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English review for grade 10, Exercises of English

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Sanne_987 🇻🇳

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Download English review for grade 10 and more Exercises English in PDF only on Docsity! FRIENDS GLOBAL 10 eed: k,p.h.s,c,f -t,d — /id/ Chu y: naked/ sacred/ hatred/ beloved/ wicked/ learned/ tagged/ rugged/ cursed / crooked / dogged / aged — /id/ - ce,ch,(gh),x,ss, k,p,fish > /t/ Chu y: laughed/ coughed/ roughed/ toughed/ based/ practised/ promised/ released/ increased/ decreased — /t/ - con lai > /d/ *sles:k,p,h,t,c,f - s,ss,ch,sh,x,z,ge,ce — /iz/ - Lkp,Lth — /s/ Chiu y: laughs/ coughs/ photographs / topics — /s/ - con lai > /z/ Il. TRONG AM - STRESS: ¢ Danh Tinh 2 nhan 1. Dong 2 nhan 2 1ién ké * Lién trvéc dudi -tion, -sion, -xion, -ic, -ical, -ian, -ial, -ual, -ety, -ity, -ative, -itive, -ctive, -logy, -graphy ... * Cach 1 am khi dudi la -ate, -ise/ize, -fy, -ent, -ary * Nhan trén no khi dudi la -ée, -éer, -ése, -60, -don, -ade, -dire, -étte, -ésque, -ique, -éntal, -éntary, -ain (khi la V) * Nhan ngay sau nd khi dau 1a ex-, de-, des-, re-, res-, pre-, dis-, im- khi doc la am /i/ * Nhén ngay trén ndé khi dau la ex-, de-, des-, re-, res-, pre- khi doc 1a am /e/ * Néu nhw tir nao vira c6 du va dudi thi wu tién dudi * Trong 4m khéng bao gid roi vao am: /a/, /au/, /1/ (Néu ite ndo vita chita dm lal hode hil voi am fal thi trong dm uu tién roi vao dm fao/. Ex: compose ) TH. VOCABULARY : VOCABULARY LIST OF UNIT 2: 1. background (n) nén -> in the background 2. breathtaking (a) rat thi vi, gay an tuong, gay ngac nhién = exciting = impressive = spectacular 3. brilliant (a) (of weather) : co nhiéu anh sing mat trai; tuyét voi ; xuat sac 4. circumnavigate (v) li thuyén vong quanh (thé gidi) 5. courageous (a) can dam, diing cam = brave # cowardly (a) hén nhat 6. dinghy (n) thuyén buém 7. foreground (n) can canh -> in the foreground 8. paddle (n) mai chéo ngin 9. shallow (a) néng, can # deep (a) sau 10. summit (n) dinh, chom, chop, ngon 11. tragic (a) bi tham; thudc bi kich = very sad 12. venue (n) noi gap mat; dia diém tap trung 1. attempt (v) né Ic lam gi > attempt (n) su n6 lye 2. complete (v) hoan thanh -> completion (n) sy hoan thanh -> completely (adv) hoan toan 3. achieve (v) dat dugc -> achicvement (n) thanh tich 4. need (v) can -> need (n) nhu cau -> necessity (n) su can thiét ; ci can thiét -> necessary (a) can thiét # unnecessary (a) -> necessarily (adv) # unnecessarily (adv) 5. explore (v) kham pha -> exploration (n) su/ cudc kham pha -> explorer (n) nha tham hiém 6. experience (v) trai nghiém -> experience (n) su trai nghiém ; kinh nghiém 7. dream (v) mo, mo uéc -> dream (n) giac mo 8. entertain (v) giai iri -> enterlainment (n) sy giai Ui -> entertaining (a) thi vi, lam cho vui = funny 9. motivate (v) thiic day -> motivation (n) déng lye 10. erupt (v) phun trao -> eruption (n) sy phun trao 1L. relax (v) thu gian -> relaxation (n) su thu gian -> relaxed (about) (a) thoai mai -> relaxing (a) thu gian 12. examine (vy) kiém tra -> examination (n) ky thi -> examiner (n) gidm khao -> examinee (n) thi sinh 13. rescue (v) giai ctu -> rescue (n) su giai ctu 14. accomplish (v) dat dugc -> accomplishment (n) thanh tich 15, employ (v) tuyén dung -> employment (n) viée lam -> uncmployment (n) nan that nghiép -> unemployed (a) that nghiép -> employer (n) nha tuyén dung -> employee (n) nhan vién 16. prepare (v) chuan bi -> preparation (1) su chuan bi 17, develop (v) phat trién -> development (n) su phat wién 18. argue (v) tranh cai -> argucment (n) sw tranh luan 19. fail (v) that bai, rot -> failure (n) su that bai 20. translate (v) dich — translation (n) su phién dich very bad = awful (adj) : rat té very good = brilliant (adj) : rat t6t very big = huge (adj) : rat lon very = tragic (adj) : rat budn very frightening = terrifying (adj) : rat dang so . very tired = exhausted (adj) : rat mét moi = Draw ES FRIENDS GLOBAL 10 1. boots (n) 2. poles (n): gay ; coc 3. rucksack = backpack (n) : ba 16 4. helmet (n) : mii bao hiém 5. dinghy (n) : xuéng nho, xudng ba la 6. life jacket (n) : do ctru sinh 7. paddles (n) : mai chéo 8. rope (n) : day thing 9. safety harness (n) : day dai an toan 10. angry (a) tic gian -> angry with Sb about Sth 11. bored (a) chan 12. calm (a) binh tinh 13. excited about (a) hao himg 14. nervous about (a) lo lang = worried about 15. relaxed about (a) thoai mai 16. scared of (a) so 17. shocked at (a) kinh ngac, ngac nhién 1. abseiling (n) : mén leo xuéng vach nui 2. jet-skiing (n) : m6 t6 nudéc — go jet-skiing 3. kayaking (n) : chéo thuyén kayak > go kayaking 4. mountain biking (n) : dap xe leo nui 5. orienteering (1) : thé thao dinh hudng 6. paintballing (n) : ban simg son 7. quad biking (n) : dua xe dia hinh 8. rock climbing (n) : leo nii da 9. kite surfing (n) : luct van diéu 10. bungee jumping (n) mén thé thao trong do mdt nguoi nhay tir mét noi cao, chang han nh mét cay cau hode mot vach da, voi mét chiéc bungee bude vao chin cua ho > go bungee jumping 11. camping (n) cam trai > go camping 12. canoeing (n) dua cano — go canoeing 13. eycling (n) dua xe dap — go cycling 14. hang-gliding (n) m6n thé thao ma ban bay trong khi treo trén khung giéng nhu mét con diéu ln ma ban diéu khién bang cir dong co thé cia minh > go hang-gliding 15. hiking (n) di b6 duéng dai — go hiking 16. karting (n) dua xe kart 17. paddleboarding (n) mén chéo thuyén 18. riding (n) cudi ngua — go horseback riding 19. rollerblading (n) trurot patin 20. snorkelling (n) m6n Lan cé éng thé — go snorkelling 21. walking (n) di dao — go walking 22. windsurfing (n) luét van buém — go windsurfing . animation (n) phim hoat animated film . assume (v) cho rang, gia dinh rang . combat (n) tran danh ; chién tranh concern (n) su lo ling _ conflict (n) su mau thuan convineing (a) c6 strc thuyét phuc . depression (n) bénh tram cam ; sy suy thoi . dimension (n) chiéu (khéng gian) . episode (n) tap (phim) 10. fantasy film (n) phim gia tuong, phim vién tuong 11. genre (n) loai, thé loai 12. gripping (a) hap dan, tha vi, 16i cuén = interesting = exciting # boring / uninteresting 13. legible (a) 16 rang va dé doc # illegible (a) / unreadable (a) 14. mission (n) stt ménh, nhiém vu 15. moving (a) gay xuc dong 16. bulletin (n) ban tin ngdn 17. online series (n) chuong trinh phat truc tuyén nhiéu ki 18. overload (n) su qua 1tai 19. period drama (n) phim/ kich lich str 20. piracy (n) viéc sao chép (dia DVD, chuong trinh may tinh, sach, ...) bat hop phap 21. plot (n) cét truyén 22. reality show (n) chuong trinh truyén hinh thy té 23. release (v) phat hanh, luu hanh, cho phé bién atnay (n) = satellite navigation : hé thong dan duéng bang vé tinh 25. script (n) kich ban 26. scason (n) mia 27. sitcome (n) phim hai nhiéu tap 28. slingshot (n) na cao su, gian thun 29. slogan (n) khau hiéu 30. soap opera (n) phim/ kich nhiéu ki vé cudc sng va cac van dé cia mét nhém ngudi 31. soundtrack (n) nhac phim 32. special effects (n) ki xao dién anh 33. supervillain (n) nhan vat phan dién 34. talent show (n) chvong trinh tim kiém tai nang ; budi dién tai nang 35. thriller (n) phim hodc chuong trinh I'V thi vi (co néi dung hdi hp, li ki) ; phim giat gan 36. twist (n) su thay aéi dét ngot + bién cé 37. unrealistic (a) phi hién thuc # realistic (a) 1. action film (n) : phim hanh déng 2. animation (n) : phim hoat hinh = animated film = cartoon 3. chat show (n) : chuong trinh ndi chuyén UbwWwn— Oo word FRIENDS GLOBAL 10 10. snow (v) : tuyét roi — snow (n) : tuyét — snowy (adj) : nhiéu tuyét — snowflake (n) : béng tuyét 11. storm (n) : bao — stormy (adj) : cd bao — thunderstorm (n) : gidng 16, giéng bao, bao 16 cd sam set 12. sun (n) : mat troi — the sun shines : mat troi toa nang — sunny (adj) : c6 nang, nhiéu nang — sunshine (n) : anh nang 13. thunder (vy) : ndi sam — thunder (n) : sam > thundery (adj) : gidng t6, cd sam sét — clap/ crash of thunder (n) ; tiéng sam rén 14. wind (n) : gid — the wind blows : gid théi — windy (adj) : co gid . die out : 16i théi ; tuyét chang = wipe out 2. cut down : chat cay, dén cay cut down on : cat giam 3. give up : bd, tir bo = stop using or doing sth 4. close down : dong ctra 5. use up : sit dung hét 6. look after : cham soc, trong nom = take care of 7. pour out : xa (khi), tuén ra 8. heat up : 1am nong lén 9. give off : toa ra (mui/ nhiét/ anh sang) ; béc ra 10. run out : can kiét 11. carry on : tiép tuc = continue = go on = keep on 12. wake up : tinh thie 13. put off : tri hoan, chan chit = delay 14. come up with (a solution/ an idea) : dua ra giai phap/ y tuong = think of 15. rely on : dya vao . Spin = to go round and round quickly : xoay tit . take off = to go up from the ground : ¢ . land — to come down to the ground : . approach = to move nearer : dén gan . reach = to arrive at a certain place : dén Uwe -T think/ don't think that ...T6i nghi/ khong nghi rang - To be honest, ... Thanh that ma ndi thi... - As I see it, ... Nhu ti thay thi... - [ believe/ don’t believe that ...T6i tin/ khéng tin ring - In my opinion, ... Theo quan diém cia tai thi... - It seems to me that.... Voi ti thi duong nhuw... | - Ilaving said that, ... Da noi rang... - On the other hand, ... Mat khac/ Trai lai... - There are some people who believe that... C6 vai ngudi tin rang... | - However / Nevertheless, ... Tuy nhién,... - In spite of this, ... Du vay - Moreover, ... Hon nita - Furthermore, ... Hon ntra - What is more, ... Hon nita - In fact, ... Thre té thi. . set off : khéi hanh 1 2. at the age of... : 6 dé tudi 3. dream of : mo vé 4, prepare for : chuan bi cho 5. proud of : ty hao vé = take pride in 6. turn into : tré thanh ; bién thanh 7. get out of : roi khoi ; thoat khoi ; tranh ra 8. 9 ve/negative effect on sth : co anh huéng tich cyc/ tiéu cure 1& 10. help sb with sth : gitp ai cai gi 11. prevent sb from doing sth : ngan can ai lam gi 12. take part in doing sth : tham gia lam gi V. GRAMMAR: 1, TENSES - THI: 1. HTD: S + Vs/es/1 ; don’t/doesn’t V1 ; Do/Does +S + V1? [ofien, always, usually, sometimes, never, rarely, seldom, generally, every day/night/week/month/year, once a week, twice a month...] — * Néu trong cau cé DHNB cia thi TLD ma cau dién ta Lich trinh di lai cua phuong tién GT/ lich lam viée/ lich chiéu phim thi ta van ding thi HTD. 2. HTTD : am/is/are (not) + V-ing [now, at the moment, at present, at this time, look, listen, be careful, hurry up, don’t make noise, today...| — * Phan nan i — * HD chic chan xay ra trong twong lai (dam cui, két hén, xy nha, cé party) thi ta phai ding HTTD. FRIENDS GLOBAL 10 3. ITTTIT: have/has (not) + V3/ed — BD: have/has + been + V3/cd [just, already, ever, never, so fur, up lo now, up to the preseni, until now, recently=lately, yet,several times, many limes, how Jong, over the last two years, this is the first time, since, for| 4. QKD : V2/ed ; didn’t V1; Did +S+ V1? [last night/week/month/year 1975, The last time...] 5. QKTD : was/were (not) + V-ing lat time last. sterday, at that time. at that moment, while| — * Phan nan : was/were + always + V-ing. 6. QKHT: had (not) + V3/ed — BD: had + been + V3/ed [afier, hefore, hy the time, hy | thi gian 6 OK] 7. TLD : will (not) + V1 [next week/month/year..., tomorrow, again, soon, later, in 2050, in the future, someday| — * Loi hita/ hy vong / quan diém cd nhan (I promise/ hope/ think/ imagine/ suppose) — Hanh dong xay ra tite thoi 8. TL Gan : be going to+ V1 |next week/month/year..., tomorrow, again, soon, later, in 2050,in the future| — Dy dinh, ké hoach da chuan bi trréc — Du doan dia trén bang chimg 6 hién tai (black clouds, Look at!) 9. TL Tiép dién : will (not) + be + V-ing [al 7 a.m tomorrow, at this time tomorrow/next month, all day , yesterday, ago, in the past, in tomorrow...] 10. TL Hoan thanh : will (not) + have + V3/ed |by + time & tong lai : by Tuesday afternoon next week, by the end of this month/year ..., by the time, hy this time, time, by lunch time, by then, by noon, by tomorrow,...| * after/ before/ as soon as/ until + * haves/has V3/ed + since + V2/ed. * When — V2/cd , was/were Ving. When + V2/ed , V2/ed. When + V2/ed , had V3/ed. (just/ already/ for ktg) When | Vs/es/] , will V1. © While — was/were ig, V2/ed. While + was/were Ving , was/were Ving. While + am/is/are Ving , am/is/are Ving. hy next fes/1, will V1 C1: 8 + haven’t / hasn’t + V3/ed + since/for + time. C2: The last time + S + V2/ed.... + was + ktg + ago. in + nam. C3: S + last + V2/ed — ktg + ago. (in + nim) C4; It’s / has been + time — since + S + (last) + V2/ed. * must + VI — phai lam gi * mustn’t + V1 — kh6ng duge phép lam gi * needn't + V1 — khong can lam gi ¢ don’t have to + V1 — khong phai lam gi * some + Ns/kdd : mét vai — ding trong cu Khang dinh — dung trong loi moi (Would you like some...?) * any + Ns/kdd : nao — dung trong céu Phu dinh va Nghi van — ding trong cdu Khang dinh khi mang nghia “bat ct” * many + Ns much + Nkdd : nhiéu — ding trong c4u Phu dinh va Nghi van —+ ding trong cu Khang dinh khi theo sau cac tir chi cap 6 nhu “too, so, very, as” * alot of = lots of +Ns/kdd_ : nhicu — ding trong céu Khang dinh *afew +Ns : mét vai a little + N kd@ + mét it — dung voi nghia khang dinh “only + a few / a little” — dung sau chit *few +Ns 2 mét vai little + N kdd 2 mot it — ding voi nghia phu dinh — dung sau chit “too, so, very + few/ little” Bang : Khéng bang :[ S + not V + as/so + Adj/Adv + as ...] + Voi Noun : [S+ (mot) V + as + many + Ns tas... ] [ S + (mot) V + as + much + N kdd + as ... ] [S+V¥+as+ Adj/Adv + as... ] FRIENDS GLOBAL 10 [S+V+Ngin + er + than ...] [S+¥+ more + Dai + than ...] + Voi Noun : Nhiéu hon: [S+V+more+Ns/kdd + than ... ] it hon: [S+¥V + fewer +Ns + than [S+V + less + N kdd + than ... Ngan ; [S+V + the + Ngan + est +... | Dai: [S+V + the most + Dai+...] Kémhon: [S+V+less +Adj/Adv + than ...] Kém nhat: [S+¥V+the least + Adj/Adv +... ] [No other + Ns it + as/so + Adj/Adv + as ...] Ex: - Iron is the most useful metal. — No other metal is as useful as iron. - Tom is the tallest boy in this class. — No other boy in this class is as tall as Tom. - Emma was more beautiful than other girls in our village. — No other girl in our village is as beautiful as Emma. Khi viét lai cu voi So sanh -Bécho So sinh hon <> So sanh khéng bang -Bé cho So sinh nhat © No other ” Dé lam céu voi “enough thi 2 vé phai cig the Cén lam véi “” thi 2 vé phai khdc thé [ S+ (mot) V + Adj / Ady + enough (for ©) + to V.] [S++ too + Adj / Adv + (for ©) + to V.] * “enough” ludn di sau Adj / Adv nhung di truéc Noun. * Néu trudc Adj/ Adv co “too, so, very, quite, extremely” hoac truée danh tu co “many, much, a lot of, lots of” thi ta bé di. * Khi tan ngi cau thir 2 tring voi chi ngit cau thir 1 thi ta phai bé tan ngir do di. * Doi cau tir “enough to” sang “‘” thi ta bo not, chia lai DT thé khing dinh cho dung Thi, roi thém “toa + Adj/ Adv trai nghia” —> Viét lai hét phan sau * Déi cau tir “” sang “enough to” thi ta chia DI 6 dang phu dinh (not V) => Dung “Adj/ Adv trai nghia + enough” —> Viét lai hét phan sau. If+ V Htd , will (not)+ V1. can/ may/ must / have to / should + V1 VI -> céu ménh lénh V litd -> sy that hién nhién, chan ly ding lf+ V2/ed didn’t V1 be -> were » would/ could (not) + V1. Tf + had V3/ed , would/ could (not) + have + V3/ed. Khi viét lai cau véi cau diéu kién thi ta : - Lay ménh dé nguyén nhan lam Tf clause (nam sau because, trudc so / this is why) - “Thi” nao “Loai” do - Xac dinh <> Phu dinh - Bo because, and, so, this is why, I’m sorry, What’s a pity!, I regret... VI. COMMUNICATION ; * Chic (Happy New Year!...) — (Thanks) ‘he same to you! / ‘Thanks, you too. ¢ Chic mimg (Congratulations!) — Thanks! / Thank you! ¢ Cam on (Thank for...) — My pleasure’ You’re welcome/ Don’t mention it / That’s OK/ That’s alright/ It is theleast I can do. * Xin Idi (sorry about / apologize for...) — Don’t worry about it / Never mind / No problem / It doesn’t matter / It’s OK / That's alright. * Bao tin tot / Khoe (passed / won...) — Well-done/ Good job/ That’s great / Congratulations/ T’m glad to hear that. * Bo tin xAu (lost / failed...) — Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. ¢ Khen (What/ How ....!) — Thanks/ Thank you / It’s very nice of you to say so / I’m glad you like it / That’s a nice compliment.
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