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Download English exercises and vocabulary and more Exercises English Language in PDF only on Docsity! English Vocabulary in Use Upper- intermediate Health and medicine What are your symptoms? All these noun phrases can be used with the verb have (got). Tve got... ... a sore throat / a temperature [a higher temperature than normal] / high/low blood pressure / chest pains / backache / earache / a pain in my side / a rash on my chest / a bruise on my leg (e.g. after playing football) / a black eye (e.g. after being hit in the eye) / a lump on my arm / indigestion (after eating too fast) / sickness and diarrhoea /daia'no/ [an upset stomach which makes you vomit and need to go to the toilet frequendy] / sunburn / a virus. Verbs: My back is aching. I shouldn’t have lifted all those heavy boxes. My leg is itching - I think I’ve been bitten by an insect, [you want to scratch it all the time] My hands are trembling after the shock of falling down, [shaking slightly] 1 had a headache and started shivering. I knew it was the flu. [shake because you are cold] My foot hurts from where I knocked it against the table. I had a cold and it took me two weeks to get over it. [to get better; more formal = to recover from it] Adjectives: I feel sick / breathless / dizzy, [my head is spinning] I am depressed / exhausted / stressed. I think I’ve picked up a bug somewhere, [infml = caught a virus or infection] Other expressions: I’ve lost my appetite / voice. I’ve broken my wrist / sprained my ankle / dislocated my shoulder. She died of a heart attack. He contracted AIDS, [infml = ‘got’] My uncle suffered a stroke, [sudden change in the blood supply to a part of the brain, which can cause a loss of the ability to move particular parts of the body; infml = ‘had’] What does the doctor prescribe? Take a teaspoonful of medicine last thing at night. We’ll get the nurse to put a bandage on your wrist. You’ll need to have some injections before you go to the Amazon. I’m afraid you’re going to need an operation. You’ll have to have your leg put in plaster until the break mends. I’m going to give you some tablets - take one in the morning and one at night. English Vocabulary in Use Upper-intermediate 63 27.3 1 My shoulder is itching. d Ш a I 2 My head hurts. e □ b I 3 I’m shivering. b □ c I 4 I’m trembling .f □ d I 5 I’m really stressed and exhausted .a □ e I 6 I’m depressed.c □ f I Match the sentences on the left with the ones on the right. 've been working too much, feel so cold. think I need to see a psychiatrist, can’t stop scratching it. banged it as I walked through the low doorway, feel very nervous and scared. 27.4 Match the pictures with the sentences. 27.5 1 They put a bandage on my ankle. Щ 2 I had to have some injections. CU 3 My arm was in plaster for weeks. CJ 4 I had to take two teaspoonfuls every night. D 5 They operated me immediately. О 6 I have to take two tablets every night at bedtime. О One of the sentences above contains a mistake. Correct it. Answer the questions. 1 Which is correct? My aunt died (a) with (b) of a heart attack. 2 What is a more formal way of saying these? (a) He got AIDS in 2001. (b) She had a stroke. Contracted/ suffered 3 What is an informal way of saying this? I had an infection but I recovered from it. Got over it 27.6 llilillOlil'inl.'rtifiliT.'i . . . I . Exercises What problems from A opposite might result if someone ...? 1..........................................eats too fast indigestion 2.........................................................................kicks someone’s leg while playing football bruise on leg 3......................................................hits someone in the eye black eye 4eats bad, rotten food diarrhoea 5lies too long in the hot sun............sunburn 6runs much too fast to catch a bus feel breathless Read the remarks and answer the questions. Archie: ‘I must have picked up a bug when I was travelling.’ Dalma: ‘My hand is covered in little red spots from where I touched that strange plant.’ Seth: ‘It’s an unpleasant pain. I hope I haven’t got an ear infection.’ Zoe: 'The doctor said there’s a risk I might suffer from heart disease if it continues.’ Write the people’s names. Who has ... ? 1 a rash? ...Dalma................................2 earache? Seth 3 a virus? Archie 4 high blood pressure? Zoe m Match the underlined, words with the definitions below. I last went to the doctor's before I went to South-east Asia. The doctor gave me a | prescription for anti-malaria tablets, but warned me that avoiding mosquito bites was I the only really effective form of prevention against malaria. Apparently the infection can | take up to one year to develop. If you have any illness or flu-like symptoms, such as a I headache, a cough and aching muscles, especially within three months of your return I home, you have to see your doctor immediately. I I The doctor also told me to make an appointment with the nurse to get a vaccination I j against typhoid and another against Hepatitis A. I hate the thought of an injection, but : I had no choice if I wanted to travel to Laos and Cambodia. I'd heard of someone і Health and medicine...................................................1 Health and lifestyle.....................................................3 Body Idioms..............................................................12 1: Non-literal meanings.........................................12 2: On its last legs..................................................12 1 the act of stopping something happening . .prevention. . 2 area of small spots that appear on your skin when . ........rash.......... yon are ill 3 piece ot paper from the doctor that says what prescription medicine you need 4 illness which has a name and is recognised by disease.... certain symptoms 5 arrangement to see someone at a particular time . .appointment 6 the state someone is in . ..condition 7 that can be easily passed on to another person infectious 8 the sending out of air from your throat and mouth cough. with a sudden, loud noise 9 the putting of a drug into someone with a needle injection 10 changes in your body that are signs of illness symptoms II a very small organism which causes disease virus_ 12 an injection to prevent someone getting a disease ..vaccination. .. 13 a disease in part of your body that is caused by a .......infection . bacteria or virus 14 analysis of your blood, which can identify disease .blood test 15 state of being in bad health illness _ iVIatcSi ths underlined words with the definitions below. We've had a bad year in my family this year. First of all mу granddad was rushed into hospital by ambulance with pains in his chest.-He had suffered a heart attack - and was put on a life-support machine to keep his heart beating. In the END HE needed з transplant. The operation took more than ten hours. He was then in. Intensive care for four weeks before being allowed home. He is much better now, although he'll he on medication for the rest of his life. 'Soon after that, my cousin was in a serious car crash. The first person on the scene had done some first aid and knew you shouldn't move an injured person. Thank goodness they didn't - it turned am that Tom had broken his back and later needed major surgery to put it right. First of all, however, he needed a blood transfusion. since he'd lost so much blood. He's still in plaster, and likely to be so for some time to come. At about the same time, I developed a rash on my lace, it turned out that 1 was allergic to the soap I was using. The doctor gave me some cream to rub on my face every evening and a prescription for antibiotics. I had to take a dose of three pills twice a day. but this did the trick and my skin is now clear. 1 cutting a body open in order to repair it operation 2 medicine or drugs used to improve a condition or illness medication 3 a substance you rub into your skin as a medical treatment cream 4 special vehicle used to take ill or injured people to hospital ambulance 5 a protective covering for a broken bone plaster 6 equipment used to keep someone alive when they are very' ill life-supporting machine 7 small round pieces of medication which you swallow pills 8 medical operation in which a part of someone’s body is put into another persons body ’ transplant 9 continuous treatment for patients who are very ill intensive care 10 medication chat can destroy harmful bacteria antibiotics 11 basic medical treatment given to someone as soon as they are hurt first aid 12 reacting badly to something allergic 13 measured amount of medication dose 14 process in which blood given by ocher people is put into another person`s body blood transfusion 15 a very serious operation major surgery ! .с 2 taken too much of a drug 3 unwanted secondary effects of a drug л negative 7 8 Health and medicine Maintaining good health * Do you want lo enjoy good health? Or perhaps you Want to reduce'уош stress levels? ; Build up youi -;lifii(|lh 1 , iloiriq plenty nt I-XI-Ir.i^c' -f. 11-> • l.-rl .■■■' i ijentli- i-, i4i.i'ir- Ifflnless.youalready do a lot of sport2. It’s equally important to watch what you eat. There's no I need to go on a diet: just eating the right food will help you to build up resistance to disease. 1 NOT making exercise 2 NOT make sport Treatment When Alexa was diagnosed with a serious medical condition, she was worried that she might have to have an operation1. However, her doctor first prescribed a course of medication. Fortunately, she responded well to treatment, and made a full recovery. 1 NOT make an operation PATIENT INFORMATION LEAFLET • Do noiexceed the recommended dose. • If you (htnk .you have taken an .overdose?, consult .a doctor immediately • If you suffer any of the side elTects3,meniioned in this leaflet, Or any,, ; other adverse4 reactions. consultyourdoctoror'pharmacist;. . > Illness ІЧІ /ой need to know more about'the language of health and medicine, hі,- » ID t ЁЗ - a sice aimed at the non-specialist. ■ more specialist language, try www.doctorupdate.neL which is aimed at medical professionals. Eng/isb Collocations in Use Advanced collocation example meaning a streaming cold I've had a streaming cold for days now. a heavy cold shake off a cold 1 wish l could shake off this cold — I’ve had it for nearly two weeks. get rid of a cold be in poor health My gran’s been in poor health for years. not be very well an infectious disease There are a number of Infectious diseases which mainly affect children. diseases caught from someone with that disease a rare iilness/disease The baby was born with a rare illness. an illness that seldom occurs critically ill She’s still critically ill in hospital. extremely/dangerousiy ill fight for one’s life The accident has left three people fighting for their lives. in danger of dying fall into / come out of a coma The boxer fell into a coma after receiving a blow to the head and didn’t come out of the coma for five days. become unconscious; regain consciousness a massive heart attack He suffered a massive heart attack. a very serious heart attack untimely/premature death We were all saddened by the young woman's untimely/premature death. death at too early an age 10 English idioms in Use ...... Pill of loose. 7 A good game of golf at the weekend always helps to recharge my father’s batteries. 8 Tom was quite ill for a while last year, but he's as fit as a ....fiddle how. 9 I was exhausted when I got home from Work, but, after a nice cup of red, I'm as Right rain. 10 Helen won’t understand the problem - she’s one sandwich __short of a picnic. l .4 Match each statement on the left with the most likely response on the right. Exercises I. I Put these expressions into four groups of idioms that share the same meaning. (There are two groups of two idioms and two groups of four.) Explain the meaning'in each case. give up the ghost – die be on the road to recovery get better bite the dust die t be on the mend get better be as nutty as a fruitcake mad feel off-colour ill be not all there mad feel under the weather ill pop your clogs dead be off your trolley mad fall off your perch die be a basket case mad 1.2 Complete each of these idioms. 1 Don’t mention the merger to him - it’s a bit of a sore spot for him. 2 Telling Joe what you feel may be a bitter pill for him to swallow, but you Owe it to him nevertheless. 3 Watching travel programmes on TV always gives me____itchy._feet 4 1 wonder what’s happened to Stan - he looks like death warmed up! 5 Plans to put increased funds into education arc supposed to sugar the .............. ................of increased taxation. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Imagine someone as unfit as Ruth going on holiday in the Himalayas. She must have a screw loose 1.3 Which of the idioms meaning die do these pictures make you think of? 1 * 2 Oh dear, 1 hope he’s OK tomorrow. Yes, but she’ll soon get over it. Where would you like to go? That is a relief! Good. Give him a dose ofjhis own medicine, I know, Jane told mb he was off his rocker. Why do you think there are so many idiomatic expressions meaning mad and die! Is It the same in your language? Do you think it would ever be appropriate for you to use any of these English idioms for- mad or dieI If so, In what circumstances! If not, why not? English idioms in Use, I I і ИМ 1. heart 2. nose 3. hand 4. face 5. head i. came to a head j. hand it to him k. a good head l. your head Body Idioms 1: Non-literal meanings Match these five parts of the body with the non-literal ideas on the right: a. confrontation b. skillful c. curiosity d. emotions e. top 2: On its last legs Complete the idioms with the following expressions: a. an old hand e. my hands b. behind my back f. on its last legs c. couldn’t face g. face the fact d. gone to your head h. a brave face 1. 1 love my old car, but I’m having more and more problems with it. 1 think it’s f 2. My boyfriend and 1 have always argued quite a lot, but the situation i .................................last week when he accused me of lying, 3. I'm sorry, John, but we have to g that we are not getting on. -1, 1 can't trust you any more. You've been talking about me b 5. What’s the, matter with you? You've changed since your promotion. I think power's d 6. Bob's an excellent chairman. He's a at controlling difficult people. 7. Ask Marianne to help you. She's got k for figures. S. There's nothing I can do to help, I’m afraid e arc tied. 9. I'm afraid I’m not coming Lo the concert. You know I'm not keen on classical music and 1 c three hours of itl і 0. I know Jane's in a lot of pain, but she puts h on it. f 1 Richard's businesses just go from strength to strength. You know, you've got to l 2 We ll have to go lo the bank and ask for another loan. You just can't go on burying in the sand any longer. 3: Matching Match these idioms with their definitions: a. you really don’t feel like doing it. ;our back up. are trying something for the first time, on your nerves. c. it irrilates you. v ::i something. pay for it. e : ; :he water. e. (hey annoyed you.
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