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deped order for ipcrf, Lecture notes of English

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Download deped order for ipcrf and more Lecture notes English in PDF only on Docsity! ."'111,'% i"H"j icplblic of tla Pritippinlt DepEd MEMORANDUM No. , s. 2022 I}IPLEMEIYTATIOIT OF THE RESULTS;-BASED PERI1ORMAXCE }IANAGEIEIYT SYSTEM.PHILIPPIITE PROFESSIOIYAL STAITDARDS F'OR TEACHERS FOR SCHOOL YEAR 20.21-2022 To: Undersecretaries Assistant Secretaries Minister, Basic, Higher, and Technical Education, BARMM Bureau and Service Directors Regional Directors Schools Division Superintendents Public Elementary and Secondar5r School Heads A11 Others Concerned 1. Faithful to the commitment of the Department of Education (DepEd) to quarityteaching,itbeingrecogrr'izedasvitaltotheattainmentofdesiredlearning &t"o-"", the bepartment reitains steadfast in the efforts to anchor its human resource systems -and actions on well-defined professional standards for teacher q"rfitv. C"on*i"t"t t with DepEd Order (Do) No' 2, s' 2ol5 prescribine the drli""fi.r." on tJle Establishment and implementation of the Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) in the Department of F ducation and ;;;;, to Secti"on 5 of Do 4b, s' 2ol7 on the National Adoption and i-pi.-"it"trrn of the philippine professional standards for Teachers (PPST), which -Joa"t"" that all p"rro. .i-r'"" appraisals for teachers shall be based on this set of standards, this Department has been integrating and embedding the PPST into the RPMS of teache.s iince School Year (SY) 2018-20 19' 2. For SY 2O2l-2O22, the Department aims to complete tt'" !11 cy-cle of .mU.aairrg the 37 PPST' indicatois into teachers' performanc,e' -Thrs DepEd Memorandum titled Inplementatloa of thG Rerults'Bared Performaace ii"i"g.i."t system_philtpptEe profersto-er standar& fot Teachen IRPUS- ;Psiiil s.t""r veat 2Ci21'2022 provides for the guidelines 9n !!re perfomance Lr""!"-""t and appraisal of teachirs using the remaining 18 indicators in their nif'f S] Witir the impiementation of the Basii Education Itarning Continuity Plan iie-ice1, the sudden shift from face to face to remote learning' and now the F"a"J 'ilnplementatio., oi th" limited face to face classes' the tools' forms' and r;;;;_"tprlated herein are developed and modified to ensure that the measures ;i;;;;;;"" this school yeuu. are appropriate, adaptive' and relevant to capture teachers' actual performance in the context of the pandemic' 3. This DM shall cover all Teachers and Master Teachers in all public "i"-".rt"ty and secondary schools and community learning centers - (CLCs)' i""i"ai"i "tir."e Tea"he." Ld Master Teachers who are reassigned as full-time Teacher-"Broadcasters in DepEd Central Office (CO)' It shall .guide the ratees' ,"i"r", "pprorring "utho.itieJ, and other stakeholders in the implementation of piSf_.fig"ea ReilS ttrrougtr the prescribed performance indicators that shall be reflected in the Individual "perfomance commitment and Review Forms (IPCRFs) of teachers fiot SY 2O2l-2O22 DepEd Codplex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City 1600 p a633-720a 1a633-722A / A6s2-136r f 8636-4A761A637 -6209 q wu'w.deped. gov. ph Depatmeit of @luotion 4. For purposes of implementation of RPMS-PPST for SY 2027-2022, these guidelines are prescribed. a. With the continued delivery of basic education services through various distalce learning delivery modalities (DLDMs), the changes in the expectations of teachers necessitates a COVID- 19 responsive RPMS while upholding quality teaching using the professional standards. The modifications in RPMS, its tools, processes, and protocols, for Sy 2O2l-2O22 captures the DepEd current system that governs teachers' functions. b. Consistent with the School Calendar and Activities for SY 2027-2022 to include all the preparatory and end-of-school year activities stipulated in Enclosure No. 2 of DO O29, s.2O2l, the performance cycle for all teaching personnel for SY 2O2l-2O22 shall cover the performance from Auguet l, 2O2L to July 31, 2022. The timeline of activities for each phase of the RPMS cycle is illustrated below, particulars of which is detailed in Annex A. Figure 1 . TlLe RPMS Cgcle with Adjusted SY 2O2 1- 2O22 Timeline , \ a ,<t t. €" -'lYa a"; I oo t lD a a 3" oc o .s Io a.ria.r-E frcnrha rt l aodrlt ra.G,F. i.9i iri,6loall. FCtf +sal. (...ird; a.,t Et r@2 raBrEtr b.{4 6 ,rE ,r, lpdnd irOtiOt, -dI a PER FORMAiICE PI.ANNI NG AND COMMITMENT PERFONMA'{CE MONNORII{GAND coA0flllcltIV il! PERFORMAT.'CE REVIEW ANO EVAI.UANOiI ,. t D3 olaraoty'r$lrE ol 1116 at'|r,rD!-t plira, tol qi.d trasdoti.n ,rn b.r.d 6. 3Ar, !l. ra Teacher Quality a.E rt. tnt ttr o, ,'dn bI coirqrih..l atMli 16lr ircf,, . 'aI + PERR)RMANCE REWARDING AT{D DEVETOPMENT PTANNING E.r ,!rH * ,1o16 -t .4 a...rrink\ .E t I ilrlt tFd ,ftfor'.r sltod rD(it r,/ ffilurrd trC rart Enclosure to Dep&d Metnotz,ndum IVo. _ Annex A Detailed Actioities in each phax of the RPMS Cycle for Sy 2021-2022 Phases of RPMS Cycle Tasly'Activity Person(s) Responsible Schedule PHASE I Performance Planning and Commitrnent Start of RPMS cycle and start of porfolio collection August 1, 2021 Self-Assessment with Initial Development Planning Ratees September 2021 Capacity Building Activities/ Presentation of RPMS Tools in the time of COVID19 Regional Offi ce/ Schools Division Office/ School Head/Raters September to December 2021 National Orientation Central Office PHASE II Performance Monitoring and Coaching Monitoring and Coaching School Head/ Raters August 2021 - Jrne 2022 Mid-Year Review* with Development Planning School Head/Raters/ Ratees Febru.ary20D PHASE III Performance Review and Evaluation Year-end Review* Raters, Ratees, and Approving Authorities A week afur scheduled graduation PHASE IV Performance Rewarding and Development Planning Ways Forward Development Planning Ratees A week after scheduled graduation IPCRI Data Collection School Head/Raters A month after scheduled graduation ' All Plescnt d Means of Vetifcation (MOV|) shall tu obtaircd fion Septembt 2021 - February 2022 (for RPMS Objectioes 1 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, and 10) ond fron February 2022 - luly 2022 (t'or RPMS Objectioes 2, 7, 8, and 11 to 19). ** All qeseated. Merns of Vetifcanon (MOVs) shall be obtained Itotfl Septernbet 2021 - luly 2022 (lot RPMS Objectirxs 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, md 10) and from Septernber 2021-2022 (fot RPMS Objectioes 2, 7, 8, dtd 11 ta 19). DepEd Complex, Mcralco Avcnuc, Pasig City 1600 p 4633-7204/4633-7224I 32-\36r * 4636-4476 /4637 -6209 q q, Ratees lanuary 2022 (Enclosure to DepEd Memorandum No. , s. 2022) Annex B RPMS-PPST Performance Obiectives, Indicators, and Means of Verifications for S\ 2O27-2O22 PART I. Regular Teachers There are 18 indicators hom the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PI€T) chosen as RPMS o$ectives for this school year. These priority indicators complete the integration of PI€T through the RPMS. *e Appmdix 7A for the RPMS Tool for Proficient Teachers for SY 2027-2022 and Appmilit 18 for the RPMS Tool for Higtrly Proficient Teachers tor SY 2027-2022, respectively. A glossary is provided in each tool to set the operational definition of concepts from the indicators and of certain MOV. Classroom obse roable obi e ctioes For Proficient Teachers, there are nine (9) classroom observable objectives. The performance indicators of these objectives are identified for Quality. Objectives 7, 3, 4, 5, and 5 require means of verification (MOV) from a classroom observation. While Obiectives 7,8,9, and 10 have SET A and SET B options that require MOV from either a classroom observation, provision of supplemetal material/s, or accomplishment of a Teacher Reflection Form (1RF) depending on the context of the teacher. For Highly Proficient Teachere, there are seven (7) classroom observable objectives. The performance indicators of these objectives are identified for Quality. Objectives 1, 3, 4, 5, and 5 require MOV from a classroom observation. While Obiectives 9 and 10 have SET A and SET B options that require MOV from either a classroom observation or accomplishment of a Teacher Reflection Form (TRF) depending on the context of the Eacher. Only two (2) observations are required for both Proficient and Highly Proficient Teachers for the entire school year. N on-classroom ob*n:able obiectiaes There are thirteen (13) non-classroom obiectives for both Proficient and Highly Proficient Teachers. This includes the o$ectives that have SET A and SET B options. The performance indicators of these o$ectives ate identified for Quality. Plus Factor is O$ective 19. Tabte 1. MOV ryr inilicator lor the Profcient Teachers for RPMS SY 2027-2022 RPMS objective based on the PPST priority indicator Means of verifi.ation l. Applied knowledge of content within and acroas curriculum teaching areas Classroom Obe€rvation Tool (COT) rating 6heet or inter.observ€r .greemmt form from: 1. an observation of synchronous teaching (Iimid face-to-face teaching, online teachin& or two-way radio instruction) L if opnon 1 is not possibk, a ob*rwation of a recorded video lesson or audio lesson that is SLM-based or MElC-aligned 3. if opnons 1 tnd 2 are not possible, an obrrvation of a demonstntion teaching via LAC 2. Used resea rch-ba sed knowledge and principles of teaching and learning to enhance One (1) Iesson plan with annotrtions identifying the research-based knowledge and/or principtes of teaching and leaming used as basis for planning / designing the lesson Enclosttre to DcpEd Memoraadum No, professional practice 3. Displayed proficient use of Motler Tongue, Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and leaming Clas8toom Obsen ation Tool (COT) ratin8 sheet or inter-obs€rver agr€ement form from: 1. an observation of synchronous teaching oimid face-to-face teachin& online teachin& or two-way radio ins'truction) 2. if option 7 is nol possibl?, an observation of a .ecorded video lesson or audio lesson that is SlM-based or MElc-aligned 3. il options "l and 2 ate not possibb , an observation of a demonstration teaching via LAC 4. Used effective verbal and non- verbal classroom communication strategies to support leamer understandin&, participation, efl gagement and achievement 5. Established safe and rcure leaming environments to enhance leaming through the consistent imptementation of policies, guidelines and procedures 6. Maintained leaming environments that promote faimess, respect and care to encouraqe learning SET A Any supplementary material (in print/digital format) made by the ratee and used in the lesson delivery that highlights maintaining leaming environments that nurture and inspire leamers to participate, cooperate and collaborate in continued leamhg . activity sheet/s . one lesson from a self-leaming module (SLM) . lesson plan (e.9., DLP, DLL, WHLP, WLP, WLL,lesson exemplars, and the likes) . video lesson o audio lesson . other leaming materials in print/digital format (please specify and provide annotations) with client/eamer feedback on how the material encouraged the leamers to participate, coopeEte, and collaborate (Please specify and provide annotations of one's contribution to a material if it is a group work.) ot{ SET B Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rrtint sheet or inter-observer agreement form from: 1. an observation of synchronous teaching 0imited face-to-face teachin& online teachin& or two-way radio instruction) 2. if option 1 is not possible an observation ofa recorded video lesson or audio lesson that is SLM-based or MELc-aligned 3. if options 1 and 2 are not possible an observation of a demonstration teaching via LAC 8. Applied a range of successful sbategies that maintain leaming env onments that motivate learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own leaming SET A Any supplement ry materiat (in prinyditital format) by the r.tee and used in the lesson delivery that highlights a .ange of sbategies that maintain leaming environments that motivate leamers to work productively by as,stming responsibility for their own leaming o activig sheet/s . one lesson from a selfJeaming module (SLM) . lesson plan (e.9., DLP, DLL, WHLP, WLP, WLL, lesson exemplart and the tikes) o video lesson . audio lesson o other leaming materials in print/digital format (please specify and provide annotations) (Please specily and provide amotations of onds conkibution) OR 7. Maintained leaming environments that nurfure and inspire leamers to participate, cooPerate and collabomte in continued leaming Table 2. MOV pu indicator for the Highly Profcient Teachers for RPMS SY 2m1-2022 Means of verificationRPMS obiective based on the PPST indi(ator Clascroom Obeervation Tool (COT) ratin8 sheet from: 1. an observation of synchronous teaching oimited face-to-face teachin& online teachin& or two-way radio instruction) 2. if option 1 is not possible, an obsewation of a recorded video lesson or audio lesson that is SlM-based or MElC-aligned 3. if options 1 and 2 are not possible, an observation of a demonsbation teaching via LAC with proof of attendance of colleagu{s 1. Modelled effective applications of content knowledge within and across curriculum teaching areas promote leamer achievement in literacy and numeracy o activity sheet/ s . one lesson from a selfJeaming module (SLM) . lesson plan (e.g., DLP, DLL, WHLP, WLB WLL' l'esson Exemplars' and the likes) . video lesson o audio lesson . other leaming materials in print / digital format (please sPecify and provide annotations) with minutes of focus Stoup dis(uEsion (FGD) with fellow mentors or minutes of coa.hinB and mentoring 36sion with teacheE that show evaluated teaching strategies that Plomote Ieamer achievement in litency and numerary deliv rateethemade byformat)material (in digitalprintlementatvsupP thatsthalesson teachingdan dusct ln ghhightiery 2. Evaluated with colleagues the effectiveness of teaching skategies that promote leamer achievement in literacy and numeracY learning Process colleagues in the Proficimt us€ of Mother Tongue, FiliPino and English to imProve teaching and leamin& as well as to develoP leamers' Pride of thei. language, 1 Modelled and supported and culture 4. Displayed a wide effuctive verbal and classroom communication shategies to suPPort leamer understandin& ParticiPation, range of non-verbal and achievementefl 5. Exhibited effective str that ensure safe and secure leaming environments to enhance leaming though the consistent implementation of Policies, ategies uresidelines and ClasEroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet fromr - . l. an observation of synchronous teaching (timiH face-to-lace tea(hing online teachin& or two-way radio instruction) 2. if optioi 1 is not Possible, an obseryation of a rrorded vldeo ksson o, u'rdlo tetsot ttrat is SlM-based or MElC-aligned a. f .pti.i" i""a 2 are not po$sible' an observation of a demonstration teaching via LAC with proof of attendance of colleagu+ 6. Exhibited effective Practices foster learning environments that promote faimess, tesPect and care to encou to . activity sheet/s . one lison from a selfJeaming modute (SLM) . t€sson plan (e.g., DLP, DLL, WHLP, WLP' WLL' Lesson ExemPlars, and the likes) . video lesson r audio lesson . otfr", te.mi.g -aterials in Print / diSital format (Please sPecify provide annotations) tateethemadeformat) bymaterial digital(in printlementarySUPPAny thatstrasuccessfutstha tegredeliv ghlessonlnd highltheuse eryand ISIeameandrturlu rethat lnsPrretsenvlronmenleasu mlnSstain pportive rnleacontinuedinte mgboracollaandte,to cooPeraterticipaPa 7. Worked with colleagues to successful strategies that sustain supportive leaming environments that nurture and insPite leamers to participate, cooPerate and collaborate in continued leaming share Any slrategiesthe Enclosure to DepH Mernorandum IYo. _ with minutes of focus Broup dis.ussion (FGD) with fellow mentors or minutes of coaching and m€ntoring session with teachers that show sharing of slaategies for increased leamer participation, cooperation, and collaboration Any supplementary material (in print / di8ital format) made by the ratee end uaed in the leason delivery that highlights successful strategies in promoting learning environments that effectively motivate leamers to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own leaming . activity sheet/s . one lesson from a self-learning module (SLlv0 . lesson plan (e.9., DLP, DLL, WHLP, WLP, WLL, I€sson Exemplars, and the likes) . video lesson . audio lesson . other leaming materials in p nt / digital format (please specify and provide annotations) with rrinutes of focus group discuasion (FGD) with fellow mento.s or minutes of coaching and mentoring session with teach€rs that details support given to them in motivating leamers to work productively by assuming for their own leaming SET A: Classroom Observation Tool (COT) ratin8 sh€et from: l. an observation of s,.nchronous teaching oimid face-to-face teachin& online teachin& or two-way radio instruction) 2. if option 1 is not possible, an observation of a recorded video lesson o. audio lesson that is SlM-based or MElC-aligned 3. if options I and 2 are not possible, an observahon of a demonstration teaching via LAC with Foof of attendence of collertue/s; OR SET B: Teacher Rdlection Form (IRF) on assisting colleagues in designing, adaptin& and/or implementing teaching shategies that are rcsponsive to leamers with disabilities, giftedness and talents and a certification from the school head that the rate€'s classes have no identified learner/s with d isabilities, giftedness and/or talents .10. Dev€loped and applied teachhg strategies to address effectively the needs of leamers from indigenous g.oups SET A,: Claseroom Obeervation Tool (COT) rating sheet from: 1. an observation of synchronous teaching oimited face-to-face teachin& online teaching, or two-way Iadio ins,truction) 2. if option 1 is not poasible, an observation of a recorded video lesson or audio lesson that is SlM-based or MELc-aligned 3. if options 1 and 2 arc not possible, an observation of a demonskation teaching via LAC with proof of.ttendance of colleagu{s; OR SET B: Teacher Refle.ction Form CrRD on developing and applying teaching strategies to address effectivety the needs of leamers from indigenous g.oups and a certification from the school head that the ratee's classes have no identified leamer/s from indigenous groups 11. Worked collaboratively with colleagues to evaluate the design of leaming programs that develop the knowtedge and skills of leamers at different ability levels l. New / improved design of leaming programs 2. Detailed recommendations on the design of learning programs 3. Synthesis of the evaluation of the learning programs 4. Ovm evaluation of the existing leaming programs 8. Modelled successful strategies and support colleagues in prornoting leaming environments that effectively motivate leameE to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own leaming 9. Assisted colleagues to design, adapt and implement teaching strategies that are r€sponsive to leamers with disabilities, giftedness and talents Accomplished LAC plan an(hored with th€ s.hool LAC plan (Annex 1 of DO 35, s. 2015) to analyze and utilize assessment data to modify practice and/or program to further support leamer progress and achievement with any 1 used in the impl€mentation of the LAC plan minutes of LAC session on the analysis of assessmmt data to modify teaching practices and programs any proof of collaborative rcview of leamer assessment data o lesson plan with accomplished part VI: Reflection and Index of Mastery o test item analysis o list of identified least mastered skills based on frequenry of elrols / correct responses o intervention / remediation / enhancement / enrichm€nt plan any proof of collaborative review of intervention mate als developed for remediation / enhancement accomplishment rePort of intervention / remediation / enhancement / enrichment activities (e.g., remedial sessions, Summer Reading Camp, Phil-lRl-based program) others and annotations Synthesis of evaluation of a program / project maintains the leaming environment responsive to community contexts 2. Minutes of consultative meeting with parents / othe. extemal stakeholders on progtms, projrts, and/or activities that maintain a leaming environment, highlighting the evaluations made, with Proof of attendance 3. Minutes of focus group dirussion (FGD) with teachers on a Program / proi€ct / activity that maintains a leaming environment, highlighting the evaluations made, with proof of aftendance 4. Survey on progams / Proiects / activities that maintain a learning envtonment I / activit_v that Minutes ofLAC sessions / professional meetings to diruss of Ethics for Profussional Teachers and the reviewed annotated evidence of pmctice of colleagues Minutes of LAC s€ssions / professional meetings to diruss the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers and the reviewed personal reflection notes of colleagues Minutes of LAC sessions / Professional meetings to diruss the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers Activity proposal / teaming Action Cell (LAg Plan (refe. to Annex 1 of DO 15, s. m15) to discuss the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers I 3 4 the Code14. Discussed with colleagues teaching and leaming pnctices that apply existing codes, laws and regulations that aPply to the teaching profession, and the responsibilities sp€cified in the Cod! of Ethics lor Prolessional Teachets 1. Evaluation report on the implementation minutes of subiect arca/grade level meetings or Professional meetings on evaluating school policies/procedures 2. Minutes o1subiect arca/grade level meetings or professional meetings on the implementation progress of school policies/pro.edures [Provide at least 2 to show discussions heldl 3. Minutes of subrect area/grade level meeting or professional meeting on disseminating information and implementing rhool policies/Procedures [provide at least 2 to show dirussions held] 4. Proof of implementation of school Policies and Procedu,es of rhool policies/ procedures 1 5. Exhibited commitment to and suppoded teachers in the implementation of rhool Policies and procedures to foster harmonious telationshiPs witl leamert parmts and other stakeholders their leamet{entered teaching PhilosoPhv 2. Minutes of LAC session/s about enhancing teachers' leamertentered teaching philosoPhy through lesson plaoning 3. LAC plan (rcfer to Annex I of DO 35, s. 2016) that detatu suPPorting teachers in enhancing their learner{entered teaching Philosophv through lesson planning 4. [,essolplan exemplar used during a Leaming Action Cell (LAC) session l. Sample lesson plans of colleague/s with annotations about enhancing15. Manifested a leamer-centered teaching philosophy in va ous aspects of practice and suPPort colleagues in enhancing their own leamer-{entered teaching philosophy 1. Performance Coaching and Mentoring given to teachers and aemarks in terms Form (PMCF) showing guidance of upholding the dignity of teacu hold the d of 17. Identified and utilized personal professional strengths to 12. Worked collaboratively with colleagues to analyze and utilize assessment data to modify practices and programs to further support leamer progress and achievement 13. Reflected on and evaluated leaming environments that are responsive to community contexts Enclosure to Dcpad Aemotwdum J\Io. _ strategies to support leamer understanding, participation, engagement and achievemenl 5 Established safe and secure leaming envircnments to enhance Iearning through the consistent implementation of policies, guidelines and procedures 6. Maintained leaming environments that promote fairness, respect and care to encourage leaminq 7. Maintained leaming environments that nurfure and inspire Ieamers to padicipate, cooperate and collaborate in continued leaming with clienyleamer feedback on how the material encouraged the leamers participate, cooperate, and collaborate Clease sPecify and Provide annotahons of one's contribution to a material if it is a group work.) SET B Cleesroom obrrvetion tool (COT) rating Eheet or inter-obs€rver rgre€ment form obta ined fuom an obsettaticn of o ttideo lesson or audio bsson tlrot i" SLM-br*d * MELc-aligned (Plea* Provide annotations of onds contribution to the video lesson) 8. Applied a range of successful strategies that maintain leaming environments that motivate leamers to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own leaming SET A Any supplementary material (in print/digital format) made by the ratee and used in the lesson delivery that highlights a range of st ategies that maintain leaming environments that motivate learners to work productively by assrming responsibility for their own leaming o one lesson from a setf-leaming module (SLlv0 o lesson plan (e.g., DLB DLL, WHLP, WLP, WLL, leseon exemPlars, and the likes) . video lesson or audio lesson that is Sl-M-based or MElC-aligned r other leaming materials in Print/digital format (Please specify and provide airnotations) (Pleas€ specify and provide annotations of onds contribution to a material if it is a grouP work.) ()R srr B Classroom obE€rvation tool (COT) rating she€t or inler-obscrver agreem€nt forn obta irred fuom an obsen'ation of a oideo lrssoh or autlio lesson thal is SLM-based or MELc-atigned (please provid€ annotations of one's contribution to the video lesson) 9. Designed, adapted and implemented teaching strategies that are rcsponsive to leamels with disabilities, giftedness and talents SET A Cla6sroom ob6ervation tool (COT) rating sheet or inter-observer rtreement form obta ined fuom an obseflation of a nideo ksson or audio lesson tiat is SLM-based or MELC-oligned (plea* provide annotations of one's contribution to the video lesson) OR SET B SET A Any suppl€mentary m.terial (in PrinvdiSital forErt) made by the ratce and used in the lesson delivery that highlights maintaining learning envircnments that nurture and inspire leamers to ParticiPate, cooPerate and collaborate in continued leaming . one lesson fiom a selfJeaming module (SLlv0 o lesson plan (e.g., DLP, DLL, WHLP, WLP, WLL, lesson exemPlars, and the likes) . video lesson or audio lesson that is SLM-based or MELC-aligned . client/leamer feedback on how the material encouraged the leamers to particiPate, cooperate, and collaborate . other leaming materials in print/digital format (Please sPeciry and provide annotations) Teacher Reflection Form CfRD on designin& adaptin& and/or implementing teaching strategies that are responsive to leamers with d isabilities, giftedness, and talents 10. Adapted and used culturally appropriate teaching strategies to addrcss the needs of learners from indigenous groups SET A Claesroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet or intet-observer atreement form obtained trom an obserttation of o uideo lesson or audio lessan thal is SLM-bqscd ot MELc-aligned. (plea* provide annotations of one's contribution to the video lesson) OR SET 8 Teacher Rdlection Form ffRD on adapting and using culturally apprcpriate teaching strategies to address the needs of leamers from indigenous group 11. Adapted and implemented learning programs that ensure relevance and responsiveness to the needs ofall leamers with client/earner feedbrck highlighting the relevance and responsiveness of the leaming prognm to the needs of the leamers (Please specify and provide annotations ofone's contribution to a mate al if it is a group work.) 12. Utilized assessment data to inform the modification of teaching and leaming practices and programs One (1) Iesson plan or a lesson sdipt fot TV- or radio-based inskuction with annot tions highlighting utilization of available assessment data (e.9., PISA, TIMMS, other open access) in modifing teaching and teaming practices or programs (please provide annotations of one's contribution to the video lesson) 13. Maintained l€aming envircnments tlEt are resPonsive to community conto(ts Any supplementary material (in print/diFtal format) used in the lesson delivery that highlights maintaining leaming environments that are responsive to community contexts . one lesson ftom a selfleaming module (SLM) . Iesson plan (e.9., DLP, DLL, WHLP, wLP, WLL, lesson exemPlart and the likes) . video lesson or audio lesson that is SLM-bard or MElC-aligned . other leaming materials in print/digital format (please speciS and provide annotations) (Please specify and provid€ annotations of one's contribution to a material if it is a group work.) 14. Reviewed regularly personal teaching practice using existing laws and regulations that apply to the teaching profession and the responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics lor Prcfessioaal Teachefi 1. Annotated video / audio recording of one's teaching tfiat shows impact of regularly reviewing one's teachin8 practice/s 2. Annotated teaching material that shows impact of regularly rwiewing onds teaching practice/s . lesson plan . assessment mateaials . others (plear speciry) 3. Personal reflection notes as outputs from patticipation in review of personal teaching practices in four (4) quarters 4. Proof ofattendance (with date) in LAC o. coaching and mentoring sessions for aeview of personal teaching Practices 15. Complied with and implemented school policies and procedures consistently to foster harmonious relationships with Proof of participation / involvement in a community partnership at the national / regional / division / rhool level for the implementation of a DepEd/s.hool policy/procedure such as the BE-LCP (e,9., reassignment I Any supplementary material (in pdnt/digital format) made by the ratee and used in tie lesson delivery that highlights adapting and implementing leaming programs that ensure relevance and responsiveness to the needs of all leamers . one lesson fiom a self-leaming module (SLM) . lesson plan (e.9., DLP, DLL, WHLP, WLP, WLL, lesson exemplarg and the likes) . video lesson or audio lesson that is Sl-M-based or MElC-aligned . other learning materials in print/digital format (please specify and provide annotations) leameE, parents, and other stakeholders 16. Applied a personal philosophy of teaching that is leamer-centered One (1) lesson plan or a lesson s.ript fot TV- or radiobased instruction with annotations identifying the application ofa personal philosophy of teaching that is leamer-centered (please provide annotations of one's contribution to the video lesson) 17. Adopted practices that uphold the dignity of teaching as a profession by exhibiting qualities such as caring attitude, respect and integrity 1 . Documented Hback from superiors, colleagues, or other stakeholders direcdy reflecting the ratee's good practices that uphold the dignity of teaching as a profession 2. Annotated evidence of practice indirectly linking to the upholding of the dignity of teaching as a profession by exhibiting qualities zuch as caring attitude, rcspect and integrity . Remarks from superiors, colleagues, or master teacher / school head about onds qualities (e.8., entries in Performance Monitodng and Coaching Form [PMCFI or in Mid-Year Review Form) . Recognition from the school / school community about one's qualities . Othets (please specify) 18. Set professional development goals based on the Philippine Profesrional Standards for Teachers 1 . Updated IrcRF-DP from Phase II 2. Mid-year Review Form (MRF) 3. IrcRF.DP 4. Certification from the ICT Coordinator/School Head/Focal Person in charge of e-SAT Any proof ot . committeeinvolvement . involvement as module / learning material writer / validator o book orjoumal authorshiP / contributorshiP . coordinatorship/chairperconship . participation as Eseaich Ptesenter in a forum / conference . participation in demonstration teaching . others (Please specify and Provide annotations) Enclosure to DepEd Memorlc;ndum IVo. _ order, certificate as committee member, narrative report) 2. Proof of other stakeholders meeting (e.9., attendance sheet with minutes of online or face-to-face meeting) 3. Any form of comfiunication to stakeholders (e.g., screenshot of chat/text message/ communication [name or any identifier removed]) Tabb 4. MOV pu indicator lor the Highly Profcient Teachets (Full-time Teachcr Broadcasters for RPMS SY 2027-2022) 2. Evaluated with colleagues the effectiveness of teaching strategies that promote leamer achievement in literary and numeracy leaming Process Any supplementary material (in Print and used in the lesson delivery that hi / digital format) made by the ratee ghlights teaching strategies that promote leamer achi€vement in literacy and numeracy . one lesson from a self-leaming module (SLM) o lesson plan (e.g., DLP, DLL, WHLP, WLP, WLL, tesson ExemPlars, and the likes) . video lesson or audio lesson that is SlM-based or MElC-aligned o other leaming materials in Print / digital format (please sPecily an provide annotations) with minutes of focus grouP discu8sion (FGD) with fellow mento.6 or minutes of coaching and mentoring s€ssion with te.chers that show evaluated teaching strategies that promote leamer achievement Means of verificationRPMS obiective ba6ed on the PPST priority indi(ator Classroom observation tool (CO'IJ ratint observation of a video lesson oi audio lesson that is SlM-based o. MELC- aligned (please provide annotations ofone's contribution to th€ video lesson) with proof of attendance of .olleague/s sheet obtained from an1. Modelled effective apPlications of content knowledge within and across culliculum teaching areas 19 Performed various related works/ activities that conkibute to the teachingJeaming Process { Activity proposal/traming Action Cell (LAC) Plan (refer to Annex 1 of DO 35, s. 2016) to discuss the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers 15. Exhibited commitment to and supported teachers in the implementation of school policies and procedures to foster harmonious rela tionships with leamers, parenb and other stakeholdels 1. Evaluation report on the implementation ofrhool poticies/procedures or minutes of subiect arca/grade level meetings or professional meetings on evaluating school policies/procedures 2. Minutes of subiect area/grade level meetings or professionat meetings on the implementation progress of school policies/procedures [provide at least 2 to show discussions held] 3. Minutes of subiect area/grade level meeting or professional meeting on disseminating information and imptementing school policies/procedures [provide at least 2 to show discussions held] 4. Proof of implementation ofschool policies and procedures 15. Manifested a leamer-centered teaching philosophy in various aspects of practice and support colleagues in enhancing thei. own leamer-centered teaching philosophy 1. Sampte lesson plans ofcolleague/s with annotations about enlancing their leamercentered teaching philosoph), 2. Minutes of LAC session/s about enhancirg teachers' leamer{enterd teaching philosophy through lesson planning 3. LAC plan (refer to Annex 1 of DO 35, s. 20.16) that details supporting teachers in enhancing their leamer-centered teaching philosophy through lesson planning 4. Lesron plan exemplar used during a teaming Action Cell (LAC) session 17. Identified and utilized personal professional strengtis to uphold the dignilv of teaching as a profes,sion to help build a positive teaching and leaming culture within the school 1. Performance Coaching and Mentoring Form (PMCF) showing guidance given to teachers ard remarks in terms of upholding the dignity of teaching 2. Documented feedback from snperiors, colleagues, or other stakeholders directly reflecting the ratee's Sood Practices that uPhold the dignity of teaching as a profession 3. Annotated evidence of practice indirectly linking to the upholding of the dignity of teaching as a profession . rcmarks fiom superior / colleagues about one's Personal professional qualities (e.g., entries in Performance Monitoring and Coaching Form IPMCFI or in Mid-Year Review Form) . recognition from the school / rhool community about one's qualities . others (please speci&) 4. Personal notes on one's p€Eonal Professional sbengtlts 18. Reflected on the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers to plan personal professional development goals and assist colleagues in planning and achieving their own goals 1. Updated IPCRF-DP ftom Phase II 2. Mid-year Review Form (MRF) 3. Performance Monitoring and Coaching Form (PMCF) 4. IPCRF-DP 5. Certification from the ICT Coordinator / School Head / Focal Person in charge of e-SAT and IrcRF-DP 19. Performed various related works/ activities that contribute to the teachingleaming process Any proof that the master teacher: . served as coordinator / chairperson . authored / contributed to a book or ioumal . s€rved as module / leaming mat€ al writer . seryed as module / leaming material validator . s€rved in a committee . observed teaching performance of Teachers l-[[[ . others (please specify and provide annotations) Enclosure to DepH emofirndum to. _ PART III. Gloeeary of Terms Table 5. Glossary for the RPMS Tools SY 2021-2022 GLOSSARY Audio Lesson Refers to a leaming material that is an ardio reco ed lesson whkh can be used for distance learning or as supplementary material This can be saved in a USB flash drive and ptaved in a device (e.g., plug-and- play radios with USB port, TV with USB port, computer, etc.). Daily Lesson Log (DLL) *e bsson Plan Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) *e bsson Plan Learning Action Cell (LAC) Functions as a professional leaming community for teachers that will help them improve practice and learner achievement (Department of Education 2076a, i\ LAC aims to improve the teachingJeaming process that will lead to improved leaming among the students; to nufture sxccessful teachers; to enable teacheE to support each other to continuously improve their content and pedagogical knowledge, practice, skills, and attitudes; and to foster a professional collaborative spirit among school heads, teachers, and the community as a whole (Department of Education 2016a, 3). Lesson Er(emplar "During pandemic and other disruptive events, all Public elementary and secondary school teachers in the region shall prcpare their lessoa aanpbts instead of the usual Detailed l€sson Plan (DLPs) and/or Daily Leaming Logs (DLL) for MELCS and/or enabling competencies" (DePartrnent of Education - CALABARZON 2020, 10). Lesson Plan Refurs to the Daily L essott Log (DLL) ot Detaited Lesson Ptan (DLP) as part of instructional planning (Department of Education 2016b) Other forms of a lesson plan are the Weekly Lesson Plan (iNLP), Weekly Lessot Log (WLLI, Weekly Home Leamhg Plaa (WHLP) and Lesson E,,ernplarc (LE). Mort Essential Leaming Competencies (MELCs) Refer to the competencies from the K to l2 curriculum guides which are most us€fuI in many professions and in everydav life, therebv satisfing the so- called endurance criterion. Anchored on the prescribed standards. these competencies identified by the Department in consultation with stakeholders are to be used nationwide b-v field implementers and private schools for Sl NfuNZI as a resPonse to developing resilient education systems most esPecially during emetgencies such as tie current qlobal pandemic (Department of Education, 2020a). Online Synchronous Teaching A mode of teaching that utilizes video confe.encing,, live chat, instant messagin& or a combination of any of the online tools to engage leamers to work in real-time These materials may be designed for collaborative tasks to engage leamers on vttual collaboration among peels (Department of Education 2020b,31). Supplementary Materials Refur to leaming resources crafted by teacherc to supplement tie materials handed down by the DepEd division/regional/cenbal offices These materials should be aligned with DepEd standards and support the contextualized ne€ds of leamers in online, modular, and TV- and radio-based instruction. Thes€ teacher-made leaming mate als can be Printed or digital modules, activity sheets, intenctive e-materialt and MElclaligned video- and audio-lessons (Department of Education - Undersecretary for Curriculum and lnstruction 2020, 3). Writing tasks can also be part of the supplementary materials where leamers can write the challenges thev arc facing and what parts of the lesson they did not fully underctand and need additional help for from their teacher (Departrnent of Education mzJb.lfl Two-way Radio Instruction Refe.s to real-time instruction via handheld two-way radios or walkie-talkies. "Those areas with [rst Mile Schools which cannot be reached by the 25-50 kilometer radius coverage area would now be served using handheld two- way radios or 'walkie-talkies.' These schools would each be given sets of walkie.talkies to be able to reach leamers who are 3-5 kilometers awav from the school. Paired with DepEd printed modules, teachers are able to guide their siudents and ansr,{er thei, questions real-time. The combination of the two modalities, printed modules and handheld radiot enable the effective delivery of lessons even in tie abs€nce of online options, television and radio broadcast services" (Department of Education - UndeEecretary for Administration, 2021 ) Video Lesson Refers to a leaming material similar to a ui deo-reconled lessot and oideo-tqed lessoa used for online asynchronous teaching or used as supplementary material This material can b€ uploaded to YouTube, Googte Classroom, or any online plafform, or distributed via storage devices (e.9., flash drives or CD-ROMS). Weekly Home Leaming Plan (wHLP) "The Weekly Horne Learniflg Plan (yVHLP) shall be prepared by teachers implementing Distance and Blended L,eaming while the DLP or DLL...shall be prepared by teachers implementing F2F leaming" (Department of Education - Undersecretary for Curriculum and lnstruction 20m, Appendix D). Weekly Lesson Log (WLL) *e Lrsson Plan Weekly Lesson Plan (WLP) * Ltsson PIM General Guidelines for the RPMS Alternative Classroom Observation The altemative classroom observations for RPMS are considered only for SY 2021-2022 due to the absence of or limited capacity for face-to-face leaming. The selection of altemative classroom observation shall depend on the adopted Leaming Delivery Modality (LDM) of the school. Alternative Class.oom Obaervations Cuidelines 1. Observation of real-time teaching (online synchronous leaming or two-way radio instruction) This applies to teachers who will adopt online synchronous learning or two- way radio instruction rcgardless of the number of classes and leamers. 2. Observation ofa video lesson or an audio lesson Consider this mode of ob**ation uthm option 1 is not Wsible . This applies to teachers who will adopt online asynchronous leaming or audio Iesson ifl arv o/ classes and leomers. A video lesson or audio lesson shall be used in les,son delivery as part of the supplementary materials or as one of the leaming mateiials for online asynchronous leaming or two-way radio instruction. It is not the same as the video lesson for TV-based instru.tion or audio lesson for radio-based instruction that the Cenbal Office/Regional Office/Division Office produces. A video lesson or audio lesson must be SlM-based or MElc-aligned. A teacher can use any recording device to record herself/himself while teaching a lesson. A video lesson or audio lesson can be stored in a cloud (e.g., Coogle Drive) or any storage device (e.9., flash drive), or uploaded to an online classroom (e.g., Google Classroom) or a l€arning Management System. 3. Obsewation of a demonstration teaching via Leaming Action Cetl (LAC) Consider this mode of obf€laaon]athl7. options 1 and 2 arc not possible. This applies to teachers who will adopt p!r. modular leaming (print/digital), radio-based instruction (e.g., DepEd Radio), and TV- based instruction (e.9., DepEd TV). In DepEd's BE-LCP in the tine of CO\IID-19, "a support mechanism shall be established for teachers and school leaderc to have access to relevant on- demand technical and administrative advice and guidance which come in many forms. . . including professional learning communities through the LAC" @epEd Order No. 12, s- 2020, p. 41). In support ofthis mechanism, the LAC policy states that school LAC "primarily functions as a professional learning community for teache.s that will help them improve practice and leamer achievement" Ed Order No. 35, s. 2015, 4. Observation during limited face-to-face clasges in low-rGk areas This shatl only apply to authorized public and private rhools that are located in minimal- or low-risk arcas based on the criteria set by the Department of Health (DOC), and passed the school safety assessment of DepEd. Table 6. Alternatioe class/oom obserrations and their conesponding guidelines Enclosure to DepEd Memorandum IVo. _ RPMS Tools for SY 2027-2022 Regular Teachers Principal/ School Head Superintendent Small and Medium Diuisions Assistant Superintendent I-arge and Very Inrge Ditisions Teacher Principal/ School Head Superintendent Small and Medium Diuisions Assistant Superintendent Iarge and Very Large Diusions Teacher Master Teacher/ Head Teacher/ Assistant Principal Principal/ School Head AI-S Implementers (school-baxd) Master Teacher/ Head Teacher/ Assistant Principal Principal/ School Head AIS Implementers (cornmunity learning centers-baxd) Education Program Specialist for AIS Chief of Curriculum Implementation Division (crD) F ull-Time Te acher Broadcasters (TBs) TBs holding Teacher I-Il Positions Any TB holding Master Teacher I-[V positions, preferably in the same leaming area Director IV, ICTS TBs holding Master Teacher I-IV positions Director IV, ICTS Director IV, ICTS Ratedfeacher Attached to this DepEd Memorandum are the COT-RPM9 SAT-RPMS, andTRF (Appmilix 3 to 5) for Proficient Teachers and Highly Proficient Teachers for SY 2021-2022 (both Regular Teachers and Teacher Broadcasters). SubsequentJy, the aforementioned tools may also be accessed tfuough this linl httpEy'/bit.lylRPMSPPST2O2l2O22 The abovementioned link can only be accessed by teachers using their official DepEd e-mail address (example juanluna@deft4,Wllr) when accessing the link. Any other e-mail adress other shall not be allowed access to the Google Drive. In case the teacher does not yet have a DepEd e-mail address, they may request for one from their respective Division Information Technology Offcier (ITO). Ratee, Rater, and Approving Authority in the RPMS DepEd Order No. 2, s. 2015, or the Guifulines on tlv Establishment and lfipbmentation of tlu Results- baxd Petformancz Management System (RPMS) in the Department of Etlucation, establishes who the ratees are and their corresponding raters and approving authorities. See table below as reference to the expanded version of ratee-rater matrix. Table 8. Mttrix ol RPMS Rttee-Rater-Approoing Authoity Ratey'Observer Approving Authority Head Teacher Master Teacher References Govemment of the Philippines, Deparhnent of Education. 2O2Oa. Guidelines on the Ux ol the Most Esseatial barning Competenoes. Pasig City. Govemment of the Philippines, Department of Education. 2020b. Adopkon of the Basic Education baming Continuity Plan for School Year 2020-2021 in Light of tfu Cwid-1g Public Health Emergmcy. Pasig City. Govemrnent of the Philippines, Departrnent of Education. 2019a. Classroom Obsentation Tool.Pasig City. Government of the Philippines, Deparknent of Education. 20l9b. Results-baseil Perlormance Managemmt Systeu Updated Manual. Pasig City. Government of the Philippines, Department of Education. 2077. National Adoption and Implemmtation of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers . Pasig City . Government of the Philippines, Departnent of Education. 2016a. The leaming Action Cell as a K to 12 Basic Education Program School-based Continuing Professional Development Strategy for the Improvement of Teaching and l,eaming. Pasig City. Govemment of the Philippines, DeParknent of Education. 2076b. Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to l2Basic Etlucnfion Program. Pasig City. Govemment of the Philippines, Departrnent of Education. 20"15. Guidelircs on the Enhanced School Imprcoement Planning (SIP) Process and the School Report Card (SRC). Pasig City. Government of the Philippines, Deparknent of Education - CALABARZON. 2019. PIVOT 4A Budget oJWork in All lzarning Areas in Key Stage 1-4 (version 2.0). Cainta. Government of the Philippines, Department of Education - Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction. 2020. Policy Guiilelines on the lmplemantation of baming Delioery Modalities lor the Formal Educttion. Pasig City. covemment of the Philippines, Deparknent of Education - Teacher Education council. 2019. Philippine Professional Standards for Teacfurs (PPST) Reswrce Package Module 12. pasig City. united Nations Educational, scientific and Cultural organization. 799. programme for tlu Education of Childrm in Dfficult Circamstances: sheet children, wo*ing childrea...access to education, euen fo, the most tbstitute. hftps:// / a8223 / pt00f,0718101_eng?postnSet=1&queryId=9046c1 d9 - f537 4e9c-9641- 9 d4d93b0 a429 1 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Proficient Teachers RPMS Tool for Teacher I-III (Proficient Teachers) in the time of COVID-19 S.Y. 2021-2022 POSITION AND COMPETENCY PROFILE PCP No. ______ Revision Code: 00 Department of Education Position Title Teacher I - III Salary Grade Parenthetical Title Office Unit Effectivity Date Reports to Principal / School Heads Page/s Position Supervised JOB SUMMARY QUALIFICATION STANDARDS A. CSC Prescribed Qualifications (For Senior High School Teachers, please refer to: DO 3, s. 2016; DO 27, s. 2016; and DO 51, s. 2017) Position Title Teacher I Teacher II Teacher III Education For Elementary School – Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd) or Bachelor’s degree plus 18 professional units in Education, or Bachelor in Secondary Education, or its equivalent For Secondary School – Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd) or Bachelor’s degree plus 18 professional units in Education with appropriate major or Bachelor in Secondary Education, or its equivalent Experience None required 1 year relevant experience 2 years relevant experience Eligibility RA 1080 RA 1080 RA 1080 Trainings None required None required None required B. Preferred Qualifications Education BSE/BSEEd/College Graduate with Education units (18-21), at least 18 MA units Experience Eligibility PBET/LET/BLEPT Passer Trainings In-service training 4 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Proficient Teachers KRA 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 2. Used research- based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning to enhance professional practice One (1) lesson plan with annotations identifying the research-based knowledge and/or principles of teaching and learning used as basis for planning / designing the lesson Quality Used research- based knowledge and/or principles of teaching and learning in all the components of instruction in the lesson plan to improve student learning Used research- based knowledge and/or principles of teaching and learning in two components of instruction in the lesson plan to improve student learning Used research- based knowledge and/or principles of teaching and learning in one component of instruction in the lesson plan to improve student learning Use of research- based knowledge and/or principle of teaching and learning is identified but was poorly used as basis for planning / designing the lesson No acceptable evidence was shown Research-based knowledge – Information, knowledge or data acquired through systematic investigation and logical study (PPST, 2017) Principles of teaching and learning – Teachers’ views, understandings and conceptualization of teaching and learning (PPST, 2017) Components of instruction – learning objectives, instructional activities, and assessments 5 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Proficient Teachers KRA 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 3. Displayed proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and learning Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form from 1. an observation of synchronous teaching (limited face- to-face teaching, online teaching, or two-way radio instruction) 2. if option 1 is not possible, an observation of a recorded video lesson or audio lesson that is SLM-based or MELC- aligned 3. if options 1 and 2 are not possible, an observation of a demonstration teaching* via LAC Quality Demonstrated Level 7 in Objective 3 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 6 in Objective 3 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 5 in Objective 3 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 4 in Objective 3 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 3 in Objective 3 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms or No acceptable evidence was shown *For modular approach, demonstration teaching via LAC must reflect the teaching-learning process in the said modality. The MOV (COT rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form) shall also be complemented with any annotated document (e.g., module, screenshot of instant messaging, note/s showing instructions, narrative) indicating occurrence of follow through, monitoring, etc. Note: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below: Means of Verification COT Rating RPMS 5-point Scale Rating Average RPMS Rating for Quality RPMS Rating Transmutation Table COT Rating Sheet 1 6 4 3.500 4 (Very Satisfactory) Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000 COT Rating Sheet 2 5 3 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499 Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499 Poor (1) 1.000-1.499 6 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Proficient Teachers KRA 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 4. Used effective verbal and non-verbal classroom communication strategies to support learner understanding, participation, engagement and achievement Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form from 1. an observation of synchronous teaching (limited face- to-face teaching, online teaching, or two-way radio instruction) 2. if option 1 is not possible, an observation of a recorded video lesson or audio lesson that is SLM-based or MELC-aligned 3. if options 1 and 2 are not possible, an observation of a demonstration teaching* via LAC Quality Demonstrated Level 7 in Objective 4 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 6 in Objective 4 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 5 in Objective 4 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 4 in Objective 4 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 3 in Objective 4 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms or No acceptable evidence was shown *For modular approach, demonstration teaching via LAC must reflect the teaching-learning process in the said modality. The MOV (COT rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form) shall also be complemented with any annotated document (e.g., module, screenshot of instant messaging, note/s showing instructions, narrative) indicating occurrence of follow through, monitoring, etc. Note: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below: Means of Verification COT Rating RPMS 5-point Scale Rating Average RPMS Rating for Quality RPMS Rating Transmutation Table COT Rating Sheet 1 6 4 3.500 4 (Very Satisfactory) Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000 COT Rating Sheet 2 5 3 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499 Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499 Poor (1) 1.000-1.499 9 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Proficient Teachers KRA 2: Learning Environment OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION (SET A or SET B) PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 7. Maintained learning environments that nurture and inspire learners to participate, cooperate and collaborate in continued learning SET A Any supplementary material (in print/digital format) made by the ratee* and used in the lesson delivery that highlights maintaining learning environments that nurture and inspire learners to participate, cooperate and collaborate in continued learning ● activity sheet/s ● one lesson from a self-learning module (SLM) ● lesson plan (e.g., DLP, DLL, WHLP, WLP, WLL, lesson exemplars, and the likes) ● video lesson ● audio lesson ● other learning materials in print/digital format (please specify and provide annotations) with client/learner feedback on how the material encouraged the learners to participate, cooperate, and collaborate Quality Provided effective and varying learning opportunities that are well- aligned with the learning goals and feature all elements of collaborative learning as shown in the submitted learning material Provided effective learning opportunities that are well- aligned with the learning goals and engage learners to participate, cooperate, and/or collaborate in continued learning as shown in the submitted learning material Provided an effective learning opportunity that is well-aligned with the learning goal/s and engage learners to participate, cooperate, and/or collaborate in continued learning as shown in the submitted learning material Provided learning opportunity/ies that is/are partially aligned with the learning goal/s and only somehow engage/s learners to participate, cooperate, and/or collaborate in continued learning as shown in the submitted learning material No acceptable evidence was shown SET B Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form from 1. an observation of synchronous teaching (limited face-to-face teaching, online teaching, or two-way radio instruction) 2. if option 1 is not possible, an observation of a recorded video lesson or audio lesson that is SLM-based or MELC-aligned 3. if options 1 and 2 are not possible, an observation of a demonstration teaching** via LAC Quality Demonstrated Level 7 in Objective 7 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 6 in Objective 7 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 5 in Objective 7 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 4 in Objective 7 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 3 in Objective 7 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms or No acceptable evidence was shown Elements of collaborative learning – positive interdependence, individual accountability, and shared authority in assessing and facilitating one’s learning. 10 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Proficient Teachers *If the supplementary material is a product of a group work / collaborative effort of two (2) or more teachers, ratee should specify and provide annotations of one’s contribution to a material. ** For modular approach, demonstration teaching via LAC must reflect the teaching-learning process in the said modality. The MOV (COT rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form) shall also be complemented with any annotated document (e.g., module, screenshot of instant messaging, note/s showing instructions, narrative) indicating occurrence of follow through, monitoring, etc. Note for SET A: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality, calculate the average rating of the two MOV and find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below: Means of Verification RPMS 5-point Scale Rating Average RPMS Rating for Quality RPMS Rating Transmutation Table MOV 1: Activity Sheet 3 3.500 4 (Very Satisfactory) Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000 MOV 2: One lesson from a SLM 4 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499 Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499 Poor (1) 1.000-1.499 Note for SET B: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below: Means of Verification COT Rating RPMS 5-point Scale Rating Average RPMS Rating for Quality RPMS Rating Transmutation Table COT Rating Sheet 1 6 4 3.500 4 (Very Satisfactory) Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000 COT Rating Sheet 2 5 3 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499 Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499 Poor (1) 1.000-1.499 11 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Proficient Teachers KRA 2: Learning Environment OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION (SET A or SET B) PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactor y (2) Poor (1) 8. Applied a range of successful strategies that maintain learning environments that motivate learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own learning SET A Any supplementary material (in print/digital format) made by the ratee* and used in the lesson delivery that highlights a range of strategies that maintain learning environments that motivate learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own learning ● activity sheet/s ● one lesson from a self-learning module (SLM) ● lesson plan (e.g., DLP, DLL, WHLP, WLP, WLL, lesson exemplars, and the likes) ● video lesson ● audio lesson ● other learning materials in print/digital format (please specify and provide annotations) Quality Applied effective teaching strategies that are well- aligned with the learning goals and successfully motivate learners to monitor and evaluate their own learning as shown in the submitted learning material Applied effective teaching strategies that are well- aligned with the learning goals and successfully motivate learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own learning as shown in the submitted learning material Applied an effective teaching strategy that is well-aligned with the learning goal/s and successfully motivates learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own learning as shown in the submitted learning material Applied teaching strategy/ies that is/are partially aligned with the learning goal/s and only somehow motivate/s learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own learning as shown in the submitted learning material No acceptable evidence was shown SET B Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form from 1. an observation of synchronous teaching (limited face-to-face teaching, online teaching, or two-way radio instruction) 2. if option 1 is not possible, an observation of a recorded video lesson or audio lesson that is SLM-based or MELC-aligned 3. if options 1 and 2 are not possible, an observation of a demonstration teaching** via LAC Quality Demonstrated Level 7 in Objective 8 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 6 in Objective 8 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 5 in Objective 8 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 4 in Objective 8 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 3 in Objective 8 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms or No acceptable evidence was shown 14 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Proficient Teachers *For modular approach, demonstration teaching via LAC must reflect the teaching-learning process in the said modality. The MOV (COT rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form) shall also be complemented with any annotated document (e.g., module, screenshot of instant messaging, note/s showing instructions, narrative) indicating occurrence of follow through, monitoring, etc. Note for SET A: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below: Means of Verification COT Rating RPMS 5-point Scale Rating Average RPMS Rating for Quality RPMS Rating Transmutation Table COT Rating Sheet 1 6 4 3.500 4 (Very Satisfactory) Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000 COT Rating Sheet 2 5 3 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499 Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499 Poor (1) 1.000-1.499 Note for SET B: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality, calculate the average rating of the two MOV and find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below: Means of Verification RPMS 5-point Scale Rating Average RPMS Rating for Quality RPMS Rating Transmutation Table TRF 1 3 3.500 4 (Very Satisfactory) Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000 TRF 2 4 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499 Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499 Poor (1) 1.000-1.499 15 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Proficient Teachers KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning, & Assessment and Reporting OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION (SET A or SET B) PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 10. Adapted and used culturally appropriate teaching strategies to address the needs of learners from indigenous groups SET A Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form from 1. an observation of synchronous teaching (limited face-to- face teaching, online teaching, or two-way radio instruction) 2. if option 1 is not possible, an observation of a recorded video lesson or audio lesson that is SLM- based or MELC-aligned 3. if options 1 and 2 are not possible, an observation of a demonstration teaching* via LAC Quality Demonstrated Level 7 in Objective 10 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 6 in Objective 10 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 5 in Objective 10 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 4 in Objective 10 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 3 in Objective 10 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms or No acceptable evidence was shown SET B Teacher Reflection Form (TRF) on adapting and using culturally appropriate teaching strategies to address the needs of learners from indigenous groups and a certification from the school head that the ratee’s classes have no identified learner/s from indigenous groups Quality Demonstrated Level 5 as shown in the TRFs Demonstrated Level 4 as shown in the TRFs Demonstrated Level 3 as shown in the TRFs Demonstrated Level 2 as shown in the TRFs Demonstrated Level 1 as shown in the TRFs or No acceptable evidence was shown “Learners from indigenous groups” is operationally defined as people who have, under claims of ownership since time immemorial, occupied, possessed, and utilized ancestral territories, shared common bonds of language, customs, traditions, and other unique cultural traits (RA 8371 or IPRA of 1997). 16 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Proficient Teachers *For modular approach, demonstration teaching via LAC must reflect the teaching-learning process in the said modality. The MOV (COT rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form) shall also be complemented with any annotated document (e.g., module, screenshot of instant messaging, note/s showing instructions, narrative) indicating occurrence of follow through, monitoring, etc. Note for SET A: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below: Means of Verification COT Rating RPMS 5-point Scale Rating Average RPMS Rating for Quality RPMS Rating Transmutation Table COT Rating Sheet 1 6 4 3.500 4 (Very Satisfactory) Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000 COT Rating Sheet 2 5 3 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499 Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499 Poor (1) 1.000-1.499 Note for SET B: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality, calculate the average rating of the two MOV and find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below: Means of Verification RPMS 5-point Scale Rating Average RPMS Rating for Quality RPMS Rating Transmutation Table TRF 1 3 3.500 4 (Very Satisfactory) Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000 TRF 2 4 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499 Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499 Poor (1) 1.000-1.499 19 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Proficient Teachers KRA 4: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and Professional Development OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 13. Maintained learning environments that are responsive to community contexts 1. Accomplishment report of a program / project / activity that maintains a learning environment 2. Program / Project / Activity plan on maintaining a learning environment 3. Minutes of a consultative meeting / community stakeholders meeting about a program / project / activity that maintains a learning environment with proof of attendance 4. Communication letter about a program / project / activity that maintains a learning environment Quality Collaborated with the community stakeholder in the implementation / completion of a program, project, and/or activity that maintains a learning environment responsive to community contexts as evidenced by MOV No. 1 Planned with the community stakeholders a program, project, and/or activity that maintains a learning environment responsive to community contexts as evidenced by MOV No. 2 Conducted a consultative meeting with the community stakeholders on a program, project, and/or activity that maintains a learning environment responsive to community contexts as evidenced by MOV No. 3 Communicated with the community stakeholders about a program, project, and/or activity that maintains the learning environment responsive to community contexts as evidenced by MOV No. 4 No acceptable evidence was shown Learning environment is the classroom and other physical learning areas outside the classroom. Community contexts refer to situations and all the circumstances in which learners learn from instruction (PPST, 2017). Community/wider school community refers to both internal and external stakeholders (PPST, 2017). Notes: ● This objective refers to classroom and school programs, projects, and activities that enrich the learning environment and the wider school community’s engagement in the educative process. ● A group of teachers or even the entire school may collaborate on a classroom/school program, project, or activity. ● Education can be conducted better by focusing on community and community building and seeking ways in which community can improve student learning; one of which is by “using community to improve pedagogical, curricular, and cocurricular environments” (Bickford, D. & Wright, D., 2006). Here are sample activities that foster an engaged community in student learning: o Pedagogical approaches – active learning activities in class use cooperative techniques; team-based projects are conducted outside class and culminate in student-led presentations; classroom visitors such as civic leaders or alumni can broaden classroom community and enrich discussion; learners meet with faculty in office spaces that are easy to find and conducive to dialogue; o Curricular approaches – tutoring programs are offered for at-risk learners and learners with learning needs; learner research projects culminate in school presentations with appropriate grade/credit; o Cocurricular approaches – social and cultural activities explore and build on the community’s heritage and mission; learners participate in volunteer work to expand their understanding of social responsibilities and develop leadership skills; co-curricular activities involve students, faculty, and staff in shared dialogue; learners participate in experiential learning opportunities and in campus management decisions to create a sense of ownership and responsibility. 20 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Proficient Teachers KRA 4: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and Professional Development OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 14. Reviewed regularly personal teaching practice using existing laws and regulations that apply to the teaching profession and the responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers 1. Annotated video / audio recording of one’s teaching that shows impact of regularly reviewing one’s teaching practice/s 2. Annotated teaching material that shows impact of regularly reviewing one’s teaching practice/s ● lesson plan ● activity sheet ● assessment materials ● others (please specify) 3. Personal reflection notes as outputs from participation in review of personal teaching practices in four (4) quarters 4. Proof of attendance (with date) in LAC or coaching and mentoring sessions for review of personal teaching practices Quality Exhibited an improved practice through one’s teaching as impact of regularly reviewing one’s teaching practice/s using laws and regulations that apply to the profession and the responsibilities in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers as evidenced by MOV No. 1 Exhibited an improved practice through a teaching material as impact of regularly reviewing one’s teaching practice/s using laws and regulations that apply to the profession and the responsibilities in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers as evidenced by MOV No. 2 Reviewed personal teaching practices using laws and regulations that apply to the profession and the responsibilities in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers in 4 quarters with reflection outputs as evidenced by MOV No. 3 Participated in the review of personal teaching practices using laws and regulations that apply to the profession and the responsibilities in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers in 4 quarters as evidenced by MOV No. 4 No acceptable evidence was shown Note: • The video / audio recordings and teaching materials should be made by the ratee and annotated based on how their use in the classroom shows impact of regularly reviewing one’s teaching practice/s. • For Senior High School (SHS) teachers who follow a semestral structure, MOV 3 will be two (2) reflection notes per semester. 21 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Proficient Teachers KRA 4: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and Professional Development OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 15. Complied with and implemented school policies and procedures consistently to foster harmonious relationships with learners, parents, and other stakeholders 1. Proof of participation / involvement in a school-community partnership for the implementation of a school policy / procedure (e.g., certificate as committee member, narrative report) 2. Minutes of parent- teacher conference / stakeholders’ meeting about an implemented school policy / procedure with proof of attendance 3. Communication letter about an implemented school policy / procedure sent to parent / guardian Quality Sustained engagement with the learners, parents / guardians, and other stakeholders regarding school policies and procedures through school- community partnership/s as evidenced by MOV no. 1 Discussed with learners, parents / guardians, and other stakeholders the implemented school policies and procedures as evidenced by MOV no. 2 Communicated with learners, parents / guardians, and other stakeholders the implemented school policies and procedures as evidenced by MOV no. 3 Implemented school policies and procedures without communicating and consulting the learners, parents / guardians, and other stakeholders No acceptable evidence was shown 24 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Proficient Teachers KRA 4: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and Professional Development OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 18. Set professional development goals based on the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers 1. Updated IPCRF-DP from Phase II 2. Mid-year Review Form (MRF) 3. IPCRF-DP 4. Certification from the ICT Coordinator / School Head / Focal Person in charge of e- SAT Quality Updated professional development goals during Phase II of the RPMS Cycle as evidenced by MOV No. 1 Discussed progress on professional development goals with the rater during the mid-year review as evidenced by MOV No. 2 Set professional development goals based on e-SAT results as evidenced by MOV No. 3 Accomplished the e-SAT at the beginning of the school year as evidenced by MOV No. 4 No acceptable evidence 25 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Proficient Teachers KRA 5: Plus Factor OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 19. Performed various related works / activities that contribute to the teaching- learning process Any proof of: ● committee involvement ● advisorship of co- curricular activities ● book or journal authorship / contributorship ● coordinatorship / chairpersonship ● coaching and mentoring learners in competitions ● serving as reliever of classes in the absence of teachers ● mentoring pre-service teachers ● participation in demonstration teaching ● participation as technical working group member ● others (please specify and provide annotations) Quality Performed at least 1 related work / activity that contributed to the teaching- learning process beyond the school / Community Learning Center (CLC) as evidenced by submitted MOV Performed at least 1 related work / activity that contributed to the teaching- learning process within the school / Community Learning Center (CLC) as evidenced by submitted MOV Performed at least 1 related work / activity that contributed to the teaching- learning process within the learning area / department as evidenced by submitted MOV Performed at least 1 related work / activity that contributed to the teaching- learning process within the class as evidenced by submitted MOV No acceptable evidence was shown 26 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Proficient Teachers GLOSSARY Audio Lesson Refers to a learning material that is an audio recorded lesson which can be used for distance learning or as supplementary material This can be saved in a USB flash drive and played in a device (e.g., plug-and-play radios with USB port, TV with USB port, computer, etc.). Daily Lesson Log (DLL) See Lesson Plan Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) See Lesson Plan Learning Action Cell (LAC) Functions as a professional learning community for teachers that will help them improve practice and learner achievement (Department of Education 2016a, i) LAC aims to improve the teaching-learning process that will lead to improved learning among the students; to nurture successful teachers; to enable teachers to support each other to continuously improve their content and pedagogical knowledge, practice, skills, and attitudes; and to foster a professional collaborative spirit among school heads, teachers, and the community as a whole (Department of Education 2016a, 3). Lesson Exemplar “During pandemic and other disruptive events, all public elementary and secondary school teachers in the region shall prepare their lesson exemplars instead of the usu al Detailed Lesson Plan (DLPs) and/or Daily Learning Logs (DLL) for MELCs and/or enabling competencies” (Department of Education - CALABARZON 2020, 10). Lesson Plan Refers to the Daily Lesson Log (DLL) or Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) as part of instructional planning (Department of Education 2016b) Other forms of a lesson plan are the Weekly Lesson Plan (WLP), Weekly Lesson Log (WLL), Weekly Home Learning Plan (WHLP) and Lesson Exemplars (LE). Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) Refer to the competencies from the K to 12 curriculum guides which are most useful in many professions and in everyday life, thereby satisfying the so-called endurance criterion. Anchored on the prescribed standards, these competencies identified by the Department in consultation with stakeholders are to be used nationwide by field implementers and private schools for SY 2020-2021 as a response to developing resilient education systems most especially during emergencies such as the current global pandemic (Department of Education, 2020a). Online Synchronous Teaching A mode of teaching that utilizes video conferencing, live chat, instant messaging, or a combination of any of the online tools to engage learners to work in real-time These materials may be designed for collaborative tasks to engage learners on virtual collaboration among peers (Department of Education 2020b, 31). Supplementary Materials Refer to learning resources crafted by teachers to supplement the materials handed down by the DepEd division/regional/central offices These materials should be aligned with DepEd standards and support the contextualized needs of learners in online, modular, and TV- and radio-based instruction. These teacher-made learning materials can be printed or digital modules, activity sheets, interactive e-materials, and MELCs-aligned video- and audio-lessons (Department of Education - Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction 2020, 3). Writing tasks can also be part of the supplementary materials where learners can write the challenges they are facing and what parts of the lesson they did not fully understand and need additional help for from their teacher (Department of Education 2020b, 37) Two-way Radio Instruction Refers to real-time instruction via handheld two-way radios or walkie-talkies. “Those areas with Last Mile Schools which cannot be reached by the 25-50 kilometer radius coverage are would now be served using handheld two-way radios or ‘walkie-talkies.’ These schools would each be given sets of walkie-talkies to be able to reach learners who are 3-5 kilometers away from the school. Paired with DepEd printed modules, teachers are able to guide their students and answer their 2 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Highly Proficient Teachers Education (BSEd) or Education (BSEd) or degree in Education or its degree in Education or its Bachelor’s degree plus 18 Bachelor’s degree plus 18 equivalent equivalent professional units in Education professional units in Education; with appropriate major; and 18 and 24 units for a Master’s units for a Master’s degree in degree in Education or its Education or its equivalent equivalent Experience 3 years relevant experience 1 year as Master Teacher I or 1 year as Master Teacher II or 1 year as Master Teacher III or 4 years as Teacher III 5 years as Teacher III 5 years as Teacher III Eligibility RA 1080 RA 1080 RA 1080 RA 1080 Trainings None required 4 hours relevant training 8 hours of relevant training 16 hours of relevant training B. Preferred Qualifications Education Master’s Degree Graduate Experience 3 years in service as Teacher III Eligibility PBET/LET/BLEPT Passer Trainings Relevant trainings DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Models exemplary practice in the application of content knowledge and pedagogy showing its integration within and across learning areas 2. Conducts in-depth studies or action researches on teaching-learning innovations 3. Works with colleagues to create learning-focused environments that promote learner responsibility and achievement 4. Assists colleagues to implement differentiated teaching strategies that are responsive to learner diversity 5. Leads in the preparation and enrichment of curriculum 6. Initiates programs and projects that can enhance the curriculum and its implementation 7. Leads colleagues in the design, evaluation, interpretation and utilization of different types of assessment tools for the improvement of the teaching and learning process 8. Updates parents/guardians on learner needs, progress and achievement 9. Strengthens school-community partnerships to enrich engagement of internal and external stakeholders in the educative process 10. Establishes links with colleagues through attendance and membership in professional organizations for self-growth and advancement 11. Provides technical assistance through demonstration teaching, mentoring, coaching, class monitoring and observation, organizing/leading/serving as trainers/facilitators in teacher quality circles/learning action cells 12. Does related work 3 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Highly Proficient Teachers KRA 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 1. Modelled effective applications of content knowledge within and across curriculum teaching areas Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet from 1. an observation of synchronous teaching (limited face-to- face teaching, online teaching, or two-way radio instruction) 2. if option 1 is not possible, an observation of a recorded video lesson or audio lesson that is SLM- based or MELC-aligned 3. if options 1 and 2 are not possible, an observation of a demonstration teaching* via LAC with proof of attendance of colleague/s Quality Modelled Level 8 in Objective 1 as shown in COT rating sheets Modelled Level 7 in Objective 1 as shown in COT rating sheets Modelled Level 6 in Objective 1 as shown in COT rating sheets Modelled Level 5 in Objective 1 as shown in COT rating sheets Modelled Level 4 in Objective 1 as shown in COT rating sheets or No acceptable evidence was shown *For modular approach, demonstration teaching via LAC must reflect the teaching-learning process in the said modality. The MOV (COT rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form) shall also be complemented with any annotated document (e.g., module, screenshot of instant messaging, note/s showing instructions, narrative) indicating occurrence of follow through, monitoring, etc. Note: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below: Means of Verification COT Rating RPMS 5-point Scale Rating Average RPMS Rating for Quality RPMS Rating Transmutation Table COT Rating Sheet 1 7 4 3.500 4 (Very Satisfactory) Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000 COT Rating Sheet 2 6 3 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499 Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499 Poor (1) 1.000-1.499 4 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Highly Proficient Teachers KRA 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 2. Evaluated with colleagues the effectiveness of teaching strategies that promote learner achievement in literacy and numeracy Any supplementary material (in print / digital format) made by the ratee* and used in the lesson delivery that highlights teaching strategies that promote learner achievement in literacy and numeracy ● activity sheet/s ● one lesson from a self-learning module (SLM) ● lesson plan (e.g., DLP, DLL, WHLP, WLP, WLL, Lesson Exemplars, and the likes) ● video lesson ● audio lesson ● other learning materials in print / digital format (please specify and provide annotations) with minutes of focus group discussion (FGD) with fellow mentors or minutes of coaching and mentoring session with teachers that show evaluated teaching strategies that promote learner achievement in literacy and numeracy Quality Modelled and evaluated with colleagues effective strategies that reflect adjustments or modifications in teaching practices to enhance critical literacy and/or critical numeracy skills as evidenced by the submitted learning material Modelled and evaluated with colleagues effective strategies that reflect integration of well-connected teaching practices that promote critical literacy and/or critical numeracy skills as evidenced by the submitted learning material Modelled and evaluated with colleagues effective strategies that reflect consistent application of relevant teaching practices that promote critical literacy and/or critical numeracy skills in all aspects of the lesson as evidenced by the submitted learning material Modelled and evaluated with colleagues effective strategy/ies that reflect/s application of relevant teaching practices that promote critical literacy and/or critical numeracy skills in some aspects of the lesson as evidenced by the submitted learning material No acceptable evidence was shown *If the supplementary material is a product of a group work / collaborative effort of two (2) or more teachers, ratee should specify and provide annotations of one’s contribution to a material. Note: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality, calculate the average rating of the two MOV and find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below: Means of Verification RPMS 5-point Scale Rating Average RPMS Rating for Quality RPMS Rating Transmutation Table MOV 1: Activity Sheet with minutes of FGD 3 3.500 4 (Very Satisfactory) Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000 MOV 2: Lesson Plan with minutes of coaching and mentoring 4 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499 Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499 Poor (1) 1.000-1.499 7 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Highly Proficient Teachers KRA 2: Learning Environment OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 5. Exhibited effective strategies that ensure safe and secure learning environments to enhance learning through the consistent implementation of policies, guidelines and procedures Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet from 1. an observation of synchronous teaching (limited face-to- face teaching, online teaching, or two-way radio instruction) 2. if option 1 is not possible, an observation of a recorded video lesson or audio lesson that is SLM- based or MELC-aligned 3. if options 1 and 2 are not possible, an observation of a demonstration teaching* via LAC with proof of attendance of colleague/s Quality Modelled Level 8 in Objective 5 as shown in COT rating sheets Modelled Level 7 in Objective 5 as shown in COT rating sheets Modelled Level 6 in Objective 5 as shown in COT rating sheets Modelled Level 5 in Objective 5 as shown in COT rating sheets Modelled Level 4 in Objective 5 as shown in COT rating sheets or No acceptable evidence was shown *For modular approach, demonstration teaching via LAC must reflect the teaching-learning process in the said modality. The MOV (COT rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form) shall also be complemented with any annotated document (e.g., module, screenshot of instant messaging, note/s showing instructions, narrative) indicating occurrence of follow through, monitoring, etc. Note: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below: Means of Verification COT Rating RPMS 5-point Scale Rating Average RPMS Rating for Quality RPMS Rating Transmutation Table COT Rating Sheet 1 7 4 3.500 4 (Very Satisfactory) Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000 COT Rating Sheet 2 6 3 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499 Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499 Poor (1) 1.000-1.499 8 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Highly Proficient Teachers KRA 2: Learning Environment OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 6. Exhibited effective practices to foster learning environments that promote fairness, respect and care to encourage learning Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet from 1. an observation of synchronous teaching (limited face- to-face teaching, online teaching, or two-way radio instruction) 2. if option 1 is not possible, an observation of a recorded video lesson or audio lesson that is SLM-based or MELC-aligned 3. if options 1 and 2 are not possible, an observation of a demonstration teaching* via LAC with proof of attendance of colleague/s Quality Modelled Level 8 in Objective 6 as shown in COT rating sheets Modelled Level 7 in Objective 6 as shown in COT rating sheets Modelled Level 6 in Objective 6 as shown in COT rating sheets Modelled Level 5 in Objective 6 as shown in COT rating sheets Modelled Level 4 in Objective 6 as shown in COT rating sheets or No acceptable evidence was shown *For modular approach, demonstration teaching via LAC must reflect the teaching-learning process in the said modality. The MOV (COT rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form) shall also be complemented with any annotated document (e.g., module, screenshot of instant messaging, note/s showing instructions, narrative) indicating occurrence of follow through, monitoring, etc. Note: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below: Means of Verification COT Rating RPMS 5-point Scale Rating Average RPMS Rating for Quality RPMS Rating Transmutation Table COT Rating Sheet 1 7 4 3.500 4 (Very Satisfactory) Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000 COT Rating Sheet 2 6 3 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499 Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499 Poor (1) 1.000-1.499 9 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Highly Proficient Teachers KRA 2: Learning Environment OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 7. Worked with colleagues to share successful strategies that sustain supportive learning environments that nurture and inspire learners to participate, cooperate and collaborate in continued learning Any supplementary material (in print / digital format) made by the ratee* and used in the lesson delivery that highlights successful strategies that sustain supportive learning environments that nurture and inspire learners to participate, cooperate and collaborate in continued learning ● activity sheet/s ● one lesson from a self-learning module (SLM) ● Lesson plan (e.g., DLP, DLL, WHLP, WLP, WLL, Lesson Exemplars, and the likes) ● video lesson ● audio lesson ● other learning materials in print / digital format (please specify and provide annotations) with minutes of focus group discussion (FGD) with fellow mentors or minutes of coaching and mentoring session with teachers that show sharing of strategies for increased learner participation, cooperation, and collaboration Quality Modelled varying strategies that sustain a supportive learning environment for learners to recognize each other’s learning strengths and value the contribution of others as evidenced by the submitted learning material Modelled varying strategies that sustain a supporting learning environment and feature all elements of collaborative learning as shown in the submitted learning material Modelled effective strategies that promote a supportive learning environment and engage learners to participate, cooperate, and/or collaborate in continued learning as shown in the submitted learning materials Modelled an effective strategy that promote a supportive learning environment and engage learners to participate, cooperate, and/or collaborate in class discussions as shown in the submitted learning materials No acceptable evidence was shown Elements of collaborative learning – positive interdependence, individual accountability, and shared authority in assessing and facilitating one’s learning. *If the supplementary material is a product of a group work / collaborative effort of two (2) or more teachers, ratee should specify and provide annotations of one’s contribution to a material. Note: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality, calculate the average rating of the two MOV and find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below: Means of Verification RPMS 5-point Scale Rating Average RPMS Rating for Quality RPMS Rating Transmutation Table MOV 1: Activity Sheet with minutes of FGD 3 3.500 4 (Very Satisfactory) Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000 MOV 2: Lesson Plan with minutes of coaching and mentoring 4 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499 Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499 Poor (1) 1.000-1.499 12 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Highly Proficient Teachers *For modular approach, demonstration teaching via LAC must reflect the teaching-learning process in the said modality. The MOV (COT rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form) shall also be complemented with any annotated document (e.g., module, screenshot of instant messaging, note/s showing instructions, narrative) indicating occurrence of follow through, monitoring, etc. Note for SET A: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below: Means of Verification COT Rating RPMS 5-point Scale Rating Average RPMS Rating for Quality RPMS Rating Transmutation Table COT Rating Sheet 1 7 4 3.500 4 (Very Satisfactory) Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000 COT Rating Sheet 2 6 3 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499 Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499 Poor (1) 1.000-1.499 Note for SET B: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality, calculate the average rating of the two MOV and find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below: Means of Verification RPMS 5-point Scale Rating Average RPMS Rating for Quality RPMS Rating Transmutation Table TRF 1 3 3.500 4 (Very Satisfactory) Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000 TRF 2 4 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499 Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499 Poor (1) 1.000-1.499 13 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Highly Proficient Teachers KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning, & Assessment and Reporting OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 10. Developed and applied teaching strategies to address effectively the needs of learners from indigenous groups SET A Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet from 1. an observation of synchronous teaching (limited face-to- face teaching, online teaching, or two-way radio instruction) 2. if option 1 is not possible, an observation of a recorded video lesson or audio lesson that is SLM- based or MELC-aligned 3. if options 1 and 2 are not possible, an observation of a demonstration teaching* via LAC with proof of attendance of colleague/s Quality Modelled Level 8 in Objective 10 as shown in COT rating sheets Modelled Level 7 in Objective 10 as shown in COT rating sheets Modelled Level 6 in Objective 10 as shown in COT rating sheets Modelled Level 5 in Objective 10 as shown in COT rating sheets Modelled Level 4 in Objective 10 as shown in COT rating sheets or No acceptable evidence was shown SET B Teacher Reflection Form (TRF) on developing and applying teaching strategies to address effectively the needs of learners from indigenous groups and a certification from the school head that the ratee’s classes have no identified learner/s from indigenous groups Quality Demonstrated Level 5 as shown in the TRFs Demonstrated Level 4 as shown in the TRFs Demonstrated Level 3 as shown in the TRFs Demonstrated Level 2 as shown in the TRFs Demonstrated Level 1 as shown in the TRFs or No acceptable evidence was shown “Learners from indigenous groups” is operationally defined as people who have, under claims of ownership since time immemorial, occupied, possessed, and utilized ancestral territories, shared common bonds of language, customs, traditions, and other unique cultural traits (RA 8371 or IPRA of 1997). 14 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Highly Proficient Teachers *For modular approach, demonstration teaching via LAC must reflect the teaching-learning process in the said modality. The MOV (COT rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form) shall also be complemented with any annotated document (e.g., module, screenshot of instant messaging, note/s showing instructions, narrative) indicating occurrence of follow through, monitoring, etc. Note for SET A: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below: Means of Verification COT Rating RPMS 5-point Scale Rating Average RPMS Rating for Quality RPMS Rating Transmutation Table COT Rating Sheet 1 7 4 3.500 4 (Very Satisfactory) Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000 COT Rating Sheet 2 6 3 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499 Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499 Poor (1) 1.000-1.499 Note for SET B: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality, calculate the average rating of the two MOV and find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below: Means of Verification RPMS 5-point Scale Rating Average RPMS Rating for Quality RPMS Rating Transmutation Table TRF 1 3 3.500 4 (Very Satisfactory) Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000 TRF 2 4 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499 Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499 Poor (1) 1.000-1.499 17 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Highly Proficient Teachers KRA 4: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and Professional Development OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 13. Reflected on and evaluated learning environments that are responsive to community contexts 1. Synthesis of evaluation of a program / project / activity that maintains the learning environment responsive to community contexts 2. Minutes of consultative meeting with parents / other external stakeholders on programs, projects, and/or activities that maintain a learning environment, highlighting the evaluations made, with proof of attendance 3. Minutes of focus group discussion (FGD) with teachers on a program / project / activity that maintains a learning environment, highlighting the evaluations made, with proof of attendance 4. Survey on programs / projects / activities that maintain a learning environment Quality Synthesized the evaluations from the wider school community of the programs, projects, and/or activities that maintain the learning environment responsive to community context as evidenced by MOV No. 1 Consulted parents, guardians, and/or other external stakeholders on programs, projects, and/or activities that maintain the learning environments responsive to community context to reflect on and evaluate them as evidenced by MOV No. 2 Conducted FGD with teachers on programs, projects, and/or activities that maintain the learning environments responsive to community context to reflect on and evaluate them as evidenced by MOV No. 3 Conducted a survey to gather feedback on programs, projects, and/or activities that are responsive to community contexts as evidenced by MOV No. 4 No acceptable evidence was shown Learning environment is the classroom and other physical learning areas outside the classroom. Community contexts refer to situations and all the circumstances in which learners learn from instruction (PPST, 2017). Community/wider school community refers to both internal and external stakeholders (PPST, 2017). Notes: ● This objective refers to classroom and school programs, projects, and activities that enrich the learning environment and the wider school community’s engagement in the educative process. ● A group of teachers or even the entire school may collaborate on a classroom/school program, project, or activity. ● Education can be conducted better by focusing on community and community building and seeking ways in wh ich community can improve student learning; one of which is by “using community to improve pedagogical, curricular, and cocurricular environments” (Bickford, D. & Wright, D., 2006). Here are sample activities that foster an engaged community in student learning: o Pedagogical approaches – active learning activities in class use cooperative techniques; team-based projects are conducted outside class and culminate in student-led presentations; classroom visitors such as civic leaders or alumni can broaden classroom community and enrich discussion; learners meet with faculty in office spaces that are easy to find and conducive to dialogue; o Curricular approaches – tutoring programs are offered for at-risk learners and learners with learning needs; learner research projects culminate in school presentations with appropriate grade/credit; o Cocurricular approaches – social and cultural activities explore and build on the community’s heritage and mission; learners participate in volunteer work to expand their understanding of social responsibilities and develop leadership skills; co-curricular activities involve students, faculty, and staff in shared dialogue; learners participate in experiential learning opportunities and in campus management decisions to create a sense of ownership and responsibility. 18 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Highly Proficient Teachers KRA 4: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and Professional Development OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 14. Discussed with colleagues teaching and learning practices that apply existing codes, laws and regulations that apply to the teaching profession, and the responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers 1. Minutes of LAC sessions / professional meetings to discuss the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers and the reviewed annotated evidence of practice of colleagues 2. Minutes of LAC sessions / professional meetings to discuss the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers and the reviewed personal reflection notes of colleagues 3. Minutes of LAC sessions / professional meetings to discuss the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers 4. Activity proposal / Learning Action Cell (LAC) Plan (refer to Annex 1 of DO 35, s. 2016) to discuss the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers Quality Discussed with colleagues teaching and learning practices that adhere to laws, regulations, and responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers and reviewed the annotated evidence of practice of colleagues as evidenced by MOV No. 1 Discussed with colleagues teaching and learning practices that adhere to laws, regulations, and responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers and reviewed the personal reflection notes of colleagues as evidenced by MOV No. 2 Discussed with colleagues teaching and learning practices that adhere to laws, regulations, and responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers as evidenced by MOV No. 3 Planned for a discussion of teaching and learning practices that adhere to laws, regulations, and responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers as evidenced by MOV No. 4 No acceptable evidence was shown 19 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Highly Proficient Teachers KRA 4: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and Professional Development OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 15. Exhibited commitment to and supported teachers in the implementation of school policies and procedures to foster harmonious relationships with learners, parents and other stakeholders 1. Evaluation report on the implementation of school policies / procedures or minutes of subject area / grade level meetings or professional meetings on evaluating school policies/procedures 2. Minutes of subject area / grade level meetings or professional meetings on the implementation progress of school policies / procedures [provide at least 2 to show discussions held] 3. Minutes of subject area / grade level meeting or professional meeting on disseminating information and implementing school policies / procedures [provide at least 2 to show discussions held] 4. Proof of implementation of school policies and procedures Quality Evaluated with teachers the implementation of certain school policies and procedures as evidenced by MOV No. 1 Conducted discussions with teachers on the progress of implementation of certain school policies and procedures as evidenced by MOV No. 2 Discussed with teachers certain school policies and procedures for uniform implementation as evidenced by MOV No. 3 Implemented school policies and procedures as evidenced by MOV No. 4 No evidence was shown 22 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Highly Proficient Teachers KRA 4: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and Professional Development OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 18. Reflected on the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers to plan personal professional development goals and assist colleagues in planning and achieving their own goals 1. Updated IPCRF-DP from Phase II 2. Mid-year Review Form (MRF) 3. Performance Monitoring and Coaching Form (PMCF) 4. IPCRF-DP 5. Certification from the ICT Coordinator / School Head / Focal Person in charge of e- SAT and IPCRF-DP Quality Updated professional development goals during Phase II of the RPMS Cycle as evidenced by MOV No. 1 Conducted mid-year review with colleagues as evidenced by MOV No. 2 or 3 Planned for professional development based on e- SAT results as evidenced by MOV No. 4 Accomplished the e-SAT at the beginning of the school year as evidenced by MOV No. 5 No acceptable evidence 23 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Highly Proficient Teachers KRA 5: Plus Factor OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 19. Performed various related works/activities that contribute to the teaching- learning process Any proof that the master teacher: ● served as facilitator / speaker ● served as demonstration teacher ● served as a member of the technical working group ● served as OIC in the absence of the principal ● represented the principal in meetings and conference ● observed classes of Teachers I-III ● assisted the school selection committee in the evaluation of credentials when hiring or promoting teachers ● served in a committee ● served as adviser to co- curricular activities ● served as coordinator / chairperson ● authored / contributed to a book or journal ● coached and mentored learners in competitions ● mentored pre-service / in-service teachers ● others (please specify and provide annotations) Quality Performed at least 1 related work / activity that contributed to the teaching- learning process beyond the school / Community Learning Center (CLC) as evidenced by submitted MOV Performed at least 1 related work / activity that contributed to the teaching- learning process within the school / Community Learning Center (CLC) as evidenced by submitted MOV Performed at least 1 related work / activity that contributed to the teaching- learning process within the learning area / department as evidenced by submitted MOV Performed at least 1 related work / activity that contributed to the teaching- learning process within the class as evidenced by submitted MOV No acceptable evidence was shown 24 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 | Highly Proficient Teachers GLOSSARY Audio Lesson Refers to a learning material that is an audio recorded lesson which can be used for distance learning or as supplementary material This can be saved in a USB flash drive and played in a device (e.g., plug-and-play radios with USB port, TV with USB port, computer, etc.). Daily Lesson Log (DLL) See Lesson Plan Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) See Lesson Plan Learning Action Cell (LAC) Functions as a professional learning community for teachers that will help them improve practice and learner achievement (Department of Education 2016a, i) LAC aims to improve the teaching-learning process that will lead to improved learning among the students; to nurture successful teachers; to enable teachers to support each other to continuously improve their content and pedagogical knowledge, practice, skills, and attitudes; and to foster a professional collaborative spirit among school heads, teachers, and the community as a whole (Department of Education 2016a, 3). Lesson Exemplar “During pandemic and other disruptive events, all public elementary and secondary school teachers in the region shall prepare their lesson exemplars instead of the usual Detailed Lesson Plan (DLPs) and/or Daily Learning Logs (DLL) for MELCs and/or enabling competencies” (Department of Education - CALABARZON 2020, 10). Lesson Plan Refers to the Daily Lesson Log (DLL) or Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) as part of instructional planning (Department of Education 2016b) Other forms of a lesson plan are the Weekly Lesson Plan (WLP), Weekly Lesson Log (WLL), Weekly Home Learning Plan (WHLP) and Lesson Exemplars (LE). Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) Refer to the competencies from the K to 12 curriculum guides which are most useful in many professions and in everyday life, thereby satisfying the so-called endurance criterion. Anchored on the prescribed standards, these competencies identified by the Department in consultation with stakeholders are to be used nationwide by field implementers and private schools for SY 2020-2021 as a response to developing resilient education systems most especially during emergencies such as the current global pandemic (Department of Education 2020a). Online Synchronous Teaching A mode of teaching that utilizes video conferencing, live chat, instant messaging, or a combination of any of the online tools to engage learners to work in real-time These materials may be designed for collaborative tasks to engage learners on virtual collaboration among peers (Department of Education 2020b, 31). Supplementary Materials Refer to learning resources crafted by teachers to supplement the materials handed down by the DepEd division/regional/central offices These materials should be aligned with DepEd standards and support the contextualized needs of learners in online, modular, and TV- and radio-based instruction. These teacher-made learning materials can be printed or digital modules, activity sheets, interactive e-materials, and MELCs-aligned video- and audio-lessons (Department of Education - Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction 2020, 3). Writing tasks can also be part of the supplementary materials where learners can write the challenges they are facing and what parts of the lesson they did not fully understand and need additional help for from their teacher (Department of Education 2020b, 37) Two-way Radio Instruction Refers to real-time instruction via handheld two-way radios or walkie-talkies. “Those areas with Last Mile Schools which cannot be reached by the 25-50 kilometer radius coverage are would now be served using handheld two-way radios or ‘walkie-talkies.’ These schools would each be given sets of walkie-talkies to be able to reach learners who are 3-5 kilometers away from the school. Paired with DepEd printed modules, teachers are able to guide their students and answer their questions 2 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 for Teacher I-III Full-time Teacher-Broadcasters only DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Applies mastery of content knowledge and its application across learning areas 2. Facilitates learning using appropriate and innovative teaching strategies and classroom management practices 3. Manages an environment conducive to learning 4. Addresses learner diversity 5. Implements and supervises curricular and co-curricular programs to support learning 6. Monitors and evaluates learner progress and undertakes activities to improve learner performance 7. Maintains updated records of learners’ progress 8. Counsels and guides learners 9. Works with relevant stakeholders, both internal and external, to promote learning and improve school performance 10. Undertakes activities towards personal and professional growth 11. Does related work 3 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 for Teacher I-III Full-time Teacher-Broadcasters only KRA 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 1. Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form obtained from an observation of a video lesson or audio lesson that is SLM-based or MELC-aligned (please provide annotations of one’s contribution to the video lesson) Quality Demonstrated Level 7 in Objective 1 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 6 in Objective 1 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 5 in Objective 1 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 4 in Objective 1 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 3 in Objective 1 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms or No acceptable evidence was shown Note: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below: Means of Verification COT Rating RPMS 5-point Scale Rating Average RPMS Rating for Quality RPMS Rating Transmutation Table COT Rating Sheet 1 6 4 3.500 4 (Very Satisfactory) Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000 COT Rating Sheet 2 5 3 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499 Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499 Poor (1) 1.000-1.499 4 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 for Teacher I-III Full-time Teacher-Broadcasters only KRA 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 2. Used research- based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning to enhance professional practice One (1) lesson plan or a lesson script for TV- or radio-based instruction with annotations identifying the research-based knowledge and/or principles of teaching and learning used as bases for planning / designing the lesson (please provide annotations of one’s contribution to the video lesson) Quality Used research- based knowledge and/or principles of teaching and learning in all the components of instruction in the lesson plan / script to improve student learning Used research- based knowledge and/or principles of teaching and learning in two components of instruction in the lesson plan / script to improve student learning Used research- based knowledge and/or principles of teaching and learning in one component of instruction in the lesson plan / script to improve student learning Use of research- based knowledge and/or principle of teaching and learning is identified but was poorly used as basis for planning / designing the lesson / script. No acceptable evidence was shown Research-based knowledge – Information, knowledge or data acquired through systematic investigation and logical study (PPST, 2017) Principles of teaching and learning – Teachers’ views, understandings and conceptualization of teaching and learning (PPST, 2017) Components of instruction – learning objectives, instructional activities, and assessments 7 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 for Teacher I-III Full-time Teacher-Broadcasters only KRA 2: Learning Environment OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 5. Established safe and secure learning environments to enhance learning through the consistent implementation of policies, guidelines and procedures Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form obtained from an observation of a video lesson or audio lesson that is SLM-based or MELC-aligned (please provide annotations of one’s contribution to the video lesson) Quality Demonstrated Level 7 in Objective 5 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 6 in Objective 5 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 5 in Objective 5 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 4 in Objective 5 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 3 in Objective 5 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms or No acceptable evidence was shown Note: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below: Means of Verification COT Rating RPMS 5-point Scale Rating Average RPMS Rating for Quality RPMS Rating Transmutation Table COT Rating Sheet 1 6 4 3.500 4 (Very Satisfactory) Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000 COT Rating Sheet 2 5 3 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499 Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499 Poor (1) 1.000-1.499 8 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 for Teacher I-III Full-time Teacher-Broadcasters only KRA 2: Learning Environment OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 6. Maintained learning environments that promote fairness, respect and care to encourage learning Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form obtained from an observation of a video lesson or audio lesson that is SLM-based or MELC-aligned (please provide annotations of one’s contribution to the video lesson) Quality Demonstrated Level 7 in Objective 6 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 6 in Objective 6 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 5 in Objective 6 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 4 in Objective 6 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 3 in Objective 6 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms or No acceptable evidence was shown Note: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below: Means of Verification COT Rating RPMS 5-point Scale Rating Average RPMS Rating for Quality RPMS Rating Transmutation Table COT Rating Sheet 1 6 4 3.500 4 (Very Satisfactory) Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000 COT Rating Sheet 2 5 3 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499 Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499 Poor (1) 1.000-1.499 9 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 for Teacher I-III Full-time Teacher-Broadcasters only KRA 2: Learning Environment OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactor y (2) Poor (1) 7. Maintained learning environments that nurture and inspire learners to participate, cooperate and collaborate in continued learning SET A Any supplementary material (in print/digital format) made by the ratee* and used in the lesson delivery that highlights maintaining learning environments that nurture and inspire learners to participate, cooperate and collaborate in continued learning ● one lesson from a self-learning module (SLM) ● lesson plan (e.g., DLP, DLL, WHLP, WLP, WLL, lesson exemplars, and the likes) ● video lesson or audio lesson that is SLM- based or MELC-aligned ● client/learner feedback on how the material encouraged the learners to participate, cooperate, and collaborate ● other learning materials in print/digital format (please specify and provide annotations) with client/learner feedback on how the material encouraged the learners to participate, cooperate, and collaborate Quality Provided effective and varying learning opportunities that are well- aligned with the learning goals and feature all elements of collaborative learning as shown in the submitted learning materials Provided effective learning opportunities that are well- aligned with the learning goals and engage learners to participate, cooperate, and/or collaborate in continued learning as shown in the submitted learning material Provided an effective learning opportunity that is well- aligned with the learning goal/s and engage learners to participate, cooperate, and/or collaborate in continued learning as shown in the submitted learning material Provided learning opportunity/ie s that is/are partially aligned with the learning goal/s and only somehow engage/s learners to participate, cooperate, and/or collaborate in continued learning as shown in the submitted learning material No acceptable evidence was shown SET B Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form obtained from an observation of a video lesson or audio lesson that is SLM-based or MELC- aligned (please provide annotations of one’s contribution to the video lesson) Demonstrated Level 7 in Objective 7 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 6 in Objective 7 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 5 in Objective 7 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 4 in Objective 7 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 3 in Objective 7 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms or No acceptable evidence was shown Elements of collaborative learning – positive interdependence, individual accountability, and shared authority in assessing and facilitating one’s learning. 12 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 for Teacher I-III Full-time Teacher-Broadcasters only Note for SET A: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality, calculate the average rating of the two MOV and find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below: Means of Verification RPMS 5-point Scale Rating Average RPMS Rating for Quality RPMS Rating Transmutation Table MOV 1: Lesson plan 3 3.500 4 (Very Satisfactory) Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000 MOV 2: One lesson from an SLM 4 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499 Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499 Poor (1) 1.000-1.499 Note for SET B: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below: Means of Verification COT Rating RPMS 5-point Scale Rating Average RPMS Rating for Quality RPMS Rating Transmutation Table COT Rating Sheet 1 6 4 3.500 4 (Very Satisfactory) Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000 COT Rating Sheet 2 5 3 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499 Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499 Poor (1) 1.000-1.499 13 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 for Teacher I-III Full-time Teacher-Broadcasters only KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning, & Assessment and Reporting OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 9. Designed, adapted and implemented teaching strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents SET A Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form obtained from an observation of a video lesson or audio lesson that is SLM-based or MELC- aligned (please provide annotations of one’s contribution to the video lesson) Quality Demonstrated Level 7 in Objective 9 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 6 in Objective 9 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 5 in Objective 9 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 4 in Objective 9 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms Demonstrated Level 3 in Objective 9 as shown in COT rating sheets / inter-observer agreement forms or No acceptable evidence was shown SET B Teacher Reflection Form (TRF) on designing, adapting, and/or implementing teaching strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents Quality Demonstrated Level 5 as shown in the TRFs Demonstrated Level 4 as shown in the TRFs Demonstrated Level 3 as shown in the TRFs Demonstrated Level 2 as shown in the TRFs Demonstrated Level 1 as shown in the TRFs or No acceptable evidence was shown “Learners with disability, giftedness and talents” is operationally defined as persons 1) who are gifted or talented and those 2) who have physical, mental, social, or sensory impairment. ● These persons may be gifted/talented, a fast learner, mentally retarded, visually impaired, hearing impaired, with behavior problems, orthopedically handicapped, with special health problems, learning disabled, speech impaired, multiple handicapped (DO 117, s. 1987). ● “Disability shall mean a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more psychological, physiological or anatomical function of an individual or activities of such individual.” (RA 7277) ● “Students with gifts and talents perform - or have the capability to perform - at higher levels compared to others of the same age, experience, and environment in one or more domains. They require modification(s) to their educational experience(s) to learn and realize their potential.” (National Association for Gifted Children, 2019) ● For reference, other issuances that relate to learners with disability, giftedness and talents are: DECS Order 26, s.1997 or the Institutionalization of SPED Programs in All Schools, and DepEd Order No. 72, s. 2009 or the Inclusive Education as Strategy for Increasing Participation Rate of Children. 14 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 for Teacher I-III Full-time Teacher-Broadcasters only Note for SET A: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below: Means of Verification COT Rating RPMS 5-point Scale Rating Average RPMS Rating for Quality RPMS Rating Transmutation Table COT Rating Sheet 1 6 4 3.500 4 (Very Satisfactory) Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000 COT Rating Sheet 2 5 3 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499 Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499 Poor (1) 1.000-1.499 Note for SET B: For this objective, two MOVs are required for the entire school year. In computing the rating for Quality, calculate the average rating of the two MOV and find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below: Means of Verification RPMS 5-point Scale Rating Average RPMS Rating for Quality RPMS Rating Transmutation Table TRF 1 3 3.500 4 (Very Satisfactory) Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000 TRF 2 4 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499 Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499 Poor (1) 1.000-1.499 17 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 for Teacher I-III Full-time Teacher-Broadcasters only KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning, & Assessment and Reporting OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 11. Adapted and implemented learning programs that ensure relevance and responsiveness to the needs of all learners Any supplementary material (in print/digital format) made by the ratee* and used in the lesson delivery that highlights adapting and implementing learning programs that ensure relevance and responsiveness to the needs of all learners • one lesson from a self- learning module (SLM) • lesson plan (e.g., DLP, DLL, WHLP, WLP, WLL, lesson exemplars, and the likes) • video lesson or audio lesson that is SLM-based or MELC-aligned • other learning materials in print/digital format (please specify and provide annotations) with client/learner feedback highlighting the relevance and responsiveness of the learning program to the needs of the learners Quality Adapted / implemented learning programs that are well- aligned with the learning goals and relevant and appropriate in responding to learning needs as shown in the submitted learning materials Adapted / implemented learning programs that are well- aligned with the learning goals and relevant or appropriate in responding to learning needs as shown in the submitted learning material Utilized a learning program that is well-aligned with the learning goals and relevant or appropriate in responding to learning needs as shown in the submitted learning material Utilized learning program/s that is/are partially aligned with the learning goal/s and only somehow respond to learning needs as shown in the submitted learning material No acceptable evidence was shown Learning programs are organized and sequenced set of strategies, activities and tasks that effect learning (PPST, 2017) that may include, but not limited to, literacy programs, numeracy programs, Strategic Intervention Materials (SIM), enrichment programs, remediation programs, intervention modules, ALS modular programs, SPED Individualized Education Programs (IEP), among others. A group of teachers or an entire school may collaborate on a learning program. *If the supplementary material is a product of a group work / collaborative effort of two (2) or more teachers, ratee should specify and provide annotations of one’s contribution to a material. 18 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 for Teacher I-III Full-time Teacher-Broadcasters only KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning, & Assessment and Reporting OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 12. Utilized assessment data to inform the modification of teaching and learning practices and programs One (1) lesson plan or a lesson script for TV- or radio-based instruction with annotations highlighting utilization of available assessment data (e.g., PISA, TIMMS, other open access) in modifying teaching and learning practices or programs (please provide annotations of one’s contribution to the video lesson) Quality Utilized assessment data to inform the modification of teaching and learning practices and programs in all the components of instruction in the lesson plan / script to improve student learning Utilized assessment data to inform the modification of teaching and learning practices and programs in two components of instruction in the lesson plan / script to improve student learning Utilized assessment data to inform the modification of teaching and learning practices and programs in one component of instruction in the lesson plan / script to improve student learning Utilized assessment data to inform the modification of teaching and learning practices and programs is identified but was poorly used as basis for planning / designing the lesson / script No acceptable evidence was shown Components of instruction – learning objectives, instructional activities, and assessments 19 RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2021-2022 for Teacher I-III Full-time Teacher-Broadcasters only KRA 4: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and Professional Development OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QET Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1) 13. Maintained learning environments that are responsive to community contexts Any supplementary material (in print/digital format) used in the lesson delivery that highlights maintaining learning environments that are responsive to community contexts • one lesson from a self- learning module (SLM) • lesson plan (e.g., DLP, DLL, WHLP, WLP, WLL, lesson exemplars, and the likes) • video lesson or audio lesson that is SLM-based or MELC- aligned • other learning materials in print/digital format (please specify and provide annotations) (If the supplementary material is a product of a group work / collaborative effort of two (2) or more teachers, ratee should specify and provide annotations of one’s contribution to a material.) Quality Provided effective learning opportunities that are well- aligned with the learning goals and appropriate in responding beyond community contexts as shown in the submitted learning materials Provided effective learning opportunities that are well- aligned with the learning goals and appropriate in responding to community contexts as shown in the submitted learning materials Provided an effective learning opportunity that is well- aligned with the learning goal/s and appropriate in responding to community contexts as shown in the submitted learning materials Provided learning opportunity/ies that is/are partially aligned with the learning goal/s and only somehow appropriate in responding to community contexts as shown in the submitted learning materials No acceptable evidence was shown Learning environment is the classroom and other physical learning areas outside the classroom. Community contexts refer to general situations and circumstances in which learners learn from instruction (PPST, 2017). For instance, the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) serves as compendium of target competencies in the context of the pandemic. Community/wider school community refers to both internal and external stakeholders (PPST, 2017). Notes: ● This objective refers to programs, projects, and activities that enrich the learning environment and the wider school communi ty’s engagement in the educative process. A group of teachers may collaborate on a program, project, or activity. Moreover, responding beyond community contexts refers to provided learning opportunities that are long-term, sustainable, and anticipatory in nature. ● Education can be conducted better by focusing on community and community building and seeking ways in which community can improve student learning; one of which is by “using community to improve pedagogical, curricular, and cocurricular environments” (Bickford, D. & Wright, D., 2006). Here are sample activities that foster an engaged community in student learning: o Pedagogical approaches – active learning activities in class use cooperative techniques; team-based projects are conducted outside class and culminate in student-led presentations; classroom visitors such as civic leaders or alumni can broaden classroom community and enrich discussion; learners meet with faculty in office spaces that are easy to find and conducive to dialogue; o Curricular approaches – tutoring programs are offered for at-risk learners and learners with learning needs; learner research projects culminate in school presentations with appropriate grade/credit; o Cocurricular approaches – social and cultural activities explore and build on the community’s heritage and mission; learners participate in volunteer work to expand their understanding of social responsibilities and develop leadership skills; co-curricular activities involve students, faculty, and staff in shared dialogue; learners participate in experiential learning opportunities and in campus management decisions to create a sense of ownership and responsibility.
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