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Psychiatric Rehabilitation: A Person-Centered Approach to Mental Health Recovery, Exams of Psychiatry

The principles and practices of psychiatric rehabilitation (psyr), a collaborative, person-directed, and individualized approach to mental health recovery. The document emphasizes the importance of cultural relevance, strength-based practices, personal support networks, wellness plans, and evidence-based practices. It also highlights the role of goal-related skills training, resources development, environmental modifications, and legislative advocacy in psyr. The document also touches upon the helper therapy principle, social support theory, and cognitive dissonance theory.

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Available from 05/22/2024

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Download Psychiatric Rehabilitation: A Person-Centered Approach to Mental Health Recovery and more Exams Psychiatry in PDF only on Docsity! CPRP CERTIFIED PSYCHIATRIC REHABILITATION PRACTITIONER EXAM STUDY GUIDE 2024 | ALL QUESTIONS AND CORRECT ANSWERS | ALREADY GRADED A+ | LATEST VERSION | VERIFIED ANSWERS Community Defined Evidence Practices (CDEP) ------CORRECT ANSWER--------------- 1. Engage people who might otherwise not use mental health services or prematurely terminate 2. Reduce disparities by improving access, quality, availability, and positive outcomes 3. Create evidence and effectiveness from the ground up to be used for research, evaluation, funding, advocacy, and policy development. Stress Inoculation Training (SIT) ------CORRECT ANSWER----------------the concept of medical immunization where one builds psychological antibodies or coping skills to resist the toxicity of stress. Inoculation Against Discrimination (IAD) ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------- intervention aimed at resisting the internalization of accumulated, daily micro- aggressions to strengthen one's resistance against potential discriminatory experiences. Supported Housing Model ------CORRECT ANSWER----------------people should be housed in the environment of their choice and have ready access to intensive, flexible personalized support services that would help them to succeed in their living environment. Pathways to Housing First Model (PHF) ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------- provides housing that does not require readiness, treatment, or sobriety as preconditions for getting into housing. -believes that housing is a basic human right, not something that people must earn or prove they deserve by complying with treatment. "Housing First" ------CORRECT ANSWER----------------reserves the approach of care demanding treatment and sobriety first. -referring to individuals' expressed choice about what problem they would like to deal with first. Core Values of Pathways Housing First ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------1. All people have a right to housing 2. People with psychiatric disabilities should not have to prove that they are 'housing ready' nor 'earn the right to housing' by complying with psychiatric treatment or attaining sobriety 3. Strengths are appreciated, and each person's potential for creativity, growth, and recovery is acknowledged, honored, and encouraged. 4. Respect, hope, and creating possibilities are the foundations of helping. 5. People have the power of choice, and their life choices are honored and upheld Person First Language ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------- use "person" alone and keep diagnosis irrelevant -person WITH a psychiatric disability -Ex.. Someone with a history of depresson, not "suffering from depression"- suffering is a concept that can only be used by the person who is experiencing the suffering. -Not considered a 'client' (this implies possession) "Psychiatric Disability" or "Mental Illness" ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Use Psychiatric disability for person first language Psychiatric Disability ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------implies something a person has (not "is"), while emphasizing ability, and is analogous to physical disability Mental Illness ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------implies a medical perspective, with an emphasis on diagnosis and symptoms, which is analogous to physical illness Mental Health ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Implies wellness and successful cognitive and interpersonal behaviors and is analogous to physical health, in the sense Neffinger and day program evaluations ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------1981 proposed a taxonomy of partial hospitalizations programs that identified three primary purposed or functions of partial hospitalization; 1. an alternative to inpatient treatment "day hospital", stabilize acute episode 2. a supplement to traditional outpatient treatment and vocational rehabilitation "day treatment", accelerate rapid improvement 3. Functional maintenance in the community "day care", prevent further deterioration Criticisms of psy day programs ` ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------No two programs are the same it is hard to measure program and effectiveness in the typical day program who are the staff levels Staff of a day program ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------The staff in a day program typically include: Staff- Director; Sets both the philosophical and administrative tone for the program. Tasks may include setting the program design, supervising the daily operations of the program, recruiting and supervising staff Supervisory-level staff; responsible for specific program staff, program elements, or consumer caseloads. Counselors/case managers; may be referred to as line staff, spend most of their time working directly with consumers. Mental health aides or paraprofessionals; often work with prevocational units helping out with activities, drive vans to transport program members and conduct outreach to name just some of their roles Auxiliary or support staff; Auxiliary staff include -medical staff such as psychiatrists and nurses, specialized therapists Support staff are secretaries, file clerks, accountants Wellness for life community based group intervention ------CORRECT ANSWER---------- -----Wellness for life is a multidisciplinary intervention for persons living with serious mental illness and metabolic syndrome. The planned intervention takes place over a period of three or four months, followed by transition to other services to maintain gains. Orienting, assessment, goal setting, planning/accountability, mentoring and support Wellness coaching process ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Orienting - describe what wellness coaching is and what it is not and roles of everyone involved Assessment- review wellness status to clarify an area of focus. Goal setting - Use SMART method to set a goal Planning and accountability - create a plan to succeed including steps to take in the next weeks or months. Mentoring and support - provide support and guidance. help person maintain momentum. In shape community based group interventions ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------In shape a fully community integrated approach, potentially replicated anywhere. Staff are trained to address the symptoms and functional impairment affecting an individuals ability to manage health, wellness, fitness and nutrition. Illness management and recovery ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Provides the knowledge and skills needed to work effectively with professionals, minimize effects of the mental illness and pursue personally meaningful goals. can also be known as wellness management and recovery Evidence based Family Psycho-education ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------evidence based family intervention for improving outcomes and assisting families in caring for their loved ones Day wasting programs ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Programs that allow habituation and do not give the client the needed skills to be independent continuity of care ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------receiving all the services needed for the length of time they are required and across all settings -A shift from individual agencies to interdisciplinary teams -Assists in reducing recidivism -Reduces gaps in needed services when integrating into the community -Time limited to promote growth and independence Service objectives of case management ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------continuity of care- the individual receives accessibility - the person can enter and use the services he or she needs accountability - the system accepts responsibility for the services provided efficiency - services are provided in an economical fashion Basic functions for case management ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Assessing - identifying the clients needs planning - developing a comprehensive service plan for the client linking - connecting the client with service plan for the client monitoring - ensuring the the services are actually delivered to the client evaluating - assessing the clients response to services and providing follow up 6 Models of case management ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Broker model, clinical case management model, rehabilitation model, strengths based model, assertive community treatment, intensive case management Since deinstitutionalization PsyR has had a focus on the concept of interdependence. -- ----CORRECT ANSWER---------------True A wellness coach helps individuals identify strengths in the 8 dimensions of wellness and then helps them to clarify what they hope to change or improve. ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------True Much of the early development of psychiatric rehabilitation took place in psychiatric hospitals and asylums. ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------False SMART goals are integral to the coaching process and are used to help individuals achieve health and wellness goals. The acronym SMART stands for: ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-framed. Research shows that the life span of individuals with mental illnesses is 10 years less than that of the general population. ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------False Psychiatric rehabilitation day programming services maintain a strong reputation and are overwhelmingly popular with consumers and families. ------CORRECT ANSWER----- ----------False The authors discussed 4 basic service objectives of case management. They include: -- ----CORRECT ANSWER---------------continuity of care, accessibility, accountability and efficiency. Historically, there are six models of case management. Which of the following has been most researched and is the only evidence-based practice? ------CORRECT ANSWER--- ------------Assertive Community Treatment. Research conducted by Dr. Gary Bond on ACT programs found that service recipients have superior treatment outcomes, such as: ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------less use of emergency, crisis intervention and other services. Long-term unemployment can result in the deterioration of physical, emotional and psychiatric well-being and overall functioning. ------CORRECT ANSWER--------------- True One of the greatest barriers to employment for people with mental illnesses is symptom management and hospitalization. ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------False Actual Supported Education (SEd) programs are only located on college campuses. ----- -CORRECT ANSWER---------------False The strategies used for supported employment are also used when providing SEd services. ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------True Deinstitutionalization and transinstitutionalization are synonymous terms to describe a key residential movement from the 60's. ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------False The US Fair Housing Act of 1968, was originally enacted to prohibit discrimination based on race or ethnicity in the sale or rental of housing; however, 20 years later it was amended to add protections against individuals with disabilities. ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------True Institutionalization syndrome was a formerly diagnosable condition in the DSM-III. ------ CORRECT ANSWER---------------False Supported housing and independent living sought to facilitate opportunities for people to reside in independent living situations of their choice in the community and receive support services to help them maintain those situations. ------CORRECT ANSWER------- --------True The Olmstead v L.C. US Supreme Court case was a major victory for the disability community and upheld Title IV of the Americans with Disabilities Act. ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------False The WRAP is the best known, evidence based self-help approach in psychiatric rehabilitation. ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------False Psychiatric Rehabilitation ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------.... promotes recovery, full community integration and improved quality of life for persons who have been diagnosed with any mental health condition that seriously impairs their ability to lead meaningful lives. Psychiatric rehabilitation services are collaborative, person-directed and individualized. These services are an essential element of the health care and human services spectrum, and should be evidenced-based. WRAP ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Wellness Recovery Action Plan Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) ------CORRECT ANSWER----------------an evidence-based practice that improves outcomes for people with severe mental illness who are most vulnerable to homelessness and hospitalization. Principles of Psych Rehab Groupings ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------1-3= Roles of the Practitioners 4-10= Best Practices in the Field 11-12 PsyR Service Delivery Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------- recognizes the importance of understanding and following research recommendations, while taking into account the service provider's clinical expertise and the goals, preferences, interests, values, and characteristics of the people using the service SAMHSA's Four Major Dimensions of Recovery ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------1. HEALTH: Overcoming or managing one's disease(s) as well as living in a physically and emotionally healthy way; 2. HOME: A stable and safe place to live; 3. PURPOSE: Meaningful daily activities, such as a job, school, volunteerism, family caretaking, or creative endeavors, and the independence, income, and resources to participate in society; 4. COMMUNITY: Relationships and social networks that provide support, friendship, love, and hope. The Medical Perspective on Psychiatric Disability ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------- Focused on treating the mental health condition (the symptoms of the psychiatric illness). -Use language such as mental impairment, psychiatric disorder, emotional disturbance, or diagnosis. -Follows the DSM- to be a disorder: -symptoms must be noticeable (clinically significant) -must be/or at risk of causing difficulty in role functioning -must have abnormal/not "culturally-sanctioned" reactions/behaviors to events -a faulty way of perceiving or reacting to the world The Disability Perspective ------CORRECT ANSWER----------------psych disabilities occur when a mental health condition interferes with a person's function in living, learning, working, and/or social environments and roles. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) definition for Disability ------CORRECT ANSWER- ---------------a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities of such individual Social Security Act (SSA) definition for Disability ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------- "the inability to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to result in death or which has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of no less than 12 months." PRA's definition for Disability ------CORRECT ANSWER----------------the concept is seen as more relevant to rehabilitation than is the concept of illness and implies the hope of reacquiring abilities and valued roles. The Bio-Psycho-Social Perspective ------CORRECT ANSWER----------------the health condition is seen as interacting with environmental and personal factors to affect an individual's functioning at the level of body functions and structures, in performance of daily activities, and in participation in values roles and life domains. Bio-Psycho-Social Perspective Functions related to Symptoms of the Body ------ CORRECT ANSWER---------------ABC -Affective functions: experience, expression, regulation of affect. -Behavioral functions: energy and drive, sleep and appetites, and psychomotor functions -Cognitive functions: experience of self and time, attention/concentration, memory, and executive functions Positive Symptoms (in regards to Medical Perspective of Psychiatric Disbility) ------ CORRECT ANSWER----------------additions to typical behaviors (present) Ex. delusion, hallucinations, bizzare behaviors, etc. Negative Symptoms (in regards to Medical Perspective of Psychiatric Disbility) ------ CORRECT ANSWER----------------showing a lack of something (absent) Ex. social withdrawl, difficulty producing thoughts or speech, blunted of flat affect, etc. The Social Perspective on Psychiatric Disability ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------- sees the disability as a product of the social and interpersonal factors. -"there is no such thing as a mental illness" -believes that psychiatric symptoms can be a healthy response to a dysfunctional world. -"what looks like illness often represents a method of surviving difficult times or coping with trauma -Believes that because the environment helps to define 'disability', disability is a socially constructed concept. Competency ------CORRECT ANSWER----------------the ability to apply or use knowledge, skills, attitudes, and personal characteristics to successfully perform critical work tasks, specific functions, or operate in a given role or position. KSA ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes KSA's Three competency blocks ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Foundational (bottom tier), industry-related (middle tier), and occupation-related (top tier) KSA's Foundational Block ------CORRECT ANSWER----------------can be generalized/are core competencies -three tiers: basic workplace skills, basic academic skills, and the personal effectiveness skill (soft skills) Accredidation ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------the approval of an organization stating that they meet the expected standards and competencies Certification ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------granted to an individual by a non- governmental agency Licensure/Registration ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------granted to an individual by a government agency Person-Centered Planning (PCP) ------CORRECT ANSWER----------------an ongoing collaborative process between an individual and his or her team members (including clinical and rehabilitation professionals as well as natural supports) the APA's Three Relationship Components for Effective Indidvidual Therapy: ------ CORRECT ANSWER---------------1. Demonstrating empathy 2. Monitoring the alliance 3. achieving goal consensus A Skill: ------CORRECT ANSWER----------------a complex action made up of both knowledge and behavior A Behavior: ------CORRECT ANSWER----------------a simple observable action and is conceptually small than a skill The Two Most Comprehensible and Best Defined Methods of Skill Development ------ CORRECT ANSWER---------------1. Skill Training 2. Direct Skills Teaching An Activity: ------CORRECT ANSWER----------------is composed of many skills Ex. Communication Modeling (in terms of skill development) ------CORRECT ANSWER----------------when a competent performer shows the learner how a skill is done and often includes explanations and descriptions of the critical aspects of the performance. Generalization (in terms of skill development) ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------- ensuring successful performance outside the classroom in the real life circumstance where the skill is required. 3 Key Components of the Direct Skills Teaching Process ------CORRECT ANSWER------ ---------Self-determination, choice, and active participation The Tell-Show-Do Process (Skill Development) ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------1. Tell- refers to written and oral descriptions of what needs to be done, along with any tips about how to do a behavior or how to select and use the tools needed for the skill. 2. Show- refers to the instructor modeling a demonstration of the skill for the learner. 3. Do- giving the leaner a chance to practice the skill. Reinforcement (in terms of skill development) ------CORRECT ANSWER----------------the form of verbal praise supports effort and accuracy. Shaping (in terms of skill development) ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------- reinforcing gradual changes towards successful performance. Programming Skill Use ------CORRECT ANSWER----------------a one-to-one counseling- type skill intervention used when a person has demonstrated the ability to competently perform the skills, but is not using that skill as needed in real life. The Four Common Types of Barriers ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------1. Lack of Planning 2. Lack of Resource 3. Lack of Knowledge 4. Lack of Confidence Steps to Overcome the Four Common Barriers ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------1. Lack of Planning → needs more prep 2. Lack of Resource → needs connected to resource 3. Lack of Knowledge → research is needed 4. Lack of Confidence → repeated practice needed to develop a sense of mastery. Definition of Supports ------CORRECT ANSWER----------------the people, places, things, and activities that keep people going from day to day. 3 Interventions to Build Supports: ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------1. Acquiring Resources 2. Linking to Resources 3. Creating Resources Acquiring Resources ------CORRECT ANSWER----------------helping a person access or obtain an existing thing or activity. Linking to Resources ------CORRECT ANSWER----------------making a connection to an existing service or support and is more complicated than resource acquisition. Peer Support Definition ------CORRECT ANSWER----------------a process of sharing mutuality, giving and receiving hope, strengths, and lived experiences. Peer Support Services Definition ------CORRECT ANSWER----------------are programs, discussions, events, groups, etc. within the mental health system that are led by people in recovery and are based on the philosophy of peer support. Certified Peer Specialists ------CORRECT ANSWER----------------a workforce that models the lived experience of recovery to promote hope and teach skills for self- directed recovery and mind-body whole health and resiliency.. Peer Support Competencies ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------1. Understanding and Fulfilling the Peer Worker Role 2. Empowerment 3. Recovery 4. Building Relationships 5. Service Delivery 6. Documentation Respite Services ------CORRECT ANSWER----------------provides peers a place to stay for up to 7 nights when they are in serious emotional distress. Pre-contemplation stage ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Pre-contemplation- people do not believe they have a problem and they are therefore not even considering change Contemplation stage ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Contemplation stage - people are experiencing ambivalence about their problem and are beginning to think about change Preparation stage ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Preparation stage - People recognize they need to change. Action stage ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Action stage - People are taking definite steps to change problem behavior and are acquiring new behaviors. maintenance stage ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------maintenance stage - People have sustained changed for a while and are working toward preventing relapse Methods of getting through the stages ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------The professional helps the individual accomplish the tasks of the stage he or she is currently in and encourages movement to the next stage Motivational interviewing ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------an empathetic communication method. Nurturing the individuals intrinsic motivation to change by assessing the person to see discrepancies between her behavior and personal goals 4 principles of motivational interviewing ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------1. express empathy 2. develop discrepancy 3. roll with resistance 4. support self efficacy Employment specialist role ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Provide supports away from the job site, employment specialist do not disclose the disability status of the worker unless directed by the person him or herself to do so, assist the supported employee with interpersonal relationships on the job, health, wellness goals, career planning, disclosure decision making, money managment, transportation, planning for the effect of earned income on social security and other information Reducing fear of benefit of loss ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Ticket to work and working center improvement - method of reducing anxiety and not having your benefits -This allowed individuals to work without fear of loosing their benefits. Supported employment evidence based practice ------CORRECT ANSWER--------------- supported employment shown to produce better employment outcomes than other vocational services Carl Perkins ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Intended to eliminate discrimination in educational settings against people with disabilities and mandate the development of services to them succeed in school -Section 504 mandated that people with disabilities have equal access to institutions such as colleges universities that receive federal funding -The Carl Perkins vocational education act of 1984 provided funding for the establishment of offices on college campuses that provide special services for students with disabilities. for example - they would find reasonable accommodation for students with disabilities for tests -The individuals with disabilities act mandated that children with disabilities receive free, appropriate public education designed to meet their needs and prepare them for employment and independent living -American with disabilities act made it illegal to deny admission to college programs and services to students with disabilities if they are otherwise qualified. Individual placement and support ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------emphasis competitive employment based on the preferences of the individual and the importance of ongoing support. This further emphasis rapid job search and the integration of vocational and clinical services Ungers three models of supported education ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------1. The self contained classroom model -classes of students all of whom have a psychiatric disability, take a prescribed curriculum 2. the onsite support model -Assists students on a college campus and helps them to access resources that already exist within the college community 3. the mobile support model -Provides individualized supported education services qualities of supported employment ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------services are focused on competitive employment, nonexclusionary criteria, rapid job search, integration of vocational and mental health services, focus on consumer preferences, time unlimited, individualized supports, benefits counseling Psych R principles to supported education ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Self determination - the educational goals, learning environments are selected by the student Person centered - the supports and services provided are designated to meet the unique needs of each student Normal environments - The services are integrated and 'consistent with the routine of the setting' Ongoing support - support is available indefinitely and is flexible to match the changing needs of the student dignity - supports and services are provided in a manner that protects the privacy and dignity of the individual optimism - there is obvious belief in the capability of the individual to grow and achieve academic and vocational goals Categories of peer delivered services ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------1. peer run or operated services (also referred to in the literature as consumer - run, consumer operated or consumer delivered services) 2. Peer partnership 3. peer employees Know what each is Theories accounting for peer support effectiveness ------CORRECT ANSWER------------- --1. social learning theory- (Bandura) which emphasizes the importance of modeling of desirable actions 2. social comparison theory- (Festinger) which states that learning from personal experience adds a level of understanding beyond what can be gained from observation and research 3. helper therapy principle - which discusses the benefits to the helper attained through helping others 4. social support theory - which focuses on the various types of supports that people rely on, including emotional, instrumental and information and companionship and validation 5. Experiential knowledge - Learning outcomes for peer services ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------1. fewer instances of hospitalization 2. lower rates of hospital utilization 3. reduced number of contacts with the rest of the mental health system 4. better employment outcomes 5. lower costs to the mental health system 6. increased well being and empowerment of service participants successful coping strategies ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Things they focus on in psycho ed groups; 1. development of natural supports for both parent and child 2. parenting skills 3. the necessity of a relapse plan 4. normal interests outside the home 5. awareness of legal rights 6. professional supports 7. age appropriate education of children regarding mental illness Critical ingredients of family psychoeducation ------CORRECT ANSWER--------------- 1.Mental illness education 2. Problem solving 3. stress reduction 4. long term duration 5. family and consumer involvement outcomes of family psychoeducation- -Reduced relapse rates -reduced hospitalization and hospital utilization -improved family knowledge of mental illness, symptoms and medications, therapeutic effects and side effects -may improve family problem solving -may reduce family stress -may assist family recovery Alogia ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Poverty of speech Anhedonia ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Inability to experience pleasure Catatonia ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Psychomotor disturbance characterize by a lack of movement activity or expression that may be a symptom of schizophrenia....flat affect Avolition ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------refers to deficits in the initiation of goal directed behavior Incongruence ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------When body language is more accurate reflection of a person's true feelings if body language is conflict with that is being said the practitioner could be seen as untrustworthy Reflecting ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Rephrasing of the expressed feelings to show that a rehabilitation practitioner understands what is being said Self efficacy ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------The ability to process any persons ability to succeed with a task Cultural competence ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------The skill of understanding of the ways individuals of different backgrounds seek help What is a crisis ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------turning point for better or worse in an acute disease When is self disclosure appropriate ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Self disclosure is only appropriate when is solely an individual's best interest and only when it helps to normalize his or her experience and offers hope Self-efficacy ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------The ability to persist and a persons ability to succeed at task What is Psy Rehab ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------To facilitate the recovery process Normalization ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------The importance of social roles in the community-value members of their community in the community instead of a hospital, skills are taught at home or apartments. Treatment ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Action design to cure a disease or reduce symptoms Rehabilitation ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Any action intended to reduce to negative effects of illness on everyday living. A person believes people are talking about him at his new job ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Best Response What is psychosis ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------The faulty interpretation of reality due to incorrect sensory perceptions... hallucinations and delusions are examples Schizophrenia categories are ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------paranoid, catatonic or undifferentiated Roommates are arguing bc one roommate keeps taking money from the other roommate ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------BEST response What is the premorbid stage ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------The period before the individual became ill What is disability ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------The inability to participate or perform at a socially desirable level in such activities as self-care social relationships work and situational appropriate behavior I have learned the skills of money management yet am running out of money bc am purchasing items o don't need ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------BEST Response(Role Modeling) Rehabilitate is to ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Restore to an optimal state of constructive activity Stage of recovery ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------The individuals level of progress in his or her ability to cope with the disease and disability and his or her self image as a functioning person Three stages of mental Illness ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Prodromial, Acute, Residual Deinstitutionalization movement ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------1960-1970 I am going to live in a new place. I want my staff to know what are the signs to look for that will indicate that am getting sick ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------What is the BEST plan. Is it a rehab plan a service plan?? Noooo Integration regulation ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Requires a public entity to administer programs in the most integrated set an appropriate to the needs of qualified with individuals disabilities. this was supported by the American with disabilities act 1990 6 EBPs are ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Medication management, Assertive Community Treatment, Supported Employment, Illness Management Recovery, Family education and integrated treatment for dual disorders Auditory hallucinations ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Describe Delusions ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Bizarre beliefs or ideas that a person cannot be "talked out of". Grandiose delusions ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Greater power Ideas of reference..example ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Special messages being sent by radio, Tv wtc Tools for proper communication are ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Active listening, active responding, reflection, paraphrasing, clarification, reframing, and summarizing. What are attending behaviors in communication ------CORRECT ANSWER--------------- Eye contact, attentive body language, tone of voice, speech rate, and congruence between verbal communication and body language. The concept of normalization emphasizes ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------The importance of social roles When there is an increase in sx ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------The practitioner can teach illness self-management strategies and refer individual to seek Psy consult First assessment for change is ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Rehab readiness... What are the 2nd and 3rd readiness assessments ------CORRECT ANSWER--------------- Functional and resource assessment Role Play ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Can be used in many situations i.e. Potiential problems SAMHSA's definition of recovery ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------A process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self directed life, and strive to reach their full potential SAMHSA's four dimensions of recovery ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Health, Home, Recovery, Community ADA definition ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------A physical or mental impairment that limits one or more major life activities SSA definition ------CORRECT ANSWER--------------- Anosognosia ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------The lack of knowledge or not knowing 3 kinds of episodic mood disorders are ------CORRECT ANSWER--------------- Depressive episodes, manic episodes, and mixed episodes. Individuals Who experiences more than one instance of two or more of the three episodes may have what is known as ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Bipolar disorder formally called manic depression What a natural supports ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Natural supports are people and activities that will provide support when needed How a manic episodes marked ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Elevated mood in which the person feels excessively up or high and occasionally excessively irritable for a period of a week or more What is an illness management plan ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------And illness management plan prevent relapse preserve value jobs relationship, housing, income and avoids costly and painful hospitalization Helping and individual identified early warning signs can be important to ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Maintaining a healthy lifestyle Purpose of a clinical assessment ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------outlines current symptoms, past, treatment he at current hospital, outpatient programs and rehabilitation programs...old assessments may now document cure function Flat affect ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------The lack of expression of emotions What can antidepressant medication increased symptoms of ------CORRECT ANSWER- --------------It can increase symptoms of psychosis A ct that does not participate in a group does not mean he/she is not interested ------ CORRECT ANSWER---------------The Best thing to do is ...ask the ct for their input...never be confrontational or judgemental what are skills training group ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Members practice responding to social cues to increase interpersonal skills is an example What is an informal strategy to teach group leadership ------CORRECT ANSWER--------- ------Role Modeling Direct skill teaching model ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------This model can be used to assess clients and saying no to alcohol. The leader will demonstrate how to skills is done Problem solving skills ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------supports the individual's ability to set an achieve goals in life including goals related to recovery employment and housing What are outreach techniques ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Interventions that actively seek out individuals in need, establish a connection, introduce possible services, and other intervention assesses the need of crisis intervention or meeting basic needs such as food or shelter Ethical Principles ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------AUTONOMY -freedom of choice. Non-malfeasance-refers to refraining from engaging in any behavior that would cause harm. BENEFIENCE-The duty to assist others. JUSTICE-fairness and FIDELITY- faithfulness EBP ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Supported employment, assertive community treatment, integrated dual disorders treatment, psychoeducation and illness management and recovery Collaboration ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Key to assessing an individual's strengths What are common ethical principles ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Autonomy, non-malfeasance, beneficence, justice, and fidelity Autonomy ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Freedom of choice What a cognitive deficit's ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Cognitive deficit's : attention and arousal impairments and problems in information processing memory motivation and judgment Groups are often used to increase or we learn specific skills what are they? ------ CORRECT ANSWER---------------Problem solving social illness self management and relapse prevention. Can an individual take a leadership role in a group environment ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------This will be an excellent place How can I practitioner help develop leadership potential ------CORRECT ANSWER------- --------Role Modeling How can a leader reinforcement behaviors ------CORRECT ANSWER--------------- Through the use of skill rehearsal and role-play modeling teaching encouraging the use of positive feedback to reward accomplishments Direct skills teaching model is an appropriate to use ------CORRECT ANSWER------------ ---To teach participants to Say no to drugs. What are the 6 steps for the problem-solving process ------CORRECT ANSWER---------- -----Definition of the problem, brainstorming to generate potential problem solution, identifying the pros and cons of each identify solution, selecting the best option to solve the problem, developing a plan to carry out a solution, role play the scenario with appropriate, reviewing the success of the plan after the solution has been implemented Role-play for use in practicing ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Problem-solving A crisis refers too ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------An individual's inability to solve a current problem using coping strategies that were successful in the past Re-assurance and a calm demeanor while listening to the client can do what ------ CORRECT ANSWER---------------Defuse the situation he can help prevent a crisis and allow is safe environment Why would a practitioner refer a participant to a stress management program ------ CORRECT ANSWER---------------Reduces anger or strengthening impulse control while the emphasis should be on problem-solving What can alleviate the pain of crisis ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------A plan for crisis stabilization services in the form of an advance directive a powerful tool How can a practitioner facilitate the recovery process ------CORRECT ANSWER---------- -----By gathering assessment and summarizing information collaboratively with individuals in recovery Anticipatory guidance ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Anticipate the required skills and transitioning to a new rule after crisis What is one way for a practitioner to teach ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Role modeling Many participants learn by ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Observing this is why role modeling is a great model To learn a skill the practitioner should ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Role Play to explain you are ready to move on to your parents who don't think you are ready Skills teaching and includes ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Definition of the skill, The skills step , and practice opportunities What are outreach techniques ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------They are interventions that actively to re-seat individuals in need especially homeless and those in crisis Is the capacity to tolerate the frustration of a delay and disappointment related to his psychiatric disability ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------No it is not it is a combination of personal characteristics and learned skills Is it OK to make assumptions about an ability or disability based on diagnosis or medication status ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------It is not OK. A practitioner should adequately assess each person individually for his or her unique characteristics NAMI ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Organization that can support individuals and family members advocate An advocacy tool that can be use in finding how funding increases provides more ------ CORRECT ANSWER---------------Cost and outcome data How can a practitioner reduce discrimination ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------By advocating for federal state and local policy changesin order to increase resources for services and accommodations Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Treatment in an environment with the most freedom possible. Rehabilitation Amendments ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------1992 Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------1990 Provides a free appropriate public education for students with disabilities. Equal access and accomodations to all academic settings, public, and private. 12 Core Principles and Values (1) ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Principle 1: Psychiatric rehabilitation practitioners convey hope and respect, and believe that all individuals have the capacity for learning and growth. 12 Core Principles and Values (2) ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Principle 2: Psychiatric rehabilitation practitioners recognize that culture is central to recovery, and strive to ensure that all services are culturally relevant to individuals receiving services. 12 Core Principles and Values (3) ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Principle 3: Psychiatric rehabilitation practitioners engage in the processes of informed and shared decision‐making and facilitate partnerships with other persons identified by the individual receiving services. 12 Core Principles and Values (4) ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Principle 4: Psychiatric rehabilitation practices build on the strengths and capabilities of individuals. 12 Core Principles and Values (5) ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Principle 5: Psychiatric rehabilitation practices are person‐centered; they are designed to address the unique needs of individuals, consistent with their values, hopes and aspirations. 12 Core Principles and Values (6) ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Principle 6: Psychiatric rehabilitation practices support full integration of people in recovery into their communities where they can exercise their rights of citizenship, as well as to accept the responsibilities and explore the opportunities that come with being a member of a community and a larger society. 12 Core Principles and Values (7) ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Principle 7: Psychiatric rehabilitation practices promote self‐determination and empowerment. All individuals have the right to make their own decisions, including decisions about the types of services and supports they receive. 12 Core Principles and Values (8) ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Principle 8: Psychiatric rehabilitation practices facilitate the development of personal support networks by utilizing natural supports within communities, peer support initiatives, and self‐ and mutual‐help groups. 12 Core Principles and Values (9) ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Principle 9: Psychiatric rehabilitation practices strive to help individuals improve the quality of all aspects of their lives; including social, occupational, educational, residential, intellectual, spiritual and financial. 12 Core Principles and Values (10) ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Principle 10: Psychiatric rehabilitation practices promote health and wellness, encouraging individuals to develop and use individualized wellness plans. 12 Core Principles and Values (11) ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Principle 11: Psychiatric rehabilitation services emphasize evidence‐based, promising, and emerging best practices that produce outcomes congruent with personal recovery. Programs include structured program evaluation and quality improvement mechanisms that actively involve persons receiving services. 12 Core Principles and Values (12) ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Principle 12: Psychiatric rehabilitation services must be readily accessible to all individuals whenever they need them. These services also should be well coordinated and integrated with other psychiatric, medical, and holistic treatments and practices. Priniciples 1 - 3 Focus ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Focus on the role of practitioners Principles 4 - 10 Focus ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Focus on best practices in the field Principles 11 - 12 ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Focus on psychiatric rehabilitation service delivery 12 Core Principles and Values (1) ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Principle 1: Psychiatric rehabilitation practitioners convey hope and respect, and believe that all individuals have the capacity for learning and growth. ------CORRECT ANSWER--------------- 12 Core Principles and Values (2) ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Principle 2: Psychiatric rehabilitation practitioners recognize that culture is central to recovery, and strive to ensure that all services are culturally relevant to individuals receiving services. 12 Core Principles and Values (3) ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Principle 3: Psychiatric rehabilitation practitioners engage in the processes of informed and shared decision‐making and facilitate partnerships with other persons identified by the individual receiving services. 12 Core Principles and Values (4) ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Principle 4: Psychiatric rehabilitation practices build on the strengths and capabilities of individuals. 12 Core Principles and Values (5) ------CORRECT ANSWER---------------Principle 5: Psychiatric rehabilitation practices are person‐centered; they are designed to address the unique needs of individuals, consistent with their values, hopes and aspirations.
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