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Classification Worksheet and Readings - Taxonomy, Exercises of Plant Taxonomy and Evolution

Five kingdoms system of classification are proposed by R.H. Whittaker. The living organisms are divided into five different kingdoms Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia, and Monera.

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Download Classification Worksheet and Readings - Taxonomy and more Exercises Plant Taxonomy and Evolution in PDF only on Docsity! Name Score = ie, | oo cROINDHES. aie (ea aa tana MANS wer! pe: STANDARD V: Students will understand that structure is used to develop classification systems. Objective 1: Classify based on observable properties. a. Categorize nonliving objects based on external structures (e.g., hard, soft). b. Compare living, once living, and nonliving things. c. Defend the importance of observation in scientific classification. d. Demonstrate that there are many ways to classify things. Objective 2: Use and develop a simple classification system. a. Using a provided classification scheme, classify things (e.g., shells, leaves, rocks, bones, fossils, weather, clouds, stars, planets). b. Develop a classification system based on observed structural characteristics. c. Generalize rules for classification. d. Relate the importance of classification systems to the development of science knowledge. e. Recognize that classification is a tool made by science to describe perceived patterns in nature. Objective 3: Classify organisms using an orderly pattern based upon structure. a. Identify types of organisms that are not classified as either plant or animal. b. Arrange organisms according to kingdom (i.e., plant, animal, Monera, fungi, protist). c. Use a classification key or field guide to identify organisms. d. Report on changes in classification systems as a result of new information or technology. o While different species, these two birds still share some common characteristics. How do we go about classifying things? • Living things are classified based on “observable properties!” o (“Observable properties” are things you can see) • Examples of observable properties: o Living, once living, non-living o External structure – hard or soft o Patterns – geometric shapes, symmetry, etc. Rules you need to follow when classifying Know what is being classified. Make many observations about the things being classified. Classify things based on your observations. Group the most similar things together. When grouping living things, place the most similar organisms in the same species. The largest, or most general, group of living things is the kingdom. How would you identify this lizard? Get a book, look at all the pictures, and select the one that most looks like the picture? o No! • You want to use a classification key (also called a dichotomous key). • A classification key asks a question and gives you two answers. • The answer you select takes you to another question until you finally identify the lizard. Look at an example of a classification (dichotomous) key: 1a. This organism has an exoskeleton - go to question 2 1b. This organism has an endoskeleton or no skeleton - go to question 3 2a. This organism has thin black body and a red stripe on its abdomen - go to question 4a. 2b. This organism has a thick black body with large grey/brown abdomen - go to question 4b. 3 3a. Organism dwells on land - go to question 5 3b. Organism dwells in the ocean - go to question 6 4a. Organism is called Latrodectus hasselti 4b. Organism is called Atrax infensus 5a. Organism is totally covered in smooth scale-like skin - go to question 7 5b. Organism has a textured coat or covering - go to question 8 6a. Organism 8 thick legs or tentacles - go to question 9a. 6b. Has many string-like legs or tentacles - go to question 9b. 7a. Scale-like skin is patterned in horizontal stripes over the body - go to question 10a. 7b. Scale-like skin has one block color over most of its body - go to question 10b. 8a. Has fine fur-like covering - go to question 11 8b. Has feather-like covering over most of its body - go to question 12 9a. Organism is Hapalochlaena lunulata 9b. Organism is Chironex flecken 10a. Organism is Psuedonaja texilis 10b. Organism is Pseudechis porphyricus 11a. Has two opposing thumbs on the front paws - go to question 13a. 11b. Has no opposing thumb on the front paws - go to question 13b. 12a. Has large bone-like structure on a bald, blue-skinned head - got to question 14a. 12b. Has feather-like covering over head with no bone-like structure - go to question 14b. 13a. Organism is Phascolatarctos cinerus 13b. Organism is Vombatus ursinus 14a. Organism is Casuarius casuarius 14b. Organism is Dromaius novaebollandiae 4 • Isn’t this much easier than looking through a book? Characteristics of living things: 1. Living things are made of cells. 2. Living things use energy 3. Living things grow and develop. 4. Living things respond to the environment. 5. Living things reproduce. You are now ready to become classification gurus! 5 Classification Pre-Test Match the letter of the word in the column on the right with the phrase. Not all letters will be used. _____ A word that means “different kinds” _____ The procedure for grouping organisms _____ Who made the system of classification of grouping organisms? _____ Classification is based upon _________. _____ The smallest grouping that can interbreed. _____ The term for a scientific name made up of two Latin names. _____ An organisms name always begins with a ___. _____ The largest grouping in classification. Answers: A. Species B. Small letter C. Linnaeus D. Kingdom E. Diversity F. Darwin G. Capital letter H. Classification I. Structure J. Binomial nomenclature K. Phylum Number the following classification groups from the largest to the smallest (the largest group will be Number 1) _____ Class _____ Genus _____ Kingdom _____ Species _____ Phylum _____ Order _____ Family 8 However many ways there may be of being alive, it is certain that there are vastly more ways of being dead. - Richard Dawkins Classification1. Classification is a very important part of science (and everyday life). We use it to show differences between objects and organisms2. We see how things are similar and different. Why do we classify things? Imagine trying to look up a phone number in a phonebook with no organization. The Brigham City phonebook is 56 pages long. It has over 5,000 phone numbers. How would you like to have to look up a friend’s phone number if there was no order? You’d have to look at every name, on every page, until you found it. It wouldn’t be of much use to you. This is why scientists classify. Classification helps make our world a bit easier to understand. How Did We Get a Classification System? Classification goes back to the beginning of time. Dinosaurs classified things. Really, they did! For example, plant-eaters classified things as “What can I eat?” and “What will eat me?” They classified their food – “What can I eat?” and “What can’t I eat?” This information is kind of important to having a good day. If you’re eaten, that ruins your whole day. Eating something that makes you sick is not as bad as being eaten. Still, it’s not too nice a thing to have happen. Even meat-eaters like T-Rex classified. They needed to know “What can I get to eat that’s easy” (dinosaur version of fast food!) and which animals were going to put up a fight. Whenever possible, meat-eaters preferred “fast food!” 1 classification - To put things into groups of some kind. It is usually done based on some type of similarities. 2 organism – any living thing. 9 Early man also classified things much the same way. It didn’t take many members of your hunting party being eaten by a saber tooth tiger to know you wanted to stay away from the saber tooth and its cousins! Who was the first person to classify things? That honor belongs to the Greek scientist Aristotle. He first classified living things around 330 A.D. Aristotle classified living things as being either plant or animal. Next, he classified plants and animals. • Plants o Herbs o Bushes o Trees • Animals o Land o Air o Water There were problems with his system. Where do we put the frog? It can live on both the land and the water. Where to place the frog? Something had to be done to improve how we classify living things. That change came in the 1750’s. A Swedish scientist, Carolus Linnaeus, developed the science of taxonomy3. The first thing Linnaeus did was develop a hierarchy4 for living things. His hierarchy of living things was organized like this: • Kingdom *– The highest level of classification. Kingdom is the most general level of classification and contains the most members. • Phylum (Division in the Plant Kingdom) – Made up of several classes. Members of a phylum share a common design even though their actual body details may be different. • Class – Made up of several orders. • Order – Made up of several families. • Family – Made up of several genera. 3 taxonomy – the science of classifying living things. 4 hierarchy – a formal system of classification based on different categories. * See Attachment 1 for information about specific kingdoms. 10 what it is you’re classifying. You’re not in a rush. You don’t win awards by being first. Take your time! Look at the object very carefully and make sure you see everything you need to see. Now, you classify what you’ve seen based on your observations. Take what you have classified, and put it together with similar things. The objects that are most identical are probably the same species. Things that share similar traits belong to the same kingdom. Where Do I Go From Here? Is this all there is to classification? Of course not! Now you know how to classify, you want to go out and use that information to identify things. Have you ever seen a bird and wondered what type of bird it was? Classification gives you an important tool to use. This tool is called a classification key9 (also called a dichotomous key). Have you ever looked at a field guide10 about birds? If you have, you’ve seen a book that contains hundreds of pictures of birds. How would you like to look through that book, picture-by-picture, to find the bird you have just seen? Most people don’t want to. That is why we have classification keys. The classification key is a set of “yes-or-no” questions that help you identify what you are looking at. Let’s look at an example: You have money in a pile. You have some brown and silver coins as well as some paper money. You want to identify what you have. The classification key you might use may look something like this: 1 A. Is it made of metal? Go to 2 1 B. Is it made of paper? Go to 5 9 classification key – A device used to identify what group an organism or object is in. Most use a two choice system where you answer yes or no to each question to arrive at the correct group. (Also known as a dichotomous key.) 10 field guide – a handbook that has picture and information about things (birds, insects, rocks, plants, etc.) 13 2 A. It is brown (copper). It is a penny 2 B. It is silver. Go to 3 3 A. It has a smooth edge. It is a nickel. 3 B. It has ridges around the edge. Go to 4 4 A. It has a torch on the back. It is a dime 4 B. It has an eagle on its back. It is a quarter 5 A. It has the number 1 in the corners. It is a $1 bill 5 B. It has the number 2 in the corners. It is a $2 bill If the answer to question #1A is yes, you go to question #2. If it is no, you go to question #5. At question #2, if the answer to #2A is yes, you know you have a penny. If it is no, you go to question #3. And so on until you identify all your money. The classification key helps make the process of identifying and classifying things much easier. Conclusion During this unit, you have learned the basics of classification. You have learned why we classify. You have reviewed a brief history of classification. You have seen how things are classified as well as rules that help you classify. Finally, you have learned how to use characteristics to identify things using a classification key. Remember, like other areas of science, classification systems may change as science develops new knowledge. The way things are classified will change in the future. With the basics you have learned, you will understand why and how the changes are made. ALLEN'S Law – When all else fails, read the directions. I am not sure how clouds get formed. But the clouds know how to do it, and that is the important thing. -Unknown Student When you breathe, you inspire. When you do not breathe, you expire. -Unknown Student 14 Biological Classification Worksheet Five-Kingdom System Animal Kingdom – Invertebrates (without backbones) and vertebrates (with backbones), multicellular, no cell walls, obtain energy through respiration Plant Kingdom – multicellular, have cell walls, obtain energy through photosynthesis. Ex. mosses, ferns, flowering and seed plants Fungi Kingdom – cells with cell walls but not green and do not carry out photosynthesis, break down other organic materials to obtain food. Ex. mushrooms, molds, and yeasts Protist Kingdom – come in a wide variety of forms, some are animal-like, such as amoeba, paramecium and protozoan. Some are plant-like such as algae and others are fungi-like. Many are single-celled and others are multicellular. Monera Kingdom – some photosynthesize while others respire. The nucleus of Moneran cells are not bounded by nuclear membranes like cells in the other kingdoms. Ex. bacteria and blue-green algae. The classification of humans – Homo sapiens The two part naming system is called Binomial nomenclature (consists of genus and species.). Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primata Family: Hominadae Genus: Homo Species: sapiens (note: species is not capitalized. Using the information above, answer the following questions. 1. What is the next smallest classification group after Order? ______________ 2. What is the smallest classification group? ______________ 3. Every living organism has what classification groups as its name? _________ and ________ 15 Yes, But is it Alive? Scientists divide or classify things into three major groups. These groups are: living, nonliving, and once living. Living things are objects that can pass on genetic information through reproduction. The term once-living is a term that refers to things that were at one point part of a living thing. See how well you understand this. Your goal will be to identify correctly the correct group for each of the following photographs. Object Living (includes once living) or Non-Living 18 A Tale of Two Elephants 1. What organisms are shown? 2. Do they look the same? 3. Do the pictures show the same species? 4. How are they elephants similar? 5. How are they different? 19 Is it Hard or Soft? Scientists place things in categories based on their external structures. Determining how to group things is called classification. Below are photographs of some non-living things. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 In the box below, identify which objects are hard and soft. Soft Objects Hard Objects 20 Kelly says there are a number of possible strategies. One is to simply divide up the globe like a grid and move from one area to the next systematically. For now, though, the Foundation hopes to start by choosing small, manageable areas that people are already somewhat familiar with, and concentrating as much effort as possible on documenting every species within those areas. Once they see how many new species turn up there, they can use that experience to guide them through more uncharted territory. Now answer these questions: 1. What reasons are there to take an All Species Inventory? 2. What are some of the obstacles to completing this project? 3. Scientists estimate that humans have identified only about 10% of the living species on earth. How do you suppose they arrived at this figure, without ever having seen these undiscovered species? 4. If a species hasn't been identified by humans yet, is it important to know it's there? How can we be affected by living things that we aren't aware of? 23 How Sharper Than a Shark’s Tooth? Only .5% of all living things leave a fossil behind. Unfortunately, we usually don’t get a full set of fossils. In fact, sometimes we only get a tooth. Our paleontologists have been busy collecting shark teeth. You have been given a set of teeth to evaluate and classify your teeth. How do you determine properties of the group? There are many ways. Here are some suggestions: • Put all teeth that are similar in the same group. • Measure the length of the tooth. • Measure the width of the tooth. • Measure the width of the tooth. • Count the number of points. • Describe the color. • Use words like: sharp, rough, smooth, lines of the tooth, etc. Remember, be very specific about your description and characteristics. If you are not sure how to describe something, ask Mr. Hill Classify your teeth below, naming your group, listing its properties, drawing a picture of a sample tooth, and listing the number in each group. (You may not need to complete all the charts.) Group Name Properties of Group Picture Number 24 Group Name Properties of Group Picture Number Group Name Properties of Group Picture Number Group Name Properties of Group Picture 25 Treasures of the Great Barrier Reef Complete the chart as you identify your fish. Picture # Fish 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Identifying Norns (from The Biology Corner – Worksheets and Lessons) Norns belong to the genus Norno and can be divided into eight species that are generally located in specific regions of the world. Use the dichotomous key to identify the Norns below. Write their complete scientific name (genus + species) in the blank. Dichotomous key 1. Has pointed ears .................................... go to 3 Has rounded ears ....................................go to 2 28 2. Has no tail ............................................. Kentuckyus Has tail .................................................. Dakotus 3. Ears point upward .................................... go to 5 Ears point downward ..............go to 4 4. Engages in waving behavior ............................. Dallus Has hairy tufts on ears ..........................................Californius 5. Engages in waving behavior ............................. WalaWala Does not engage in waving behavior ....................go to 6 6. Has hair on head ............................................. Beverlus Has no hair on head (may have ear tufts) .......go to 7 7. Has a tail ............................................. Yorkio Has no tail, aggressive ............................ Rajus _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ 29 _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Pamishan Classification (from The Biology Corner – Worksheets and Lessons) Help! Scientists have discovered quite a few new creatures on planet Pamishan. They need your help to identify and classify them. Use the dichotomous key on the next page to identify these creatures. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 30 16. a. There are spikes on the left leg .............................Narrowus portus b. There are no spikes at all ...................................Narrowus plainus 17. a. The creature has spikes ......................................go to 18 b. The creature has no spikes ...................................Narrowus georginia 18. a. There are spikes on the head .................................go to 19 b. There are spikes on the right leg.............................Narrowus montanian 19. a. There are spikes covering the face ...........................Narrowus beardus b. There are spikes only on the outside edge of head ............Narrowus fuzzus Wacky People Dichotomous Key (from a Lesson Plan by Vivian Johnson) Using your dichotomous key, identify each ”Wacky Person.” Write the name below the “Person.” Foot Nose 33 Wacky People Dichotomous Key 1a Two feet Go to #2 1b Some other number of feet Go to #3 2a Does not look human Go to #4 2b Looks like a human Go to #5 3a One Leg Go to #6 3b Three or four legs Go to #7 4a Fly-like Mos Cara 4b Not fly-like Go to #8 5a Seems to be a girl Rita Nita 5b Not a girl Go to #9 6a Leg is curled, two feet Ru-ela Brella 6b Leg is straight, one foot Giggles 34 7a Three legs Go to #10 7b Four legs Go to #11 8a Has webbed feet Hex Oculate 8b Clawed feet Go to #12 9a Curly hair, no toes Lugio Wirum 9b Wiggly looking mouth, three toes on feet C. Nile 10a Very long nose, open mouth Elle E. Funk 10b Some other appearance Go to #13 11a Has duck bill, two pinchers Tri D. Duckt 11b Has no arms or pinchers Go to #14 12a Has ears, tail, and beak Grif Leon 12b Four eyes on stalks Eggur Ondy 13a One eye, webbed feet Cue Kide 13b Four stalked eyes, four pinchers Quadrumenox 14a Three toed feet, nose like a flower Tunia petalos 14b Spider-like, has spots Patterned mulywumpus Harry Potter and the Organized Beans “’… Now, enough questions. Is suggest you make a start on these sweets. Ah! Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Bean! I was unfortunate enough in my youth to come across a vomit-flavored one, and since then I’m afraid I’ve rather lost my liking for them – but I think I’ll be safe with a nice toffee, don’t you?’ “He smiled and popped the golden-brown bean into his mouth. Then he choked and said, ‘Alas! Ear wax!”’ -Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone You have a box of Bertie Bott’s All Flavor Beans. Your assignment is to identify what “flavor” each bean is and help Dumbledore find one he will enjoy. Once you have 35
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