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Glossary of Criminology Terms, Quizzes of Criminology

Definitions for various terms used in the field of criminology. It includes terms related to criminal behavior, criminal justice system, social structures, and psychological concepts. These definitions help in understanding the complexities of crime and criminal justice.

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Download Glossary of Criminology Terms and more Quizzes Criminology in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 capitalist bourgeoisie DEFINITION 1 the owners of the means of production. TERM 2 commitment to conformity DEFINITION 2 a strong personal investment in in conventional institutions, individuals, and processes that prevents people from engaging in behavior that might jeopardize their reputation and achievements. TERM 3 communist manifesto DEFINITION 3 In this document, Marx focused his attention on the economic conditions perpetuated by the capitalist system. He stated that its development had turned workers into a dehumanized mass who lived an existence that was at the mercy of their capitalist employers. TERM 4 containment theory DEFINITION 4 the idea that a strong self image insulates a youth from the pressures and pulls of criminogenic influences in the environment. TERM 5 contextual discrimination DEFINITION 5 a practice in which african americans receive hasher punishments in some instances (as when they victimize whites) but not in others (as when they victimize other blacks). TERM 6 critical criminologists DEFINITION 6 researchers who view crime as a function of the capitalist mode of production and not the social conflict that might occur in any society regardless of its economic system. TERM 7 critical criminology DEFINITION 7 the view that capitalism produces haves and have-nots, each engaging in a particular branch of criminality. TERM 8 critical feminism DEFINITION 8 scholars, both male and female, who focus on the effects of gender inequality and the unequal power of men and women in a capitalist society. TERM 9 demystify DEFINITION 9 to unmask the true purpose of law, justice, or other social institutions. TERM 10 dialectic method DEFINITION 10 for every idea, or thesis, there exists an opposing argument, or antithesis. Because neither position can ever be truly accepted, the result is a merger of the two ideas, a synthesis. Marx adapted this analytic method for his study of class struggle. TERM 21 imperatively coordinated associations DEFINITION 21 these associations are composed of two groups: those who possess authority and use it for social domination, and those who lack authority and are dominated. TERM 22 instrumental theory DEFINITION 22 the view that criminal law and the criminal justice system are capitalist instruments for controlling the lower class. TERM 23 left realism DEFINITION 23 an approach that views crime as a function of relative deprivation under capitalism and that favors pragmatic, community-based crime prevention and control. TERM 24 lumpen proletariat DEFINITION 24 the fringe members at the bottom of society who produce nothing and live parasitically off of the work of others. TERM 25 marginalization DEFINITION 25 displacement of workers, pushing them outside the economic and social mainstream. TERM 26 negative reinforcement DEFINITION 26 using either negative stimuli (punishment) or loss of reward (negative punishment) to curtail unwanted behaviors. TERM 27 neutralization theory DEFINITION 27 states that offenders adhere to conventional values while drifting into periods of illegal behavior . In order to drift, people must first overcome (neutralize) legal and moral values. TERM 28 parental efficiency DEFINITION 28 parenting that is supportive, effective, and non coercive. TERM 29 paternalistic families DEFINITION 29 traditional family model in which fathers assume the role of breadwinners, while mothers tend to have menial jobs or remain at home to supervise domestic matters. TERM 30 patriarchy DEFINITION 30 a society in which men dominate public, social, economic, and political affairs. TERM 31 power-control theory DEFINITION 31 the view that gender differences in crime are a function of economic power (class position, one-earner versus two- earner families) and parental control (paternalistic versus egalitarian families) TERM 32 peace making DEFINITION 32 an approach that considers punitive crime control strategies to be counterproductive and favors the use of humanistic conflict resolution to prevent and control crime. TERM 33 preemptive deterrence DEFINITION 33 efforts to prevent crime through community organization and youth involvement. TERM 34 primary deviance DEFINITION 34 according to Lemert, deviant acts that do not help redefine the self-image and public image of the offender. TERM 35 productive forces DEFINITION 35 technology, energy sources, and material forces. TERM 46 secondary deviance DEFINITION 46 according to lemert, accepting deviant labels as a personal identity. Acts become secondary when they form a basis for self-concept, as when a drug experimenter becomes an addict. TERM 47 social control theory DEFINITION 47 the view that people commit crime when the forces that bind them to society are weakened or broken. TERM 48 social process theory DEFINITION 48 the view that criminality is a function of peoples interactions with various organizations, institutions, and processes in society. TERM 49 social reaction theory (labeling theory) DEFINITION 49 the view that people become criminals when significant members of society label them as such and they accept those labels as personal identity. TERM 50 social learning theory DEFINITION 50 the view that human behavior is modeled through observation of human social interactions, either directly from observing those who are close and from intimate contact, or indirectly through the media. Interactions that are rewarded are copied, while actions that are punished are avoided. TERM 51 socialization DEFINITION 51 the interactions people have with various organizations, institutions, and processes of society. TERM 52 sociological social psychology DEFINITION 52 the study of human interactions and relationships, emphasizing such issues as group dynamics and socialization. TERM 53 social bond DEFINITION 53 ties a person has to the institutions and processes of society. According to Hirschi, elements of the social bond include commitment, attachment, involvement, and belief. TERM 54 stigma DEFINITION 54 an enduring label that taints a person's identity and changes him or her in the eyes of others. TERM 55 state (organized) crime DEFINITION 55 acts defined by law as criminal and committed by state officials, either elected or appointed, in pursuit of their jobs as govt. representatives. TERM 56 structural theory DEFINITION 56 the view that criminal law and the criminal justice system are means of defending and preserving the capitalist system. TERM 57 subterran values DEFINITION 57 morally tinged influences that have become entrenched in the culture but are publicly condemned. They exist side by side with conventional values and while condemned in public may be admired or practiced in private. TERM 58 supranational criminology DEFINITION 58 the study of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and the supranational penal system in which such crimes are prosecuted and tried. TERM 59 surplus value DEFINITION 59 the marxist view that the laboring classes produce wealth that far exceeds their wages and goes to the capitalist class as profits. TERM 60 symbolic interaction theory DEFINITION 60 the sociological view that people communicate through symbols. People interpret symbolic communication and incorporate it within their personality. A person's view of reality then, depends on his or her interpretation of symbolic gestures. TERM 71 authority conflict pathway DEFINITION 71 the path to a criminal career that begins with early stubborn behavior and defiance of parents. TERM 72 arousal therapy DEFINITION 72 a view of crime suggesting that people who have a high arousal level seek powerful stimuli in their environment to maintain an optimal level of arousal. TERM 73 anal stage DEFINITION 73 in Freud's schema the second and third years of life, when the focus of sexual attention is on the elimination of bodily wastes. TERM 74 atavistic anomalies DEFINITION 74 according to Lambroso the physical characteristics that distinguish born criminals from the general population and are throwbacks to animals or primitive people. TERM 75 behavior modeling DEFINITION 75 process of learning behavior (notably aggression) by observing others. TERM 76 biosocial therapy DEFINITION 76 an approach to criminology that focuses on the interaction between biological and social factors as they relate to crime. TERM 77 bio phobia DEFINITION 77 sociologists who held the view that no serous consideration should be given to biological factors when attempting to understand human nature. TERM 78 bipolar disorder DEFINITION 78 an emotional disturbance in which moods alternate between periods of wild elation and deep depression. TERM 79 biological determinism DEFINITION 79 a belief that criminogenic traits can be acquired through indirect heredity from a degenerate family whose members suffered from such ills as insanity, syphilis, and alcoholism, or through direct heredity- being related to a family of criminals. TERM 80 California personality inventory (CPI) DEFINITION 80 a frequently administered personality personality test used to distinguish deviant groups from non deviant group. TERM 81 chemical restraints DEFINITION 81 antipsychotic drug such as Haldol, Stelazine, prolixin, and Risperdal, which help control levels of neurotransmitters (such as serotonin and dopamine) that are used to treat violence-promne people. TERM 82 cerebral allergies DEFINITION 82 a physical condition that causes brain malfunction due to exposure to some environment or biochemical irritant. TERM 83 conduct disorder DEFINITION 83 children with ADHD who continually engage in aggressive and antisocial behavior in early childhood. TERM 84 contagion effect DEFINITION 84 genetic predispositions and early experiences make some people, including twins, susceptible to deviant behavior, which is transmitted by the presence of antisocial siblings in the household. TERM 85 cognitive theory DEFINITION 85 the study of the perception of reality and of the mental processes required to understand the world in which we live. TERM 96 cultural deviance theory DEFINITION 96 branch of social structure theory that sees strain and social disorganization together resulting in a unique lower-class culture that conflicts with conventional social norms. TERM 97 cultural transmission DEFINITION 97 the concept that conduct norms are passed down from one generation to the next so that they became stable within the boundaries of the culture. TERM 98 culture conflict DEFINITION 98 according to Sellin, a condition brought about when the rules and norms of an individual's subcultural affiliation conflict with the role demands of conventional society. TERM 99 developmental criminology DEFINITION 99 a view of criminal behavior that places emphasis on the changes people go through over the life course. TERM 100 delinquent boy DEFINITION 100 a youth who adopts a set of norms and principles in direct opposition to middle-class values, engaging in short run hedonism, living for today and letting tomorrow take care of itself. TERM 101 defective intelligence DEFINITION 101 traits such as feebleminded, epilepsy, insanity, and defective social instinct, which Goring believed had a significant relationship to criminal behavior. TERM 102 disorders DEFINITION 102 any type of psychological problems such as anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and conduct disorders. TERM 103 Electroencephalograph (EEG) DEFINITION 103 A device that can record the electronic impulses given off by the brain, commonly called brain waves. TERM 104 Ego DEFINITION 104 the part of the personality, developed in early childhood, that helps control the ID and keep peoples actions within the boundaries of social convention. TERM 105 Ego Ideal DEFINITION 105 Part of the superego; directs the individual into morally acceptable and responsible behaviors, which may not be pleasurable. TERM 106 Eros DEFINITION 106 The instinct to preserve and create life, a basic human drive present at birth. TERM 107 Electra Complex DEFINITION 107 A stage of development when girls begin to have sexual feelings for their fathers. TERM 108 Equipotentiality DEFINITION 108 view that all individuals are equal at birth and are thereafter influenced by their environment. TERM 109 Focal Concerns DEFINITION 109 According to Miller, the value orientations of lower-class cultures; features include the needs for excitement, trouble, smartness, and personal autonomy. TERM 110 General Theory of Crime DEFINITION 110 According to Gottfredson and Hirschi, a development theory that modifies social control theory by integrating concepts from biosocial, psychological, routine activities, and rational choice theories. TERM 121 incivilities DEFINITION 121 rude and uncivil behavior, behavior that indicates little caring for the feelings of others. TERM 122 institutional anomie theory DEFINITION 122 the view that anomie pervades U.S culture because the drive for material wealth dominates and undermines social and community values. TERM 123 latent trait theories DEFINITION 123 theoretical views that criminal behavior is controlled by a master trait, present at birth or soon after, that remains stable and unchanging throughout a person's lifetime. TERM 124 latent trait DEFINITION 124 a stable feature, characteristic, property, or condition, present at birth or soon after, that makes some people crime prone over the life course. TERM 125 latent delinquency DEFINITION 125 a psychological predisposition to commit antisocial acts because of an id-domianted personality that renders an individual incapable of controlling impulsive, pleasure- seeking drives. TERM 126 latency DEFINITION 126 a developmental stage that begins at age 6. During this period, feelings of sexuality are repressed until the genital stage begins at puberty, this marks the beginning of adult sexuality. TERM 127 learning disability DEFINITION 127 a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or using spoken or written languages. TERM 128 life course theories DEFINITION 128 theoretical views studying changes in criminal offending patterns over a person's entire life. TERM 129 life course persisters DEFINITION 129 one of the small group of offenders whose criminal career continues well into adult hood. TERM 130 mechanical solidarity DEFINITION 130 a characteristic of a preindustrial society, which is held together by traditions, shared values, and unquestioned beliefs. TERM 131 middle-class measuring rods DEFINITION 131 According to Cohen, the standards by which teachers and other representatives of state authority evaluate lower class youths. TERM 132 minimal brain dysfunction DEFINITION 132 An abruptly appearing, maladaptive behavior that interrupts an individual's lifestyle and life flow. TERM 133 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) DEFINITION 133 a widely used psychological test that has subscales designed to measure many different personality traits, including psychopathic deviation, schizophrenia, and hypomania. TERM 134 moral development DEFINITION 134 the way people morally represent and reason about the world. TERM 135 multidimensional personality questionnaire DEFINITION 135 a test that allows researchers to access such personality traits as control, aggression, alienation, and well being. TERM 146 problem behavior syndrome (PBS) DEFINITION 146 a cluster of antisocial behaviors that may include family dysfunction, substance abuse, smoking, precocious sexuality and early pregnancy, educational underachievement, suicide attempts, sensation seeking, unemployment, as well as crime. TERM 147 paranoid schizophrenias DEFINITION 147 individuals who suffer complex behavior delusions involving wrongdoing or persecution- they think everyone is out to get them. TERM 148 persistance DEFINITION 148 the idea that those who started their delinquent careers early and who committed serious violent crimes throughout adolescence were the most likely to persist as adults. TERM 149 pleasure principle DEFINITION 149 according to Freud, a theory in which id-domianted people are driven to increase their personal pleasure without regard to consequences. TERM 150 phallic stage DEFINITION 150 In freud's schema, the third year, when children focus their attention on their genitals. TERM 151 positivism DEFINITION 151 the branch of social science that uses the scientific method of the natural sciences and suggests that human behavior is a product of social, biological, psychological, or economic forces. TERM 152 psychosis DEFINITION 152 a mental state in which the perception of reality is distorted.- hallucinate, have paranoid or delusional beliefs, change personality, exhibit disorganized thinking. TERM 153 psychopath DEFINITION 153 people who have an antisocial personality that is a product of a defect or aberration within themselves. TERM 154 psychopathic personality DEFINITION 154 a personality characterized by a lack of warmth and feeling, inappropriate behavior responses, and an inability to learn from experience. TERM 155 psychoanalytic or psychodynamic perspective DEFINITION 155 branch of psychology holding that the human personality is controlled by unconscious mental processes developed early in childhood. TERM 156 primary prevention programs DEFINITION 156 treatment programs that seek to correct or remedy personal problems before they manifest themselves as crime. TERM 157 reality principle DEFINITION 157 according to Freud, the ability to learn about the consequences of one's actions through experience. TERM 158 reaction formation DEFINITION 158 according to Cohen, rejecting goals and standards that seem impossible to achieve. TERM 159 reciprocal altruism DEFINITION 159 according to sociology, acts that are outwardly designed to help others but that have at their core benefits to the self. TERM 160 relative deprivation DEFINITION 160 the condition that exists when people of wealth and poverty live in close proximity of each other. TERM 171 siege mentality DEFINITION 171 residents who become so suspicious of authority that they consider the outside world to be the enemy out to destroy the neighborhood. TERM 172 social capital DEFINITION 172 positive relations with individuals and institutions that are life sustaining. TERM 173 social structure theory DEFINITION 173 the view that disadvantaged economic class position is a primary cause of crime. TERM 174 social disorganized theory DEFINITION 174 branch of social structure theory that focuses on the breakdown of institutions such as the family, school, and employment in inner-city neighborhoods. TERM 175 sociobiology DEFINITION 175 the scientific study of the determinants of social behavior, based on the view that such behavior is influenced by both the individual's genetic makeup and interactions with the environment. TERM 176 social learning theory DEFINITION 176 the view that human behavior is modeled through observation of human social interactions, either directly from observing those who are close and form intimate contact, or indirectly through the media. TERM 177 sociopath DEFINITION 177 personality disorder characterized by superficial charm and glibness, a lack of empathy for others, amoral conduct, and lack of shame, guilt or remorse for antisocial behavior. TERM 178 secondary prevention programs DEFINITION 178 treatment programs aimed at helping offenders after they have been identified. TERM 179 somatotype DEFINITION 179 a system developed for categorizing people on the basis of their body build. TERM 180 subcultures DEFINITION 180 groups that are loosely part of the dominate culture but maintain a unique set of values, beliefs, and traditions. TERM 181 super ego DEFINITION 181 in corporation within the personality of moral standards and values of parents, community and significant others. TERM 182 thanatos DEFINITION 182 according to Freud the instinctual drive toward aggression and violence. TERM 183 testosterone DEFINITION 183 the principal male steroid hormone. TERM 184 tertiary prevention programs DEFINITION 184 crime control and prevention programs that may be be a requirement of a probation order, part of a diversionary sentence, or after care at the end of a prison sentence. TERM 185 theory of anomie DEFINITION 185 a modified version of the concept of anomie developed by Merton to fit social, economic, and cultural conditions found in modern U.S society.
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