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CLEP History of the United States 1 Early Colonization to 1877 Question And Answers, Exams of Nursing

A list of questions and answers related to the early colonization of the United States up to 1877. It covers topics such as European exploration, colonization, wars, treaties, and political parties. a brief overview of each topic and can be used as a study guide for students preparing for exams or assignments related to US history.

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Download CLEP History of the United States 1 Early Colonization to 1877 Question And Answers and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! CLEP History of the United States 1 Early Colonization to 1877 Question And Answers Treaty of Tordesillas - Correct Answer ✅Moved the "line of demarcation" further west. Ignored by most other European nations. Vasco Nunez de Balboa - Correct Answer ✅crossed the isthmus of Panama - First European to see the Pacific Ocean Juan Ponce de Leon - Correct Answer ✅explored Florida in search of gold and the fountain of youth. Claimed Florida for Spain New Spain - Correct Answer ✅autocratic empire to benefit the parent country. utilized slavery and imported african slaves John Cabot - Correct Answer ✅Italian explorer for England - searched for the Northwest Passage Giovannia da Verrazano - Correct Answer ✅Italian explorer for France Jacques Cartier - Correct Answer ✅claimed area of the St Lawrence River - Montreal - for france, also searched for the NW Passage Huguenots - Correct Answer ✅French Protestants came to New World to escape catholic french persecution. were massacred by the spaniards. CLEP History of the United States 1 Early Colonization to 1877 Question And Answers Francis Drake - Correct Answer ✅English captain, sailed around the world. Funded by Queen Elizabeth The Impeachment Process - Correct Answer ✅Per Article 1 - House initiates impeachment & acts as grand jury. Next, the Senate with the chief justice presiding begins a trial for guilt or innocence of the president. the Dutch Colony of New Netherland - Correct Answer ✅hostile relations with indians because of exploitation of fur trade (main source of wealth). Ethically diverse which led to internal struggling. Spanish colonization of new world was characterized by: - Correct Answer ✅exploitation of indians, establishing african slavery, introduction of the horse to america, and the creation of large agriculture plantations Puritans - Correct Answer ✅sought to create perfect religions utopia. Came to the new world to escape persecution. Were not pacifists, did not approve of the pilgrims, or catholics. King Philips War - Correct Answer ✅Wampanoag Indians organized by King Philip to destroy New England settlements, Puritans counterattacked and won - ended indian resistance to white settlement CLEP History of the United States 1 Early Colonization to 1877 Question And Answers The Treaty of Ghent - Correct Answer ✅ended the war of 1812 - restored territory taken during the war The Monroe Doctrine - Correct Answer ✅President James Monroe's 3 principles on foreign police. Pledged that America would remain free of European wars and any future colonization. Established the areas of North & South America as an American sphere of influence. Supported by England to prevent war. Dred Scott - Correct Answer ✅1859 Roger taney's decision on slavery - stated the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional Andrew Jackson - Correct Answer ✅7th president, strong term, Vetoed the Second Bank, "kitchen cabinet", created the spoils system. Nicholas Biddle - Correct Answer ✅The Second Bank The Gadsden Purchase - Correct Answer ✅purchase of the land south of the Gila river purchased by Jefferson Davis so that the transcontinental railroad could pass through the south When it formed in the 1850s, the Republican Party platform included: - Correct Answer ✅support of national unity and free labor CLEP History of the United States 1 Early Colonization to 1877 Question And Answers The Trent Affair - Correct Answer ✅1861. Almost provoked hostilities between Union and England during the civil war. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo - Correct Answer ✅established Mexican recognition of the acquisition and the souther boundary at the Rio Grande River - ended Mexican War The Tariff Act of 1832 - Correct Answer ✅established high import fees for all European goods in an effort to protect Northern industries. It offered no benefit to southern states and raised prices for consumers. Led to the Nullification Crisis. The Nullification Crisis - Correct Answer ✅proved by South Carolina by voting to nullify the tariffs of 1828 and 1832 Compromise Tariff of 1833 - Correct Answer ✅It was a new tariff proposed by Henry Clay and John Calhoun that gradually lowered the tariff to the level of the tariff of 1816 This compromise avoided civil war and prolonged the union for another 30 years. The Rush-Bagot Treaty - Correct Answer ✅1818 Great Britain and the United states agreed to take military ships from the Great Lakes CLEP History of the United States 1 Early Colonization to 1877 Question And Answers The Treaty of Paris 1763 - Correct Answer ✅Ended the Seven Years War/ The French and Indian War. France gave up its claims in America. Spanish gave up Florida to Britain but gained New Orleans and Lousiana. The Prohibitory Act of 1775 - Correct Answer ✅Declared Americans to be no longer under the protection of King George III and amounted to a virtual declaration of war. Became president upon Lincoln's assassination - Correct Answer ✅Andrew Johnson The Ostend Manifesto - Correct Answer ✅forced Spain to sell cuba to the US, or the US would seize the island. Slave population in south in 1860 - Correct Answer ✅4 million The Tenure of Office Act - Correct Answer ✅passed in 1867 to reduce the power of President Andrew Johnson The Adams-Onis Treaty - Correct Answer ✅Spain gave the US both East and West Florida in return for US pmnt of $5 million in claims of american citizens against the spanish CLEP History of the United States 1 Early Colonization to 1877 Question And Answers America's 1st two political parties - Correct Answer ✅Democratic- Republicans and Federalists Bacon's Rebellion - Correct Answer ✅frontiersman in VA rioted against Governor Berkley b/c of his lack of protection from Indians on the Frontier Sir Walter Raleigh - Correct Answer ✅launched first attempt to colonize New World at Roanoke name for the path of the Atlantic slave trade - Correct Answer ✅middle passage Northwest Ordinance of 1787 - Correct Answer ✅Federal order that divided the Northwest Territory into smaller territories and created a plan for how the territories could become states. Provided support for public education, prohibited slavery, sought fair treatment of Indians and set the precedent of a territory becoming a new state equal with all existing states. incident of the late 1790s in which French secret agents demanded a bribe and a loan to France in lieu of negotiating a dispute over the Jay Treaty and other issues - Correct Answer ✅the XYZ affair CLEP History of the United States 1 Early Colonization to 1877 Question And Answers Tariff of Abominations 1828 - Correct Answer ✅Tariff passed by Congress in 1828 that favored manufacturing in the North and was hated by the South. Led to Nullification Crisis belief that the Constitution cannot be changed and is what it is - Correct Answer ✅Strict construction 3rd President and advocate of states rights - Correct Answer ✅Thomas Jefferson The 9th President (1st Whig) died in office of Pneumonia - Correct Answer ✅William Henry Harrison The most famous Methodist traveling frontier preacher. He traveled around the country preaching to large groups. - Correct Answer ✅Peter Cartwright Royal African company - Correct Answer ✅A trading company chartered by the English government in 1672 to conduct its merchants' trade on the Atlantic coast of Africa. - transported slaves Tecumseh - Correct Answer ✅A Shawnee chief who, along with his brother, Tenskwatawa, a religious leader known as The Prophet, worked to unite the Northwestern Indian tribes. The league of tribes was CLEP History of the United States 1 Early Colonization to 1877 Question And Answers defeated by an American army led by William Henry Harrison at the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811. Tecumseh was killed fighting for the British during the War of 1812 at the Battle of the Thames in 1813. Embargo Act 1807 - Correct Answer ✅This act issued by Jefferson forbade American trading ships from leaving the U.S. It was meant to force Britain and France to change their policies towards neutral vessels by depriving them of American trade. It was difficult to enforce because it was opposed by merchants and everyone else whose livelihood depended upon international trade. It also hurt the national economy, so it was replaced by the Non-Intercourse Act. Samuel Adams - Correct Answer ✅American Revolutionary leader and patriot, Founder of the Sons of Liberty and one of the most vocal patriots for independence; signed the Declaration of Independence Massachusetts Bay Colony - Correct Answer ✅1629 - King Charles gave the Puritans a right to settle and govern a colony in the Massachusetts Bay area. The colony established political freedom and a representative government John Peter Zenger Trial 1735 - Correct Answer ✅Man was accused of overstepping freedom of speech and press by printing bad things bout the royal governor of NY - found not guilty, sent precedent for freedom of the press - Encouraged editors to be more critical of public officials. CLEP History of the United States 1 Early Colonization to 1877 Question And Answers 2nd President and federalist - Correct Answer ✅John Adams Non-Intercourse Act 1809 - Correct Answer ✅reopened trade with all nations of the world except france and Br. House of Burgesses - Correct Answer ✅1619 - The Virginia House of Burgesses formed, the first legislative body in colonial America. Later other colonies would adopt houses of burgesses. Henry Polk - Correct Answer ✅11th president; expansionist; provoked mexican War 1st National Bank - Correct Answer ✅Created by Alexander Hamilton in 1791 to stimulate Northern Businesses Dartmouth v. Woodward - Correct Answer ✅1819--New Hampshire had attempted to take over Dartmouth College by revising its colonial charter. The Court (John Marshall) ruled that the charter was protected under the contract clause of the U. S. Constitution; upholds the sanctity of contracts. Gibbons vs. Ogden - Correct Answer ✅supreme court decision that ruled that the constitution gave control of interstate commerce to the U.S. Congress, not the individual states through which a route passed. CLEP History of the United States 1 Early Colonization to 1877 Question And Answers Martin v. Hunter's Lessee - Correct Answer ✅Established the supremacy of federal courts over state courts (1816) Fletcher v. Peck - Correct Answer ✅Supreme Court case which protected property rights and asserted the right to invalidate state laws in conflict with the Constitution. John Adam's "Midnight Appointments" was an issue. Cohens v Virginia - Correct Answer ✅Supreme Court case which asserted the right of the Supreme Court to review the decision of state supreme courts McCulloch vs. Maryland - Correct Answer ✅1819 Court ruled that congress did have authority to charter bank, citing the necessary and proper clause; States couldn't tax government property Marbury vs. Madison - Correct Answer ✅Case in which the supreme court first asserted the power of Judicial review in finding that the congressional statue expanding the Court's original jurisdiction was unconstitutional Morrill Tariff Act - Correct Answer ✅1861 This was an act passed by Congress in 1861 to meet the cost of the war. It raised the taxes on CLEP History of the United States 1 Early Colonization to 1877 Question And Answers shipping from 5 to 10 percent however later needed to increase to meet the demanding cost of the war. National Banking Act - Correct Answer ✅1863 - Established system of national charters for banks Conscription Act - Correct Answer ✅Enacted in April of 1862, it subjected all white males between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five to military service for three years. It was repealed in 1863. Turnpikes - Correct Answer ✅important means of transportation in the 1790s Eerie Canal - Correct Answer ✅Completed in 1825. Increased profitableness of farming in the old Northwest, encouraged the emigration of European immigrants and New England farmers to the Northwest, forced many New Englanders to either abandon their farms or to switch to dairy, fruit, & vegetable farming, weakened political alliance between the farmers in the NW and planters in the south. Treaty of Paris of 1783 - Correct Answer ✅A peace agreement that officially ended the Revolutionary War and established British recognition of the independence of the United States. Boundaries of the US were Canada, Florida, and the Mississippi River. CLEP History of the United States 1 Early Colonization to 1877 Question And Answers The Louisiana Purchase - Correct Answer ✅The US purchased Louisiana from France for $15 million, Jefferson expanded the powers of the presidency, The US doubled in size, the treaty of cession left some boundaries vague. Texas - Correct Answer ✅Texas won independence from Mexico in 1846 through rebellion. The First Bank of the United States - Correct Answer ✅Joint private- public enterprise. Stock was owned by both federal and private individuals in addition to its directors. The Stamp Act Congress of 1765 - Correct Answer ✅established the boycott of British goods after the Stamp Act. It provided an important opportunity for colonial leaders to meet and establish ties with one another. 9 colonies participated in it. The Boston Tea Party - Correct Answer ✅Responded to the 1773 Tea Act Intolerable Acts - Correct Answer ✅in response to Boston Tea Party, 4 acts passed in 1774, Port of Boston closed, reduced power of assemblies in colonies, permitted royal officers to be tried elsewhere, provided for quartering of troop's in barns and empty houses CLEP History of the United States 1 Early Colonization to 1877 Question And Answers closed the Port of Boston until damages had been paid for the Boston Tea Party - Correct Answer ✅Boston Port Act The Panic of 1837 - Correct Answer ✅Caused by the destruction of the Second Bank of the US, overextension of bank credit, a poor wheat crop, and the Specie Circular of 1836 The Specie Circular of 1836 - Correct Answer ✅1836 required that only gold or silver, or bank notes backed by gold or silver could be used to pay for public land. Contributed to economic depression. John Jay - Correct Answer ✅Federalist Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1789-1784 John Marshall - Correct Answer ✅Served as chief justice from 1801- 1835 and oversaw the development of the Court's power to judge the constitutionality of the acts of Congress Roger B. Taney - Correct Answer ✅Chief Justice from 1836-1864 (dred scott) Articles of Confederation - Correct Answer ✅A weak constitution that governed America during the Revolutionary War - Congress had the CLEP History of the United States 1 Early Colonization to 1877 Question And Answers power to control foreign affairs, make war, settle disputes between the states and coin or borrow money but it did NOT have the power to tax Salutory Neglect - Correct Answer ✅The British policy of the 17th century in which the British were lax in the enforcement of laws in the colonies, especially the Navigation Acts, allowing the colonies to develop without much interference from the British government. The Declaration of Independence was signed in: - Correct Answer ✅1776 The Constitutional Convention took place in: - Correct Answer ✅1787 The Great Compromise - Correct Answer ✅authored by Roger Sherman - allowed the production of the US Constitution. 2 houses, House of Representatives would be based on population, the senate would have 2 representatives from each state The Constitution was Ratified in: - Correct Answer ✅1789 The First Amendment - Correct Answer ✅focuses on free speech, assembly religion, and the right to petition(1791) CLEP History of the United States 1 Early Colonization to 1877 Question And Answers The Proclamation of 1763 - Correct Answer ✅The proclamation of 1763 ordered the ending of settlement west of the peaks of the Appalachians because of increasing problems with the Indians. Sugar Act 1764 - Correct Answer ✅Forbade trade with the non-English West Indies and required trials for those breaking the law to be held in Admiralty Courts which had no juries. The Middle Colonies - Correct Answer ✅New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware New England Colonies - Correct Answer ✅Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Rhode Island The Southern Colonies - Correct Answer ✅Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland Credit Mobilier Scandal - Correct Answer ✅1872 illegal manipulation of contracts by a construction and finance company associated with the building of the Union Pacific Railroad (during Grant's presidency) The Hartford Convention - Correct Answer ✅Hartford Resolutions: Demanded a series of amendments by the federalists. 1.constitutional CLEP History of the United States 1 Early Colonization to 1877 Question And Answers amendment which would restrict the president to a single term and would prohibit successive presidents from the same state 2. Omit slaves from the census used to apportion representation at congress 3. require 2/3 vote of congress to declare ware The Doctrine of Nullification - Correct Answer ✅Supported heavily by Calhoun that stated a state had the right to overrule, or nullify, federal legislation. This could protect the minority against the tyranny of the majority First states to secede - Correct Answer ✅1860 - South Carolina (prior to Lincoln's inauguration), 1861 - Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas. Final states to secede after Fort Sumter - April 12, 1861 - Correct Answer ✅Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina Years of the Civil War - Correct Answer ✅1861-1865 Battle of Fort Sumter - Correct Answer ✅the spark that started the Civil War; Lincoln sends in troops to the South to recapture federal forts and preserve the Union, four new states secede (Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee) CLEP History of the United States 1 Early Colonization to 1877 Question And Answers Battle of Antietam - Correct Answer ✅Civil War battle in which the North succeeded in halting Lee's Confederate forces in Maryland. Was the bloodiest battle of the war resulting in 25,000 casualties Gold Rushes - Correct Answer ✅California in 1849. Colorado and Nevada in 1859. South Dakota in 1874. Alaska in 1880 and 1896. Black Codes - Correct Answer ✅Laws denying most legal rights to newly freed slaves; passed by southern states following the Civil War Unitarianism - Correct Answer ✅the most influential of the organized religious philosophies in the 18th century. Formally organized by William Ellery Channing in 1825. Webster-Hayne Debate - Correct Answer ✅An argument between Daniel Webster and Robert Hayne, about the issue states' rights versus national power. Webster said that Hayne was a challenge to the integrity of the Union. Hayne responded with a defense of the theory of nullification. Webster then spent two full afternoons delievering what became known as his "Second Reply to Hayne." He concluded with the ringing appeal: "Liberty and Union, now and for ever, one and inseparable." Webster-Ashburton Treaty of 1842 - Correct Answer ✅1842 - Established Maine's northern border against Canada, and the CLEP History of the United States 1 Early Colonization to 1877 Question And Answers basis. Once freed, the slaves would be shipped back to Africa as they believed there was no place for them in America. Seneca Falls Convention - Correct Answer ✅(1848) the first national women's rights convention in New York at which the Declaration of Sentiments was written The Newburgh Conspiracy - Correct Answer ✅disgruntled army officers disgusted with a central gov. too week to collect taxes to pay them & their troops. - the use of the Continental Army to create a more centralized Union of the states. Seward's Folly - Correct Answer ✅the name given to the purchase of Alaska. , -Secretary of State William Seward's negotiation of the purchase of Alaska from Russia in 1867 for about $7 million -- about 2 cents per acre . At the time everyone thought this was a mistake to buy Alaska the "ice box" but it turned out to be the biggest bargain since the Louisiana purchase. They later realized Alaska was really useful for resources like fish, furs, and lumber. Was impeached and came within one vote of being removed from office - Correct Answer ✅President Andrew Johnson CLEP History of the United States 1 Early Colonization to 1877 Question And Answers Morrill Land Grand Act - Correct Answer ✅provided large amounts of federal government land to states that would establish agricultural an mechanical colleges. The Molasses Act - Correct Answer ✅Intended to enforce England's mercantilist policies by forcing the colonists to buy sugar from other British colonies rather than foreign producers. Panic of 1819 - Correct Answer ✅1st major financial panic since the Constitution was ratified; marked the end of economic expansion and featured deflation (value of US money going down), depression, bank failures, foreclosures on western farms, unemployment, a slump in agriculture and manufacturing, and overcrowded debtor's prisons. Also risky lending practices of the state and local banks led to overspeculation on lands in west- the national bank tightened its credit lending policies and eventually forced these state and local banks to foreclose mortgages on farms, which resulted in bankruptcies and prisons full of debtors. Treaty of 1818 - Correct Answer ✅A negotiated treaty between the Monroe administration and England. This treaty came after the War of 1812 to settle disputes between Britain and U.S. It permitted Americans to share Newfoundland fisheries w/ the Canadians, and fixed the vague northern limits of Louisiana from the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mountains. It also provided for a 10-year joint occupation of untamed CLEP History of the United States 1 Early Colonization to 1877 Question And Answers Oregon country. Surprisingly, neither Britain or America had to surrender rights or claims for this to occur. Legal Tender Act - Correct Answer ✅Lincoln signed in 1862, authorized $150 million in greenbacks. - Confederacy never made its paper money legal tender, responded by making more paper money, which accelerated southern inflation. National Bank Act - Correct Answer ✅It raised money for the Union in the American Civil War by enticing banks to buy federal bonds, and taxed state bonds out of existence. It helped the Union war effort economically. Civil Rights Act of 1866 - Correct Answer ✅A bill that guaranteed blacks the right to sue, serve on juries, testify as witnesses against whites, and enter into legal contracts. The act did not give blacks the right to vote, because most Radical Republicans in 1866 remained unconvinced that black suffrage was a necessity. When more Radicals were elected to Congress that autumn, however, they did consider making black suffrage a requirement for a state's readmission into the Union. The act eventually led to the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. Civil Rights Act of 1875 - Correct Answer ✅A bill that forbade racial discrimination in all public places. The act was the Radical Republicans' last legislative effort to protect the civil liberties of former slaves.
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