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Download English vocabulary and exercises and more Exercises English Language in PDF only on Docsity! 3 makes you feel very weak 4 make yourself stronger 90 English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced 4 J Health and symptoms 1^1________ Talking about how you are О English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced 91 Mrs Smith: How are you these days? Have you managed to throw off1 that cold you had when we last met? Mr Jones: Well, yes, it cleared up after a couple of days, but Pd no sooner got over that than I picked up another one. It’s horrible. My nose is completely bunged-up2. And I keep breaking out in-3 a sweat. Mrs Smith: Well, 1 hope you don’t pass it on to me. Pm feeling bad enough as it is. My arthritis has flared up4 again. And you know I fell and cut my hand a week ago? It’s only just started to heal over5 and the swelling hasn’t gone down6 yet. Mr Jones: I think we should both go to the doctor’s again, don’t you? 1 (informal) get rid of a slight illness 4 {of illness) returned 2 (informal) blocked 5 become covered by new skin 3 (of sweat, spots, rash) suddenly appears on 6 returned to its normal size the skin L _ B Feeling tired There are a lot of phrasal verbs in English relating to the idea of sleep and feeling tired. For example, drop off and nod off are both informal and both mean fall asleep, but nod off is used particularly about situations when you did not intend to fall asleep. Here are some more phrasal verbs relating to being very tired. At the doctor’s Don’t worry. There's a lot of it going around1. I’ll put you on 'some tablets to help you sleep; They, should knock-yoUfOnt?; ; . Keep taking them for at least a fortnight - you shouldn’t : come off them until I;say :so;;'This; particular bugitakesiaibt s out of3 you, so when you begin to feel better, make sure you eat lots of fruit and vegetables to build yourself up4. 1 a lot of people are complaining of this 2 make you sleep heavily phrasal verb phrasal adjective/noim example defmit/ол of phrasal verb wear out sb or wear sb out tire out sb or tire sb out do in sb or do sb in (informal) worn out tired out done in (informal) wiped out (informal) Going round the shops all day has worn/tired me out / done me in. What a day I've had! 1 am worn out / tired out / done in / wiped out! make someone very tired burn out burnt-out (noun = burnout) Don't work too hard — or you’ll burn out before you’re 30! become so ill or tired that you can't work creatively, because of overwork washed out What's the matter with Kay? She looks washed out. tired, pale and ill J j e f o l l o w i n g e x e r c i s e b a s b e e n done by a fellow s t u d e n t . A r e b i s f b e r a n s w e r s c o r r e c t P u l a t i c k ( У ) i f t h e a n s w e r i s c o r r e c t o r , i f n o l , s u p p l y t h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r . *> 1 So you have to give blood. It won't hurt. correct 2 These pills will help to alleviate the pain. correct 3 H e h a s t o u n d e r g o s u r g e r y o n h i s l e f t k n e e a n d w i l l t h e r e f o r e n o t p l a y i n M i l a n . c o r r e c t <5 B a l h l n g y o u r a n k l e I n c o l d w a t e r s h o u l d c o n t r a c t r e d u c e t h e s w e l l i n g . 5 T h e s e p a i n k i l l e r s w i l l m a k e t a k e e f f e c t a l m o s t i m m e d i a t e l y . 6 I took contracted the disease in Africa last summer. 7 II w a s h i s w i f e w h o r e g a i n e d n u r s e d h i m b a c k t o h e a l t h , t e n d i n g t o h i s e v e r y n e e d . 8 S h e w a s O u t c o l d . I t w a s s e v e n h o u r s b e f o r e s h e r e d u c e d r e g a i n c o n s c i o u s n e s s . 9 If i t d o e s n ' t r e s p o n d t o t h i s t r e a t m e n t , w e ' l l h a v e t o o p e r a t e . c o r r e c t 10 T h e h o s p i t a l ' s s e n i o r e y e s p e c i a l i s t w a s g o i n g t o n u r s e p e r f o r m t h e o p e r a t i o n , s o s h e w a s i n g o o d h a n d s . 11 M o s t c o m m o n i n f e c t i o n s c a n b e t r e a t e d w i t h a n t i b i o t i c s . c o r r e c t 12 T h a n k f u l l y , h e p e r f o r m e d m a d e a c o m p l e t e r e c o v e r y . 3. What do you think Is bappening/bas happened in the pictures A rush to hospital/s uffef from; heart attack/un dergo surgery/lif e/hang by a thread/int enslve care/resp ond to treatment /on the mend В You'll have to speak up a bit: he's ! ' . quite hard ot hearing. a runny nose; it you have (got) a tunny nose or it your nose Is • \ running, you have a cold and your . j nose is producing a lot of liquid j I've just got a bit ot runny nose і and a bit ol a sore tlvoat, that's all. ; to bn iiorlouflly-lll: to bo very III and , probably in hospital as a result ■ She Is seriously III in hospital and the doctors say that it Is touch and go whether she will pull through. shooting pnlnrr; sudden, sharp pains Which do not last for a long lime ■ • but which do repeat themselves ; I keep;gettlng‘shooting'pa!ns Іікещ/г/ needles in my back/.. . : Г, v:; a sore throat: It you have .(got) a* sore throat, your throat hurts so that you find it difficult to swallow ./1 ami sometimes even to speak " « ■'/:/ These lozenges его very good lor a sore threat. ■■ ;i stinking cold: a very bad cold I’m no! going into work today. I Vo ■ got a stinking cold. i tft have a touch of flu: to have,some ■ ot the symptoms ol flu (a runny ’ і nose, a headache, efoj butnof be , / so ill that you need to go to bed . ; : ' I've just got a touch ol Ihi. it's nothing a lew paracetamol won't tix. to feel (a bit) under the weather/ off- colour: to feel slightly III Geoff wenf (o work yesterday, even though he tell under the weather. You don't normally need to visit the doctor or take any medicine it you just fee/ olt-colour. to have an upset stomach/to have a.stomach upset: not be able to keep anything in your stomach because you have probably eaten or drunk sth bad The last time I ate that, I got an upset stomach. CP ractice 1. Complete ibe sentences with an appropriate phrasal verb from the box below. You may have to change the tense or form of the verbs. go doom with - take out - come out of - pass out - come oul ш - put on - pud l6roug£> - shake off - come round/to - put out - wear off - clear up 1 Ted put his back out trying to lift a very heavy box of books. 2 Chris is allergic to cheese, and if she has even a slice of it she will come out in a rash all over her body. 3 i can’t seem to shake off this cold. I've tried everything, but it just won't go away. 4 He passed out One minute he was standing, chatting to Mark, and the next he was on the floor, 5 I didn't feel anything because I was anaesthetised, but when the anaesthetic wore off I was in agony, 6 Naturally, we’re all incredibly relieved, as at one point it was touch and go whether he would pull through 7 Her tooth was so decayed she had to have it J. a. Complete tbe sentences in Section Л with an appropriate noun from Section B. 8 When he came out of his coma, the first words he said were "Where am I?” 9 We're so short-staffed because half our teachers have gone down with food poisoning. 10 As Emi's throat Infection hadn’t cleared up the doctor decided to put her on a stronger course of antibiotics. 11 I don’t know how long I had been unconscious, but when I came round I found myself neatly tucked up in a hospital bed. 12 The doctor put Anna on a special diet for diabetics. A B_ 1 I’ve got a stinking....................cold 2 She's got a runny.....................nose 3 He's got a sore.....................throat вШМІшІ 4 I shouldn't have eaten that curry. It's given me an upset stomach.... W ІІІ1ЇМ 5 I think I’ve got a touch of flu................ .nose’ 6 I’ve go! a blinding...................headache, headache1 7 Before he collapsed, he complained of eyesight a shooting pain In his chest. ill 8 He's not coming Into work today. Ha breakdown says he feels a bit off-colour........ rain 9 It's a highly infectious disease....... pain 10 I've got a stomach bug.............. bug 11 She Is seriously ill................. . disease. 12 He had a nervous...................breakdown r stomach 13 I'm feeling a bit under the weather..... 14 She's gol very poor.....................eyesight 15 Take two of these and you'll feel as right As rain in the morning. \__________) 2. Makeup questions for tbe following answers. 1 A: ........................................................................... B: I'm sure he'll pull through. 2 A: ............ ........................................................... B: Yes. I can’t seem to shake it off. 3 A; ......................................................................... B: It’ll clear up within a couple of days. 4 A: .......... ............................................................. B: She Just passed out! b. Can you match tbe pictures to any of tbe sentences in 3a? 8 4 iLHlU. I:! Health and fitness Topic vocabulary in contrabtsee page 191 for definitions prescription / recipe thin /slim infection/pollution operation / surgery remedy / cure / therapy plaster / bandage sore/hurt/pain effect / result ward /clinic illness / disease healthy/fit dose/ fix injured/damaged examine / investigate fever/rash i!F№SS break out start suddenly (for a war, fire, etc) give up stop doing sth you do regularly bring on cause (an illness, etc) look after take care of come down with start to suffer from a minor illness pass out suddenly become unconscious come round/to become conscious pull through survive (a serious illness, etc) cut down (on) do less of (smoking, etc); reduce an amount of put down kill (a sick/old animal) feel up to feel well enough to do put on gain (weight) get over recover from (an illness,etc) wear off stop being effective (for a drug,etc) alternative alternative medicme/therapy;find an alternative (to sth) appointment make/have/break an appointment bath have/take a bath; run a bath (for sb) danger in danger; out of danger exercise do an exercise;do exercise; take/get (some) exercise fit get/stay/keep/be fit; fit and healthy good do sb good;sth does you good;good for sb (to do) health in good/bad/poor/etc health; health centre; health care injection have an injection (for/against sth); give sb an injection medicine take/prescribe medicine;practise/study medicine; the best medicine;alternative medicine shape get Іп/into shape; stay/keep in shape; the shape of sth; in the shape of spread spread sth; spread sth over/on sth; spread to a place addicted to sth need to do; need doing; in need of; no need for attempt to do operate on sb/sth benefit from sth; a benefit of sth suffer from sth; suffer sth complain (to sb) (about sth/sb doing); complain of sth tired of sth/doing cope with sth/doing try to do; try sth/sb/doinq;try and do inject sth into sth/sb worry about sth/sb doing; worried that; worried about/by lead to sth/(your) doing worth sth/doing likely to do; it is (un)likely that allergy allergic fit unfit, fitness poison poisonous, poisoning aware unaware, awareness ill illness recover recovery benefit beneficial inject injection strong strength, strengthen, strongly comfort discomfort, (un)comfortable, (un)comfortably injure injury, injuries surgery surgeon,surgical(ly) emphasis emphasise, emphatic operate operation, operator,operating, cooperate, cooperation, (un)cooperative treat treatment in June. Health and fitness U/l/t 14 6 The flu epidemic started suddenly in June and lots of people got ill. out Lots of people got ill when the flu epidemic broke out 1 Gill slowly came round after the operation, (became conscious) 2 My dad is trying to cut down on smoking, (do less) A on with lasers these days? В going to the gym more often? C losing a bit of weight. D telling my dad to give up smoking. E to have health problems later in life. Unit 14 Vocabulary 8 6 D Write a phrasal verb in the correct form to replace the words in bold. 3 і think the medicine is beginning to wear off (stop being effective) 4 Bill decided that he needed to go on a diet after putting on weight, (gaining) 5 It was so hot in the stadium that a number of people passed out (became unconscious) 6 I finally got over the cold that I had had all week, (recover from) 7 We thought we were going to lose our horse when he got ill, but he managed to pull through .........................................(survive) 8 My dentist told me to look after my teeth, (take care of) Phrases and collocations E Choose the correct answer. 1 Let me a nice warm bath and you'll feel a lot better. A make В run C get D build 2 When the snake bit Mike in the forest, he knew he was................serious danger. A to В with C on D in 3 injection wasn't as painful as I thought it was going to be. A given В done C made 0 taken 4 Hello? Yes, I'd like appointment for tomorrow with Dr Fletcher, please. A form В do C break D make 5 My grandfather's over 95 and is...............pretty poor health these days. A on В to C with D in 6 I was told to............the medicine three times a day, before meals. A take В eat C get D do 7 I like by going to the gym at least twice a week. A continue В make C keep D set 8 Eat your vegetables.They'l! good. A make В get C have D do 9 The key to losing weight is to..........more exercise. A get В make C go D create 10 You should try alternative to all those sugary snacks you eat. A make В find t take D do 11 I'm going to make a real effort to get.....................shape for the summer. A on В to C in D from 12 Try spreading something low fat..............your bread instead of butter. A in В through C around D on Word patterns F Match to make sentences. 1 It is said that people who eat poorly are likely........e i 2 a Did you know that you can have your eyes operated 1 2 3 1 I'm getting really tired of d 2 Why don’t you try b 3 It really is worth c 2 I'm allergic to peanuts so I have to be very careful what I eat. (ALLERGY) 3 Jade's illness turned out to be much more serious than anyone imagined. (ILL) НеаШі and fitness Unit 14 87 G Water has damaged part of this text about the drug problem. Read it and decide what you think each of the original words was. Write the words in the blank spaces. THE DRUG P R О В ХЛЇ \\li Many people today are worried about drugs. It seems that more 1 and more people are becoming addicted to substances, such as 2 heroine and cocaine, that damage their health. But what leads to 3 people becoming addicts? What makes someone inject a drug into their veins? Is it because of their inability to cope with problems in 5 their everyday lives? One thing is for sure. When we complain about the problems caused by hard drugs, we need to remember that people suffer from a!l kinds of health problems caused by legal 8 drugs,such as alcohol and tobacco. We would all benefit from more 9 education and the government should attempt to rnake sure we 10 all know the risks involved. Word formation H Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary. 1 Most people seem to be unaware of the harmful effects of their diet. (AWARE) 4 Did you know Australia has the highest number of poisonous species of snake? (POISON) 5 After a couple of weeks, the plaster cast on my leg became really comfortable and I couldn't wait to take it off. (COMFORT) 6 I was really impressed by the fitness levels of all the athletes. (FIT) 7 Luckily,Ted's injuries weren't serious. (INJURE) 8 Working out can really strengthen your muscles. (STRONG) I Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. The no-surgery solution! These days, it seems there`s (1) operation.....for everything. Whether you OPERATE . . want something made smaller or you want to (2) emphasise your best- EMPHASIS features, you can bet that plastic (3)surgeons..claim to have the solution. SURGERY We at BodySculpt know, though, that you don't want the (4) discomfort COMFORT associated with surgery. But you can’t enjoy the (5) beneficial..........effects : BENEFIT without going under the knife, can you? Yes! No need for (6) surgical. . procedures with a long (7) recovery ..period! Our unique service consists: of a series of (8) injections .... that Will give, you the results you've always INJECT . wanted! Call now and speak to one of our (9)...operators..... OPERATE 48 Work on your Vocabulary Upper Intermediate (B2) Exercise б Match the words with the pictures. 1 bungalow 2 detached house 3 semi-detached house 4 terraced house 5 shed 6 tower block Doctor Mr Goode Doctor Mr Goode AIDS allergy ВЖ- Good morning; Mf^Goode/Wharc'an.l do for you? - rhavenrt:beenfuelingi v/ejttpr-'a couple ofweeks. I haveйоге;throat:ari'd;a:funny nose ait the time, butj don'^realfyrseem to have a co}d. Afsp, my e^es;are stinging: I seel it may be that you havelab allergy tirne.of.ybar. Have 'you had a rash atall? • • . ' d - ‘ ' ' ■ ■■ ^.,1і . i Yes, I had one on my stomach for a white, but it's gone now. ■>. Doctor. f expect that's what it isJ I'll give yoU a prescription fdpihat>;an«dyou.'tpu|d^^'usin^^'?' r some eye drops to help your eyes. If you're not better in a weeky come ahcfseeme again'.- Cast month, ( fell off my bike and broke my-Wrl^quite badlyi I had.aWx^ray^and^^ l would heedsurgery to fixlt p r o p e r t y . t a t e r * : ; . г л > : с c ; v- = • Thesurgeoncame to the ward-beforeh^what, herwas-gbiog^tq^ for a dayl They sent me home with e'dose:ofstrohg;pamkillersran(± f.hadvto;gp;back.ayyeek later fbcT the doctors to check the wound. ч NOUNAIDS is a disease that destroys the natural system of protection that the body has against other diseases. AIDS is an abbreviation for 'acquired immune deficiency syndrome'. NOUNIf you have a particular allergy, you become Ш or get a rash when you eat, smell, or touch something that does not normally make people ill. r; antibiotics NOUN Antibiotics are medical drugs used to kill bacteria and treat infections. , ~~ blood pressure NOUN Your blood pressure is the amount of force with which your blood flows ' around your body. bruise NOUN A bruise is an injury that appears as a purple mark on your body, although ! the skin is not broken. j cholesterol level noun Your cholesterol level is the amount of the substance cholesterol (= a fatty j substance that can cause heart disease if you have too much) that you have in ] your body. j v dose NOUN A dose of medicine or a drug is a measured amount of it which is intended to > be taken at one time. ; eye drops NOUN Eye drops are a kind of medicine that you put in your eyes one drop at a time. t Injection NOUN If you have an injection, a doctor or nurse puts a medicine into your body using a device with a needle called a syringe. medici ГТСТ .5 painkiller cycTT plaster VTr. prescription pulse rash runny nose v'yqT ' sore throat T'TVTv surgeon :‘ surgery .c.- cTfc ward . ~ - wound 50 Work on your Vocabulary Upper Intermediate (B2) NOUN A painkiller is a type of medicine that reduces or stops pain. NOUN A plaster is a strip of sticky material used for covering small cuts or sores on your body. NOUN A prescription Is the piece of paper on which your doctor writes an order for medicine and which you give to a chemist or pharmacist to get the medicine. NOUN Your pulse is the regular beating of blood through your body, which you can feel when you touch particular parts of your body, especially your wrist. NOUN A rash is an area of red spots that appears on your skin when you are ill or have a bad reaction to something that you have eaten or touched. NOUN If someone has a runny nose, liquid Is coming from their nose, usually because they have a cold. NOUN If someone has a sore throat, their throat hurts, often because they have an illness. NOUN A surgeon is a doctor who is specially trained to perform surgery. NOUN Surgery is medical treatment in which someone's body is cut open so that a doctor can repair, remove, or replace a diseased or damaged part. NOUN A ward is a room in a hospital that has beds for many people, often people who need similar treatment. NOUN A wound is damage to part of your body, especially a cut or a hole in your flesh, which is caused by a gun, knife, or other weapon. Exercise 1 Choose the correct word or phrase. The company medical centre offers the following care for employees and their families: Regular health checks, including, where appropriate, ’blood pressure / eye drops. The nurse can also take blood samples to monitor Jpulse / cholesterol level, etc. She is qualified to write 3prescriptions / injections for medications such as 4sore throats / antibiotics, and can treat minor 'wounds / wards which do not require 6surgery / doses. Exercise 2 Rearrange the letters to find words. Use the definitions to help you. 1 Gylarel allergy (hay fever is one example of this) 2 Busier bruise (a sign that you have knocked yourself against something hard) 3 trooshelcel velle cholesterol level (a high-fat diet may raise this) 4 odes dose (the amount of medication that is given to a particular person) 5 straple plaster (this is what you.need when you cut your hand) 6 ungores surgeon (this is a type of doctor who performs an operation) UNIT 12 Health, medicine and exercise pggl allergic ADJECTIVE If you are allergic to something, you become ill or get a rash when you eat it, smell it, or touch it. blister NOUN A blister is a painful swelling on the surface of your skin. Blisters contain a dear liquid and are usually caused by heat or by something repeatedly rubbing your skin. ^ blood sample NOUN A blood sample is a small amount of someone's blood that can be tested to see if it contains a particular substance or if the person has a medical condition. cramp NOUN Cramp is a sudden strong pain caused by a muscle suddenly contracting. You sometimes get cramp in a muscle after you have been making a physical effort over a long period of time. diagnosis NOUN Diagnosis is the discovery and naming of what is wrong with someone who is ill or with something that is not working properly. dosage NOUN A dosage Is the amount of a medicine or drug that someone takes or should take. і epidemic NOUN If there is an epidemic of a particular disease somewhere, it affects a very large number of people there and spreads quickly to other areas. ЗІІ1ІІІ1І 1 VERB If you graze a part of your body, you injure your skin by scraping against something. 2 NOUN A graze is a small wound caused by scraping against something. Щ immune ADJECTIVE If you are immune to a particular disease, you cannot be affected by it. immune system NOUN Your immune system consists of all the organs and processes in your body which protect you from illness and infection. , і m ;щ nauseous ADJECTIVE If you feel nauseous, you feel as if you want to vomit. Щ operating theatre NOUN An operating theatre is a special room in a hospital where surgeons carry out medical operations. preventative ■ V' ‘ 1 medicine NOUN Preventative medicine consists of treatments and actions that are intended to help prevent people becoming ill. Pro9nos*s NOUN A prognosis is an estimate of the future of someone or something, especially about whether a patient will recover from an illness. §|||||| sprained ADJECTIVE A sprained ankle or wrist is one that has been damaged by being twisted or bent violently. stethoscope NOUN A stethoscope is an instrument that a doctor uses to listen to your heart and breathing. It consists of a small disc that Is placed on your body, connected to a hollow tube with two pieces that the doctor puts in his or her ears. H NOUN A swelling is a raised, curved shape on the surface of your body which appears as a result of an injury or an illness. Exercise 1 Complete the sentences by writing one word or phrase in each gap. ddosages ф . twisted anklcs j ctamps j , blood samples j.sydnges f Work on your Vocabulary Advanced (Cl) coot A syringe is ;) smai( rube with a 'inn hollow need in at (be end Syringes ate used tor poi mu; : n p u t ; ;nto r to і г г i n and sot takrng liquids out. for example tor injecting drugs or ■n and sot takrng liquids out. for example tor injecting drugs or for raking blood from someone's body. nor n A tranquillizer is a drug that makes someone calm есеру or unconscious, і nrana; A twisted onMe or wrist has been interred by being turned too sharply і г novn A vaccination O, a substance comnmmg a harmiess form or she germs that I cause a рпг ЬсеЬг disease, pur into someone's body to slop them from getting ; the disease, usually by an upe::an •’■«'pidermcs и j ' і:ЬГіЯЄгкл id 1 My now boots rubbed so badly that I had a couple of large blisters_______________on my feet by the end of the walk. 2 Tina woke up in the middle of the night with worse stomach cramps ..............................than she had ever experienced before. 3 The hospital changed its supplier of syringes because so many had been faulty. 4 The doctor decided to reduce the dosages _________of both the medicines I was taking. because of the side-effects і was suffering. 5 i ve had to go to the surgery several times to give – blood samples ................, and the doctor still can't won :iu! what's causing my symptoms, 6 No sm.iilpor epidemics have occurred since the disease was declared eradicated lit ! 979. Exercise 2 Choose the correct word or phrase. 1 I don`t eat shellfish because I’m immune / allergic to it, 2 The donor`s prognosis і diagnosis was that she had an excellent chance of recovery. 3 І rn going to increase the dosage / tranquillizer of morphine so that you can manage the Pam more easily. 4 I’ve got a swelling / sprained wrist from playing tennis. 5 Pierre'., immune system ! blood sample produced a negative result. 6 Tegon came back from her skiing trip with a grazed / twisted ankle. UNIT 12 Health, medicine and exercise bcercise 3 put the correct word or phrase in each gap, " dos agep rognos i s ' і tvwyfec^ ‘|, ^diagnosis f tyfmge if/blopdSamples stethoscope* ! operating tfjpatr^ \ ‘^vaccinations 1, ■* Д1 i : j M 2th December Took baby to the doctor's today for her ’vaccination...........She screamed when she saw the !____syringe 1 She must have guessed it was going to hurt her. He also listened to her chest but the 1 stethoscope must have been cold as she started screaming again! і was glad to get home. Mum will be in the ■' —operating theatre_this time tomorrow. Cm not too -worried because, the 5 prognosis is good so she should soon be on the mend. Leo's "______twisted his ankle playing football, so I may need to take him for an X-ray tomorrow, Hopefully that will be the end of all these medical visits for a while! Hxercise 4 Rearrange the letters to find words. Use the definitions to help you. 1 essouaun__________ nauseous _(a feeling of wanting to vomit) 2 muniem__________________immune {referring to the system that protects the body against disease) 3 liingswe________ ...___________swelling (an enlargement of part of the body due to accumulating liquid) 4 reitrsraqlizui........tranquillizer - (a medicine which helps to reduce anxiety) 5 medipeci.....epidemic.(a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease, such as flu? 6 Rpmca cramp (a painful muscle contraction) exercise 5 Which sentences are correct? 1 Katya grazed her knee and had to put a plaster on it. cj 2 The diagnosis is great he should be fully recovered in amonth ortwo. false _1 3 The idea behind preventative medicine is that you shouldn't become sick with what you're being protected against. ’_1 4 Twists and sprains are pretty much the some thing. CJ 5 If you're allergic to something you ate immune to it. false □ 6 Jen felt quite nauseous during the first three months of herpregnancy. Q
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