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Health Education Specialist's Guide to Community-Based Health Programs, Exams of Medicine

Insights into the strategies and considerations for a health education specialist when designing and implementing community-based health programs. Topics covered include health equity, technology needs, communication channels, community-based smoking prevention programs, advocacy plans, and health education program evaluation.

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Available from 05/14/2024

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Download Health Education Specialist's Guide to Community-Based Health Programs and more Exams Medicine in PDF only on Docsity! CHES Practice Exam Questions (From 7th edition) 2024 c. Health Belief Model ✔ According to which theory or model do people assess the threat of an emerging diease by assessing their perceived susceptibility against the severity of the disease. a. Diffusion of innovations b. Social Cognitive Theory c. Health Belief Model d. Social Marketing b. focus on how new and different the program is from what exists ✔ A Health Education specialist is considering how people might adopt a program in order to understand how best to tailor specific messages. If the health education specialist wants to get the first people to adopt the program using the Diffusion of Innovations, which strategy might be best? a. Show the audience how most people have been enjoying the program b. Focus on how new and different the program is from what exists c. Wait for the opinion leaders to adopt d. focus on how the program adheres to social norms d. health disparities ✔ In a priority population, the infant mortality rate and overall death rate for mothers with less than a high school education is almost twice as high as mothers with 13 or more years of education. These are examples of: a. health equity b. health determinants c. health capacity d. health disparities a. infrastructure ✔ Data storage is an example of which type of technology need? a. infrastructure b. program delivery c. colloboration technology d. knowledge d. communication channels ✔ Newsletters, community meetings, public service announcements, and social networking sites are examples of: a. social norms b. communication campaigns c. social media d. communication channels c. Health policy ✔ Smoking bans in a restaurant are which type of strategy in a community-based smoking prevention program? a. health communication b. health engineering c. health policy d. health mobilization b. results ✔ Which section of an original research paper presents evidence tested against the stated hypotheses or research questions and presents the statistical findings a. methodology b. results c. discussion d. conclusion b. it explains the benefits, risks, and participation is voluntary and may be terminated at any time ✔ Which of the following statements about informed consent is correct? a. It only has to be completed when a health education specialist is working with children or adolescents b. It explains the benefits, risks, and participation is voluntary and may be terminated at any time c. It protects the health education specialist in cases of negligence from being sued by participants who were harmed d. It is necessary for medical research, but not behavior-focused health education programs b. the generalization of the findings ✔ The health department administrator just returned from a meeting where someone used a focus group to gather data and now has a great idea. The administrator tasks the health education specialist with conducting a focus group of low income citizens from the south side of town to answer questions about which heart disease intervention the department should offer city wide. Knowing the limitations of this strategy, the health education specialist is rightfully concerned about: a. the relibility of the findings c. inputs ✔ A health education specialist is identifying the types of activities to be included in a health educadtion/promotion program. In a logic model, these activities would be included in: a. outcomes b. outputs c. inputs d. processes c. institutional ✔ In the social ecological model, a school or worksite would fall under which factor or level? a. community b. individual c. institutional d. interpersonal a. change the core elements that make the program effective. ✔ A local health department has decided to adopt an evidence-based program for obesity prevention with educational materials that are not completely compatible with the community it services. In the process of adapting the materials to make them more suitable for the population, the health education specialist should be cautious not to: a. change the core elements that make the program effective. b. modify materials to fit the population's culture, age, and context. c. substitute statistics for other racial or ethnic populations. d. tailor instructions, incentives, or activities to the audience. d. retain scales to cover an entire domain, rather than select on question for a complex domain. ✔ If selecting items from an existing instrument, which of the following is the correct procedure? a. one cannot select individual or groups of items on an instrument and maintain validity. b. keep the instrument short, select one or two items from a scale or subscale, and compile one instrument c. retain the original language of the question to maintain validity, even when using on a different population d. retain scales to cover an entire domain, rather than select one question for a complex domain. c. publish articles in peer-reviewed journals on the importance of professional development ✔ With so many changes in health education and health-related policy on a daily basis, it is essential that health education specialists avocate for professional development for the field. Which of the following is a way to advocate for professional development in the field of health education? a. Develop a brochure on the management of diabetes for patients b. contact a legilator to support a no-smoking policy c. publish articles in peer-reviewed journals on the importance of professional development d. write a grant that would fund a community based injury prevention program A. Section 508 of the rehabilitation act In 1998, Congress amended the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to require Federal agencies to make their electronic and information technology (EIT) accessible to people with disabilities. ✔ A health education specialist is developing a new website as part of an intervention for people with visual disabilities. Which law should the health education specialist review and consider when developing a website? A. Section 508 of the rehabilitation act B. Plain language act C. Tile IX act D. Affordable care act d. effective communications should inlude feedback loops through which intentions, ideas and information can be exchanged. ✔ Which of the following is true about successful partnerships: a. Specific indicators related only to the program can be used to define success. b. reports, memorandums, and newsletters are the best ways to establish and maintain communication within a partnership. c. Constituency relations through uni-directional communication are important to the viability of an organization that values cooperation. d. effective communications should include feedback loops through which intentions, ideas, and information can be exchanged. d. starting a community petition drive ✔ which of the following is an example of grassroots advocacy? a. donating money to a political candidate b. contacting a policymaker to set up ameeting c. drafting a position paper for a professional association d. Starting a community petition drive c. mobile devices ✔ A health education specialist is planning a multilevel program to decrease rates of obesity in an urban community. Community gardens are planned for empty lots, and local convenience stores have agreed to begin selling fruits and vegetables. To assist families, mobile devices will be given out and used to help deliver messages and tips, and well as to collect data. Additionally, community leaders have pledged to focus on making the community safe for physical activity. Volunteers are mapping out walking routes to encourage families to walk together. Partnerships have formed and memorandums of understanding have been drafted. Which of the following would be considered an infrasturce/supply need? a. family participation b. partnerships c. mobile devices d. community leaders b. equity ✔ A health education specialist is planning a multilevel program to decrease rates of obesity in an urban community. Community gardens are planned for empty lots, and local convenience stores have agreed to begin selling fruits and vegetables. To assist families, mobile devices will be given out and used to help deliver messages and tips, and well as to collect data. Additionally, community leaders have pledged to focus on making the community safe for physical activity. Volunteers are mapping out walking routes to encourage families to walk together. Partnerships have formed and memorandums of understanding have been drafted. If mobile devices were not given to the priority population, which ethnical principle might have been breached, especially in terms of program delivery. a. transparency b. equity c. beneficence d. confidentially a. partnerships ✔ A health education specialist is planning a multilevel program to decrease rates of obesity in an urban community. Community gardens are planned for empty lots, and local convenience stores have agreed to begin selling fruits and vegetables. To assist families, mobile devices will be given out and used to help deliver messages and tips, and well as to collect data. Additionally, community leaders have pledged to focus on making the community safe for physical activity. Volunteers are mapping out walking routes to encourage families to walk together. Partnerships have formed and memorandums of understanding have been drafted. which of the following could be considered a financial resource for the program? a. partnerships b. family participation a. Gantt chart b. logical model c. timeline d. evalution plan a. phasing in ✔ A community agency is targeting a variety of social ecological levels to help reduce drug use in the community. Some of the levels will take substantially more time to target. Rather than wait for all aspects of the intervention to be ready, the agency looks to begin with one level and then will add in other levels over time. This is an example of: a. phasing in b. pilot testing c. total implementation d. primary strategies c. conclusions ✔ An evaluation of a program has been conducted, and a health education specialist is preparing a report in a very tight timeline. Though all sections of the report are important for clarity and content, on which section should the health education specialist spend the most time since it likely will be read more closely by stakeholders? a. methods b. literature review c. conclusions d. introduction a. RE-AIM (Reach Effectiveness Adoption Implementation Maintenance) ✔ To deal with the greatest drawback to a multilevel strategy intervention, which of the following models should be followed? a. RE-AIM b. IMB Skills Model c. PAPM d. CRM d. Gantt chart ✔ A health education specialist would like to use a planning tool that outlines when specific tasks are to be accomplised before, during, and after a program. The health education specialist would also like to track actual accomplishments of these tasks using this same tool. Which of the following method would be most useful? a. progress report b. logic model c. activity log d. Gantt chart c. lack of seat belt use ✔ Which of the following is an example of a behavioral factor that must be considered to assess the root causes of racial and ethnic disparities? a. exposure to toxins b. limited access to quality health care c. lack of seat belt use d. poverty c. look for evidenced-based interventions and use existing protocols and materials, if possible ✔ When considering materials to use for a health education/promotion program, which of the following should a health education specialist do first? a. have members of the priority population help develop materials for the intervention b. create materials for the majority of the intervention, and then conduct a literature search to find additional materials. c. look for evidenced-based interventions and use exisiting protocols and materials, if possible d. create an environment conducive to learning, including creating mutual respect between teachers and learners. a. identify partners and stakeholders who can help with sustainability during the planning process ✔ A health education specialist is creating a program and is concerned about sustainability of the program. Which of the following actions creates the greatest likelihood for sustainability? a. identify partners and stakeholders who can help with sustainability during the planning process b. once the program has been evaluated, modify it, and then implement it again before funding ceases c. after the program has been evaluated, identify stakeholders or partners who can help with sustainability d. attempt to attain political support with the evaluation results d. photovoice or story telling from the student's point of view. ✔ A health education specialist would like to attend a school board meeting to discuss safety issues in the school. Though multiple forms of data will be used, which of the following will cause a more emotional reaction to evidence the necessity of an intervention? a. GIS data of the community b. national data from the CDC compared to state data regarding safety c. data presented from a survey a high school seniors d. photovoice or story telling from the student's point of view a. the impact of messages ✔ Reach, recall, and medial impressions are common metrics used to evaluate: a. the impact of messages b. health literacy skills c. web site traffic d. numeracy skills b. focus groups ✔ A health education specialist has been asked to collect qualititative data from participants. Given a short time period to collect data, which method takes the least amount of time? a. interviews b. focus groups c. delphi technique d. quantitative surveys b. all the information could be inaccurate ✔ A health education specialist finds a web site called The Teen Pregnancy Place, which provides a discussion board where pregnant and parenting teens can obtain advice and make friends online. It is unclear who developed the material or sponsors the site. A fact sheet regarding the weekly development of the fetus is provided, but no references are cited for the information it contains. A links page directs visitors to other web sites for resources, services, and products related to pregnancy and parenting. Visitors to the site should assume that: a. the developer has expertise in teen pregnancy b. all the information could be inaccurate c. the discussion board is a valid source of information d. the developer has expertise in fetal development d. grassroots lobbying ✔ The healthy hearts coalition emails all PTA/PTO members and asks them to contact their district school board members to vote for the healthy snacks in school policy. This appeal is considered: a. media advocacy b. direct lobbying c. legislative advocacy d. grassroots lobbying B. Utility C. Propriety D. Accuracy A. Behavioral objective ✔ Among program participants, smoking rates will decrease by 35% in 12 months is an example of a/an: A. Behavioral objective B. Learning objective C. Administrative objective D. Environmental objective B. An implementation guide ✔ To help improve intervention Fidelity, A health education specialist should create: A. An evaluation plan B. An implementation guide C. Evidence-based practice D. Tailored materials C. Breach of confidentiality ✔ A health education specialist gives data from an evaluation regarding drug use any community to a community volunteer to enter. Some of the participants wrote their name on top of the survey what ethical issue has occurred? A Failure to obtain informed consent b. Lack of objectivity C. Breach of confidentiality D. Failure to discuss benefits or risks . D. Training participants will be able to list three resources for patients who report sexual misconduct by the end of the session. ✔ Which of the following is a SMART training objective? A. Participants will report all cases of sexual misconduct by the end of the session B. Participants will increase their knowledge of sexual misconduct by the end of the session C. Participants will be able to list two types of sexual misconduct D. Training participants will be able to list three resources for patients who report sexual misconduct by the end of the session. B. Process ✔ By 2018, volunteers will distribute informational flyers to at least 50% of program participants. This is an example of which type of objective? A. Impact B. Process C. Outcome D. Summative B. Price ✔ A health education specialist is planning a comprehensive community-based strategy to promote physical activity. In the planning process, the health edu specialist would like to use the social marketing model. If they take into account the physiological impact of exercise for sedentary person which of the 4 p's is the health education specialist addressing? A. Product B. Price C. Place D. Promotion A. Attitudes ✔ A health specialist is working with the community agency to implement and obesity prevention program in the community. They have decided BMI will be measured to assess the rates of obesity at baseline and at one year, physical activity recalls and dietary logs to assess behavior weekly during the six month program, and surveys to assess attitudes at the beginning and end of the program. the evaluator will assess fidelity and acceptability of the intervention throughout the intervention. If they created a logic model which outcomes would be considered short-term outcomes? A. Attitudes B. Physical activity and diet C. Feasibility and acceptability D. BMI D. Fidelity and acceptability ✔ A health specialist is working with the community agency to implement and obesity prevention program in the community. They have decided BMI will be measured to assess the rates of obesity at baseline and at one year, physical activity recalls and dietary logs to assess behavior weekly during the six month program, and surveys to assess attitudes at the beginning and end of the program. Evaluator will assess Fidelity and except ability of the intervention throughout the intervention. Which measurements are parts of a formative evaluation? A. BMI only B. Bmi, physical activity, diet and attitudes C. Diet and physical activity D. Fidelity and acceptability B. Changing text size or statistics ✔ Which of the following are considered safe changes to materials to program activities when using a packaged health edu program? A. Changing theoretical focus B. Changing text size or statistics C. Shortening the program D. Changing the behavioral Theory C. How many cigarettes do you smoke per day? ✔ A HES specialist wants to connect ratio data on smoking rates. Which of the following questions would achieve this level of measurement? A. Do you smoke? B. Do you smoke 1-10, 11-20, 20-30cigarettes per day? C. How many cigarettes do you smoke per day? D. Do you smoke 0, 1-10, or 20+ cigarettes per day? C. Establish the relevance of the information to learners ✔ In health edu presentations, which of the following is an appropriate guideline to promote learning? A. Do not repeat information in any planned learning activity B. Use passive learning methods, such as lectures C. Establish the relevance of the information to learners D. Present information unique to one setting or situation D. Observation ✔ A HES is asked to measure the actual use of a walking trail in a local community. Which of the following methods is best to measure the actual use of the trail over a period of a week? A. Nominal group process B. Surveys C. Focus groups D. Observation B. Fidelity ✔ As an HES monitors program implementation, he/she find several lessons were not implemented as originally planned. This illustrates lack of A. Reliability B. Fidelity and program evaluation data are available. What other sustainability domain or element should a HES explore for sustaining program? a. Collaborations or partnerships b. Creating a new vision c. Volunteer or intern staff d. Free materials and services c. support groups for smokers in a cessation program ✔ An informal channel for communicating information about smoking policies at the work site could include: a. posting of smoke-free policies b. in-house smoking cessation seminars c. support groups for smokers in a cessation program d. mandatory in-service programs about the effects of second hand smoke. d. author's credentials, web site's purpose, and references ✔ A HES was asked to provide a school district with accurate web-based resources for their sexuality education program. What key items would a health education specialist assess? a. political affiliation, committee opinions, and visual presentation of the data b. appropriateness, reading level, and clarity c. form, target audience, and availability d. author's credentials, web site's purpose, and references b. build trust and respect between the learners and instructors ✔ A university is working with community health workers, an American-Indian tribe, and the Tribal Health Organization to implement a diabetes prevention program. Two-day training is being planned for the community health workers to ensure proper program delivery. What should the trainers do to create an inclusive learning environment? a. obtain leadership approval to offer the training b. build trust and respect between the learners and instructors c. pay for food and travel to the training for all participants. d. offer the training only during the work hours a. a fact sheet about the issue ✔ When starting the advocacy process, the HES should develop: a. a fact sheet about the issue b. a strategic c. SMART objectives d. a progrm c. specify job performance ✔ When facilitating a training workshop on a new electronic medical records system at a clinic, the HES is following the steps for successful training programs. He/she is confident in implementing the training steps, as there is little difference between this process and general health education program implementation, except for the need to: a. specify teaching-learning methods b. specify learning needs c. specify job performance d. specify instructional resources b. Is the information compatible with the community context? ✔ Which of the following questions does NOT help to assess the accuracy of a resource? a. What are the funding source(s) of the site? b. Is the information compatible with the community context? c. Does it cite evidenced based references? d. What are the credentials of the content reviewers? c. ensure program objectives are met ✔ The trainer's primary responsibility is to: a. select teaching-learning methods b. establish conditions for learning c. ensure program objectives are met d. skillfully conduct the training a. synthesizing ✔ The HES must analyze the meaning of the data collected during the assessment and determine health education/promotion needs. If the HES aggregates the data, which cognitive progress of the qualitative research is he/she focusing on? a. synthesizing b. comprehending c. theorizing d. re-contextualizing c. beneficence ✔ If a HES wishes to use online surveys because of the ease of data collection, but the priority population struggles with technology. This is breach of which ethical principle in managing technology? a. Equity b. transparency c. beneficence d. confidentiality a. only visit sites that end, .org, .edu ✔ After his partner was diagnosed with breast cancer, an older citizen of a community is overwhelmed by the amount of information on the topic by the internet. He asks how to sort through the information to find reputable sources. One way to help him easily limit his search is to tell him to: a. only visit sites that end, .org, .edu b. review the resources for timeliness and research c. review the intent of the web site d. find the author contact information d. first consider how the priority population prefers to get their information. ✔ HES wishing to target subgroups of the priority population should: a. create a generic newsletter and send it to the entire community b.always begin with social media, as word can spread quickly using this type of media. c. advertise in the newspaper because this is a form of mass media d. first consider how the priority population prefers to get their information. d. secondary ✔ In a community based heart disease intervention, mass hypertension screenings at the shopping mall were used as the "kick off" activity. Which level of prevention are the screenings? a. diagnostic b. primary c. tertiary d. secondary b. "individuals participating in the health education program will be able to identify 3 ways to protect their skin from the sun by the end of the program" ✔ Which of the following is an example of a correctly written learning objective? a. "individuals in the program will increase their level of physical activity by 25% by the 6th week of the program" b. "individuals participating in the health education program will be able to identify 3 ways to protect their skin from the sun by the end of the program" c. "75% of individuals participating in the program will increase their knowledge of the dangers of smoking over the following three-months" d. "There will be a 20% decrease in heart disease death rates among individuals living in Brockport by the end of the first year of the program". c. an advocacy plan ✔ Goals, organizational considerations, constituents, allies, opponents, targets, and tactics are all elements of: ✔ The school wellness committee placed speed bumps on all school parking lots bordering school playgrounds. This in an example of which type of intervention strategy? a. Health education change b. environmental change c. communication change d. health policy change d. confidentiality ✔ A health education specialist is managing a mobile health intervention collecting demographic and behavioral information about its participants. After discovering a breach in the program's data storage system, what is the manager's most pressing ethical issue? a. equity b. beneficence c. transparency d. confidentiality c. audience ✔ When creating a marketing plan for a program, which of the following should be identified first? a. communication methods b. message c. audience d. financial resource a. U.S. Census databases ✔ A HES is developing a tobacco prevention program. The HES is looking for evidence-based interventions as part of his/her planning process. The least helpful resource would be: a. U.S. Census databases b. Cochrane reviews c. community guide to preventive services d. research-tested interventions programs. d. meets federal guidelines and does not exceed a certain percentage of the nonprofit's activities. ✔ A non profit agency can perform lobbying as long as that lobbying: a. is performed only during the lunch hour, when employees are on break b. involves asking policy makers to pass or dismiss a certain piece of legislation in one legislative session. c. is performed while "on" organizational time, not on personal time. d. meets federal guidelines and does not exceed a certain percentage of the nonprofit's activities. a. An infographic with data and short messages ✔ A hospital would like to post information throughout the facility to increase awareness of the potential dangers, spread, and prevention of influenza. Which format would best accomplish this? a. An infographic with data and short messages b. A pamphlet containing detailed information c. Data printed for the CDC's web site regarding influenza d. Graphics showing proper hand washing procedures b. fidelity ✔ During delivery of a health promotion program, it becomes apparent the amount of time allotted to each lesson or activity is not sufficient. The person delivering the program decides to delete some content to make the lesson fit. The action could result in a lack of: a. evaluation b. fidelity c. validity d. reliability a. tailoring a message ✔ In a health education program, participants are asked about their readiness for change so that content in a message can be personalized. This is an example of: a. tailoring a message b. conducting a needs assessment c. identifying a message source d. analyzing message content b. process evaluation ✔ During a health education program, questions about whether the participants like the instructional materials and if instructors find them easy to use are examples of: a. summative evaluation b. process evaluation c. impact evaluation d. outcome evaluation c. use a mix of strategies to involve the learner ✔ When developing and preparing to implement an intervention, which of the following practices is most pedagogically sound? a. change the strategy every five minutes to keep the learner engaged b. use mostly presentation software to deliver content c. use a mix of strategies to involve the learner d. use the latest technology to deliver content c. impact evaluation ✔ To determine the immediate effects of a health education program, the health education specialist should use which type of evaluation? a. formative evaluation b. process evaluation c. impact evaluation d. outcome evaluation d. a vision statement ✔ Healthy children in healthy communities is an example of: a. a goal b. an objective c. a mission statement d. a vision statement b. the participants' perceived benefits of the program. ✔ When reporting a program's evaluation results to community members, the most important aspect to highlight is: a. the extent to which program objectives were achieved through advanced statistics. b. the participants' perceived benefits of the program. c. the results indicating which activities within the program intervention were most successful. d. details of the program's history and IRB protocol. a. define the audience for the material ✔ Print material was selected as the appropriate way to provide a take-home message to reinforce concepts presented during a behavior change intervention. The first step in planning the specific materials to be developed is to: a. define the audience for the material b. develop goals and objectives for the material c. develop material content and graphics d. gather information about the audience for the material d. informal interviews, observations, and survey ✔ Which represents primary sources that could be used for a community needs assessment? a. published scientific studies and reports b. united states census data, vital records, disease registries c. state health data from the health department d. informal interviews, observations, and survey b. nominal ✔ A health education specialist collects data with a "yes" or "no" response option. This is what type of data? a. ordinal b. nominal c. interval d. ratio this ocean liner. Health authorities need to know the number of all passengers who became ill, as well as those who traveled on the ocean liner. which rate should the health education specialist calculate to provide information to health authorities? a. prevalence rate b. attack rate c. fatality rate d. cause-specific mortality rate b. enabling ✔ Following the PRECEDE-PROCEED model, which type of factor in the educational and ecological assessment would assess whether community members have adequate access to oral health care services? a. predisposing b. enabling c. reinforcing d. motivating a. create partnership mission, goals, and outcomes ✔ When creating a partnership, which of the following tasks should be completed first? a. create partnership mission, goals, and outcomes b. begin program development c. create a memorandum of understanding d. create a shared budget for the program a. sometimes behaviors are influenced by other factors, such as lack of access to healthy food, that are out of a person's control ✔ In a meeting, community members offer suggestions for curbing the community's obesity problem. They focus on the behaviors of individuals in the community, thinking if community members change their dietary behaviors, then the obesity problem will be solved. A HES explains the solution is not this simple because: a. sometimes behaviors are influenced by other factors, such as lack of access to healthy food, that are out of a person's control b. attitudes are the only important important than behaviors when weighing factors related to obesity treatment of prevention. c. access to healthcare is more important than behaviors when weighing factors related to obesity treatment or prevention. d. there are other behaviors more important when trying to decrease rates of obesity in the community. c. the partnership is not cost effective, and should be reexamined ✔ After the end of a year-long program, a partnership is being evaluated. The evaluation reveals that the results of the program are minimal, and the expense high for both partners. However, the community supports the partnership, and both agencies enjoy working together on the program. What is likely to be the finding of the evaluation report? a. because both agencies enjoy working together, the program should continue b. because the community support the partnership, it should be continued c. the partnership is not cost effective, and should be reexamined d. the program should be repeated to see if it is more successful the second time d. social media ✔ A HES is assessing which resources to use in a smoking prevention campaign for a community. Because the HES wishes to focus on primary prevention, which strategy is likely to reach the intended audience? a. news outlets b. community intervention c. billboards d. social media b. track if activities produce outputs that lead to outcomes ✔ On use of logic models is to: a. outline the lesson plan scope and sequence b. track if activities produce outputs that lead to outcomes c. identify the timing of when all of the planning should occur. d. outline evaluation stages for the program. a. determining the objectives of the survey ✔ Which of the following is the first step in designing a survey? a. determining the objectives of the survey b. determining the questions to be used c. determining the types of scales to be used d. determining the specific data to be collected c. an assessment of existing health needs and problems ✔ Program planning begins with: a. a measuring of social marketing process b. an identification of the specific focus of an intervention c. an assessment of existing health needs and problems d. the creation of program and learning objectives c. fact sheets from a federal health agency ✔ A community coalition is seeking more information to understand the complexities of promoting the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine among teenagers to prevent cervical cancer. The health education specialist should refer them to which type of source for the most accurate information that is also relevant and useful to the coalition? a. a web site of a commercial pharmaceutical manufacturer b. a systematic review of the scientific literature c. fact sheets from a federal health agency d. a blog from a social advocate a. societal ✔ Health illiteracy, economics, and poverty are considered which type of factors that cause racial and ethnic health disparities? a. societal b. environmental c. individual d. medical care d. demonstrate how to prepare a healthy meal ✔ If a HES wished to use the application level of Bloom's taxonomy in an intervention aimed at decreasing saturated fat consumption, what might the HES have the priority population do? a. outline the health benefits of decreasing fat intake b. list foods containing saturated fats c. compare saturated and unsaturated fats d. demonstrate how to prepare a healthy meal b. AHA ✔ a HES is developing health literature about symptoms of stroke and what to steps are necessary to take action for adults in the community. What is the most valid source of information to use? a. prevention institute b. AHA c. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services d. ADA a. critical path method ✔ a new HIV testing intervention is being planned to support efforts to increase screening rates. The intervention is planned to start in six months. Which of the following is a proven method to create a timeline and plan for the intervention? a. critical path method b. epidemiology curve c. weekly program meetings d. strategic plan c. implementation ✔ The community heart health coalition was formed about one year ago, and it is now in the process of collecting needs assessment data and creating a strategic plan. This coalition is cycling through which stage of coalition development? a. outcome b. maintenance c. implementation d. formation
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