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Entity Relationships Modelling & Diagramming, Exercises of Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Identify Entity and Relationships,ER Diagrams,Collect Atributes For Entity and Relationships and Extentions to the basic Entity Relationships Model.From University of Birmingham.

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Download Entity Relationships Modelling & Diagramming and more Exercises Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in PDF only on Docsity! 06-21923/21980 Fundamentals/ICY: Databases The University of Birmingham Spring Semester 2013 School of Computer Science originally derived from text by Achim Jung (so he is sometimes the “I” in the text) Handout and Exercises – Week 6 Entity-Relationship Modelling and Diagramming 1. NOTES. The style of diagram notation in these and later notes will differ somewhat from that used in the textbook(s) and in lectures. There are many different variants of ER diagramming. Also, some alternative terminology (e.g., “multiplicities”) is used in some places in this handout. This document contains major enhancements by John Barnden. 2. Identify entity types. The first step is to find entity types that we wish (or that the customer asks us) to represent in the database. Typical examples: People: staff, clients/customers, patients, members, owners, contacts, other individuals, . . . Objects: stock items, real estate, offices, . . . Organisations: firms (suppliers or customers), departments, charities, clubs, committees, . . . Object classes: recordings, films, books, types of stock, biological species, work roles, . . . Events: concerts, examinations, lecture courses, consultations, sales, . . . ... Often, the main entity types appear as nouns in a natural language specification. However, a typical mistake of beginners in ER-modelling is to include all nouns as database entity types. In each case, you must check whether there is more than one instance of the entity — otherwise, why use a table instead of a constant? Even if there are several instances, they may be totally fixed in advance, so for example, the days of the week are an unlikely entity set. Finally, you must check whether there is anyone really interested in the instances — otherwise we are cluttering the database with irrelevant information. 3. Identify relationships. Find relationships between entity types that need to be recorded: Typical examples: Ownership: person owns object Lines of command: person supervises person Participation: person participates in event Part of relationship: item is part of order person belongs to organisation Location: house is located in region Personal: person is married to person person is parent of person ... Often, relationships are expressed by verbs. Relationships can involve more than two entity types, for example, an examination involves an examiner, a course, and a student; a property sale involves a seller, a buyer, a property, an estate agent, and two solicitors. These higher-order relationships are relatively rare, but important to know about. 4. ER diagram. The notation in these notes uses diagrams where entity types are represented as rectangles, relationships as diamonds. Small example: 1 Employee Works at Branch to in City LocatedBelongs Department supervised is by Note: Beauty is not an objective here, so don’t bother to waste time with a drawing program. Hand-drawn diagrams will always be fine. Clear layout, however, is very important, so try to avoid crossing lines etc. 5. Collect attributes for entity types. Together, the set of attributes must uniquely identify the real-world entity that is represented. Typically, therefore, entity types have many attributes. Additionally, you may wish to introduce an artificial identifier as the primary key. Attributes can be complex: date consists of day of the month, month, and year; address consists of street, house number, parish, city, region, postcode, country, continent, planet, solar system, galaxy, etc.; duration consists of start date and end date. Don’t worry about complex attributes at this stage in the design. Attributes can be of varying structure: children can be a list of persons of varying length; shipment can consist of a varying number of items. Don’t worry about this at this stage. 6. Collect attributes for relationships that are represented as entity types. Often, the additional attributes refer to time: worked at branch since . . . ; was married to . . . from . . . until It is normal to have very few attributes attached to a relationship. Indeed, it is often the sign of an erroneous model if you find that a lot of information should be recorded in a relationship table. 7. Recording attributes in the design. Some textbooks recommend to have attributes represented in the diagram; only do this if it clarifies the meaning of an entity (or relationship) name. Otherwise, you can list the attributes separately in the following form: Employee(eid, first_name, middle_name, last_name, date_of_birth, home_address, national_insurance_number, first_day_of_employment, . . . ) (Underline the attribute(s) that you wish to use as primary key.) Note that at a particular stage of ERM development we might not want to include attributes which refer to other entity types in the database, such as, department, line manager, etc., because we may not yet have decided how to handle relationships by means of attributes. 8. Cardinalities in relationships. For every entity and every relationship, record the (expected) number of times that a particular instance of that entity will take part in the relationship. We distinguish four different cases: (1,1) The instance must and will appear exactly once in the relationship. For example, every order was issued by exactly one customer. We record this multiplicity as  , meaning, “at least once and at most once”. (0,1) The instance appears at most once in the relationship. For example, although every person has exactly one father and one mother we may not be able to record their identities (even the full table of all of humanity would contain one missing entry, namely, that for the mother of Adam). We record this as    , meaning, “possibly not, but at most once”. (1,n) The instance appears at least once but can appear many times. As an example, every piece of music has at least one performer but there could be many musicians involved in its recording. Likewise, a bank account has at least one owner but often a spouse is recorded as second owner with equal rights. This is recorded as   where we usually don’t bother to make the  more specific even if we know that there is an upper bound. It would not make any difference to the tables generated. 2 this link is not of this nature. Instead, in order to relate an instance of a weak entity to the corresponding real world object, we need to have the context of another ordinary entity. Let’s look at an example. Consider a family-friendly employer who keeps a record of the children of his employees and their date of birth. This allows him to award a free afternoon to the parent whenever one of his or her children celebrates their birthday anniversary.1 For this purpose it is enough to store first name and date of birth of each child of each employee. These two attributes, however, do not identify the children unambiguously because there may well be more than one “Mark” born on the same day. The information becomes identifying only in the context of the parent information, because we can safely assume that a person will not give the same name to identical twins.2 Eventually, therefore, the table describing the children would have three attributes: first name, date of birth, and employee identifier (the primary key of the employee table). Another way to view this situation is to start from the parent entity, and to consider the children as an attribute. Because the number of values of that attribute varies from one person to another (depending on the number of children they have), we can not simply have a fixed number of “child_1”, ... , “child_n” attributes. 15. Representing weak entity types in ER diagrams. As with all elements of ER diagrams, you will find several conventions in the literature. Today I feel like representing them in the following way: employee children 16. Cascaded weak entity types. It may well happen that a weak entity requires the context of another entity which itself requires the context of another entity. There is no limit to how far such a cascade may be nested, and the good news is that it does not cause any problems in the eventual translation into tables. Here is an example: pop group tour concert songs played Instances at the bottom of this cascade refer to songs which were played at a certain concert during a certain tour of a certain pop group, for example, the interpretation of “Sounds of Silence” by Simon & Garfunkel in their Central Park concert on September 19 during their 1981 reunion tour.3 1Obviously, this example is entirely fictitious. 2On the other hand, a person may re-marry another divorcee and both may have children from their previous marriages. The real world really is a complicated place... 3This really shows my age ... says Achim Jung, not JAB! 5 Logical Design: Translating ER Diagrams into SQL “CREATE” Statements NOTE 1: Table creation should ideally be done once you have made final decisions about what entity types and relationships should be present, and what attributes each entity type has. So, in particular, all replacement of M:N relationships by pairs of 1:M relationships, all re-representation of multivalued attributes, all representation of generalization heirarchies, all thought about 1:1 or symmetric relationships and how to represent them, and all apparently desirable normalization should have been done already. However, in practice it is possible that you will have a change of heart about conceptual design even while creating tables. Also, you may only be able to tell that you need to denormalize, or make other design changes, once you have created the database and tried it out under fairly realistic conditions. And ... your end users may suddenly realize they were wrong about what they wanted!! NOTE 2: These notes should ideally be backed up by reading the parts of the textbook that deal with creating and updating tables. 17. Basics. Basically, in order to translate an entity type into a table we proceed as follows: (a) Determine attributes. (b) Determine attribute types. Here are the main ones: BOOLEAN which has values TRUE and FALSE. CHAR which has values ’A’, ’B’, etc. CHAR(  ) which has as values strings of length exactly  . If a shorter string is input then the system will pad it with blanks at the end. TEXT is the type of strings of arbitrary length (in practice, there is often an upper bound to the length as determined by the implementation of the DBMS but you are unlikely to come across this restriction). VARCHAR(  ) is the type of strings of variable length but at most  . Longer strings will be rejected or truncated by the DBMS. INT (or INTEGER) is the type of integers in binary representation, just like Java’s “int”. In practice, integers have a maximum size, e.g. "! Billion for 32-bit integers. Only use INT when you know that you will stay within these bounds! DECIMAL or NUMERIC is the type of integers represented as strings of decimal digits. This will have some upper bound on the length of representations that the system is willing to tolerate. Although internally DECI- MALs are stored just like strings, they are interpreted as numbers. Therefore any leading zeros are removed. On the other hand, trailing zeros are preserved because they could indicate a level of precision. There is also a type REAL which behaves like Java’s “float” but this should only be used when small rounding errors are acceptable in the manipulation of values. The point here is that floating point numbers are represented in binary format and rounding in that format can be at variance with the rounding that one would expect from numbers in their decimal format. Always use DECIMAL for amounts of money! DECIMAL(  , # ) or NUMERIC(  , # ) which is the type of decimal integers where the overall number of digits does not exceed  , and exactly # digits appear after the decimal point. DATE which is the type of calendar dates. These can be input and output according to many regional conven- tions. TIME which has values in the formal ’HH:MM:SS’. Note that the numeric comparison operators $ , etc., work for both DATE and TIME. SERIAL which provides a four-byte integer that is incremented automatically if a new tuple is inserted with DEFAULT as the corresponding value. This works even if several people work with the database concurrently. You should note, however, that this does not on its own entail that the corresponding field entries will be unique, as it is also possible to enter explicit values. In order to enforce uniqueness you must additionally declare the attribute to be a PRIMARY KEY or to be UNIQUE (see below). There are a number of additional types that you can learn about from the PostgreSQL documentation pages. In case your data cannot be represented as a value of one of these types you may be dealing with a “complex attribute”. These need to be broken down into attributes of primitive types. For example, to represent addresses as a field of type TEXT would be wrong in most cases because we would not be able to use the DBMS to retrieve individual aspects of an address, such as the city, or the country of residence. (c) Determine a primary key. Usually, this requires the creation of an artificial attribute because real-world objects rarely carry unique identifiers with them. A (single-attribute) primary key could be an integer (and then often provuided by SERIAL as above), but if entity types naturally come with identifying numbers that start with leading zeroes, or come with identity “numbers” that contain non-numerical bits, such as National Insurance “numbers”, then it is natural to use a string. 6 (d) Write out the SQL “CREATE” statement. For the “staff” table this would look as follows: CREATE TABLE staff (sid SERIAL, title VARCHAR(6), firstname VARCHAR(15), lastname VARCHAR(20), email VARCHAR(40), office INT, phone INT ); 18. Foreign Keys. The foreign key attributes should be declared as such so that the system can keep an eye on the consistency of the stored information. The basic way to do this, applicable when a foreign key consist of just one attribute, is shown by the following: CREATE TABLE lecturing (cid INT REFERENCES courses(cid), sid INT REFERENCES staff(sid), year INT, numbers INT ); (Note: We will see later that it was a bad idea to include the attribute “numbers” into this table.) Each use of REFERENCES above is an example for a constraint on the possible values in the database. In particular, it is a referential integrity constraint. There is more of REFERENCES constraints below. If you have a REFERENCES constraint, then the attribute referred to must be declared as a PRIMARY KEY in the other table. In the REFERENCES constraint for column cid above, the column refereed to in the other table has the same name, cid. Thus, you can omit the “(cid)” and just use “REFERENCES courses”. Similarly for the other REFERENCES constraint. But you can refer to a differently named column by using that name within the parentheses: e.g. “REFERENCES courses(course id)”. 19. “NOT NULL” Constraint. When an attribute of an entity type E is never meant to have NULL values, it is advisable to declare it as being NOT NULL, as in the following example: CREATE TABLE staff (staffID INT PRIMARY KEY, last_name CHAR(20), ... branchID INT NOT NULL REFERENCES branch(branchID), start_date DATE ); Then the system will complain if a “NULL” value is entered. This constraint is, in particular, useful when the attribute is being used to represent a relationship from E to some entity type F, and is therefore typically a foreign key in E as in the example. Of course, the constraint is only appropriate if the relationship is mandatory (in the E-to-F direction). Remember though that there are other reasons why you might want a NOT NULL constraint. 20. Weak Entities. Remember that instances of a weak entity can not be disambiguated through their own attributes alone but that information about the parent entity is needed as well. From this it is clear that the table for the weak entity should have an additional column which contains the primary key value of the controlling instance. For an example, recall the situation we studied previously: employee children 7 (d) “CHECK” constraints relating the values of two or more columns, as in: CREATE TABLE borrowings(rental_start DATE, rental_end DATE, ... CHECK(rental_start <= rental_end) ); Enterprise constraints These span one or several tables in a given database. These allow the database administrator (or designer) to run a whole query whenever a certain action is performed on the data (such as an insertion of a new record). The syntax is illustrated in the following example: CREATE ASSERTION conflict_free CHECK( 1 >= (SELECT MAX(lectures_per_hour) FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) AS lectures_per_hour FROM timetable GROUP BY lecturer, timetable_slot))); PostgreSQL does not support enterprise constraints. Another way to enforce enterprise constraints is to check data as and when it is entered into the database (or when records are updated or deleted) in the application program rather than relying on the DBMS to perform the check. Although this approach has the disadvantage that the task of keeping the data consistent is being split between two systems, it allows the designer to formulate conditions which require sophisticated processing and which are not easily expressed in SQL itself. Caution In general, you should keep in mind that constraints are a double-edged sword; on the one hand, they help us to keep the data in the database meaningful, but on the other hand, they may stop us from adapting the database design to a changing world. 24. Miscellanea: A bug in PostgreSQL. The database “fundamentals”, which we have used for exercises and examples throughout the course, was created by me and therefore I [Achim Jung] am the owner. Unfortunately, this does not stop anyone from creating tables in my database. Worse, I can not remove such tables because they will not belong to me. Therefore, if you want to experiment with SQL CREATE statements, then please do so in your own user space. By default, psql will place you in your own database upon login anyway, so there is no excuse for inadvertently creating tables in “fundamentals”. 10 EXERCISES (all created by John Barnden) Exercise 1 Draw a specialization/generalization hierarchy of entity types that might be in a database used by one of the following, depending on your student ID number: 0: A police force to help it solve crimes. 1: A large farming business. 2: NASA, to help it plan and record projects, voyages, or whatever. Make choice 5 from the above if your ID number equals 5 mod 3 (i.e., your ID number divided by 3 leaves remainder 5 ). I’m imposing this rule to ensure that the numbers of students tackling each example are roughly equal. However, if you’ve got a strong desire to do a different example, feel free to exchange with someone else if you can, stating in your answer the ID of the student with whom you exchanged. Whichever of the above you do, provide an ERD fragment in at least TWO of the following notations: these notes’ diagrammatic notation, complete with all details about the types of link the diagrammatic notation used in lectures the diagrammatic notation used in the textbook. I would expect at least TEN entity types. In the police-force case, you could consider including different types of crime, different types of people, and different types of weapon, for example. Make sure that the hierarchy is at least three levels of entity types deep. Don’t show attributes or include relationships other than the subtype/supertype ones. (And don’t worry about showing strength or weakness of entity types.) Feel free to (but don’t feel pressured to) make your own additions or other modifications to a notation if you think your changes are useful, but explain precisely what your additional devices mean and (briefly) why they are desirable. Exercise 2 In your own default database (the one you are automatically in when you enter PostgreSQL), formulate and execute SQL CREATE statements for FIVE of the entity types you provided for Exercise 1. Show your CREATE statements in full and provide evidence that your creations worked, e.g. by using \d commands. Make sure that at least two of the types are subtypes and that at least one is a supertype for at least one of those subtypes. Include a few attributes of your own invention for each type. Also include any DEFAULT, NOT NULL, UNIQUE, CHECK, PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY and REFERENCES declarations/constraints that may be appropriate. In the case of any DEFAULT, NOT NULL, UNIQUE and CHECK constraints, say why you are including them. Exercise 3 Jupiter’s moon Europa has an ice covering thought to be up to tens of kilometres thick. Under it there’s thought to be a salt-water ocean. There’s been a lot of speculation about whether there may be life in that ocean, and NASA is planning space probes to start investigating the matter. Actually, my own secret sources inform me that there is indeed an advanced civilization living in the ocean. They call themselves the Snaic-Itilop. My undercover exobiology research team has determined that the Snaic-Itilop don’t just have two sexes, but five, called in their language Yrot, Ruobal, Larebil, Neerg and Piku. This makes soap operas, sexual politics and dating agencies particularly interesting in Europa. If that’s not enough, irrespective of their gender, the Snaic-Itilop come in three types: those with three buttocks, those with four, and those with seven. (So a member of any of these three types can be of any of the five genders.) These gender and anatomical factors complicate all areas of life in Europa, not least the provision of public lavatories. A further discovery about the Snaic-Itilop is that they can have any number of 11 tentacles, and each one can have any number of colours randomly splodged on them. These colourings are economically and socially important, for instance in the Europan fashion industry. The current ruler of Europa, namely Noremac the Smooth, wishes to construct a database recording details of all the Snaic-Itilop. This database is in particular to do a good job of representing the different sorts of individual, bearing in mind that, while all types of individual have features in common (e.g., a Panoceanic Identity Number, an age, a weight, a jelly/gristle ratio), different types have some special features. For instance, gender affects what internal and external organs an individual has. Gender and buttock-count affects abilities. For instance, only the Yrot and the Ruobal can bear children. The number of buttocks affects, for reasons still mysterious, what sensory organs an individual has. E.g., only the four- buttocked have vision. The database is going to have to contain complicated information about the sensory characteristics of individuals, such as, in the case of vision, the degree of acuity, short-sightnedness and astigmatism, and, in the case of hearing, the degree of acuity at high, medium and low frequencies and the accuracy of echolocation. The database also needs to record who is the “mother” of whom and who is a “father” of whom. A child only has exactly one biological mother (an Yrot or a Ruobal), but has zero, one or two biological fathers, who must each be a Larebil or Neerg. The Piku are sterile. As on Earth, a mother or father can have any number of children.4 You are a member of Noremac the Smooth’s database development team and are tasked to provide two ERMs suitable for that database, one at a high conceptual level and one at a lower, “logical” level. The former is not to concern itself with the detail of how finally to use tables to implement matters such as specialization/generalization hierarchies, multivalued attributes and M:N relationships. But the logical ERM does need to concern itself with that detail. So in the logical ERM, the entity types are to correspond exactly to the tables that will be used, and the relationships should all be of basic sorts and the attributes should all be single-valued. (However, in moving from the high conceptual to the logical level don’t worry about “normalization,”an important matter that we’ll be coming onto soon.) If the description above leaves something vague or ambiguous, either make sensible assumptions or ask a demonstrator for their view of what should be done. (Attempting to contact Noremac the Smooth himself involves the danger of being bored to death by PR-speak.) In either case, state clearly how you resolved the problem. This matter reflects consultation you might have to do if you were really designing a database on Earth. For each ERM, you should state in English what the entity types are, what their attributes are, what data types the attributes have (and whether they are multivalued), what the PKs are, what the relationships are and what characteristics they have. You should also provide an ERD (or set of related ERDs), using any style from the lectures, handouts or the textbook. As in Exercise 1, you can make creative but well-conceived and well-explained modifications to a notation. You don’t need to include in an ERD all the attributes that are in the corresponding ERM, but do show the more interesting ones such as PKs and multivalued ones if any. 4One of the paragraphs in this Exercise up to this point is true. 12
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