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Download Computer research proposal with doing different research and more Study Guides, Projects, Research Computer Applications in PDF only on Docsity! Computing Research project 2021 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET STUDENT DETAILS Student ID Family Name Reg No. Bohara Given Name Puran Enrolment Year 2018 Section P2 Semester Fourth Email UNIT DETAILS Unit Title Computing Research Project Unit Code T/615/1639 Assessor Name Assignment Title Saurav Lamsal Issued Date 19/02/2021 Internet of Things (IoT) Assignment No 01 Submission Date 30 Jul 2021 Qualification BTECH HND Campus ISMT PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 1 Computing Research project 2021 STUDENT ASSESSMENT SUBMISSION AND DECLARATION When submitting evidence for assessment, each student must sign a declaration confirming that the work is their own. Student Name Puran Bohara Assessor Name Saurav Lamsal Issue Date 19/02/2021 Submission Date 30 Jul 2021 Programme BTECH HND Unit Name Computing Research Project Assignment Title Internet of Things (IoT) Plagiarism Plagiarism is a particular form of cheating. Plagiarism must be avoided at all costs and students who break the rules, however innocently, may be penalized. It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand correct referencing practices. As a university level student, you are expected to use appropriate references throughout and keep carefully detailed notes of all your sources of materials for material you have used in your work, including any material downloaded from the Internet. Please consult the relevant unit lecturer or your course tutor if you need any further advice. Student Declaration I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice. Student signature: Puran Bohara Date: 2021/07/30 PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 2 Computing Research project 2021 Assignment task: In order to successfully complete a computing research project you have to complete the following tasks as guided. Part one – Develop a research proposal • Define your research problem or question. This can be stated as a research question, objectives or hypothesis. • Provide a literature review giving the background and conceptualisation of your proposed area of study. This would provide existing knowledge and benchmarks by which your data can be judged. • Consider and define your research methodology and research process. Demonstrate understanding of the pitfalls and limitations of the methods chosen and ethical issues that might arise. Part two – carry out the research and prepare a research report • Conduct your research as outlined in your proposal. Keep track of your findings as you work. • Carry out your research and analyse your findings in relation to your original research question. Draw conclusions. Part three - Prepare a presentation using • Communicate the outcomes of your research project to the identified audience. Part four: A written reflection on the success of the research • Prepare a written document that reflects on the success of your research project and your performance at the end of the project with the inclusion of a project evaluation and recommendations. Milestones and interim feedback to be used by the teacher Each student must get approval from the teacher when they have • Reach topic and aims/objectives are agreed PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 5 Computing Research project 2021 • Completed the research proposal • Developed ethical form • Produced a first draft of findings • Completed all primary research. At each milestone, the tutor liaises with the student to check whether it has been achieved. They may need to redirect the student if necessary. Guidance for Students You should read this information before starting to define and work through your research brief. You should refer to these instructions as you complete work for this unit. • Consider the development of a methodical and valid research proposal as the foundation for the project. • Choose a topic based on the theme released by Pearson Edexcel and also make sure of personal interest in a specialism. The topic chosen should allow a sufficient and suitable degree of research through the existence of adequate background materials. • A good project proposal title should meet the following criteria: o The proposal is one that has an existing body of literature or source material that can be reviewed. o The proposal extends a current line of learning that will lend itself to further rigorous exploration o Decide on appropriate research methods and select an appropriate sample • Ensure that your proposal is ethical, reliable and valid. An ethics form must be submitted prior to completion of research as part of the research proposal. • Agree your research proposal with your tutor before beginning your research. • Conduct your research as outlined in the proposal agreed with your tutor. • Carry out your research, analyze your research findings and draw conclusions. Apply both qualitative and quantitative research methods to evaluate data collected from primary research. • Communicate your research outcomes in a manner appropriate to your audience. • You will be asked to reflect on the success of your research project and evaluate the problems/issues encountered. • On the following pages, there is an example of a research project brief. PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 6 Computing Research project 2021 • You must complete the research project in order to complete your work for this unit. Research Proposal Student name Centre name Tutor Unit Research Topic: Section One: Title, objective, responsibilities • Title or working title of research project • Research project aims and objectives Section Two: Reasons for choosing this research project • Reasons for choosing the project (e.g. links to other subjects you are studying, personal interest, future plans, knowledge/skills you want to improve, why the topic is important) Section Three: Literature sources searched • Use of key literature sources to support your research question, objective or hypothesis Section Four: Activities and timescales (milestones and target date) • Activities to be carried out during the research project (e.g. research, development, analysis of ideas, writing, data collection, numerical analysis, tutor meetings, production of final outcome, evaluation, writing the report) and likely durations. Section Five: Research approach and methodologies • Type of research approach and methodologies you are likely to use and reasons for your choice: • What your areas of research will cover: Comments and agreement from tutor Comments (optional): I confirm that the project is not work which has been or will be submitted for another qualification and is appropriate. Agreed: ................... (Name)................................. (Date) ........................ PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 7 Computing Research project 2021 • Any sources of information should be listed as references at the end of your document and these sources should be referenced within the text of your document using APA Referencing style • Your report should be illustrated with screen-prints, images, tables, charts and/or graphics. • All assignments must be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12, 11/2 spacing. The center policy is that you must submit your work within due date to achieve “Merit” and “Distinction”. Late submission automatically eliminates your chance of achieving “Merit and Distinction”. Also, 80% attendance is required to validate this assignment. I declare that all the work submitted for this assignment is my own work and I understand that if any part of the work submitted for this assignment is found to be plagiarized, none of the work submitted will be allowed to count towards the assessment of the assignment. Assignment Prepared By Saurav Lamsal Signature Date Feb 11, 2021 Brief Checked By Dhruba Babu Joshi Signature Date Feb 16, 2021 PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 10 Computing Research project 2021 International School of Management and Technology Gairigaun, Tinkune, Kathmandu Research Ethic Approval Form Cohort: Section: P2 Unit Teacher: Saurav Lamsal All students conducting research activity that involves human participants or the use of data collected from human participants are required to gain ethical approval before commencing their research. Please answer all relevant questions and note that your form may be returned if incomplete. You will complete this form and return to the class teacher when your research topic and research proposal is discussed and approved by your class teacher teaching this unit. Please complete this form in good time before your research project is due to commence. Section One: Basic details • Project title: Digital wellbeing (“A study on impact of online gaming on the academic performance of students”) • Student name: Puran Bohara • Student ID number: • Programme: BTEC HND • College : ISMT • Intended research start date: 2021/01/03 • Intended research end date: 2021/04/05 Section Two: Project summary Please select all research methods that you plan to use as part of your project: PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 11 Computing Research project 2021 Interviews  Data analysis  Questionnaires Action research Observational  Focus groups Use of personal records) Other (please specify: Section Three: Participants Please answer the following questions, giving full details where necessary. Will your research involve human participants? Yes, my research involve human participants. Who are the participants? Tick all that apply:  Students of aged 14–16: How will you identify the responded? My research is based on topic “A study on impact of online gaming on the academic performance of students” and Based on the topic, I will search for respondent whom are involved in education sectors like students, teachers. Describe the processes you will use to inform participants about what you are doing: In the time of pandemic, it’s not possible to physically visit to inform. So, I will provide information about my work via mail with the purpose, description and so on. How will you obtain consent from participants? Will this be written? How will it be made clear to participants that they may withdraw consent to participate at any time? PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 12 Computing Research project 2021 PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 15 Computing Research project 2021 Section Five: Ethical issues Are there any particular features of your proposed work which may raise ethical concerns? If so, please outline how you will deal with these: It is important that you demonstrate your awareness of potential risks that may arise as a result of your research. Please consider/address all issues that may apply. Ethical concerns may include, but are not limited to the following: • Informed consent. • Potentially vulnerable participants. • Sensitive topics. • Risks to participants and/or researchers. • Confidentiality/anonymity. • Disclosures/limits to confidentiality. • Data storage and security, both during and after the research (including transfer, sharing, encryption, protection). • Reporting. • Dissemination and use of your findings PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 16 Computing Research project 2021 Section Six: Declaration I have read, understood and will abide by ISMT Research Ethics Policy:  Yes: No: I have discussed the ethical issues relating to my research with my Unit Tutor:  Yes: No: I confirm that to the best of my knowledge: The above information is correct and that this is a full description of the ethics issues that may arise in the course of my research. Name: Puran Bohara Basnet Signature: Puran Bohara Date: 2021/2/20. PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 1 Computing Research project 2021 PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 4 Computing Research project 2021 Chapter 1 1.1 Abstract This study was conducted to assess and find out the impact of on-line gaming on the academic performance of the students of United Academy High School at Tikapur Kailali Nepal. Furthermore, this study sought answers on the significant relationship between playing on-line games and academic performance of the students. The study revealed that boys are more of a player compared to girls who often play games that require three or more players like League of Legends, Clash of Clans, Crossfire, PUBG mobile, Free fire and many more to mention. It is also stated that those who play online games are around 14-16 years old who are believed to be in the Grade 8 to 10 level. These students who often play games have an average weekly allowance. Playing online games affect their grades for they know how to limit themselves. They know that they need to control themselves in order to function well in their class that is why they only play games during vacation and weekends with a lot of time compared when they have classes. There are many benefits of the Internet as it not only acts as an entertainment tool, but also an important professional resource for work, communication as well as education. However, despite all of its inherent advantages, the Internet also has its drawbacks. The gaming industry boomed up in 21st century with the online gaming, mobile, console and multiplayer gaming. But the type of harm it is doing to the social world is beyond the imagination, the students are playing online games around the world without thinking about negative affections especially on their Grade Point Average (GPA). 1.2 Introduction Internet as a source of information plays an important role in developing one's mind and life experiences by creating productive works in schools, offices, and even at home. Nowadays, this can be a person's most efficient strategic tool for enabling himself to take charge and cope with the fast growing technology. PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 5 Computing Research project 2021 The fact that people live in on informative lifestyle where everything is updated, internet became one of the necessities of human beings regardless of age or sex in today's society. However, the influence of this useful machine on youth is undeniably questionable. As to what Rock said, all these technologies are very good at distracting people. In line with this development, online gaming was created to give entertainment to people. The majority of people believe that online computer games have more negative effects on the players and there are researches that support this belief. Significant negative association between time spent in gaming and academic performance have been confirmed in some studies In a study by Rideout, Foehr & Roberts (2010), 47% of a sample of American children and adolescents were found to get poor grades due to heavy gaming time. Comparatively, they noted that only 23% of their respondents who were not heavy game users got low grades. A similar study involving elementary school children showed that frequent gaming time significantly predicts low academic performance at the end of the academic period even when intervening variables were controlled to a certain degree. The child’s potentials are not maximized in school when a portion of his time is heavily spent on gaming, especially online games wherein the challenge is not just to defeat the computer but to defeat real human beings who have mastered the games. This is the hypothesis of displacement. Online gaming can negatively influence school performance by displacing time that would have been spent in other educational activities such as reading and homework. Empirical support for this hypothesis has been written about. American teens who play video games have been found to spend 30% less time reading and 34% less time doing homework than non-gamers. PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 6 Computing Research project 2021 performance,  T0 developers, to develop the game in significance with the proper environment and the correct combination of time frame and role of game in student and society. 1.7 Scope of the Research This research will be conducted to determine the impact of online gaming console on academic performance of school students. This research is mainly focused on school students, age group of 14-16, young generation people who are mainly focused on games rather than social interaction. The research will be conducted on specific place, time, age group, with the help of interviews, group discussion, observation and study of past report and news. PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 9 Computing Research project 2021 Chapter 2 2.1 Review of Literature Playing online games is often associated in our society with poor academic performance. Jackson, von Eye, Witt, Zhao and Fitzgerald (2011) argue that whether or not video games influence a student's academic performance is based on a student's gender, race, ethnicity, parent's income, as well as initial academic performance and amount of time spent playing video games. In a study of 482 students between the ages of 12 and 14, Jackson et al (2008) found that students who played video games had stronger visual spatial skills than other students. However students that spent more time on video games in comparison to time spent on the internet or reading had lower grades GPA than other students. This study indicates that while students may show improved grades in academic tasks that require strong visual spatial skills, overall their grades suffer. Anand, Vivek (2007) hypothesizes that video games have a negative impact on academic performance. In a content analysis of grades and Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SAT) scores and surveys from 276 college students, Anand found that college students who played games for more than a few hours per day had overall lower grades and SAT scores than students who reported that they spent a limited amount of time playing video games. Males were more likely to experience a drop in grades due to frequent use of video games whereas, females showed no noticeable effects. Skoric, Lay-Ching-Teo and Lijie (2009) argue that students with addictive personalities who play online games are more likely to have lower grades than students with non-addictive personalities who play video games. They found that while amount of time spent playing video games or engagement in online game play had no effect on typically developing children, children with addictive personality traits were more likely to have problems with their grades if they played video games because they were more likely to neglect their studies in favor of game play. Finally, Gentle, Lynch, Linder-Ruh and Walsh (2004) hypothesize that adolescents who were frequent online video game players (more than 20 hours per week) would demonstrate more problems with aggression and hostility and lower grades than student's that were infrequent gamers. Gentle et al. also argued that the effects of frequent video gaming would be more prominent if the video games were violent in nature. In a study of 607 middle and high school student's they found violent video games were more highly connected with aggressive behaviors such as, bullying, and lower grades than infrequent gamers. They found a strong correlation PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 10 Computing Research project 2021 between gender and increased hostility and PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 11 Computing Research project 2021 performance, how the gaming is effecting their GPA. Also in, different set of questionaries’ are given to gamers and asked them to give review on that questions. All the interviews, questionaries’ are conducted on their basis, on their consent to deliver their idea, views, and their expectations. All the data collected will be stored on database, and no other can use that data further more. The primary data collection will be based on interviews, questionnaires method. 3.3 Secondary Data collection The secondary data are the data which are collected from any other source which has already been collected. The study will be easier through the means of proper secondary data. For the study, the secondary data will also be used checking the reliability, suitability and accuracy of the data. The use of secondary data collection will make my research on primary data more supportive. The various methods of secondary data collection were journals, newspapers, statistical reports and internet. The basic understanding from secondary data helps to prepare the questionnaires which helped me in gathering the data related to the study. 3.4 Data assortment and assessment For this research I have choose the students of United Academy School of class 8 to 10. And according the responses given by the students data are analyzed which are given below: Figure: collected data PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 14 Computing Research project 2021 1. Do you prefer to play online games? According to the responses provided by the students of United Academy school of grade 8 to 10 students most of the students prefer to play online games. 2. Which device you prefer to play online games? Most of the students prefer mobile to play online games. PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 15 Computing Research project 2021 3. How many hours you spend on a game for one day? Most of the students spend 3 hours a day to play online games. 4. What type of online games you usually prefer to play? According to the responses given by the students most of the students play PUBG and freefire. 5. In game’s defeat or success, influential to your mood and daily life? PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 16 Computing Research project 2021 Students can quit playing online games. 3.5 Path Analysis With the intense research, the outputs show multiple things along the path of distraction and inclusion and prove that online gaming have negative impact on the academic performance of the students. Spending lots of time playing online game distracted students from their academic courses. Not only getting students bad results but also students are suffering from mental as well as physical health due to playing online games continuously. 3.6 Hypothesis prove The main objective of the research is to find out the impact of online gaming on the academic performance of the students. And it is near about to hypothesis that most of the students are facing problems on their academic result by playing online games. Most of the respondents frequently play online games. 3.7 Conclusion Based on the mentioned findings, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. The level of Playing Online Games is very high among the students of the of United Academy PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 19 Computing Research project 2021 School Of grade 8 to 10 students. 2. There is significant relationship between Playing Online Games and Student Performance among grade 8 to 10 students of United Academy School. 3. Students are getting poor result after playing online games. 4. Most of the students are missing their academic works due to playing online games. PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 20 Computing Research project 2021 Chapter 4 4.1 Presentation slide PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 21 Computing Research project 2021 These are the questionnaires prepared from secondary sources like articles, journals and so on I have used google form to collect the data and created excel sheet to evaluate the data in PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 24 Computing Research project 2021 visually explanation format. PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 25 Computing Research project 2021 PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 26 Computing Research project 2021 CHAPTER 5 5.1 Introduction: This report is generated to reflect all the experience and evaluate the research which was done previously. As the project initiated with proposal writing and slowly, to the research and in the end, the report was prepared, to review the learning curve and various experience gained in this timeline is reported. The research is based on Qualitative methodology from the Internet and online survey with the help of google forms. 5.2 Discussion This reflection journal explains the summary of my experiences from learning about impact of online gaming on the academic performance of the student. After the completion of the research project classes, I choose to do research on the topic about online gaming impact on students. When I started my project, I reviewed several other projects. I had done a lot of research, I went across many of the websites, read various articles, so I was able to narrow down my theme of research “Digital Well-being” into a specific small area. The report is solely made by me and I am only responsible for all the findings done in this project. I created this report to study about the impact of online gaming on students. 5.3 Feelings At the point when I was doing my research I wasn't feeling that much sure about execution of the project but however I made structure planning for the project. The pandemic effect my research too. The limits due to pandemic as limited resources, limited time and limited relevance, it was hard but the completion of project with these limitations makes me a lot happy. And, the research I did wasn’t adequate which needed a lot of improvement and this give the milestone to follow further in upcoming modules and projects which makes me feel more positive towards the project. PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 29 Computing Research project 2021 5.4 Analysis: This project became the whole new experience for me. We learn consistent improvement lesson, when purposed proposal cannot be worked than we have to change the ways and achieve the objective and scope along with the goals. The methodology needs to change and patience and learning ability is the core feature to achieve a well-developed report. To conclude, maximum number of students playing online games that is why maximum number of students are getting poor and negative grade in their academic result. They spend more time on playing online games rather than their education. Improper way of playing online games destroying students’ academic performance. 5.5 Conclusion In the end, the research helps a lot for students, parents and teachers in order to make students’ academic performance better. Teachers and parents will focus on students to make their academic performance better. 5.6 Action Plan The experience that I developed from this research project will be quite valuable in the future as well. This familiarity helped me that I must work upon my interpersonal skills and conduct more primary research for the upcoming projects. Due to pandemic, primary research became difficult to conduct. So, I hope that in near future I will be doing many more research project and go across as much primary research as possible. Thus, in future, I hope to increase my exposure to the outer world in terms of primary research and get information which I require for my project. I hope to develop better interpersonal skills to successfully conduct interviews, questionnaires survey and other samplings. PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 30 References Anon., n.d. A research guide. [Online] Available at: https:/ /www.arese a [Accessed 16 5 2020]. Anon., n.d. Anon., n.d. Research Gate. [Online] Available at: https:/ /www.rese a vior_on_Academic_Performance_of_IT_College_Students [Accessed 2020]. Taylor, n.d. [Online] Available at: https:/ /www.t a [Accessed 04 4 2020]. Brunsma, David and Brennan, Timothy. "Speak Out: Do Uniforms Make Our Schools Better?" American Teacher. 89.5 (2005). Buesing, Matt. "Dress Code Adoption: A Year's Worth of Steps." School Administrator. 68.4 (2011). Evans, Dennis, L. "School Uniforms: An 'unfashionable' Dissent." Phi Delta Kappan. 78. 2 (1996). PURAN BOHARA (BTECH HND/4TH SEMESTER) 31
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