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CS707 – Network Security Midterm Exam Questions and Answers 2024, Exams of Network security

CS707 – Network Security Midterm Exam Questions and Answers 2024

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Download CS707 – Network Security Midterm Exam Questions and Answers 2024 and more Exams Network security in PDF only on Docsity! CS707 – Network Security Midterm Exam Questions and Answers 2024 Q1 is a symmetric block cipher, uses a 64 bit key, puts the data through 16 rounds of transposition and substitution, and has 5 different modes of operation. • AES • DES • Blowfish • None of above Q2 Examples of asymmetric key algorithms are: • Diffie Hellman, RSA and El-Gamal • RC4, RC5, and RC6 • DES, 3DES, and AES • MD4, MD5, and MD6 Q3 The standard used in digital certificates that defines its structure, fields, and values is • Kerberos • End-to-end encryption • X.509 • The standard used in IPSEC VPNs Q4 A cryptosystem consists of: • Software, algorithms, protocols, and keys • PGP • An algorithm used for encryption and decryption • Is software used for testing security of applications Q5 Cryptanalysis is: • The practice of analyzing secret codes but not breaking them • The technique used by forensic investigators to trace the source of malware infection • The science related to research and development of cryptography • The practice of breaking cryptic systems Q6 An electro-mechanical cipher machine used by the Germans in World War II is • MAC • Enigma • Skytale • All above Q7 A digital signature is best described as: • An electronic verification system used for transactional integrity in banking • A hash value encrypted by the sender’s private key • An electronic verification system used for encryption and hashing • A hash value encrypted with the DES, 3DES, or AES algorithms Q8 A practice of Choosing a key that is extremely random and the algorithm should use the full range of the key-space is called . • Cipher management • Key combination • Key management • None of above Q9 uses two instances of the same key while encrypting and decrypting messages. • Skytale • Symmetric Cryptography • Asymmetric Cryptography • SSL Q10 is a program and protocol used to log in securely to another device or system on a network. • Secure Shell (SSH) • SSL • HTTP • PGP Q11 In Network Security CIA stands for: • Confidentiality, integrity, and. availability • Central Investigation Agency • Confidentiality, Intelligence, and Accountability • Ciphers, Initiation Vectors, Algorithms Q:12 Examples of asymmetric key algorithms are: • Diffie Hellman, RSA and El-Gamal • RC4, RC5, and RC6 • DES, 3DES, and AES • MD4, MD5, and MD6 Q:13 A mathematical function that is easier to compute in one direction than in the other direction, and forms the basis for all asymmetric algorithms • One-Way Function • Two Way Function • A mathematical function used in cryptanalysis • A technique used by forensic experts to lock all hard disk sectors of a computer Q:14 A hash value encrypted by the sender’s private key is • AES • Digital signature • DES • 3DES algorithms Q:15 Cryptanalysis is: The practice of analyzing secret codes but not breaking them • The technique used by forensic investigators to trace the source of malware infection • The science related to research and development of cryptography • The practice of breaking cryptic systems Q:16 Key management is a practice that requires: • Choosing a key that is extremely random and the algorithm should use the full range of the key-space • Labeling keys so that they are not lost or stolen • Returning the key to the CA after it has completed its lifetime • At least two senior officers of the company to issue and maintain a record of the keys Q:17 In end-to-end encryption: • only the header is encrypted, not the payload • Packets do not need to be decrypted and then encrypted at each hop • Only decryption takes place at each hop • The data link and physical layers are involved Q:18 Rootkits are a type of . • Virus • Worm. • Trojan Horse • None of above Q:19 Diffie Hellman is an example of key algorithms. • Symmetric • Asymmetric • Skytale • Enigma Q:20 The standard used in digital certificates that defines its structure, fields, and values is . • X.509 • Kerberose • Cryptography • PKI IT managers can prevent unauthorized login/password accesses and unauthorized data accesses, which are common attacks at these layers, by using encryption and authentication methods. The Application layer is the final layer of the Application Set and the OSI model. Many security protection methods are the responsibility of the programmer at this layer. Backdoor attacks occur at this level and it is the programmer’s responsibility to close those doors. IT managers can use access control methods described to assist in preventing backdoor attacks; also, IT managers can set up tools such as virus scanners, WebInspect, and intrusion detection devices to help prevent compromise of enterprise applications. 7. Define and discuss various components of PKI infrastructure. The comprehensive system required to provide public-key encryption and digital signature services is known as a public- key infrastructure. The purpose of a public-key infrastructure is to manage keys and certificates. By managing keys and certificates through a PKI, an organization establishes and maintains a trustworthy networking environment. A PKI enables the use of encryption and digital signature services across a wide variety of applications. A PKI may be made up of the following entities and functions: • CA(Certificate Authority) • RA(Registration Authority) • Certificate repository • Certificate revocation system • Key backup and recovery system • Automatic key update&Management of key histories • Timestamping • Client-side software The detail of each component is as follows: 1. CA (Certificate Authority ) A CA is a trusted organization (or server) that maintains and issues digital certificates. When a person requests a certificate, the registration authority (RA) verifies that individual’s identity and passes the certificate request off to the CA. The CA constructs the certificate, signs it, sends it to the requester, and maintains the certificate over its lifetime. When another person wants to communicate with this person, the CA will basically vouch for that person’s identity 2. RA (Registration authority) The registration authority (RA) performs the certification registration duties. The RA establishes and confirms the identity of an individual, initiates the certification process with a CA on behalf of an end user, and performs certificate life-cycle management functions. The RA cannot issue certificates, but can act as a broker between the user and the CA. When users need new certificates, they make requests to the RA, and the RA verifies all necessary identification information before allowing a request to go to the CA. 3. Certificate repository Certificate repositories store certificates so that applications can retrieve them on behalf of users. The term repository refers to a network service that allows for distribution of certificates.Over the past few years, the consensus in the information technology industry is that the best technology for certificate repositories is provided by directory systems that are LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)-compliant. 4. Certificate revocation system Certificates that are no longer trustworthy must be revoked by the CA.There are numerous reasons why a certificate may need to be revoked prior to the end of its validity period. For instance, the private key (that is, either the signing key or the decryption key) corresponding to the public key in the certificate may be compromised. Alternatively, an organization’s security policy may dictate that the certificates of employees leaving the organization must be revoked. In these situations, users in the system must be informed that continued use of the certificate is no longer considered secure. The revocation status of a certificate must be checked prior to each use. As a result, a PKI must incorporate a scalable certificate revocation system. The CA must be able to securely publish information regarding the status of each certificate in the system. Application software, on behalf of users, must then verify the revocation information prior to each use of a certificate. The combination of publishing and consistently using certificate revocation information CS707 – Network Security constitutes a complete revocation system. CRL: The most popular means for distributing certificate revocation information is for the CA to create secure certificate revocation lists (CRLs) and publish these CRLs to a directory system. CRLs specify the unique serial numbers of all revoked certificates. Prior to using a certificate, the client-side application must check the appropriate CRL to determine if the certificate is still trustworthy. Client-side applications must check for revoked certificates consistently and transparently on behalf of users. 5. Key backup and recovery system To ensure users are protected against loss of data, the PKI must support a system for backup and recovery of decryption keys. With respect to administrative costs, it is unacceptable for each application to provide its own key backup and recovery. Instead, all PKI-enabled client applications should interact with a single key backup and recovery system. The interactions between the client-side software and the key backup and recovery system must be secure, and the interaction method must be consistent across all PKI-enabled applications. 6. Key update and management of key histories: Cryptographic key pairs should not be used forever. They must be updated over time. As a result, every organization needs to consider two important issues: Updating users’ key pairs, and Maintaining, where appropriate, the history of previous key pairs. Updating users’ key pairs: The process of updating keys pairs should be transparent to users. This transparency means users do not have to understand that key update needs to take place and they will never experience a “denial of service” because their keys are no longer valid. To ensure transparency and prevent denial of service, users? key pairs must be automatically updated before they expire. Maintaining histories of key pairs: When encryption key pairs are updated, the history of previous decryption keys must be maintained. This “key history” allows users to access any of their prior decryption keys to decrypt data. (When data is encrypted with a user’s encryption key, only the corresponding decryption key—the paired key—can be used for decrypting). To ensure transparency, the client-side software must automatically manage users? histories of decryption keys. 7. Timestamping Trusted Timestamping is the process of securely keeping track of the creation and modification time of a document. Security here means that no one — not even the owner of the document — should be able to change it once it has been recorded provided that the timestamper's integrity is never compromised. The administrative aspect involves setting up a publicly available, trusted timestamp management infrastructure to collect, process and renew timestamps 8. Client-side software A consistent, easy-to-use PKI implementation within client-side software lowers PKI operating costs. In addition, client- side software must be technologically enabled to support all of the elements of a PKI discussed earlier in this paper. The following list summarizes the requirements client-side software must meet to ensure that users in a business receive a usable, transparent (and thus, acceptable) PKI. 9. Support for Non-repudiation Repudiation occurs when an individual denies involvement in a transaction. (For instance, when someone claims a credit card is stolen, this means that he or she is repudiating liability for transactions that occur with that card anytime after reporting the theft). Non-repudiation means that an individual cannot successfully deny involvement in a transaction. In the paper-world, individuals’ signatures legally bind them to their transactions (for example, credit card charges, business contracts …). The signature prevents repudiation of those transactions. In the electronic world, the replacement for the pen-based signature is a digital signature. All types of electronic commerce require digital signatures because electronic commerce makes traditional pen-based signatures obsolete. 6 8. Why Symmetric Key encryption Algorithm is used in an organization. Give its advantages and draw backs. Strengths (Advantages) • Much faster (less computationally intensive) than asymmetric systems • Hard to break if using a large key size Weaknesses (Drawbacks) • Requires a secure mechanism to deliver keys properly • Each pair of users needs a unique key, so as the number of individuals increases, so does the number of keys, possibly making key management overwhelming • Provides confidentiality but not authenticity or nonrepudiation 9. Enlist 5 modes of DES • Electronic Code Book (ECB) • Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) • Cipher Feedback (CFB) • Output Feedback (OFB) • Counter Mode (CTR) 10. Give Five examples of symmetric Algorithms. • Data Encryption Standard (DES) • Triple-DES (3DES) • Blowfish • IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm) • RC4, RC5, and RC6 • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 11. Write essential ingredients of Symmetric Ciphers. • Plaintext • Encryption algorithm • Secret key • Cipher text 12. Discuss the strength of Cryptosystem on basis of different parameters 10 • The strength of an encryption method comes from the algorithm, the secrecy of the key, the length of the key, the initialization vectors, and how they all work together within the cryptosystem. • When strength is discussed in encryption, it refers to how hard it is to figure out the algorithm or key, whichever is not made public. • The strength of an encryption method correlates to the amount of necessary processing power, resources, and time required to break the cryptosystem or to figure out the value of the key. • Breaking a cryptosystem can be accomplished by a brute force attack, which means trying every possible key value until the resulting plaintext is meaningful • Depending on the algorithm and length of the key, this can be an easy task or one that is close to impossible • The goal when designing an encryption method is to make compromising it too expensive or too time- consuming • Another name for cryptography strength is work factor, which is an estimate of the effort and resources it would take an attacker to penetrate a cryptosystem • Important elements of encryption are to use an algorithm without flaws, use a large key size, use all possible values within the keyspace, and to protect the actual key. If one element is weak, it could be the link that dooms the whole process.Even if a user employs an algorithm that has all the requirements for strong encryption, including a large keyspace and a large and random key value, if he shares his key with others, the strength of the algorithm becomes almost irrelevant. 20. How is an X.509 certificate revoked? Unsolved… 21. PKI Security Services PKI supplies the following security services: • Confidentiality • Access control • Integrity • Authentication • Nonrepudiation 22. What are the two basic types of symmetric encryption? Elaborate each with the help of example. Symmetric encryption ciphers come in two basic types: – Substitution – Transposition Substitution cipher • The substitution cipher replaces bits, characters, or blocks of characters with different bits, characters, or blocks • A substitution cipher uses a key to dictate how the substitution should be carried out • In the Caesar cipher, each letter is replaced with the letter three places beyond it in the alphabet. The algorithm is the alphabet, and the key is the instruction “shift up three.” • Substitution is used in today’s symmetric algorithms, but it is extremely complex compared to this example Transposition Ciphers • In a transposition cipher, the values are scrambled, or put into a different order • The key determines the positions the values are moved to, as illustrated in the Figure • This is a simplistic example of a transposition cipher and only shows one way of performing transposition • When implemented with complex mathematical functions, transpositions can become quite sophisticated and difficult to break • Much faster (less computationally intensive) than asymmetric systems • Hard to break if using a large key size • It is relatively inexpensive to produce a strong key for these ciphers. • Secure key distribution • Scalability • Security services 23. What are the attributes that make the symmetric cryptography so powerful? Also give the limitations while using the symmetric key cryptography. 10 Symmetric Cryptography • In a cryptosystem that uses symmetric cryptography, the sender and receiver use two instances of the same key for encryption and decryption, as shown in the Figure • So the key has dual functionality, in that it can carry out both encryption and decryption processes Attributes that make it so Powerful Therefore, implementing symmetric cryptography (particularly with hardware) can be highly effective because you do not experience any significant time delay as a result of the encryption and decryption. Symmetric cryptography also provides a degree of authentication because data encrypted with one symmetric key cannot be decrypted with any other symmetric key. Therefore, as long as the symmetric key is kept secret by the two parties using it to encrypt communications, each party can be sure that it is communicating with the other as long as the decrypted messages continue to make sense. Limitations • Symmetric cryptosystems have a problem of key transportation. The secret key is to be transmitted to the receiving system before the actual message is to be transmitted. Every means of electronic communication is insecure as it is impossible to guarantee that no one will be able to tap communication channels. So the only secure way of exchanging keys would be exchanging them personally. • Each pair of users needs a unique key, so as the number of individuals increases, so does the number of keys, possibly making key management overwhelming. • Provides confidentiality but not authenticity or non repudiation • Cannot provide digital signatures that cannot be repudiated. 24. In the context of Kerberos, Explain the concept of realm? • A Kerberos realm is a set of managed nodes that share the same Kerberos database. The Kerberos database resides on the Kerberos master computer system, which should be kept in a physically secure room. A read-only copy of the Kerberos database might also reside on other Kerberos computer systems. However, all changes to the database must be made on the master computer system. Changing or accessing the contents of a Kerberos database requires the Kerberos master password. • A Kerberos principal is a service or user that is known to the Kerberos system. Each Kerberos principal is identified by its principal name. Principal names consist of three parts: a service or user name, an instance name, and a realm name in the following form: • For example, a principal name could describe the authorization role the user has in a particular realm, such as joe.user@realm1 for a user principal. A principal name can also describe the location of a service on a computer system, for example, ftp.host1@realm2 for a service principal. The instance part of the principal name is optional but is useful for identifying the computer system on which a service resides. Kerberos considers identical services on different computer systems to be different service principals. • Each principal has a principal password, which Kerberos uses during its authentication process to authenticate services and users to each other. With Kerberos, a principal on one computer system in a network can talk to a principal on another computer system in the network with confidence, knowing that the service or user is what or who it says it is. • For each computer system that is part of the Kerberos realm, the ext_srvtab command creates the srvtab file in the /etc directory. This file contains information that relates to service or user principals that have an instance on the computer system. If no service or user principals are on a computer system, the srvtab file is empty. • When a user logs in as a Kerberos principal, Kerberos assigns the user a ticket. Each ticket has a lifetime, which determines the length of time for which the ticket is valid. When a ticket expires, the principal is no longer • The algorithms are relatively inexpensive to process • The keys tend to be much smaller for the level of protection they afford. trusted and is unable to perform additional work until a new ticket has been acquired. ure called a group. ch is different from calculating discrete l age, power supply, and bandwidth suc s, efficiency of resource use is very imp he algorithm computes discrete logarithms of elliptic curves, w encrypted messages to the owner of the secret key. The secret key can't be reconstructed from the public key. The idea of asymmetric algorithms was first published 1976 by Diffie and Hellmann. 29. Strengths & Weaknesses of Asymmetric Encryption Strengths • Better key distribution than symmetric systems • Better scalability than symmetric systems • Can provide authentication and nonrepudiation Weaknesses • Works much more slowly than symmetric systems • Mathematically intensive tasks 30. What are the main components of symmetric encryptions? Describe its limitations. ( unsolved ) 31. What is ECC algorithm. An elliptic curve cryptosystem (ECC) provides much of the same functionality RSA provides: digital signatures, secure key distribution, and encryption. One differing factor is ECC’s efficiency. Eliptic Curves In this field of mathematics, points on the curves compose a struct Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems The Figure is an example of an elliptic curve. In this field of mathematics, points on the curves compose a structure called a group. These points are the values used in mathematical formulas for ECC’s encryption and decryption processes. T hi ogarithms in a finite field (which is what Diffie-Hellman and El Gamal use). • Some devices have limited processing capacity, stor h as wireless devices and cellular telephones. With these types of device ortant. • ECC provides encryption functionality,requiring a smaller percentage of the resources needed by RSA and other algorithms, so it is used in these types of devices. • In most cases, the longer the key, the more protection that is provided, but ECC can provide the same level of protection with a key size that is shorter than what RSA requires. • Because longer keys require more resources to perform mathematical tasks, the smaller keys used in ECC require fewer resources of the device. 32. What are the categories of security services? Briefly explain them. 5 marks PKI supplies the following security services: • Confidentiality • Access control • Integrity • Authentication • Nonrepudiation A PKI must retain a key history, which keeps track of all the old and current public keys that have been used by individual users. For example, if Kevin encrypted a symmetric key with Dave’s old public key, there should be a way for Dave to still access this data. This can only happen if the CA keeps a proper history of Dave’s old certificates and keys. 33. Briefly describe the features of the Advanced Encryption Algorithm (Rijndael). [5] The block sizes that Rijndael supports are 128, 192, and 256 bits. The number of rounds depends upon the size of the block and the key length: • If both the key and block size are 128 bits, there are 10 rounds • If both the key and block size are 192 bits, there are 12 rounds • If both the key and block size are 256 bits, there are 14 rounds Rijndael works well when implemented in software and hardware in a wide range of products and environments. It has low memory requirements and has been constructed to easily defend against timing attacks. Rijndael was NIST's choice to replace DES. It is now the algorithm required to protect sensitive but unclassified government information. 34. List and briefly describe the fields that are part of a digital certificate. [10] • Version number: Version number of the X.509 standard. Most certificates follow Version 3. Different versions have different fields. • Issuer: Name of the certificate authority (CA). • Serial Number: Unique serial number for the certificate, set by the CA. • Subject: The name of the person, organization, computer, or program to which the certificate has been issued. This is the true party. • Public Key: The public key of the subject (the true party). • Public Key Algorithm: The algorithm the subject uses to sign messages with digital signatures • Valid Period:. The period before which and after which the certificate should not be used. Note: Certificate may be revoked before the end of this period. • Digital Signature: The digital signature of the certificate, signed by the CA with the CA’s own private key. For testing certificate authentication and integrity. User must know the CA’s public key independently. • Signature Algorithm Identifier: The digital signature algorithm the CA uses to sign its certificates. • Other Fields: 35. If you are supposed to implement one-time pad encryption scheme, which requirements do you think, each pad fulfill so that it is unbreakable? A one-time pad is a perfect encryption scheme because it is considered unbreakable if implemented properly. For a one-time pad encryption scheme to be considered unbreakable, each pad in the scheme must be: • Made up of truly random values • Used only one time • Securely distributed to its destination • Secured at sender's and receiver's sites • At least as long as the message 36. Differentiate between public key cryptography and public key infrastructure. • These algorithms are used to create public/private key pairs, perform key exchange or agreement, and generate and verify digital signatures. Note that public key cryptography can only perform key agreement and cannot generate or verify digital signatures. • Public key infrastructure (PKI) is different. It is not an algorithm, a protocol, or an application. It is an infrastructure based on public key cryptography. 37. What are the two basic functions used in encryption algorithms? All the encryption Algorithms are based on two general Principles: • Substitution: In which each element in the plaintext (bit, letter , group, of bits or letters is mapped into another element. • Transposition: In which elements in the plaintext are arranges. The fundamentals requirements is that no information be lost (that is, that all operations are reversible). Most system referred to as product systems, involve multiple stages of substitution and transposition. 38. Differentiate between Kerberos version 4 and version 5. [5] Kerberos Version 4 Kerberos Version 5 Chronology Kerberos v4 was released prior to the version 5 in the late 1980’s. The version 5 was published in 1993, years after the appearance of version 5. Key salt algorithm Uses the principal name partially. Uses the entire principal name. Encoding Uses the “receiver-makes- right” encoding system. Uses the ASN.1 coding system. Ticket support Satisfactory Well extended. Facilitates forwarding, renewing and postdating tickets. Transitive cross- realm authentication support No present support for the cause. Reasonable support present for such authentication.
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