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Business Directory of Ravenna, Ohio, 1860, Lecture notes of Law

Business HistoryLocal HistoryAmerican History

A business directory for Ravenna, Ohio, in 1860. It lists various businesses and their owners, including their names, occupations, and locations. The businesses range from agriculture to manufacturing, retail, and services.

What you will learn

  • Which businesses were located near specific landmarks in Ravenna, Ohio, in 1860?
  • What goods and services were available in Ravenna, Ohio, in 1860?
  • What types of businesses were common in Ravenna, Ohio, in 1860?
  • Who were some of the prominent business owners in Ravenna, Ohio, in 1860?
  • How did the business community in Ravenna, Ohio, contribute to the local economy in 1860?

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Download Business Directory of Ravenna, Ohio, 1860 and more Lecture notes Law in PDF only on Docsity! ENN Ll s 7 Wy) ; HE a MM Wy) 7 iy Bee HAE My y y iy ! Ui yh if Wi CONTENTS. icaI arrangement of names, -~. Banks, ~ ~ ~ e r o l e n t Institutions. BnsioeSs Xirror, rht l rch director.^. E~y&o&nment, CityQuidC, County Officers, Courts, Fire DepartmeDt, Index to Advertisements, Insurance Agencies, Masons. Akron.. Akron ..... 19 Wooster. ... 73 '< .... 67 ' 6 .... 15 1' .... 70 .............. Military $6 16 .. ... .............. I;isce!laneous, $6 1.5 Wooster. 69 Cuyahoga Palls.. I= “.............. .... Newspapers, I5 " .............. .... .... Odd F e l l o ~ ~ s r6 1.5 " 8 CuyahogaPallo 122 ................ Post Office, 130 .............. Preface, ‘ 6 7 Public Building's and Halls, 'I .............. 16 Wooster .... 70 Cuyahq,:aFalls .... 121 .... School Depa~tments, 1' .............. 13 ‘' .... 68 191 .... Street Dirccmry, .............. 9 'I .... 65 119 ...... Temperance. 70 .... Township Officers, Akron,. ......... 18 .... 72 Ir 120 P EVENS, Jr., Seal Engraver & Manufacturer of Seal Presses, BEPEvery variety of Society, Lodge and Business Seals. Address cia above. - - EDWARD CARLSON; -AND-- EMGRAVER IN GENERBLJ touatB-@est G0r; off PODPP~B ~gsamwe 8t8,, CINCINNATI, OHIO. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. AKRON. BOlLER BIANUFACTURERS. IVebster, Taplin & Co ............... 16 BOOKSELLER. ...................... Hobins0nW.G 22 BOOTS AND SHOES. Platt J .,...... ...................... 24 DENTIST. Peterson Dr. J . H.,. ............... 14 DRUGGISTS. Robinson W. Q.,. ...........a,...... 21 Weimer & Steinbacher,. ............. 24 EATING HOUSE. Fischer IIeury, ..................... 28 QROCERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. E'ischer Henry,. ..................... 28 ............. Schumaker Ferdinand,. 23 Weimer & Steinbacher,. ............. 24 EARDWARE. Cranz C ............................ 26 Smrer \Y. B.,. ...................... 2 1 EOTELS. American House .................... 28 Empire IIouse, ..................... 28 IRON, STEEL, kc. St0rerW.B ......................... 94 LIVERS AND SALE STAl3LE. ~J'ulle Geo .......................... 28 MUSIC TEACHER. ................ fiberman Rollin H.,. 28 NEWSPAPERS. Summit County Beacon,.. ........... 90 PAINTEIt S. HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNA- MENTAL. Stineliaur R. A ....................... 58 PAPER HANGINGS. Robinson If , Q .................... 99 PATENT SOLICIT(ORS. Koight Geo. H. & Bm.. ............. PRINTERS BOOK AND JOB. Summit Counl-y Beacon,. ........... 20 SADDLES, HARNESS, k c . Schuch P. II.,. ..................... .%I STEAN ENGINES. Webster. Taplin & Co.. ............. 10 STENCIL CUTTER. Stinehour R. A ..................... 59 WOOSTER. ATTORNEY AT LAW. .................... Bonewitz S. R.,. 74 BOOK BINDER. Beerbower A.,. ..................... 88 BOOKSEJALERS. Baumgardner J. H. S Co.,. ........ 82 BOOTS AND SHOES. Woods & Cox ...................... @8 CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER. Bristle John ........................ 84 CLOTHING. ChildsJamesB ,...... .............. 86 CLOTHIEl Plr~.sou ............... ;'I13 COLLECTC Donewf DENTISTS Btorrs & Lake,. .................... 118 DRUOOTSTS. - . - - - - - - - Bnumgardner J. H. & Co.,. ......... 82 DRY GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Botsford, Kaufman &. Co.,.. ......... 80 FEMALE SEUINARY. Grove Female Seminary,. ............ 78 GROCERIES. Baumgardner J. H. & Co... ......... 82 13rauneck Geo ....................... 88 Blitchell & Beerbower,. ............. F8 Mowrer Isaac,. ..................... E5 m T S AND CAPS. .................. Childs James R.,. 86 Nachtrieb Jonas ..................... 88 B0TRI.S. - . - - . - . Washington House,.. ............... 84 INSURANCE AGENT. Bonewite 8. R ....................... 74 I R O N FOUNDRIES. McDonald, Laughlin & Co,,. ........ 84 JEWELRY. \VATCDS, BC. .......... RoweN.8. & H . H .,..... 80 I LEATRER. I Wooa&Cox ........................ ' LIVERY & SALE STABLE. L em is Amos,. ...................... MACBINISTS. BIcDonald, Laughlin & Co.. ......... Pieni0n.A.H ....................... >IILLIKERY. ........... Weaver. hin. Cntharine.. MUSICAL INSTRUZIENTS. Rore,W.S.&H.H ................. NEWSPAPERS.. IVn'npne Oouuty Democrat ........... Woos!er Republican..... ........... NOTARY PUBLIC. Bl-duneck Qeo.. ..........em ORGANS ASD MELODEONS. Bntsfolrl, Wm. B... ................. PHOTOGRAPRS.1 Jones, W. N ........................ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Baker,T. R .................. o ...... Firestone &Robinson ............... PRINTERS. Wayne County Democrat,. ........... Viooster Republican.. ............... ROPES AND CORDAGE. Bix le r ,H.&D ...................... STEAM ENGINES. Curtis. Barren & Co.. ...a ;.as.. Ilnrrison, II. R.. .................... STOVES, PLOWS &C. Harrison, 11. X. ................... STOVES. Cr~iabend, W. J.... ................ TIN AND COPPER WARE. Craighead, W. J ..................... CUYAHQGA FAIALS. BOOK BINDERS. James Israel. .............. .w... 138 Knox. A. R ......................... 138 PAPERMILLS. GRAIN SEPARATORS, IIarrison. Manford & Co............. 124 Tuner , Parks & Co .................. 124 R. R. CAR AXLES. HOTELS. James Israel,. ...................... 138 Amerieaa House .................... 138 S M T T MACEINES, X m N WOlw5, Turner,Puka&Co ...............a. a In presenting to the citizens of Akron, Wooster and Cuyahoga Palls, the first issue of Williams' Akron, Wooster and Cuyahoga Falls Directory, City Guide and Business Mirror," the compiler would express his thanks to that portion of them who have sustained the undertaking. Those unacqt~dnted with Directory publishing, have but a faint idea of the difficulties and obstacles to be encountered in obtaining and properly arranging the necessary information ; we, from a long experience, are perfectly familiar with them in detail, and, while ask- ' * ing indulgence for a few errors which must necessarily have crept into the worlr, we claim that there are no cities of like size iu the United States have a better Directory than Akron, Wooster and Cay- ' ahoga Falls Our intention is, if me meet with snfficipt enconragement, to con- tinue the publication of the Akron, Wooster and Cuyahoga Falls Directory-for the present biennially. S T R E E T D I R E C T O R Y . Nil l , cast from Ohio Canal to Old Forge Road first south of Market North, west from east Corp. Line to Medina Road first south of north Corp. Line Oak, south from Medina Road to Center west of Ohio Canal Old Forge Road, east from R. R. Engine House to east Corp. Line Park east from summit to east Corp. Line first north of Market Perkins, east from Summit to east Corp. Line first north of Park Prospect, south from Bluff to Mill first east of Summit Quarry, east from Ohio Cana.1 to Summit first south of Mill Smith, vest from Maple to West first north of Meclina Road South, east from Exchange to east Corp. Line first south of Carroll State, vest from Summit to Locust first south of Center 8ummit, south from west end of Bluff to Chestnut first south of Broadway Tallmadge, east from Howard to Main first north of Market Walnut. north from Rledina Road to north Third west of Ohio ~ a 6 a l Wader. south-west from Ohio Canal to Center thence south to chestnut West, north from Medina Road to North first west of Maple Woosler Road, south-west from Catherine first west of Locust \ CITY GOVERNRIENT. CITY ELECTION FIRST BIONDAY I N APRIL. t- City Council meets every IMonday evening. Council Cham- ber in E. Oviatt's Office, cor. of Howard and Market sts. NAYOR. Frederick A. Nash, office south side of Market bet. Howard and Main sts. up stairs. Term expires April, 1859. PARSHAL Josiah J, Wright, term expires April, 1859. - T R E A S U R E R Houston Sisler, office Court House, term expires April, 1859. SO1,ICITOR. Edward Ovia,tt, office cor. Howard and Market sts. up stairs, term expires April, 1859. E K I G I N E E R - Thos. 11. Goodmin, o6ce at Gas Works, term expires Nov., 1859. RECORqDER. Ralph I?. Waterbury, oEce Akron Stove Co., term expires April, 1859. COUNCIL. Frederick A. Nash, President. Ralph P. Waterbury, Clerk. Term expires April, 1859. Charles Cranz, 6 . 6 < << .< Richard 13. Walker, <( 6 < i< 6; Job Pierce, c c << < < <L John Cook, 6 6 6 < 6 6 6 ; Joseph Milligan, 64 <c ;< (6 CHURCH DIRECTORY, 1 Baptist.-Baptist Church, High street between Market and Tallmadge streets. Rev. X. Williams, Pastor. Catholic.-Catholic Church, vest side of Green street north of Medina Road. Rev. Edward O'Conner, Pastor. I Disciples of Christ.-Disciples hold their meeting in Patten's Hall, south side of Market between Main and High streets. Rev. W. S. Gray, Pastor. fitheran.-German Lutheran Church, Broadway near Court House. Rev. P. J. Buehl, Pastor. Episcopal.-Protestant Episcopal Church, west side of High between Market and Mill streets. Rev. Edward Myer, Rector. Congregational.-Second Congregational Church, Main street. Vacant. i Methodist Episcopal.-Methodist EpiscopaI Church, Broadway near Court House. Rev. G. W. Clarke, Pastor. German Reformed.-German Reformed Church, near Court House.-Rev. -- SpengXer, Pastor, BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS, Y A S O N I C . MASONIC HALL EAST SIDE OF HOWARD BETWEEN MARKET AND MILL. Akron Lodge, No. 83, Chartered Oct. 1841, meets on Tues- day evening preceeding the full of the moon of every month, and if full on Tuesday, then on that day. Washington Chapter, No. 25, Royal Arch Masons, chartered Oct. 22d 1841, meets on Friday Evenings preceeding the full of the moon, and if full on Friday then on that day. O D D F E L L O W S * ODD FELLOWS HALL WEST SIDE OF HOWARD BETWEEN MARKEE AND MILL STREETS. Summit Lodge, No. 50, meets every Monday evening. Akron Encampnzent, No. -, meets - NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS, Summit Cou.?zty Beacon, veekly, office west side of Howard between Rlarket and Rlill, Beebe & Elkins, Ed. & Props. Akron Lieder Tafe2.-William Fischer, President, Clemene Kolb, Vice President. Jacob Goldsmith, Secy., Conrad Fink, Treasurer, \Tilliam Carl, Musical Director, meets every Tues- day, Thursday and Sunday evenings, at their Hall north east corner Howard and Mill PUBLIC BUILDINGS, HALLS, ETC, - Empire Hall, north side of Market between Howard and Main streets. Union Hall, south ea3t corner of Howard and Market streets. Odd Fellows Hall, w ~ s t side of Howard between Market and Mill. Finks Hall, north east corner of Howarl and bllil ~treets. Court House, east side of High between Center and Quarry etreets. Empire House, north west corner of Main and Market streets. American House, east side of Howard between A'larket and Tallmadge streets Tappan's Hall, south side of Market between Blain and High streets. Gothic Block, east side of Howard between Market and Mill Streets. . - MILITARY, - Eighteenth Division Ohio Volunteers, comprising the coun- ties of Cuyahoga, Summit and Portage, A. S. Mariner Major Gen- erd, Staff-Jamas Barnett, Inspector ; H. G. Powers, Quarter- master ; W. 6. Dackstader, Engineer ; S. Erlgerton, Judge Advocate ; S. B. Sturges and E. Steinhacher, Aids de Camp. E r s t Brigade.--J. W. Fitch, Brigadier General, Staff-W. :H. Kayward, Brigade Inspector ; S. Bliss, Quartesma.ster ; Geo. H. Burt, Engineer; Edward Icinsman, Judge Advocate ; E. Sterling, Surgeon ; Richard Hilliard and John P. Ross, Aids. b'econd Brigade.--J. Barnhart, Brigadier General ; C. Fink, Inspector ; J. T. Good; Quartermaster ; A. C. Voris, Judge Ad- vocate ; A. Zipperlie, Surgeon ; Jacob Dussell and John Davis, Aids. Third Brigade.-E. B. Tylor, Brigadier General ; B. C. Cool- man, Inspector ; J. S. Leffingwell, Quartermaster ; J. G. Willis Engineer; H. C. Ranney, Judge Advocate ; A. Belding, Sur- geon ; J. R. Sanford and J. R. King, Ai,ds. The first Brigade consists of one Batallion of Light Artillery, 3'. Rumrill, Major. .The second Brigade consists of one Batallion of Infantry, W. - v F. Sanders, Lieutenant Colonel, N. Wagner, Major. COUNTY OFFICERSI PROBATE JUDGE. N. M. EIuGphrey. Term expires 1861. CLERK OP THE COURTS. Edwin P. Green. Term expires February, 1861. ,4lden Gage, Deputy. S H E R I P P . w Samuel Lane, office Court House. Term expires January, 1861. A. R. Townsend and Louis bl. Janes, Deputies. A U D I T O R . C. B. Bernard, present incumbent, office Court House. Term expires March, 1859. George W. Crouse, elect, office Court House. I T R E A S U R E R . Houston Sisler, present incumbent, office Court I-Iouse. Term expires September, 1859. S. S. Wilson, elect. R E C O R D E R . Philip P. Bock, office Court House. Term expires January, 1862. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY. FIenry RcKinney, office Cuyahoga Falls. Term expires No. vember, 1860. S U R V E Y O R . Hosea Paul. Term expires November, 1861. C O B O F E R . washington Ingersoll. Term expires -. COXIISSIOXERS. J. S. Gilcrist. Term expires November, 1859. Ambrose W. Bliss. L C L C G L 1860. John McFarlin, <c c . (c 1861. 2 0 A K R O N A D V E R T I S E M E N T S . WEEKLY BETWEEN MARKET AND MILL STREETS. BEEBEE $ ELKINS, Proprietors. The SUMMIT BEACON, a large and handsome paper. is published a t $1.60 per year, payable i n advance. Thislasue furnishes an Excellent Medium for Advertising. -- The proprietors of the B E ~ C O N ESTABLTSRXENT, would inform the public? that their office furnishes every facility for the esccution of From Book Work to the Largest Posters, Comprising PLAIN AND FANCY' CARDS, CIRCULARS, BILL-HEADS, CERTIFICATES, BILLS OF LADING, PLAIN AND FANCY LABELS, CHECKS, . DEEDS, NOTES, MORTGAGES, POSTERS, INSURANCE POLICIES, PROGRANMES, ETC., ETC. B A1 21 Allen Mrs. B. w s Broadway b Marlret andl Mill Allen Edward, portrait painter, n w c High and State Allen Mrs. Electa, w s Howard nr n Corp. Line Allen Ethan, moulder, m s Holvard nr n Corp. Line Allen Gilbert, clk. n s Market \v of Howard Allen Hiram, miller, bds w s Howard b Market ancl Mill L L E N J. & J. & C O . A (Jacob-b Jesse A. B J. D. Commins,) Center Milis, office w s Howard b Market and Mill Allen Jacob, (J. & J. A. & Co,) h e s Hovard b Market and Mill Allen Jesse, (J. & J. A. & Co.) Allen Saml. L. cllr. s s Narket b Main and High Alien Victor J., clk. B t n a Mills Allen Wm. C. telegraph operator, office e s ZIomard b Market and Mill MERICAN HOTEL. A I?. Wcber Proprietor, e s Hovnrd n of Market Anderson Charlotti, waiter, Empire House Andrew Mrs. M a r i A , bds'e s s u m m i t b Market and Mill Andrews Henry, tinner, e s Broadway b Market and Furnace Archer Nancy, servt. n e c Broarlway and Market Atkinson Miss Sarah, bds e s High b Furnace and Talmadgo J Atkinson Wm. barber, n s Market b Howard and Main Austin Linus, powder manuf. h n s Xarket b Summit and Pros- pect Austin Lorenzo, bda n s Market b Summit and Prospect Avery Amos, wagon mkr. n s Market b Summit and Prospect Ayers Miss Lucinda, bds w s n igh b Maiket and Mill Ayers Mrs. Lucinda, w s High b &la1 ket and Nil1 Ayers 0. H. P. lumber, e s Main b Market and Tallmadge bds w s I-Iigh n of Market Ayliff+e & Allen, (Geo. A. & Albert A.) Akron Custom Mill, e s Maitl b Market and Mill Ayliffe Geo. (A. &. Allen,) e s blain b Market ancl Mill Babcock Geo, butcher, n s Market b Howard and Main, h e s Broadway b Middlcbury and Exchange Babcock Gates, carp. bds w s Main b State and Middlebury Babcock Gates A. carp. wks m s Main b Market and Mill, bda w s blain w of Canal Babcock R'Iiss Sarah, bds e s Broadway b Middlcbury and Ex- : change Babcock LVm. butcher, n s Market b Howard and Main, h s w c Exchange and Brosdmay Bailey Elam C. mill wright, e s Oak s of Medina Road Baird Robert, blksmith, w s b Market and Tallmsdge, h 0 s Main b Tallmadge and Furnace 2 2 A K R O N A D V E R T I S E M E N T S . W. C . ROBINSON, @LIB DOOF N o P ~ ~ o f Post O@ios, Noward 8fseot, AEKIRBN, QlEXXO. BOOKS AND STATIONERY, A choice assortment of Standard Classical, Scientific, Juvenile and Misb cellaneous Books, also, Bibles, Testaments, Blank Boolcs, School Books, Papers, Pens, Inks, Slates kc. A full and large stock of yjy&&& p&paa 9 All of the Monthly Periodicals, the Standard Weekly Papers devoted to Literature and Miscellany. Also, the New Ycrk and Cleveland Daily Papers. Also, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in a XU @&ttlieiw~ rwntl blremia!a, 2 8 t h Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs, Window Glsss and Putty, Fine Toilet Soaps, Fine Hair end Tooth Brushes, Paint Brushes, Artists Tools and Colors, Water Colors, Patent Medicines, Pure Wines and Brand~es for I\ledie&l Pur- poses, Fancy Articles, School ancl ;\Iiscellaneous Boo!<§, Blank Books, Letter and Cap Paper, Paper Ilangings, Superior Inks, Q~~i l l s , Sleel Pens and Sta. tionery, Periodicals and cheap Literature, Letter and Note Envelopes, &c. -.-_...M1^AI._ .̂-.---.--..-l---l @ P/IISBPJ!BT(Ql~S1 Will receive pzrticular attention a t all hours of the day and night. ----- Customers will find our stock complete, comprising many articles which it is impossible here to enumerate. W e purchase on the best terms, and are determined that we shall not be undersold by any est,ablishment in this section of the country. B, A, FAEINESTOGK & CO.'S PURE WEITE LEdD COBSTARTLY FOR SALE r *ennet Philo, saddler, h e *Howard b 34ill and Narket Bennct Mrs. Pliilo, millincr e s Homard b,Marltet and Mill I I Bernard Miss Amanda, teacher, bds w s High b Market and Tallrnadge Bernarc' Augustus, lam student, n s High b Market and I?. 8: 0. Canal B ~ R ~ ~ ~ ~ C . B. Auditor, office Court House, bds Empire House Berry George, (H. Wheeler &. Co.) e s Broadway b Market and Mill Berry Geo. C. (R. H. Wheeler and Co.) h e s Broadway b Mill and Market Bettes Edrvjn, clk. wks s s Market b Howard and Mill Betzendeifer Henry, tailor, s s Exchange b Bowery and Wa- ter Bibriecher Peter, shoe mkr. wks s s Market b 1Iain mcl High Bien Duane, printcr, e s High b Furnace and Tallmad go Bien G. TV. carp. wks m s blain b Market and Mill \ Bien George 11. carp. w s High b Tallmadge and Furnace Bisn Reubcn S. printer, mks Excelsior job office Bien ITil!inm D. printing office, s s Market b Homard and Main h e s High Bierce Lucius V. (B. & Voris,) n e c High and Market Bierce G; Voris, (Lucius V. B. S: Alvin C. N.) attys. at law, of- fice n e c High and Market Biermirth Angust, stone cutter, e s Oak b 0 Canal and North BIGGS C: F. H. Al. Yhyucian, n e c Bomery and Middlebury Billow George, magou mkr. s s Exchange b Main and High, h n s Exchange nr Corp. Line Bittelfeld John. stove mkr. wks Akron Stove Co. Bittman Mrs. s w a n , grocery, n s Market b Main and High Bittman TVil~iam. clk. n s Market b Blain and High B?odget E. s s Medina Road b Maple and West Bloom Geo. TI'. carp. s e c Broadway and Mill I Boardman Jo!ln, moulder, n . b Akron Stove Co. h n w c Smith and Maple Bock -, lab. bds n s Middlebuyy b High and Broadmay Bock Philip I?. county recorder, offiie Court House Boomhower John, bar k. American I-louse Bonfaent John, shoe mkr. wlis s s Market b 1Iain and High. Bonfine Catharine, servt. s m c B r o a d ~ ~ a y nd i~larket Bonstadt A. W. clk. n s Market b Howard and Main Eonstead Chas. clk. s w c Main nnd Tallmadge Boughton Mrs. s s Watcr w of Ohio Canal 8 26 A K R O N A D V E R T I B E M E N T S . A GOOD SUPPLY OF C. WEBSTEB. .---- J. B. TAPLIN. - .. . .. . . . . . .. . ... . ... ... .. . WY. CAMP. -. WEBSTER, TAPLIN d Cor. of Main and Talmadge Streets, Amon, 0. I~on and Brass Castings, I IXL GEARING of every description, Steam, Flour snd Saw BIillg, MOWING AND REAPlNG MACHINES, Powder Presses, Sugar Mills, SMUT MACHLNES, Corn Crackers, Saw ( &o., kc. Orders for repairing and jobbing promptly attended to. iummers, DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, %D STI IN: C bIass, 8tsel, )Cse 3s,$a6dFo asad H A R N E S S T R l N CS, C U N S , & C . p HOWAI 2EET, YAkELO >I3CIO. BUR 27 Bourn John, lab. e f w a l n u t s of North Bowen Wm. d. phys. w s Broadway b Market and Mill Bowers Xrs. Ellen, w s Water b State and Middlebury Bowers Joseph, meat store, s s Market b Main and High Bowers Joseph, butcher, m s Main b Cedar and Chestout Bowers Wm. butcher, wks s s Market b Main and High Boyd Plliss Rachael, w s Broadway s of Furnace Boyd Robt. stone mason, m s Blain b Tallmadge and Furnace Bradford Wm. n s Medina Road w of Maple Bradley Geo. clk. bds o s Smith b West and Maple Bradley Geo. If. clk. wks w s Hovard 3d door n of Market Bradley Wm. miller, e s Main s of Furnace Brecht Peter, tailor, wks e s Howard s of Market Bremer H. lab. s s Chestnut n r High Brewer Miss Sarah, bds e s Broadway b Exchange and Cedar Bridenstein Miss Jane, bds e Corporation Line near Middlebury Road Brittain Mrs. M. L. e s Oak s of Medioa Road Britton Wilson, tinner, mks n m c Howard and Rlarltet ROTHWELL AUGUST JS, B Hats. Caos. Furs. S t m Goods. 'B c. s s Market b Horard and ifail;, h w s roadma ma^ b biarltet and Mill Brothwell Theodore, elk. s s Market b Howard and Main, bds w s Broadway b Market and Mill Brow Mrs. Rachel, s s Middlebury, b Main and High Brown Geo. printer, bds n e c Cedar and Main Brown Mrs. Lucy, dress mkr. n e c Cedar and Main Brunner Fred. basket maker, n s Furnace b High and Broad- may Bryan Constant, atty. a t law, w s Righ n ofRlarket Buchtel John R. s s Middlebury Road nr Corp. Line Buck Philip, recorder, e s High b Furnace and Tallmadge Buckley Lewis, b. h. m s Homard n of Mill UEL GEO. B Etna Mills, n s 0. Canal b locks NO. l l a n d 12 Bugalom Bonaparte, moulder, wlrs Akron Stove CO. Bullock Mrs. H. n e c Me$e and Medina Raod Burcliliardt George, machinist, w s Broadway b Cedar and Ex- - change Burke Miss Jane, teacher, bds m s Korard near Coporation Line Burket David, hostler, American Hotel Burnett Henry, fireman, n s Smith b West and Maple Burnett Henry, lab. wks Akron Stove Co. Burton Merrick, constable, n s Medina Road b Walnut and Maple 30 COL Chapin Ambrose, agricultural implement manuf, e s Howard b Mill and Ohio Canal, h n s Medina Road H A P I N JOSEPH C . 6 Notary Publrc, and Law Student with Pierce and Yoris, h n s Medina Road Chapman Joseph, eng. n s Exchange e of Summit I Chatfield S. A. baggage master C. Z. & C. R. R. Chester E. F. wagon mkr. s s Carroll n r Corp. Line Chittey Catharine, servant, n e c Ifiddlebury and High Chittey John, express, s s Medina Road nr Corp. Line HRISTY J. H. & C O . G (John H. & James C.) Leather Store, n s Market b Main and Howard, and Tannerv w a Howard n r Canal Christy Pat. s w c Summit an3 Market Church Orion, wagon mkr. e s Howard b illill and Market - Clark H. mach. e s Howard nr Corp. Line Clark Harley, mach. wks c Main and Tallma,dge Clark Henry, ticket agent, bds n s Howard b Market and Mill Clark Henry H, agent Union Ex. Co. and C. Z. Ei C. R. R. office Depot, bds m s Howard b Market and Mill Clark Mrs. T. n e c Main and Exchange Clark Milton W. atty a t law, bds s w c Summit and Mill Clark Wm. L. justice of the peace, s 'w c Summit and Mill LARKE REV. G. W- 6 Pastor M. E. Church, h w s Broadway b Market and Tall- madge Clav James. lab. e s Walnut s of North ClGton ~ e b r ~ e B. miller, e s Exchange b Summit and Broad- way Clemans Samuel P. teacher, s e c Broadmay and Middlebury Cleaveland C. G. teamster, s w c Furnace and High Cleveland Denison, teamster, e s Main b Furna.ce and Tall- madge Cleveland James, teamster, e s Main b Furnace and Tallmadge Cleveland, Zanesville Ei Cincinnati R. R. Depot, c Summit and Mill Cobb Mrs. Lucy, dress mkr. n e c Main and Cedar Coburn Stephen H. ho. phys. e s Broadway b I\Iarket and Fur- nace Coffman Miss J. teacher, h e s Broadway b Mill and Market OLE JOSEPH, 6 Al. Physician, n TY c High and Middlebury CoIerado Edward, saddler, wks s s Market b Main and High Colerado Edmin, saddler and harness mkr. n e s Main b Niddle- bury and State Collins Dennis, lab. n s Furnace e ef Summit Coloney Solomon, painter, e s High b Market and Mill , DAL 31 - 3ommins Alex. H. b. . Center Mills of6ce 2ommin~ J. D. (J & J! Allen Et Co.) 3ook 8 Dussell, (John C. & Jacob D.) family grocers, n s Mar- ket b IIomard and Main r k o k John, (C. & Dussell,) s e o High and Furnace look Mrs. Mary A. seamstress, m s Howard n of Mill jook Wm. H. miller, ~ k s n s Market b Howard and "Ohio Ca- nal joon Albert, lab. m 8 Main b Exchange and Cedar >eon Mrs. Susan, m s Main b Exchange and Cedar Jooper Mrs. T. A. s e c High and Canal Jooper Miss Jane, bds n s High n of Market County Court House, Nigh b Quarry and Center County Jail, e s Broadway b Center and Quarry Cowell Ira, sl, phys. o s High b Market and Mill OY ERASTUS, Foreman Cascade Dlills, bds Empire Hotel Craighead Miss H. C. teacher, e s Main n of Tallmadge Cramer George, blksmith, bds w s Summit b Market and Fur- nace Cramer John, tinner, bds e s Main b Market and Mill CRANZ CHAS. Hardware and Cutlery, e s Howard b Market and Mill, h n s Prosnect b Park and Perkins Crevling G. <v. packer, e s Main b. Market and Mill Crivelin Levis, cooper,,n s Exchange b Bowery and Water ROUSE GEO. W. C County Auditor, ofEce Court House, bds w s High b Mar- ket and Tallmadge Crocker Miss M. bds w s High b Market and Mill Cummins Bridget, servt, TV s Oak s of Medina Road Cummins Moses, dray, m s High b Tallmadge and Furnace Cummings Wm. asst. road master C. 2. & C. R. R. h m s Sum- mit b Market and Furnace Curran Mrs. Joanna, n s State b Summit and Broadway Curtis Elial T. clk. w a Howard b Market and Mill, res Seneca Co. Cutler Mrs. J. M. boots and shoes, w s I-Iomard b Market and Mill, h m e Broadway b Market and Mill Cutter & IEowe, (M. T. C. -& C. P. H.) boots and shoes, w s Howard b Msl-ltet and Mill Cutter M. T. (C. 8 Howe,) m s Oak s of Medina Road Daily Amas, harness mkr. wks w s Howard n of Market Daily Thomas, packer, wks n s Market b Howard and Ohio Canal Daly G-eo. lab. w 3 Summit nr P. & 0. Cana.1 3.2 DRE Damp Edward, wks Pearl Mills Damp Wm. miller, bas e s Summit b Market and Mill Danner Geo. cooper, bds w s Main b Exchange and Cedar Darling Oren, cooper, m s High b Exchange and Cedar Dsvidson Saml. tcamster, n s Exchange b Bowery and Water Davis Baker, miller, wks n s Market b Howard and Ohio Canal, Davis B. miller, bds Empire House Davis Christopher, farmer, s w c Bomery and Ccnter Davis Geo. carp. w s Main b Exchange and Cedar Davis George, carp. c Cedar and Water Decoury Joseph, blk. smith, shop s s Medina Road, b Oak and Ohio Canal Deelg Thomas, packer, city mills, h e s Wslnut n of Medina Rd. Delman Peter, packer, wks n a Market b Howard and Ohio Canal Delong Amos, teamster, e s Main b State and Middlebury Denaple Jacob, saddler; wks m s Main b Exchange and Middle- ' bury Denaple Wm. (Uprighton & D.) h s s Exchange nr e Corpora- tion Line Derthick Wiliiam, cooper, e s \Toaster Road near Corporation Line Devert John, fireman, s s Center e of Summit Deitz John, lab. wks Akron Stove Co. Deitz John G. lab. n s Center e of Summit Dill Thomas, painter, s s Furnace e of Summit Dix John 11. planer, e s Broadway b Market and Furnace Docker S. J. lab. e s Bowery nr Catharine Dodge Wm. M. atty, at law, office and res. n e c State and High Donl~auser John, stove mkr. e s R e s t b North and Bledina R'd Donhauser John, shoe mkr. mlts w sI-Iomard s of Rlal.ket Dorighty Alben, saddler, e s Howard n of BIarlet, h 11 s Bledina Road w of Green Douglas John, supt. 0. Canal, e s Howard n of Market Douglas Mrs. Sarah, w s Main b Furnace anc! Tallmadge Doyle Anna, servt. w s Broadway b Market and Mill Do-jle & Chamberlain, (W. B. D. 8t S. C.) meat store, s s Mar- ket b Main and High Doyle Elias, lab. w s High b 1Iiddlebury and Exchange Doyle John, lab. e s Howard n of Furnace Doyle Thos. packer, e s Howard n of Furnace Doyle Wm. B. (D. Chamberlain,) w s Summit n of Market Dreithaler Joseph: s s Medina Road nr Corp. Line Dreithinger Casper, stone cutter m s Exchange e of Summit GAR 3 5 Flower l l i ss Isabel, n w c North and Ohio Canal Flower John, packer, Cascade Mills Flower Wm. grocery, n w c Ohio Canal and North Flowers Mrs. Annie, n w c North and Ohio Canal Flowers Geo. lab. wks Akron Stove Co. I Flowers George, plasterer, w s Howard nr Corp. Line Flowers James. family grocery, e s Ohio Canal, lock No. 8 ' Flowers John, lab. w s High b Tallmadge and Furnace Foote Daniel S. carp. s w c Oak and Medina Road Force Mrs. Julia, w s Wooster Road nr Corp. Line Force Mrs. Mary, w s Wooster R0a.d nr Corp. Line Ford Hezekiah M. teacher, bds n w c Market and Summit Poster John, n- s Main b Furnace and Tallmadge Foster Jonathan, clk. w s Broadway s of Court I-Xouse France Adam, moulder, e s Main n of Tallmadge France David, miller, Cascade Mills Francis Joseph, miller; w s Walnut b North aud Ohio Canal Francis Joseph, miller, Cascade Mills Franks Isaac, moulder, n s Carroll nr Corp. Line Frankenstein Mrs. Noah M. n e c Broadway and Cedar French Adolphus, clk. bds American House French H. cooper, bds e s Bowery b State and Middlebury French Thos. lab. e s Bowery b State and i?Iiddlebury Frick Ha.nnah M., servt; s s Medina Road b West and Maple Frickel John, lab. s s Middlebury Road nr Gorp. Line Fritz Geo., miller, Etna.Mills, bds. American Hotel RITZ J O H N M. F ilriller. B t n a Mills, bas American House Frye ~acol;, boatman, e 's Howard s of Mill Fuller Mrs. Catharine, w s Chestnut opp Water Fuller Harvey H. teamster, w s Bowery nr Catharine Fuller Hiram, w s Broadway b Mill and i\!Ia&et Puller Isaiah, machine card manuf., h w s Main b Market and Mill Fulton Abram, (F. & Raymond,) n m c West and Medina Road Fulton & Raymond, (Abram F. & Wm. G. R.) Pearl Mills, m s Canal b Market and Mill Furnace John, rectifier, w s Howard nr Corp. Line Gage Alden, dep. co. clk. n w c Market and Summit Galbraith Henry H. salesman, s s Medina Road w of West Gambel Theodore W. sash mkr. wks e s Ohio Cana.1 b Market and Mill Gardner James, e s Broadway b Market and Mill Gardner Mrs. M, m s Broadway b Market and Mill Garduer &lichael, tailor, s s Meclina Road nr Corp. Line Gmgen Miss Ann, s s Medina Road nr Corp. Line 36 G R A 1 Gargen Mary, s s Medina Road nr Corp. Lino Gargen Peter, lab. s s Mcdinn, Road nr Corp. Line Garman Margaret, cook, Akron EIotel Gaul Charles, cooper, h m s Main b Exchango and Cedar Geer R. W. ship carp. n s Exchange b Bowery and Water ERM A N MIL1 IS, 6 w s Howard w of Furnace Gerr Gurdin, boat builder, e s Bowery n r Catharine Gerst Jacob, cab. mkr. e s Howard b Mill and JIarket Gessler Fred. (John G. Grether & Co.) Gilbert J. F. atty a t law, office w s Homard n of Market, h e s Summit n of Market Gillett Chauncey, boatman, Ohio Canal n r Walnut Gillingham James, (Moody 85 G.) w s Summit b Market and Furnace Gilson Olvinus, cooper, wks e bank Ohio Canal n of North Gilson E. A. cooper, w s Walnut n of North Gilson E. D. cooper, e bank Ohio Canal n of North, h w s Wal- nut n of North Gilson Miss R. A. m s Walnut n of North Ginther Stephen, mer tailor, n s Market b Main and High, h 3d door east GIadter John, shoe mkr. wks s s Market b Main and High Glatthar John, shoe mkr. e s Broadway b Ccntcr and State Goble Silas, shoe mkr. n s Smith b West and Maple Goble Silas W. fam. grocery, w s Howard 3d door n of Market Goldsmith Jacob, (Icoch, Levi & Co.) bds Empire House Gonder Johan, m s High b Tallmadge and Furnace Gonder Joseph, lab. s s Center e of Summit Good Adam. salesman. s s Market b I-Ioward and Main GOOD J.R~ J. ' (Jacob S: John G.) Brewery, w s E t n s n r Ohio Ca.nal Good Jacob, (J. & J. G.) n e c Walnut and Medina .Road Good John, (J. 6: J. G.) s s Etna nr Ohio Canal Goodhue Nathaniel 11. (Nash & G.) s s Midcllcburv Road e cf R R Bridge Goodwin Thos. 8. s u ~ t . Akron Gas Works. h n s Iledina Road w of West Grace Park. Prosnect from Park to,Perkins Grad ~ h r i s t i a n , G g o n mkr. bds w of Canal n r Market Grad Mary, servant, n m c Broadway and Mill Gradus Geo. grocer, h s s Exchange b Main and High Graff Jacob, hostler, Akron Hotel Graham Owen W. cooper, n e c Alaple and North Grant Austin, miller, bds e s Summit b Market and Mill Grant Oscar P. miller, ~vks s Market b Howard and Ohio Canal RAN - 37 - ,,,y RIrs. Sophia, s s Middlebury b High and Broadway Greem Fred. stone mason, n w c Middlebury and Water Green Zclwin P. CO. clk. office Court House, hw s Green n of Mcclina Road Green N. M. s s Medina Road b West and Maple GreenvoOd C. 11. wagon mkr. m s Howard Grether Barbara, servant, e s Howard b Market and Rlill Grether Catharine, servant, 8 e c High and Exchange Grethcr John G. (J. G. G. 8: CO.) h South Akron Grether John G. & CO (J. G. G. & Fred. Gessler,) grocery and candy manuf. e s Homard b Market and Mill Grether John J. candle manuf. n e c Exchange and Broadmay Grether John J. vagon mkr. shop, s s Medins Road b Oak and Ohio Canal Grether Miss Louisa, n e c Exchange and Broadway Grimwood A. foundryman, w s Homard nr n Corp. Line Grimn-ood Allen, pattern mltr. vks Altron Stove Co. Grohc Leca, servt, s s Middlebury Road e of R. R. Bridge Groober Chas. clk. n s Market b I-Iourard and Milin Grossenbacher Mrs. Barbara, n s 3liclcllebury b IIigh and Broad- may Grort John, lab. wks Akron Stove Co. Gruen Thiebault, butcher, w s Howard opp Tallmadge Hale James RI. foreman, Akron Barrel Co. Hall --, artist, bds w s High b Market and Tallmadge Hall A. H. boatman, n e*c Bowery and AIiddlebury Hall Miss Almir~ , milliner, nks s s Market b &lain and I-Iigh Hall Anna, waiter, American Hotel Hall James L. overseer, barrel factory, h e s Roward b Market and Mill Ilall John J. atty at law and notary public, office w s IIoward s of Market, h n s Nidcllebury nr Corp. Line Hall, JoE111son & Co. (P. D. I-I., Stiles J. & Solotnon Sorricks,) dry goods, hardware and Groceries, s w c Alarkct S: Howard Hall Lorcnzo, b...k. e s High b Market and Tallinadge Ea11 P. I?. (R. Johnson & Co.) res New York Hamilton Miss Mary, w s Broacl~ay b Market and Tallmndge AMMOND R. 0. H Post Ya~ te r , and Attorney at Law, oBce e s Howard b R1arlic.t and Nill, h w s High b 1Iarliet aurl Tnllmadge Hampson IIcnry 0. stove manuf. n s Market b Iloward & Main h w s Broadnay b Market and Tallmac'gc Hanchett Mrs. E. e s High b Middlcberry and State Hanchctt Mrs. Lucy, e s High b Middlchcrry and S t ~ t e Banscorn & Brothers, (Geo. I-I. David 8. S; Chas. H.) family grocers, n e c Market and IIowarll Humaston Newton P. driver, bds w s Howard Humphrey 13. porter, Empire House Humphrey N. M. probate judge, w s Broadway b Middlebury and Exchange Hurley Daniel, miller, w s 0. Canal nr Mill Hwosdowetsch J. tailor, mks e s Howard s of Market Iles Mrs. Mary A. m s Water b Exchange and Cedar Ingersoll H. W. lam student, e s IIomard b Market and Mill Ingerson --, law student, bas w s High b Market and Tall- madge Iredel Mrs. Mary, b. h. w s High b Market and Tdlmadge RISH, K E N T R- BALDWIN. I Machine Manuf. c Water and Canal, Middlebury Isanhauer servt. s a Middlebury Road nr Corp. Line Isball Israel, clk. bds w s Howard b Market and Mill Ives Miss Hclcn P. bds n s Market b Broadway and Summit Ives L. J. n s Market b Broadwav and Summit " ACOB JOHN, J Tailor and Stufler, and preparer of birds, a w c Exchange and High Jackson IIrs. w s 0. Canal b Exchange and Cedar Jackson Henry, carp. bds w s Main b State and Niddlebury Janes Lewis M. dep. sheriff, e s Broadway b Market and Fur- nace Janes Miss Mary &I. bds g s Broadway b Market and Furnace Jenkins Almira, bds w s High n of Furnace z Jennings Jeremiah, w s Broadway b Market and Mill Johnson Abner, teacher, w s Water b State and Exchange O H N S O N C. & GO. J (Cornelius J. & F. McNaughton,) Dry Goods and Grocer- ies, n s Howard s of Market ~ohns ton Cornelius, (C. J. 8: Co.) s s Middlebury Road nr R R bridge Johnson Mrs. Harriet, Water w of Ohio Canal Johnson Porter, teamster, m s Watcr b Statc and Exchange Johnson S. (Hall, J. S: Go.) bds Empire House Johnson Stiles, (IIall, J. & Co.) bds Empire House . Jones Charles, lab. bds n w c Smith and Maple Jones Ira, carp. h n w c Smith and Maple Jones 11. M. A. barber, n s IIarkct b blain and Howard Jones William, carp bds w s Main b State and Middlebury Joy Rev. A. n e c Howard and Etna Jungblut Joseph, clk. m s Jio~vard b Market and Mill, res Stark Co Kaiser Christine, servt. e s High b Micldlebury and Exchange Kec Kel Ker Kes TT T ! BOG 41 ser Joseph, mhite sniith, w s Main b Bxchange azd Middle- bury Jonas, lab. e s Bomery b Chestnut and Catharine logg Ezra, farmer, m s Maple s of Medina Road Keller Jacob, (Jv E. Wesener & CO.) Relley Jacob, mer. bds e s High b Marltet and Tallmadge Kelly Miss Mary B. S. bds m s Broadway b Market and Afill Kelly Nathaniel P. horse collar manuf. s s Market w of Howard 'h w s Broadway b Market and Mill Kernpel Adam, shoe mlrr. s s Market b Main and High, h s s Center e of Summit Kempflin Geo. tailor, ~vks e s Homard s of Market JCempflin Jerome, tailor. wks e s Honard s of Market ENYON JOHN I-I. K BIilIer, s w c Yill and Howard, h w s Main b Furnace and: Tellmadge ,yon Miss Sophia, w' s Main b Furnace and Tallmudge sler Frcd. miller, wks n s Market b Howard and 0. Canal ,<YSTONE HOUSE, h m s Howard n of. Mill Kiefer Fred. boots and Shoes, s s Market w of Homard, h e e Akron a of Exchange Kicfer Wm. shoe mkr. wks s s Rilarket m of Honard kidder 0. J. bk. layer, e s Main n of Tallmadge Kidder Mrs. Phebe, e s Bro?dwa,y b Market and Furnace Kieser Chas. lab. n s Carrol e of Summit Icimberli Silas, w s Main b Exchange and Cedar King David, atty. at law, h n e c Summit and Mill INO DAVID L. K Atty. at Law and Real Estate Agt. office w s Howard s of Market, h n e c Mill and Broadway King Lester, e s High b Market and Mill King i\liss Sarah, bds s s Carroll nr Corp. Line Kipps Otto, lab. bds e s Oak b North and 0. Canal Kirchner John, e s Broadway b Market and Furnace IRCHNER JOHN, I( CoEee House and Ogster Saloon, m skloward s of 1farke.t h e s Broadway n of Market Kern John, carp. wks w s of Hoyctrd nr Canal Kling Geo. tailor, wks m s I-Ioward s of Market ICling John, tailor, s s Exchange nr e Corp. Line Knight Mrs. Rebecca, n e c Main and Center Koch C. (K. Levi & Co.) res Cleveland Koch Herman, clk. bds Empire House Koch Jacob, clk. bds w s Howard b Market and Mill 42 L E O OCH LEV1 6e G O . If., Jacob Levi, Aclolph Meyer, Herman Mycrs & Jacob oldsmith,) Wh. and Retail Clothing, e s Howard a of Mar- ket Kohl Chas. cooper, Water m of 0. Canal Kohl John, cooper, w s Main b Exchange and Cedar Kohl Louis, cooper, w s Main b Exchange and Cedar Kohler Jacob A. lam student, with Wash &: Goodhue Kolb C. & F. (Clement & Francis,) fam. grocery, w s 0. Canal b Exchange and Cedar Kolb Clemens Jr. grocer, h w s Wooster Road near Corporation Line Kolb Clement, (C. 8: F. I<.) h m s Wooster Road near Corpora- tion Line Kolb Francis, (C. & F. C.) m s Wooster Road near Corporation Line Krahle Adam, tannery, e s Hoxard n of Furnace Kramer August, miller, w s Homard n of Furnace Kramer Geo. miller, a s Howard b Furnace and Cuyahoga Creek Kramer John 11. grocery and cigar manuf. s m c Main and Ex- change Kreutzer Ira, n e c Summit and Market Kreutzer Isaac, farmer, n e c Summit and Market Krutzer Harriet, servt. e s Riain n of Tallmadge Laackman A. clk. n s Market b Main and I-Iomard Lackey Henry, joiner, s s Exchange e of Summit Lahmann Peter, shoe mkr. s e c Bowery and Middlebury Lamparder David, lab. e s &ron s of Exchange Lamphier Wm. n e c Maple and Medina Road Lander John, boota and shoes, w s Howard n of Market, h n w c Medina Road and Oak Lane Mrs. Eetsey, s s Medina Road b West and Rlaple Lane Miss Ilaria B. s s Rledina Road b West and Maple Lane Samuel H. sheriff, office Court House, h s s hledina Road b West and Maple Lantz John, carp, wks FV s of Howard nr Canal Lapeus Wm. H, civil engineer, C. Z. & C. R. R, office Depot h e s Broadway b Mill and Quarry Lebcher David, marble dealer, m s Broadway b Market and Mill, h m s Homard n of Mill &ees James, miller, mks Cascade Mills, 11 e s Howard Lemon Petcr, shoe mkr. wks s s Market m of Homard Lemard Ezra, miller, n s hiill b &in and High Leonard Ives, boatman, n e c High and C ~ d a r MOO >layer Hcrman, (Icoch, Levi & Co.) bds Empire House I \ I I ~ ~ Gorace, s e c High and Exchange Jfay P. F. saddler, bds American Hotei >layer Adolphus, (Koch, Levi & Co.) res Cleveland May's IIall, n w c &lain and Exchange Jlerchant Susan, servt. n e c West and Medina Road ERP:DITH DAVID G. 1 JIillaright, Cascade Mills Meredith J. D. miller, bds e s Howard b Maiket and Mill Jfereth Wm. canal supt. bds American Hotel Meriam F. G. clk. s w c Market and Howard Merrill Mrs. D. milliner, e s Howard b Market and Mill Mest Franklin, lab. w s 0. Canal b Exchange and Cedar Metzker Jacob, carp. e s Broadway b State and Middlebury Metzler Andrew, plasterer, n s Medina Road w of West JIetzler Anthony, plasterer, s s Exchange e of Summit Metzler Christopher, expressman, n e c State and Bomery Metzler Brank M. grocery, n s Center e of Summit Metzler John &I. plasterer, s s Center e of Summit Meyer --, (Stove Co.) m s Broadway b Market and Tallmadge Meyer Rev. Edward, m s High b Market and Mill Miller Catharine, servt. e s High b Furnace and Tallmadge Miller Geo. lab. m s West b Smith and lledina Road Miller Jacob. shoe mkr. mks s s lllarket b Main and High u MII~IJGAN JOSEPH, Corn. Forwarding and Eam. Grocery, m s 0. Canal b Ex- change and Cedar, h e s Main b State and Middlebury Mills It&it.l, farmer, n s Exchange nr Corporation Line Minor ;l&in, farmer, on Summit of West Hill nlitchell George, painter, n s North e of Maple Mize Edward, Sec. C. Z. & C. R. It. Co. office Depot, res Cuya- hoga Falls Moffat Robert, stove mounter, mks Akron Stove Co. Bfontanyol Mrs. Margaret, e s Wooster Road nr Corp. Line Montaniohl Henry, cllr. bds American Hotel Montanyohl Henry, clk. s w c Howard and Market lfontgomery Abraham, bar k. n s Cedar b High and Broadmay lbntgomery Miss Emily n s Cedar b High and Rroadway Montgomery David, boatman, bds n s Cedar b High andBroad- =RV -.I Montgomery Hugh, lab. n s Cedar b High and Broadway 1 OODY & GALLINGHAM. (James A. M. & James G.) Blacksmith Shop, a s Main b Market and Mill Moody Jaines A. (M. & Gallingham,) h South ~ k j o n xooney Ed,uard, lab. n s Furnace s of North 46 PAR Moore hIary, servt. s s Middlebury Road nr Corp. Line Moore R. H. saddler, bds n s Medina Road w of Green Morgan Felix, blksmith, s s Carroll nr Corp. Line ORRISON J A S . E. M Clairvoyant Eclectic Physician, office r s Howard n of Market, h e s Howard b Market and Mill Morrough John, moulder, wks Akron Stove Co. Morton Nathaniel, e s High b Market and Tsllmadge Moss Herman B. (I-Iopfman & M.) bds w s Main n of Tallmadge MUNGER E. L. P P b slcian and Collector Ohio Canal, office m s Ohio Canal Lock No. 4, h s w c Main and Furnace Rlurrey James, lab. s s Middlebury nr Corp. Line Mustill Frederick, grocery, w bank Ohio Canal n of North Nail Christian, blksmith, s s Exchange e of Summit Nash Frederick A. (N & Goodhue,) s e c Bowery and Exchange 1 Naylor D a d . lab. s e c Broadway and Center Neal E. H. lab. w s Main b Exchange and Ccdar Neal William, butcher, s s Exchange b Main and High Neher Christian blksmith shop, s e c Exchange and Main Neland D. hostler, Empire House Nelson Emziah, lab. bds w s Ohio Canal b Cedar $ Exchange Newman Mrs. A. milliner, e s Howard b Market and Mill Noble C. C. clk. bds s s Market e of Summit Noble Theron A. (Raason, N. 8t Co.) h s s Market e of Summit Nott L. C. painter, n s State b Bowery 8t Locust p y e r Anton, teamster, m s Main n of Furnace Oberholser Miss Betsy, w s High b Tallmadge and Furnace Oberholser Jacob, (Henry & 0.) bds w s High b Marliet and P. and 0. Canal O'Connor Rev. Edaard, bds n e c State and Bowery Olbinger Mary, servt. w s Main b Tallmadge and Furnace O'Niel Mrs. Alice, n s Furnace b Broadway and Summit O'Neil Owen, lab. n s Furnace b Broadway and Summit Onn Wm. millwright, bds American Hotcl Osborn Peter, machinist, e s High b Market and Ifill Overholser Miss E. millincry, e s Hoaard b Mill and Market Oviatt Edward, atty at law and notary public, w s Howard s of Market, h w s Oak s of Medina Road Paine MosesR. carp. e s Broadway b Mill and Quarry Painter Geo. W. shoemkr. wks n e c Howard and Market Painton Wm. shoemkr. e s Howard b Mill and Market Painton Wm. S. shoemkr. n e c Howard and Maxket Palmer Wm. bds m s Howard b Market and Mill Pardee Justus B. grocery, n s Market w of Howard: h m s Wal- nut n of Medina Road PRI 47 1 pardec Lncius, merchant, w s Maple s of Ohio Canal . Parker Lemuel, carp. s s Center b Bowery and Locust I parsons Miss Martha E. feacher, bds n e c Broadway &Market partlow Mrs. Betsy, s e c Bowery and State Pnrtlow XTni. s e c Bowery and State . patterson Ellen, waiter, Empire House patterson Fred. clk. Akron Stove Co. paulus Abram, clk, e s Howard s of Market bds Empire B House Paulus Miss Delia, bds e s High b Marltet and Tallmadge Paulus Jncob, moulder, m s Market s of I-Ienry payne Mrs. Anna E. n of Exchange nr e Corp. Line payne Luther E. ship carp. n s Exchange e of Summit Peck E. Y. elk. h w s Walnut n of Rledina Road Peck Jfrs. Sarah T. b. h. n w c Market and Summit Perkins Mills, Canal st. n of Mill Perkins Simon, pres. C., Z. & C. R. R. Co. office Depot res. m of the city Peterson Jas. dentist, h n s Medina Road w of Maple ETERSON JAS. H. P Surgeon Dentist, office s s Market b Howard and Main, up stairs Pfeifer Bernard, tanner, wks e s Howard n of Furnace Pfeiffer Fred. lab. s s Medina Road nr Corp. Line Pierce Chss. R. phys. w s High n of Narltet Pierce ,Tab, (Sanford .& P.) 8 s North b Walnut and Canal Pierson Mrs. Emily, milliner, e s Howard b Market and Ifill Platt Jonah, merchant, w s High n of Market LATT JONAH. P Shoe Store, n s Market b Main and Howard Plim Anton carp. e s State b Main and Middlebury Pooler Chas. T. tcachcr, bds n s Market b Broadway and Sum- mit Post Office, e s Howard b Marltet and Mill Potter Aaron, teamster, e s Main n of Tallmadge Potter H. cik. bds Empire House Powers Henry, n e c Middlebury and High OWERS HENRY G. P n e c hliddleburg and Hi h B Pomles James, saloon, n e c oward ancl Market Price Ann, servt. n s Middlebury Road nr Corp. Line Price Lafayette, cooper n e c High and Furnace Price Rl'ias Laurn, n e c High and Furnace Primary School, No. 5, Miss Alice Spicer, teacher, c Chestnut and Broadway Prince James L. butcher, s s Water m of Ohio Canal 5 0 SHE - - Sawyer B. F. stone ware dealer, n e c Main and Tallrnadge Sawyer Thos. M. clk. bds Empire House Saxton Lduis, n~illwright, w s Maple s of Medina Road Schaaf Catharine, servt. n m c Broadway and Rfidcllcbury Schell Theodore, butcher, n e c'Main and Middlebury Schenfeld Mrs. n w c High and State Schilling Bencdict, tailor, s e c Bowery and State Schisl John, lab. e s Bowery b State and Middlebury Schmidt Joseph, tailor, w s Howard n of Mill Schnabel Chas. mason, n of Exchange nr Corp. Line Schneebacher John, lab. bds n s Middlebury b High and Broacl- way Schop John, lab. n s Furnace e of Summit Schrader Wm. w s Howard n of Mill Schlosaer Jesse, pastor German Reformed Church, h s e c Iligh and State S chlosser Perry N. s e c High and State Schuh Paul H. saddler, h s s Furnace b Main and High CHUH PAUL H. S Saddles and Harness. s s Market w of Hoaard. h e s Main CHUMACEIEK. FERDINAND, S German hlills, w s Howard n of Furnace, and Family Gro- cery, n s Market b Howard and Main, h w s Main b Tall- madge and Furnace Schmig Chas. tailor, wks e s Mound s of Market Scott Daniel A. bot. phys. office and res. e s High b Tallmadge and Market COTT DAVID A. S Blacksmith, shop s e c Main and Mill Scott James, musician, s Summit b Market and Furnace Scott James F. instrument tuner, wks w s Howard b Rfnrket and Mill Scott Walter P. clk. e s Howard b Mill and Market Scott Wm. clk. post office, 11 s e c Main and Mill Scivelin Washington, packer, mks s w c Mill and Howard Sechrist Geo. (Helfer & S.) w s Walnut n of Medina Road Seidel Aaron, packer, Cascade Mills Semard Dudley, n m c Broadway and i\liddlebury Shaw Mrs. M. D. millinery, w s Howard b Market and Mill Shaw Margaret, servt. s s Medina Road, b Oak and 31aple Shaw Thos. lab. n s Rfiddlebury e of Summit Sheara Nicholas, lab. e s CVooster Road nr. Corp. Line Sheehan Danl. lab. n s Exchange b Main and High Sherman Miss Cecelia, school, s s Tallmadge b Howard and Rfain Sherman Miss L. w s Broadway b Market and Mill I SOR 5 1 Sherman RIinot L. contractor and coal merchant, h w s High b Market and Mill Sherman Nathan S. rcal estate agt. m s Homard s df Market, h w s Broadway b Middleburg and Mill HERMAN ROLTJTN K. S filusic Teacher, s m c Main and Furnace Shillady John, e s High n of Furnace shall Jacob, shoe mlu. e s Wooster Road nr. Corp. Line Shrader Wm. tailor, wks m s Howard s of Market Shriver Saml. clk. Keystone FIouse Siohler Chester, lab. w s Howard nr. Corp. Line Sichley Jacob W. clk. n s Main n of Markct Sidle Ernst C. packer, e s Walnut s of North Sidle Miss Minnie, e s Walnut s of North Simmetson Ri1r.s. Ellen, e s High b Market and Tallmadge Simmons Geo. H. b. k. n s Medina Road Simmons IIenrv, elk. n s Medina Road rn of Green - Simon Joseph, \hoe mkr. wks m s Howard s of Market ISLER FlilUSTON S County Treasurer, office Court House, h n s Middlebury n r Corp. Line ' Slater Wa!ter, saw mill, w s Main s of Chestnut, h s s Middle- bury b High and Broadway Smagg Wm. cab. mkr. w s Summit b Market and Mill Smetts Bennett 13. teamster, e s Bowery s of Catharine Smetts Geo. dray, nT s Water b Exchange and RIiddlebury Smetts James, teamster, e s Main b Cerlar and Chestnut Smith Miss Almira, milliner, wlrs s s Market b Main and High Smith Christian, f im. grocery, s n c Market and High, h a1 b High and Broadway Smith I)clos, clk. e s Broadway b Market and Mill Smith Nrs. E. N. s s Exchange b Main and High Smith Jacob J. al. phys. e s Howard b Market and Mill, h s s Medina Road w of West MITH JACOB W. Attv a t Lax. o l o e w s Howa.rd n of Market. h w s Broad- waf b Market and Mill Smith John, cooper, w s Wooster Road nr Corp. Line Smith Thomas, cooper, n s Market b Suinmit and Prospect Smith W. I1 butcher, mks s s Market b Main and High Snyder A. W. c!k: s s Market b Howard and Main Snyder David, clk. \tT s Summit b Mill and Market Snyder Jacob, carp. shop, w s Main b Market and Mill, h m s Main b State and Middlebury &orrick Solomon, (Wall, Johnson b; Co.) n w c Broadway and Mid1 Spraght Adeline, servt, e s Main b Furnsce and Tallmadge Spalding Lewis, shoe mkr. wks w s Howard s of Market Spears Chas. W. millwright, w s High b Tallmadge and Fur- nace Spellman Mrs. Ellen, e s Walnut n of Medina Road Spellman John, lab. e s Walnut n of Medina Road Spicer Avery, mach. wk,o c Main and Tallmadge Spicer's Cemetery, s s Middlebury e of Summit Spillman John, salesman, n s Market b Howard and Ohio Canal Sprain Augustus, moulder, mks Akron Stove Co. Sprain Fred. moulder, mks Akron Stove Co. Spring Augustus, moulder, w s North nr Maple Squier Jehiel, s s Middlebury nr Corp. Line Stafford E. bds American Hotel Stair Jacob, carp. n e c Main and State Stanford Wm. blksmith, e s Broadway b State and Middlebury Stands Horace, boatman, s s State b Main and High Stands Mrs. Rachel, s s State b Main and High Starr Eenj. D. cab. mkr. h n s Medina Road w of Maple Starr C. harness mkr. wks w s Howard n of Market Starr Chas. P. watch mkr. wks w s Howard b Market and Mill Stein Christ. shoe mkr. wks s s Market b Main and High Steinbacher Lucy, cook, American Hotel Steinbeclter A. (Weisner S: S.) m s Broadway b Market and Tallmadge Steiner John, lab. e s Akron s of Exchange Steinhaaen David, shoe mkr. w s Howard s of Market STEJ?.HENS J. W. Justlce of the Peace, office e s Howard, over the Post Of- fice, Gothic Block ~ t e v e n s . ~ i s s C. A. n s State b Summit and Broadway Stevens Mrs Mary M. n s State b Summit and Broadmav STEVENS WM. D. Barber, n s Market b Howard and &fain, h e s Main b fi1a.r- , ket and Mill Stewart Talvin M. sailor, m s Wooster Road nr Corp. Line STINEHOIJLI ROBERT A. Painter., e s Howard b JIill and Market. h s s Cedar b High U and 13rhaclway Stinehour Miss Emily, s s Ccdar b High and Broa~lway Stoahr Chas. lab. bds w s \Yooster Road nr Corp. Line Stoahr Jacob, carp. w s Wooster Road nr Corp. Line Stone Wm. R. (Geo. W. Barber & Co.) w s of Iloward n of illill Stoner John &I. carp. m s of lIoward nr Canal Stoner John W. carp. e s Maple b North and Ohio Canal Storer James, clk. bds s s Middlebury Road nr Corp. Line I f WES 5 6 -- Warner Chas. carp. s Market b Broadway and Summit Warner Henry, grocery, n s Market b BIai'n and High washburn Leandcr,, carp. s m c Cedar and Broadway Washma.n A. machinist, w k ~ c Main and Tallmaage Waterb111.y R. p. b. k. Akron Stove Co. h w s Oak 6 of fiTedina ' ~ o a c i Vatkins Phineas. (W. 8: Purdy,) w s Homard nr Tallmadge Watkins & Purdy, (Phineas W. & Lucius P.) fam, grocery, e s Howard b Eiarket and Ta.llmadg matkins Urban 1). carp TV s Broadmay b Alai-iiet and Mill Watson Mrs. Ann, e s Bom-ery nr Catha,rins Weary Eli, n s RiIiddlebury b &in and High Weary Simon B. sash, door and blind factory, e s Howard b Mill and Quarry, h e s Broadway b Marliet and Mill Webb !G Hays, (Wm W. & S a d . B. H.) boots and shoes, w s Howard n of Market Webb John H. printer, bds s s Carroll nr Gorp'. Line Webb XTm. (W. & Fays,) s s Carroll nr Corp. Line WEBER F. l ' ro~r~etor American Hotel, e s Howard n of Market Webster S~iss Bell, s s Park b ~ i m m i t and Prospect Fi'ebster Chas. (W., Tapin & Co.) s s Park b Summit and Pros- nect WEHSTER. TAPLIN CO. Chas. W., James B. T. 8: Wm. Camp,) Akron Iron and h rass Foundry,~ e c Main and Tnllmadgc PTehler IVm. tanner, mks s w of Howard nr Canal FYeimer Geo. (W. 8 Steinbacher,) s s Mir:tet b Broadway and Summit EIMER Sc STE:INBACHER. Welch Geo. basket mrtnuf. n s Exchange b Main and IIigh Welker Jacob. teamster. e s Oak b Ohio Canal and htorth \TELLS 'ARNOLD, Ucatist, n s Market b Homa,rcl and Main, h s s Medina Road i of West Wells Jfiss ?\laria, s s Mcdina Road m of West T\'ells Robt. stove mounter. Akron Stove Co. WESENER .J. E.' a CO. (Joseph E. TI1. & Jacob Keller) Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Crocltery, Glass Ware, kc. s s Market b Howard and Main Wesener Joseph E. (J. E. W. & Co.) e s I-Iigli b Market and Tallmadge westenfelt Fred. tailor, mks w s Howard s of Marker MORE KV. H- WETgricul tura l Implements, Stoves and Tin Ware, n w o Market and Eownrd, bds Empire House Wheeler Mrs. Ann E. n s State b High and Broadmay Wheeler B. F. clk. TV s Broadway b Market and Mill Wheeler H. H. (H. 13. W. b Co.) s w c Howard and B t n a WHEET,F,~~ H. H. &' CO. (B. 14. W. & Geo. C. Berry,) Groceries, Provisions and Glass. s s Market b Main and High Wheeler 3%;~. Julia A. n s Carroll e of 3ummit Wheeler Saml. A, b. k. bds Empire House White Chas. cooper, m s Main b Exchange and Cedar White Ransom, toy mkr. e s Naple b North and Ohio Canal White Wm. H. miller, w s Summit b Market and Furnace Whitney Mrs. Esther, n s Medina Road w of West Whitney Ezra, moulder, m s Oak s of Medina Rovd Wickey ----, clk. bds e s Howard b B,Iarltet and Mill Wicker Theodore, clk. mks m s Howard s of Market . . ILCOX DAVIT) G. W Akron Steam Sash Factory, e s Ohio canal b Market and Mill. h n of Middleburv Road n r Corm Line WiIcox ~ e b . bds c Cedar andv Water Wilcox Mrs. Margaret, e s Main w of Tallmadge Wilder S. W. b. h. e s Howard b Mill and Market Wilhelm Adam, hostler, a k s m s Main b Market and Mill WILH ELM AANDREW. Proprietor Keystone House, w s Howard n of Mill Williams avid. moilder, wks Akron Stove Co. Williams Miss mi line; bhs e s Broadway b Middlebury and Ex- change Williams Miss M. dress mkr. bds e s Hovard b Market and Mill TVilliams Rev. Saml. n e c Park and Prospect Williams Thos. moulder, wks Akron Stove Go. Williams Thos. J. w s Maple n of North Jvilliams Wm. C. (Elickok 8 TY.) bds n s Rledina Road Willis bliss Ellen, milliner, e s Howard b Market and Mill Willmore A. gun smith, bds e s Summit b Market and hiill 'Nilmore Alfred, blksmith, wks c Main and Tallmadge Mills Robert, stove manufacturer, e s Maple s of Medina Road Wilson A. lab. wks e s Main b Mill and Market Wilson Andrew, clk. s s Market b High and Broadway Wilson Patrick, lab. w s Ohio Canal n of BIedina Road Wilson 5. G. lumber merchant, s s Market b High and Brood- way t YAE 5 7 I nl,son Sam]. G. (J. .Rockwell & Co. nxarket and Broadway I' Wilson Saml. G. lumber yard, e s il ain b Market and Mill h c Wilson S. S. treasurer, ofice Court I-Iouse Winger Abraham, lab. s d c Main and State . wise Hiram, clk. e s Howard b Ifill and Market JFise Jliss Jane, bds n m c West and Medina Roa,d wise Jacob, cllr. bds Enlpire House Wise Josephine, servt. w s Main b Market and A4ill mitter Miss Ellen, s s Medina Road w of West Witter Henry, painter, s s Aledina Road m of TITest mitter Septimus, painter, s s Aledina Road m of Wesl; woffall Robt. L. machinist, w s Maplc s of ?,ieclina Road Wolcott Christopher P. (W. & Upson,) h s s Medina Road b Maple and West Wolcott &.Upson, (C. P. W. &: ?V. 11. U.) nttjrs a t lam, e s How- ard b Market and Mill Wolf John, clk. s e c Homard and Market Wolf John A. clk. bds Empire House Woodward Wm. boatman, e of I.Ionrard nr n Corp. Line Woodsorth G. W. photograph gallery, s s Market b nornard and .Main, h m s Sunlmit b Market and Furnace Woolley Benj. butcher, s e c Main aild State Wright Miss Ca'ndace, e s Broadway b State and Midcllebury Wright Mrs. Ellen, e s Ho~rard b Market ancl hilil! RIGHT JACK-SON J. W City Marshal, office w s Howard b Market and Mill, h n s Medina Road Wright Josiah J. marshal, n s RIeclina Roa,d near Corporation Line Wright Stephen, teamster, e s Howard n of Furnace Wulle Mrs. m s Howard opp. Tallmadge Wulle Benjamin. butcher, wlis s s Market b &lain and High \VUI,LE & GO. (George & Lewis N.) Livery Stable, e s Howard b Bila.rltet and Talmadge mu11e George, (G. W. & Co.) c s Homard b M ~ r k e t and Tall- marlge v u l l e Louis, (W. & Co.) livery stable, e s IFoward b Market and Tallmadge ~ ~ u s t e r f e l d Frederick, taiIor, e s Oak b North and Ohio Canal myrich Mary, chambermaid, American lIotel Yaeger Nicholas, lab. s s Middlebury b High and Broad- wa.y 5 Candy DXanubs. Grcther John G. & Co., 6 0 B U S I N E S S M I R R O R . Carpenters & Builders, Fairbanks G. W. Thomas George, Snyder Jacob, Ere wery. GOOD J. & J., Cabinet ware. BARBER GEO- Sc GO., Sandford David G., Chnir W a n a i . Bentists. ROT13 GEO. & SON, CARTER I. E., Mancl~ester Alonzo, PETERSON J A M E S I-I., WELLS A., Barber Geo. W. & Co., China, Glass , etc. EDSON J. D. & J. Rf., Hcnry Ss Oberholser, WESENER J. E. & Co., WHEELFR H. 11. & CO. Cigar irPanu4. e a r n e r John H., Clothing. HOFFMAN Sc MOSS, KOCH, IrEVI & CO., SANFORD ik PIERCE, DlSess IIL-lcr. Bromn Mrs. Lucy, Drug. & IUedicIneo. Beebe and Elkins, 1 Dry Goods. EDSON J. D. & J. If., FISCElER IIENRY, Hall, Johnson & Co., Henry 8: Oberholser, I-Iickok & IYilliams, JOHNSTON C. & Co., IYESENER J. E. 6; GO., Eating Saloons. F r s c m R m m Y , Fancy Goods, Koliolrs, k c . Abbey Heriry S., FISCHER HENRY, ROBINSON IV. G., Altron Barrel Co., Fink John, Gilson E. D., KIRCHNER JOHN, Pomles James, RUSSELL JAMES, corn. dc Pcrwataing mcrch.7221.~ Chamberlain ,T. H. & CO., EDSON J. D. & J. M,, MILLIGAN JOSEPI-I, coeperm. Earl ~ r i t t o n C., ETNA MILLS, GEO. BUEL, fi Fulton & Raymond, Flollr mill. Akron Custom Rlills, Ayliffe & Allen, ALLEN J. 8: J. & CO., CASCADE AfILLS, R.rlNSOM NOBLE & CO., CENTER JIILLS, J. & J. AL- LEN 8; CO., City IIIills, J. 13. Chamberlain & Ce., B U S I N E S S ~ I I R R O R . 6 1 ~ g R 8 f AN I\IILLS, FERD. sCHUt lACIIER, perkins' Rli!ls, Beitman Blrs. Susan, coolr & Dl?s*el, EDSON J. D. S: J. A 1 Falor Hiram S., Fibriger Joseph, -FISCIIER E-I ENRY, Jj'lorer IYillian~, Flower James, Gable Silns lym., Good John T., orether John G. & GO., Ha.11, Johnson & Co., Uanscom & Bros. Henry & Oberllolser, JOHNSTON C. & CO., Kolb C. Si F., Rramer John H., Ley Theodore, ;: Mason James, XIotzler Frank If., MILTJIGAN JOSEPH, , MUSTILL FEE EERICK, Partrdee Justus 13.. SCHU~IACEIER' FERDI- NAND.. Smith C'h'ristian, Warner Henry, Watkins & Purdy, WESENER J. E. 8t Co., WHEELEX 1-1. B. & CO., ~a dwarc. CRmANI; CHAS., EDSON J. D, EL J. M.. Hall, Johnson & CO., ROBINSON W. G., at9 Caps, & Furr. Horse Shoers. WOODY & GILLINGHAM, Itxotels. AKRON I-IOTEL, Conrad Fink Pro.. 1 I-IOTET,, Geo. Rav- nolds, Pro., KEYSTONE ROUSE, And. Wilhelm, Pro., Bailroad I-Iotel, Chas. P. Nc- Don'ald, Pro., Insurance Agent. Rlatthems James, lron Foundry. Webster, Taplin 8 Co., Ersn, Nai ls , S:cel kc. ISTORER TYEBSTER B., I I Jastices o: the Pence. I Clarke Wm. I;., Stephens J. W., Leather Dealers. CHRISTY 5. B. & CO?, 1 Eivc+y Stnblcs. 4 alk Chas., I-IENKY ROBERT P.. I TINKI-IAM AARON K., IVULLE GEOlZGE S: GO. LunlBor D e aPsrs. Ayres 0. H. P., ROCKWELL J. ck CO.., Wilson Samuel. G., IRISH, KENT & BALDWIN, 1 Middleburg, 6 2 B U S I N E S S MIRROR.. Marble Dealer. I Photograph Gal l er ia s . Lebcher David. meat Stores. ~ a b c o c k Geo., Bowers J., Doyle & Chamberlain, Mason James, RIeIopeaa Manut. Rose Ira, RIilllnery. Bennet Mrs. Philo, Canficld Mrs., hiIci\lasters Mrs. XI., Newman Mrs. A., Pierson Mrs. E., Shaiv Mrs. M. D., Battels Benj. I?., Woodworth G. W., Phyaicinns & SurgCoEl.9. Bartgess S. W., Boweu 'CVm., BIGGS C. F. I]., Coburn Stephen H., COLE JOSEPH, Comell Ira, Hewitt Thomas, Kon6ard Elias W., XIORRISON JAMES E., Scott Daniel A., Smith J. J., I Planing mill. music Teacher. I ~ r i n t e r s - - ~ o o k and sob. SHERMAN R. K., I~xcelsior job office, Newspaper. SUMMIT COUNTY BEACON Eeebe & Elkins, Eds. & Pubs. Notaries Public. EDGERTON & SANDERS, ail John J., Oviatt Edward, Tibbals & Carr, Oyster Saloons. Falor Hiram S., KIRCI-INER JOHN, painters, Hol~rc & 81gn. Mott L. C., STINEHOUR R. A., Painter, (Portrait.) Allen Edward, Paper Hangings. Beebe & Elkins, Summit Co. Beacon office, Real E s t a t e Agents. KING DAVID L., Sherman Nathan S., Sadilles, Narnesn, Bennett P., Doughty Alben, Hawkins 3. S., Kelly Nathaniel P., Schuh Paul H., Upinghton & Denaple, Sash. Doors and Blinds. Weary Simon B., WlLCOX D. G., Sausage maker. Rentschler Gottlieb, Saw RPilI. Slater Walter, I C I T Y GUIDE. STREET 1)IRECTORY. Akron Road, north from Liberty 6rst east of Bever. Bever, north from Millersburg Road to Larwill first east ofs Buckeye Bever Alley, east from Grant to corner of Prospect and Quinby Avenue, betmeen Liberty and South. Bzcckeye, north from 3lillersburg Road to north Corporation Lino first east of Market. Catharine Lane, north-east from Henry to Quinby Avenue first south-east of Prospect. Columbus Avenue, north from Liberty to north Corporation Line first west of Grant. &ant, north from Henry to north Corporation Line first west from Walnut. Beary, west from Prospect to Presbyterian Cemetery west of Grant first south of South. Larwill, west from Akron Road to west Corporation Line first north of North. Lijerty, west from R. R. Depot to west Corporation Line be- tween North and South. Market, north from junction Columbus and Millersbnrg Roads to north Corporation Line first west of Buckeye. Mussillon Road, east from It. R. Depot. MiElersbury Road, south-east from junction of Market and Co- lumbus Road. north, west from Akron Road to west Corporation Line &st north of Liberty. Prospect, north-east fxom Henry to corner South and Quinby Avenue. 6 6 C I T Y G O V E R N M E N T . F Quinby Avenae, south from corner Prospect and South to Cor- poration Line. . South, west from corner Prospect and Quinby Avenue to Pres- byterian Cemetery west of Grant first south of Liberty. Straw6erry Alley, east from Grant to Akron Road betmeen Li- berty and Korth. WaZn.ut, south from L a r d to south of Benry first west of Market. CITY GOVERNMENT, CITY ELECTIOX FIRST MONDAY I N APRIL. City Council meets Erst Tuesday of every month. N A Y O R ; Neal ,lMcCoy, office east side Public Square, south of Liberty, [up stairs.) Term expires April, 1859. M A R S H A L Evan Parker. Term expires April, 1859. T R E A S U R E R P. Van Houton, office west side. Public Square. Term ex- pires .4pril,1859. E K O I N E E R John Brinkerhoff. CLERK AND RECORDER. H. C. Johnson, office west side Public Square. Term ex- pires April, 1859. COUNCIL; Neal McCoy, President. Jacob Kaufman. John H. Kauke. Robert R. Donnelly. Alexander Laughlin. John Croll. CHURCH DlRECTORY, - Boptist.-Onptist Church, south-west corner of Market and J,arniIl sts. Rev. T. J. Penny. Pastor. Cutho1ic.-Catholic Church, corncr of hiillersburg Road and R. R. Rev. - O'Neil, Pastor. Clbz~rch of God.-Church of God, north side of South street bet,. Bever and Buckeye Rev. Levi Hartman, Pastor. Disciples.-Disciples Church, north east corner of South and Walnut sts, Rev. S. R. Jones, Pastor. Episcopal.-St. James Church, north sidc of Sonth st. bet. Walnut and Grant sts. Rev. J. Trimble, Pastor. Ger~nun Lz~the?.an.-German Lutheran Church, north-west corncr of Henry and Grant sts. Rev. Benjamin Pope, Pastor. German Reforwzed.-Gern Reformed Church, north-west corner of Hen1.y and Grant sts. Rev. -- Icamerei-, Pastor. Lutheran.-Lnther:~n Church, west side of Market between North and Larmjll. Rev. J. 13. Ealtzlg, Psstor. JYct7~odict EpiscopaL-hlethodist Episcopal Church, north- east corner of North and Grant sts. Rev. 11. G. Dubois, Pastor. Presbyterian.-Presbyterian CEurch, north-west corner of Walnut and Xorth streets. Rev. R. Colme~ y, Pastor. Chiled Presbyterian.-United Presbyterian Church east side Buckeye near Millersburg Road. Rev. - McParland, Pastor ., -jne County Branch h'tate Bank of Ohio.-Capital $105,000 Isaac Steese, Pres.; E. Quiuby Jun., Cashier ; P. S. Vanhouten Teller. Belaware Piye Co. No. 1.-Engine E-Iouse east side Public Square, north of Liberty, John D. Miller, Foreman. Rescue P i y e CO. No. 2.-Engine House east side Public Square, south of Liberty, E. W. Botsford, Foreman. Wooster E r e Co. No. 3.-Engine I-Iouse north side South, bet. Market and Buckeye. BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS, HASONIC: Masonic Hall, north-east cor. Liberty and IIarket Streets, Ebenezer Lodge, No. 33.-Organized 1819, meets first Wed- nesday preceding the full of the Rloon, of each Month. TVooster Chapter, No. 27.-Meets Thursday succceding thc full of the Mocn, of evcry Month. Wooster Council, No. 14.-Organized 18-16, meets first Tues.. day of every Month. O B D P E L L O W S . Odd-Fellows Hall. north side of Liberty mest of Market 'C'i'oosler Lodge, No. 42.-Organized July 30th) 1845, mecta evcry Friday evening. Kilbuck Encanynlent, No. 17.-Organized Nov. 12th, 1546, meets second and fourth Rlonday evenings of every month T E H P E R A N C E . Wooster Temple of Honor.-Organized 1849, meets every Saturday evening * PUBLIC BUILDINGS, HALLS, ETC, Arcadome, south side Liberty bet. Market and Buckeye streets Yergin's Exchange. south side Liberty b. Marlret & Walnut sts. Court House, north-west corner Liberty a,nd Market streets County Jail, west side Public Square north of Liberty street Masonic Hall, north-east corner Liberty and Market streets .Odd-Fellom's Hall, north side Liberty b. Market and Walnut sts. Post Office, east side Market bet.Liberty and South streets Temperance IIall, north side Liberty bet. Market and Walnut sts. Washington House, south-east corner Liberty Buckeye sts. , United States I-Iall, north-mest corner South and Market streets American House, south side Liberty b. Market a.nd Buckeye sts. I PROBATE JUDGE. Thos. S. Johnson, office east side Public square north of Lib- erty CLERK OF THE COURTS* Villiam Weiker, oEce Court I-Iouse, term expires Feb., 1861. Wm. Langen, deputy. S B E R I P P t Neal McCoy, ofice Court, term expires January 1861. A U D I T O R . 'hos. A. Adair, (present incumbent,) office Court House, n expires March. 1859. Jacob Summers, deputy. 'rederick Fluke, auditor elect. T R E A S U R E R . 'ohn ~immeiman, ofice Court House, term expires 1860. -- R E C O R D E R dmanuel Schuckers, office Court House, -term expires Jan- uary, 1861. I, b PROSECUTING ATTORNEY. ' John P. Jeffries, ogice west side Public Square, south of Liberty, term expires Feb , 1861. S U R V E Y O R . John Erinkerhoff, term expires October, 1859. C O R O K E R . T;! 8. Brown, office Edinburg, term expires January, 1861. COL!?~'TY COXaISSIONERS. Benjamin Norton, Term Expires Nov., 1859. William Barton, .( 6~ 1860. John Sickman, c c (6 " 1861. .: 72 T O ~ W N S H I P O F F I C E R S , I N F I R W Y DIRECTORS. Isaac N. Jones, Term Expires 1859. Thomas Elliott, (6 1860. John Hindman, 66 u " 1860. 1 [COURTS. Cburt of Comnzolz Pleas.-William Sample, Judge. Term ex- pires Feb., 1862. Probate Cau~t.-Thomas S. Johnson, Judge. Term expires I Feb., 1861. TOFNSHIP OFFICERS, JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H. Rolliday, office east side Public Square, north of Liberty, James I . Madden, office Arcadome Building. (up Charles Parsons, office west side Rub!ic Square, south of Liberty. COBSTABLES. J. C. Plumer. John France, A S S E S S O R . \ - Ogden. BAU 75 - ~ ~ b b Mrs. Sarah, millinery, n s Liberty b Buckeye and Bever Bachman John F. cigar mkr. wks s s Liberty b Market and Buckeye ~ ~ h l l\lrs. Elizabeth, millinery, s m c Henry and Marlret Bahler Christian, barber shop, s s Liberty b Bever and Buckeye Bailey Geo. ,car. trimmer, wks n s South b Market and Buckeye Bailey Gee. W. bas American House Baker Geo. shoe mkr. wks s s Liberty b Market and Walnut Baker John, blksmith, mks n s South b Rlarket and Buckeye AKER T. H, B Al. Physician, office Arcadome Building, s Liberty b Mar- ket and Buckeye, bds American House Baker Yost, shoe mkr. bds Exchange Hotel Baker Z. C. carp. s s South b Bever and R. R. Balmer Miss Elizabeth, m s Walnut b North and Liberty Balmer i\liss Susan, w s Walnut b Liberty and North Baltzly Rev. Jacob, e s Market b North and Larmill Bardon Christian, lab. n s South b Grant and Walnut Bardon Gotfried, lab. n m c Henry and R. R. Barkdull Airs. Mary, s s North b Walnut and Grant -Barlet Rlary, servt. s s Liberty b Bever and R. R. Barnard Alanson, car. inspector, s s Eenry b R. R. and Bever Barnard Mrs. Amanda, bds s s South b Bever and R. R. Barnes Alverda, servt. e s Market n of Larwill Barnet Albert, clk. bds s w c Walnut and Liberty Barnett Isaac, grocery, h m s Market s of Henry Barr Alex. hostler, Farmers' Hotel Bwr John W. cab. mkr. wlts n e s Public Square Barrett Bethuel, (Curtis, 13. & Co.) n w c North and Grant Bart Mary, servt. w s Market b South and Henry Bortel Jacob W. (Foss & B.) e. s Bever b North and Larwill Bartel ilfrs. Susanna, bds n w c Buckeye and Henry Bartlett Mrs. Susanna, e s Market b Henry and Millersburg Road Bart01 Geo. (Stitt & R.) res Cleveland Bart01 John, mer. m s Market n of Larwill Barton Mrs. Elizabeth, w s Buckeye b South and Liberty Bauer Martin, moulder, e s Walnut b Liberty and North Bnughman Isaac, butcher, e s Massillon Road s of R. R. Depot Baughrnan Joscph, e s Rlassillon Road s of R. R. Depot Baughman Miss Sasnn, e s IVlassillon Road s of R. R. Depot Baumgardncr J. H. (J. H. 73. & Co.) BAUMGAHDNKR J. H. & CO. (J. I-I., 'I'. I?. & L. S. B.) Drugs, Books, Groceries, kc., Arcadome bldg. s s Liberty b Market and Buckeye Baumgardner L. S. (J. H. B. & Co.) 7 6 W O O K T E R A D V E R T I S E M E N T S . TBE W B D S T E B R E P U B L I C A N - - ---. T e r n of Subscription, --:;:. Rates of Advertising, _OC ++ Mail Sqbscribers, in advance ,............ $1 50 Psid within the year, ............... 2 0 After the year eu- pires, ................ 2 5 Town subscribers, ..... Each week after 25 in advance ,........ 2 0 Pdid within the One Square, three year, ................ 2 26 months ,....... ...... 3 00 After the year ex- .One Square, six pires , ................ 2 50, months, 5 00 ............ 4- One Square, twelve months , ............. 8 00 PUBLISHED Every Thnrsday Morning, one year ,..... ...... 20 00 -BY- One - half column, E. FOREMAN', one year , ........... 30 00 Editor and Proprietor. BOOK, COMMERCIAL, AND JOB PRINTING, I The attention of Merchants, Bankers, Insurance Companicr, and business men generally. is re'lpectfully invited to the superior facilities of this office. for executinF, in the neatest aud most antisfactory mnnner, every description of COAiMER(:IAL AND JOB PRINTING. Thereare now running in this nape, Two Steam Power Presses of the latest and most approved make ; one of them Gordon's New Half Medium Sheet J?iier-Xne of tho best job Pt.esses in the United-Shtes. The .Tob department has also Ireen lately supplied with the latest styles of Plain and Fancy Type Cuts. Ornaments, kc . . kc. , thus enabling the proprietor to compete success- fully with the 1tu.ier ofiices in cities, both in the I'RICE AND QUALITY OF WORK. Executed on ebort notice and in superior style, Bordcr and Plain Cards. Books, Pamphlets. Periodicals. Cat~logues. Programmes, Bill Reads, Letter Heads. Bank Checkst I Bank Certificates, Insurance Policies, Posters, Hand Bills, Fancy Labels, Blank Deeds, Fancy Cards. BLO 7 7 r' Baumgardner T. P. (J. 11. 13. & Co.) Bavard Itiss Barbara, w s Columbus Road s of Market seattie W. mach. wks w s Liberty b Bever and Akron R O ~ Bechtel A. n s Millersburg; Road b Market and Buckeye Jechtel Isaac, blksmith, wks n s Liberty b Bever and Akron Road ~ ~ c h t e l John, farmer, n s Liberty w of Columbus AT. ~ ~ c h t e l Reuben, clk. bds s w c Walnut and North t Becker Geo. S. shoe mkr. s s North b Bever and Akron Road 1 Beerbower Abram, (Mitchell & B.) Beerbower Benton, clk. Arcadome bldg Beistle Miss Emma, milliner, s e c Grant and Liberty BEISTILE JOHN. Camage Monuf. n s South b Market and Buckeye, h s e c Grant and Liberty Belding H. 0. clk. n s Liberty b Buckeye and Bever Belding Henry, s s Liberty b Bever and R. R. . Bell Daniel, tailor, m s Grant b Liberty and South Bell Geo. tinner, wks n s Liberty b Market and Euekeye Bell John, shoe mkr. n w c South and Buckeye Belnap & Drayton, (Wm. B. & E. T. D.) -4merican House, s.8 Liberty b Market and Buckeye Bender Bentan, clk. bds s m c Walnut and North Bender Thos. B. clk. n s Liberty b Market and Buckeye Bevarcl Miss Barbara, milliner, s m c Henry and Market . Bissell Mrs. Elizs, e s Market n of Larwill Bissell J. Sloane, clk. n e c Liberty and Public Square Bixler David, (H. & D. B.) e s Grant n of Larwill IXIIER EI. & D, B (Henry 6: David B.) Rope and Cordage Manuf. w s Market and e s North Bixler Henry, QH. & D. B.) m s Market n of Larwill Black Mise Caroline, n e c Liberty and Walnut Black Daniel, grocery and lumber mer. n e c Liberty and Wal- I nut Blackburn J. M. wagon mkr. wks e s Walnut h Liberty and South Black Miss Martha, n e c Liberty and Walnut I Black Miss Mary, n e c Liberty and Walnut %ckburn James M. wagon shop, e s Grant b Liberty and North, h s e c North and Grant ackburn Miss Martha, tcacher, public school No. 1 adford Geo. fireman, n s South b Bever and R. R. I Blaird John, tailor, wks s s Liberty b Market and Buckeye +Blanford Geo. fireman Gas Works Blesie, John, tailor, s s South b Market and Buckeye Bloom Hcnrj, rope mkr. wks w s Market n of Larwill n 8 0 W O O ~ T E R A D V E R T I S E M E N T S . L. FIRESTONE. 7 J. D. ROBINSON. FIRESTOME & ROBINSON, Office, Soarth-West Cor. of North and Market Streets, w@@Bzaa9 sarss, WM, E. Z3OTE3FC3RD; -NANUPACTUREX OF- - -AND- ~ 7 J J ~ g j ~ ~ @ g $ q g $ WOOSTER, OHIO. nlelorleons nnd other Instruments Tuned and Repaired with neatness and dispatch. M t t 8, & Ht #t BOtAtEp D E A L E R S I Silver-Ware, Fancy Goods, lIusicsl Instruments, &c, S. E. COR. PUBLIC SQUARE, WOOSTER, 0. Watchos and Musical Instruments repaired to order. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, 4 cou I z r n a g i e Robt. moulder, s e c ~olutnbus. Av. and Larwill I Gary ~Iorace, bds w s Public square n of Liberty Carr John, lab. Farmers Hotel Cmr Robt. s s Liberty b Bever and R. R. Carr Thos. teamster, s s Liberty b Grant and Columbus Av. I Carter John, moulder, n w c Buckeye and North ~ ~ s r n e l l Da~il . driver, v k s n s Liberty b Buckeye and Bever Chapman Augllstus R. (Curtis, Barret & Co.) Bever b -North and Larwill ? Chgpman Jacob, moulder, n s North b Grant and Columbus Av Charles James, mer. n s Liberty b Bever and Buckeye Childs Henry S. f a n grocery, n s Liberty b Walnut and Grant HILDS JAS. R. 6 Clothing, Hats and Caps, Trunks, Oe. s s Liberty nr Mar- ket Childs Miss Julia, bds e s Liberty b Grant and Walnut Childs T m . cloth mer. n s Liberty b Grant and Walnut Christian Simon, lab. mks s m c Liberty and Public Square Christian Sami. carp. w s Buckeye s of Henry Christine Niss M. s s Libbrty nr Eever Christine Miss Sarah, s s Liberty b Bever and R. R. Christine Simon, s s Liberty b Bever and R. R. Clark Geo. I-I. bds American House Clark John B. carp. s s North w of Grant Cleophas Margaret, servt. a s Market n of L a r d Cline Mrs. Eliza.beth, m s Walnut b South and Henry (;LINEl)HIST JAMES, Carpenter, -- Shop n w c Liberty and Bever, bds Washing- ton House Clingan E. G. bds Exchange Hotel Coffmann Washington M. engineer, n s South b Market and Walnut Coldaater Fred. ta.ilor. mks e s Public Square Cole Mrs. Rhoda, bds s s North w of Grant Colmery R,ev. R. C. w s Market b North a.nd Larwill Colmery Miss Violet, w s Market b North and Larwill Cookon Edmin, clk. e s Market b Liberty and South Cenley Eber, bds s e c Norte a,nd Market Conly Hugh, blk. smith, wks R. R. Depot Conners Cornelius, lab. w s Grant n of Lilrwill Connor A. carp. and joiner, e s Massillon Roacl s of R.R. Depot Connor Ewin R. harness mkr. e s Massillon Road s of R. R. Depot ! Cooke Mrs. Elizabeth, w s Buckeye s of Henry Cooper Samuel B. painter, n s Liberty b Walnut and Grant I Coulter Mrs. Kesiah, s s Liberty b Grant and Walnut 82 W O O S T E R A D V E R T I S E M E N T S . -1VHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN- IES, BOOKS, STAT1 Our establishment is the most extensive Variety Store in Ohio, occl~pying four stories-including hascment-one hnndred a t ~ d eighty feet deep. Orders for any thing in our line will receive prompL attention. 1 We receive Cash, Rags, Sheep's Pelts and Beeswax, for Payg Branch Establishments in the Arcadome. A. BEERBOWEIL, Book Binder and Manufacturer of B l ~ n k Work. 1 H. SPRAGUE, Dealer in Jewelry of every description, Clocl;~, Watches, &c. Repairing done ' in the best style. J. Y. ROSS, General News Agent, and Dealer in Periodicnls. THOS. STEBBS, Manufacturer of Cloths and Woolen Goods. Depot in the 6c~rcadome-" Factory, one mile east of \Vooster. DR. T. H. BAKER, Physician and Surgeon. Office, second story of the Arcadome." I E B E 85 E$$. %%$6ce and res. e s Market b Sooth and Henry Deele Mrs. n e c Market and FIenry Deele Katie, servt. w 8 Buckeye s of Henry Degh Andrew, blk: smith, mks e s Walnut b Liberty and South Densley Samuel, lab. e s Market b North and Larwill I Dice Michael, cooper, e s Buckeye b Henry and South 1 Dice Stephen, plasterer, e s Bever s of Henry Dice Thomas, blk. smith, wks n s South b Market and Buckeye Dice Wm. bllr. smith, wks n s South b Market and Buckeye Dinsmore Mary Jane, servt. n s Liberty m of Grant D'Miller Jacob, plough mkr. e s Larwill b Columbus Avenue and Grant D'Miller Wm. plasterer, s s North w of Grant Donaldson Miss Julia, s s Henry b Bever and R. R. Donaldson Wm. s s Henry b R. R. and Bever Donelly Robert R. hardmare &c., n s Liberty b Public Square and Buckeye Donelly William, shoe mkr, wks s s Liberty b Market and Buck- eye Donnelly Ambrose, shoe mkr. s e c Bever and I-Tenry Donnclly Mary,. servt. American House Donnelly Robert, mer. s w c Walnut and North Donnelly William, shoe mkr. e s Grant n of Larwill Donner Wm. A. clk. Arcadome building Doasman Michael, carp. w s Market b South and Henry Drabenstot Henry, carp. n s Liberty b Grant and Columbus Avenue Drebenstot Joseph, blk. smith, wks e s Market s of Henry Drocket Andrew, blk. smith, mlis Harrison Foundry Drookhard Anthony, blk. smith, n s South b Bever and R. R. Dubois Rev. H. G. w s Walnut b North and Larwill Dubois Miss Julia, bds m s Walnut b North and Larmill Duden J. S. e s Market b North and Larmill Jacob, blksmith shop, n e c North and Markct, h s s North w of Grant lghan John, n s Liberty s of Grant ---din Jesse, b. k. Wayne Co. Bank, h w s Market b South and Henry Eagle Mrs. Rebecca, bds e s Grant n of Larwill Eakers Walter A. n s Larwill b Grant and Columbus av. . ( Earnest Mrs. Mary, n s South b Buckeye and Market Eberhardt Anna, servt. s s South b Bever and Buckeye i Ebcrhardt Jacob, s s South b Bever and Buckeye Eberhardt Alfred, marble cutter, Lds s s South b Bever and Buckeye Dull 86 W . O O S T E R A D V E R T I S E M E N T S . I J A M E S s. c a I a D s , Wholesale and Retail Draler in R E A D Y - M A D E I H A T S , C A P S , C A R P E T S A C K S , C L O T H S , C A S S I I E R E S & V E S T I N G S , One D O O ~ West uf the American 'House, FVOOSTER, OHIO. CURTIS, BARRETT $ CO., 31anufaeturers of all kinds 'of A N D M I L L W O R K , I I WOOSTER, - - - - - - - OHIO. I rn REPAIRING DONE TO ORDER. a GEORGE RRAUNECK, Dealer in GROCERIES AND FANCY GOODS; Also, N O T A R Y PUBLIC, Execntes and acknowledges Deeds, biortgages, &c., in the Gerrnzn and English languages. 2%'. W. cor. EiPle~lg W" Bucke?/e sts., JPoaster, 0. -- - AIRS. CATI3ARINE WEAVER, FASHIONABLE M1 LbINERY, Ar~d Dealer in F A N C Y G+OODS, .Worth Side o f dCibert9 @Greet, ~ '*oos ter , 8. FIN 87 Y $berhardt Jacob, dealer in Marble, n e c South and Buckeye Eberman J. S. coach mkr. wks n s Liberty b Bever and Akron Road *berman lire. Sarah, s s Liberty, b Bever and R. R. Eberrnan Wm. G. carriage mkr. wks n s Liberty b Bever and Akron Road m e r t J l i s ~ Annie, bds w s Buckeye b South and Liberty Eckman Miss Maria, n s Henry b Market and Walnut Bdmonds John A. clk. w s Market b South and Public Square Egan James, blkamith, wks R. R. Depot, h m s X'Iassillon Road s .of Depot \ Eley John, clk. s s South b Bever and R. R. Elsberman Adam, lab. w s Bever s of Henry Elton Thos. engine builder, n s South b Rfarket and Walnut Ely Danicl, elk. bds American House Ely George. clk. bds m s Buckeye b North and Larwill Ely Geo. W. s s Liberty b Buckeye and Market, bds w s Buck- eye b North and Larwill Ely John M. clk. wks n s Liberty b Market and Buckeye Engaril John, blltsmith, wks n s Liberty b Bever & Akron Road Engert John, blksmith, bds m s Columbus Road s of Market E n g ~ r t Valentine, lab. w s Columbus Road s of Market Engine ITouse, No. 1, n e c Public Square and Market Enix Thos. rope mkr. bcls w s Grant nr Corp. Lice Exchange Hotel, s s Liberty b Market and MTalnut Egster Christian, nurseryman, s s Liberty b Grant and Walnut Farmers' IIotel, n s Liberty b Walnut and Grant Farnham Lewis, carriage trimmer, wlis n s South b Market and Buckeye t Farnham Wm. H. carriage mkr. e s Walnut b South and Henry Fawcett John F. grocery, e s Market b South and Henry I Faws A. law student, bds n s Liberty b Walnut and Grant ' lf iss Rebecca, bds n s Liberty b Walnut and Grant Fams Wm. I-I. painter, n rn c Bever and Kenry F ~ R O Albert, grocery, n w c South and Bever Feeman hIrs. Catharine, s s Massiilon Road e of R. R. Depot Feigart Frederick, carp. s s North b Akron Road and 13ever peightner George, blksmith, wks n s Liberty b Bcver & Akron Road Perneck E. R. bakery and confec. n s Liberty b Market and Buckeye Fftzer Peter, tanner, bds w s Buckeye b Nurth and Larmill nckes Chas. dray. n s Sooth e of Bever FINDLEY DAVID L. Telegraph operator, office n s Liberty b Market and Wal- nut - France John C. carp. shop, B w c Larwill and Buckeye, h w Buckeye n of Larwill Freeman Edgar. carp. s s South b Market and Buckeye Freeman Edward, machinist, wks e s Walnut b South and Lib- erty Freeman John, carp. m s Buckeye s of Henry Freeman John, machinist, mks e s Walnut b South and Liberty Freeman Saml. B. bds w s Buckeye s of Henry French Gordon, clk. wks s w c Liberty and Public Square French James W. clk.,wks s e c Liberty and Public Square French Southworth, n w c Market and Henry Frost Charles S. (F. & Co.) bds e s Market n of Larwill Frost 8: CO. (H. J. F. & C. S. F.) dry goods, kc. s e c Liberty and Public Square Frost H. B. S. clk. s e e Liberty and Public Square Frost H. J. (F. & C6.) e s Market n of Larwill Frost Henry, clk. bds e s Rlarket n of Larwill Funck Daniel, carriage mkr. s m c Walnut and South Funck John, s w c Walnut and Sputh Funk Saml. K. oil manuf. h e s Market b South and Henry Fure Abram, shoemkr. e s Walnut b South and Henry Fure Abram, (Aumann & Co.) Galehouse Wilson, potter, wks s s Massillon Road e of R. R. Depot Garing Alex. cutter, n e o North and Bever Garing Wm. waiter, Exchange Hotel Garrett Geo. omnibus driver, Exchange Hotel Gasche Gotlieb, (Nold 8; G.) Gehring Fred. carp. n s South b Bever and R. R. Geitchey Miss Elizabeth, bds w s Rlarket s of Henry Geitchey John, w s Market s of Henry Geitgey Simon, cab mkr. w s Grant k South and Henry George John, carp. w s Akron Road b North and Larwell George John, machinist, n k s e s Walnut b Liberty and South Gerbig Henry, lab. n s South b Beaver and R. R. Gerlach Frank, butcher, bds e s Beaver b South and Henry Gerlach Mary, servt. n s North b Grant and Columbus Av. Getz Jacob, tailor, w s Walnut b North and Larwill Gibson Geo, blk. smith, wks n s Liberty b Bever and Akron Road Gibson Mrs. Julia A. e s Market b North and Larwill Gibson Miss Phebe, bds e s Market b North and Larwill Gillespie Miss Elizabeth, s s Liberty b Grant ond Walnut Gillespie Mrs. Ellen, s s Liberty b Grant and Walnut Gillespie Miss Harriet, s s Liberty b Grant and Walnut Gol' Gor Gor Gor Gor fl..." Gr a Gra Gra r - GRI 91 Gillespie Miss Sarah, dress mkr. s s Liberty b Grant and Wd- nut Gilson Richard, engineer on R. R. s s Henry b Bever and R. R. r ipe Leah, servt. n s Liberty b Market and Walnut irling Mrs. Rebecca, v s Market n of Larwill t iven Wm. (McSmeeny & G.) e s Market n of Larwill lasgow James C. atty. at lam, office and res. s s Liberty b Be- 1, ver land Buckeye .! I IaswellDavid, barber, shop s s Liberty b Market and Walnut, bds w s Grant nr Corp. Line "lasmell Zacariah, lab. w s Grant nr Corp. Line Glick Cornelius, brush mkr. wks n s Libertg b Buckeye and Be- ver, bds e s Bever b North and Larwill Glick Geo. brush mkr. wks n s Liberty b Buckeye and Bever, bds e s Bever b North and Larwill le Mag. shoe mltr, n m c South and Bever don Mrs. Mary, n s North b Walnut and Grant don Miss Mary E. n s North b Walnut and Grant don Miss Rebecca J. dress mkr. and embroiderer, n s North b Walnut and Grant ner Peter J. chair mkr. mks e s Grant b Liberty and South uvuhe Miss Annie, n s South b Bever and R. R. Goshe Miss Catherine, n s South b Bever and R. R. Goshe Charles, carp. n s South b Bever and R. R. Goshe Gotlieb, butcher, n s South b Bever and R. R. ' Grable Daniel, machinist, mks e s Walnut b Liberty and South Grablc Levi, machinist, wks e s Walnut b Liberty and South Graham James, (Curtis, Barrett & Co.) bds n w c North and Grant ham Porter, cab. mkr. e s Bever s of Henry y I. S. clk. s w c Liberty and Public Square 1 y Israel, dry goods, s w c Liberty and Public Square, h e s hlarket b North and Larwill Gray James L. cigar mlrr. s s South b Bever and R. R. RAY JOHN A. - G Cigars and Tobacco, s a Liberty b Market and Buckeye, b n s South b Eever and R. R. Gray Sylvester, clk. bds e s Market b North and Larwill Graybell Daniel, carp. m s Walnut b South and Henry Graybell Miss Sarah, s s South b Bever and Buckeye Greninger Frank, tanner, wks e s Buckeye b Liberty and North Gridder J. Farmers Hotel, n s Liberty b Walnut and Grant i Griffin Joseph, stone mason, e s R. R. nr Bever Grimes Catharine, servt. w s Market b North and Larwill 92 HAT ROVE FEMALE SEMINARY G Rev. B. Pope, Supt., Mrs. E. M. Pope, ?ri.n., n e c North and Market AU-EN ROBT, JR. H Phgs. s a c Market and Sooth Haller David, lab. s s North b Bever and Akron Road Hallowell James S. (McDonald, Laughlin & Co.) n s Liberty s of Grant Hambcrger Anna, servt. w s Buckeye b North and Larmill Hamilton Daniel K. hatter, s s North b Walnut and Grant Hanfman John, finisher, n s North b Walnut and Grant Hanna Alexander, shoe mkr. e s Buckeye b -South and Liberty Hanna John, (Sturges, Stibbs & Co.) bds American IIouse Hanna William W. carriage mkr. s w c South and Bever Hanson John M. w s Walnut b Liberty and North 7 Hanson Samuel, veterinary surgeon, w s Walnut b Liberty and North \ Hardy Rufus B. printer, wks Democrat Office Harman Jeremiah, farmer, w s Walnut s of Henry Harn Rev. G. U. n s North b Grant and Columbus Av. Harrington E. 0. dray, w s Bever b South and Henry Earrington Gideon, dray, bda w s Bever b South and Henry Earrington Timothy, saddle tree mkr. s s North b Akron Road and Bever Harris Franklin, carriage painter, wks n s South b Market and 1 Buckeye Harris Henry, carp. n s Larwill b Grant and Columbus Av. . Harris M. hom. phys. office and rcs. s e c Henry and Market Harrison C . F. b. k. bds Exchange Eotel ' Harrison H. R. n e c Buckeye and Henry 8 I5 Harrison Henry R. iron and brass foundry, n e c Buckeye and North, office s w c Liberty and Buckeye Harry Franklin, foreman, Democrat office, h n s South b Bever and R. R. Harry Jesse, peddler, n s South b Market and Walnut Harsh Zachar~ah, peddler, n s North b Grant and Columbus AV Hart Miss Jane, seamstress, n s Henry b Bever and R. R. Hartman Rev. Levi, w s Walnut b Liberty and North Harvey Andrew J. plasterer, e s Henry s of R. R. Harvey Miss Mary, seamstress, e s Walnut b South and IIenry Hathaway George L. foreman, Republican office, bds American House Hattinger Joseph, jr. bk. mason; bds n s North b Grant and Columbus Av. Hattinger Joseph, sen. stone mason, n s North b Grant and 1 Columbus Av. I JOH 96 ? - JJullinger Joseph, boot and shoe mer. w s Market s of Henry au l tz Miss Margaret, milliner, n s Liberty b Bever and Buck- eye Bummer Abram, bk. mason, n s ~ e n r ~ ' b Bever and R. R. Humrickhouse Mrs. J. A. bds m s Market n of Larwill Ihrig David B. clk. bds s e c South and Grant Iler Peter, teamster, n s Larmill b Bever and Buckeye Ilger Jacob, cab. mkr. bds w s Grant b South and Henry flger James, machinist, wks e s Walnut b Liberty and South b g a r d Aug,ustus, (I. & Bro.) s s Liberty b Bever and R. R. [mgard & Bro. (Frederick and Augustus,) mer. tailors, e s Pub- lic Square Imgard Frederick, (I. & Bro.) bds s s South b Beaver and R.R. Immel D. W. tanner, wks n s Liberty m of Grant, bds n w c Liberty and Grant Immel David, tannery, n s Liberty w of Grant, h n w c Liberty and Grant lrely AGs. Catharine, n e c Market and EIenry Irvine John, atty. at law, bds Exchange Hotel A ACKSON CYRUS, J Coffee House, n s Liberty b Market and Buckeye James Frederick D. (3. & Son,) James James C. (J. & Son,) JAMES & S'ON, .' (James C. & Frederick D. J.) Books, Musical Instumente, Groceries and Wall Paper, a s Liberty 4 doors e of Amer- ican House AMES WILLIAM 0. J Printer, wks Republicon Office Jeffries John P. (J. & Parson,) h s s Massillon Road, e of R.R " Depot Jeffries & Parsons, (John P. J. & Charles C. P.) law office m s Public Square Johnson Alexander, carriage mkr. wks n s South b Market and Buckeve P bhnson ~ " i s s Emily, w s Buckeye n of Larwill OHNSON H. C . Law Office, e s Public Square, h n s North b Columbus Av. - * and Grant' Johnson Isaac, jr. elk. s e c Liberty and Public Square Johnson James, w s Buckeye n of Larwill Johnson John, blk. smith, wks n s Liberty b Bever and Akron 8 Boad Johnson Thomas H. probate judge, office n e c Public Square, 1 h w s Columbus Road s of Market Johnson Mrs. Sarah, bds w s Buckeye b North and Larmill 0 96 R L E Johnson William, barber, h e s Barber s of Henry Jones Isaac N..dry goods, groceries kc. s s Liberty b hIarket and Walnut, h s e c South and Grant Jones Miss Mary, n w c Liberty and Columbus Av. Jones Ohio F. (Rex & J.) n s Liberty w of Grant Jones Rev. S. R. n w c Liberty and Columbus Av. ONES WALTER N. J Ambrotgpe and Photograph Gallery, s s Liberty w of Mar. ket, up stairs, bds Yergins' Exchange Jones William A. dentist,office s e c Market and Public Square Jordan John, hostler, Exchange I-lotel Joyce Samuel, carp. s s Liberty b Eever and R. R. Justis Thomas, clk. n s Liberty b Market and Buckeye Karnns James, lab. n s Larwill b Grant and Columbus Av. Karlitzky Peter, dyer, n s Liberty b Buckeye and Bever Kammerer Rev. David, s s Liberty b Bever and R. R. Kanekamp >fiss Mnry, n s North b Walnut and Grant Kastler Chris. lab. s s South b Bever and Buckeye Matte1 Peter, w s Bever b Liberty a.nd South - Kaufman Mrs. Emeline, rl s North b Grant and Columbus Av. Kaufman Henry J. (Botsford, K. & Co.) m s Market n of Lar- mill Kaufman Jacob, toys, n s Public Square Kauke J. 15. & Co. (J . H. K. & J. C. Jacobs,) hardmare &c. n s Liberty b Market and Walnut Kauke Miss Mary, s s Henry b Bever and R. R. Keesick Patrick, lab. e s Bever s of I-Ienry Keisecker John, lab. e s Bever s of Henry Keller Jacob, clk. w s Public Square Kelley Sarah, milliner, n s Liberty b Bever and Buckeye Kemerlin George, grocery, n s Liberty b Market and Bnclteye Kennedy Miss Jane, dress mkr. bds w s Bever b South and Henry Kennedy Rev. Joseph F. s m c Grant and North Kensler Sophia, servt. s s Liberty b Grant and Walnut Kerr Stewart, bds Exchange Hotel Kettler G. shoe mkr. w s Bever b Liberty and North Kiely John, carriage mkr. nrks n s Liberty b Bever and Akron Road Kiley Michael, lab. e s Bever s of Henry Kingler Henry, butcher, bds e s Bever b South and HcUAJ Kissane P. T. machinist, n e c North and Bever Kitler Gotlieb, shoe mlir. mks n s Liberty b Alarkct and Walnut Klein Mrs. Elizabeth, n s South e of Bever Klein George, lab. n s South e of Bever .--.- -,-- LEH 97 . -- - Rlein Philip, lab. w s Columbus Road, s of Market Klein TVm. junction MilIersburg and Columbus Roads K]ine Miss Susan, bds n s South b Markct and TValnut Klinger Christian, shoe mkr. bds n s North b Market and Wal- nut ~~b Abner, tailor, n s South b Bevcr and R. R. ~~b AlDcrt, n s South b Bever and R. R. Kob Rlies Eliea, n s South b Bever and R. R. ONAN P A U L . K Grocery, v s Mlllersburg Road, s of R. R. Krotz Jahn, wagon rnkr. s e c Bcvcr and Liberty Lake Eenj. B. (Storrs & L.) Lake Constant, mer. n s South b Grant and Walnut Lamb Jacob, cooper, e 8 Buckeye b Henry and South Lamb Martin, cof. h. s s Liberty b Bever and R. R. Lamb T\Tilliam, cooper, e s Buckeye b Henry and South Landers Abraham, omnibus driver, American Rouse Landis Mrs. A. b. h. junction Buckeye and Millersburg Road Landis William, lab. bds junction Buckeye and Millersburg R'd. Langen Wi!llam C. deputy county elk. oEce Court House, bds Yeryins' Exchange Larmill RIiss Eliza, bds n s Liberty b Market and Walnut Larwill Miss Emma, bds n s Liberty b Market and Walnnt Larwill Gcorge L. asst. f?eight and ticket ihgt. R. R. Depot,bds n w c Market and Larwill vill Jabez B. bds n m c Market and Larwill vill Joseph 11. chemist, bds n TY c Marlret and Larwill Larmill John, student, bds n s Liberty b Market and Walnut Larwill John, B. R. director, n s Liberty b Market and Walnut Larmill John F. jeweler, n w c Libcrty and Walnut tarwill Miss Julia, bds n s Liberty b Market and Walnut Larmill Miss Martha, bds n s Liberty b Market and Walnut LARWILL VILLIAM J. Freight and Tlcket Agt. B. R. Depot, bds n w c Market and Larwill vill T17illiam, jr. civil engineer, bds n s Liberty b Buckeye and Bever vill Wm. sen. n s Liberty b Buckeye and Bever )ach Charles, e s Grant n of Larwill $in rllexancler, (McDonalc1,I.t. $ Co .) s e c WaInut and South :Illin Amos, machinist, wks e s Walnut b Sonth and Liberty Lee James, lab. s e c Bever and South Leech TVm. lab. w s Grant b South and Henry =chman Aaron L. carp. w s Buckeye n of Laraill =ehman Miss Cara L, teacher Grove Female Institute +La
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