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DSA NOTES POST MIDTERM, Cheat Sheet of Data Structures and Algorithms

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Download DSA NOTES POST MIDTERM and more Cheat Sheet Data Structures and Algorithms in PDF only on Docsity! | la, Binary Search tree Bs) : 2 OST is a node -basel binary cke tee. cata slrucluaw whith bos the | | | | | | i Fol loan) \y po Vey: \ * The left suvtrec of @ peel contains only Hodes with lays lesser tan The pade’s key, ‘ us - KL svbPee_of a pode contains only noclos wrth bees gproceloy thew, the necte's lou. ‘ ‘ 6 . v 8 The elf and viQhl subbue each must ally og OS, | am | Or 7 Sh ©) x i @ 1 How 40 _seavch 9 oinarg Yuen — j 4 Start atl tht oot / a - (ar Securch the tee fovel by wel, gnltl you find the clement Yyoo_ano ||, sravening, for er you Foach altat. Pub Nope athe || & Searching inthis (5 rat better than linked LL as it tokts OCiogn), a Smallest clement at loft mest efomint. —_]L A Longest Clima nt ot not Sts Ate ea Ta ba a erin se Se Se Mow’ If * Stop ett tho_roo mas a Se ||. * Compary te volt of P tho. ‘ftw youu any seanchiing. hr fth || _4ho valeo stored at the rook $$ + OF tho value ord _eqeal , thon ttn founcl + » offanaxSe, if it_is_a lal nod, thon not fond. + TF it is lnc thon the vaio Gloted! of the root pan seam the eft subtree. i % OF itis opucitin than the bo vated ) etored “at te reat, thon _ e_ _— Search tho rficnt fubtrco, i + Rect sttps 9-6 for tx root. of ta see Chosen In the Pyevious cep Y orf.» ——__—— a “+ Fonction RETMEVETEM + a | What is the size of tie proslom~ Se - No.of nodis in tw Tease an ontinging ees eee) fa -Whatis— the hase case G)? _ a | _ fy whon the uy 1S found. oe | itn troteee is. empty Chat, wos not fours) __& What t the qoninal_ cage? 5 — S€arch in ths bétor ng sub Bites 5% Rulriove + 1B. us 2 js a Gupart 13 with!2: —__—— &mparw uwith 20: Compang 18 with 18 Choose right subir Cheese bef subbur _ Found}; Cuvant — wee oe mS Z Somat Sid Nie oR ara So ew Eee Con ‘ o : ‘Does the orcas of ns. Aum ne tree mrailtn? ) DA :PREACEG {8 —_ Oe - a - —— = bi brat BADCGFE LC) Enput : ABCD EEG. tree = @ ee fp Ye iy N. —_—_ Ls Yes | the ovdtr of ering ckmnts matters. a Code : : _ 7 Binowy Saath — Mee #inclede <stdibeh> | Binclude <sidlibeh> l struct _nodef int bag; - - —struet nado * loft? struct_nede * right, p ens struct _node * neaNocke Cit i) EE struct nado “tmp = (struct nedt *) malloc (siechiatract ald) 5 tt temp—> lea = Frm} TIMP > RES NUN return dps NULL? i veturn tmp j a void inordorCstruct nodg * rooE) (a FP Croot 5 = NUL £m (hordor-Croot->—lept)-2 $$$ printf ( eed >t tet ala); Ss inorder Crpot -» pe ; { ol J ee ingort (lruct nel * nod, int int it Prods = =NOH) __FEVEN nwNodMthap » tay <node > key) “Ue. = insert Cnode ot yo else Bele ais right “zinsert (redo > rig, kay) returns gq Struct node * minValeoNode (stud node “node f Struct node *cussunt = Noda,” Ty ico L=NuI tlie (omant 1 cwrant> WE T= NIE. a, — return [ss STS ite le Sitters rape el "tS CU PUNE > (OE, return frie return queunk? —_ : eat Ip a - || struck node “delely Nodo(str uct node *root, “int pt a JL fh Groot == WL) petumn_roote ih ches < Toot >kay) — ——— root-—>-eht— ole Node Cook Lope, lop Se Oise if tees —> root kee )— root rig Mt-= ciliedacooe- > i wy) alse ¢ if Creoto tet =Nuof “struct nedy “temp = reot ange $+ —Freecreot}3-— — — — return tmp: 4 Lad else Pret right == Nuit net struct node + tymp = foot > belt; free Croot); return tmp; struck ede tomp-=nuinVallutNade- Croat >-r'g hb); Yoot > key = arp key s root > (ignt= dululaivode (root: right, ttyr)-> key)s 4 yeturn root; eo + Replace thu data “of ae “rede to in elec with ede deta oe + delet re 2 decasser’s. dato. as _ dae No fe # Tnordin traversal. 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Binary, Heap? | [Ce Ts binary Ve Crot_Bs7.) thet cctisfios tw Propenes. iy structural Property All Lugls excspt tock lovel cre ull £ (ase __tvell_is (ft-Filled.. Ccompltt_ Binary Bu) ee = compl Binary Tree i. Be il M tys ae than__or or equal. its chi Idecay Or _oveny nodes Grodin tnan_or equal to_its hula _ _ Qo mm G. @ a H— © _ _) Ce) _ @®oOo Min heap Max Hap ; chock Min) (Rect Max) + AEG, Representation | Max Hap) Vavergl will bec | (up & down) jt es Pace _yequivempnts. : I~ OE 9 9 3 _ Q bale {4} ula] sq | [ae A 2D we \ Pewnt nede= LO-) - © é e debt childs) ORE) Rigi duld = 2042 “Wclonoton = Struct Heap > f a > lat * arrays : — IME county No. of Clompnts mm Ab capacity : A Size of Heo? 1 heap type Max Min I - =. z | Crean a. beop- | Stet Heap Coat Cint epacitydé —___ hallecedy _a memory for heap P| ll set lop 2 count_=07 et nap > capacity = cepocity ’ ‘1 alloccts pitgrery Fox hee p-ariay 6S for te cePaciry ie | ———ye torn heap eas Ponent of Ned Rt Rarer Covuct Heap h, int PE IR (sco i t> h- cont) ren -1" eg ° veturn UDR; j HE chill oB right cid = wat Wltchid (DE eon ot fat; int vightchid¢ ~*~) { yeturn TC41} Oo G_O_ 4 oe theo a a | _ _____]@3) 5ul_eshalaef-—f Jf 9 | jsulaclusfo7! 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Ln Place Sort ee = a | (iaapeloTn ] “lat in | heap spo) geet Car [ig ast Hao . iy Unlforaify - Bnd = heey wash function of. nde = hy) oo A a Mapping the keys 40 appropri, locations Cindicis) in a hash table is cablecl as poshing. (ca) rCalision.+ whan to oF more lays map % He seme memory locotieny, ° WE Can cheese best “Hosh funtion. ee But it > te Birthday Pomadoy. * Hash function is the mochonediceob fornula which whan _ applied ona hey, produces an intigen euch ean be vsecl _ ais an Idee dor the Mey in Heshtable. Main aim > Flemtits shoud be rondenly 4 oniformly distributd.. Propertits of crcod Hash funchont |} Loco Cost. / a iy Dotarminism — Cunmated hosh_ value should _bo the sang. of fey whineven - cofcalat it. Bo Different Hash fonctions :— 1) Division Methad - Mis sizeof hash table hod = © mod M Don’t choo s- M29" or close to it Choos? ¥- MPa No. 3 Grew > he even oC» oddl => hod oad M<9? -_ _ =! eg haga3u> 1994 %97 =70 NC935) = \999%97 = 7) HG Potential’ Drowback—P Cconsecut! ve koalas Coe ipa ~to-aonsecutruehash-vadtas —
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