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Consolidated Financial Statements and Independent Auditors’ Reports of The Johns Hopkins University, Study notes of Investment Management and Portfolio Theory

The consolidated financial statements and independent auditors’ reports of The Johns Hopkins University for the year ended June 30, 2020. required by Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, and Related Information. the consolidated balance sheets, liabilities, and net assets of the university. It also includes the independent auditors’ report on internal control over financial reporting and on compliance and other matters based on an audit of financial statements performed in accordance with government auditing standards.

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Download Consolidated Financial Statements and Independent Auditors’ Reports of The Johns Hopkins University and more Study notes Investment Management and Portfolio Theory in PDF only on Docsity! THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Consolidated Financial Statements and Independent Auditors’ Reports Required by Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, and Related Information Year ended June 30, 2020 THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Consolidated Financial Statements and Independent Auditors’ Reports Required by Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, and Related Information Table of Contents Year ended June 30, 2020 Section A — Consolidated Financial Statements, Supplementary Information, and Independent Auditors’ Report Thereon — June 30, 2020 Section B — Independent Auditors’ Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards Section C — Independent Auditors’ Report on Compliance for Each Major Federal Program; Report on Internal Control over Compliance; and Report on Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards Required by the Uniform Guidance Section D — Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs Page 82 84 86 kp Emphasis of Matter As discussed in note 1(v) to the consolidated financial statements, in 2020, the University adopted Accounting Standards Update 2016-02, Leases (Topic 842), as amended. Our opinion is not modified with respect to this matter. Other Reporting Required by Government Auditing Standards In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated September 30, 2020 on our consideration of the University’s internal control over financial reporting and on our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements and other matters. The purpose of that report is solely to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the effectiveness of the University’s internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Govemment Auditing Standards in considering the University’s internal control over financial reporting and compliance. KPMG LEP Baltimore, Maryland September 30, 2020 THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Consolidated Balance Sheets June 30, 2020 and June 30, 2019 (In thousands) Assets Cash and cash equivalents $ Operating investments Cash, cash equivalents and operating investments Sponsored research accounts receivable, net Accounts receivable, net Contributions receivable, net Prepaid expenses and deferred charges Student loans receivable, net Investments Property and equipment, net Operating lease right-of-use assets, net Investment in and loans to affiliates Other assets Interests in trusts and endowment funds held by others Total assets $ Liabilities and Net Assets Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ Sponsored research deferred revenues Other deferred revenues Debt Operating lease liabilities Other long-term liabilities Pension and postretirement obligations Liabilities under split-interest agreements Endowment and similar funds held for others Total liabilities Net assets: Without donor restrictions With donor restrictions Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets $ See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements. 2020 531,954 1,820,418 2,352,372 447,125 244,240 269,688 78,756 23,191 7,643,728 2,623,506 226,328 323,381 307,867 116,032 14,656,214 699,801 344,649 123,432 1,743,522 246,871 395,090 306,574 81,292 614,149 4,555,380 3,033,930 7,066,904 10,100,834 14,656,214 2019 347,007 1,225,501 1,572,508 489,650 228,858 359,545 77,060 27,021 7,190,782 2,194,975 303,984 292,605 113,426 12,850,414 685,413 347,350 135,875 1,254,153 343,547 184,612 79,375 623,028 3,653,353 3,077,677 6,119,384 9,197,061 12,850,414 THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Consolidated Statements of Activities Years ended June 30, 2020 and 2019 (In thousands) 2020 2019 Changes in net assets without donor restrictions: Operating revenues: Tuition and fees, net of financial aid of $417,091 and $363,694, respectively $ 703,360 690,465 Grants, contracts, and similar agreements 1,403,326 1,511,335 Facilities and administrative cost recoveries 366,779 372,478 Applied Physics Laboratory contract revenues 1,844,310 1,686,547 Sponsored research revenues 3,614,415 3,570,360 Contributions 124,988 123,341 Net assets released from restrictions 99,218 118,411 Contributions and donor support 224,206 241,752 Clinical services, net 705,107 745,197 Reimbursements from affiliated institutions 656,918 598,457 Other revenues 130,673 192,343 Net endowment payout used to support operations 256,408 196,770 Auxiliary enterprises 92,259 106,189 Maryland State aid 29,066 27,253 Investment return 58,166 41,331 Total operating revenues 6,470,578 6,410,117 Operating expenses: Compensation 3,075,083 2,909,517 Benefits 944,861 913,782 Compensation and benefits 4,019,944 3,823,299 Subcontractors and subrecipients 503,182 518,102 Contractual services 907,652 905,995 Supplies, materials, and other 583,399 599,214 Depreciation 220,926 223,263 Travel 116,027 162,989 Interest 44,789 44,518 Total operating expenses 6,395,919 6,277,380 Excess of operating revenues over operating expenses 74,659 132,737 4 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2020 and 2019 (Dollars in thousands) (1) Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (a) (b) General The Johns Hopkins University (the University) is a premier, privately endowed institution that provides education and related services to students and others, research and related services to sponsoring organizations, and professional medical services to patients. The University is based in Baltimore, Maryland, but also maintains facilities and operates education programs elsewhere in Maryland, in Washington, D.C., and in certain foreign locations. The University is intemationally recognized as a leader in research, teaching, and medical care. Education and related services (e.g., room, board, etc.) are provided to approximately 27,000 students, including 15,000 full-time students and 12,000 part-time students, and on a net basis provided approximately 11% of the University’s operating revenues in both fiscal 2020 and 2019. Approximately 62% of the full-time students are graduate level (including postdoctoral) and 38% are undergraduate level. Students are drawn from a broad geographic area, including most of the states in the United States and numerous foreign countries. The majority of the part-time students are graduate level students from the Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area. Research and related services (e.g., research training) are provided through approximately 2,100 government and private sponsors. Sponsored research revenues provided approximately 56% of the University’s operating revenues in both fiscal years 2020 and 2019. Approximately 87% of those revenues were from departments and agencies of the United States government in both fiscal 2020 and 2019. Major government sponsors include the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Defense, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the Agency for International Development. Professional clinical services are provided by members of the University’s faculty to patients at The Johns Hopkins Hospital (the Hospital) and other hospitals and outpatient care facilities in the Baltimore area and produced approximately 11% of the University’s operating revenues in fiscal 2020 and 12% of the University’s operating revenue in fiscal 2019. Services are predominantly provided to patients in the Baltimore area, other parts of Maryland, or surrounding states. Basis of Presentation and Use of Estimates The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the various academic and support divisions, the Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), 63019 Holdings, LLC, Johns Hopkins University Press, and certain other controlled affiliated organizations, including Jnpiego Corporation and Peabody Institute of the City of Baltimore (collectively, the consolidated financial statements). All significant inter-entity activities and balances are eliminated for financial reporting purposes. Investments in organizations that the University does not control, including Dome Corporation, FSK Land Corporation, Johns Hopkins Healthcare LLC, Johns Hopkins Home Care Group, Inc., Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Utilities LLC (JHMI Utilities LLC), Johns Hopkins Medicine International LLC, and other affiliated entities, are accounted for using the equity method. The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and judgments that affect the reported 7 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2020 and 2019 (Dollars in thousands) amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosures of contingencies at the dates of the consolidated financial statements and revenues and expenses recognized during the reporting periods. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Net assets, revenues, gains and losses are classified based on the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions into two classes of net assets. Accordingly, net assets of the University are classified and reported as follows: e Without donor restrictions — Net assets that are not subject to donor-imposed stipulations. e With donor restrictions — Net assets subject to donor-imposed stipulations that are more specific than broad limits resulting from a not-for-profit’s nature, environment in which it operates, and incorporating documents. Some donors impose restrictions that are temporary in nature, for example, stipulating that resources be used only after a specified date, for particular programs or services, or to acquire buildings or equipment. Other donors impose restrictions that are perpetual in nature, for example, donor-restricted endowment funds stipulating that resources be maintained in perpetuity. For such funds held by the University, the Maryland-enacted version of the Uniform Prudent Management of Investment Funds (UPMIFA) extends those restrictions to related investment returns and to other enhancements (diminishments) for general and specific purposes, primarily divisional and departmental support and student financial aid. Revenues are reported as increases in net assets without donor restrictions unless their use is limited by donor-imposed restrictions. Expenses are reported as decreases in net assets without donor restrictions. Gains and losses on investments are reported as increases or decreases in net assets without donor restrictions unless their use is restricted by explicit donor stipulations or by law. Under Maryland law, appreciation on donor-restricted endowments is classified as net assets with donor restrictions until appropriated for expenditure. Expirations of temporary restrictions on net assets (i.e., the donor-stipulated purpose has been fulfilled and/or the stipulated time period has elapsed) are reported as net assets released from restrictions and reclassified from net assets with donor restrictions to net assets without donor restrictions. Temporary restrictions on gifts to acquire long-lived assets are considered met in the period in which the assets are placed in service. (c) Cash, Cash Equivalents, and Operating Investments The University utilizes cash, cash equivalents, and operating investments to fund daily cash needs. For purposes of the consolidated statements of cash flows, investments with original maturities at the date of purchase of 90 days or less are classified as cash equivalents. Investments with longer maturities are classified as operating investments. Operating investments, which include U.S. Treasury securities and other highly liquid fixed income investments, are stated at fair value, generally based on quoted market prices, and are used for general operating purposes. Cash and cash equivalents held for endowment and long-term investment purposes are classified as investments. (d) Contributions & Contributions, including unconditional promises to give, are recognized at fair value in the appropriate category of net assets in the period received, except that contributions that impose restrictions met in the same fiscal year are included in net assets without donor restrictions. Unconditional promises to 8 (Continued) (e) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2020 and 2019 (Dollars in thousands) give are recognized initially at fair value considering anticipated future cash receipts and discounting such amounts at a risk-adjusted rate. These inputs to the fair value estimate are considered Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy (see note 1(f)). Amortization of the discount is included in contributions revenue. Conditional promises to give are not recognized until one or more of the barriers have been overcome for the University to be entitled to the assets transferred and a right of return for the transferred assets or a right of release of the promisor’s obligation to transfer assets has expired. Contributions of assets are recorded at their estimated fair value at the date of gift, except that contributions of works of art, historical treasures, and similar assets held as part of collections are not recognized or capitalized. Allowance is made for uncollectible contributions receivable based upon management's judgment and analysis of the creditworthiness of the donors, past collection experience, and other relevant factors. Investments and Investment Return Investments in United States government and agency obligations, debt securities, and directly held United States and certain international equities in common collective trust funds (CCTFs) are stated at fair value, which are determined primarily based on quoted market prices. Fair values of CCTFs, similar to mutual funds that are deemed to have a readily determinable fair value (RDFV) are based on published net asset values (NAV). Investments in private equity and venture capital, certain real estate, natural resources, certain international equities in CCTFs and marketable alternatives, (collectively, alternative investments) are stated at estimated fair value based on the funds’ net asset values, or their equivalents (collectively NAV) as a practical expedient. If itis probable that alternative investments will be sold for an amount different than NAV, measurement of the alternative investments will be adjusted to fair value. As of June 30, 2020 and 2019, the University had no plans or intentions to sell investments at amounts different from NAV. The NAVs, which are estimated and reported by the general partners or investment managers, are reviewed and evaluated by the University’s investment office. These estimated fair values may differ from the values that would have been used had a ready market existed for these investments, and the differences could be significant. Investments in certain real estate assets are recorded at fair value based upon independent third-party appraisals. Investments are exposed to several risks, including interest rate, credit, liquidity, and overall market volatility. Due to the level of risk associated with certain investment securities, changes in the value of investment securities could occur in the near term, and these changes could materially affect the amounts reported in the accompanying consolidated financial statements. Liquidity risk represents the possibility that the University may not be able to rapidly adjust the size of its portfolio holdings in times of high volatility and financial stress at a reasonable price. If the University was forced to dispose of an illiquid investment at an inopportune time, it might be forced to do so at a substantial discount to fair value. Investment return included in operating revenues consists of income and realized gains and losses on operating investments, including cash equivalents, and nonpooled endowment funds (except where restricted by donors). Endowment payout for pooled endowment and similar funds approved by the Board of Trustees is also recognized in operating revenues. 9 (Continued) @ (k) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2020 and 2019 (Dollars in thousands) Other programs includes the University’s Center for Talented Youth (a gifted education program for school-age children), continuing medical education, health services, and various nondegree programs. Grants, Contracts, and Similar Agreements Grants, contracts, and similar agreements are funded by various federal and private sponsors. The vast majority of such agreements are considered nonexchange transactions and restricted by sponsors for specific research or other program purposes. Revenues are recognized within net assets without donor restrictions as conditions are met, (i.e., generally as qualifying expenditures are incurred). These revenues include recoveries of facilities and administrative costs, which are generally determined as a negotiated or agreed-upon percentage of direct costs, with certain exclusions. Payments received from sponsors in advance of conditions being met are reported as sponsored research deferred revenues. Of the $344,649 in sponsored deferred revenues as of June 30, 2020, $283,068 relates to nonexchange contracts and $61,581 relates to exchange contracts. Approximately 73% and 78% of receivables related to reimbursement of costs incurred under grants and contracts as of June 30, 2020 and 2019, respectively, were from agencies or departments of the United States government. There is no assurance that sponsored research activities can and will continue to be made at current levels as awards are subject to the availability of and annual appropriation of funds. The University estimates that conditional awards outstanding as of June 30, 2020 approximate or exceed its recent annual sponsored program activity. Clinical Services, Net Clinical services revenues are recognized in the period in which services are rendered based on gross charges less negotiated fixed discounts (explicit price concessions) which include contractual adjustments specific to the third party payer contracts, less amounts for “implicit price concessions”. Fixed discounts are generally determined based on regulatory authorities, determined by legislative statute (Medicare and Medicaid), or negotiated in the case of commercial payers. Implicit price concessions are estimated based on the historical collection experience using a portfolio approach as a practical expedient. The composition of clinical services revenue by primary payer for the years ended June 30, 2020 and 2019 was as follows: 2020 2019 PPO/HMO $ 316,099 44.8% 331,409 44.5 Medicare 136,505 19.4 139,092 18.7 Medicaid 67,084 9.5 72,236 9.7 Blue Cross/Blue Shield 56,280 8.0 59,810 8.0 Self Pay 59,581 8.4 58,132 78 All other clinical 69,558, 9.9 84,518 11.3 $ 705,107 100.0 % 745,197 100.0 12 (Continued) () THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2020 and 2019 (Dollars in thousands) Affiliated Institutions The University has separate administrative agreements for the exchange of services with the Hospital and other medical and educational institutions. These agreements are executed on an annual basis based on negotiated rates and reimbursement of actual costs. Costs incurred by the University in providing services to these institutions and the related reimbursements are generally recognized as services are provided and are reported as operating expenses and revenues, respectively, in the appropriate classifications. The University holds several endowment and similar funds, which are designated for purposes or activities that are carried out by the Hospital and The Johns Hopkins Hospital Endowment Fund Incorporated (JHHEFI). The assets of these funds are included in investments. The carrying values of the funds are adjusted for earnings from and changes in the fair values of the investments and reduced for any distributions paid and are classified as liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets as endowment and similar funds held for others. (m) Auxiliary Enterprises (n) (0) (p) Auxiliary enterprises, including residence halls, food service, parking, the press, and telecommunications, provide services to students, faculty, and staff. Fees for such services are recognized as revenue as the services are provided. Student related activities included in auxiliary enterprises amounted to $41,950 and $56,211 in fiscal 2020 and 2019, respectively. Other Revenues Other revenues include revenues from royalties and patents, medical and professional reimbursements, joint ventures, and other miscellaneous activities. Such revenues are recognized when goods or services are provided to customers. Insurance and Self Insurance The University, together with other institutions, has formed captive insurance companies that arrange and provide professional liability, general liability, and property damage insurance for their shareholders. Defined portions of claims paid by these companies are self-insured. The University’s claims liabilities are recognized as claims are incurred using actuarial studies based upon historical claims data, cost trends, and other actuarial estimates. Insurance expenses are recognized as operating expenses as incurred. In addition, the University is self-insured for certain other risks, primarily health, and workers’ compensation. Professional insurance liabilities associated with providing clinical services are reflected as gross claims on the consolidated balance sheets. In addition, medical malpractice insurance recoveries of $88,310 and $75,573 as of June 30, 2020 and 2019, respectively, are reported on the consolidated balance sheets as other assets. Accrued self-insurance liabilities, including medical malpractice insurance, aggregated $119,283 and $82,026 as of June 30, 2020 and 2019, respectively. Refundable Advances from the United States Government Funds provided by the United States government under the Federal Perkins, Nursing and Health Professions Student Loan programs are loaned to qualified students, administered by the University, 13 (Continued) (@) (1) (s) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2020 and 2019 (Dollars in thousands) and may be reloaned after collections. These funds are ultimately refundable to the government and are included in other long-term liabilities. These advances totaled $14,856 and $22,244 as of June 30, 2020 and 2019, respectively. Income Taxes The University is qualified as a not-for-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended. Accordingly, it is not subject to income taxes except to the extent it has taxable income from activities that are not related to its exempt purpose. The University annually reviews its tax positions and has determined that there are no material uncertain tax positions that require recognition in the consolidated financial statements. Leases The University conducts certain operations in third-party and related party facilities and determines if an arrangement contains a lease at the inception of a contract. Right-of-use assets, net represents the University’s right to use an underlying asset for the lease term and lease liabilities represent the University’s obligation to make lease payments arising from the lease. Operating and finance lease right-of-use assets and related lease liabilities are recognized at the lease commencement date based on the present value of lease payments over the lease term discounted using an appropriate incremental borrowing rate. The incremental borrowing rate is based on the estimated interest rate for borrowing over a term similar to that of the lease payments available at commencement of the lease. The value of an option to extend a lease is reflected to the extent it is reasonably certain management will exercise that option. Certain leases require payment for taxes, insurance, and maintenance. These variable lease payments are recognized in contractual services in the consolidated statements of activities, but are not included in the right-of-use asset or liability balances in the consolidated balance sheets. Operating leases are included in operating right-of use assets, net and operating lease liabilities in the consolidated balance sheet. Finance leases are included in property and equipment, net and debt in the consolidated balance sheet. Lease expense for lease payments is recognized on a straight line basis over the lease term. Interest expense is recognized as a component of the lease payments for finance leases. Rental income arising from operating leases as a lessor is included in operating revenue in other revenues in the consolidated statement of activities. Derivative Financial Instruments The University and its external investment managers are authorized to use specified derivative financial instruments in managing the assets under their control, subject to restrictions and limitations adopted by the Board of Trustees. The University uses interest rate swap agreements to manage interest rate risk associated with certain variable rate debt or to adjust its debt structure. Derivative financial instruments are measured at fair value and recognized in the consolidated balance sheets as assets or liabilities, with changes in fair value recognized in the consolidated statements of activities. 14 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2020 and 2019 (Dollars in thousands) Revenue from contracts with customers is recognized when control of the promised goods or services is transferred in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the University expects to be entitled in exchange for those goods or services (i.e., the transaction price). Contracts awarded by federal and other sponsors, which are considered exchange transactions, are recognized as revenue as performance obligations are satisfied, which is generally as qualifying expenditures are incurred. Total revenue from contracts was $1,815,791 and $1,662,619 for the years ended June 30, 2020 and 2019, respectively. Total revenue from nonexchange transactions was $28,519 and $23,929 for the years ended June 30, 2020 and 2019, respectively. (3) Accounts Receivable Accounts receivable, net are summarized as follows as of June 30, 2020 and 2019: 2020 2019 Affiliated institutions, primarily the Hospital (note 11) $ 93,505 56,124 Students 25,900 23,895 Others 54,255 64,307 Total, net of allowances of $10,018 in 2020 and $8,498 in 2019 173,660 144,326 Receivables for clinical professional fees, net of explicit and implicit price concessions of $133,181 in 2020 and $155,736 in 2019 70,580 84,532 $ 244,240 228,858 The mix of gross accounts receivable for clinical professional fees from patients and third-party payors consisted of the following as of June 30, 2020 and 2019: commercial third parties 39% and 44% respectively; Medicare 20% for both years; Medicaid 17% and 14%, respectively; Blue Cross/Blue Shield 6% and 5%, respectively; and patients 18% and 17%, respectively. 17 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2020 and 2019 (Dollars in thousands) (4) Contributions Receivable Contributions receivable, net are summarized as follows as of June 30, 2020 and 2019: 2020 Unconditional promises scheduled to be collected in: Less than one year $ 79,535 One year to five years 179,010 Over five years 35,950 294,495 Less unamortized discount (interest rates ranging from 0.3% to 5.1%) and allowances for uncollectible contributions 24,807 $ 269,688 2019 202,776 175,124 13,925 391,825 32,280 359,545 As of June 30, 2020 and 2019, 53% and 62%, respectively, of the gross contributions receivable were due from ten donors. Approximately 78% and 90% of contribution revenues for fiscal 2020 and 2019, respectively, were from ten donors. As of June 30, 2020, the University had also been informed of bequest intentions and conditional promises to give aggregating in excess of $1,600,000 which have not been recognized as assets or revenues. Once recognized, these gifts will generally be restricted for specific purposes stipulated by the donors, primarily endowments for faculty support, scholarships, or general operating support of a particular department or division of the University. (5) Investments and Investment Return The overall investment objective of the University is to invest its assets in a prudent manner that will achieve a long-term rate of return sufficient to fund a portion of its annual operating activities and increase investment value after inflation. The University diversifies its investments among various asset classes incorporating multiple strategies and managers. The Committee on Investments of the Board of Trustees oversees the University’s investment program in accordance with established guidelines, which cover asset allocation and performance objectives and impose various restrictions and limitations on the managers. These restrictions and limitations are specific to each asset classification and cover concentrations of market risk (at both the individual issuer and industry group levels), credit quality of fixed-income and short-term investments, use of derivatives, investments in foreign securities, and various other matters. The managers may make use of exchange-traded interest rate futures contracts, forward currency contracts, and other derivative instruments. (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2020 and 2019 (Dollars in thousands) Investments are summarized as follows as of June 30, 2020 and 2019: 2020 2019 Operating investments $ 1,820,418 1,225,501 Investments 7,643,728 7,190,782 9,464,146 8,416,283 Cash and cash equivalents 142,438 301,847 United States goverment and agency obligations 1,809,620 1,253,009 Debt securities 431,771 375,421 United States equities 1,381,650 1,107,571 International equities 599,236 801,319 Private equity and venture capital 1,411,264 1,240,850 Real estate 556,008 543,953 Natural resources 421,382 534,966 Marketable alternatives 2,710,777 2,257,347 $ 9,464,146 8,416,283 The following table summarizes the University’s investments as of June 30, 2020 and 2019 for which NAV was used as a practical expedient to estimate fair value: Fair value determined Unfunded Redemption — Redemption using NAV commitments frequency _notice period 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2020 United States equities $ 643,346 213,266 23,256 24,200 4% Monthly 30 to 90 days 20% Quarterly 22% Annually 54% 2- to 5-Year International equities 450,509 472,683 2,906 9,800 54% Monthly 6 to 365 days 17% Quarterly 20% Annually 9% 3- to 5-Year Private equity and venture capital 1,346,542 1,197,873 605,888 639,226 NA NA Realestate 458,529 445,655 256,993 287,827 NA NA Natural resources 389,324 482,075 100,962 120,433 NA NA Marketable alternatives 2,710,777 2,257,347 272,005 221,199 Seechartbelow 5 to 120 days" $ ___5,999,027 5,068,899 1,262,010 1,302,685 Investments that are not redeemable total $241,725 and $222,744 as of June 30, 2020 and 2019, respectively. The commitments may be drawn down over the next several years upon request by the general partners and fund managers. The University expects to finance these commitments with available cash and expected proceeds from the sales of securities. 19 (Continued) (6) Fair Value Measurements THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY June 30, 2020 and 2019 (Dollars in thousands) Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements The following table presents investments that are measured at fair value on a recurring basis as of June 30, 2020: Operating investments: United States government and agency obligations Debt securities Total operating investments Investments, at fair value: Cash and cash equivalents United States government and agency obligations Debt securities United States equities International equities Private equity and venture capital Real estate Natural resources Marketable altematives Total investments, at fair value Total investments Fair value as of Funds at June 30, 2020 Level1 Level 2 Level 3 NAV 1,410,682 1,410,682 - - - 409,736 220,584 189,152 = = 1,820,418 1,631,266 189,152 = = 142,438 142,438 - - - 398,938 375,601 23,337 _- - 22,035 17,967 828 3,240 - 1,381,650 737,966 6 332 643,346 599,236 148,727 - - 450,509 1,411,264 - 20,990 43,732 1,346,542 556,008 19,179 - 78,300 458,529 421,382 6,121 - 25,937 389,324 2,710,777 = = = 2,710,777 7,643,728 1,447,999 45,161 151,541 5,999,027 9,464,146 3,079,265 234,313 151,541 5,999,027 22 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2020 and 2019 (Dollars in thousands) The following table presents investments that are measured at fair value on a recurring basis as of June 30, 2019: Fair value as of Funds at June 30, 2019 Level1 Level 2 Level 3 NAV Operating investments: United States government and agency obligations $ 872,208 872,208 - - - Debt securities 353,293 182,249 171,044 = = Total operating investments 1,225,501 1,054,457 171,044 = = Investments, at fair value: Cash and cash equivalents 301,847 301,847 - - - United States government and agency obligations 380,801 380,801 - - - Debt securities 22,128 16,898 2,222 3,008 - United States equities 1,107,571 894,305 - - 213,266 International equities 801,319 328,636 - - 472,683 Private equity and venture capital 1,240,850 - - 42,977 1,197,873 Real estate 543,953 19,998 - 78,300 445,655 Natural resources 534,966 14,596 - 38,295, 482,075 Marketable altematives 2,257,347 = = = 2,257,347 Total investments, at fair value 7,190,782 1,957,081 2,222 162,580 5,068,899 Totalinvestments $ 8,416,283 3,011,538 173,266 162,580 5,068,899 The methods and assumptions used to estimate the fair value of investments are defined in note 1(f). 23 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2020 and 2019 (Dollars in thousands) The following table presents the University’s activity for Level 3 investments measured at fair value on a recurring basis for the years ended June 30, 2020 and 2019: Private equity Debt us. and venture Real Natural securities equities capital estate resources Total Balance as of June 30, 2018 $ = - - 124,315 - 124,315 Net realized and unrealized losses 9 - - (45,700) - (45,691) Sales and distributions = - = (315) = (315) Purchases and contributions 2,999 = 42,977 = 38,295 84.271 Balance as of June 30, 2019 3,008 - 42.977 78,300 38,295 162,580 Transfers between levels 100 = (9,611) - = (9.511) Net realized and unrealized loss (10) (1) 645 - (10,765) (10,131) Sales and distributions = - (1,548) - (1,593) (3,141) Purchases and contributions 142 333 11,269 = = 11,744 Balance as of June 30, 2020 $ 3,240 332 43,732 78,300 25,937 151,541 For the year ended June 30, 2019, the University did not have any transfers between fair value levels. For the year ended June 30, 2020 private equity assets totaling $7,392 and $2,219 moved from Level 3 to Level 2 and NAV, respectively. Debt security assets moved from Level 2 to Level 3. Transfers resulted from changes in the inputs used to value the investments. (7 Property and Equipment Property and equipment, net, are summarized as follows as of June 30, 2020 and 2019: Range of 2020 2019 useful lives Land $ 116,863 116,825 N/A Land improvements. 113,552 113,199 15 years Buildings and leasehold improvements 3,534,434 3,449,885 10-40 years Equipment 1,089,861 1,062,860 7-15 years Capitalized software costs 131,055 128,035 3-10 years Library collections 364,193 347,330 25 years Construction in progress 690,674 217,109 NA 6,040,632 5,435,243 Less accumulated depreciation and amortization 3,417,126 3,240,268 $ 2,623,506 2,194,975 24 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2020 and 2019 (Dollars in thousands) (e) Other Credit Agreements The University maintains standby liquidity and line of credit agreements with several commercial banks as follows: Amount Maturity Purpose $ 100,000 March 2021 Revolving line of credit 100,000 November 2020 Standby liquidity agreement 50,000 December 2025 Standby liquidity agreement 50,000 July 2022 Line of credit 100,000 March 2023 Line of credit 50,000 September 2023 Line of credit The University may borrow up to $100,000 under a revolving line of credit designated for working capital purposes at APL. Advances under the revolving line of credit are unsecured, due on demand, and bear interest at a rate that varies based on certain market indices. There were no borrowings on the revolving line of credit as of June 30, 2020 and 2019. To support liquidity under the bond and commercial paper revenue notes programs, the University has two standby liquidity agreements with commercial banks. These agreements are intended to enable the University to fund the purchase of variable rate demand bonds, which are tendered and not remarketed, and to pay the maturing principal of and interest on commercial paper notes in the event they cannot be remarketed. Advances under these agreements are unsecured, bear interest at a rate that varies based on certain market indices, and are due by the stated expiration date unless extended by a term loan. There were no borrowings under any of the University’s standby credit facilities during fiscal 2020 and 2019. Advances aggregating $100,000 were drawn on the three lines of credit for liquidity purposes in June 2020. (f) Interest Rate Swap Agreements Under interest rate swap agreements, the University and the counterparties agree to exchange the difference between fixed rate and variable rate interest amounts calculated by reference to specified notional principal amounts during the agreement period. Notional principal amounts are used to express the volume of these transactions, but the cash requirements and amounts subject to credit risk are substantially less. 27 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2020 and 2019 (Dollars in thousands) The following table summarizes the general terms of the University’s fixed payor swap agreements as of June 30, 2020: Notional Termination Interest Interest Effective date amount date rate paid rate received June 2005 $ 69,265 July 2036 3.87% SIFMA, 0.13% as of June 30, 2020 July 2007 6,645 July 2027 3.45 67.0% of 1-month LIBOR, 0.12% as of June 30, 2020 July 2008 14,130 July 2020 3.43 67.0% of 1-month LIBOR, 0.12% as of June 30, 2020 Total $ 90,040 Parties to interest rate swap agreements are subject to market risk for changes in interest rates and risk of credit loss in the event of nonperformance by the counterparty. The fair value of each swap is the estimated amount the University would receive or pay to terminate the swap agreement at the reporting date considering current interest rates and creditworthiness of the swap counterparties. The aggregate fair value of the University’s interest rate swap agreements as of June 30, 2020 and 2019 was a liability of $34,889 and $23,971, respectively, excluding accrued interest for the swap due July 2036, and is reported as other long-term liabilities. Changes in the fair value of the interest rate swap agreements are reported as nonoperating activities. The change in fair value was a loss of $10,918 and $7,832 in fiscal 2020 and 2019, respectively. The University is required to post collateral under these agreements when certain thresholds are exceeded. As of June 30, 2020, the required collateral was $9,900, which is included in cash and cash equivalents. As of June 30, 2019, these thresholds were met and no collateral was posted. 28 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2020 and 2019 (Dollars in thousands) (g) Annual Principal Payments The following table summarizes the aggregate annual maturities of bonds payable, notes payable, the maturities of specific tax-exempt commercial paper revenue note tranches, as well as taxable commercial paper and line of credit advances issued for liquidity purposes, for the five fiscal years subsequent to June 30, 2020: Bonds Notes Commercial Line Fiscal year payable payable paper notes advances Total 2021 $ 8,590 2,658 114,000 = 125,248 2022 8,595 2,826 _ _ 11,421 2023 8,595 3,823 = 50,000 62,418 2024 - 30,567 7,310 50,000 87,877 2025 = 43,093 3,244 = 46,337 Thereafter 1,109,515 188,265 56,615 = 1,354,395 $ 1,135,295 271,232 181,169 100,000 1,687,696 Due to requirements to pay the trustee in advance of the payment due date, scheduled maturities in the table above are reflected in the fiscal year that they will be paid to the trustee. (9) Net Assets Net assets without donor restrictions consists of the following as of June 30, 2020 and 2019: 2020 2019 Net investment in plant $ 1,093,984 940,822 Board designated endowments 969,640 973,320 Undesignated 970,306 1,163,535 $ 3,033,930 3,077,677 29 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2020 and 2019 (Dollars in thousands) Changes in endowment net assets for the years ended June 30, 2020 and 2019 are as follows: Without donor With donor restrictions restrictions Total Endowment net assets, June 30, 2018 $ 958,270 3,232,250 4,190,520 Investment retum 41,413 144,934 186,347 Contributions and designations 18,634 2,077,208 2,095,842 Appropriation for expenditure (44,997) (151,773) (196,770) Endowment net assets, June 30, 2019 973,320 5,302,619 6,275,939 Investment retum 28,197 196,235 224,432 Contributions and designations 13,788 560,245 574,033 Appropriation for expenditure (45,665) (278,647) (324,312) Endowment net assets, June 30, 2020 $ 969,640 5,780,452 6,750,092 Appropriation for expenditure for the year end June 30, 2020 of $278,647 includes $67,904 not used in current year operations but is intended for future use. Endowments are to be utilized for the following purposes as of June 30, 2020: Without donor With donor restrictions restrictions Total Faculty support $ 291,530 2,118,623 2,410,153 Scholarship support 167,025 2,639,849 2,806,874 Program support 393,218 469,721 862,939 Research 117,867 552,259 670,126 $ 969,640 5,780,452 6,750,092 Endowments are to be utilized for the following purposes as of June 30, 2019: Without donor With donor restrictions restrictions Total Faculty support $ 290,870 1,679,825 1,970,695 Scholarship support 168,052 2,631,509 2,799,561 Program support 394,430 458,734 853,164 Research 119,968 532,551 652,519 $ 973,320 5,302,619 6,275,939 32 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2020 and 2019 (Dollars in thousands) (11) Affiliated Institutions Reimbursements from affiliated institutions consist of the following for the years ended June 30, 2020 and 2019: 2020 2019 Johns Hopkins Health System $ 50,210 42,819 Johns Hopkins Hospital 357,808 323,490 Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center 84,370 81,260 Other Johns Hopkins entities 131,746 124,633 Other affiliated medical institutions 32,784 26,255 $ 656,918 598,457 (a) The Johns Hopkins Health System (JHHS) (b) (c) JHHS is incorporated and governed separately from the University and is the parent entity of an academically based health system, which includes the Hospital, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Howard County General Hospital, Suburban Hospital, Sibley Memorial Hospital, All Children’s Hospital, and other related organizations. The University and JHHS have established a Board of Johns Hopkins Medicine (JHM) to direct, integrate, and coordinate the clinical activities of the two organizations. JHM does not have the authority to incur debt or issue guarantees and its annual budgets require the approval of the Boards of Trustees of both the University and JHHS. Reimbursements from JHHS relate primarily to contractual services for clinical and nonclinical operations. The Hospital The Hospital is a member of JHHS and serves as the primary teaching facility of the University’s School of Medicine. Because of the closely related nature of their operations, the University and the Hospital share facilities and provide services to each other to fulfill their purposes more effectively. The sharing of facilities and services is negotiated annually and set forth in a Joint Administrative Agreement (JAA). Charges to the Hospital under the JAA, related primarily to the provision of professional medical services from the University, aggregated $238,466 in fiscal 2020 and $229,354 in fiscal 2019. Charges to the University under the JAA, related primarily to contractual services, aggregated $49,443 in fiscal 2020 and $48,820 in fiscal 2019, and are included in operating expenses in the consolidated statements of activities. Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center (JHBMC) JHBMC is a community-based teaching hospital and long-term care facility. The University and JHBMC also share facilities and provide services to each other and negotiate the costs annually under a JAA. Charges to JHBMC under the JAA, related primarily to the provision of professional medical services from the University, aggregated $78,550 in fiscal 2020 and $75,874 in fiscal 2019. 33 (Continued) (a) (e) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2020 and 2019 (Dollars in thousands) The Johns Hopkins Hospital Endowment Fund Incorporated (JHHEFI) In July 2007, the University and JHHEFI entered into an agreement whereby JHHEFI transferred approximately $381,000 to the University to invest in the University's Endowment Investment Pool (EIP) and have the University manage these assets on JHHEFI’s behalf. The funds were invested with other University assets in the University’s name and title, and in accordance with the University’s EIP investment policies and objectives. JHHEFI receives payouts as determined by their Board of Trustees and may terminate the agreement upon 180 days’ written notice with liquidations to be made over a three-year period as specified in the agreement. The assets are included in investments in the consolidated balance sheets, and a corresponding liability of $496,651 and $502,375 is included in endowment and similar funds held for others as of June 30, 2020 and 2019, respectively. The corresponding liability has a fair value measurement of Level 3. JHHEFI’s assets represent approximately 9.6% of the combined investment pool of $5,158,400 as of June 30, 2020. Jointly Owned Entities As of June 30, 2020 and 2019, the University and JHHS and its affiliates jointly own several entities that are accounted for on the equity method. The University’s aggregate investments in and advances to these joint ventures was approximately $317,121 and $297,274 as of June 30, 2020 and 2019, respectively. Equity in operating earnings of affiliates aggregated approximately $16,097 in fiscal 2020 and $7,613 in fiscal 2019. In 2005, one of these entities, JHMI Utilities LLC, was formed to provide utility services for the East Baltimore campus. The University and Hospital, each owning 50% of JHMI Utilities LLC, provide all of its funding, including debt service, through payments for services received. Utility and telecommunications services provided to the University in fiscal 2020 and 2019 were approximately $30,420 and $31,895, respectively. JHMI Utilities LLC has an agreement with the University to finance a portion of the costs of installation of an enterprise information technology system that provides integrated patient care information and service across JHM. The project has been successfully implemented with the total project cost at approximately $294,800 as of June 30, 2020. The cost of implementing the enterprise information technology strategy was financed through a combination of loans from, or guarantees by, the University and JHHS. The University committed to funding up to $36,800 of the project. As of June 30, 2020 and 2019, $17,400 and $19,500, respectively, was outstanding on the loan. In addition, the University has agreed to guarantee a pooled loan of up to $14,100. Although the University’s ownership interest in each of the jointly owned entities is generally 50%, the University and JHHS have entered into separate agreements whereby certain activities or lines of business within these entities are not shared equally. 34 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2020 and 2019 (Dollars in thousands) The table below reflects the net pension and postretirement benefit cost reported in operating as benefits expense and nonoperating as other net periodic benefit cost for the years ended June 30, 2020 and 2019: Pension plan Postretirement plans 2020 2019 2020 2019 Operating: Service cost $ 15,246 13,978 7,855 7,034 Total operating, included in benefits 15,246 13,978 7,855 7,034 Nonoperating: Interest cost on accumulated benefit obligation 26,873 28,592 8,790 9,720 Amortization of prior service (cost) credit (167) (167) 350 350 Expected retum on plan assets (31,759) (31,944) (21,428) (20,994) Amortization of actuarial loss (gain) 15,074 9,481 (14) (946) Total nonoperating 10,021 5,962 (12,302) (11,870) Total net pension and postretirement benefit cost (credit) $ 25,267. 19,940 (4,447) (4,836) The table below reflects the changes in plan assets and benefits obligations recognized as nonoperating items for the years ended June 30, 2020 and 2019: Pension plan Postretirement plans 2020 2019 2020 2019 Net loss for the year $ 116,445 78,906 23,632 9,199 New unrecognized prior serice cost - - 1,260 9,272 Amortization of prior service credit (cost) 167 167 (350) (350) Amortization of net (loss) gain (15,074) (9,481) 14 946 Net loss recognized in nonoperating activities $ 101,538 69,592 24,556 19,067. 37 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2020 and 2019 (Dollars in thousands) The table below reflects the amortization of amounts expected to be recognized as components of net periodic benefit expense in nonoperating activities during fiscal 2021: Postretirement Pension plan plans Net loss $ (25,890) (136) Prior service credit (cost) amortization 167 505; $ 25,723: 641 The weighted average assumptions used to determine benefit obligations and net periodic benefit costs are as follows: Pension plan Postretirement plans 2020 2019 2020 2019 Weighted average assumptions used to determine benefit obligations at June 30: Discount rate 2.66 % 3.50 % 2.54%-2.73% 3.42%-3.56% Average rate of compensation increase 2.90 2.90 N/A N/A Rate of increase in healthcare costs for next year NA N/A 5.90 6.30 Weighted average assumptions used to determine net periodic benefit cost: Discount rate 3.50 % 4.18 % 3.42% -3.56% 4.14%-4.21% Expected rate of retum on plan assets 6.75 6.75 7.00 7.00 Rate of compensation increase 2.90 2.90 N/A N/A Rate of increase in healthcare costs NA NA 6.30 6.60 The expected long-term rate of return for the assets of the plans is based on historical and expected long-term future asset class returns. The rate is reviewed annually and adjusted as appropriate to reflect changes in projected market performance or in the targeted asset allocations. 38 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2020 and 2019 (Dollars in thousands) The rate of increase in healthcare costs was assumed to begin with an initial rate of 6.3% in 2020 and decrease to 4.5% in 2036 and to remain at that level thereafter. Assumed healthcare cost trend rates have a significant effect on the reported postretirement benefit cost and obligation. A one-percentage-point change in the assumed rates used at June 30, 2020 would have the following effects: Increase Decrease Total service and interest cost components $ 206 (187) Postretirement benefit obligation 5,788 (5,160) (a) Plans’ Assets The purpose of the pension and postretirement plans is to meet the retirement benefit obligations of eligible University employees. The plans’ assets are invested with the objective of meeting these obligations under the rules stipulated by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act. An asset allocation has been established, which endeavors to adequately cover the liability stream posed by the beneficiaries of the plans and minimize the frequency and amount of the plans’ contributions by the University. The intended benefits of this diversification are reduced risk and improved investment returns. (b) Pension Plan The following table presents the fair value and categorization within the fair value hierarchy of the assets of the defined benefit pension plan as of June 30, 2020 and 2019: 2020 2019 Funds at Funds at Total Level1 NAV Total Level1 NAV Cash and cash equivalents $ 10,529 10,529 =- 170 170 =- Fixed income securities 207,805 199,287 8,518 203,656 195,711 7,945 United States equities and international equities 312,631 281,266 31,365 275,814 275,814 - Marketable alternatives 49,663 = 49,663 80,055, = 80,055 Total $. 580,628 491,082 89,546 559,695 471,695 88,000 39 (Continued) (14) (15) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2020 and 2019 (Dollars in thousands) Costs related to the operation and maintenance of property, including depreciation of property and equipment and interest on related debt, are allocated to program and supporting activities based upon periodic inventories of facilities. Other net periodic benefit costs recorded in nonoperating expense were $(2,281) and $(5,908) for the years ended June 30, 2020 and 2019, respectively. Liquidity and Availability The University regularly monitors liquidity required to meet its operating needs and other contractual commitments, while also striving to maximize the investment of its available funds. As of June 30, the following assets could readily be available within one year to meet general expenditures: 2020 2019 Cash and cash equivalents $ 531,954 347,007 Operating investments 1,126,073 1,001,292 Sponsored research accounts receivable, net 447,125 489,650 Accounts receivable, net 244,240 228,858 Contributions receivable, net 35,806 94,089 Approved endowment payout for upcoming fiscal year 343,646 326,650 Investments in and loans to affiliates 7,434 6,980 Payout from interests in trusts and endowment funds held for others 4,267 5,317 Financial assets available to meet general expenditures over the next year $ 2,740,545 2,499,843 The University has various sources of liquidity at its disposal, including cash and cash equivalents, marketable debt securities, lines of credit, and a commercial paper facility. The University’s cash flows have seasonal variations during the year attributable to tuition billings, patient service billings and concentration of contributions received at calendar and fiscal year-end. Operating investments have been reduced for an estimate of expenditures that will occur on grants and gifts beyond one year, as well as, cash received for capital contributions. Principal and interest on student loans are not included as those amounts are used solely to make new loans and are, therefore, not available to meet current operating needs. Based on historical experience, only the portion of contributions receivable for operations expected to be received within one year is considered liquid. Investments in and loans to affiliates include only the loan principal payments due from affiliates in the next year. Leases The University leases facilities used in its academic and research operations under long-term operating and finance leases, including certain facilities from the Hospital under a renewable one year lease. This lease provides for a rent equal to the cost to the Hospital for maintaining the facilities and has been renewed for the year ending June 30, 2021. 42 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2020 and 2019 (Dollars in thousands) For the year ended June 30, 2020, the components of lease expense are as follows: Lease cost: Finance lease expense: Amortization of right-of-use assets Interest on lease obligations Operating lease expense Variable lease expense Short-term lease expense Total lease expense Other information: Operating lease right-of-use assets obtained in exchange for new operating lease liabilities Weighted-average remaining lease term: Finance leases Operating leases Weighted-average discount rate: Finance leases Operating leases $ 2020 4,452 3,797 56,694 44,227 4,657 113,827 5,972 8.74 yrs 6.79 yrs 6.50 % 2.40 Payments due include options, where reasonably certain, to extend operating leases through fiscal year 2033 and are summarized below as of June 30, 2020: Affiliates Others Total 2021 $ 14,428 37,005 51,433 2022 13,696 34,858 48,554 2023 9,621 28,978 38,599 2024 7,556 27,670 35,226 2025 6,719 18,452 25,171 After 2025 13,605 57,117 70,722 65,625 204,080 269,705 Less amounts representing interest 4,499 18,335 22,834 Total obligation $ 61,126 185,745 246,871 43 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2020 and 2019 (Dollars in thousands) Payments due for finance leases through fiscal year 2031 are summarized below as of June 30, 2020: 2021 $ 8,050 2022 8,283 2023 8,524 2024 8,772 2025 9,027 After 2025 33,789 76,445 Less: amounts representing interest 17,533 Total obligation $ 58,912 As of June 30, 2020, the gross amount of assets and accumulated depreciation thereon are reflected in property and equipment and amounted to $95,149 and $55,593, respectively. The following presents supplemental cash flow information for the year ended June 30, 2020 as it relates to cash paid for amounts included in the measurement of lease liabilities: Operating cash flows for operating leases $ 52,820 Operating cash flows for finance leases 4,190 Financing cash flows for finance leases 3,797 As reflected in the fiscal 2019 financial statements, the aggregate annual minimum guaranteed rents to be paid to the expiration of the initial terms for operating leases are as follows as of June 30, 2019: Affiliates Others Total 2020 $ 16,620 34,506 51,126 2021 13,486 31,332 44,818 2022 12,107 26,328 38,435 2023 8,215 21,264 29,479 2024 6,394 20,128 26,522 After 2024 23,088 38,827 61,915 $ 79,910 172,385 252,295 Rental expense for the long-term operating leases was $54,440 in fiscal year 2019. 44 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2020 and 2019 (Dollars in thousands) On August 30, 2017, the Court issued a memorandum decision dismissing all of plaintiffs’ Guatemala law claims, but denying defendants’ motion to dismiss the third amended complaint with respect to the ATS claims. On May 16, 2018, defendants filed a motion for judgment on the pleadings based upon the Supreme Court’s decision in Jesner v. Arab Bank, PLC, 138 S. Ct.1386 (2018), which holds that the ATS does not authorize federal courts to create federal common law causes of action against foreign corporations, as doing so would usurp Congress's role and violate the separation of powers. Defendants argue that although the Supreme Court’s formal holding applied to foreign corporations—the only type of corporation that was a party to the case—the Supreme Court's reasoning should apply to domestic corporations as well. On January 3, 2019, the Honorable Theodore D. Chuang denied the motion, declining to extend the majority's reasoning in Jesner to domestic corporations. On April 23, 2019, however, Judge Chuang granted defendants’ Motion to Certify Interlocutory Appeal, and on May 17, 2019, the Fourth Circuit granted defendants’ petition for permission to appeal. Briefing was completed in October 2019. In August 2020, the Fourth Circuit issued an order placing the case in abeyance pending a decision by the United States Supreme Court in No. 19-416, Nestle USA, Inc. v. John Doe |. At this time, discovery has closed and both plaintiffs and defendants filed motions for summary judgment. Briefing on these motions concluded in April 2020. The Court has not yet ruled on the motions. The Johns Hopkins Defendants intend to continue to vigorously defend this lawsuit. (18) Subsequent Events The University evaluated subsequent events through September 30, 2020, which is the date the consolidated financial statements were issued. There were no additional matters that required adjustment to or disclosure in the consolidated financial statements. 47 ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedle of Expenses of Federal Awards ‘Year ended June 20,2020 Passed Federal CFDA Direct award or pass-through thoughto ‘Total federal Federal grantoripass-through grantor/program or duster tile ‘pumber entity identifying number subrecipients__expencttures Research and Developm ent Chster: ‘Applied Physios Laboratory (APL) ‘National Oceanic and Almospharc Administraon Dect Programs: ‘National Ocearic and Atmospheric Adminisraon Programs LUNINOWN Direct o30205, Nafonal Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Total~ APL = es9 205, Department of Defense: ‘Navy: Basic and Appi Scientifc Research 12300 Direct 199,383 sar 79 GGeerge Mason University 12300 2044051 - 44523 Universiy of out Flora 12300 1201-1021-00-4 = 187) ‘Subtotal 199.383, 1521515 tary Meccal Research and Development 020 Direct - 180217 Universiy of Pitsburgh a0 0055967 (413528-1) 3248 ‘Subtotal 153.465 Basic Scientific Research rast Direct 26611 720995, Duke University ast 313.0835 = 151.488 ‘Subtotal mest 2.403 Basic, Appiag, and Advanced Research in Science and Engineetng 12600 Direct = ean Untormed Services Urwversty Medical Research Projects 12750 Direct 44778 5731 HantyM, Jackson Foundation forthe Advancement of Nitary Macicing, Ine 12750 sermosnes = Ed HantyM, Jackson Foundation fr the Advancement of Mary Macicine, nc 12750 Huo00 -15.2-0028 = 41815 HantyM, Jackson Foundation fr the Advancement of Mary Macicine, nc 12750 851050134 = 302566, HanryM, Jackson Foundation fr the Advancement of Mary Mecicine, ne 12750 5010 = 28.102 HantyM, Jsckson Foundation forthe Advancement of Mary Macicine, Inc 12750 4797 = 61460, HanryM, Jsckson Foundation forthe Advancement of Mary Macicine, Ine 12750 81462400 = 9.368 ‘Subtotal 4478 71633 [Ae Force Defense Research Sciences Program 12800 Direct = 455,138, Universiy of Texas 12800 2ecnts162 = 226620, ‘Subtotal = 1758 Department of Defense s2UNINOWN, Direct voaosa4i@ 4311491637 2 Grete, ne 2UNKNOWN 2c20188Ws-01 = 16740 ‘Aerospace s2UNKNOWN, BOs 1476-0004 = 7e8 ‘Acct, ine 2UNKNOWN, 2017-003 = 314930 CFD Research Comp 2UNKNOWN, 288 = 20785 Canto Vision, Ine 2UNKNOWN cvi7081-01 = ‘32000, Echo Ridge LLC s2UNKNOWN ER2016PO-03 - 612) Freect Technologies 2UNKNOWN, wa7t07-1-2017 = G7) INTTECH 2UNKNOWN, \JHU-APL FAB222.005 = 1307 INT Tech 2UNKNOWN JHUAPLNST1-$151 = 48 INT Tech s2UNKNOWN UHUAPL 16-4151 = 28.306 Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc 2UNKNOWN, MOE-SUB-2018-001 = 0245, Nanos LLC s2UNKNOWN ‘aPLOSTI20, = 9382 (On Demand Pharmacies 2UNKNOWN “SHUAPLOT = 12458 Plasmonies, ne s2UNKNOWN, APLARLOOT = 108734 Plasmonics, ne 2UNKNOWN, APLARLOW2 = 77366 Plasmonics, Re 2UNKNOWN, APLONROO1 = ma764 Protas Projet, Ine 12UNKNOWN, PRO-So-2010-004 = 3752 s2UNKNOWN = 72.696 RDRTee, INC s2UNKNOWN 44595-APL201801 (REV 01) = 56510 RORTee, INC 2UNKNOWN, 1SOBAPL-201901 = 137568 ‘Sentient Science 12UNKNOWN, '352019-0501JHU = 113214 ‘Soa Technalogies s2UNKNOWN, ‘APLoBt62010 = are ‘Soatech Technalogies 2UNKNOWN, ‘50-17.017 = ® ‘Soatech Technologies 12UNKNOWN, 10383-02_s0-18-020 = 191927 ‘Subtotal 103083418 1,313,108 535 Department of Defense Tetal— APL 103,634,190 1.318.185 500 Department of Interior. ‘Seibe Biosciences: Department of htesior 15UNKNOWN, o = saa 7e0 ‘Seite Bossiences ASUNKNOWN, @ ean, ‘Subtotal 102.538 Department of lnesioe Total APL. 102.538 Department of sustco ‘National Insftte of Justice Research, Evakafon, and Development Project Grants 16560 Direct - e277 Department of Justce 1eUNIIOWN, Direct = 2.810.300 Department of Justice Total APL. = 2.806.217 Department of State: Department of Site 1oUNINOWN, Direct 32.200 ara Department of State Tats — APL _2mm0 ars Department of Tansprtatin Department of Transpartation 2OUNKNOWN Direct 1920 as 722 Department of Transporation Ttal~ APL 1930 2a 722 National Aeronautics and Space Admiisrafor: ‘Science ‘9.001 Direct aeons: = 1364271 ‘eof Research he 8.001 R012 = ‘0074 ‘Aerospace 9.001 -sen0005864 = aart ‘Aerospace 3.001 -#e00006880, = 3328 [Anceowe University 4.001 an308 = 49671 ‘Arona State University 4.001 15728 = 2194 ‘Arona State Uriversty 3.001 ‘asue00000480 = ‘197 ‘Auburn University 3.001 saussctaK 1308 = e377 Bay Area Environmental Research istiute 4.001 BAERI-08002019 = 65524 Boston University 4.001 4500002708, = 27535 Boston Universty 8.001 4500002038, = 23a 48 (Continued) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedle of Expenses of Federal Awards ‘Year ended June 20,2020 Passed Federal CFDA Direct award or pass-through thoughto ‘Total federal Federal grantoripass-through grantor/program or duster tile ‘pumber entity identifying number subredpionts _ expenditures Brown University 3.001 ‘0000805 s - os74 Cornet University 3.001 ‘77087-10832 = a Datmosth Calage 4.001 1050 787 767273 Datmosth Coleage 4.001 Rist - 24029, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 3.001 615361 = 20254 ings Inti of Tecnology 3.001 ‘A19.0083-5001 = 45120 Nath Carolina Sate University 4.001 2016-3138-01 = arait Narthem Arizona University 4.001 100433402 = 9381 Mictigan State University 3.001 ctootewr7iss = see Planckis Research 3.001 2018-08-0001 - aiz7t PSCINST 4.001 1336 = 2aat Planetary Science institute ‘001 1528-HU-APL = es0t Planetary Science insttute ‘9.001 15¢2-JHUIAPL = 8210 Planetary Science institute 4.001 soussctaK 1222 = 7887 Planetary Science Insitute 42.001 soarcot740005, - 15381 Purdue Universty 4.001 410362413 = 11357 Purdue Universty 4.001 ‘7034087 = 46 Rulgers University 3.001 7 = 146 ‘Space Telescope Science instiute 3.001 HST-60-15625.008-4 = 10740 ‘Space Telescope Science instiute 4.001 ‘BOAR 1740007 = 30885 ‘Southwest Research Inetitde| 4.001 MGO049EH = 118 ‘Southiest Research Intute 3.001 o009607 = 20281 ‘Southiest Research Intiide 3.001 soNssctaKost1 - 1 poz ‘The Aerospace Gaporation 4.001 -4,600.008.505 = 2 University Corporation for Almospheric Research 4.001 ‘suBawoo00389 = matt University Corporation for Almospherie Research 3.001 ‘suBawD000251 = 110243 University Corporation for Aimospheric Research 3.001 ‘SUBAWDO0I 148, - 10060 Univeraty Corporation for Almospherie Research 4.001 ‘suBawDo00 132 = wzr938 Universi Corporation for Almospherie Research 4.001 ‘SUBAWDOI2081 = 74 University of Alaska 3.001 AF 200032 = 3923 University of Alaska 42.001 soussctaKos43 - 3074 University of Alaska 4.001 UAF 200115 = 74 Unversty of Calfomia Los Angeles 4.001 1000.6 xa167 = 2 Unversty of Caffomia Los Angeles 3.001 2000.6 WAS70 = 9,106 Universty of Catfomia Berkeley 3.001 0010320 - 10285 Unversiy of Central Fonda 4.001 24098221-01 = 74 Unversty of Colorado 4.001 1554848 = asa Universiy of idaho 3.001 Anc46-S8-001 = 5873 University of ldaho 3.001 soussctaKosss = 263 Unversty of Maryland 4.001 erre7-25072201 = 8750 Unversty of Maryland 4.001 (98221-25167201 = saez2 Unversty of Maryland 3.001 (95773.25124202 = 10.481 Universiy of Maryind 3.001 138526-28172202 - 1633 Unversty of Michigan 4.001 ‘suBKO0012051 = 4436 Universty of chi 4.001 ‘SUBKO0013033 = 8348 Unversty of Messachusets 9.001 17-000254 A = (125) Universty ofNevada 3001 UNR 10-28, - 9200 Unversty of Tennessee 8.001 1A18-0377-5001 = 2810 Unversty of Ternessee Knowle 4.001 '816-1253-5001 = (7) Washington University, 3.001 wu204et = 4497 Weabestey University 3.001 ‘SAZ6AB4 16512 ‘Subtotal 2602730 __ 15915574 University of Manfand: Exploration 003 Died - 7887 ‘Space Tectnalogy sor Died = 119 National Aeronautics and Space Admniniseafon 42 UNKNOWN Direct ses0ge04 — 346.905361 ‘sro Federal SB UNKNOWN oszz2016 = 256 ‘zona State Uriversty SBUNIOWN 11553 17387 132820 ‘zona State Uriversty SBUNIOWN 114605 - 21) ‘zona State Uriversty SBUNIOWN 15707 = 41096, ‘azar State Uriversty ABUNKVOWN 17256 = e479 catch SB UNKNOWN -s448905 = 199 Honeybee Robatics SBUNIOWN 484:580.001 = Bsr Maka Engineering SBUNIOWN ‘suBo2s0Nss¢1900287 = 160 Make Engineering ABUNKVOWN ‘SUBOTEONSSC1900160 = 2154 New Jersey heute of Tectnology sBUNIVOWN 1908575, - 95213 Plasma Processes LLC SB UNKNOWN (6008.020.1k-092518REV2 = (152) Princeton University SBUNIOWN ‘SUB0000158 = 613078, Princeton University ABUNKVOWN ‘suB0000162 = 12682 Rocket Lab sBUNIVOWN "72550010 - 20514 ‘Science Systems and Appicatons SBUNIOWN 2e16-08-020 = 360 ‘Southwest Research Institute SBUNIOWN ‘4908700 aig 1313755, ‘Southwest Research Institute ABUNKVOWN 5007800 = 5.187 ‘Southiest Research Intlite sBUNIVOWN ‘a0044x - 955 543 ‘Southiest Research Intlide SBUNIOWN 020058 151.93 ‘Southiest Research Intlide SB UNKNOWN 900281 = (10575) ‘Southiest Research Intute SB UNKNOWN Fa0087™40 = 2089) ‘Southiest Research Intlite SB UNKNOWN Koooxmec 4993708 11,962422, ‘Southwest Research Instlide SBUNIOWN ‘ug0014PK - 237 Unversty of Catfomia — Los Angeles SBUNIOWN 2o00S-Shaes = 265 Unversty of Catfomia — Los Angeles ABUNKVOWN (05-S-SABI2 1758 307.853 Universiy of atfomia sBUNIVOWN 0008211 - s208t Unversty ofAnzona SBUNIOWN ‘yoou234 = got 854 Unversty of Texas SB UNKNOWN uTA16-001082 = 162851 103,150,123 _964,052477 105842853 _380,775807 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 47049 Direct = aera Universiy ofArzona 4700 519058 = 51952 ‘Subtotal = 7603 49 (Continued) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedle of Expenses of Federal Awards ‘Year ended June 20,2020 Passed Federal CFDA Direct award or pass-through to Total federal Federal grantoripass-through grantor/program or duster tile ‘pumber entity identifying number subredpionts _ expenditures Universiy of Pennsyvaria 12400 577486 = ‘so0%8 Universiy of Pitsburgh 1240 0023108 (407565-1) - 6728) Unversty of Pitsburgh 1240 (0041221 409707-1) = ‘5727 Unversty of Pitsbu 1240 wa xwertato6a2 = 12404 Unversty of Teras-Austin 1240 UTA8-001115 = 8058 University of Teras-Dallas 1240 1004938 = 64604 Vanderbilt Universiy Metcal Center 1240 yume 69451 5129 2635, Vanderbilt Universiy Metical Center 1240 yumes7447 = 4908, Vanderbilt Universiy Metical Center 1240 yuuces707 = 9.162 Wake Fore University 1240 WRUHS 441035 CTA-05, = 02.499 Wake Fore University 1240 WRUHS 441098 CTA-06 = 181.090 Wake Fore University 1240 WFUS 441058 E08 = 67401 Wake Fore University 1240 WRUHS 441051 = 41880 Wake Fore University 1240 WFUHS 441081 OF 11 54210, ‘Subtotal 07st __ 28.168582 Basie Scientific Research 1241 Direct 743.074 wrarara National Centr for Manufaduring Sciences 12431 01987-13071 - ‘150,968 Unversiy of Pennsyveria. 12831 s79723 147.450 ‘Subtotal yagor4 2.088 580 Basic, Appiag, and Advanced Research in Science and Engineeing 12630, Dies ese4e17 13774069, Geneva Foundation: Uniformed Services University Mescal Research 12750 5-11021-05, - 13561 HanryM, Jackson Foundation 12750 ‘Subaward No. 5258 = oan HenryM, Jackson Foundation 12750 4725 = 24 Henry, Jackson Foundation 12750 2008 = 7890) ‘Subtotal = 48503, [Ae Force Defense Research Sciences Program 12.800 Direct 125.00 2016.115 Corned University 12.800 76123-10501 = "167347 Flora State University 12.800 0191 = 113201 (Ohio State University 12.800 60038238 - a7933 Universiy of Mayland Colage Park 12.800 ‘sen6t-23165002 = 78% Universiy of Mayland Colage Park 12.800 143536-28184001 = 10709 Unversty of NewMeco 12.800 7078248727 = 163.187 Universiy of Washington ~ Appled Physics Lab 12.800 uwsc7387 = 200304 Unversty of Daylon Research stitute 12.800 Rscz0009 = ‘30081 ‘Subtotal 125,000, 3.083 570 Infammaton Secuty Grants r2.902 Dies = (3) Maryland Procurement Offco 12002 8230-16-0-0028 magr7 4957752 Maryland Procurement Offco 12002 H8230-16-0-00260005, 64.540 2.720.504 ‘Subtotal 268517 7.687 343 Research and Technology Development 12910 Direct 1.160.426 ‘3.901.197 Baylor Colege of Meccine 12910 Ro011-18-0025, - 19.925 BBN Tectnaloges 12910 14544 = 134293 Brown Universty 12910 0001312 = au4ase HL Laboratories, LLC 12910 18075-102741-US = 172885 Montana State Universiy Colege of Engineering 12910 testa w7320 354,962 517208, Rulgers University 12910 ‘880 (1.257) 1212) Universty of Colorado Boule 12910 1557226 = 1625578 ‘Subtotal 1514131 5,411 820 Department of Defense s2UNINOWN, Direct ‘512605 6637 760 ‘Academy of Applied Science 12UNKNOWN, 01608, = “41000 ‘Aimayp, Ine s2UNKNOWN, R0011-18-9-0033 = 75000 [kta Innovations 2UNKNOWN, 90076288 = 11208 ‘Appied Research LIC 12UNKNOWN, 1081 = 2073 ‘Ashvatha Therapeutics LLC s2UNKNOWN, 90082755 - ware Boge Alen Hamiton, ne s2UNKNOWN ‘s900204BAH = 7451 Brimrose Corporation of America 2UNKNOWN, ‘0077677 = e580 DoS cap 12UNKNOWN, APx02-008 = (132 Engineering Research and Consulting, he s2UNKNOWN PS170051 = 110.975 General Beckie Corporation 2UNKNOWN, aor t0022 wea874 75678, HentyM, Jackson Foundation 2UNKNOWN, 309723-2.00.64205 = 79301 bnloBgeré Adematon, he 2UNKNOWN, 5-1 = wws707 Intermountain Mecioai Center 2UNKNOWN WIKIES 17-PRMRPLIRA = 104324 Jota Lic s2UNKNOWN, “JKTCOMRP 15-1 = ‘538 Luna Innovations Incorporated 2UNKNOWN, ‘Subcontract: 382702) = 2248, Mareachusets halite of Technalogy 2UNKNOWN, PO 12-7000358785 = 223245, Mictigan Tectndlogcal University 12UNKNOWN, 160005822 = ‘10835 Naas Engineering Services s2UNKNOWN, HDTRA1-17-0-0080, - 52200, National Trauma hetite s2UNKNOWN NTRAP-18-03, = ry Natheep Granman Corporation 2UNKNOWN, Po si¢on0n040 = e097 Rayfieon Syaems 12UNKNOWN, 90013 = 144.139 ‘Special Aerospace Services LIC s2UNKNOWN ‘SC-HU-2016-001 - 3213 ‘Soler Henke s2UNKNOWN 5082: = aan ‘Suvice Engineeing Company 2UNKNOWN, 10085001 = ‘56673 Tissue Testing Techodlogies LLC 12UNKNOWN, ‘soo7est4 = 16411 Universiy of Catfomia San Francisco s2UNKNOWN, ‘0080 = 6.045 Unversty of Indi at Chicago 2UNKNOWN, va = oad VVaineva Avatia GMBH 2UNKNOWN, viata = 47573 etherma, ne 2UNKNOWN Ki = wrag78 2etherma, ne s2UNKNOWN werxwe-16-¢-0066, = 41333 ‘Subtotal 6.470 9.835 755 Department of Defense Total - Other Divisions 15.295.059 __93.08052 Department of Housing and Urban Development ‘General Research nd Technology Actly 14508 Direct 2242 341265, Department of Housing and Urban Development Total - Other Divisions 32.242 341265, 52 (Continued) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedle of Expenses of Federal Awards ‘Year ended June 20,2020 Passed Federal CFDA Direct award or pass-through thoughto ‘Total federal Federal grantoripass-through grantor/program or duster tile ‘pumber entity identifying number subrecipients__expencttures Department of irtrir s ‘Azsntance ta State Water Resources Research hatttes 15.005 79176-78212105, = 2e2it Department of lntesir Total - Other Divisions = 2e2it Department of sustco Unversty of Manfand Baltimore County: OVW Research and Evatation Program 16.028 ‘OFEDoD11-02 = 9622 (OVW Technical Assistance Intiafve 16.525 Direct 23620 swo.a01 National Inside of Justice Research, Evakafon, and Development Prcjct Grants 16.500 Direct 103.639 503258, Research Triange Insitute 16.500 1340-0215514-65041L = ‘2497 University of Vginia 16.500 Got2ise-Por20a7488 = 21808, University of Viginia 16500 ‘oo1162s 150671 116526 ‘Subtotal 109.639 easoz7 Crime Viokm Aasistancel Discretionary Grants 16.582 Direct 49707 404781 Balimore Gay Public Schools: Department of Justco 18UNKNOWN, 0089 163 - 198513 (Chesapeake Regional ivermation Systems. 18UNKNOWN, 90088827 = (15503) Governors Office of Gime Conta 18UNKNOWN, DExB7400085 65.988 ‘Subtotal = 238,998, Department of Justice Total - Other Divisions 182,056 1596729, Department of State: bse Diplomacy Programs 19.090 Direct = 0606 (Centers for Disease Contol: US. Department of State sOUNKNOWN capommosss = 23546) Department of State Ttal- Ofer Divisions = 7080 Department of Tanspertatin: ‘Unversiy Transporation Gerters Program: Texas ASMUniversty 20701 128171298 = 16704 Dunlap and Associates, ne: Department of Transportaton 2OUNKNOWN ‘0088011 7.681 Department of Transportation Total ~ Other Divisions = 254.465 National Aeronautics and Space Admiisrafor: ‘Science 49.001 Direct 419,135 5,478,708 ‘eoke Research he 4.001 ROD = 10080 Boston University 3.001 4500002360 = 4150 Duke University 3.001 330581 = 458 Jet Propulsion Laboratory 4.001 ‘00551 = a7 ‘et Propulsion Laberatory 4.001 609871 = 72998, ‘Jet Propulsion Laberatory 3.001 1617548 = 41825, ‘Jet Propulsion Laboratory 3.001 90087101 = 15081 ‘Maion Concepts LIC 4.001 1 = 44566 Rochester Instiste of Technology 4.001 31977.01 = maw ‘Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory 3.001 .606-17002x = 11856 ‘Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory 3.001 Gos-190010 - 15252 ‘Southwest Research Inetiide 4.001 Ka00saRG = wt7801 ‘Space Telescope Science instiute 4.001 51242 = 9.075 Unversty ofAnzona: 3.001 405000 = 4283 Universiy of Colorado 3.001 1ss7ez4 = 062 Universiy of Maryland Colage Park 4.001 158019.01525201 = 3274 Unversty Space Research Associaton 4.001 ‘0570008 = 3015, Vegria Poyectnicinsttite and State University 8.001 25708-10446, = 62.386 ‘Subtotal 419,135 6.051 414 Aeronastics 4.002 Direct = 1000 Jet Propulsion Laboratory 3.02 saoes7 3.095 ‘Subtotal 24104 Eipleration 43.008, Direct = ona Baylor Colege of Meccine 43.008 ‘Tonoon08e4 = 25000, ‘The Space Research Company LLC 43.003 JHU-19-01 = 16550 ‘Subtotal = 63995, Esucation 43.08, Direct = 726076 ‘Gross Agency Suppert 43.000, Direct = 466011 ‘Space Techndlogy or Direct = 27212 Michigan Tectndlogcal University Bon seo706025 109.835 ‘Subtotal Bard National Aeronautics and Space Admniniseafon sBUNKOWN Direct 772.85 1.156600, ‘Aeyon, ne ABUNKVOWN NNGI5CR68C Oct Auto = exi7e0 CFD Research Corporation sBUNIVOWN 0100520 = arn set Propulsion Laberatory SBUNIOWN 1548315 = e213 ‘Space Telescope Scince Insftiton SBUNIOWN 51152 = 3238 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton SBUNIOWN HIST-AR-14502.001-4 = 42160, ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton ABUNKVOWN HST-G0.13294.017-4 = ‘5668 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton sBUNIVOWN HST-G0-13743.001-4 = 3738 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton SBUNIOWN HST-60-13773.008-4 = 1520 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton SBUNIOWN HST-co-t3826.021-4 = wow ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton ABUNKVOWN HST-GO.t4119.001-4 = 424 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton sBUNIVOWN HST-c0-14206.001-4 - e238 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton SBUNIOWN HST-Go.14608.001-4 = 2500 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton SBUNIOWN HST-GO.14689,005-4 = 1050 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton ABUNKVOWN HST-GO.14604.001-4 = mero ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton sBUNIVOWN HST-Go.14755.002-4 = 261 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton SBUNIOWN HST-G0-14761.002-4 = 12480 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton SBUNIOWN HST-GO.15062.008-4 = ‘583 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton ABUNKVOWN HST-60-15145.001-4 = 198.422 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton sBUNIVOWN HST-G0-15148.001-4 = 7a ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton SBUNIOWN HST-GO.15173.011-4 = ars ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton SBUNIOWN HST-G0-15186.001-4 = 301 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton SB UNKNOWN HST-60-15216.001-4 = eas75 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton sBUNIVOWN HST-G0-15254.005-4 - 35.862 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton SBUNIOWN HST-GO.15268,002-4 = 445 ‘Space Telescope Science Inston -BUNKNOWN HST-GO.15269.001-4 = so772 53 (Continued) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedle of Expenses of Federal Awards ‘Year ended June 20,2020 Passed Federal CFDA Direct award or pass-through thoughto ‘Total federal Federal grantoripass-through grantor/program or duster tile ‘pumber entity identifying number subredpionts _ expenditures ‘Space Telescope Scionce Insttiton sBUNKVOWN HST-G0-15285.002-4 = 2248 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton sBUNIVOWN HST-G0.15217.001-4 = 24386. ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton SBUNIOWN HST-60-15340.001-4 = Toa ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton SBUNIOWN HST-G0-15341.001-4 = 33200 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton ABUNKVOWN HST-60-15469.004-4 = 6191 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton sBUNIVOWN HST-G0-15626.010-4 - oad ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton SBUNIOWN HST-60-15630.003-4 = 13.238 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton SBUNIOWN HST-GO.15640.001-4 = se 448 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton ABUNKVOWN HST-60-15654.004-4 = 34286, ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton sBUNIVOWN HST-Go-15604,002-4 = 546 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton SBUNIOWN HST-GO-15838.004-4 = 2347 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton SBUNIOWN HST-GO.15879.001-4 = e198 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton SBUNIOWN HST-HF2.51409.002., = 2.468 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton SB UNKNOWN SWST-ERS01385,002-4 = news ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton sBUNIVOWN “IWST-ERS.01366,052-4 - 0503 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton SBUNIOWN ‘sr1503633, = 11784 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton SBUNIOWN ‘ST151509 = 237 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiton ABUNKVOWN sTscisi038 = 47 ‘Space Telescope Science Insftiion sBUNIVOWN ‘sTSeb5i415 = 0330 Tredert Vantage Systems SBUNIOWN Tvs-2018-08001 = 4372 Unversty ofAnzona SBUNIOWN “a1s7e8 = 0 Unversiy of Catfomia Santa Cuz ABUNKVOWN ‘arroagas005P0717460 = 7854 Universities Space Research Association sBUNIVOWN ‘SOF 05-0041 - want Unversties Space Research Association SBUNIOWN 'SOF-06-0015 = mam Unversties Space Research Association SBUNIOWN 'S0F05.0017 = mses Unversties Space Research Association -BUNKNOWN 'SOF-06-0022 eas ‘Subtotal 772355 3.721 509 NaSonalAeronauiis and Space Adminstration Total— Other Divisions 491490 __ 12070391 atonal Endowment forthe Arts: Promation ofthe Arts Grants fo Organizations and Inia 45004 Dies 20501 Nafonal Endowment for he Ats Total ~ Other Divisions 20501 atonal Endowment forthe Humanities: Promation ofthe HumaniSes_Dhision of Preservation and Access 45149 Direct = 2,190 Brown University 45109 00001258 = 24000 ‘Subtotal = 6.289, Universiy ofNebraska: Promotion ofthe Humanities Research 45161 -2516200040-003 = 5472 Promotion ofthe HumaniSes Ofice of Digtal Humanibes 45.100, = 116146 NaSonal Endowment for he Humanities Total - Other Divisions = 173907 bhatt of Museum and Library Sanvoes: Museums for Ameria 45201 Died - 1788) National Leadership Grants 45312 Direct = 1/882 Unversiy of Notre Dame 45312 2os364HU = 2.066 ‘Subtotal = 748 Institute of Museum and Library Services Tolal- Other Divisions = 12040) atonal Science Foundation Engineering 47081 Direct 1218728 7055 521 (Clemson University 47081 1887.208-2011582 = 35655, Columbia University azout ‘@012507.22) = ast Corned University azout 2179-10928 = 107 964 shone Brain, Ine 47041 1819526 = 702 Navrosanics Mesa, he 47081 ‘5 200201-NE1 NSF ST - 18221 New York University 47081 ‘20-A0-00-1005110 = 7889 New York University azout Fess.02 = 3278 ‘oncospace, Ine azout 90085222 = ‘0000 Rulgers University, azout 5804 = may ‘Sacadtie LLC 47041 arae440 = 51199 Unversiy of Catfomia nine 47081 2015-2267 = 040) Universiy of Delaware azout 50280 = 35024 Unversty of Maryland Baltimore County 47081 00017207 = @s87) Universiy of Maryland Colage Park azout 77135:73317201 = 70550, Unversty of assachusets Lowel azout ‘ss2100000039027 = as655, Wester Michigan University 47081 sHUET88 9272 ‘Subtotal 1218728 7.606 943 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 47049 Direct 79.851 9.900.168 Colorado State University 47.049 caastio1 - 3080, Cornel University 47080 YS737-10573 = yeza29 National Rao Astronomy Observatory 4700 SOSPAGOTS = 10.904 Princeton University 4700 ‘SUB0000151 = 168.309 Princeton University 4700 ‘suB0000176 = 45088, Unversty of Catfomia Berkeley 4700 ‘co010132 = e648 Unversty of Delaware 4700 = 40123, Unversty of Ings Urbana Champaign 4700 ‘2014-00857-03(15790) = 210872 Universiy of Wisconsin Madson 47080 630k285 = 496.495, ‘Subtotal 179,851 1763392 Geosciene 47.050 Direct 21806 1.407 465 Marsachusats hatte of Technalogy 47050 ‘5710003464 - 2919 Unversty of Colorado 47050, 1554463 = 7645 Universiy of Utah 47.050 10040652-JHU 125828 ‘Subtotal 21584 1564857 Computer and infomason Science and Engineering 47070 Direct 102212 6.678.380 Inciana University 47070 BL-4812517-JHU - 51285, Inciana University 47070 BL-4812534-JHU = 100.862 Marcachusets hatte of Technalogy 47070 ‘sao, Pows68702 = 73928 Uninet ID, ne 47.070, reno = 2377 ‘Subtotal 102212 6.905 641 54 (Continued) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedle of Expenses of Federal Awards ‘Year ended June 20,2020 Passed Federal CFDA Direct award or pass-through thoughto ‘Total federal Federal grantoripass-through grantor/program or duster tile ‘pumber entity identifying number subrecipients__expencttures (Ora Disorders and Disorders Research 93.21 Direct $s twa768 3.774.485 Universiy of wa 93.121 0142801 - ees Unversty of Maryland Batimore 93.121 ‘Sub Award No 1600862 = 19.155 Unversty of Maryland Baltimore 93.121 ‘SR000056 = 10833 Unversty of Maryland Baltimore 93.121 ‘300005367 = 4512 University of Utah 93.121 ‘sR01DE077403-01 3320 ‘Subtotal 109,768 3.968 553 BS for Chieren o3.127 Direct 45.085 99031 ‘Geanso Increase Organ Donations 93.134 Direct 223.966 75731 (Centers for Research and Demonstration fr Heath Promafn and Disease Prevenfon 93.135, Direct 225.285 202864 Ingry Prevention nd Control Research and Sate and Community Based Programs 93.196 Direct 22.208, 2500235, Balimore Gay Heath Depariment 93.136, cow 38730 - ‘34008, Maryland Department of Heal and Mental Hygiene 93.138, PAPA.G2018 - 2572 Maryland Department of Healt and Mental Hygiene 93.136, PAPA C3017 = 4476 Maryland Department of Healt and Mental Hygiene 93.136, ‘90087347 = 19710 Maryland Department of Heal and Mental Hygiene 93.136, PHPAB7S 10573 ‘Subtotal 22.208 2.568 658 NIEHS Supertind Hazardous Substances ~ Basic Research and Eucation os. Direct 10557 10557 Coordinated Services and Accessta Research for Women, Infante, Carn, and Youth 93.153, Direct 61.078 387055, Homan Genome Research 93.172 Direct 4738602 14001230, ‘Camogie sstution of Washington 93.172 s.1000401 = ‘3730 Galanpoorks LIC 93.172 SHURA THGO T0982 = 54.175 Geisinger Heath Systems 93.172 7055724 = “e717 4JBS Seance, he 93.172 ‘2Re4H1G008700-02 = eases Mayo Cire 93.172 016406 = 6555) ‘Subtotal 4708002 __ 14700700 Research Relate to Desnass and Canmuricaton Disorders 93.173 Direct 1.504.007 15271.968 Columbia University 93.173 ‘660 12008.01) = ‘o8.819 ‘Gecrgetown Uriversty Mecical Center 93.173, 412727 GRA12512HU - ron “Jackeon Laboratory 93.173 ‘tRo1Dc016304 = 68330, Monell Chemical Senses Center 93.173 NIMOS7AOI REISE = e308 (Oregon Healh Sdences Universty 93.173 100687_JHU = 70.208) Universiy of Buffalo 93.173 1120534 - 5032 Unversty of Bufo 93.173 roez080 = 21461 Unversty of Sou Carona 93.173 16-3087 = 275.185 Unversty of Su Caraina 93.173 16-2086 = 23275 Universiy of Scuther Calforia 93.173, sorrs7t7 - 1830 Unversty of Souther Calforia 93.173 51245143 = 25468 Unversty Medial Center Utecht 93.173, suotbco 16688-0141 = 265230 ‘Subtotal 1504007 16,314,724 Immurizafon Research, Demanstaon, Pubfe formation and Educason Training and (Cinial Sills Improvement Projeds| 93.185, Direct 1o4se1 70538 Universty of Messachusets 93.185, 20015175 B00 = 77 ‘Subtotal 104541 1310 Research and Training in Complementary and integrative Heath ss213 Direct 52854 11058038, Duke University 93213, 03 2546 = 20548, Duke Uniersiy 93213, 03-2230 = 28.307 Duke University 93213 14030517 = 4052 Duke University 93213, 5030024 - s19%0 Duke University 93213, 2037917 = 8.980 Mount Sinai Madizal Cantor 93213, 0074325 = 10248 Penn State University 93213 5044 HU-DHHS 5858 = 77557 Universty ofArzona 93213 495850 = 2740 Unversty of Michigan 93213, -suBk00009300 = 1wo1s Washington Sate University 93213 132416 Goose = 12807 YaleUniversty 93213 ‘GR 104245(coNe0001407 - 21450, YaleUniversty 93213 (GR 107589 (CON-#00019, atgat ‘Subtotal 52.084 1.961479, ational Research Service Awards Heath Serves Research Training e325 Direct = 455 808 Research on Heathcara Corte, Quably and Outcomes 93.226 Direct 0881 4245,141 [Abert Enstan Medial Center 93.235, Par7aso7 - Bas (Columbia University 93.205, 2166011850-03) = nae (Columbia University 93.205 ‘ooortes1.01 - 52 Cornet University 93.205, 3742-11051, = 6.103, Medical University of Sah Carolina 93.228 ‘A00-3876-S002 = s7eg04 Unversty of Maryland Baltimore 93.205, 'SR00005831 = ‘31455 Universiy of Texas Southwestern Meccal Center 93.206 Rec-0000000453 - (12) Vanderbilt University 93.235, ‘vuMe73248 = 46.528, ‘Subtotal 710.581 4703 882 National Centr on Sleep Disorders Research 93.233 Direct 92.883 2471 446 (Chieren's Hospital of Piladelghia 93233, 3210560518 = 674 Universty of Chicago 93.233 |AWD0SE57507-PR (SUB, = 81097 ‘Subtotal 92893 2.558.497 Mental Heath Research Grants 93242 Direct s2t7474 —30.442305, American University 9320 3488.01 - oad ‘Amercan Universty 9320 0083024 = 11535 ‘ameroan Universty 93.242 -A18-0065-S009 = a6 Brigham and Women's Hospital 93.242 ‘Agreement No 117614 = 7331 Brown University 9320 a7 = e728 Brown University 9320 74713517 = seri Castomia Instite of Technology 9320 ‘5445408 = 37.405, CCanterforImavative Pubfe Heath Research 93.202 90089729 = 46367 Canter for hfectious Disease Research 9320 mrotst2ro1 - 101589 (Gad Spring Harbor Laboratory 9320 64500 125 = wai Dastmovth Calage 93.242 1010 = 100528 Kennedy Krieger Insite 9320 90087078 = ‘28404 57 (Continued) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedle of Expenses of Federal Awards ‘Year ended June 20,2020 Passed Federal CFDA Direct award or pass-through thoughto ‘Total federal Federal grantoripass-through grantor/program or duster tile ‘pumber entity identifying number subredpionts _ expenditures Kennedy Krieger Insite e320 ‘1138180720-01 - 9834 Kennedy Krieger insite 9320 snazsa0710-01 = 200 Kennedy Krieger insite 9320 ‘Rome 19852-01 = 44505, Kennedy Krieger insite 9320 1102580716, = 440 Kennedy Krieger insite 93.22 1130500810-01 = @ary Kennedy Krieger Insite 9320 102580710 - 3.695 LLsber inti for Brain Development 9320 2238 = 2510 Mareachusets General Hospital 9320 aso = 3202 Matsachusats hetite of Technalogy 93.202 ‘54040, POH 408872 = ee510 Mesical University of Sah Carolina 9320 ‘500.0879 = 115428 Nathan S. Kine Institue for Psychiatic Research 9320 26528 = 147563 Naw York Blood Center, Ine 9320 NyBio09074 = 13887 New York Blood Center, Ine 93.202 ‘NHOOD4s1 = ‘3496 Rhode Idand Hospital 93.202 ‘Subaward No. 7137587 = 35908 ‘State Unversy ofNew York 9320 100-1120280-72487 = azo Unversty of Alabama at Beminghan 9320 (000524854.SC001 = rT Unversty of Alabama at Bemingham 9320 (000523237001 = sos, Unversty of Alabama at Bemingham 93.202 ‘Subaward No 523270-0 = 23956, Universiy of Arkansas forMedcal Sciences 9320 53390 HU - 51625, Unversty of Calfomia Los Angeles 9320 2000 6 wo207 = 137880 Unversty of Catfomia San Diego 9320 410379 = 51868, Unversty of Colorado at Denver 93.202 ‘Subaward 20.524.001 = e401 Universty of Liverpool 9320 “JHU 10#90073459 - 19300 Unversty of Maryland Batimore 9320 se02161 = eaa77 Unversty of Maryland Baltimore 9320 1701027 = 700,350 Unversty of Maryland Baltimore 93.22 e005 = 653) Universiy of Michigan 9320 ‘onss04t6 = 2120 Unversty of issour St Lous 9320 oons754e-2 = 12808 Unversty of Pennsyvaria 9320 5811 = 7430 Unversty of Pennsyvaria 93.202 ‘Subp Award No 576048 = 4208 Universiy of Pitsburgh 9320 cnivaaonss33 (128. - an Unversty of Souther Calfomia 9320 = 2416 Unversty of Washington 93.202 <u rowa0084815 = 4331 \Vegria Commonweal University 93.202 Feogonss38_SA002 = 13525 Washington Universiy St. Louis 9320 wu20419 - 7816 Wayre Site Unversty 9320 wsu19050-At = 24075, ‘YaleUniversty 9320 GRt07 17(CON-so0018s = 193,068 ‘Subtotal s207aré __ 33,005.44 ‘Substance Abuse and Mertal Heath Services — Projects of Regionaland National Sigifcance o3203 Direct 7.498 eas 402 Universty of Maryland Batimore 9326 90083853 = 0402 Universiy of Maryland Batimore 9320, 1500351 26.050, ‘Subtotal 7.408 g10808 Occupational Safety and Heath Program 93.282 Direct gore 2a8s7 Basset Mecical Center 93.262 ‘2840007542 JHU 48,178, 73200 Colorado State University 93.262 6.01085 - @a7y ICAHN School of Metin at Mount Sinai 93.262 0254-8081-4600 = 200240 ICAHN School of ecstine at Mount Sinai 93.262 254.5053-4600 - e512 (Oregon Heal Sciences Unversty 93.262 ‘tonss44 JHU 7.388 ‘Subtotal 57.197 370550, Heath Systems Strengthening and HIVIAIDS Prevertion, Care and Treatment under he President's Emergency Pan fr AIDS Rest 93.268, Direct 2.434246, 4952950 Maryland Department of Heal and Mental Hygiene: Adult Vial Hepatitis Prevertion and Control 93.270, ‘Monposotze2 - 171275 Maryland Department of Healt and Mental Hygiene 93.270, PAPA 10:73, = “a7 Maryland Department of Heal and Mental Hygiene 93.270, PAPA 16.240 63,151 ‘Subtotal 2873 [Alcohol National Research Service Awards for Research Tesning e327 Direct = 73.480 ‘Acohal Research Programs 93273, Direct sant 5,588 889 Rhode Idand Hospital 93.273 7017 137200-1 - 19537 ‘The Universty of Shoffeld 93.273 RoTAAGD4443 SUBO1 JH = a) ‘The University of Alabama Biminghan 93.273 ‘Sub 000512068-002 = 20167 Unversty of Maryland Batimore 93.773 02029 Request. 2132 = 11598 Unversty of Washington 93.773 uwsco479 2821 ‘Subtotal aan 6.046 761 Drug Abuse and Adkltion Research Programs: 93279 Direct sos7s38 38850828, ‘American Academy of Chi and Adolescent Psychiatry 93.279 «Hu 1o#03590050088 - ‘178873 ‘Columbia Universty 93.279 ‘16G011092-01) = 129834 Columbia University 93.279 ‘5(6G010554) = 2.478, Denver Heal® and Hospital Authority 93.279 ‘at@ooot-soons = 13832 Druidapp, Lic 93.279 JHU Yo#90083085 - 26374 Emory University 93.279 Toosta2 = 51887 Feraham Univers 93.279 FoRDO050 = 11248 Friends Research inekite 93.2779 11381 = 4735 Kaizer Foundaon Research heute 93.279 Hu-o0sa30297 - 21010 Mecical Colege of Wisconsin 93.279 ROIDAO4971 = ‘9.983 Mecical Cotege of Wisconsin 93.279 RotDAgse08504 = 13225 Narthwestem University 93.279 60044002 JHU. = 9337 Rand Corporaton 93.279 ‘scon-o0000230, - 11328 Rand Corporaton 93.279 ‘scoN-o0000132 = 21108 Research Triangle Insite 93.279 #340 02t6061-65660L = 64882 Research Trang Insitute 93.279 ‘¥3e0-c2i606t-65045, = 3520 Research Triange Insite 93.279 2312 0215457-527301 - 13085 ‘The Kiby Institute at UNSW 93.279 90080880 = 3234 Unversty of Catfomia San Francisco 93.279 ‘Subaward No. 1180250 = zos7 Unversty of Isnois 93.279 ‘e5et = 2038, Universiy of Maryland Batimore 93.279 1701817 - 13003 Universiy of Mayland Colege Park 93.279 ‘50907.20015201 = 38648 Unversty oftannesoia| 93.279 ‘Dos7et4703 = 9.252 Unversty ofténnesoia 93.279 Poos920801 = 31658 University of Nebraska 93.279 2405240055004 - 4528 Universty of Nebraska Medical Center 93.278, '342005-2087-001 = 187.068 58 (Continued) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedle of Expenses of Federal Awards ‘Year ended June 20,2020 Passed Federal CFDA Direct award or pass-through thoughto ‘Total federal Federal grantoripass-through grantor/program or duster tile ‘pumber entity identifying number subrecipients__expencttures University of NewMevco 93.279 save s - 4381 Universiy ofNoth Carolina 93.279 5112083 - oat Unversiy ofNoth Caroling 93.279 srt ta2e = raze Unversty of Pennsyvaria 93.279 "568021 = 002 Unversty of Pennsyvaria 93.279 ‘Subaward No 568930 = 65.180 Universiy of Wisconsin Masson 93.279 mart = 991 Wake Fored University 93.279 WruHs 553080 = 2802 West Virginia Uriversty 93.279 17462 = sae YaleUniversty 93.279 ‘oR 106387 (CON-800017 = 17408 ‘YaleUniversty 93279 ‘oR 105743 (CON-#00017 = 450971 ‘Subtotal sos7e36 40,816.36, (Centers for Disease Contol and Prevention Investigations and Tectwical Assistance 93283 Direct 244,085 1400 529 [Azzociafon of Schodls of Public Heath 93.283, ‘35087 - 5565 Unversiy ofNomth Caroina 93.283, ‘5105002 = nN ‘Subtotal 244.085 1.4068, 098 Discovery and Appiod Research for Tectnological novations o Improve Human Heath 93.286 Direct 1578.33, 12318708 (Chicren's NafonalHospta), 93.286 ‘ROTEBO20003-0141 = “04748 (Chicren's Nafonal Hospital 93.286, ‘30004680-02 = 108,146 CCalege of Staten Ista, Cuny 93.286, 10534 = 3448 bhoiana University 93.286, L4633300.HU = 55.325, Kennedy Krieger Insite 93.286, ‘0073618 = 19887 Kennedy Krieger insite 93.286, 1101560817-008 = 209389 Kennedy Krieger Insite 93.286, snotseosts - 116.383 aware 93.286, o01848-00-504 = 2asat Marsachusets General Hospital 93.286, 225518 = 45.145 Matcachusats hetite of Technalogy 93.286, 121238 = 9.148 Mayo Cire 93.286, JoH-250368 Potsns4o4 - 130.945 Plenopta 93.286 “HU-Phaset-2017-18 = (420) Unversiy of Catfomia San Francisco 93.286, 09560 = 200103, Unversty of Catfomia Sarda Barbara 93.286, Ka67 = 185,868 Universiy of Maryland Batimore 93.286, 1902003 = 8 Universiy of Manyind Colege Park 93.286, 53930-20045201 = 122389 Unversty of Memphis 93.286, 0077-5081 = 1704 Unversty of Pitsburgh 93.286, ‘aw00001271(133616- = 2555, Universiy of Texas Health Science Certer 93.286, 0143134 - 17580 University of Vginia 93.286, csi0rs2 148547 s7o773 ‘Subtotal 14.208 504 ‘Teenage Pregnancy Preventon Program 93207 Direct = 1.240704 Balimore Gay Heath Deparimert 93.207 30237 = 7427 Balimore Gay Heath Department 93.207 390253 = 68.048 Balimore Gay Heath Department 93.207 30382 - saa Balimore Gay Heath Department 93.207 30238 = r1oge8 Balimore Gay Heath Department 93.207 ‘8004 = 9873 Balimore Gay Heath Department 93.207 co#38757 = 16.190 Balimore Gay Heath Department 93.207 ‘8824 - 1501 Balimore Gay Heath Department 93207 ‘38004 190), ‘Subtotal 1.598835, Miporty Healt and Health Dispartes Research 93207 Direct 275,700 ‘5.220.103 Brigham and Women's Hospi 93.207 ‘AgmiRet #110569, - or519 mocha Mabie Heal, Ine 93.207 ‘2ReaDo 10521 = 192237 George Washington Universty 93.207 tei = ‘78 Lifegene Biomarks ne 93.207 Reawoor4011 = 4168 Nath Caraina Sate University 93.207 2017-1503-03, = e348 ‘Sonavi Labs ne 93.207 RésM0014108 = corn Unversty of Alabama at Bemingham 93.207 ‘o00s20840-002 = 2407 Unversty of Maryland Baltimore 93.207 11600101 Request 2977 = 112508 Unversty ofNoth Carolina 93.207 5112763 = 105,005 Universiy of Pitsburgh 93.207 (0047259 (1268365) 351 3.358 Unversty of Pitsburgh 93.207 47269 (127 145-4) 2275 ‘Subtotal 253.041 5.928 901 TraneNH Research Support 93310 Direct 5280657 14.042554 Brandes Universty 93.310, 40379540 = 38535, Drexel University 93.310, ‘900037 = oa772 Kaicer Permanente 93.310 RNG209773JHU-1 = 12258 Mayo Cire 93.310, 4-2 18968 1 POH 662 - 5528 Mayo Cie 93.310, sH218968 = 3000 Rhode Idand Hospital 93.310, ‘Subaward No. 7137538 = 3089 Unversiy of Catfomia San Diego 93.310, 126035720 = a7372 Universiy of Wisconsin Masson 93.310, ‘e0n0000387 - uasan Women and Infants Hospat 93.310, 5001401-Camen = 7138 Worcester Polyiechnic Insfide 93310, 10820. = 18.400 ‘Subtotal 5240657 __ 15606465 Maryland Department of Heal and MentalHygiene: Emerging Infections Programs Protecting and improving Healh Global: Stengfhering Public Heath Through Survelance 93317 sNusocko00487.03, 23.87 2asBe7 Maryland Department of Healt and Mental Hygiene 93.317 PHPA.G 1008 - 101917 Maryland Department of Healt and Mental Hygiene 93317 PAPA.G 1008 = 411421 Maryland Department of Healt and Mental Hygiene 93317 ‘suusockon0s87-03 = 24.183, Maryland Department of Heal and Mental Hygiene 93317 ‘sNusocko00487-03 455,502 ‘Subtotal 243.847 1.206.160 Fpidemiclogic Research, Disease Detection and Prevenon 93318 Direct ‘34650 Ear Infectous Disease Insite: Skenghhering Pubic Healhtheough Survedarce, pidemiciogic Research, Disease Deletion and Prevertion 9328, Rs statis = 24845 National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences 93.350, Direct 3783638 © 18.470578, Duke Cinical Research intiute 93.350, 203.7564 - 34085, 59 (Continued) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedle of Expenses of Federal Awards ‘Year ended June 20,2020 Passed Federal CFDA Direct award or pass-through to Total federal Federal grantoripass-through grantor/program or duster tile ‘pumber entity identifying number subredpionts _ expenditures Beth larael Desconess Macca! Center o3es7 1052384 - twas Boson University s3837 4500002139 - ae7at3 Boston Universty 3.837 4500002025 = 49600, Boston University 3.837 4500003389 = 45.164 Brigham and Women's Hospital 3807 117340 = 68200, Brigham and Women's Hospital s3837 190054207 - Saat (Chieren's Hospital Medical Center 367 138511 = (4050) (Columbia University 3.837 66011046-04) = 722 Cordes, Ine 3807 ‘coR-004 = 144900 Cordes, Ine perc COR-004 = 1 Cordes, Ine 3.837 coR.008 = 48970 Dastmosth Cotage 3.837 s5a2R200 = 428 Duke University 3.837 roHLo8s908 = 14805 Fred Hutchinean Cancer Research Center 37 ‘oonos9se08 = 20462 Geisinger Heath Systems perc .665053,4U02 - soB14 George Washington Universty 3.837 ‘SrALP1020-0F41 = 141796 leahn Shoal of Medicine at Mt Sinai 367 (0255-3108-4605 = ‘505 loon Clrical Research 93.837 HMR (ICON Study Num = 387 Matcachusets General Hospital s38a7 23182 - osaa7 MeGal University 3.837 90073253 = 18472 Meds Research insttute 367 ‘90087405 = ‘303 New England Research instite, ne 3807 90080872 = 7744 New England Research insite, ne s3837 90084774 = 7oa7s Narthem California hatte for Revearch & Edvetion 367 Kiz2166-03 = 46.45, Northwestern Univers 3.837 1500300 1H = 172 Northwestern Universy 3807 {60050330 JHU = 103.928 (Grogon Heal Sciences University s3837 1013015 JHU - 3503 Penn State University 93837 5297-JHUDHHS3238 = 563 ‘Steone Therapedties, ne 3.837 ARAGHLIA777601 = aura ‘Slasship Healh Technologies 3807 3082 1 = Zast Towson University s3837 7568 - (a7) Unversiy of Catfomia Davis 367 ‘16-01 10-5004 = sear Unversty of Catfomia San Francisco 3.837 33ise = 28.175 Unversiy of Ino at Gicago 3807 rrart-00 = 205,905, University of Kentucky s3837 -3200001355-18-049 - 31987 Universiy of Maryland Colege Park 3.837 ‘956t-20115201 = 109,009 Universty of Michigan 3.837 ‘3004080487 = ‘3444 Unversty of Michigan 3807 ‘suBKO0010377 = 53,608, Universty oftannesota s3837 ‘Noodo4440t - 55203 Unversiy of Mississippi Medical Center 3.837 95105170517 JHU = 10.888 Unversty of Pennsyveria 3.837 ‘567268 = 53878 Unversty of Pennsyvaria 3807 570163 = 6 Universty of Pennsyvaria s3837 575277 = ‘27 01 Unversty of Pennsyvaria 3.837 576850 Low = 71522 Unversty of Pennsyvaria 3.837 1578850 ~ Sowho = 2958 Unversty of Pennsyvaria 3807 ‘579621 = a7 University of Rochester s3837 14174206 UR FAO GRS, - 26.303, Unversty of Rochester 3.837 4174036 = ‘a2 Unversty of Texas Health Science Center 3.837 Concert, = 85 Unversty of Texas Rio Grance Vatey 3807 ‘TROTHL 13398804 (01) = 238 Universiy of Washington 93837 uwse11123 - 142853 Unversty of Washington 93837 uwsc8532 = Bisa Unversty of Washington 93.837 uwsc0049 = S074 Universiy of Washington 93837 uwso9379 - 19.200 VVoiar Mecseal, ne 3.837 0077202 = 60.883 Wake Forea University 3.837 too7a0-114489 = 35,301 YaleUniversty 3807 ‘SNPSS5S788, = 6200 ‘Subtotal 4513057 __44te301 Lung Diseases Research 93838 Direct 1300575 14224.380 Brigham and Women's Hospital 93.638 117868 - 28 981 CadereSinaiMedoal Center 93.838 sates - wsrant (Cincinnati Chicrens Hospi 93.538 137090 = 21463, (Cleveland Cline Foundation 93.638 1105-94 = wat (Columbia University 93.538 166015835.01) = 125.05 (Columbia University 93.838 ‘&6G010019) - 13958 (Columbia University 93.538 66015835-01) = 73.148 COPD Foundation 93.538 01 = 14500 COPD Foundation 93.638 cs = ‘S58 Cordes, Ine 93.838 coR.007 = 5301 Emory University 93.538 AN17828 14920, 14900 Emory University 93.538 Atgtset 414270 7e8954 Emory University 93.538 191393 965.504 1133977 Emory University 93.838 2746 22.345 2345 Emory University 93.538 2273000 25.000 25.000, Emory University 93.538 1308533 - 13.254 Marcachusets General Hospital, 93.538 22s4o8 = 2978 National Jenieh Haat 93.838 113 - 3572 National Jenieh Heat 93.838 2011600 1HMC = 123504 National Jenieh Heat 93.638 00 = mast Nemours Chadren's Clie 93.838 7e11260-RSUB = 354312 Narthwester University, 93.838 ‘s005a561JHU - yar018 Rudgers Universty 93.538 1147) = maT ‘Stanford Universiy 93.538 62340857-131000, = 24080, Unversiy of Catfomia San Francisco 93.838 1o438se = e824 Universiy of Catfomia San Francisco 93.838 1095556 = 64751 Unversty of Catfomia San Francisco 93.838 m1aa7se = 2a807 Unversty of Colorado at Denver 93.538 Fv1a.784.008 = 204989 Universiy of owa 93.538 ‘wooa70sse3 = 47835 Universiy ofNoh Carolina 93.838 105218 = a728 Unversiy ofNoth Caroling 93.838 514474 HSIOHNHOPK: = 91403, Unversiy ofNoth Caroling 93.538 = 13475 Unversty of Pennsyvaria 93.538 ‘577454 = 53375, Universiy of Pitsburgh 93.838 ‘onvaonoses2 (133274 - 248 Unversty of Pitsburgh 93.838 CGNVADDAgeat 133106-6 = o1476 62 (Continued) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedle of Expenses of Federal Awards ‘Year ended June 20,2020 Passed Federal CFDA Direct award or pass-through thoughto ‘Total federal Federal grantoripass-through grantor/program or duster tile ‘pumber entity identifying number subredpionts _ expenditures Universty of Vermont o3.838 ‘ousgsue52159 - 31556 Universty of Vermont 93.838 3133150852227 - 30284 Unversty of Vermont 93.638 ‘3143801-004.5UB000 = eeo1s Unversty of Vermont 93.538 1327235852543 = 17425 Vanderbilt University 93.538 ‘vumoss781 = 70896 Vanderbilt University 93.838 vumces352 7.370 ‘Subtotal 2751623 __ 20,240,141 ‘Blood Diseases and Resources Research o38%0 Direct 468,095 5,173 568 (Cleveland Clic Lerner College of Medicine 360 rz0a26 = wostt Emory University 93.550 e012 = 5825 Kennedy Kiger Insite 93.550 s1200-1210.01 = 6101 Unversty of Colorado at Denver 360 AROTHL 130733 0141 = 25819 Universiy of Mayland Colege Park 3.000 ‘e533-20155202 - 18081 Unversty of Texas Health Science Center 93.550 oota2676 = 27888 Universiy of Uh 93.559 10058175-02 = i541 ‘Subtotal 468,095 5.285 608 ‘Abels, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research os. Direct 1,190,600 9,533,100 ‘Ann and Robert Lurie Chile's Hospi 93.886 so15754U - 11887 (Children's Hospital of Piladelphia 3.886 s2tost00 1004 - (ast) Radiation Monterng Devices, Ine 93.886 Noval High Resokt. = 3312 Unversty of Alabama at Bmingham 93.886 ‘000518303-001 = 5.500 Unversty ofHousten 93.886 Fe1a-0069 = 1080 Universty ofHousten 3.886 Risoott - 23358 Unversty of Pitsburgh Medical Center 3.646 0053281 (1307183) = 12200 xyken LLC. 3.866 ‘o076e0% = ms ‘Subtotal 4.190.600 9.750 676 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research s3007 Direct 3602277 3101815, Baylor Calege of Medicine 3.007 102021737 - 19912 93.007 ‘ronoo00s73 - 28877 3.007 ‘ron0000842 BCM = (1463) 3.007 Po1pkos6492 = As 3.007 5-10870-02 = 18001 93.007 51087003 - 20875 3.007 ‘sub 5.108701 = 20801 3.007 por0858RSUB = 8.093 3.007 ‘2o100859RSUB = ara 93.007 27007-3210810720 - rasa 3.007 62740 -RSUB, = 7824 3.007 ‘3301820719 = 2375 3.007 "2035006 = 7933) 93.007 5030053 - 7933 3.007 03-2468 = 31.805, 3.007 Reaok 123078 = 26025 3.007 ‘$524: = 6518) 93.007 730082-HU - 214867 3.007 16-007 = 10700 GGeergetown Uriversty 3.807 «412881 GRa12014HU = 23000 Harvard Pigim Healthcare 3.807 PHo00e58s = 20803 Kennedy Krieger Insite 3.807 90087888 - 4373 Kennedy Krieger nstvte 3.807 90087025 = 4540 aware ne 93.847 o02739-00-5a2 = sr Loyola Unversity of Chicago 93.847 205423, - 2 Mesical Cotege of Wisconsin 3807 Por stta221 = 3503 Mesical University of Sah Carolina 93.847 ‘900-200-5007 = e038 Mesical University of Sah Carolina 93.847 ROIDK115495 = 72102 arthem Calforia hatte for Revearch and Esucation 93.007 estav4t-ot = maz Northwestern Univers 93.847 50043108 JHU = 5941 Penn State University 93.847 5474 HU-DHHS8705 = 253002 Research Faundaton of Suny 3807 1190823, = 4646 Rhode Idan 93.847 ‘Subaward No. 7137537 = 70270 Ruigers University 3.87 or - 0883 Ruigers University 3.807 PD i3884 = 2792 ‘Scripps Research site 3.807 554070 = 24856 ‘Slasship Healh Technologies 3.007 0081881 = 35647 Texas ABM Universty 3.807 000808 - 3.80 Unversty of Alabama 3.807 o00808143:SC001 = 4716 Unversty of Alabama 93.847 RO1DK113080, = 9503 Unversty of Caifomia Los Angeles 3807 11560 8 xA423 = 227 Universiy of Catfomia San Francisco 93.847 1078550 = 15470 Unversiy of Iino at Gicago 93.847 B164se = 17025 Unversty oflowa 3807 too1e2e2s9 = Ea Unversty of Maryland Batimore 3.807 050317 = 178.993 Universiy of Maryland Baltimore 93.847 sao03 184 14171 - (128) Unversty of Michigan 3807 ownss. 3003480340 = 230 Unversty ofténnesoia 3.807 'Noos 115004 = raat Unversty ofténnesoia 3.807 "Noos254001 = 33674 Universiy of PA Mesical Center 3.807 ‘71765, - 562 Unversty of Pennsyveria 3.807 72805, = 7828 Unversty of Pennsyveria 3.807 s77146 = 12054 Unversty of Sub Flora 93.847 1431172-00-8 = 11210 Universiy of Sout Flora 93.847 6143-1188-00-8 = 35421 Unversty of Sub Flonda 93.847 ‘0027 = 9252 University of Viginia 3807 .o310738.Po 2184135, = 41505, University of Viginia 3.807 B10 = 18.198 Universiy of Washington 93.847 ‘Subaward UWSO11 113, 15250, 204046, Unversty of Wisconsin Madson 3807 ‘557K922 - 13522 Vanderbilt University 3.807 vyunc77919 = ma708 Vegria Commonweal Univesity 387 P0202520-80104224 = 3875 63 (Continued) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedle of Expenses of Federal Awards ‘Year ended June 20,2020 Passed Federal CFDA Direct award or pass-through thoughto ‘Total federal Federal grantoripass-through grantor/program or duster tile ‘pumber entity identifying number subredpionts _ expenditures Washington Universi St. Louis o3ee7 wu-t513t - en72 Women and Infants Hospat 3.807 500148 1-Camen = 6.104 YaleUniversty 3.807 oR 104881 (CoN-s00014 = 2008 YaleUniversty 3.807 ‘GR105 162CON- 80001610 = 38639, YaleUniversty 387 ‘eR 107961 (CON-#00002 = 71507 ‘Subtotal 3707527 __ 35230085, Extramural Research Programs in he Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders s38s3 Direct 170,25 47,602857 93.883 vusavHu2or7-1 = ‘e704 [Aber Enstain Colege of Medicine 93.853 arta4s = 45500, [Alen Instat for Bran Science 93.853 2014-0570, = 17567 Beth lsrael Deaconess Mecical Center 93.853 otosi8s2 = 21320 Cadare Sinaittedcal Center 93.853 ‘Subaward 1590003 = 207550 (Chieren's Hospital of Piladelphia 93.853 1321086 PO 03596178R = moaa72 (Chicren's Nafonal Hospi), 93.853 -3000425801-17 = ‘31597 ‘Gasca Chdren's Hosptal Medical Center 93.853 RoINs096053 = 8.009 (Columbia University 93.853 1(@c014673.01) = 738 (Columbia University 93.853 ‘cco0e4s3-1 - 70930 Cornel University 93.853 181663 = 7238 Dastmosth Calage 93.853 suo1Ns111605-01 = 408,858 Duke University 93.853 [SUBAWARD A030522, = ‘57.088, Emory Uni 93.853 ‘5080287 - 31) Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 93.853, ‘sub, No.: 0001028038 = 407 Harvard Univers 93.853 138078510515, = 20812 Houston Meiosis Hospital and Research 93.853 ‘AGMTO0000 = 6125 Houston Mehosit Hospital and Research 93.853 ‘AGMTo0004423 = nr Infiste Biomedical Techncogies, LC 93.853, susavsi05806-01 = we Tinos Inti of Tecnology 93.853 RFANS-16-009 = 5568 Kennedy Krieger Insite 93.853 110235.0516-01 = 26528, Kennedy Krieger nstiute 93.083 110235.0510-01 - 22581 Kennedy Krieger insite 93.853 113054 = 12708 Kennedy Krieger insite 93.853 113001-0317-01 = e222 Kennedy Krieger insite 93.853 snattg06t7-o1 = 105,087 Kennedy Krieger insite 93.853 aistet - 70389 Kennedy Krieger insite 93.853 112057.0810-01 = a1 Kennedy Krieger insite 93.853 siaseo8te.ot = 258202 Kennedy Krieger insite 93.853 skr2Nsoge42-01 = W027 Kennedy Krieger insite 93.853 ‘5k12NSo08482-03 = wwii? Kennedy Krieger insite 93.853 ki 113161 = 12888 Kennedy Krieger insite 93.853 Ik Acct 13250-0810, = 107.9067 Kennedy Krieger Insite 93.853, ‘Sub fom prime 1RoIN = 218) Marsachusets General Hospital, 93.853 235402 = 20 Mateachusets General Hospital 93.853 SUREPOS = 2867 Mayo Cire 93.853, 15086803 Malas Ma7 = 28874 Mayo Cire 93.853 .HU-2058167P0 #58549 = 27 Mictigan State University 93.853 RoTosooQIHU = smo Mictigan State University 93.853 RC10800 JHU = ei Morehouse Schodl of Mescine 93.853 MBIRZTHARTUNG = 3933 New York University 93.853 18-80.00-1001378 = 2827 Northwestern Univers 93.853 (60036745 JHU - (554) Research Triangle Insitute 93.853, estes. = 38) Rush Unhersty 93.853 ta01210¢sw04 = 1574 ‘Scripps Research nsitute 93.853 527150 - 205808, ‘Scripps Research site 93.853 27314 = 14630 ‘Stanford University 93.853 61985503-125430 = 6H Universiy of Catfomia Davis 93.853 201602366-01 = 2am Universiy of Catfomia nvne 93.853 2014-3128, - 108.265 Unversty f Caffomia Los Angeles 93.853, 200.6 x6788 = a7ai7 Unversty of Catfomia San Francisco 93.853 1126080 = 118 Unversty of Catfomia San Francisco 93.853 subaward. 8869 = 14364 Unversty of Chicago 93.853 FPOSS261-A = 168.320 University of Ch 93.853 Fe068264.01 - 254882 Unversty of Colorado Boule 93.853 1555531 = arn Unversty of Fonda 93.853 urDsPo001 1406 = ‘6000, Universiy of idaho 93.853 B3501-sB-206023, = e2asz Universiy of ova 93.853 ‘so1tt201 - 10.268 Unversty Maryland Batimore County 93.853 ‘Subaward No. 3000038 = 13428 Unversty of Maryland Baltimore 93.853 ‘02380 = ‘0.81 Unversty of Maryland Baltimore 93.853 2000403 Request: 46, = 25.149 Universiy of Michigan 93.853 30048458785 = si7e4 Unversty ofténnesoia 93.853 Nooee31402 = e2se0 Unversty of Pennsyveria 93.853 560035, = tat Unversty of Pennsyvaria 93.853 575284 = 58.325, Universiy of Pitsburgh 93.853 osor15 (1205363) - 14325 Unversty of Rochester 93.853, 417480URFAOGRS10879 = saat Unversty of Rochester 93.853 AITISOGIUR FAO GR510 = 26.496 Unversiy of Texas 93.853 10-84561 = 143.001 Universiy of Texas Health Science Center 93.853 00122608 = 97426, University of Viginia 93.853 o10z89 2162840 = 19758 Unversty of Washington 93.853, 11500 = 276 Unversty of Washington 93.853 vuwso7772 28.545 855 Universiy of Wisconsin Mariso 93.853 ‘2000000001 - aaat Unversty of Texas Souhwesern Mecical Center 93.853 cmo-171101 = rast) Washington University 93.883 wu-19-08 26342616, = wa217 Washington University 93.883 wu-20156, = 103.318 ‘Subtotal 1705670 __52,800.509 [Atergy,Immunalogy and Transplantation Research 93855 Direct 26035285 102,601 828 Al Biosciences, Ine 93.855 - 7956) ‘Amertcan Foundation for AIDS Research 93.855, soa41s60iSTA = 2812 ‘Amercan Gastoerterlogical Association 93.855 = (174) Benaroya Research initite at VA Mascn 93.855, FvvaTno74 = 21495, Benaroya Research intte at VA Mason 93.855, FvnsiTn176 - 219337 Benaroya Research hatte at VA Mason 93.855 Fer7iTNoos| = (1808) Benaroya Research Intute at VA Mason 93.855, Fviam274 = atom 64 (Continued) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedle of Expenses of Federal Awards ‘Year ended June 20,2020 Passed Federal CFDA Direct award or pass-through to Total federal Federal grantoripass-through grantor/program or duster tile ‘pumber entity identifying number subredpionts _ expenditures “Tulane University 93.85 TULHSO-557478-1.20, = 13476 Tulane University 93.85, TULHSO-557470-10-20, - 28.355, Tulane University 93.865, TULHSC-557075 10/20, = 33230, Universty of Caffonia San Diego 93.865, = 3220 Unversty of Delaware 93.065, 41398 = 258) Universiy of Maryland Baltimore County 93.85, son3402 - 6520 Unversty of Maryland Baltimore 93.865, 7011s = 18572 Universiy of Mayland Colege Park 93.865, ‘005404 SRo0005018 = e738 Unversty ofMami SchoalofMecicine 93.55, ‘SPC-001356 = 37 Universiy of Michigan 93.85, ‘on4st721 = 2.103 Universty ofhnnesots 93.065, oosse00ot = ean Unversiy ofNoth Caroing 93.865, 100088 = 1407 Unversiy ofNoth Caroling 93.85, 5100130 = eats Unversty of Pennsyvaria 93.885 ‘/R2tHD-093360.01 = 14258 Universty of Pennsyvaria 93.65, - 22567 Unversty of Pennsyvaria 93.865, 70365, = 47308 Unversty ofTerasat Ausin 93.865, UTA12-000835 = 25508, Unversty ofTerasat Ausin 93.55, UTA17-000887 = 19.205 Universty of Vermont 93.85, 178045852061 = 2758 Washington University St. Louis 93.865 WU-10-65 (678) ‘Subtotal 4941432 __ 23087861 ‘Aging Research 93.066 14757417 61781031 [Aber Ensen Colege of Medicine 93.888, 311376 = ada ‘American Federation for Aging Research 93.865, uupaacossz04 = 07 Brigham and Women's Hospital 93.886, ano1e - 3540 Brown University 93.888, 0001284 = e007 Brown University 93.888, 172 = 11268 93.066, aa = 54a88 93.066, 535. - 85.508 93.066, s@010471-12) = 154888 93.066, 6G015891-01) = 18,105 93.066, 2166018803-01) = 26.500, 93.066, 3x66015822-01) - 207216 93.066, ‘6060870, = 253230 93.066, ‘00163 = ‘4sait 93.066, 900017 = 13813 93.066, TDP - 267 953 93.066, to.1091531 = 10.889 93.066, 2351 = 17287 93.066, n-4oe2257-sHU 192407 a743 93.066, R33aG057280-03 = 22.199 93.066, 1130540520-01 = 30828, 93.066, 1R03AG085527-01 = 5988 93.066, R21AGO85704 = 20898 93.066, 234538, - 50524 93.066, 235290 = 28103, 93.066, joh-725620-01 = 2128 93.066, soH-2502021P0 #60468, = ure 93.066, Jou-263134 - 12228 Mecical University of Sah Carolina 93.888, muso14072 = 1386050, Medical University of Sah Carolina 93.865, Musc17-027-8A840 = 64985, New York University 93.886, 19-80-00-1002424 = sae Narthem Calfomia Site for Research 93.888, ‘SHLI0g7-01 = 20213 Narthem Calfomia site for Research 93.066, ‘SHL212003 = wag Narthem Calfomia haStte for Research 93.066, ‘STE2106-.01 = 45499 Northwestern Universy 93.886, 0n4ae ten = 2120 Narthwestem Universy 93.888, 1600478641 JHU = 9207 Pann State University 93.865, 575808, = soe Penn State University 93.886 6081-.HU-DHHS2370 = 41334 Progerra, he 93.066, Raaacoss002 = 20495) Rush Unversity 93.886, 1700 1805-Sb02 - 5610 Unversty of Catfomia Los Angeles 93.066, 1a G W818 = 22078, Unversty of Caffomia Los Angeles 93.888, 1880 8 W5287 = 2784 Unversty of Catfomia San Diego 93.865, ‘4004821 = (11250) Universiy of Catfomia San Francisco 93.886, ‘008se0 = ara Unversty of Catfomia San Francisco 93.888, 1085 156 = 0a7e7 Unversty of CaHfomia San Francisco 93.888, ‘Sthaward No. 124450 = 68.056, Unversty of Colorado 93.865, FV17. 890.008 = 9534 Unversiy of Florida 93.886, ‘suBonoa213 - 15598 Unversty of Fonda 93.888, urDsPoo01 1485 = 13052 Unversty of Georgia 93.888, ‘SUBOD01BS5 = wor Unversty of Maryland Batimore 93.865, wu-18288, = 40350, Universiy of Maniand Colege Park 93.886, ‘s5401-z0081201 - 13800 Universiy of Manyiand Colege Park 93.888, 5513.20150201 = 9372 Universty of Michigan 93.888, ‘3004704452 = 43.308, Unversty of Michigan 93.865, ‘suBK00009460 = 73988, Universiy ofténnesoia 93.886, Hoo4986804 11.186 82 Unversty oftannesoia 93.888, 1Noos 175202 - 26058, Universty ofhénnesots 93.066, PaoTassass = ere Unversiy ofNoth Caroing 93.865, 5108145 = 26263, Universty ofNorth Texas 93.886, RF000162017-0031 = ra79, Unversty ofNorth Texas 93.888, Rrootos- 2018-0160, = 164497 Unversty of Pitsburgh 93.888, (0507341280011) = 709939 Unversty of Pitsburgh 93.865, ‘Awo0001085 (133902- = 52208, Universiy of Pitsburgh 93.886, ‘oNvAono47610 152882 - 17200 Unversty of Pitsbu 93.066, ‘avaa00s0806 (131 = 21435: Unversty of Scuthern Califomia 93.888, 5680140 = 1861 Unversty of Scuher Calforia 93.066, 70834876 04) 1077 Universiy of Scuthem Califoria 93.066, ‘Subaward 105708311 - sosst Unversty of Souther Calforia 93.888, ‘Sulbaward No. 1201002 = ‘9.004 Unversty of Scuthem Califoria 93.066, ‘Subaward No. 1258824 = 3275 Unversty of Texas 93.865, ‘UTA17-000230 = 7422 Universi of Texas Dats 93.886, o04se1 - 24095, Unversty of. 93.865, 28675852512 = sears 67 (Continued) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedle of Expenses of Federal Awards ‘Year ended June 20,2020 Passed Federal CFDA Direct award or pass-through thoughto ‘Total federal Federal grantoripass-through grantor/program or duster tile ‘pumber entity identifying number subrecipients__expencttures Universiy of Washington 93.66, e213 s a7att Earl Universiy of Washington 93.886, uwsc1015s - 100/308 Unversty of Washington 93.888, uwsc11089 = e213 Unversty of Texas Souhwestern Mecical Center 93.066, emo 161206 = 211510 Wake Fored Unive 93.066, 107-101720-551083, = 365,108 Wake Fore University 93.886, 6101720-112041 - 7o513 Wake Fore University 93.865, rues 552702 = cone? Wake Fore University 93.886 WFUHST15068 = 759) Wake Fore Universty 93.805, sor7a0-117740, = 21384 Washington University 93.886, wu-t7.166, - 105.589 Wayre Site Unversty 93.888, wsu17053, = 26.605 Wiser inatavte 93.066 ac 25601-0381 4101 ‘Subtotal sagr4ss7__68.121747 Vision Research 93.887 Direct 1et874o 22413071 ‘Advanced Mesial Electronics Corporation 93.8657 |AME16.DistanceFiter - 12052 ‘Aerio Pharmaceutical 93.857 ARP-1595 = 7472 ‘Aptiude Medical Systems, he 93.857 soastazo1e-1 - «1392) Aptiude Medical Systems, he 93.8657 auistaz0181 = 2098, ‘Aptiude Medical Systems, he 93.8657 stn0 10-2 = Tan Beth [aroel Deaconess Maca! Center 93.857 1080578 = 65573 CClaveland Clie Larner Collage of Mecicine 93.857 ‘3850830 - 2277 ICAHN School of estine at Mount Sinat 93.8657 255.0731-4600 = 4504 Jae Center for Heath Research, Inc 93.067 Ui0EvO14231 = 477 ‘Jae Canter fr Heath Research, Inc 93.067 Ui0EVI1751 = era “Jace Canter for Heath Research, Inc 93.067 Ureviz31 - 5927) Mionescta Heath Sotufone 93.067 MHS10-ObjectFinder2- = 38900, New York Universi Metical Center 93.8657 ‘uatEv025829-01 = 6.106 ONL Therapeuts 93.857 Po # 20180002 = 46476 ‘Stanford Unversity 93.857 e2015719:136077 = 224800 Temple 93.8657 2635 16-HU = 8319 Unversiy of Catfomia Davis 93.067 AI7-215-S00rA0t = 260010 Unversty of Caffomia vine 93.857 2010-3697 = 22738 Universiy of Catfomia San Diego 93.857 75885258 - 34649 Unversty of Catfomia San Francisco 93.8657 mat7sc = 14237 Unversty of Colorado at Denver 93.8657 Fv20.1031.001 = 174358 Unversty of Maryland Baltimore 93.857 17011686548, = 150834 Universiy of Maniand Colege Park 93.857 ‘Subaward No. 1802235 - 48.608, Universiy of Manyind Colege Park 93.8657 0001 = ea463 Unversiy ofNoth Carolina 93.8657 suatevensaca-03 = 14380 Unversty ofNotre Dame 93.857 2020134 = zraa2 Universiy of Pennsyvaria 93.857 ‘570490, - 96,090, Unversty of Washington 93.8657 uwsc10167 = 105,159 Vegria Commonweal University 93.8657 Fe00006729_SA00t = 5700 Visonize LLC 93.857 {RA4EVOREOTT-O1At = 244368, Washington University 93.857 wu-te1t3 = 18 508 ‘Subtotal 1618740 __25.425018 Maternal, Infant and Early Chichood Home Visting Gant Program 93870 Direct 572,408, 1215720 ‘State of New Jersey 93.870 seve = 6750 ‘State of New Jersey 93.870, ove = 22818 ‘Subtotal 572.406 2.155207 Univeraty of Colorado at Denver: Tribal Mateml, Infant, and Early Chishood Home Ving ssa72 Fv17.494.002 - 22254 Medical brary Assistance 93879 Direct = 2189 ‘Associated Black Ohartios Marland: HIV Emergency Ratef Project Grants sat w7-2481 = 2 [Associated Black Charties Maryland e301 18-2481-Not = 6 ‘Associated Black Charties Maryland s3014 10-2493 = 5403 ‘Associated Black Charties Maryland s3at4 19-2435-002 - 082 [Associated Black Charties Maryland e301 102435-014 = 34868 [Associated Black Charties Maryland e301 19-2438-002 = 496,181 ‘Associated Black Charties Maryland s3014 19-2438-007 = 846 ‘Associated Black Charties Maryland s3at4 19-2438-016, - #4000, [Associated Black Charties Maryland e301 19.2438-010 = 31554 [Associated Black Charties Maryland e301 102438-014 = 02488 [Associated Black Charties Maryland e301 19268-018 = 947 ‘Associated Black Charties Maryland s3014 19-2438-080, = 22208 ‘Associated Black Charties Maryland s3at4 toz4et-o1a - 12222 [Associated Black Charties Maryland e301 192481 = 28258, [Associated Black Charties Maryland e301 102483-014, = 110204 ‘Associated Black Charties Maryland s3014 192483-01€ = 12637 [Associated Black Charties Maryland s3at4 to2483mal - 77538, Balamore Gay Heath Department e301 08, = 350996, Balimore Gay Heath Department e301 ‘0004 = 1965 Balimore Gay Heath Department s3014 30005 = 20.801 Balimore Gay Heath Department sat sant = 105,048 ‘Subtotal 2.968 995 Batimare Cay Heath Department: HIV Care Formula Grants s3017 38033 - es) ‘Geans o Provide Outpatert Early hlerventon Services wid Respect to HIV Disease 93.018 Direct = 314199, Balimore Cay Heath Department HIV Proventon Acviies Health Department Based 93.040 38300 = 218) Balimore Gay Heath Department 93.040 38768 = 37908, Balimore Gay Heath Department 93.040 38812 - 938 Balimore Gay Heath Department 93.040 38032 = 110587 Balimore Gay Heath Department 93.040 30107 = 43031 Balimore Gay Heath Department 93.040 30109 = 253234 Balimore Gay Heath Department 93.040 30519 - 23340 Balimore Gay Heath Department 93.040 co #0386 = 2571 Balimore Gay Heath Deparimert 93.040 co 38932 = 215 Maryland Department of Heal and Mental Hygiene 93.040 PAPA.GeDE 274 ‘Subtotal 127 470, 638 (Continued) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedle of Expenses of Federal Awards ‘Year ended June 20,2020 Passed Federal CFDA Direct award or pass-through thoughto ‘Total federal Federal grantoripass-through grantor/program or duster tile ‘pumber entity identifying number subrecipients__expencttures Universiy ofUtah: Research, Prevertion, and Education Programs on Lyme Disease in the United States e302 10049023-04 = 131646 Universty of Maryland Colege Park: Block Grants for Preverton and Treatment of Substance Abuse 93.050 98024-00160201 - 13.255 Universiy of Maryland Colage Park 93.059 133158-00358201 250058, ‘Subtotal a1 Provertative Heath Services Snually Transmitted Diseases Cont Grants osa77 Direct = ‘280.480 Balimore Cay Heath Department, 93977 30307 = 39206, Balimore Gay Heath Department 93977 ast = 90.356 Balimore Gay Heath Department 93977 30037 - 267 974 Maryland Department of Heal and Mental Hygiene 93077 3288 = 74.305, ‘Subtotal = 211330, IntemaSonal Research and Research Training 93.989 Direct 11085.504 2.388.252 ‘dss Ababa University 93.89, spasTwor014s = ‘1853 ‘Adis Ababa Universty 93.89, 90087274 = 12095 ‘Azociacion Benen Prisma 93.89, spr mrwort20s.o1 = 11880 Emory Universty 93.989, 234205 = 19008 bbfectous Disease Instiste 93.980, RSNI63 2048 = 41302 Makerere University 93.89, ‘90087581 = 500 Makerere University 93.89, MakcHsta2018 = 1357 Makerere University 93.989, MakcHsz2r010 - 20860 Makerere University 93.89, RosTwo1 1213, = 53200 Makerere University 93.89, SUBAWARDO1O1 = 49601 Narthiestem Univers 93.89, "60042080 JHU = 2303 Tulane University 93.989, - 21950, Tulane University 93.89, TuLHsc-s56202- 18/10 = 790 Universty of Bamako 93.89, USTTB-JHASPH 5048, = 1089072 Unversty of Cape Town 93.89, 28232 = 2161 Universiy ofNoth Caroling 93.989, 108724 72066 re3.048 Unversided Peruana Cayetano Heredi 93.89, 0817 = 35781 Unversidad Peruana Cayetano Heredi 93.89, 90075658 = ast Unversidad Peruana Cayetano Heredi 93.989 90075757 = 19705 ‘Subtotal 1.158.268 3472.50 Maryland Department of Heal and Mental Hygiene: Matemal and Chid Heath Services Block Geant tothe States 93.004 = 122097 Maryland Department of Heal and Mental Hygiene 93.004 FHs2GEN PHPADTS = 3435 Maryland Department of Healt and Mental Hygiene 93.004 FHBSSGEN PHPA-G2388 5.162 115500 Maryland Department of Heal and Mental Hygiene 93.004 “Trai FHESOTIN = 2235 ‘Subtotal 5.162 313,306 ‘Autism and Other Developmental Disables, Survelance, Research, and Prevention 93.08 Direct = 428974 Department of Healh and Human Services SBUNKOWN Direct 7osess1 44470446, ‘American Colege of Physicians SBUNKVOWN TOUHU-Noverber 23-2 = 2761 ‘Amercan Instites for Research SBUNKNOWN ‘0817400005 = e568) ‘Azcociated Black Chartiew Maryland SBUNKNOWN ‘90087008 = 27656, Brigham and Women's Hospaal SBUNKVOWN ‘sNosor9RO005S, = 10783 (Gaptal Consulting Corperaton SBUNKVOWN = 162319 Canter for Naval An SBUNKVOWN rH = 33516 (Chine Comprehensive Heath Care Facity SBUNKNOWN Husiz4sz0te000108 = 9190 (Chine Comprehensive Heath Care Facity SBUNKVOWN Huswaszoteot24eP - 5967 Gzeutomice, ne SBUNKNOWN ‘0085 69 = 55083, Greutomice, ne SBUNKNOWN ‘sc10007 = 6766 Geeddemies, ne S8.UNKNOWN ‘sc10008 - 4368 Duke Cinical Research inesiute SBUNKNOWN ‘218008 = eat) Eastern Veginia Medical School SBUNKVOWN soo7es2t = 12228 Emmes Corporation SBUNKNOWN |AREDS2 10-YEAR FOLLO = 19587 Emory University SBUNKVOWN ‘90083753 - (17848) Feast Track Drugs and Bidlogics LLC SBUNKVOWN eisN27500008- 1051. = 7028) Fedpoint Systems, LLC SBUNKVOWN = 285) FHI360 SBUNKNOWN Pozoarat1 = ‘74 (GlaxoSmehkine, LLC SBUNKVOWN 0085653 708,363 mis (GlaxoSmehKine, LLC SBUNKNOWN P1093 ‘4510 0.171 Harvard Pigim Heath Care SBUNKVOWN 90057852 = 2465 Harvard Pigim Heath Care SBUNKVOWN 90071959 = 21 IntemaSonal Business Machines SBUNKNOWN ‘sow #ow2901645 = rast) “Janssen Research and Development, LLC SBUNKVOWN Jansson 636238727123, = ‘3182 Kaizer Foundason Research hese SBUNKNOWN ‘OOS030459JHU = 2308 Leisos, ne SBUNKVOWN x15 = new Leisos, ne SBUNKNOWN 190780 = 555,180, Leisos, ne SBUNKVOWN sexo720T2 = ‘S057 Leisos, ne SBUNKVOWN [AGMTNO 200TA-DM0008 = eats Leisos, ne SBUNKVOWN Powott7a3 = 5551 Leisos, ne SBUNKNOWN Powot73 = 75058 Leisos, ne SBUNKVOWN ‘Zhang_LEIDOS 2011739 - 98.565, Maryland Department of Heal and Mental Hygiene SBUNKVOWN ‘0088 125 = sa0351 Maryland Department of Healt and Mental Hygiene SBUNKVOWN 63105 = 34820, Mathematica Paley Research, Ine SBUNKNOWN ‘sosges06205 = 5254 more S8.UNKNOWN 0085200 = 2 Mictigan Pubic Heath Institute SBUNKVOWN 2.92067-115504200 = 9479 Mictigan Puble Heath Intitte SBUNKVOWN 2.79967-115508200, = nara Mareapols Medical Research Foundation SBUNKNOWN HeisH2sazorso0000¢ = 107.503 Minneapols Medical Research Foundation SBUNKVOWN LDC Pict, = 45040, MRIGIabal SBUNKNOWN 698-111000-1 = 105.304 Northwestern Universy SBUNKVOWN |5 0038779 60044358 = tt Northwestern Universy SBUNKNOWN |SP056474 60054825 = 4863 ‘oncospace, Ine SBUNKVOWN ‘snororacon0s44 = ern (Oregon State Uriversty SBUNKVOWN VossaA- = 24254 Papgene, ne SBUNKNOWN Husnzetzote00034¢ = ‘33881 Radiopham aceutcal maging & Dosimetry SBUNKNOWN ‘sNo1018co0047 = mM Radiopham aceutcal maging & Dosimetry SBUNKVOWN ‘90088653 - 1908 Rand Corperaton SBUNKVOWN ‘scon-o0000232 = 3397 Regeneron Pharmaceutcals, nc SBUNKVOWN HHisot002017000200 = 7089 Research Triangle Insitute SBUNKNOWN 3e0-021661085527. = 368.316 ‘Sblech, Ine SBUNKNOWN oraHU - 137508 69 (Continued) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Scheslle of Expendiures of Federal Awards Your ended June 20, 2020 Passed Federal CFDA Direct award or pas to Total federal Federal grantorfpassthrough grantor/program or cluster tile ‘purer. entity identifying number subrecipients__ expenditures ‘Centers for Research and Demonstration forHeath Promtion and Disease Prevention 3.135 Dieet s - 12461 lbh Prevention and Control Research and State and Commun Saved Programs 3.138 Dieet = 305,121 Universty of Pitsburgh: AIDS Eduction and Tearing Centers 93.15 ‘oNa00050178- 1320788 = 272,80 University of Pitsburgh 93.165 (0050178 (131283-3) = 2888 University of Pitsburgh 93.15 (0056006 (131888-3) = ote ‘Subtotal = 5a3.9t4 ‘Nafonal Research Service Award in Primary Care Meciine 93.186 Direct = 435,446 ‘Substance Abuse and Merfal Healh Services ~ Projects of Regional and Natonal Sigifcance B20 Dieet 11908 161.463 ‘Advanced Nursing Education Worktorce 93207 Direct = 179500 (Occupational Safty and Heath Program 93.262 Direct 8.408 11509.923 Delaware Dept of Heath and Social Services Vial Hepais Prevention and Conk 3270, E 19-353 = 24,909, University of Pitsburgh: Pubfe Heath Training Centers Program 3516 ‘onvaaoost46t 132884 = sa782 Heath Careers Opportunity Program wan Direct 9588 (Grane for Primary Care Training and Enhancement 93.884 Direct = 383.272 HIV Demonstration, Research, Pubic and Professional Eduction Projects godt Dieet = 197203 ‘Sexual Transmitied Diseases (STD) Provider Education Grants 980 Direct 29238 767.355 Maternal and Chas Healy Services Block Grant to fhe Sates 93978 Direct 76.008, PHF Geri Eavestion Grants 93.004 Direct 28200, Department of Heath and Human Services Total 250.515, 5000714 Training Tell - ther Divisions 316.579 021237 Total expenctres of federal awards ‘See accompanying independent auctor’ repart, 72 THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards June 30, 2020 (1) Basis of Presentation The accompanying schedule of expenditures of federal awards (the Schedule) summarizes the expenditures of The Johns Hopkins University (the University) under programs of the federal government for the year ended June 30, 2020. The Schedule was prepared in accordance with the requirements of Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance). For purposes of the Schedule, federal awards include all grants, contracts, and similar agreements entered into directly between the University and agencies and departments of the federal government and all subawards made to the University by nonfederal organizations pursuant to federal grants, contracts, and similar agreements. For schedule presentation purposes, awards are grouped into the following categories: Research and Development — Includes awards for research and development work at the University’s Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), provided primarily under cost plus fixed fee type contracts with agencies of the Department of Defense (DOD), and for work at the University’s academic divisions, primarily under grants with agencies and divisions of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Information about specific subagencies within these federal government agencies and departments is provided in notes 4 and 5 to the Schedule. Student financial aid— Includes awards to provide financial assistance to students under Federal Work Study (FWS), Federal Pell Grants (Pell), Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG), loan disbursements under the Federal Perkins, and Federal Direct Student Loan Programs of the Department of Education as well as Nurse Facility Loan, and Nursing Student Loans Programs of the Department of Health and Human Services. Cooperative agreements — Includes awards for international assistance projects sponsored by the Agency for International Development (AID) to Jnpiego Corporation, a separate corporate entity controlled by the University, and certain departments of the University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health (with respect to population information, population communication services, and various other projects). Specific grant information is included in note 6 to the Schedule. Training and other — Includes awards to support research training for graduate and other students, primarily under programs of the National Institutes of Health, and other student related assistance programs that are not considered part of the research and development cluster under Uniform Guidance. The University receives pass through awards from approximately 400 different institutions and not for profit organizations. Information about significant pass through organizations is presented on the schedule of expenditures of federal awards. The University makes payments to approximately 700 subrecipient organizations. Information about significant subrecipients is presented on the schedule of expenditures of federal awards. The Schedule does not include federal awards expenditures, if any, of The Johns Hopkins Health System Corporation (JHHS) or any of its member institutions. JHHS and its member institutions are incorporated and governed separately from the University, and their accounts are not included in the University’s financial statements. 73 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards June 30, 2020 (2) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies for Federal Awards (a) General For purposes of the Schedule, expenditures for federal award programs are recognized on an accrual basis of accounting. (b) Applied Physics Laboratory (c) The Applied Physics Laboratory’s (APL) federal award expenditures relate primarily to costs incurred and fees earned under cost plus fixed fee type contracts with agencies of the DOD. Costs incurred and fees earned under these contracts are determined in accordance with the terms of the contracts and the contract cost principles and procedures set forth in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and, where applicable, agency acquisition regulations that implement or supplement the FAR. Under terms of the contracts and provisions of the FAR, certain expenditures are not allowable or are limited as to reimbursement. Expenditures include indirect costs, relating primarily to general and administrative activities and technical supervision and services at the APL, which are allocated to the direct cost objectives (including federal awards) which benefit from the activities using bases and methods considered appropriate for the various types of costs involved. Indirect costs are allocated to federal awards and billed to sponsoring agencies during each cost accounting period based on agreed upon provisional rates; variances between actual costs incurred and costs allocated and billed using the provisional rates are adjusted periodically. For purposes of the Schedule, the variance for the year ended June 30, 2020 was allocated to individual awards based on their proportionate federal award expenditures for the period. Fees earned on cost plus fixed fee type contracts are recognized as related expenditures are incurred and included as contract costs in the Schedule. For contract administration purposes, the year end date for the APL’s principal contracts with agencies of the DOD is September 30. The information in the Schedule with respect to these contracts is presented to comply with the Uniform Guidance requirements and is not intended to provide the sole basis for administrative closeout of the contracts. Academic and Other Divisions Expenditures for federal student financial aid programs are recognized as incurred and include Pell grants to students, the federal share of students’ FSEOG grants and FWS program earnings, loan disbursements, certain other federal financial assistance grants for students, and administrative cost allowances, where applicable. Expenditures for other federal awards of the University’s academic and other divisions, including Jhpiego Corporation, are determined using the cost accounting principles and administrative procedures set forth in 2 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) Part 220, Cost Principles for Educational Institutions (OMB Circular A-21) and 2 CFR Part 215, Administrative Requirements for Grants and Other Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Nonprofit Organizations (OMB Circular A-110). Under the cost principles, certain expenditures are not allowable or are limited as to reimbursement. Expenditures for nonfinancial aid awards include facilities and administrative (F&A) costs, relating primarily to facilities operation and maintenance and general, divisional, and departmental administration services, which are allocated to direct costs (including federal awards) based on 74 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards June 30, 2020 Student Research and financial development aid training DHHS Funding Source (R&D) and other APL (R&D) Total National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases $ 10,612 - - 10,612 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 6,420 - - 6,420 National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering 14,309 - - 14,309 National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research 3,864 - - 3,864 National Institute of Nursing Research 3,554 - - 3,554 National Human Genome Research Institute 14,853 - - 14,853 National Library of Medicine 415 - - 415 John E. Fogarty International Center 3,590 - - 3,590 National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health 1,961 - - 1,961 National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities 5,927 - - 5,927 National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) 19,327 - - 19,327 National Institute of Health-Office of the Director 16,878 - - 16,878 National Institutes of Health: Clinical Center 138 - - 138 National Institutes of Health: Other Sources = = 2,385 2,385 Total NIH 748,639 - 2,385 751,024 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 82,992 2,189 191 85,372 Health Resources and Services Administration 16,681 4,653 - 21,334 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 15,372 - - 15,372 Food and Drug Administration 2,750 - - 2,750 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 2,477 161 - 2,638 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 139 - - 139 Administration for Children & Families 6,328 - - 6,328 Administration For Community Living 119 - - 119 Office of Adolescent Health 229 - - 229 Assistant Secretary for Planning & Evaluation 3 - - 3 Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health 1,334 - - 1,334 Assistant Secretary for Preparedness & Response 575 - - 575 Indian Health Service 796 - > 796 DHHS-other sources = = 1,261 1,261 Total DHHS. $ 878,434 7,003 3,837. 889,274 77 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards June 30, 2020 (6) Expenditures under Awards from United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Federal award expenditures under agreements with USAID by funding award for the year ended June 30, 2020 are summarized as follows (in thousands): CFDA Grant identifier Total 98.001 AID-OAA-A-17-00017 $ 54,946 98.001 AID-621-A-16-00003 15,637 98.001 AID-OAA-A-14-00028 15,046 98.001 7200AA19CA00003 13,760 98.001 AID-612-A-16-00001 11,473 98.001 AID-306-A-15-00002 9,110 98.001 AID-615-A-17-00004 8,632 98.001 AID-621-A-15-00003 8,280 98.001 36991.001 8,102 98.001 AID-674-A-15-00005 6,256 98.001 AID-688-A-15-00001 5,420 98.001 AID-OAA-A-14-00057 4,977 98.001 AID-675-A-16-00001 4,539 98.001 7200AA19CA00001 3,931 98.001 AID-624-A-13-00010 3,480 98.001 AID-482-A-17-00002 3,312 98.001 72065620CA00001 3,082 98.001 AID-663-A-15-00011 3,051 98.001 AID-388-A-17-00002 2,925 98.001 AID-656-A-17-00005 2,728 98.001 AID-668-A-15-00001 2,333 98.001 7200AA20CA00002 1,727 98.001 AID-OAA-LA-15-00003 1,592 98.001 JSI-IHSS 003 Jhpiego 1,234 98.001 72038620CA00001 1,115, 98.001 AID-OAA-A-13-00068 1,078 98.001 A587-ACCESS-2018- 801 98.001 2016-13 791 98.001 1-330-0216694-65508L 783 98.001 72061220CA00001 627 98.001 01155 577 98.001 84004093 548 98.001 720FDA18CA00051 513 98.001 84001621 494 98.001 SH1420 456 98.001 72066320CA00008 409 98.001 AID-OAA-L-10-00006 396 78 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards June 30, 2020 CFDA Grant identifier Total 98.001 84001965 393 98.001 AID-663-A-12-00008 388 98.001 268-000065 303 98.001 AID-OAA-A-15-00064 299 98.001 999002138 281 98.001 84005050 266 98.001 FY16-A02-7028 257 98.001 AID-OAA-F-16-00091 235 98.001 AID-OAA-F-15-00038 234 98.001 45820 210 98.001 720FDA19GR00205 209 98.001 Other Grants less than $200k 982. 208,218 98.002 72038619CA00001 3,059 3,059 98.004 Grants less than $200k 33 33 98.006 AID-ASHA-G-16-00005 _ 98.006 Other Grants less than $200k 224 224 98.007 Grants less than $200k 77 77 98. UNKNOWN 4442-Jhpiego-21Apr18 7,051 98. UNKNOWN 72061518C00001 6,355 98. UNKNOWN 72066920C00002 2,681 98. UNKNOWN AID-617-C-160001 704 98. UNKNOWN AID-611-15-000001 679 98. UNKNOWN 217727JhpiegoTO05-01 569 98. UNKNOWN 217727JhpiegoTO04-01 541 98. UNKNOWN 217727JhpiegoTOO3Bau 518 98. UNKNOWN 18MQSK0067 389 98. UNKNOWN 411665_GR411614-JHU 294 98. UNKNOWN AID.2052-01011025CRT 290 98. UNKNOWN Other Grants less than $200k 796 20,867 232,478 79 (Continued) SECTION B kemG KPMG LLP 750 East Pratt Street, 18th Floor Baltimore, MD 21202 Independent Auditors’ Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance With Government Auditing Standards The Board of Trustees The Johns Hopkins University: We have audited, in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, the consolidated financial statements of The Johns Hopkins University (the University), which comprise the consolidated balance sheet as of June 30, 2020, the related consolidated statements of activities and cash flows for the year then ended, and the related notes to the consolidated financial statements, and have issued our report thereon dated September 30, 2020. Our report contains an emphasis of matter paragraph referring to the University’s adoption, in 2020, of Accounting Standards Update 2016-02, Leases (Topic 842), as amended. Internal Control Over Financial Reporting In planning and performing our audit of the consolidated financial statements, we considered the University’s internal control over financial reporting (internal control) as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the consolidated financial statements, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the University’s internal control. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the University’s internal control. A deficiency in internal control exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent, or detect and correct, misstatements on a timely basis. A material weakness is a deficiency, or combination of deficiencies, in internal control, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the entity's financial statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected, on a timely basis. A significant deficiency is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in intemal control that is less severe than a material weakness yet important enough to merit attention by those charged with governance. Our consideration of internal control was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control that might be material weaknesses or significant deficiencies. Given these limitations, during our audit we did not identify any deficiencies in internal control that we consider to be material weaknesses. However, material weaknesses may exist that have not been identified. Compliance and Other Matters As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the University’s consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the consolidated financial statements. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit, and accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance or other matters that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards. kp Purpose of this Report The purpose of this report is solely to describe the scope of our testing of internal control and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the effectiveness of the University’s internal control or on compliance. This report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards in considering the University’s internal control and compliance. Accordingly, this communication is not suitable for any other purpose. KPI cG LEP Baltimore, Maryland September 30, 2020 83 kp for each major federal program and to test and report on internal control over compliance in accordance with the Uniform Guidance, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of internal control over compliance. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the University’s internal control over compliance. A deficiency in internal control over compliance exists when the design or operation of a control over compliance does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent, or detect and correct, noncompliance with a type of compliance requirement of a federal program on a timely basis. A material weakness in internal control over compliance is a deficiency, ora combination of deficiencies, in internal control over compliance, such that there is a reasonable possibility that material noncompliance with a type of compliance requirement of a federal program will not be prevented, or detected and corrected, on a timely basis. A significant deficiency in intemal control over compliance is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in intemal control over compliance with a type of compliance requirement of a federal program that is less severe than a material weakness in internal control over compliance, yet important enough to merit attention by those charged with governance. Our consideration of internal control over compliance was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control over compliance that might be material weaknesses or significant deficiencies. We did not identify any deficiencies in internal control over compliance that we consider to be material weaknesses. However, material weaknesses may exist that have not been identified. The purpose of this report on internal control over compliance is solely to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over compliance and the results of that testing based on the requirements of the Uniform Guidance. Accordingly, this report is not suitable for any other purpose. Report on Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards Required by the Uniform Guidance We have audited the consolidated financial statements of the University as of and for the year ended June 30, 2020, and have issued our report thereon dated September 30, 2020, which contained an unmodified opinion on those consolidated financial statements. Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the consolidated financial statements as a whole. The accompanying schedule of expenditures of federal awards is presented for purposes of additional analysis as required by the Uniform Guidance and is not a required part of the consolidated financial statements. Such information is the responsibility of management and was derived from and relates directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the consolidated financial statements. The information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the consolidated financial statements and certain additional procedures, including comparing and reconciling such information directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the consolidated financial statements or to the consolidated financial statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. In our opinion, the schedule of expenditures of federal awards is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the consolidated financial statements as a whole. KPI LEP March 29, 2021 85 SECTION D (1) (2) (3) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs June 30, 2020 Summary of Auditors’ Results Financial Statements (a) Type of report issued on whether the financial statements were prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles: Unmodified (b) Intemal control deficiencies over financial reporting disclosed by the audit of the financial statements: « Material weaknesses: No ¢ — Significant deficiencies: None reported (c) Noncompliance material to financial statements noted: No Federal Awards (d) Intemal control deficiencies over major programs disclosed by the audit: « Material weaknesses: No ¢ — Significant deficiencies: None reported (e) Type of report issued on compliance for major programs: Unmodified (f) Audit findings that are required to be reported in accordance with 2 CFR 200.516(a): No (g) Identification of Major Programs e Research and Development Cluster: Various CFDA numbers ¢ Student Financial Assistance Cluster: Various CFDA numbers (h) Dollar threshold used to distinguish between Type A and Type B programs: $9,956,543 (i) Auditee qualified as low risk auditee: Yes Findings Related to the Financial Statements Reported in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards None Findings and Questioned Costs Relating to Federal Awards None 86
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