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Chemistry last 10 years papers, Exercises of Latin

CBSE papers for class 12 studying students

What you will learn

  • Write the balanced equation for the reaction between zinc and silver ions.
  • What is the IUPAC name of the following compound: CH3 – CH = CH – OH?
  • What is the electrical resistance of a column of 0.05 M KOH solution of diameter 1 cm and length 45.5 cm?
  • What is the name of a reducing agent to obtain Fe from Fe2O3 at low temperature?
  • Write the principle of Zone refining.
  • Define the term 'antiseptic' with an example.

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RajdeepBanerjee 🇮🇳



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Download Chemistry last 10 years papers and more Exercises Latin in PDF only on Docsity! 56/2/2 1 P.T.O. narjmWu H$moS >H$mo CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$ _wI-n¥ð >na Adí` {bIo§ & Candidates must write the Code on the title page of the answer-book. Series GBM/2 H$moS> Z§. Code No. amob Z§. Roll No. agm`Z {dkmZ (g¡ÕmpÝVH$) CHEMISTRY (Theory) {ZYm©[aV g_` : 3 KÊQ>o A{YH$V_ A§H$ : 70 Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 70  H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _o§ _w{ÐV n¥ð> 15 h¢ &  àíZ-nÌ _| Xm{hZo hmW H$s Amoa {XE JE H$moS >Zå~a H$mo N>mÌ CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$ _wI-n¥ð> na {bI| &  H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _| >26 àíZ h¢ &  H¥$n`m àíZ H$m CÎma {bIZm ewê$ H$aZo go nhbo, àíZ H$m H«$_m§H$ Adí` {bI| &  Bg àíZ-nÌ H$mo n‹T>Zo Ho$ {bE 15 {_ZQ >H$m g_` {X`m J`m h¡ & àíZ-nÌ H$m {dVaU nydm©• _| 10.15 ~Oo {H$`m OmEJm & 10.15 ~Oo go 10.30 ~Oo VH$ N>mÌ Ho$db àíZ-nÌ H$mo n‹T>|Jo Am¡a Bg Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ do CÎma-nwpñVH$m na H$moB© CÎma Zht {bI|Jo &  Please check that this question paper contains 15 printed pages.  Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate.  Please check that this question paper contains 26 questions.  Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it.  15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. 56/2/2 SET-2 56/2/2 2 gm_mÝ` {ZX}e : (i) g^r àíZ A{Zdm`© h¢ & (ii) àíZ g§»`m 1 go 5 VH$ A{V bKw-CÎmar` àíZ h¢ Am¡a àË`oH$ àíZ Ho$ {bE 1 A§H$ h¡ & (iii) àíZ g§»`m 6 go 10 VH$ bKw-CÎmar` àíZ h¢ Am¡a àË`oH$ àíZ Ho$ {bE 2 A§H$ h¡§ & (iv) àíZ g§»`m 11 go 22 VH$ ^r bKw-CÎmar` àíZ h¢ Am¡a àË`oH$ àíZ Ho$ {bE 3 A§H$ h¢ & (v) àíZ g§»`m 23 _yë`mYm[aV àíZ h¡ Am¡a BgHo$ {bE 4 A§H$ h¢ & (vi) àíZ g§»`m 24 go 26 VH$ XrK©-CÎmar` àíZ h¢ Am¡a àË`oH$ àíZ Ho$ {bE 5 A§H$ h¢ & (vii) `{X Amdí`H$Vm hmo, Vmo bm°J Q>o~bm| H$m à`moJ H$a| & H¡$ëHw$boQ>am| Ho$ Cn`moJ H$s AZw_{V Zht h¡ & General Instructions : (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii) Questions number 1 to 5 are very short-answer questions and carry 1 mark each. (iii) Questions number 6 to 10 are short-answer questions and carry 2 marks each. (iv) Questions number 11 to 22 are also short-answer questions and carry 3 marks each. (v) Question number 23 is a value based question and carries 4 marks. (vi) Questions number 24 to 26 are long-answer questions and carry 5 marks each. (vii) Use log tables, if necessary. Use of calculators is not allowed. 1. {ZåZ{b{IV `m¡{JH$ H$m AmB©.` Zm_ {b{IE : 1 CH3 | CH2 = CH – C – OH | CH3 Write the IUPAC name of the following compound : CH3 | CH2 = CH – C – OH | CH3 56/2/2 5 P.T.O. 9. {ZåZ{b{IV ê$nm§VaUm| H$mo A{YH$V_ Xmo MaUm| _| H$s{OE : 2 (a) àmonrZ go EogrQ>moZ (b) àmonoZm°BH$ Aåb go 2-hmBS´>m°ŠgràmonoZm°BH$ Aåb AWdm {ZåZ{b{IV _| hmoZo dmbr A{^{H«$`m H$mo {b{IE : 2 (a) B©Q>mS>© A{^{H«$`m (b) dmoë\$-{H$íZa AnM`Z Do the following conversions in not more than two steps : (a) Propene to Acetone (b) Propanoic acid to 2-hydroxypropanoic acid OR Write the reaction involved in the following : (a) Etard reaction (b) Wolff-Kishner reduction 10. Admînerb {dbo` S>mbH$a ~ZmE JE {db`Z gå~ÝYr amCëQ> {Z`_ {b{IE & Šbmoamo\$m°_© d EogrQ>moZ H$m {db`Z amCëQ> {Z`_ go {H$g àH$ma H$m {dMbZ {XImVm h¡ Am¡a Š`m| ? 2 State Raoult’s law for a solution containing non-volatile solute. What type of deviation from Raoult’s law is shown by a solution of chloroform and acetone and why ? 11. {ZåZ{b{IV ~hþbH$m| Ho$ EH$bH$m| Ho$ Zm_ Am¡a g§aMZmE± {b{IE : 3 (a) ~oHo$bmBQ> (b) nm°{bdmB{ZbŠbmoamBS> (PVC) (c) ã`yZm-S Write the names and structures of the monomers of the following polymers : (a) Bakelite (b) PVC (c) Buna-S 56/2/2 6 12. (a) {H«$ñQ>b joÌ {dnmQ>Z D$Om© H$s n[a^mfm Xr{OE & {H«$ñQ>b joÌ {gÕm§V Ho$ AmYma na d 4 Am`Z H$m BboŠQ´>m°{ZH$ {dÝ`mg {b{IE `{X  o  P h¡ & (b) [Ni(CN)4] 2– à{VMwå~H$s` h¡ O~{H$ [NiCl4] 2– AZwMwå~H$s` h¡ & H$maU Xr{OE & 3 (Ni H$m na_mUw H«$_m§H$ = 28) (a) Define crystal field splitting energy. On the basis of crystal field theory, write the electronic configuration for d 4 ion if  o  P. (b) [Ni(CN)4] 2– is diamagnetic whereas [NiCl4] 2– is paramagnetic. Give reason. (At. no. of Ni = 28) 13. Š`m hmoVm h¡ O~ (a) (CH3)3C – OH H$mo 573 K na Cu Ho$ gmW CnMm[aV {H$`m OmVm h¡, (b) Eo{Zgmob H$s CH3Cl / {ZO©b AlCl3 Ho$ gmW A{^{H«$`m H$aVo h¢, (c) \$sZm°b H$s `eX aO Ho$ gmW A{^{H«$`m H$aVo h¢ ? AnZo CÎma H$s nw{îQ> Ho$ {bE amgm`{ZH$ g_rH$aU {b{IE & 3 What happens when (a) (CH3)3C – OH is treated with Cu at 573 K, (b) Anisole is treated with CH3Cl / anhydrous AlCl3, (c) Phenol is treated with Zn dust ? Write chemical equations in support of your answer. 14. {ZåZ{b{IV Ho$ {bE H$maU Xr{OE : 3 (a) Eu2+ EH$ à~b AnMm`H$ h¡ & (b) S>mBH«$mo_oQ> Am`Z H$m Zma§Jr a§J jmar` _mÜ`_ _| nrbm hmo OmVm h¡ & (c) g§H«$_U YmVwAm| Ho$ Eo(M2+/M) _mZ A{Z`{_V n[adV©Z {XImVo h¢ & Account for the following : (a) Eu2+ is a strong reducing agent. (b) Orange colour of dichromate ion changes to yellow in alkaline medium. (c) E o (M2+/M) values for transition metals show irregular variation. 56/2/2 7 P.T.O. 15. {ZåZ{b{IV nXm| H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE : 3 (a) ny{VamoYr (b) YZm`Zr An_mO©H$ (c) {dñV¥V ñnoŠQ´>_ à{VO¡{dH$ Define the following terms : (a) Antiseptic (b) Cationic detergent (c) Broad spectrum antibiotic 16. 0·05 M KOH {db`Z Ho$ H$m°b_ H$m d¡ÚwV à{VamoY 4·55  103 ohm h¡ & BgH$m ì`mg 1 cm Ed§ bå~mB© 45·5 cm h¡ & BgH$s _moba MmbH$Vm H$m n[aH$bZ H$s{OE & 3 The electrical resistance of a column of 0·05 M KOH solution of diameter 1 cm and length 45·5 cm is 4·55  103 ohm. Calculate its molar conductivity. 17. {ZåZ{b{IV nXm| H$mo EH$-EH$ CXmhaU Ho$ gmW n[a^m{fV H$s{OE : 3 (a) Ðd-{damoYr H$mobm°BS> (b) g_m§Jr CËàoaU (c) O/W B_ëímZ (nm`g) AWdm ^m¡{VH$ A{YemofU Am¡a amgm`{ZH$ A{YemofU Ho$ ~rM VrZ A§Va {b{IE & 3 Define the following terms with an example in each : (a) Lyophobic colloids (b) Homogeneous catalysis (c) O/W emulsion OR Write three differences between Physisorption and Chemisorption. 18. ½byH$mog (_moba Ðì`_mZ = 180 g mol–1) Ho$ {H$gr Obr` {db`Z H$m ŠdWZm§H$ 100·20C h¡ & Bgr {db`Z Ho$ {h_m§H$ H$s JUZm H$s{OE & Ob Ho$ _mobb pñWam§H$ Kf Am¡a Kb Ho$ _mZ H«$_e: 1·86 K kg mol–1 Am¡a 0·512 K kg mol–1 h¢ & 3 A solution of glucose (Molar mass = 180 g mol–1) in water has a boiling point of 100·20C. Calculate the freezing point of the same solution. Molal constants for water Kf and Kb are 1·86 K kg mol –1 and 0·512 K kg mol–1 respectively. 56/2/2 10 23. Q>r.dr. _| EH$ àmoJ«m_ _| ~«oS> VWm Xÿgao ~oH$ar CËnmXm| _| nmoQ>¡{e`_ ~«mo_oQ> Am¡a nmoQ>¡{e`_ Am`moS>oQ> O¡go H$m{g©ZmoOoÝg (H¢$gaH$mar agm`Zm|) H$s CnpñW{V XoIZo Ho$ ~mX, drZm, ~mahdt H$jm H$s N>mÌm, Zo Xÿgam| H$mo ImÚ-nXmWm] _| BZ H$m{g©ZmoOoZ go hmoZo dmbo ZwH$gmZ (hm{ZH$a à^md) Ho$ ~mao _| OmJ¥V H$aZo H$m {ZíM` {H$`m & dh ñHy$b àYmZmMm`© go {_br Am¡a CZgo AmJ«h {H$`m {H$ do H¡$ÝQ>rZ R>oHo$Xma H$mo AmXoe X| {H$ dh {dÚm{W©`m| H$mo g¡ÝS>{dM, {nÁOm, ~J©a Am¡a Xÿgao ~oH$ar CËnmX Z ~oMo & àYmZmMm`© Zo VËH$mb H$X_ CR>mVo hþE H¡$ÝQ>rZ R>oHo$Xma H$mo ~oH$ar CËnmXm| H$s OJh àmoQ>rZ Ed§ {dQ>m{_Z go ^anya ImZm O¡go \$b, gbmX, A§Hw$[aV nXmW©, Am{X aIZo H$m AmXoe {X`m & Bg {ZU©` H$m g^r _mVm-{nVm VWm {dÚm{W©`m| Zo ñdmJV {H$`m & Cn`w©º$ CÕaU H$mo n‹T>Zo Ho$ ~mX, {ZåZ{b{IV àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE : 4 (a) drZm Ûmam {H$Z _yë`m| (H$_-go-H$_ Xmo) H$mo Xem©`m J`m h¡ ? (b) Am_Vm¡a go CnpñWV ~«oS> _| H$m~m}hmBS´>oQ> H$m H$m¡Z-gm nm°{bg¡H¡$amBS> KQ>H$ hmoVm h¡ ? (c) àmoQ>rZm| H$s {ÛVr`H$ g§aMZmAm| Ho$ Xmo àH$ma {b{IE & (d) Ob {dbo` {dQ>m{_Z Ho$ Xmo CXmhaU Xr{OE & After watching a programme on TV about the presence of carcinogens (cancer causing agents) Potassium bromate and Potassium iodate in bread and other bakery products, Veena, a class XII student, decided to make others aware about the adverse effects of these carcinogens in foods. She consulted the school principal and requested him to instruct the canteen contractor to stop selling sandwiches, pizzas, burgers and other bakery products to the students. The principal took an immediate action and instructed the canteen contractor to replace the bakery products with some proteins and vitamins-rich food like fruits, salads, sprouts, etc. The decision was welcomed by the parents and students. After reading the above passage, answer the following questions : (a) What are the values (at least two) displayed by Veena ? (b) Which polysaccharide component of carbohydrates is commonly present in bread ? (c) Write the two types of secondary structures of proteins. (d) Give two examples of water soluble vitamins. 56/2/2 11 P.T.O. 24. (a) {ZåZ{b{IV Ho$ {bE H$maU Xr{OE : (i) dJ©-15 Ho$ VÎdm| Ho$ hmBS´>mBS>m| _| BiH3 à~bV_ AnMm`H$ h¡ & (ii) Cl2 EH$ {da§OH$ Ho$ ê$n _| H$m`© H$aVm h¡ & (iii) CËH¥$îQ> J¡gm| Ho$ ŠdWZm§H$ ~hþV H$_ hmoVo h¢ & (b) {ZåZ{b{IV g§aMZmAm| H$mo Amao{IV H$s{OE : (i) H4P2O7 (ii) XeOF4 3+2=5 AWdm (a) hmbm±{H$ ZmBQ´>moOZ Am¡a ŠbmoarZ H$s {dÚwV²-G$UmË_H$Vm bJ^J g_mZ hmoVr h¡ {\$a ^r ZmBQ´>moOZ hmBS´>moOZ Am~§Y ~ZmVm h¡ O~{H$ ŠbmoarZ Zht ~ZmVm & Š`m| ? (b) F2 Ho$ Ob go A{^{H«$`m H$aZo na Š`m hmoVm h¡ ? (c) Ca3P2 H$mo Ob _| KmobZo go {ZH$bZo dmbr J¡g H$m Zm_ {b{IE & (d) Cg CËH¥$îQ> J¡g ñnrerµO H$m gyÌ {b{IE Omo – 2 IBr Ho$ gmW g_g§aMZmË_H$ h¡ & (e) g_rH$aU H$mo nyam H$s{OE : [Fe(H2O)6] 2+ + NO  5 (a) Account for the following : (i) BiH3 is the strongest reducing agent in Group 15 elements hydrides. (ii) Cl2 acts as a bleaching agent. (iii) Noble gases have very low boiling points. (b) Draw the structures of the following : (i) H4P2O7 (ii) XeOF4 OR (a) Although nitrogen and chlorine have nearly same electronegativity yet nitrogen forms hydrogen bonding while chlorine does not. Why ? (b) What happens when F2 reacts with water ? (c) Write the name of the gas evolved when Ca3P2 is dissolved in water. 56/2/2 12 (d) Write the formula of a noble gas species which is isostructural with – 2 IBr . (e) Complete the equation : [Fe(H2O)6] 2+ + NO  25. {ZåZ{b{IV A{^{H«$`mAm| _| A, B, C, D Am¡a E H$s g§aMZmE± {b{IE : 5 AWdm (a) O~ ~oݵOrZ S>mBEµOmo{Z`_ ŠbmoamBS> {ZåZ{b{IV A{^H$maH$m| go A{^{H«$`m H$aVm h¡, V~ àmßV _w»` CËnmXm| H$s g§aMZmE± {b{IE : (i) CuCN (ii) CH3CH2OH (iii) Cu / HCl (b) {ZåZ{b{IV H$mo CZHo$ jmaH$s` àm~ë` Ho$ ~‹T>Vo hþE H«$_ _| ì`dpñWV H$s{OE : CH3NH2, (CH3)2NH, C6H5NH2, C6H5CH2NH2 (c) Eo{ZbrZ Am¡a Eo{Wb Eo_rZ _| {d^oX H$aZo Ho$ {bE EH$ amgm`{ZH$ narjU {b{IE & 5 Write the structures of A, B, C, D and E in the following reactions : OR
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