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EMT FISDAP READINESS EXAM 3 LATEST 2024 ACTUAL EXAM WITH DETAILED ANSWERS ALREADY GRADED A+ A patient has had battery acid splashed into both eyes. You should - ANSWER-irrigate both eyes with water for 20 minutes. A patient from a motor vehicle crash is refusing care. Which of the following is most important to document? - ANSWER-Advisement of transportation What is the most common error made while using an AED? - ANSWER-Applying the pads improperly Which method would be most appropriate when restraining a violent patient? - ANSWER-Strap the patient in the supine position to the cot using cravats.

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Download EMT FISDAP READINESS EXAM 3 LATEST 2024 ACTUAL EXAM WITH DETAILED ANSWERS ALREADY GRADED and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! 1 EMT FISDAP READINESS EXAM 3 LATEST 2024 ACTUAL EXAM WITH DETAILED ANSWERS ALREADY GRADED A+ A patient has had battery acid splashed into both eyes. You should - ANSWER-irrigate both eyes with water for 20 minutes. A patient from a motor vehicle crash is refusing care. Which of the following is most important to document? - ANSWER-Advisement of transportation What is the most common error made while using an AED? - ANSWER-Applying the pads improperly Which method would be most appropriate when restraining a violent patient? - ANSWER-Strap the patient in the supine position to the cot using cravats. A seven year old child was struck by an automobile. You note a contusion to the right chest and a right lower arm fracture with arterial bleeding. Your treatment should include - ANSWER-applying 2 direct pressure to the arm, applying a long backboard, and administering oxygen. You are entering a controlled intersection with emergency lights and siren activated. The signal light is red. Your emergency vehicle - ANSWER-should come to a complete stop prior to proceeding. Your motorcycle accident victim is anxious, short of breath and tachycardic, with unequal chest expansion. There are no sucking wounds present. Your administration of high flow oxygen does not seem to be helping. You suspect - ANSWER-a flail chest. Agonal respirations are a characteristic of breathing seen in - ANSWER-impending respiratory arrest. A man, sitting outside, was stung by a bee while drinking a soda. When you arrive, he is pale and complains of abdominal pain. Vital signs are BP 90/60, P110, R 24 and wheezing. You should - ANSWER-take the patient to your ambulance. A patient is unresponsive in a crashed vehicle that is pointing into the ditch. You should - ANSWER-ensure the vehicle is stable. 5 He is currently lethargic. You should suspect - ANSWER-a spike in temperature. You are treating a patient in cardiac arrest at a loud outdoor concert. You are awaiting transport and have shocked your patient five times. The AED is recommending another shock. You should - ANSWER-administer the shock. A parent hands you a lethargic 22 month old male and states "he's had a congested cough." He has sternal retractions and his belly and chest move in opposite directions with each breath. He is breathing at a rate of 64. You should suspect - ANSWER- respiratory distress. A mother is holding her one year old baby. His eyes are open and he looks at you when you approach. His eyes are sunken and he appears to be breathing rapidly. His mom tells you that he has been sick for a few days, and she has not had to change his diapers very often. You should suspect - ANSWER-dehydration. Your patient is on a home ventilator. While performing your patient assessment, you should - ANSWER-assess the patient as you normally would. 6 After administering nitroglycerin, your patient might experience - ANSWER-a headache. You should open the airway of a six-month old by - ANSWER-placing the head in a neutral position. A 35 year old female claims to have fallen. As you assess her injuries, her husband enters the room tells you to leave. He is holding a baseball bat. You should - ANSWER-leave the scene and request police assistance. How often should you trend a stable patient's condition? - ANSWER- Every 15 minutes A 14 year old female is making grunting sounds. These sounds are indicative of - ANSWER-respiratory distress. A 29 year old male complains of neck pain after being rear-ended at an intersection. There is no damage to the vehicle, and the driver of the second vehicle says her speedometer read two miles an hour at the moment of impact. You should - ANSWER-enter the back seat of the vehicle to stabilize the c-spine. 7 You are on the scene of a stabbing where an unresponsive 25 year old male is bleeding severely. The assailant returns to the scene and is holding a knife. You should - ANSWER-retreat to a safe area. A 42 year old male was in a house fire. The anterior portion of his lower legs has been burned. The area is charred black but your patient states he has little pain. This burn would be classified as - ANSWER-full thickness. A trauma patient's injured limb is pale and pulseless. You should suspect - ANSWER-compromised circulation. A 23 year old deaf man called for an ambulance. You need to determine why. You should - ANSWER-try speaking clearly so he can watch your lips. An 11 year old male has been injured. He is crying, sucking his thumb, and acting fearful. You should Select one: - ANSWER-speak calmly and explain all treatment beforehand. Which of the following patients would benefit most from helicopter transport? - ANSWER-16 year old male motor vehicle crash victim still trapped BP 80/40 10 edema. She is coughing up pink frothy sputum. What should you suspect? - ANSWER-Congestive heart failure A patient has a closed head injury with the following signs and symptoms: altered mental status, increasing blood pressure, decreased pulse and unequal pupils. These symptoms are consistent with - ANSWER-increased intracranial pressure. In cases of bee stings, you should - ANSWER-remove the stinger by gently scraping with the edge of a card. A ten month old female presents with a temperature of 105 F. You should - ANSWER-remove her clothing and transport. An unconscious patient was found lying supine in a parking lot. You note a large bruise on his upper-right abdominal quadrant. You should carefully monitor your patient for signs of - ANSWER- hypoperfusion. Your patient complains of a headache. You notice his right cheek is sagging and his left arm is hanging limp at his side. What should you do? Select one: - ANSWER-Perform a prehospital stroke scale. 11 Which of the following marks the difference between preeclampsia and eclampsia? - ANSWER-The onset of seizure activity A man in a diner suddenly began gasping and coughing violently while eating. He is now silent and his lips appear blue. You should Select one: - ANSWER-perform abdominal thrusts. Your patient was eating when he suddenly grasped his throat. He cannot speak or cough. You should suspect - ANSWER-foreign body obstruction. A 46 year old male is complaining of chest pain. You should - ANSWER-apply oxygen and obtain baseline vital signs. A newborn is limp, cyanotic, and breathing slowly. She does not respond to suctioning, drying, and stimulation. You should - ANSWER-ventilate with a bag-valve mask. A 20 year old male collapsed while eating a hot dog. He appears cyanotic. You should - ANSWER-check responsiveness. How should you preserve potential crime scene evidence on clothing that is removed from a patient? - ANSWER-Place items in a large paper bag. 12 You have just assisted a mother delivering a baby who is blue and flaccid. You should - ANSWER-ventilate by bag-valve mask. You arrive at a campsite where there has been an explosion. Your patient's clothing is still burning, and she is gasping for air. You should - ANSWER-extinguish burning clothing. A patient is unresponsive. There are several empty beer bottles and insulin syringes nearby. You should - ANSWER-ensure and maintain an open airway. A 28 year old female patient with a history of asthma has stopped breathing. You initiate positive pressure ventilations with a bag valve mask. Which ventilation rate would be most appropriate? - ANSWER-20 breaths per minute A 24 year old female has large blisters on her forearm from exposure to drain cleaner. This burn would be classified as a - ANSWER-partial thickness burn. You have just assisted in the delivery of a healthy newborn girl. Which of the following is most important? - ANSWER-Wrap the newborn in a blanket to keep her warm. 15 A 54 year old male was playing basketball when he developed a crushing pain with associated shortness of breath. He sat down and his symptoms went away five minutes later. These symptoms best describe - ANSWER-angina pectoris. While ventilating a patient you see abdominal distension. What should you do? - ANSWER-Reassess the volume and rate of ventilations. A 30 year old female was in a car crash and has a severely angulated left lower leg. She has just been extricated after entrapment. The limb is cool and pulseless. Vital signs are BP 100/40, P 90, R 20. You should - ANSWER-splint the extremity in the position found and transport rapidly. The most effective way to control the spread of infectious disease is to: - ANSWER-exercise good hand washing technique. A 72 year old female complains of shortness of breath. She is responsive but can only speak in 2 to 3 word sentences. Vital signs are P 118, R 26, Sp02 68%. Her skin is pale with cyanosis around the lips and nail beds. She is on home oxygen at 2 lpm by cannula. You should - ANSWER-ventilation via bag-valve mask. 16 A 55 year old male has just self-administered his EpiPen. He now complains of chest tightness and shortness of breath. He believes that his tongue is swelling. Vital signs are BP 136/80, P 130, R 22. What should you do? - ANSWER-Transport rapidly and monitor vital signs. A 23 year old male was in a motor vehicle crash and has an open abdominal injury with a protruding bowel. What should you do? - ANSWER-Cover the bowel with moist dressings A patient who is suffering from hypoglycemia would have skin that is - ANSWER-cold and clammy. A 23 year old patient is in respiratory arrest following a severe asthma attack. He has an asthma inhaler in his hand and bystanders say he gave himself two doses when the attack started. You should - ANSWER-perform ventilations with a bag-valve mask and oxygen. While attempting to ventilate your apneic patient, her chest does not rise. You should - ANSWER-reposition the airway and ventilate. 17 A patient complains of abdominal pain. Which of the following questions should you ask? - ANSWER-"How would you describe your pain?" A 64 year old man suddenly became pulseless and apneic while watching television. His wife informs you that he recently had bypass surgery. You should - ANSWER-perform CPR as with any other patient. You have delivered two shocks with the defibrillator. Your patient now has a pulse and a blood pressure of 80/40. He remains apneic. What should you do? - ANSWER-Continue ventilations with oxygen and transport. An alert and oriented adult complaining of chest pain refuses transport against medical advice. You should - ANSWER-ask family to help convince the patient to be transported. A 91 year old male was found lying on the floor in his home. He is staring blankly and is rigid and cool to the touch. Vital signs are BP 100/74, P 54, R 18, Temp 88F, and Sp02 93%. As you prepare for emergent transport, you should - ANSWER-handle the patient gently. 20 A 92 year old female fell in the bathroom. She has large hematomas on the bridge of her nose and the side of her head. First responders report vital signs of BP 90/43, P 62, R 12. She is alert and denies neck pain or tenderness. Before transport, you should - ANSWER-perform a detailed physical exam and bandage her head. Your efforts to ventilate a patient with a bag-valve mask are not effective. You should - ANSWER-reposition the airway and ventilate again. You are transporting a patient with chest discomfort. En route he becomes unresponsive. What is the most appropriate action? - ANSWER-Confirm pulselessness, start CPR, apply AED, stop vehicle and shock if necessary. In what position should you place the expectant mother who suffers from supine hypotensive syndrome? - ANSWER-On her left side Which of the following is a SYMPTOM that is often associated with a heart attack? - ANSWER-Arm pain 21 You arrive on the scene of a patient in respiratory distress. The patient is thin and barrel-chested, with rhonchi and wheezing. He also exhibits pursed lips and intercostal retraction. You should suspect his current respiratory distress is caused by - ANSWER- emphysema. A 24 year old trauma patient is holding pressure on a laceration to his right leg. He keeps complaining: "I just can't get it to stop." His respirations are 10 times per minute, and he has no radial pulses. You should - ANSWER-apply a tourniquet. You are unable to loosen or slip the umbilical cord from around a baby's neck. You should - ANSWER-clamp the cord in two places, and cut the cord between the clamps. When you palpate a pulse you are feeling the - ANSWER-contraction of the left ventricle. You are treating an unresponsive victim with facial trauma. He has an avulsed cheek that is interfering with the airway and has gurgling respirations. You should - ANSWER-suction and remove the obstructing tissue. 22 Which of the following patients is most likely to need pelvic stabilization? - ANSWER-A 45 year old woman whose pelvis and legs were pinned by a fallen tree for 30 minutes An adult is suffering a cardiac arrest. What should you do to restore circulation? - ANSWER-Begin chest compressions Which of the following is TRUE regarding the use of the flow- restricted, oxygen-powered ventilation device? - ANSWER-It can be used on children or adults. A 74 year old female may be having a stroke. Which of the following would support this? - ANSWER-She presents with left-sided facial droop. A patient was involved in a motor vehicle crash. She is still in her car when you arrive and complains of neck stiffness. Your partner tells you that he notices a clear, colorless liquid pooling beneath the vehicle and smoke. You should - ANSWER-rapidly extricate the patient. You are a transport unit at an MCI. The Fire Department brings a patient to your ambulance. What is your first priority? - ANSWER- Universal precautions 25 A 45 year old male weighing 130 kg is having chest pain. He is on the fifth floor of an apartment building and the elevator is too small for your stretcher. You should move the patient by - ANSWER-using a stair chair. A four year old male with a complete foreign body airway obstruction becomes unconscious as you are treating him. You place him supine on the ground and attempt ventilations, but the child's chest does not rise. You should - ANSWER-perform five abdominal thrusts and reassess. Which of the following is the leading cause of death in infants and children? - ANSWER-Respiratory problems A 40 year old male was found confused and wandering around. Vital signs are BP 90/60, P 140, R 30 and shallow, skin is hot and dry. You should suspect - ANSWER-heat stroke. An assault victim complains of abdominal pain. On palpation, you note that the abdomen is rigid and tender. His vital signs are BP 110/70, P 118, and R 26. You should suspect - ANSWER-a ruptured diaphragm. 26 Your patient is unconscious. The nurse on scene states: "the patient is bradycardic, please attach your AED and transport rapidly." What should you do? - ANSWER-Assess the patient's breathing and pulse. A motorcyclist is conscious after being struck by an automobile. His full face helmet is still in place. Which of the following is an indication for removing the helmet? - ANSWER-The helmet is preventing you from assessing his face. A patient has a small, bubbling puncture wound on the right side of his chest. You should dress the wound with a - ANSWER-three- sided triangular bandage. A 16 year old male walked up to you after falling while rollerblading. He is agitated and states his hands and tongue are tingling. He takes fluoxetine. The most likely cause of his symptoms is - ANSWER-an anxiety disorder. Your partner is performing mouth-to-mask ventilation when you notice the presence of increasing gastric distention. You should - ANSWER-manually reposition the airway. 27 You have just transported a patient who is HIV positive. The dispatcher orders you to clear rapidly because another call is waiting. Before taking that call, you should - ANSWER-disinfect your stretcher and replace the linen. A patient develops a sudden onset of chest discomfort and shortness of breath while working in his garden. Skin is pale and covered in a red rash. You should - ANSWER-provide high flow oxygen and transport. You have just completed an emergency call and transferred care to the hospital. You are still writing the patient care report when your dispatcher asks you to respond to a medical emergency. You should - ANSWER-respond to the call and complete your report later. Your patient is in cardiac arrest. After administering a shock and two minutes of CPR, you detect a faint pulse. Vital signs are BP 90/50, P 58, R 6, Sp02 88%. What should you do? - ANSWER- Assist respirations via bag-valve mask. You have properly placed defibrillation pads on a patient with a hairy chest. The automated defibrillator is continuing to advise: 30 A 79 year old patient is in cardiac arrest. No one has started CPR. You should - ANSWER-begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation. A 34 year old male was found unconscious at the bottom of a flight of stairs. You note dark blue, purple, and yellowish brown bruising across his back and a minor laceration to his chest. You should first be concerned about a/an - ANSWER-wound to the chest. A 54 year old female is complaining of chest pain. The patient would like you to assist her in taking one of her husband's nitroglycerin tablets. Vital signs are BP 140/100, P 96, R 18. What should you do? - ANSWER-Monitor vital signs and transport in a position of comfort. You should rapidly extricate a motor vehicle collision patient who is awake and complaining of - ANSWER-numbness to lower extremities and abnormal respirations. You have assisted a patient in self-administering her epinephrine auto-injector. You should expect - ANSWER-increased respiratory depth. 31 A six year old female reportedly fell off her bed. You note burns to the girl's back and bruises of different colors on her legs. You should - ANSWER-report suspected abuse to the hospital. An adult is breathing at a rate of 6 breaths per minute. You should - ANSWER-ventilate the patient via bag-valve mask. A 57 year old male is hemorrhaging after cutting off three fingers with a power saw. A fourth finger was partially detached. You should - ANSWER-apply direct pressure over the injured fingers. What should you do before defibrillating a patient who has a nitroglycerin patch? - ANSWER-Remove the patch. A three year old exhibits inspiratory stridor, fever, and agitation. You should - ANSWER-transport immediately. A 25 year old male asthmatic is short of breath. He has audible wheezes. Vital signs are BP 132/80, P 132, R 24, Sp02 96%. You should - ANSWER-assist with a prescribed bronchodilator. A patient is experiencing labor pains. She states she needs to move her bowels. You should suspect that - ANSWER-delivery will occur soon. 32 A 68 year old patient complains of chest pain. Vital signs are BP 146/90, P 92, R 20. You should - ANSWER-administer oxygen via nasal cannula at 6 Ipm. You have repeatedly attempted to ventilate an infant who is choking on a penny. The chest is not rising. You should - ANSWER-perform abdominal thrusts. You are called to a shopping mall for a "man down." When you arrive, the patient is unresponsive. You may begin treating him based on the principle of - ANSWER-implied consent. An unresponsive near-drowning patient has a pulse and absent respirations. You should manage his airway with - ANSWER-a jaw thrust, an oral airway, and a bag-valve mask. While transporting an oxygen dependent patient on 4 Ipm oxygen, his respiratory rate decreases to 8 breaths per minute. You should - ANSWER-ventilate via bag-valve mask and continue to transport. A seven year old child has been ejected from a vehicle. You should - ANSWER-perform a rapid trauma assessment. 35 While you are palpating the abdomen of a patient with abdominal pain, he tells you that he cannot breathe. What should you do? - ANSWER-Reassess the patient's airway. A 17 year old female is anxious after breaking up with her boyfriend. She says she is dizzy and has numbness and tingling around her mouth. She is tachypneic and tachycardic. You should - ANSWER-monitor her oxygen SAT and transport. There are 12 survivors from a bridge collapse. They are ready for transportation to the hospital. Who will notify hospitals and coordinate patient allocation to those facilities? - ANSWER-Incident commander A 73 year old male is experiencing chest pain and peripheral cyanosis. You should - ANSWER-administer oxygen via non- rebreather mask at 15 Ipm. An adult trauma patient has gurgling sounds during respirations. You should - ANSWER-log roll patient to the side and suction. The following patients are all complaining of shortness of breath. Which of the following patients is MOST likely to be hypoxic? - 36 ANSWER-12 year old female exposed to cold temperatures; Sp02 of 88% A patient has a black substance around her mouth, but says that she has not been exposed to any burning materials. After your initial assessment, you should - ANSWER-ask if she knows what the substance is. A female is unresponsive after being hit in the head with a board. She has a large hematoma on her forehead. You should - ANSWER- check for a pulse. A patient was covered with a diluted bleach solution while washing the walls of the school gymnasium. You should - ANSWER-instruct the patient to remove his clothing. A six year old has partial thickness burns on her arms, upper chest, upper back, and face. Vital signs are BP 92/48, P 140, R 40. You should - ANSWER-administer oxygen via mask. A three year old patient has been sick for several days. Her mother tells you that she has been vomiting and has had diarrhea. The child appears tired but withdraws from you during your exam. She is breathing quickly and looks pale. Vital signs are BP 90/50, P 133, 37 R 36. You should - ANSWER-apply high concentration oxygen and transport rapidly. You are unable to insert a nasal airway in the right nare of a patient with an altered mental status. You should - ANSWER- attempt insertion in the left nare. A 40 year old male is sweating and complaining of mild chest discomfort and shortness of breath fifteen minutes after exercising. You should suspect - ANSWER-angina pectoris.
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