under what circumstances does this most frequently occur? - ANS Two versions of the bill are run through the House and Senate simultaneously and a special House-Senate conference committee is established to create a compromise version of the bill. 87. Which of the following is true of bills in the legislative process? - ANS they are harder to pass than to kill. 88. Which individual or organization has primary constitutional authority to establish and develop relations with other nations? - ANS the president of the United States P a g e 10 | 27 89. What is the time limit on ratification of amendments? - ANS seven years 90. What is the least common way to adapt the Constitution to modern needs? - ANS formal constitutional amendment 91. How many presidents have been impeached in the history of the United States? - ANS two 92. Which of the following presidents best fits the title lame duck? - ANS Reagan, who served from 1981-1989. 93. Judge X has served on the Supreme Court for ten years and wants to continue service. Which of the following correctly describes this judge's options for staying on the Supreme Court? - ANS This judge can serve until death, unless impeached, or steps down. 94. When do bills typically come to the floor for debate in the Senate? - ANS when the majority and minority leaders agree to bring them to the floor (google this/reread tb) 95. What is the main purpose of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution? - ANS create greater equality for African Americans 96. Presidents can be removed from office due to what? - ANS high crimes and misdemeanors 97. Why are there eleven amendments discussed in reference to the Bill of Rights in unit 4? - ANS The Twenty-seventh Amendment was proposed by Madison at the time the Bill of Rights was created. 98. Which of the following elected officials could have the most influence on the selection of a Supreme Court justice? - ANS Members of the Senate would have the most influence. 99. Constitutionally, the president is quite powerful. However, many obstacles limit the power of the president. Which of the following is a significant limit on presidential power? - ANS divided- party control of the national government P a g e 11 | 27 100. What is required for the proposal of a new amendment? - ANS Two-thirds of Congress must agree to propose, or two-thirds of all state legislatures can call a constitutional convention 101. Which of the following best describes the Supreme Court's role in the legislative process? - ANS The Supreme Court can declare legislation unconstitutional after it is passed. 102. What are the secretaries of federal government departments collectively called? - ANS Cabinet 103. Which of the following is NOT part of the criteria for presidential eligibility? - ANS having at least ten years of prior political experience 104. Which of the following accurately describes the way the United States House and Senate are organized? - ANS There are 100 members in the Senate and 435 in the House. 105. Which of the following is the three part test the Supreme Court uses to determine if government involvement in religion has become an establishment? - ANS The Lemon Test a. Associated with its judicial restraint and conservativism. b. Associated with judicial activism because of its far-reaching decisions that were not always directly connected to the immediate case. 1. The Warren Court 2. The Rehnquist Court - ANS 1b 106. 2a 107. Judge A uses a strict textual interpretation approach to constitutional interpretation. Judge B uses a "loose interpretation" approach. Which one believes that the Constitution is a "living" document? - ANS Judge B only 108. What was the central issue in the Case of Marbury v. Madison? - ANS Who would decide what roles and responsibilities the Supreme Court had 109. Which of the following cases has had the most enduring impact on the separation of powers? - ANS Marbury v. Madison P a g e 12 | 27 of the following tenets of the Lemon test? - ANS excessive government entanglement 130. There is a narcotics agent who regularly gets information from a reliable informant. The information the informant has given the agent in the past has led to several arrests and convictions. One day, the informant tells the agent about a man, whom the agent has never met, who has gone to another city to purchase 20 kilograms of cocaine. Based on the tip, the agent goes to the airport, recognizes the man from the informant's description, arrests him, and seizes the cocaine. What is this action considered? - ANS constitutional because there was "probable cause" to search the man 131. According to the lesson, which of the following is one of the most common and practical definitions of a political party? - ANS a team of political office seekers 132. What are the major political parties in the United States of America today? - ANS the Republican and Democratic Parties 133. What change in presidential elections was made by the Twelfth Amendment? - ANS The president and vice president ran as a team, not individually. 134. If the Electoral College did not exist and presidents campaigned with the goal of maximizing their portion of the popular vote, which of the following would occur? - ANS Large states would be visited more than small states. 135. Two hundred and seventy Electoral College votes are needed to win the presidency. What would happen if the Republican candidate won 245 votes, the Democrat won 265 votes, and a third candidate won the remaining votes? - ANS The House of Representative would decide. 136. How did the Founders ensure that the political representatives would reflect public opinion? - ANS They provided for regularly scheduled elections so voters could pass judgment on their representatives. P a g e 15 | 27 137. Which of the following is necessary for a public opinion poll to accurately represent the population? - ANS Interview a random sample of the population 138. How did the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (2002) change campaign finance in the United States? - ANS It banned unlimited contributions to political parties. 139. What is the term given to a law that is written and passed in the legislature but given final approval by the voters? - ANS a referendum 140. You are a census worker and are asked by your neighbor, "What is the most important reason for a census to be taken every ten years?" How do you respond? - ANS "A census is needed to find how many citizens reside in each state, which determine the number of representatives and that would allow election district boundaries to be drawn." 141. According to the lesson, who is given the responsibility to draw congressional and state legislative districts? - ANS The state legislature 142. Who was legally allowed to vote at the time the Constitution was ratified? - ANS white men who owned property 143. The election of 1800 exposed which of the following problems in the presidential electoral system? - ANS It is not wise to make the top vote-getter the president and the second place finisher the vice president. 144. Which of the following terms best describes a scenario where citizens are allowed to put questions on the ballot to add or change state laws? - ANS initiatives 145. Which of the following is true of political parties in the United States today? - ANS A party's main function is to elect people to public office 146. What is so unique about the Republican Party in the United States? (check this) - ANS It was the first "third party" to become a major party. (check this) P a g e 16 | 27 147. Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution calls for an actual enumeration of the nation's population. What is this generally interpreted as? - ANS an individual count of the U.S. population 148. If you were a campaign manager for a person running for Congress in a major city, where would you spend most of your money? - ANS political advertisements 149. 7. The practice of drawing districts that favor a politician's own party and which are detrimental to the other party originated with and is named after which politician? - ANS Elbridge Gerry 150. Some voters identify themselves as Independent but also admit to leaning toward the Republican Party. How is such a voter likely to vote? - ANS "Leaners" are just as likely to vote Republican as those who identify themselves as Republicans. 151. How many electoral votes does each state have? - ANS the same number as the sum of its United States senators and representatives 152. Which events are listed in the correct order? - ANS primary election, party candidate announced, general election, Electoral College votes, new president announced 153. Which individual did not win the majority of electoral votes in the general election but was chosen by the House to become president of the U.S.? - ANS Thomas Jefferson 154. Which of the following is true concerning elections for the presidency in the United States? - ANS A candidate can win the popular vote, but lose the election. 155. Which of the following is true about recall elections in the U.S.? - ANS If voters decide that an elected official is not performing as they expected, they can "recall" the individual. 156. Which of the following is one of the most important functions of political parties in the United States? - ANS recruiting and supporting candidates to run for office under the party's banner P a g e 17 | 27 175. Which of the following is true concerning the current state of the war power? - ANS Presidents can commit troops but must obtain congressional approval to keep them "in harm's way." 176. Which president lost political support for a time as a result of his court packing scheme, an obvious attempt to control the judicial branch? - ANS Franklin D. Roosevelt 177. Which of the following governments is most autonomous, meaning they make public policy without oversight or interference from other levels of government? - ANS state governments 178. Which of the following is not a power shared by federal, state, and local governments? - ANS waging war against other nations 179. What does the Constitution forbid states from? - ANS making treaties with foreign governments 180. There are four different types of government agencies. You are pushing to create a new one with autonomy and an expectation to raise money. Which type of agency would you try to create? - ANS a government corporation 181. What is a federal system in which power is clearly divided between the national and regional governments best described as? - ANS dual federalism or "layer cake" federalism 182. Which of the following is true of executive orders? - ANS Executive orders are part of the "executive power" granted to the president 183. Which type of federalism would Abraham Lincoln most likely advocate, considering his Civil War experience and his belief that no state had the right to leave the Union? - ANS permissive 184. Local governments have the greatest control over which type of public policy? - ANS law enforcement 185. Interest groups often conduct media campaigns to get citizens and politicians to see the urgency of a problem. What is this activity known as? - ANS agenda setting P a g e 20 | 27 186. If you wanted to make an argument defending state power, which amendment to the Constitution would you quote to make your case? - ANS Tenth 187. You are fighting to get Congress and the Supreme Court to agree that there is a right to travel. Which part of the constitution would be your best support? - ANS the Ninth Amendment 188. What is the most significant and persistent challenge faced by state local governments? - ANS finances and taxes 189. Why did the Framers believe a free press was important to democracy? - ANS It would inform the public and they played a crucial role in popular governance. 190. Which amendment guarantees freedom of the press? - ANS First Amendment 191. Which of the following statements about the newspapers read by our Founding Fathers is true? - ANS Early newspapers were biased in that they took a particular political position. 192. What were the "Fireside chats"? - ANS Radio speeches by Franklin D. Roosevelt designed to reassure and inform by appealing directly to the American public 193. What was considered the first major opportunity for citizens to voice their views via the mass media? - ANS newspapers 194. Which of the following has potential of a two-way communication or an interactive way of receiving up to date news? - ANS Internet news sites 195. Who owns the news media in our country today? - ANS Private corporations 196. Which of the following is correct concerning the relationship between the press and politicians? - ANS The press and politicians generally have an adversarial relationship, each having different goals. P a g e 21 | 27 197. What is "free media," as described in this lesson? - ANS Events covered by the media but the content and story are not controlled by a political candidate. 198. What is the major advantage of campaign advertising? - ANS It presents the candidate exactly as he/she wishes. 199. Which of the following media is likely to have the most impact on public opinion? - ANS television coverage of war 200. Which of the following would be considered free media? - ANS appearances on local TV news 201. Which amendment leaves several important questions unanswered regarding the media and what they have the right to do? - ANS First 202. What is the main factor that leads the press to give little attention to serious public policy discussion? - ANS the fact that citizens don't want to listen to such information 203. In which of the following media sources do citizens have the greatest chance to participate? - ANS Internet and Web sites 204. Which of the following news stories would Thomas Patterson most likely find out of order or that he would oppose during an election campaign? - ANS a Washington sex scandal 205. What was considered the first major opportunity for citizens to voice their views via the mass media? - ANS Newspapers 206. Which of the following was not a factor that helped print journalism flourish in the mid 1800s? - ANS the rising price of postage 207. The ownership of news outlets in the U.S. has changed over time. Which of the following correctly represents who owns and operates major media outlet today? - ANS media owned by large corporations 208. Who was the first president to regularly appeal directly to the American public by broadcasting his own voice? - ANS Franklin D. Roosevelt P a g e 22 | 27 other instead of trusting political leaders to resolve their disagreements. 222. In which system of government (parliamentary or American) is it hardest to obtain party unity and, hence, party support, to make governmental decisions? - ANS American system 223. Which pope pushed for reform in Poland in a nonconfrontational, nonviolent way? - ANS Pope John Paul II 224. You need a good example of a confederation to present to your class in school. Which of the following will be your best choice? - ANS The United Nations 225. With which of the following distributions of wealth would Karl Marx be most dissatisfied? - ANS The richest 20 percent has 50 percent of the wealth. 226. The middle 60 percent has 40 percent of the wealth. 227. The poorest 20 percent has 10 percent of the wealth. 228. Who refused to be made king over the United States after the Revolutionary War, though many Americans wanted to anoint him as their king? - ANS George Washington 229. Why did tyranny arise in Nigeria? (check this) - ANS They have been plagued by economic turmoil, ethnic tensions, and rampant corruption. (check this) 230. Which of the following examples best illustrates how state and local governments can serve as laboratories of democracy? - ANS state welfare policy, wherein the national government adopted the welfare system used in Wisconsin 231. Which of the following governmental systems would encourage the most people to participate in the political system? - ANS confederation 232. In which of the following political systems do people have the least economic freedom, social welfare, and human rights? - ANS feudalism 233. Which of the following is a correct statement about the difference between the American and British political systems? - P a g e 25 | 27 ANS The Prime Minister is selected from the party in control while the President is elected. 234. Which of the following best describes health care delivery in a socialist economy? - ANS Prices are set by government; individuals pay higher taxes in return for government funded insurance/health care. 235. What do the efforts of Lech Walesa and Solidarity in Poland demonstrate? - ANS There is power in large numbers of people joined together in a common cause. 236. What is another term for command economy? - ANS communist economy 237. Which is true of divided party government? - ANS It has been increasing since World War II. 238. Some democratic movements have short-circuited because the preconditions for democracy were not met after the collapse of communism. Which country in particular experienced such a short circuit, which caused a period of economic depression that continues today? - ANS Russia 239. Tyrannical governments are least likely to form from which of the following types of conflicts? - ANS A strong leader promises that, under his rule, economic prosperity will enhance the quality of life and national power of the nation. 240. The expansionist policies of what country—which led successful military campaigns in China, Korea, and other countries —were ended in World War II? - ANS Japan 241. The notion that a nation can enhance its power by enriching itself through world trade is a key tenet of which form of government? - ANS mercantilism 1. Grand Juries, Self-incrimination, Double Jeopardy, Due Process, Eminent Domain 2. Cruel and Unusual Punishment 3. Trial by Jury 4. Religion, speech, assembly, politics 5. Militia and Right to Bear Arms P a g e 26 | 27 6. Reserved Powers of the State 7. Criminal Court, Procedures 8. Rights retained by the people 9. Quartering of Soldiers 10. Search and Seizure a. Amendment VIII b. Amendment II c. Amendment VII d. Amendment X e. Amendment III f. Amendment IX g. Amendment I h. Amendment VI i. Amendment IV j. Amendment V - ANS 1j 2a 3c 4g 5b 6d 7h 8f 9e 10i P a g e 27 | 27
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