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7-9) states that it is impossible to separate language and culture because language practices are related to other cultural and social practices in the real ...

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Download CULTURAL CONTENT ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH TEXTBOOK ... and more Exercises English Language in PDF only on Docsity! i CULTURAL CONTENT ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH TEXTBOOK AT SMK LANIANG OF MAKASSAR (A Library Research at the Tenth and Eleventh Grade of SMK Laniang Makassar) A THESIS Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Eduation Makassar Muhammadiyah Unviersity in Partial Fulfillment of the Reqirement for the Degree of Education in English Departement AHMAD HANIF AKBAR 10535593514 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPATMENT FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY ON MAKASSAR 2019 UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH MAKASSAR FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN PRODI PENDIDIKAN BAHASA INGGRIS. Wel typ pois gas i All ay APPROVAL SHEET Title : Cultural Content Analysis of English Textbook at SMK Laniang Makassar Name : Ahmad Hanif Akbar Reg. Number : 105355935 14 Program : English Education Department Strata 1 (S1) % act A ya AULBAN IN @® serarreditass Institus: v UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH MAKASSAR FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN Jl. Sultan Alauddin No. 259 Telp. (0411) 866972 Makassar 90221 SURAT PERJANJIAN Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini: Nama : Ahmad Hanif Akbar NIM : 10535 593514 Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Judul Skripsi : Cultural Content Analysis of English Textbook (A Library research attenth and Elevent Grade at SMK Laniang Makassar) Dengan ini menyatakan perjanjian sebagai berikut: 1. Mulai dari penyusunan proposal sampai dengan selesainya skripsi saya, saya akan menyusun sendiri skripsi saya, tidak dibuatkan oleh siapapun. 2. Dalam menyusun skripsi, saya akan selalu melakukan konsultasi dengan pembimbing. 3. Saya tidak akan melakukan penjiplakan (plagiat) dalam menyusun skripsi ini. 4. Apabila saya melanggar perjanjian saya seperti yang tertera pada butir 1,2 dan 3 maka saya bersedia menerima sanksi sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku. Demikian perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran. Makassar, Februari 2020 Yang membuat perjanjian Ahmad Hanif Akbar vi MOTTO I can finished this thesis Because of Allah, my beloved parents, and all my friends Thank you for supporting me guys. Do it and never complain is the key to reach a success vii ABSTRACT Ahmad Hanif Akbar, 2020.Cultural Content analysis of English Textbook(A Library Research at Tenth and Eleventh Grade of SMK LaniangMakassar) under the thesis of English Education Department, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University Muhammadiyah of Makassar, guided by Erwin Akib and WildhanBurhanuddin. The purpose of this research is to find what cultures are represented in the two English textbooks “Bahasa Inggris 2016 RevisedEdition” and How the cultures are represented in the two English textbooks “Bahasa Inggris 2016 RevisedEdition” This research applied Library Research method to find out cultural content in English textbook that the schools use. The researcher samples 2 English textbooks, and in this research uses two classes there are class instead to check the book. The classes that the researcher chose were tenth and eleventh class of SMK Laniang of Makassar. This study also adopted two frameworks from Cortazzi and Jin about types of culture and framework from Adaskou, Britten and Fahsi about Sense of culture. The analysis of textbooks has revealed some major findings. Firstly, BahasaInggris for grade X dominantly presented through Source Culture compared to Target Culture and International Culture. On the other hand, Bahasa Inggris for grade XI mostly presented through Target Culture compared to Source Culture and International Culture. Secondly, the cultures were mostly represented by Pragmatic Sense compared to Aesthetic Sense, Semantic Sense, and Sociological Sense in both textbooks. In addition, this study also found that there was an unbalanced quantity among presented types of cultures. Consequently, this study suggests that English textbook authors should include the balance presentation among Source Culture, Target Culture and International Culture. Keywords: textbook, content analysis, cultural content, cultural sense x 7. All of his friends in E Class 2014 the Department of English Education at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. 8. And other parties that have given helps, supports, and suggestions in finishing this paper. Hopefully, this paper can be useful to the readers, particularly to the writer. Also, the writer realized that this paper is far from being perfect. It is a pleasure for him to receive constructive criticism and suggestion from anyone who read his paper. Makassar, Februari 2020 Ahmad Hanif Akbar xi TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE LEMBAR PENGESAHAN............................................................................. i APPROVAL SHEET...................................................................................... ii SURAT PERNYATAAN............................................................................... iv SURAT PERJANJIAN.................................................................................. v MOTTO............................................................................................................ vi ABSTRACT..................................................................................................... vii AKNOWLEDGMENT................................................................................... viii LIST OF TABLE............................................................................................ xii LIST OF FIGURE.......................................................................................... xiii LIST OF APPENDIX...................................................................................... xiv CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background ....................................................................................... 1 B. Problem Statement ............................................................................ 4 C. Objective of the Reserch .................................................................... 4 D. Significance of the Research .............................................................. 4 E. Scope of the Research ........................................................................ 5 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Concept of Culture ……………...…………………………........… 6 xii B. Review of Relevant Previous Studies …………………………….. 15 C. Conceptual Framework ……………………………………………. 20 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD A. Research Design .............................................................................. 22 B. Subject of the Research .................................................................... 22 C. Research Instrument ……...…………………………………….. 22 D. Data Collection Procedures ............................................................. 23 E. Technique of Data Analysis ............................................................ 23 CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION A. Finding ............................................................................................ 27 B. Discussion ...................................................................................... 46 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion ...................................................................................... 50 B. Recommendations .......................................................................... 53 REFERENCES APPENDIX xv LIST OF APPENDIX APPENDIX 1. Checklist Observation …….……………………………………………. 2. Cover Books ………….………………………………………………… 3. Documentation ........................................................................................... 4. Curriculum Vitae ........................................................................................ 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study English is the language of international communication. Byram (1997) maintains that a successful communication means not only the „interchange of information‟ but also „taking up other‟s perspective‟. In other words, being communicatively competent may require language users to be equipped culturally. Some experts claim that language and culture are related to each other. Risager (2014: PP.7-9) states that it is impossible to separate language and culture because language practices are related to other cultural and social practices in the real world. Brown (2000) also highlights that language and culture are interrelated and will lose their crucial aspects if are separated. Moreover, it is not possible to teach language without teaching cultural content because if cultural aspect is missing in language teaching, learners cannot interpret the language that is embedded in that culture. Hence, since language and culture are closely interwoven, the integration of culture into textbooks used for teaching English as a second/foreign language has become a widely accepted phenomenon. So, teaching learners about cultural aspects may be applied through textbooks 2 because it can be easily claimed that textbooks play a vital role in English language teaching. Dorò (2013, p. 281) believes that the selection of a textbook is important, because, they set the road to or provide a model of how to discuss and interpret culture. According to Cortazzi and Jin (1999), the textbook can be a teacher, a map, a resource, a trainer, an authority, and an ideology (cited in Wen-Ceng et al. 2011 p. 93). It can be a guide for teachers to instruct the students based on the theory in the textbook. Wen- Cheng et al. also assert that the textbook may function as a supplement to the teachers‟ instruction in the ESL/EFL teaching and learning process. Besides students, teacher can also obtain additional knowledge from textbook. In addition, McKay (2002, pp. 81-84) emphasizes that language teaching materials should include a variety of cultural elements in order to help learners develop an interest in language learning and to foster learners‟ motivation. Tofind out whether the English textbook does have cultural contents, the content analysis is needed. Cole (1988, pp. 53-57) defines that content analysis is method of analyzing written, verbal, or visual communication messages. In addition, some previous studies related to this topic have been conducted by some researchers. For example, Faris (2014) found that target culture was predominantly discussed in the textbook for senior high school in Cianjur and the culture aspects were generally represented by Aesthetic aspect. In this study, the English textbook that the researcher would like to analyze is on titled “BahasaInggris 2016 revised edition” for Tenth and 5 The finding of this study can be used as one of the references or information for conducting further studies under the same topic. It also becomes productive input for Ministry of National Education to reconstruct additional standard for textbook evaluation by adding cultural content as well as to develop more suitable and culturally appropriate with the Indonesian students. 2) Practical Benefit The result of this study can answer the strength and weaknesses of the textbook investigated in term of cultural content. The findings of this study can provide teachers a comprehensive data about cultural aspect that contain in the English textbook which is currently used in teaching learning process. So, teachers may be able to identify and evaluate kinds of cultural elements are appropriate and inappropriate in the textbook and they also can be better adapted the current textbooks so it will raise students cultural awareness. E. Scope of study This research focuses on investigating the written cultural content in the two English textbooks entitled “BahasaInggris 2016 revised edition”used by the tenth and eleventh grade students of senior high school at SMK Laniang Makassar. 6 CHAPTER II REVIEW RELATED OF LITERATURE A. Concept of Culture 1. Definition of culture Culture has many definitions, and it affects everything people do in their societies such as their ideas, values, attitudes, and normative or expected patterns of behavior. According to Kramsch (1996), culture can be defined into two definitions. The first definition is about humanities and it focuses on the way a social group represents itself and others through its material productions, be they works of art, literature, social institutions, or artifacts of everyday. The second definition derives from social sciences and refers to “the attitudes and beliefs, ways of thinking, behaving and remembering shared by members of that community” life (Kramsch 1996, p.2). Brown (2000) also agrees that information, thoughts and feelings are conveyed by language in a language community or culture. Therefore, for humans, language is the most important tools of communication (Richards and Rodgers,2001). Moreover, Tomalin (as cited in Moran 2001, p. 17) defines culture as other aspects. They define culture as following: Culture is the evolving way of life of a group of persons, consisting of a shared set of practices associated with a shared set of products, based upon a shared set of perspectives on the world, and set within specific social contexts. 7 Language and other forms of communication and self-expression are forms of these practices as well as actions associated with social groups and use of products. Practices are both verbal and nonverbal, including interpretations of time, space, and the context of communications in social situations relating also to appropriateness and taboos. Perspectives provide meaning and constitute worldview, they are not seen explicitly. They cover “perceptions, beliefs, values, and attitudes that underlie the product and that guide persons and communities in the practices of the culture.” Further, the relationship between a language and culture is a diverse and complex one. Some researchers believe that culture is an embodiment of the language and without languages cultures would not exist (Kaikkonen,1994 as cited in Lappailanen, 2011, p. 9). Fantini (1995 as cited in Moran, 2001, p. 35) also pointed out the symbiotic relationship between language and culture since language affects and reflects culture and vice-versa. In addition, Jiang (2000, p.328) uses the “iceberg” as the parable of relationship between language and culture. The visible part is language, while the greater part lying hiddenthe surface is the invisible aspect of cultures. In contrast, the development of languages to their present form has been possible only in close contact with the development of cultures. Kai kkonen (1994 as cited in Lappailanen, 2011, p. 12) also points out that language and culture can barely be separated from each other since 10 4. A trainer: the textbooks guide an inexperienced teacher and untrained teacher accomplishes step-by step instruction. 5. An authority: the textbooks are valid and written by the expert and carry the authorization of important publishers or minister of education. 7. An ideology: the textbooks reflect a worldview or cultural system, a social construction that maybe imposed on teachers and students and construct their perspective of a culture. Also, English textbooks may function as a form of cultural politics. D. Concept of Cultural in the textbook Textbooks play an important role in ELT classroom. Teachers use textbooks for planning and giving lessons and students rely on them for linguistic content and models (Cunning sworth, 1995). Moreover, textbooks provide the core material for a course, serving as the basis for language input learners receive and the language practice that occurs in the classroom (Tomlinson, 2005). Given that language and culture are intertwined, EFL textbooks invariably carry directly or indirectly a set of cultural values referred to in the literature as the “hidden curriculum”. The „hidden curriculum‟, which is often stronger than the official curriculum will, after students are exposed at length to it, affect students‟ cultural awareness, perceptions and knowledge (Cunning sworth, 1995). Regarding culture-related teaching materials and textbooks in English 11 classroom, Cortazzi and Jin (1999) divide cultural aspects of the materials in a textbook into the source culture, the target culture, and the international culture. a. Source Culture The source culture materials refer to materials presenting language learners„ own culture. In this case, the source culture refers to Indonesian cultures. Indonesian is divided into many ethnics such as Acehnese, Javanese, Sundanese, Balinese and other ethnics. The presented aspects of cultures could be the stories about Indonesian legend, pictures of Indonesian people, and other aspects. For instance, the story about Cut Nyak Dhien(Aceh Heroine). It reflects the Acehnese local culture. It is aimed to make students familiar with the local culture and promoting the local culture to be more popular among students. b. Target Culture The target culture materials refer to materials presenting the culture of English native speakers„ countries. Kacru (1996, p. 137) states that target culture belongs to the inner circle‟s countries such as The United States, The United Kingdom, New Zealand, Canada. The textbooks of this category are the most popular instruction materials in the EFL context. The aim of the target culture materials usually is exposing users to the cultural contexts of the target language. c. International Culture International culture materials refer to materials presenting a wide variety 12 of culture in countries around the world where English is not used as first language but as an international language such as in China, Brazil, Korea and other countries. The aims of the international culture materials are raising users’ intercultural awareness and making users familiar with various socio- cultural contexts. Furthermore, culture in the textbook can also be categorized based on the four senses of culture framework proposed by Adaskou, Britten &Fahsi(1990, p.4). This framework covers the general categorizations of culture which are the totalist view and the mentalist view, and the big -C culture and the small - c culture. The culture with the capital C refers to the media, the cinema, music and other literature aspects. While the culture with small refers to the organization and nature of family, friends, and institutions. The culture within this framework is categorized into four senses: the aesthetic sense, the sociological sense, the pragmatics sense and the semantic sense. a. Aesthetic Sense The aesthetic sense of culture refers to the media, the cinema, music, and above all literature-research (literary researches) which are often to be one of the main reasons for language teaching. The aesthetic sense of culture can be perceived as the tip of an iceberg or the big -C of culture. In the textbook, this sense of culture is commonly found in the textbooks in terms of the information about cinema, theater, song, concert and other contents of big. b. Semantic Sense The Semantic sense of culture refers to the conceptual system 15 people can share their cultures about habitual, perception, tradition to Spanish societies by using English. 2 .Review of Relevant Previous Studies Some researchers have investigated textbooks and other materials for teaching English as foreign language around the world. They analyzed those textbooks by using various frameworks from many experts. The explanations of the related previous studies are presented below. Faris (2014) investigated the cultural content of the English textbook for Senior High School in Cianjur. He only analyzed content of reading passages in the textbook. The research was analyzed by using two frameworks. The first framework from Cortazzi and Jin (1999), consist of three aspects: Source culture, Target culture and International culture, this was used to reveal what cultures were represented in the textbook. Meanwhile the framework from Adaskou, Britten &Fahsi (1990), contains four aspects namely the aesthetic sense, the sociological sense, the semantic sense, or the pragmatic sense. It was used to reveal how cultures were represented. The result showed that the target culture was predominantly discussed in the textbook. On the other hand, regarding how cultures are represented, the culture aspects were generally represented by Aesthetic sense. This research also suggested that the textbook can represent the cultural aspects in a balanced way, such as adding more material about source culture and international culture. 16 Rashidi and Meihami (2016) carried out a research about cultural content of the ELT textbooks in Inner, Outer, and Expanding circles countries. The results showed there were differences among those textbooks. Inner circle contained more L1 (Source Culture) and L2 (Target Culture). While Expanding Circle contained more L1 and international Culture (L3). Moreover, the ELT textbook for Outer circle showed tendency to contain L1, L2 and L3. In addition, the inner and outer circle contained more L2 aesthetic cultural elements, whereas the expanding circle tended to represent the cultural aspect trough L1 aesthetic and sociolinguistic cultural senses. Syahri and Susanti (2016) carried out the research on analysis of local and target culture integration in the English textbooks for senior high school in Palembang. The research aimed to find out the percentage of local culture and target culture integration in the textbooks. The results indicated that for analysis Zakarian and Hashim (2010) conducted research on local cultural aspects in the KBSM English language material. They used the checklist from Bank (2001). The research findings showed that there was insufficient incorporation of cultural aspects into the English material. Many of the availably cultural elements were presented at a superficial level and not discussed within the holistic cultural experience. The lack of certain cultural aspect in the material might be caused by some avoided cultural topics because they contained sensitivity. The research also suggested that language 17 material must present the language learners‟ own cultures and cultures that surround them. Ekawati and Fakri (2012) did research about cultural Mirror: materials and methods in English as a foreign language. This study tried to explain the role of culture in the textbook and methods used in the classroom. The findings indicated that some EFL textbooks and methods did not only reflect target culture but also source and international culture. Syahri and Susanti (2016) carried out the research on analysis of local and target culture integration in the English textbooks for senior high school in Palembang. The research aimed to find out the percentage of local culture and target culture integration in the textbooks. The results indicated that for analysis of the paragraphs from nine books series with different publishers, five of them had higher percentage of local culture. Meanwhile, under pictures analysis, six of them promote more salient in target culture. Tum and Uguz (2016) investigated a research on cultural elements in a Turkish textbook for foreigners. The research was attempting to answer whether the textbook included cultural elements related to Turkish or world cultures. The result indicated that the cultural elements (native and world culture) are slightly inserted. Arslan (2016) conducted a research to examine how culture was employed in English textbooks, which were used for 3 rd and 4 th grade students in state school in Turkey. The research explored the cultural content and the usage frequency of elements related to native culture, target culture 20 Figure 2.1 The Conceptual Framework In this research, the researcher analyzed and research related to the plan and the analysis on the frame. The cultural content in English textbook entitle Bahasa Inggris 2016 revised edition had been selected based on pre- research that the researcher had done in order to collect some data and information. Based on the framework above, the researcher focused on analyzing some kind of cultural context that exists in English textbook for X and XII grade of senior high school SMK Laniang Makassar in academic year 2019/2020. The class had been chosen and decided by the researcher after investigating the textbook that the school used in senior high school especially at SMK Laniang Makassar. Therefore, to get the data which is suitable to the framework and also the title, the researcher decided to apply the research at tenth and eleventh grade of high school and not in junior high school because after doing the pre-research. Textbook which is used in senior high school contains suitable information related to the problem statements and the research objectives in previous chapter. 21 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD A. Research Design This research used a descriptive qualitative research, and the type of research used was library research that was collecting data or scientific papers that aim at research objects or data collection that was library. Particularly, textbook content analysis. Content analysis was also a method used in analyzing qualitative data. It is applicable to various studies including language studies, which concern with analyzing content of certain matter through classification, tabulation and evaluation. B. Subject Of The Research The researcher analyzed textbooks with the same title for tenth and eleventh grade. The textbook borrowed from the school and analyzed the cultural content in the textbooks. So, the total subjects in this research were 2 textbooks. C. Research Instrument The Researcher collected the data by using one instruments, this was: Content analysis Content analysis was the way of collecting the data by looking some information or analyzing the data related to the subject of the research. In this 21 22 context, the researcher analyzed the textbooks as the subject by using instrument checklist to find out the data based on the problem and aims of study. D. Data Collection Procedures In collecting the data, the researcher used some procedures as follows: Data collection procedures for content analysis a. The researcher went to school for taking permission and ask to borrow the books. b. The researcher bringing the books home for further analysis related to the aims of study. c. The researcher collected the data by writing or making summary from the textbooks about cultural content analysis. E. Data Analysis Data analysis was divided into two main steps. Firstly, in order to reveal what cultures were represented in the textbooks, the reading passages, dialogues, pictures and activities presented in each unit in the textbooks were categorized into source culture, target culture, and international culture (Cortazzi and Jin, 1999). After that, to reveal how cultures were represented in the textbooks, all aspects of the materials were categorized: Aesthetic sense, Sociological sense, Pragmatic sense and Semantic sense (Adaskou, Britten, and Fahsi, 1990). Then, the frequency of the data categorized was converted into percentages. The percentages were compared and analyzed to investigate 25 The data gained from every chapter of the book were analyzed by using the framework from Cortazzi and Jin (1999) and Adaskou, Britten and Fahsi (1990) 5. Reporting The results of this analysis reported in the findings and discussion chapter. 26 CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION This chapter covers research findings and discussion of the research. Findings are the information found based on the cultural content analysis of the English textbooks, while discussion is the conclusion of the topic of the research. The research findings and discussion are explained as follows: A. Findings The organizing of the findings is presented by some following sequences. First, the results of the textbook analysis are presented based on the title of the textbooks. Second, the results are pointed out based on the research questions of this research. Last, the discussion is presented to discuss and to conclude the research findings and to draw a conclusion of this research. The findings are presented below: 1. Bahasa Inggris for Grade X This textbook is published by The Ministry of Education and culture of Indonesia as the revised edition of 2013 curriculum in 2017. This textbook is written by UtamiWidiati, ZuliatiRohmah, and Furaidah. This book contains fifteen (15) chapters with different topics in every chapter or it is a theme based textbook. 27 The information is clearly explained as mentioned in table below: Chapter Topic Text Structure 1 Talking about self Transactional text: opening; exchange(talking about identity); closing 2 Congratulating and complimenting others Transactional text: : opening; exchange (congratulating and complimenting); closing 3 Expressing Intentions Transactional text: opening; exchange (talking about intentions); closing 4 Which one is your best get away? Descriptive text( identification, description) 5 Lets visit Niagara falls Descriptive text( identification, description) 6 Giving announcement Opening; contents of announcement; closing 7 My idol Recount text (opening; events; closing) 8 The battle of Surabaya Recount text (opening; events; closing) 9 B.J. Habibie Recount text (opening; events; closing) 10 CutNyakDhien Recount text (opening; events;closing) 11 Issumboshi Narrative text (orientation, complication, resolution) 12 Malin Kundang Narrative text (orientation, complication, resolution) 13 The Wright Brothers Opening; exchange (talking about past events); closing 14 Strong Wind Narrative text (orientation,complication, resolution) 15 You‟ve got a friend Structure of song 30 Additionally, source culture was also represented by dialogues or conversations between two speakers or more, those could be seen on page 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 32, 41 and other pages, for example, there were two speakers who introduced themselves to each other about their regions and jobs as shown in the picture below. Picture 4.2. Dialogue about introduction representing source culture Next, text types (descriptive, recount, and narrative) presenting Indonesian cultures were easily found throughout the textbook, such as, recount text explained about Cut NyakDhienfought the colonialist of Dutch, that text was written on page 145 to 146, another text about MalinKundang(172), also, there was a recount text about meeting my idol (pp.110-111) .For example, the text can be seen in the picturebelow: 31 Picture 4.3. Recount text about B.J. Habibie representing source culture 2) Target culture Target culture refers to the culture of the Inner circles‟ countries such as, USA, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. This textbook provided more less portion of this type than source culture. The presentation of target culture was limited but it existed to all types of material of this textbook such as names, pictures, grammars, speech acts, readings, dialogues, songs and some quotations from the world figures. The above chart (see chart 4.1) explained that every chapter contained target culture. The highest frequency of the target culture‟ existence was in chapter 1 (14 times) while the lowest frequency was in chapters 8 and 9 (once). Names of people such as Jane, mark Zuckerberg, Steve Job, Frank Sinatra, Les Brown and Oprah Winfrey. 32 Picture 4.4. Pictures of facilities in Niagara Falls representing target culture. After that, the dialogue about target culture was presented on page 97 to 98. This dialogue explained about two brothers called The Wright Brothers invented the airplane. Picture 4.5.Dialogue about the Wright Brothers representing target culture. Furthermore , there was also part of the book which was presented about song, in this textbook, on page 196 to 197 there was song in target language named You’ve Got A Friend From James Taylor. Instead of song, 35 Picture 4.7. Picture of Issumboshi reading representing international culture b. How the cultures are represented in the textbook Bahasa Inggris for grade X The cultural contents were categorized based on the framework from Adaskou, Britten and Fahsi (1990) into four senses, like: Aesthetic Sense, Semantic Sense, Pragmatic Sense and Sociological Sense. Among those senses, the explanation is presented them in this following table. 36 Table 4.2. The frequency of Cultural senses in Bahasa Inggris for grade X Category of Culture Aesthetic Sense Semantic sense Pragmatic Sense Sociological Sense Total Source 12 21 45 17 96 Culture (48.97%) Target 6 5 54 11 75 Culture (38.26%) International 1 4 12 9 26 Culture (13.26%) Total 19 30 111 37 ( 9.69%) (15.30%) (56.63%) (18.87%) 100 % From the table, it can be clearly explained that the cultures were dominantly presented by Pragmatic sense. It appeared 111 times (56.63 %) in the form of Grammars, Speech acts, vocabularies, pronunciation, reading, and writing activities. In this textbook, the grammar covers some aspects of: 1. Pronouns 2. Simple past, present perfect, present perfect continuous; singular- plural 3. Would like or be going to 4. Noun phrases (structure of modification) 5. Adjectives and adverbs 6. Derivatives : nouns from verbs 7. Simple past(was/were) 8. Reported speech (direct vsindirect speech) 37 Picture 4.8. Grammar review representing Pragmatic Sense Following this, Sociological Sense appeared 37 times (18.87 %) which portray source culture, target culture and international culture. This usually appeared in interaction between families, friends, institutions, also the story about family in reading text. Picture 4.9. Interaction between two friends is representing sociological sense. Next, Semantic Sense emerged 30 times (15.30 %). This type was 40 As same as the previous textbook, Source Culture was mostly presented by names of Indonesian people, like Siti, Rahmad, Riadi, Joko, Budi, Yenny, Yanti, Soeharto, Soekarno, R.A. Kartini; Names of cities in Indonesia, such as Taman Siswa, Sumatra, Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan, Lombok, NTT. Also, this book provided some pictures and information about Indonesian figures. For example, President Soekarno(p.128), Ki HajarDewantara(p. 161). The other pictures can be seen as follows: Picture 4.10. Picture of Indonesian postcard and Wayang representing source culture In addition, at the end of the book, there was a chapter for reading comprehension. There were two titles of reading related to source cultures. For example, on page 130, the reading provided explanation about president Soekarnoand another reading (p.161) told the readers about life and times of Ki HajarDewantarawith his three famous statements: IngNgarsa Sung Tuladha(the one in front sets the example), IngMadyaMangunKarsa(the one in the middle builds the spirit and encouragement), Tut WuriHandayani(the one at the back gives support). 41 2). Target Cultures This textbook is dominantly grammar based, so the target culture was mostly presented by Grammars, Speech acts, names of people, like Samuel Jhonson, James Bosweel, Ben E King, Pete Seeger, Mariah Carey, William Ernest Henley, Roberts Frost; Names of Places, such as New York city, Greenwich Village, Brooklyn, USA. From the given chart, it can be inferred that Target Culture outnumbered Source Culture and International. All chapters of the book were presented target culture. The highest level of Target Culture was in chapter 7, while the lowest one was in chapter 2. In this book, chapter 7 told about understanding the meaning of songs and poems. All songs and poems are from target country. Not only aboutthat, this textbook also provided additional information sites related to target cultures such as how to pronounce the word and other information. 42 Picture 4.11.picture of United States postage representing target cultures As same as before, the reading section was provided in the last chapter or enrichment. A reading about target culture was entitled The Last Leaf. It was explained about two artists who live in Greenwich village. Then one of them named Jhonsy suffered Pneumonia. She said that she lives as same as the last leaf outside of their house. This story was written by O. Henry. Picture 4.12. The last leaf written by O.Henry representing Target culture 3). International cultures This type was the least presented in the textbook BahasaInggrisfor grade XI From all chapters, only three chapters covered international cultures. It was limited only on the names of people, like Mahatma Gandhi, 45 presented in this textbook. In term of frequency, it appeared 55 times (48.67%). It was explicitly stated throughout grammars and speech acts. In this textbook, the grammars and speech acts cover some expressions of: 1. Offers and suggestions 2. Giving opinions and thoughts 3. How to write formal and informal invitations 4. Analytical exposition text 5. How to write formal and informal letter 6. Cause and effect 7. Passive voice Picture 4.14. Speech acts of disagreeing with an opinion representing pragmatic sense. Following this, sociological sense appeared 32 times (28.31%). It emerged in the dialogue, reading or information about family, friend and institution. The sociological sense was mostly represented by source culture followed by international culture and target culture. It was presented by some readings about family, friendship, such as The 46 Enchanted Fish (pp.117-119), Vanity and Pride (pp.136-141), Letter to God (pp. 146-150), The Last Leaf (pp. 154-157) and Life and Times of Ki HajarDewantara(pp. 161-162) After that, Aesthetic Sense appeared 18 times (15.92%). It was mostly presented by the existence of songs and Poems, there are three songs like, Stand by Me by Ben E King (p.87), We Shall Overcome by Pete Seeger (p.89) and Hero By Mariah Carey (p.91); three poems such as Invictus by William Ernest Henley (p.93), The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost (p.94), and Dreams by Langston Hughes (p.95). Lastly, Semantic sense only appeared 8 times (7.07%). It was limited only clothes, dress and other clothingstuff. Picture 4.15.Clothes of the people representing Semantic sense. B. Discussion Based on research findings, the writer found that cultural aspects from Cortazzi and Jins‟ framework were presented differently in two 47 selected textbooks. Also, the cultures in those textbook were slightly different in representing cultures based on four senses from „the framework of Adaskou, Britten and Fahsi. The purpose of discussion is to interpret and describe the significance of the findings. The researcher divides the discussion into two points to answer the research questions. First, the types of cultures in each book was represented by every material presented in the textbook, such as pictures or visual illustrations, readings, statements, words, names of people, name of places, conversations or dialogues and other activities. In the textbook Bahasa Inggris for Grade X, Source culture was dominantly presented among other types of cultures. This finding was in line with the previous research conducted by Syahri and Susanti (2016); Silvia (2014); Rashidi and Meihami (2016). The percentage of source culture was 48.97 % , outranking other types of cultures. It was a consideration that the first textbook is more likely to promote students‟own cultures in learning English. The second most presented type was Target culture, with percentage 38.26 %, excelled the International culture with the percentage 13.26%. On the other hand, the textbook Bahasa Inggris for grade XI showed different findings in term of Types of Cultures. This textbook presented Target Culture more than Source and International Culture. The predominant appearance of target culture was similar to English textbooks studied by Arslan (2016) in Turkey; Faris (2014) in Cianjur, West Java. 50 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter is divided into two sections of explanation, conclusion and recommendations. The first section explains about the finding of the research questions related to what cultures are represented of cultures and how the cultures are represented in the textbooks for senior high school entitled Bahasa Inggris for grade X and XI. The second section, recommendations, offers the suggestion for the future research related to textbook analysis. A. Conclusion The research was conducted to find out the types of cultures and how they represented in the textbook entitled Bahasa Inggris for Senior High School grade X and XI. The first textbook contains 15 chapters and the second textbook contains 8 chapters including enrichment. The cultural content is derived from Cortazzi and Jins‟ framework, while the framework from Adaskou, Britten and Fahsi is adopted to analyze how the cultures are represented in the textbook. Based on the findings, the researcher would like to conclude the aspects that had been found after the analysis. 1. Types of cultures are categorized into Source Culture, Target culture, and International Culture. Source culture refers to learners‟ own cultures. In this study, it refers to Indonesian cultures. On the other hand, Target Culture refers to the countries that use target language as their first language. The 51 last type is International Culture, in which culture refers to the countries which are not included into both and Source Culture and Target Culture. The analysis of the textbooks has revealed some points. First, Bahasa Inggris for grade X dominantly presented source culture compared to the target culture and the international culture. This finding is in line with the study conducted by Syahri and Susanti (2016); Silvia (2014); Rashidi and Meihami (2016). On the other hand, Bahasa Inggris for grade XI is mostly presented by target culture compared to Source culture and International culture. The result is similar to the finding from study researched by Faris (2014). The cultures are presented by visual illustrations, readings, names of people, name of places, grammars, speech acts, conversations, songs, poems and other material presented in the choosen textbooks. 2. The cultures are mostly represented by Pragmatic Sense in both textbooks. The total value In Bahasa Inggris for grade X is 56.63% (111 times) Its percentage is (48.67% from the total existence), followed by sociological sense, Aesthetic sense and Semantic Sense. Pragmatic sense is explicitly presented as the Grammar section, pronunciation section, vocabulary section, reading section and speech act section. The predominant appearance of pragmatic sense is similar with Rajabi and Ketabi‟s findings (2012). These Findings are inconsistent with the study conducted by Faris (2014) that Aesthetic sense is mostly represented in the textbook in Cianjur, West Java. 52 B. Recommendations Concerning the cultural contents in the textbooks for senior high school for grade X and XI entitled Bahasa Inggris, the researcher wants to recommend some point of view to be studied by the future researchers. The further researchs may use different frameworks and theories to ease the research analysis. Since, there are many frameworks from other experts that can be used to analyzed the cultural aspects in the textbooks. First, the researcher suggests that English textbook authors should include the balance presentation among Source Culture, Target Culture and International Culture. In those textbooks, the international culture is least presented. So, it is highly recommended that international culture should be included more than the present results. International culture is aimed at making students more aware of the cultures around the world. Hence, nowadays, people use English as the worldwide language to communicate with different cultural backgrounds. Second, it is suggested that the cultures should be represented in various senses. Yet, those analyzed textbooks tend to present the cultures mostly in pragmatic sense compared to Sociological, Aesthetic, and Semantic sense. As a result the students are not accustomed with other senses of cultures. 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After that, he continued his senior high school at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Makassar and finished his study there in three years. In 2014, he was accepted in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar as a student at English Department of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. At the end of his study, he could finished his thesis in 2020 entitle “Cultural Content Analysis of English Textbook at SMK Laniang Makassar”.
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