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Centre for the Study of Theory & Criticism—Core ..., Slides of Literature

Centre for the Study of Theory & Criticism—Core Comprehensive Examination List — June 2018 ... Feminist. Benjamin. Walter. Illuminations. The Storyteller.

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Download Centre for the Study of Theory & Criticism—Core ... and more Slides Literature in PDF only on Docsity! Centre for the Study of Theory & Criticism—Core Comprehensive Examination List — June 2018 Last First Main Work Selection Page #s Page Count Total Author Page Count A/B/C School of Thought 1 Adorno Negative Dialectics Introduction 3-44 42 186 C Frankfurt School Aesthetic Theory Art, Society, and Aesthetics; Situation; Enigmaticalness; Toward a Theory of the Artwork 1-44; 118-36; 175-99 89 w/Max Horkheimer Dialectic of Enlightenment Introduction Xi-xvii 7 The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception 120-167 48 Ahmed Sara Strange Encounters: Embodied Others in Post-coloniality Part II 75-134 59 59 B Postcolonial; Affect Theory Althusser Louis Essays on Ideology Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses 1-60 60 60 C Post-structuralist Andersen Chris Metis: Race, Recognition and the Struggle for Indigenous Peoplehood Ch. 1 “Mixed” 26-58 33 33 B Indigenous Critical Theory Appadurai Arjun Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy 27-47 21 62 B Post-modernist; Postcolonial Global Ethnoscapes: Notes and Queries for a Transnational Anthropology 48-65 18 The Production of Locality 178-200 23 Arendt Hannah Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil Epilogue and Postscript 253-298 46 111 C Modernist The Origins of Totalitarianism Chapter 11 341-388 48 The Human Condition Sections 3-4, pp. 40-45 (U. of Chicago Press 1958) 17-27, 40-45 17 Aristotle The Basic Works of Aristotle Categories 1-5, 12-13 7-14, 34-37 12 242 A Greek Metaphysics i 1-4, 6-9;ii; iii 1; iv 1-6; v 7-8; vii; viii 1-3; ix 1-7; xii 6-10; xiii 10 (1-21, 54-78, 79, 111-125, 179-185, 211-225, 226-232, 252-277, 364-389) 689-698, 700- 711, 712-717, 731-749, 760- 761, 783-816, 820-828, 877- 888, 910-911 106 Nicomachean Ethics i 1-13; ii 1- 6; iii 1-7; v 1-2, 7, 10; vi 1-3, 5- 8, 12-13 (1-33, 34-47, 58-84, 136-143, 163-64, 174-75, 180-184, 186-194) 935-959, 964- 977, 1002- 1006, 1014- 1015, 1019- 1020, 1022- 1025, 1026- 1030 57 Centre for the Study of Theory & Criticism—Core Comprehensive Examination List — June 2018 Last First Main Work Selection Page #s Page Count Total Author Page Count A/B/C School of Thought 2 Politics i 1-6; ii 1-5; iii 1, 4, 6-12; iv 1, 3, 11; v 1, 8, 9; vii 1-3, 8-9, 13, 15 (25-37, 54-68, 100-2, 105-9, 112-127, 145-47, 149-51, 167-71, 187-90, 208-16, 257-65, 272-76, 283-86, 291-93) 1127-1135, 1146-1154, 1176-1178, 1180-1182, 1184-1194, 1205-1206, 1208-1209, 1220-1222, 1232-1234, 1246-1251, 1277-1282, 1287-1290, 1294-1296, 1299-1301 67 Badiou Alain Being and Event Parts I, V 23-80, 201-265 123 123 A Post-postmodernist Bakhtin Mikhail Bakhtinian Thought: An Introductory Reader The hero’s monologic discourse and narrational discourse in Dostoevsky’s short novels 157-194 38 97 C Marxist Heteroglossia in the novel 195-224 30 The grotesque image of the body and its sources 225-253 29 Barthes Roland The Pleasure of the Text entire 3-83 81 93 C Semiotics Image-Music-Text The Death of the Author 142-148 7 Change the Object Itself: Mythology today 165-169 5 Bataille Georges Visions of Excess: Selected Writings, 1927-1939 The Big Toe 20-23 4 73 A Surrealist Base Materialism and Gnosticism 45-52 8 Sacrificial Mutilation and the Severed Ear of Vincent Van Gogh 61-72 12 The Psychological Structure of Fascism 137-160 24 The Accursed Share, volume I Theoretical Introduction 17-41 25 Baudrillard Jean The Consumer Society: Myths and Structures Conclusion: On Contemporary Alienation, or the End of the Pact with the Devil 187-196 10 73 A Post-structuralist For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign Towards a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign 143-163 21 Simulacra and Simulation The Precession of Simulacra 1-42 42 Bauman Zygmunt Modernity and the Holocaust The Uniqueness and Normality of the Holocaust 83-116 34 49 B Post-modernist Liquid Modernity "Forward: On Being Light and Liquid" 1-15 15 Centre for the Study of Theory & Criticism—Core Comprehensive Examination List — June 2018 Last First Main Work Selection Page #s Page Count Total Author Page Count A/B/C School of Thought 5 Sexuality, volume I: An Introduction The Repressive Hypothesis 15-49 35 Freud Sigmund On Murder, Mourning and Melancholia Mourning and Melancholia 201-218 18 241 A Psychoanalysis The Interpretation of Dreams The Dream-Work, sections AC, H-I 311-374, 497- 547 115 Civilization and its Discontents entire 5-112 108 Geertz Clifford The Interpretation of Cultures Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture 3-30 28 112 B Post-structuralist Ideology as a Cultural System 193-233 41 Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight 412-454 43 Goldman Emma Anarchism and Other Essays Anarchism: What it Really Stands For, Minorities vs. Majorities, and Marriage & Love 38-53; 62-84; 174-83 47 47 C Anarchism Gramsci Antonio A Gramsci Reader: Selected Writings, 1916-1935 Hegemony, Relations of Force, Historical Bloc 189-221 33 58 C Marxist American Fordism 275-299 25 Habermas Jürgen Communication and the Evolution of Society "Introduction: Preliminary Demarcation of the Category of Bourgeois Public Sphere” 1-26 26 115 B Frankfurt School Legitimation Problems in the Modern State 178-206 29 Theory of Communicative Action vol.1. “From Lukacs to Adorno: Rationalization as Reification" 339-99 60 Hall Stuart Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices The Work of Representation 13-74 62 141 C Cultural studies The Spectacle of the ‘Other’ 223-290 68 Culture, Media, Language: Working Papers in Cultural Studies Encoding/decoding 117-127 11 Haraway Donna Simians, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature ‘Cyborg Manifesto’ 149-182 34 34 C Feminist Harvey David The Condition of Postmodernity Chapters 6, 12-14, and Part IV 113-120, 201-239, 327-359 80 80 B Post-modernist Hegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich The Phenomenology of Spirit Preface 1-45 45 202 A Enlightenment Centre for the Study of Theory & Criticism—Core Comprehensive Examination List — June 2018 Last First Main Work Selection Page #s Page Count Total Author Page Count A/B/C School of Thought 6 Self-Consciousness 104-138 35 The Philosophy of History Introduction (pp. 1-27-61-102 in Colonial Press 1990 edition Sibree translation) 1-27, 61-102 69 The Philosophy of Mind Section II subsection C “Ethical Life” aka “The Moral Life or Social Ethics” 228-258 31 Aesthetics Division of the Subject (Introduction, §8) 69-90 22 Heidegger Martin Being and Time Introduction 1-38 38 258 A Phenomenology Being-in-the-World as Being With and Being-One's-Self. The ‘They’ 112-126 15 Basic Writings The Origin of the Work of Art 139-212 74 Letter on Humanism 213-267 55 The Question Concerning Technology 307-342 36 The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays The Age of the World Picture 115-154 40 Hobbes Thomas Leviathan Introduction; Part 1: i-v; Part 2: xvii-xix; Part 2: xxx-xxxi; Part 3: xxxii; A Review 9-11, 13-37, 117-138, 231-254, 255-259, 483-491 88 88 B Enlightenment Hooks Bell Ain't I a Woman? Chapters 1, 2, 5 15-86. 159-196 110 110 C Feminist, Critical race theory Horkheimer Max Critical Theory: Selected Essays "Tradition and Critical Theory" 188-243 55 Husserl Edmund Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and a Phenomenological Philosophy, Book I Sections 30-32, 84 56-62, 199-202 11 95 A Phenomenology Logical Investigations Vol. I, Investigation I, "Expression and Meaning" 181-233 53 The Crisis of the European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology The Vienna Lecture: Philosophy and the Crisis of European Humanity 269-299 31 Irigaray Luce This Sex Which Is Not One This Sex Which Is Not One 23-33 11 43 A Post-structuralist The Power of Discourse and the Subordination of the Feminine 68-85 18 Feminist When Our Lips Speak Together 205-218 14 Jameson Fredric Postmodernism; or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism 1-54 54 140 C Post-modernist Centre for the Study of Theory & Criticism—Core Comprehensive Examination List — June 2018 Last First Main Work Selection Page #s Page Count Total Author Page Count A/B/C School of Thought 7 The Political Unconscious On Interpretation: Literature as a Socially Symbolic Act 17-102 86 Kant Immanuel Critique of Pure Reason Introduction 136-152 17 197 A Enlightenment Transcendental Aesthetic 172-191 20 Transcendental Dialectic 384-393 10 Book 2, Chapter 3, Section VII 583-590 8 Appendix: Of the regulative employment of the ideas of pure reason 590-604 15 Critique of Judgment Introduction; Book 1, sections 2, 4, 5, 8, 10; Book 2, sections 23-29, 35, 49 59-83, 90-91, 92-96, 99-101, 105, 128-159, 167-168, 191- 196 76 Political Writings An Answer to the Question: What Is Enlightenment? 54-60 7 Idea of a Universal History from a Cosmopolitan Point of View 41-54 14 The Conflict of the Faculties On the Relation of the Faculties 31-60 30 Kierkegaard Søren Fear and Trembling Preface 5-8 4 111 A Existentialist Repetition Entire 125-231 107 Kristeva Julia Revolution in Poetic Language Prolegomenon and Part I sections 1,2, 5-10 13-30, 43-71 47 122 A Post-structuralist The Kristeva Reader Stabat Mater 160-186 27 Feminist Powers of Horror Approaching Abjection 1-31 31 Tales of Love Chapter 1 1-17 17 Lacan Jacques Écrits The Mirror Stage 75-81 7 186 C Psychoanalysis The Instance of the Letter in the Unconscious 412-444 33 The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis The Unconscious and Repetition 17-64 48 Of the Gaze as Objet Petit a 67-119 53 The Ethics of Psychoanalysis The Essence of Tragedy 243-287 45 de Landa Manuel A New Philosophy of Society Introduction, chapters 1-2 1-46 46 86 B Post-modernist Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy Virtuality and the Laws of Physics 117-156 40 Latour Bruno Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Part I 21-156 136 136 B Social Theory Centre for the Study of Theory & Criticism—Core Comprehensive Examination List — June 2018 Last First Main Work Selection Page #s Page Count Total Author Page Count A/B/C School of Thought 10 On Intellectual Craftsmanship 195-226 32 Nancy Jean-Luc The Inoperative Community The Inoperative Community 1-42 42 103 B Post-structuralist Myth, Interrupted 43-70 28 The Birth to Presence Dei Paralysis Progressiva 48-58 11 Exscription 319-340 22 Nietzsche Friedrich The Nietzsche Reader On Truth and Lie in an ExtraMoral Sense 114-123 10 151 C Modernist Thus Spoke Zarathustra Part I; Part II (selection); Part III (selection); Part IV (selection) 3-59; 63-67, 88-90, 93-95, 109- 112, 115-117; 121-127, 130- 133, 156-179; 231-240, 264- 266 110 The Birth of Tragedy Sections 1-5, 17, 24 14-33, 80-85, 111-115 31 Pascal Blaise Pensées Sections I-IV 1-59 60 60 A Philosopher Plato The Republic Books I, III, VII, X 972-990, 1022-1052, 1132-1155, 1199-1223 99 259 A Greek Phaedrus 506-556 51 Symposium 457-505 49 The Sophist 235-294 60 Ricoeur Paul Ideology and Utopia Part II: Utopia 269-314 46 46 C Modernist Rousseau Jean-Jacques Basic Political Writings Discourse on the Origin of Inequality 25-82 58 90 B Enlightenment The Social Contract, Books 1- 2 141-172 32 Rovatti Pier Aldo Weak Thought ‘Transformations in the Course of Experience’ 53-74 22 22 C Post-modernist Rubin Gayle Literary Theory: An Anthology “The Traffic in Women” 770-794 25 25 C Feminist Said Edward Orientalism Introduction; Afterword 18-42, 301-23 48 124 C Post-colonial MERIP Reports 70 (Sep 1978) (http:// e/ 3011576) "The Idea of Palestine in the West" 3-11 9 Culture and Imperialism Empire, Geography, and Culture 3-14 12 Freedom from Domination in the Future 282-336 55 Sartre Jean-Paul Being and Nothingness Introduction: Being-in-itself 24-30 7 98 C Existentialist Centre for the Study of Theory & Criticism—Core Comprehensive Examination List — June 2018 Last First Main Work Selection Page #s Page Count Total Author Page Count A/B/C School of Thought 11 Bad Faith 86-116 31 Immediate Structures of the For-Itself 119-158 40 Quality as a Revelation of Being 765-784 20 Schelling Friedrich Ages of the World pp. 3-49 and 89-104 in Wirth (2000) translation 3-49, 89-104 63 63 A Hermeneutics Sedgwick Eve Kosofsky Novel Gazing Paranoid Reading and Reparative Reading; or, You’re So Paranoid, You Probably Think This Introduction is About You 1-40 40 127 A Queer theory Between Men: English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire Introduction 1-20 20 Epistemology of the Closet Introduction: Axiomatic 1-66 67 Simmel Georg Simmel on Culture: Selected Writings The Concept and Tragedy of Culture 55-74 20 81 B Modernist The Conflict of Modern Culture 75-89 15 The Sociology of Space 137-169 33 The Metropolis and Mental Life 174-186 13 Smith Dorothy The Everyday World as Problematic Institutional Ethnography: A Feminist Research Strategy 151-180 30 30 B Feminist Smith Linda Tuhiwai Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples Chapters 1 and 2 22-60 39 39 B Indigenous Critical Theory Smith Neil Uneven Development: Nature, Capital, and the Production of Space Toward a Theory of Uneven Development I: The Dialectic of Geographical Differentiation and Equalization 132-175 44 44 B de Spinoza Benedictus Ethics Books 1, 2, 5 31-101, 201- 223 94 94 A Enlightenment (pre) Spivak Gayatri Chakravorty Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture Can the Subaltern Speak? 271-313 43 75 A Deconstructionist The Spivak Reader Revolutions That as Yet Have No Mode: Derrida's Limited Inc. I 75-106 32 Post-colonial Vattimo Gianni Weak Thought ‘Dialectics, Difference, Weak Thought’ 39-52 14 14 A Post-modernist Virilio Paul Speed and Politics From Street Fight to State Right; From Highway Right to State Right 29-49 21 63 B Post-modernist From Highway Right to State Right 49-58 10 The Original Accident The Original Accident 70-82 13 Centre for the Study of Theory & Criticism—Core Comprehensive Examination List — June 2018 Last First Main Work Selection Page #s Page Count Total Author Page Count A/B/C School of Thought 12 Dromosphere 83-101 19 Weber Max The Essential Weber Puritanism and the spirit of capitalism 25-34 10 90 B Modernist Prefatory remarks on the Collected Essays in the Sociology of Religion 101-112 12 Three pure types of legitimate rule 133-145 13 Formal and substantive rationalization: theocratic and secular law 250-256 7 Basic sociological concepts 311-358 48 Weil Simone Simone Weil, an anthology Human Personality 69-98 30 137 A Philosopher The Needs of the Soul 105-140 36 The Great Beast 141-146 6 Analysis of Oppression 147-177 31 The Iliad, or the Poem of Force 182-215 34 Wheeler Winona Reading Beyond Words: Contexts for Native History, 2nd edition ‘The Journals and Voices of a Church of England Native Catechist: Askenootow (Charles Pratt), 1851-1884’ 237-261 25 25 C Indigenous Critical Theory Wittgenstein Ludwig Philosophical Investigations §§ 1, 2, 22, 24, 27, 30, 32, 43, 47, 49, 62, 69, 71, 75, 80-2, 92, 96, 115, 130, 176, 179, 184, 203, 241, 269, 275, 288, 342, 355, 386, 449, 513, 559, 597 + pp. 217, 218, 224 c. 40pp 40 55 A Tractatus Logio- Philosophicus Preface, Propositions 1- 2.225, 6.4-7 c. 15pp 15 Wollstonecraft Mary A Vindication of the Rights of Women Introduction, Chapters 1-5, 9, 13 74-155, 230- 241, 276-303 122 122 B Feminist Žižek Slavoj The Sublime Object of Ideology How Did Marx Invent the Symptom? 11-54 44 86 C Post-Structuralist From Symptom to Sinthome 55-86 32 The Indivisible Remainder Introduction 1-10 10 Counts 94 168 255 10103 Average per author 107 A - “Humanities” 32 4061 B - “Social science” 30 2616 C - “Both” 32 3426
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