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such cases the time of moonrise or moonset will occur on the following day. SHORTLY AFTER MIDNIGHT OF THE DAY MISSIiD. The moon phases occur about one.

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Download DISTRIBUTED BY and more Slides Electronics in PDF only on Docsity! AD/A-003 240 MOONR1SE, MOONSET AND MOON PHASES FOR 1975 David J. Novlan Army Electronics Command White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico December 1974 A i • DISTRIBUTED BY: D^j National Technical Information Service U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE mi£USSX£IEB SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (Whan Dal« Bntared) REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING FORM I. REPORT NUMBER DR-858 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO 3. RECIPIENT'S dim: S CATALOG NUMBER CcS&lCO 4. TITLE (and Subllll«) Moonrise, Moonset & Moon Phases for 1975 5. TYPE OF REPORT & PERIOD COVERED 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER 7. AUTHORf«J David J. Novlan 0. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBERf»; DA Task 1T665702D127-02 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT, PROJECT, TASK AREA & WORK UNIT NUMBERS II. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS U. S. Army Electronics Command Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico 12. REPORT DATE December 1974 13. NUMBER OF PAGES 14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME ft AODRSSSfl/ dltlennt from Controlling OlUce) U. S. Army Electronics Command Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey 2JL 16. SECURITY CLASS, (ol ihlt, raport) UNCLASSIFIED 15«. DECLASSIFICATION/DOWNGRAJING SCHEDULE 16. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (ol thla Rapotl) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (ol tha abattact anlarad In Block 30, II dlllatanl from Report) 18. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 19. KEY WORDS (Continue on ravaraa alda 11 nacaaaary end Identity by block number) 20. ABSTRACT fConHnuo on rararaa alda II nveeaaerr end fdantlty by block number) Reproduced by NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE U S Dopartmcnl of Commorco Sprinoliel'i, VA. 22151 DD 1 JAITTS '^2 EDITIOM OF 1 MOV 6S IS OBSOLETE ' UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE («tien Data Entered) TIME OF MOONRISE, MOONSET & MOON PHASES AT WSMR IN 1975 These times were computed for Lat. 32° 23' N, Long. 106° 29' W, (Headquarters, WSMR), from tables in "The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, 1975 , published by the U. S. Naval Observatory. Grep.rwich Time is used in the Almanac, and it is necessary to apply three con rcions to obtain the actual time (MST) of moonrise and moonset for the locxl area. The Times are computed for a level horizon, and mountain ranges will affect the time the moon is observed to rise or set by at least four minutes for every degree of elevation of the mountain tops above the he izontal. The latitude correction is a simple interpolation for 32.4° between the 30° and 35° latitude columns. The correction to convert from Greenwich to local meridian time is a factor determined by dividing the actual longitude (106.4797°) by 360°, or .295777. After obtaining the difference between moonrise (or moonset) on a given day and the following day from the tables, this difference is multiplied by the foregoing factor. To this result is added the local longitude correction of 5.92 minutes (4 x 1.48°), thereby arriving at the correct time (MST) of moonrise (or moonset). (These values have been tabulated to simplify computations). Since the moon in its orbital motion around the Earth actually moves from wast to east, and completes its ovoit in 29 1/2 days, moving eastward through the sky about 12.2° each day, it rises about 50 minutes later each day, on the aver-ige, but this time varies from about 24 to 75 minutes during a lunar month due to the eccentricity of the moon's orbit. Besides this, the five-degree inclination of the moon's orbit to the ecliptic produces a north-and-south motion through the sky of from 55 to 57° every lunar month, DECLINATION gives the position of the moon relative to the Celestial Equator. To obtain the elevation angles of the moon whan it is on the merid- ian (due south), add 57° 37' algebraically to the DECLINATION. Each month there will be one day near the last quarter when there is no moonrise, and another near the first quarter when there is no moonset. In such cases the time of moonrise or moonset will occur on the following day SHORTLY AFTER MIDNIGHT OF THE DAY MISSIiD. The moon phases occur about one day earlier each month and 10.9 days earlier each year. In 1975 there will be four eclipses—two of the sun, and two of the moon. ECLIPSES MAGNITUDE I. 11 May Partial eclipse of the sun, not visible in North America .86 II. 25 May Total eclipse of the moon, visible in North America except NNW part 1.43 III. 3 November: Partial eclipse of the sun, not visible in North America 1.0 IV. 18-19 November: Total eclipae of the moon, not visible in western part of North America 1.07 -1- 1 USE OF SOLAR-LUNAR CHARTS & DECLINATION TABLES The DECLINATION of the Moon (or Sun) is its angular distance north \ (+) or south (-) of the Celestial Equator, measured along a great circle passing through the Celestial Poles. It is, then, comparable to geo- graphic latitude. "The Celestial Equator is the projection of the plane of the geographical equator on the celestial sphere."—Glossary of Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, 1959. For example, when the Sun is on the Celestial Equator—at the times of the Equinoxes, on or about March 21st and September 22nd—its declina- tion is zero (00° 00') and its angular elevation at noon at WSMR Head- quarters is 57° 37', which is the difference between 90° 00' (angular distance between equator and North Pole) and 32° 23' (latitude of White Sands Missile Range Headquarters). When the Sun is at its farthest north position (at the Summer Sol- stice, on or about June 22nd), its declination is +23° 2?', and its angular elevation at noon is 57° 37' + 23° 27' - 81° 04'. Conversely, at the Winter Solstice (on or about December 22nd) the Sun is at its farthest south position, its declination is -23° 27', and its angular elevation at noon is 57° 37' - 23° 27' - 34° 10'. The solar Altitude Chart*, Figure 1, gives the Sun's path through the sky, with dates, for every five degrees of declination north and south of the Celestial Equator, as well as its position at the solstices. The Moon also moves north and south through the sky in a similar man- ner, but instead of requiring a whole year to accomplish this, the Moon travels this route every lunar month, thus making it rather difficult to show the Moon's position daily on even a large number of charts. Therefore, the dally declinations of the Moon have been tabulated for the times of moonrlse and moonset, and at the times of its meridian positions (due south, halfway between moonrise and moonset). These tables can be used with the Solar Altitude Chart to plot the Moon's position at any time, as its path will be similar to that of the Sun for any declination shown on the chart, and can be interpolated for declinations between these values. Note also that when the Moon rises on one day and sets the following day, the Moon's declination for plot- ting the position of moonset for that paosage of the Moon across the sky must be that of the following day. See Figure 2 for illustrations of use of the chart for positions of the Moon on two days in January, 1975, shown by the labeled lines. Using the hour lines of the chart as guides, the tines of the Moon's position in any part of the sky can be interpolated fairly accurately in relation to its rising and setting times. For more precise determinations of the Moon's position, an astronomer should be consulted. * FroB Smithsonian Meteorological Tables, Pages 500-501, 1958. < - 2 - 1. 3. k. 5. 6. PBSIJHATI0H3 * ♦23° ♦20. 00 27', Jun« 22 24 5/21, 7/ *15 00 , 5/1, 8/12 ♦10 00 , 4/16, 8/28 ♦ 5 00 , A/3, 9/10 0 00 , 3/22, 9/22 SOLAR ALTITUDBa AND AZIMUTHS WHITE SANDS MI3SILS RÄKGE UT. 32023,H, IflHG. 106o29*tf DECI^IKATIOHS ♦ 7. - 5° 00', 3/8, 10/6 8.-10 00 , 2/23, 10/20 9. -15 00 , 2/9, 11/3 10. -20 00 , 1/21, 11/21 11. -23 27 »Dec. 22 12. H 0 H I Z 0 H PICaiBE 1. * DBCUNAHON OF THE SÜH ABOVE (♦) OB BEURT (-) THE CELESTIAL EQUATOR. MIS CHART CAN ALSO HE USED A3 A BASE FOR DETERMININO THE MOON'S POSITIONS BT USUK) DAILT DBCUNATION TABLES FOUND IN THE AMERICAN EPHMERI3 AND NAUTICAL AIMANAC. ALONG WITH M00NRI3B AND MOONSET TABLES. (THE DECLINATION OF THE MOON VARIES FROM ABOUT *25 W -25 DEGREES EVERY LUNAR MONTH.) -3- Figure 4. ILLUMINATION DUE TO THE MOON * The illumination due to the moon may be estimated roughly from its altitude and phase in the following manner. When the altitude of the full moon is 65° on a clear night, the illumination on a horizontal plane is approximately 0.03 foot-candles. When the sun's altitude is 65 degrees, the illumination on a hori- zontal plane is 10,000 foot-candles. The ratio of full moon to sun-plus- sky-light is then roughly three to 1,000,000. Other values for full moon- light follow the same proportion. »—"Natural Illumination Charts" By Com. Dayton R. E. Brown Dept. of the Navy, Bureau of Ships Report No. 374-1, September 1952 -6- TABLE I TIMES OF SUNRISE AND SUNSET, AND BEGINNINGS AND ENDINGS OF CIVIL, NAUTICAL AND ASTRONOMICAL TVTLLIffilT WHITE SANDS MISSILE HANGE, NEW MEXICO LAT. 32° 23' N; LONG. 106° 29' W. DATE SUN- 1 RISE 1 BBGINNINGS—SDA 1 SUN- SET ENDINGS—SDA 1 60 12° I 18° 6 12° 1 18° JAN. 1 JAN. 11 JAN. 21 JAN. 31 FEB. 10 FEB. 20 MAR. 2 MAR. 12 MAR. 22 0707 0707 0706 0700 j 0652 0642 0631 0618 0607 0640 0641 0640 0634 0627 0617 0607 0555 0543 0610 0611 0610 0606 0559 0550 0540 0528 0515 0540 0542 05a 0538 0531 0522 0511 0500 0447 1712 1722 1 1731 1 1740 1749 1758 1806 1813 1820 I739' 1748 1757 1806 1814 1823 1831 1838 1844 1809 1818 1826 1834 1842 1850 1857 1905 1912 1839 I 1847 1854 1902 1910 i 1918 1 1926 . 1933 1941 APR. 1 APR. 11 | APR. 21 MAY 1 MAY 11 1 MAY 21 MAY 31 1 JUNE 10 JUNE 20 1 JUNE 30 0553 0541 0529 0519 0510 0505 0500 0459 0500 0503 0529 0516 0504 0453 0443 0436 0432 0430 0431 0434 0500 0447 0434 0422 0411 0402 0357 0354 0354 0357 0433 0418 1 0404 0350 0338 0328 ! 0321 0317 0317 0320 1826 1834 1840 1847 1855 1901 1907 1913 1 1915 i 1916 1851 1858 1905 1913 1921 1928 1934 1940 1942 1943 1919 1928 1936 1945 1954 2002 2010 2016 2019 2020 1949 1958 2007 2017 ] 2027 2037 2046 2053 2057 2057 JULY 10 JULY 20 ! JULY 30 AUG. 9 i AUG. 19 AUG. 29 SEP. 3 SEP, 18 SEP. 28 0508 0514 0520 0527 0534 0540 0546 0552 0558 0438 0444 041>3 0501 0508 0515 0521 0528 0534 0403 0410 0418 0427 0436 0444 0451 0459 0505 0326 0334 0343 0353 0403 0412 0421 0428 0436 i 1915 1911 1904 1855 1845 1833 1Ö20 1807 1755 1942 1937 1930 1920 1910 1858 1844 1831 1819 2019 2013 2004 1954 1942 1929 1915 1901 1848 2056 2050 ' 2040 2028 2015 1 2001 1946 1931 I 1918 OCT. 8 OCT. 18 OCT. 28 ! NOV. 7 i NOV. 17 NOV. 27 DEC. 7 DEC. 17 DEC. 27 0605 0612 1 0620 0629 0637 0646 0655 0701 0706 0541 1 0548 1 0555 0604 0612 0620 0628 0634 0639 0512 0518 0526 0534 0542 0550 0557 0603 ! 0608 0442 0449 0456 0504 0511 0519 0526 0533 l 0538 1741 1729 1 1719 i 1710 1704 1702 1701 1705 1710 1806 1754 1 1745 1736 1731 1730 1729 1732 1736 1835 1823 1814 ! 1806 1 1800 1758 1758 1800 1805 1904 1853 1843 1835 j 1830 ! 1827 1828 1 1830 1835 1 3DA - SUN^S DEPRESSION ANGLE. SDA OF 6° - BEGINNING OR ENDING OF CIVIL TWILIGHT. SDA OF 12° - BEGINNING OR ENDING OF NAUTICAL TWILIGHT. SDA OF 18° - BBOINNINO OR HIDING OP ASTRONOMICAL TWILIGHT. VALUES WERE DERIVED FROM THE AMERICAN EPHEMERIS & NAUTICAL ALMANAC, AND THE AIR AIMANAC, WHICH ARE PUBLISHED BY THE U.S. NAVAL OBSERVATORY. FOR DEFINITIONS OF THE THREE TWILIGHTS, SEE "GLOSSARY OF METEOROLOGY." -7- TIMES OF MOONRISE, MOONSET AKT) MOON PHASES FOR 1975 INCLUDING DECLINATIONS AND PERCENT ILL'JMIMATED JANUARY 1975 DAY MOONRISE MST Dl D2 D3 KOONSET 1 MST PHASES * PERCENT MST ILLUMINATED I 2137 +4.2 N 8.3 +6.9 0938 89 | 2 2243 -1.5 N 2.7 +1.2 | 1016 80 3 2348 -6.9 N N -2.8 -4.1 1 1052 70 1 4 ^ -8.1 -9,3 1129 LAST 1/4, 1204 59 | 5 0052 -11.9 -12.9 -13.8 1207 48 6 0154 -16.0 -16.8 -17.5 1247 37 7 0255 -19.2 -19.8 -20.3 1331 27 1 8 0354 -21.3 -21.6 -21.8 1419 18 1 9 fUAQ -22.1 -22.1 -22.1 1510 11 10 0539 -21.8 -21.6 -21.3 1604 06 | 11 0625 -20.4 -19.9 -19.4 1659 07 12 0706 -17.9 -17.3 -16.7 1755 NEW, 0320 00 12 . 0742 -14.7 -13.9 -13.1 1850 00 1 14 Oft! 6 -10.8 -9.9 -8.9 1944 02 | 15 0847 -6.8 -5.7 -4.5 2038 06 | 16 0917 -2.1 -1.1 0.0 2131 11 17 0946 +2.3 +3.5 +4.6 2224 18 | 18 1016 +6.8 +8.0 +9.1 2318 26 j 19 1048 +11.0 +12.1 v 34 20 1123 +14.9 +15.9 v ' +13.2" 0014 FIRST 1/4, 0814 44 | 21 1202 +18.2 +19.0 v v +16.8 •0112 54 22 1247 +19.7 +20.5 v N +19.7 0211 64 23 1340 +21.9 +22.0 v +21.2 0311 73 | 24 1419 +21.8 +21.4 s +22.1 0410 83 25 1545 +20.6 +19.6 s ' +20.9 0507 90 j |26 1654 +16.9 +15.8 v v +18.6 0559 96 27 1805 +12.1 x ' +14.7. 0648 FULL, 0809 99 | 28 1917 +6.9 v V+10.9 +9.6 0731 100 j 2? 2026 +1.1 s X +5.4 +3.9 0811 97 I bo 2134 -4.6 s -.3 -1.7 0850 91 I 31 2241 -10.0 v -5.9 -7.2 | 0928 1 8^ /I .\ Pl - P2 = P3 = Declii jEquate Declination of Moon at time of Moonrise. Declination of Moon when it is on the Meridian Declination of Moon at time of Moonset. lation is given in degrees north (♦) or south (-) 5r. ■* Illumination values are for midnight. Ore (Due South). of the Celestial enwich (Zulu) Time. -8- TIMES OF MOONRISE, MOONSET AND MOON PHASES FOR 1975 INCLUDING DECLINATIONS AND PERCENT ILLUMINATED APRIL 1975 DAY MOONRISE MST Dl D2 D3 KOONSET-1 M3T ! PHASES * PERCENT MST ILLUMINATED 1 -21.4 -21.5 0947 75 2 0014 -21.1 -20.9 -20.7 1042 65 1 3 0100 -19.8 -19.3 -18.9 1138 LAST. 0525 55 4 0142 -17.5 -16.8 -16.1 1233 45 5 0219 -14.3 -13.5 -12,8 1327 36 6- 0253 -10.7 -9.8 -8.8 1421 27 1 7 0324 -6.7 -5.6 -4.5 1515 19 1 8 0354 -2.3 -1.2 0.0 1608 12 9 0424 +2.1 +3.2 +4.3 1701 07 110 0455 +6.4 +7.3 +8.7 1756 03 i 111 0527 +10.7 +11.7 +12.7 1851 NEW, 0939 01 1 12 0603 +14.5 +15.3 +16.2 1948 00 | 13 0642 +17.5 +18.2 +19.0 2045 02 14 0725 +19.8 +19.3 +20.8 ■ 2143 05 If) 0814 +21.1 +21.2 +21.3 2238 11 .1 16 0908 +21.3 +21.0 +20.8 2331 18 17 1007 +20.0 +19.4 N 27 | 18 1109 +17.5 +16.6 \ ''+18.8 0020 FIRST, 2141 37 19 1214 +13.8 +12.7 , '+15.6 0105 48 1 20 1320 +9.3 +8.0 v '+11.6 " 0147 59 21 1426 +4.0 +2.6 v k +6.7 0227 70 22 1534 -1.5 -2.8 , ̂ +1.2 0305 80 23 1641 -7.0 -8.3 v 1 -4.1 0344 89 j 24 1750 -12.0 -13.0 \ v -9.5 0423. 95 1 25 1857 -16.1 \ _.*.->_ v-14.1 0506 FULL, 1255 99 | 26 2003 -19.3 v v-16.9 -17.7 0552 100 | 27 2105 -21.0 \ ̂ -19.7. -20.1 . 0641 98 |28 2202 -21.3 N '-21.2 -21.3 0734 94 29 2252 -20.3 v v-21.2 -21.0 0830 88 | 130 2337 -18.3 v S-20.0 -19.7 0926 80 j \ JD^ ■ Declination of Moon at time of Moonrise. P2 = Declination of Moon when it is on the Meridian (Due South). JD3 * Declination of Moon at time of Moonset. JDeclination is given in degrees north (♦) or south (-) of the Celestial JEquator. •» Illumination values are for midnight, Greenwich (Zulu) Time. | -11- TIMES OF MOONRISE, MOONSET AND MOON PHASES FOR 1975 • INCLUDING DECLINATIONS AND PERCENT ILLUMINATED MAY 1975 DAY MOONRISE MST 1 Dl D2 1 D3 ! 1 KOONSET ~] MST PHASES * PERCFOT MST ILLUMINATED] 1 -17.8 -17.3 i 1023 i 71 2 0017 -15.5 -14.7 -14.0 , 1119 LAST 1/4, 2244 67 1 3 0052 -12.1 -11.1 -10.1 1214 1 52 h 0124 -8.1 -7.0 -6.0 i 1307 43 1 5 0155 -4.0 -3.0 -1.7 1400 34 1 1 6 0225 +.5 -1.1 -2.7 1453 25 1 7 0225 +4.7 +5.9 +7.1 1547 17 1 8 0327 +9.1 +10.2 +11.3 1643 11 9 0411 +13.1 +14.0 +15.0 1739 05 lie 0439 +16.5 +17.3 +18.1 1837 02 1 11 0522 +19.1 +20.0 +20.2 1935 NEW, 0005 00 12 0610 +20.8 +21.0 +21.2 2033 01 13 0703 +21.3 +21.1 +21.0 2127 03 114 0801 +20.5 +19.8 +19.3 • 2218 08 15 0903 +18.3 +17.4 +16.6 2304 15 |16 1007 +15.0 +13.9 +12.8 2347 24 17 1112 +10.7 +9.4 N _ _ 34 18 1217 +5.7 +4.4 v v +8.1 0026 FIRST 1/4, 0329 45 19 1322 +.3 -.9 v +3.0 0105 56 1 120 1428 -5.0 -6.2 , v -2.1- 0142 68 21 1533 -10.0 -11.0 s K -7.5 0220 78 22 1639 -14.6 -15.3 . -12.0 0259 87 23 1745 -18.0 -18.5 s -16.1 0342 94 1 I24 1849 -20.3 N -19.1 0429 FULL, 2251 98 25 1948 -21.2 N -20.6 -20.9 0521 100 26 2042 -20.8 x v -21.2 -21.2 0616 99 27 2130 -19.3 v N -20.5 -20.3 0712 96 |28 2212 -16.7 J N -18.8 -18.3 . 0810 91 29 2249 -13.6 . N -16.0 -13.4 0907 . 85 bo 2323 -9.7 v -12.7 -11.8 1003 77 131 2355 -5.6 v -8.8 -7.8 1057 ■ I 68 /I |D^ ■ Declination of Moon at time of Moonrise. p2 = Declination of Moon when it is on the Meridian (Due South), P3 = Declination of Moon at time of Moonset, IDeclination is given in degrees north (+) or south (-) of the Celestial [Equator. « Illumination values are for midnight, Greenvrich (Zulu) Time, j -12- TIMES OF MOONRISE, MOONSET AND MOON PHASES FOR 1975 • INCLUDING DECLINATIONS AMP PERCENT ILLUMINATED JUNE 1975 BAY MOONRISE MST Dl ^ D3 KOONSET MST PHASES * PERCENT MST ILLUM1NATED| 1 -4.1 -3.5 1151 LAST 1/4, 1623 59 2 0025 -1.1 0.0 +1.0 1 1244 50 3 0055 +3.0 +4.2 +5.5 1338 40 4 0126 +7.5 +8.6 +9.6 1432 31 1 5 0159 +11 5 +12.6 +13.7 1528 23 1 6 0235 +15.1 +16.0 +17.0 1625 15 1 7 0316 +18.2 +18.9 +19.6 1724 08 8 0402 +20.3 +20.6 +21.0 1822 04 9 0453 +21.2 +21.2 +21.2 1919 NEW, 1149 01 110 0551 +21.0 +20.6 +20.1 2012 00 11 0653 +19.3 +18.3 +17.6 2101 02 12 0758 +16.2 +15.1 +14.1 2146 06 13 0504 +12.2 +10.4 +9.6 2228 13 14 1010 +7.3 +5.9 +4.6 2306 21 |15 1115 +2 0 + .7 -.5 2343 32 16 . 1220 -3 3 -4.5 v _ FIRST 1/4, 0758 43 17 1325 -8 5 -9.6 v S -5.8 0020 54 |18 1429 -13 0 -13.9 v s-10.7 0058 66 19 1534 -16 8 -17.5 , '-14.8 0139 76 20 1636 -19 6 -20.0 N * -16.1 ' 0224 85 21 1736 -21 0 -21.1 v v-20.4 0313 92 22 1832 -21.3 -21.1 s 's-21.3 0405 97 23 1922 -20.2 v _ V-20.9 0500 FULL, 0954 99 |24 2006 -18.0 v ' -19.8 -19.5 0557 100 1 25 2046 -15.1 x ' -17.5 -16.9 0655 98 1 26 2122 -11.4 v k -14.3 -13.5 0751 94 j 27 2155 -7.5 , k -10 5 -9.5 0847 89 (28 2225 -3.1 N 4 -6 4 -5.4 0941 82 129 2255 +1.1 \ v -1 9 -.7 1035 74 l^o. 2326 +5.5 v V +2 3 +3.5 1128 66 «w /I D2 " r3 " iDeclir {Equate Declination of Moon at time of Moonrise. Declination of Moon when it is on the Meridian Declination of Moon at tine of Moonset, nation is given in degrees north ('•) or south (-) jr. ♦ Illumination values are for midnight, Ore (Due South). of the Celestial enwich (Zulu) Time. | -13- TIMES OF MOONRISE, MOONSET AND MOON PHASES FOR 1975 INCLUDING DECLINATIONS AND PERCENT ILLUMINATED SEPTEMBER 1975 DAY MOONRISE MST Dl D2 D3 KOONSET 1 MST 1 PHASES * PERCENT MST ILLUMINATED 1 0104 +19.9 +19.3 +18.7 1 1517 29 2 0207 +17.6 +16.6 +15.7 1 1604 i 20 3 0314 +14.0 +12 „8 +11.6 1649 11 4 0423 +9.3 +8.0 +6.6 1731 05 5 0533 +3.9 +2.5 +1.2 1812 NEW, 1219 01 j 6 0643 -1.7 -3.1 -4.5 1853 00 1 7 0753 -7.3 -8.5 -9.7 1934 02 8 0902 -12.2 -13.2 -14.2 2018 07 9 1009 -16.3 -16.9 -17.6 2104 15 10 1114 -19.1 -19.4 -19.8 2153 24 11 1214 -20.6 -20.7 -20.8 2245 34 12 1309 -20.8 -10. 7 -20.5 2340 FIRST 1/4. 0459 45 13 1358 -19.8 -1).5 , 55 114 1442 -17.9 -17.3 ^ ̂ -194 • 0036 65 h-j> 1522 -15.1 -14.4 v ' -16.7 0132 74 |l6 1358 -11.6 -10.8 v ̂ -13.6 0227 82 17 1130 -7.8 -6.9 v h -9.9 0322 89 lie 1702 -3.7 -2.6 v -6.0 0415 94 19 1732 +0.6 +1.7 v -1.5 0508 98 1 |20 1803 +4.9 ^ +2.8' 0602 FULL, 0450 100 j 21 1834 +8.9 s ' +6.0 +7.1 0655 100 |22 1908 +12.7 s +9.9 +10.8 0748 98 23 1944 +15.9 x +13.9 +14.1 0842 94 i24 2025 +18.4 x +16.7 +17.4 0937 89 25 2109 +20.1 s +19.0 +19.5 1031 83 26 2159 +20.7 v +20.3 +20.6 1126 74 27 2254 +20.2 ^ +20.7 +20.6 1218 65 28 2353 +18.5 s +19.8 +19.4 i 1308 LAST 1/4, 0446 55 29 j _ +17.8 +17.0 i 1355 i 45 ho 0056 +14.6 +13.5 1440 34 1 /I JD^ =» Declination of Moon at time of Moonrise. P2 " Declination of Moon when it is on the Meridian (Due South). | JD^ = Declination of Moon at time of Moonset. JDeciination is given in degrees north (+) or south (-) of the Celestial {Equator. * Illumination values are for midnight, Giaenvrlch (Zulu) Time. | -16- TIMES OF MOONRISE, MOONSET AND MOON PHASES FOR 1975 INCLUDING DECLINATIONS MID PERCENT ILLUMINATED OCTOBER 1975 DAY MOONRISE MST Dl ^ D3 J KOONSET MST PHASES » PERCENT MST ILLUMINATED 1 0201 +11.7 +10.4 +9.1 1521 24 2 0309 +6.7 +5.3 +3.9 1602 14 i 3 0418 +1.2 -0.1 -1.5 1643 07 4 0527 -4.4 -5.7 -7.0 172A NEW, 2023 02 5 0638 -9.7 -10.8 -11.9 1807 00 1 1 6 0747 -14.3 -15.1 -15.9 1853 01 1 7 0855 -17.6 -18.2 -18.8 1943 05 1 1 e 1000 -19.9 -20.1 -20.4 2036 11 9 1059 -20.5 -20.5 -20,6 2131 20 lie 1152 -20.1 -19.8 -19.5 2228 29 11 1239 -18.4 -17.9 -17.4 2325 FIRST 1/4, 1815 39 12 1321 -15.9 -15.2 v 49 13 1358 -12.7 -11.9 v k-14.5 0021 59 lu 1432 -9.0 -8.0 v '-11.0 • 0116 69 15 1504 -4.9 -3.9 v V -7.0 0210 77 16 1534 -0.7 +0.4 v ̂ -2.8 0303 85 17 1605 +3.6 +4.8 , +1.5 0356 91 1 |18 1636 +7.7 +8.7 s v +5.9 0449 96 19 1709 +11.6 +12.5 v ̂ +9.7 0543 FULL, 2206 99 20 1745 +14.9 v '+13.4 " 0637 100 21 1825 +17.6 „ v+15.7 +16.5 07?? 99 22 1908 +19.6 . '+18.2 +18.8 0827 97 23 1956 +20.5 v * +19.9 +20,2 0922 93 I24 2049 +20.4 v ' +20.5 +20.6 1014 87 25 2145 +19.0 v +20.1 +19.7 1104 79 1 26 2246 +16.6 v v+18.4 +17.8 1152 70 27 2348 +13.1 v '+15.7 +14.8 1235 LAST 1/4, 1507 60 | |26 — —_ ' +11.0 +10.8 i 1316 49 | 29 0052 +8.7 +7.5 +6.2 1 1356 38 ho 0158 +3.7 +2.3 +1.0 1435 27 |31 0305 -1.7 +3.0 -4.3 j 1514 • } . 17 | /I |0;L •» Declination of Moon at time of Moonrise. Pg ■ Declination of Moon when it is on the Meridian p3 » Declination of Moon at time of Moonset, IDeclination is given in degrees north (+) or south (-) jEquator, ♦ Illumination values are for midnight, Ore (Due South). of the Celestial enwich (Zulu) Time. | -17- y TIMES OF MOONRISE, KOONSET AND MOON PHASES FOR 1975 INCLUDING DECLINATIONS km PERCENT ILLUMINATED NOVEMBER 1975 DAY MOONRISE i MST Dl D2 1 D3 KOONSET 1 MST PHASES * PERCENT MST ILLUMINATED 0413 -7.0 -8.2 -9.4 1556 09 2 0522 -11.6 -12.7 -13.9 1640 04 3 0631 -16.0 -17.1 -17.4 1728 NEW, 0605 00 j 1 4 0739 -18.8 -19.3 -19.7 1021 00 1 5 0842 -20.4 -20.5 -20.6 1916 03 | 1 6 0940 -20.4 -20.3 -20.1 2014 08 1 7 1031 -19.2 -18.8 -18.4 2113 15 1 8 1116 -16.8 -16.1 -15.4 2211 24 9 1156 -13.9 -13.1 -12.3 2308 33 1 10 1231 -10.3 -9.4 v FIRST. 1/4, 1121 43 11 1104 -6.3 -5.3 > ' -8.5 0003 52 12 1335 -2.2 -1.1 V ̂ -4.3 0057 62 1 1? 1406 +2.1 +3.1 v -0.1 0150 71 |U 1437 +6.1 +7.2 . v +4.2 0242 79 15 1509 +10.2 +11.1 v v +8.4 0335 86 16 1544 +13.7 +14.6 N +12.2 0430 92 17 1622 +16.7 +17.4 ^ +15.5 0525 96 18 1705 +19.0 x X +18.1 0620 FULL, 1528 99 19 1752 +20.3 v +19.4 +19.9 0716 100 20 1844 +20.5 , v +20.5 +20.6 ' 0810 99 21 1941 +19.5 v ' +20.3 +20.1 0901 96 22 2040 j +17.4 v ' +19.0 +18.5 0950 90 2? 2141 +14.2 v +16.6 +15.8 1035 83 I24 2244 +10.2 v S +13.1 +12.1 1117 74 25 2348 +5.4 v +8.9 +7.7 1156 LAST 1/4, 2352 64 |26 » ^ +4.2 +2.9 1234 53 27 0052 +0.3 -1.0 -2.2 1311 42 |28 0157 -4.8 -6.0 -7.3 ! 1350 31 29 0304 1 -9.8 -9.9 -11.9 1A31. ! 21 ho 0411 -14.2 -15.1 -15.9 1516 12 1 /I |D^ « Declination of Moon at time of Moonrise. P2 = Declination of Moon when it is on the Meridian (Due South). JD3 - Declination of Moon at time of Moonset, JDeclination is given in degrees north (+) or south (-) of the Celestial [Equator, ♦ Illumination values are for midnight, Greenwich (Zulu) Time. | ■18-
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