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Human Resource Management: Terms and Concepts, Quizzes of Introduction to Business Management

Definitions for key terms and concepts in the field of human resource management. Topics include strategic human resource planning, human capital, knowledge workers, social capital, job analysis, job description, job specification, human resource inventory, national labor relations, collective bargaining, fair labor standards act, equal employment opportunity commission, workplace discrimination, adverse impact, disparate treatment, affirmative action, sexual harassment, recruiting, job posting, external recruiting, internal recruiting, realistic job preview, selection process, and onboarding programs.

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Download Human Resource Management: Terms and Concepts and more Quizzes Introduction to Business Management in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Ch. 9 Human resource management DEFINITION 1 consists of the activities managers perform to plan for, attract, develop, and retain the effective workplace TERM 2 Strategic human resource planning DEFINITION 2 consists of developing a systematic, comprehensive strategy for understanding current employee needs and predicting future employee needs TERM 3 Human capital DEFINITION 3 the economic or productive potential of employee knowledge, experience, and actions TERM 4 knowledge worker DEFINITION 4 someone whose occupation is principally concerned with generating or interpreting information as opposed to manual labor TERM 5 social capital DEFINITION 5 the economic or productive potential of strong, trusting and cooperative relationships TERM 6 job analysis DEFINITION 6 purpose is to determine by observation and analysis, the basic elements of a job TERM 7 job description DEFINITION 7 summarizes "what" the holder of the job does and how and why he or she does it; determining the basic elements of a job by observation and analysis TERM 8 job specification DEFINITION 8 describes the minimum qualifications a person must have to perform a job successfully ; "who" ideal candidate possesses TERM 9 human resource inventory DEFINITION 9 a report listing your organizations employees by name, education, training, languages, and other important information30-35% are engaged in their work 2/3 not engaged in their work TERM 10 national labor relations board DEFINITION 10 enforces procedures where by employees may vote to have a union and for collective bargaining TERM 21 Job posting DEFINITION 21 placing information about job vacancies and qualifications on bulletin boards, and newsletters, and organizations intranet TERM 22 external recruiting DEFINITION 22 attracting job applicants from outside the organization TERM 23 realistic job preview(RJP) DEFINITION 23 gives a candidate a picture of both positive and negative features of the job and the organization before he or she is hired TERM 24 selection process DEFINITION 24 screening of job applicants to hire the best candidate- application forms resumes, and reference checks-DON'T PROVIDE MISLEADING INFORMATION3 types of selection tools: background information, interviewing, employment tests TERM 25 unstructured interview DEFINITION 25 involves asking probing questions to find out what the applicant is like - no fixed set of questions and no systematic scoring proceadure TERM 26 structured interview DEFINITION 26 involves asking all applicants the same questions and comparing their responses to a standardized set of answers TERM 27 situational interview DEFINITION 27 the interviewer focuses on hypothetical situations ex: if a customer gets upset, how would you handle it? TERM 28 behavioral description interview DEFINITION 28 interviewer explores what applicants have actually done in the pastex:In an interview you are asked if a customer made you mad how did you handle it? TERM 29 employment tests DEFINITION 29 legally considered to consist of any procedure used in the employment selection decision process- measure ability, intelligence performance, honesty, and personality- reliability, validity TERM 30 assessment center DEFINITION 30 in which management candidates participate in activities for a few days while being assessed by evaluators TERM 31 reliability DEFINITION 31 the degree to which a test measures the same thing consistently TERM 32 validity DEFINITION 32 the test measures what it purports to measure and is free of bias TERM 33 orientation DEFINITION 33 helping the newcomer fit smoothly into the job and the organization- designed to give employees the information they need to be successful- for managers its called "onboarding" TERM 34 training DEFINITION 34 upgrading skills of technical and operational employees- educating technical and operational employees and how to better do their current jobsex: sales training/ customer service training TERM 35 5 steps in the training process DEFINITION 35 1) assessment- is training needed?2) objectives- what should training achieve?3) selection-which training methods should be used?4) implementation- how should training be effected? 5) evaluation-is the training working? TERM 46 benefits DEFINITION 46 also called fringe benefits, are additional non monetary forms of compensation- flexible/ cafeteria style-picking out which benefits you want- growing more expensive each year TERM 47 transfer/lateral DEFINITION 47 movement of an employee to a different job with similar responsibilities-moving sideways( trying new things) not a bad thing anymore TERM 48 dismissal DEFINITION 48 layoffsdownsizingfirings TERM 49 labor unions DEFINITION 49 organizations of employees formed to protect and advance their members interests by bargaining with management over job related issues TERM 50 Union security clause DEFINITION 50 the part of the labor management agreement that states that employees who receive union benefits must join the union or at least pay dues to it TERM 51 right to work laws DEFINITION 51 statutes that prohibit employees to joins union as a condition of employment TERM 52 two-tier wage contracts DEFINITION 52 new employees are paid less or receive less benefits then better end employees have TERM 53 cost-of-living adjustment(COLA) clause DEFINITION 53 during the period of the contract ties future wage increases to increases cost of living TERM 54 givebacks DEFINITION 54 the union agrees to give up previous wage or benefit gains in return for something else TERM 55 grievance DEFINITION 55 a complaint by an employee that management has violated the terms of the labor management agreement TERM 56 mediation DEFINITION 56 process in which a neutral third party, a mediator, listens to both side in a dispute, makes suggestions and encourages them to agree on a soluation TERM 57 arbitration DEFINITION 57 the process in which a neutral third party, an arbitrator, listens to both parties in a dispute and makes a decision that the parties agreed will be binding on them TERM 58 measuring job performance DEFINITION 58 central tendency- most employees are rated as being averagehalo error- employees who perform on one aspect of their jobs are perceived as performing well on parts of their jobsleniency error- all workers are rated as performing at a high level TERM 59 Ch.10 reactive change DEFINITION 59 making changes in response to problems or opportunities as they arrive TERM 60 proactive change DEFINITION 60 also called planned change, involves making carefully thought out changes in anticipation of possible or unexpected problems or opportunities TERM 71 seeds of innovation DEFINITION 71 the starting point for organizational innovation TERM 72 product innovation DEFINITION 72 a change in the appearance or the performance of a product or service for the creation of a new oneex: starbucks sold premium coffee before it was in fashion TERM 73 process innovation DEFINITION 73 change in the way a product or service in conceived, manufactured, or disseminatedex: amazons online retail business TERM 74 incremental innovation DEFINITION 74 creation of products, services, or technologies that modify existing onesex: apples iphone 4 TERM 75 radical innovation DEFINITION 75 creation of products, services, or technologies that replace existing onesex: mp3 files replacing CDs TERM 76 2 myths about innovation DEFINITION 76 1) innovation happens in Eureka moment- in most cases innovation is the product of a creative mind, hard work, trial and error, and persistence2) innovation can be systematized- while a culture of innovation can help increase the change of developing new and successful products/services there are no guarantees- successful innovation depends on several factors TERM 77 the organizational development(OD) process DEFINITION 77 1) diagnosis- what is the problem?2)intervention- what shall we do about it?3) evaluation- how well has that intervention worked?4) feedback- how can the diagnosis be further reliedex: Patagonia has long been a supporter of the environmental movement TERM 78 Personality DEFINITION 78 consists of the stable psychological traits and behavioral attributes that give a person his or her identity TERM 79 Leading DEFINITION 79 defined as motivating, directing, and otherwise influencing people to work hard to achieve the organization's goals TERM 80 The Big Five personality dimensions DEFINITION 80 -Extroversion. How outgoing, talkative, sociable, and assertive a person is. -Agreeableness. How trusting, good-natured, cooperative, and soft-hearted one is. -Conscientiousness. How dependable, responsible, achievement-oriented, and persistent one is. -Emotional stability. How relaxed, secure, and unworried one is. -Openness to experience. How intellectual, imaginative, curious, and broad-minded one is. TERM 81 Extroversion DEFINITION 81 the outgoing personality TERM 82 Conscientiousness DEFINITION 82 the dependable personality(strong work ethic) TERM 83 proactive personality DEFINITION 83 someone who is more apt to take initiative and persevere to influence the environment. TERM 84 Five Traits Important in Organizations DEFINITION 84 --(1) locus of control, (2) self-efficacy, (3) self-esteem, (4) self-monitoring, and (5) emotional intelligence. TERM 85 locus of control DEFINITION 85 indicates how much people believe they control their fate through their own efforts. Two Aspects: - Expect different degrees of structure and compliance for each type. - Employ different reward systems for each type ttwo TERM 96 The cognitive component DEFINITION 96 I believe. The cognitive component of an attitude consists of the beliefs and knowledge one has about a situation TERM 97 The behavioral component DEFINITION 97 I intend. The behavioral component of an attitude, also known as the intentional component, refers to how one intends or expects to behave toward a situation.liefs and knowledge one has about a situation TERM 98 Leon Festinger DEFINITION 98 In 1957, the psychologist and his associates penetrated a cult whose members predicted that most people on earth would perish in a cataclysmic event except for a handful that would be rescued by aliens in a flying saucer. Festinger found himself standing with cult members on a hilltop awaiting the event, which, of course, did not happen. Later he proposed the term cognitive dissonance to explain how they rationalized the failure of their prophecy. Have you observed people employing this mechanism when the surefire thing they predicted did not occur? TERM 99 cognitive dissonance DEFINITION 99 describes the psychological discomfort a person experiences between his or her cognitive attitude and incompatible behavior. TERM 100 Behavior DEFINITION 100 their actions and judgments TERM 101 Perception DEFINITION 101 the process of interpreting and understanding one's environment TERM 102 Stereotyping DEFINITION 102 the tendency to attribute to an individual the characteristics one believes are typical of the group to which that individual belongs (1) sex-role stereotypes, (2) age stereotypes, and (3) race/ethnicity stereotypes TERM 103 halo effect DEFINITION 103 we form an impression of an individual based on a single trait TERM 104 The recency effect DEFINITION 104 the tendency to remember recent information better than earlier information TERM 105 Causal attribution DEFINITION 105 the activity of inferring causes for observed behavior. TERM 106 fundamental attribution bias DEFINITION 106 people attribute another person's behavior to his or her personal characteristics rather than to situational factors TERM 107 self-fulfilling prophecy DEFINITION 107 also known as the Pygmalion (pig-mail-yun) effect, describes the phenomenon in which people's expectations of themselves or others lead them to behave in ways that make those expectations come true TERM 108 self-serving bias DEFINITION 108 people tend to take more personal responsibility for success than for failure. TERM 109 employee engagement DEFINITION 109 defined as an individual's involvement, satisfaction, and enthusiasm for work. TERM 110 Job satisfaction DEFINITION 110 -- the extent to which you feel positive or negative about various aspects of your work. TERM 121 Underemployed DEFINITION 121 working at jobs that require less education than they havesuch as tending bar, managing video stores, or other jobs that someone with less education could do. TERM 122 Stress DEFINITION 122 the tension people feel when they are facing or enduring extraordinary demands, constraints, or opportunities and are uncertain about their ability to handle them effectively. TERM 123 Stressor DEFINITION 123 the source of stress TERM 124 Hans Selye DEFINITION 124 -- considered the father of the modern concept of stress; says stress is the nonspecific response of the body to any demand made upon it. TERM 125 Type A behavior pattern DEFINITION 125 meaning they are involved in a chronic, determined struggle to accomplish more in less time. TERM 126 Roles DEFINITION 126 sets of behaviors that people expect of occupants of a position TERM 127 Burnout DEFINITION 127 a state of emotional, mental, and even physical exhaustion TERM 128 buffers-- or administrative changes DEFINITION 128 managers make to reduce the stressors that lead to employee burnout TERM 129 Employee assistance programs (EAPs) DEFINITION 129 include a host of programs aimed at helping employees to cope with stress, burnout, substance abuse, health-related problems, family and marital issues, and any general problem that negatively influences job performance TERM 130 A holistic wellness program DEFINITION 130 focuses on self-responsibility, nutritional awareness, relaxation techniques, physical fitness, and environmental awareness. TERM 131 Motivation DEFINITION 131 the psychological processes that arouse and direct goal- directed behavior TERM 132 An extrinsic reward DEFINITION 132 the payoff, such as money, that a person receives from others for performing a particular task TERM 133 An intrinsic reward DEFINITION 133 the satisfaction, such as a feeling of accomplishment, that a person receives from performing the particular task itself. TERM 134 Content perspectives, also known as need- based perspectives DEFINITION 134 are theories that emphasize the needs that motivate people. TERM 135 Needs DEFINITION 135 defined as physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior. hierarchy of needs theory-- proposes that people are motivated by five levels of needs: (1) physiological, (2) safety, (3) love, (4) esteem, and (5) self- actualization TERM 146 J. Stacey Adams DEFINITION 146 developed the equity theory TERM 147 expectancy theory DEFINITION 147 -- suggests that people are motivated by two things: (1) how much they want something and (2) how likely they think they are to get it. TERM 148 Victor Vroom DEFINITION 148 developed the expectancy theory TERM 149 Expectancy DEFINITION 149 the belief that a particular level of effort will lead to a particular level of performance. TERM 150 Instrumentality DEFINITION 150 the expectation that successful performance of the task will lead to the outcome desired. TERM 151 Valence is value DEFINITION 151 the importance a worker assigns to the possible outcome or reward. TERM 152 Goal DEFINITION 152 setting theory suggests that employees can be motivated by goals that are specific and challenging but achievable TERM 153 Job design DEFINITION 153 -- (1) the division of an organization's work among its employees and (2) the application of motivational theories to jobs to increase satisfaction and performance. TERM 154 job simplification DEFINITION 154 the process of reducing the number of tasks a worker performs TERM 155 job enlargement DEFINITION 155 consists of increasing the number of tasks in a job to increase variety and motivation. TERM 156 The job characteristics model DEFINITION 156 consists of (a) five core job characteristics that affect (b) three critical psychological states of an employee that in turn affect (c) work outcomesthe employee's motivation, performance, and satisfaction. TERM 157 reinforcement theory DEFINITION 157 which attempts to explain behavior change by suggesting that behavior with positive consequences tends to be repeated, whereas behavior with negative consequences tends not to be repeated. TERM 158 Reinforcement DEFINITION 158 anything that causes a given behavior to be repeated or inhibited TERM 159 Positive reinforcement DEFINITION 159 the use of positive consequences to strengthen a particular behavior. TERM 160 Negative reinforcement DEFINITION 160 is the process of strengthening a behavior by withdrawing something negative.
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