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Tool Repository: Use Cases & Database Structure for Info Retrieval & Analysis, Study Guides, Projects, Research of Database Management Systems (DBMS)

The use cases and database structure of a tool repository for information retrieval and analysis. The repository includes tools for document understanding, information visualization, and social network analysis. Users can browse tools by category and search for tools by name or price. Sql commands to access and view the structure of the tables in the repository, which contain fields such as tool name, tool class name, price, received date, precision, and recall.

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Download Tool Repository: Use Cases & Database Structure for Info Retrieval & Analysis and more Study Guides, Projects, Research Database Management Systems (DBMS) in PDF only on Docsity! 1 Evaluation Framework for Intelligence Analysis CS6604 Fall 2005 – Final Report Nov, 30th, 2005 Name: Zhiyi Li Clients: Ryan Richardson, Albert Park, Morgan Pittkin 2 Abstract This final report summarizes the work on the project “Evaluation Framework for Intelligence Analysis.” The project goal is to establish a repository to store the information for intelligence analysis tools as well as a web-based interface for the repository. The 5S model is applied in this project. A web-based repository to store tools information is established. Three sections of work use cases design, repository design and implementation, and web-based interface design and implementation are described in this report. The data schema of the repository is redefined. The repository is populated with the information of tools. Use cases design is used to aid the design of the web-based interface for the repository. A web-based interface for the repository is designed and implemented. The user can browse and search tools in the repository. More tools information may be imported into the repository in the future. The web-based interface may need improvement to add new functions. 5 1 Executive Summary The objective of the project “Evaluation Framework for Intelligence Analysis” is to establish a web-based repository to aid the use of evaluating tools of Information Analysis to find and track potential suspects [1]. The three technology evaluation tools for populating this repository are: Document Understanding, Social Network Analysis, and Information Visualization. The main requirement of this project is to establish a repository to store information of analysis tools. The established repository is used to assist users find suitable technologies in their respective fields. In order to aid the use of the repository, a web-based front-end interface is also required. Use cases are designed to elicit the functional requirements or non-functional requirements for designing the interface. All the design and implementation of the repository should be guided by the 5S model [2]. The whole project work has three phases: the design and implementation of the repository, use cases design, and the design and the implementation of the web-based interface of the repository. In the first phase, the design and implementation of the repository, the data schema of the repository is refined and clarified to organize the information of the repository and maintain its integrity. Foreign keys in the tables in the repository define the relationship between different tables [3]; every field, field type, primary key, and foreign keys are clarified and defined as well. The repository is populated with tools information after it was established. In order to design a user-friendly web-based interface for the repository, three use cases are designed as the second phase of work in this project. These three use cases are concentrated on three categories: Browse Tools, Search Tools, and Update Tools. The use cases design is used to aid the web-based interface of the repository. The third phase of work is the design and implementation of a web-based interface of the repository. A web-based interface is implemented to have two sub-interfaces: Browse interface and Search interface. The user can browse and search tools information in the repository separately. In the Browse interface, the user can browse a table of tools information. The user can also browse tools information in categories: Document Understanding, Information Visualization, and Social Network separately. The Browse interface also lets the user get the detailed tool information of the selected tool. In the Search interface the user can search tools by tool name or price separately. Several lessons are learned from this project. First, we have to select the platform and the programming tools to implement the repository and related web-based interface. Apache server, MySQL, and PHP programming tools were selected in this project. The second lesson is how to clarify the data schema of the repository to organize the information and maintain its integrity. Foreign keys are used to maintain the integrity of the repository in this project. The third lesson is how to display the information of the repository on the interface in an organized format. We show the information of the repository in table format [4]. In summary, a web-based repository to store tools information is established. The user can browse and search the tools information. The future work may include populating more tools information and improving the web-based interface by adding new functions. 6 2 User Manual 2.1 Login For safety consideration, the user has to log into the system. The login interface of the web-based repository can be accessed on website: Figure 1.Login interface of the web-based repository The user fills in: username: zli password: cs6604 The user then clicks the submit button and accesses the website: The interface is shown as following: Figure 2.The main interface of the web-based repository 7 The user can browse and search the repository. If the user clicks browse button, the user will access the Browse interface. If the user clicks the search button, the user will access the Search interface. 2.2 Browse Once the user clicks the browse button, the Browse interface for the web-based repository is shown on the website: Figure 3.Browse interface of the web-based repository On this Browse interface, the user can click three red links to browse three different categories of tools: Document Understanding, Information Visualization, and Social Network. On this Browse interface, a table of tools information is also shown. The user can get the information of tools such as the Tool name, Tool class name, Price, Received Date, Precision, and Recall. If the user clicks the red link: Browse the Tools in Document Understanding, the system shall let the user to browse the tools information in Document Understanding category. The following is the interface in this category: 10 Figure 7.Search interface of the repository In the Search interface, users can search the repository by Tool name and Price. • Example 1: Search by Tool name The user enters FAST in the text box, selects Tool name as the search category, and clicks Submit Query button, the system will retrieve the information as shown in Figure 8: Figure 8.The search results of the information of the Tool: FAST • Example 2: Search by Price 11 The user enters 150 in the text box, selects Price as the search category, and clicks the Submit Query button. The system will retrieve the tool with prices $150.00 as shown in Figure 9: Figure 9.The search results of the information of the tool with price $150.00 A blank table will be returned by the system if no desired tool is found. 3 Developer Manual 3.1 Concept Map 12 Figure 10. Concept map for the project “Evaluation Framework of Analysis” Web Link: 3.2 Data Schema of the repository The Data Schema of the repository is shown in Figure 11. In every table, PK means primary key, FK means foreign key. The foreign keys in tables define the relationship between tables. 15 Table 2.The structure of table Tools in the repository: framework_analysis Field Type Null Key Default Extra Tool_name varchar(100) PRI Tool_class_name varchar(100) YES NULL Commericial_or_Academic varchar(100) YES NULL Access_Restrictions varchar(100) YES NULL Tool_description text YES NULL Price float YES NULL Received_Date date YES NULL Installed_Date date YES NULL Expiration_Date date YES NULL Contact_Person varchar(100) YES NULL Machine_Available text YES NULL To create tables, use command: create table <table name> ( column_name_1 column_type, column_attributes, column_name_2 column_type, column_attributes, primary key(column_name) ) type= table_type; To load data in a table in the repository, use the command: LOAD DATA INFILE ‘data.txt’ INTO TABLE <table name>; Where ‘data.txt’ is the file which stores data to be loaded. 3.5 Use cases Three use cases: BrowseTools, SearchTools, and UpdateTools are designed and Documented in Appendix A. 3.6 Inventory of All data files, program file 3.6.1 Files of the web-based interface for the repository The web-based interfaces let the user browse and search for tools in the repository. In this project, PHP programming tools are used to design the web-based interface. All implementation files are in the directory: /user/zli/public_html/. The following is the files and their function explanations: o index.html: • The program file for the user login interface. o structure.php: • The program file for the main interface of the repository. It provides links to two interfaces: Browse interface, Search interface. o browse2.php: • The program file for the Browse interface. o tool_details.php: 16 • The program file displaying the details of tools information when the user clicks on a tool name in the Browse interface. o searchfunction.php: • The program file implementing the search function in the Search interface. o documentunderstanding.php: • The program file contains the links to subdirectories: Paper Evaluation, Hand_On Evaluation, and Experiment Evaluation in the Document Understanding Category of tools. o informationvisualization1.php: • The program file contains the links to subdirectories: Paper Evaluation, Hand_On Evaluation, and Experiment Evaluation in the Information Visualization category of tools. o socialnetwork.php: • The program file contains the links to subdirectories: Paper Evaluation, Hand_On Evaluation, and Experiment Evaluation in the Social Network category. o paperevaluation.php: • The program file for the Paper Evaluation interface o handsonevaluation.php: • The program file for the Hands-On Evaluation interface o experimentevaluation.php: • The program file for the Experiment Evaluation interface 4 Lessons learned 4.1 Timeline/ Schedule Phase 1: (Periods: Sept 8th -- Sept 25th) • Design the repository. • Apache/PHP/MySQL is selected. • The tables of the repository are created and populated with data. Phase 2: (Periods: Sept 25th -- Oct 5th) • Understanding and implementing of use cases related to the interface. • Use cases are categorized: BrowseTools, SearchTools, and UpdateTools Phase 3: (Periods: Oct 5th -- Nov 25th) • Implementation of the repository • Implementation of Browse and Search functions in the web-based interface 4.2 Problems and lessons 4.2.1 Problem How to adhere the design rules defined by the 5S model in the design of the repository and related interface. Solution and lessons Use cases that provide scenarios of the users’ interaction with the repository follow the 5S model rule Scenario. The data schema that describes the structure of the repository 17 follows the 5S model rule Structure. The web-based interfaces let the user browse and search tools in the repository. The 5S model rule Stream is followed. 4.2.2 Problem How to select appropriate platform and programming tools to implement the repository. Solution and lessons Regarding database tool selection, there exists Oracle 10g, IBM DB2, MySQL, Sybase, and MS Access on the market. Oracle 10g and IBM DB2 are industry-leading relational databases. Both have scalability, security, and cost-effective characters. However, the possible free availability of Oracle 10g and IBM DB2 for this project is in question. MS Access database is too simple, and its functionality may not satisfy the requirements of this project. Sybase database may be a possible choice for this project, but the learning process of Sybase database is time-consuming. MySQL relational database is a free download, cross-platform database product especially fit for small or medium scale applications. In addition, an Apache sever has by the MySQL database installed by default. MySQL database also has enough functionality to support web-based applications [6]. In this project, our repository application can be categorized as a small or medium web-based application. Due to these reasons, MySQL database tools are applied to establish a repository in our project. Regarding web server selection, there is the Unix-based Apache server uther available in the Digital Library Lab in the Department of Computer Science at Virginia Tech. The web server uther has preinstalled MySQL database tools and PHP web design tools. We use that server in our project. Regarding web design tools, J2EE and Microsoft .NET are currently two industry- leading platforms to aid the design of web-based applications. The J2EE platform supports web services that enable the development of secure, robust and interoperable business applications [7]. The J2EE platform provides Java Server Page (JSP) and Applets to present the web information to users. In the J2EE platform, Enterprise Java Bean (EJB), Java Servlets, JDBC, and Java Data Object (JDO) are used to handle user interaction and database connection [7]. Microsoft .NET platform provides Active Service Page (ASP.NET) to present the web information to users. In Microsoft .NET platform, ActiveX Data Object (ADO.NET) is used for database connections [8]. In order to develop web-based applications on J2EE or Microsoft .NET platform, we would have to learn it first. However, the learning process is very time-consuming. Another choice of web design tools is PHP. PHP is a widely used scripting language for web development. PHP code can be easily embedded into HTML [9]. PHP is easy to use to connect with databases to show the data on the web. In the web server uther in Digital Library Lab in Department of Computer Science in Virginia Tech, PHP is already preinstalled. Due to these reasons, PHP is selected as the web design tool in our project. In summary, MySQL database tools, Apache Server uther, and PHP web design tools are selected for our project. 4.2.3 Problem How to organize the information in the repository and maintain the integrity of the repository. 20 This web site teaches us how to implement different join functions in mySQL to retrieve data from different tables in our repository. 3. Join (SQL) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia link This web teaches us how to use different join functions in SQL to retrieve data from different tables in our repository. 4. CS5704 Software Engineering link The notes of the course work describe how to use cases to aid the design of web interface. 5. Basics of .NET link An industry standard to design web-based applications. 6. PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor link Our selection of web design tools for our project. It is easy to learn. 7. Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition - Documentation link One possible choice for Web-based application design for our project. 8. MySQL AB : MySQL Database Products link Our selection for database programming tool and platform. 9. IBM Software - DB2 Product Family - Family Overview link IBM DB2 is another possible database programming tool and platform in our project. 10. Oracle Database link Possible database programming tools and platform in our project. 9 Project Pages Project Contract Page: Project Blog Page: Project Wiki Page: 21 Appendix A The detailed information of three use cases: BrowseTools, SearchTools, and Update Tools: • Use case 1: BrowseTools Use Case Name: BrowseTools This use case lets user browse tool information to get the precision of that tool. Actor: User Precondition: User accesses the web-based interface of the repository. Primary Scenario: 1. User selects Browse option. The system shows a Tool Selection Box to the user. 2. User selects one of tool name from the Tool Selection Box and clicks Submit. 3. The system shows the information of precision of that tool. Use Case ends. Secondary Scenario: o Alternative Scenario User finds the whole Result information of the selected tool. User finds the description of Result information of the selected tool. o Exception Scenario Network connection is lost when user browses tools Postcondition: User finds the value of Precision of the selected tool. • Use case 2: SearchTools Use Case Name: SearchTools This use case lets user search evaluation framework repository by tool name, price range. Actor: User Precondition: User accesses the web-based interface of the repository. Primary Scenario: 1. User selects Search option. The system provide user search by Tool name. 2. User selects one of tool name from the Tool Selection Box and clicks Submit. 3. The User enters the Tool name and click search. 4. The system shows the information of the tool according to the tool name. The information of that tool includes Tool description, tool class, Price, 22 Technology name which the tool uses. Access level of that tool. Use case ends. Secondary Scenario: o Alternative Scenario User searches the tool according to a price range User searches the tool according to a precision range User searches the tool according to technology name o Exception Scenario Network connection is lost when user browse tools Postcondition: User finishes the search process. • Use Case 3: UpdateTools Use Case Name: UpdateTools This use case lets user add new tool information to the repository Actor: User Precondition: User accesses the web-based interface of the repository Primary Scenario: 1. User selects Update option. The system lets the user add tools information to the system. The user clicks submits button. 2. The system let user Enter each field of Tools table: Tool_name, Commericial/Academic, Access_Restrictions, Tool_description, Price, Received_Date, Installed_Date, Expiration_Date, Contact_Person, Machine_Available. The user then clicks submit botton. 3. The system verifies the input information. If there is no error in type checking, the information shall be saved in the system. Use case ends. Secondary Scenario i. Alternative Scenario 1. User deletes items from the repository. 2. User modifies items in the repository. o Exception Scenario Network connection is lost when user update the repository Postconditions: User finishes the update repository process. 25 • structure.php source code: <html> <body> <?php include "header.php" ?> <?php $_SESSION['username']=$_POST['user']; $_SESSION['userpass']=$_POST['pass']; $_SESSION['authuser']=0; if (($_SESSION['username']=='zli') AND ($_SESSION['userpass']=='cs6604')) { ?> <form action="browse2.php" method="post"> <h4> Please select your choice: <input type="submit" name="Browse" value="Browse"> <input type="submit" name="Search" value="Search"> </h4> </form> <?php $_SESSION['authuser']=1; } else { echo "Sorry, but you don't have permission to view this repository!"; exit(); } ?> </body> </html> 26 • browse2.php source code: <html> <body> <?php $dbhost='localhost'; $dbuser='zli'; $dbpass='19710221'; $link = mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass) or die ('Error connecting to mysql'); mysql_select_db("analysis_framework"); if ($_POST['Browse']) { $framework_header=<<<EOD <p><h2><center><a href="">Browse the Tools in Document Understanding</a> </center></h2></p> <p><h2><center><a href="">Brow se Tools in Information Visualization </a> </center></h2></p> <p><h2><center><a href="">Browse Tools in Social Network</a> </center></h2></p> <h2><center>Table contents of Tools</center></h2> <table width='70%' border='1' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='2' align='center'> <tr> <th>Tool name</th> <th>Tool class name</th> <th>Price</th> <th>Received Date</th> <th>Precision</th> <th>Recall</th> </tr> EOD; $query="SELECT Tools.Tool_name, Tools.Tool_class_name, 27 Tools.Price, Tools.Received_Date, Result.R_Precision, Result.R_Recall FROM Tools left join Result on Tools.Tool_name=Result.Tool_name"; $result=mysql_query($query); $num=mysql_numrows($result); $i=0; while($i<$num) { $Tool_name=mysql_result($result,$i,"Tool_name"); $Tool_class_name=mysql_result($result,$i,"Tool_class_name"); $Price=mysql_result($result,$i,"Price"); $Received_Date=mysql_result($result,$i,"Received_Date"); $R_Precision=mysql_result($result,$i,"R_Precision"); $R_Recall=mysql_result($result,$i,"R_Recall"); if(($Received_Date)==""){ $Received_Date="N/R"; } if(($R_Precision)==""){ $R_Precision="N/R"; } if(($R_Recall)==""){ $R_Recall="N/R"; } //The following section is to find precision of a corresponding tool. $framework_details .=<<<EOD <tr> <td> <a href='tool_details.php?Tool_Name=$Tool_name'title='Find out more about $Tool_name'>$Tool_name</td> <td>$Tool_class_name</td> <td>$Price</td> <td>$Received_Date</td> <td>$R_Precision</td> <td>$R_Recall</td> </tr> EOD; $i++; } $framework_footer="</table>"; $framework =<<<FRAMEWORK $framework_header $framework_details $framework_footer FRAMEWORK; print $framework; } 30 Result.F_measure, Result.Timings, Result.T_or_F, Result.Multiple_choice, Result.Satisfaction FROM Tools left outer join Result on Tools.Tool_name=Result.Tool_name "; $result=mysql_query($query); $num=mysql_numrows($result); $i=0; while($i<$num) { $Tool_name=mysql_result($result,$i,"Tool_name"); if ($Tool_name==$my_id) { $Tool_class_name=mysql_result($result,$i,"Tool_class_name"); $Commericial_or_Academic=mysql_result($result,$i,"Commericial_or_Academ ic"); $Access_Restrictions=mysql_result($result,$i,"Access_Restrictions"); $Price=mysql_result($result,$i,"Price"); $Received_Date=mysql_result($result,$i,"Received_Date"); $Installed_Date=mysql_result($result,$i,"Installed_Date"); $Expiration_Date=mysql_result($result,$i,"Expiration_Date"); $Contact_Person=mysql_result($result,$i,"Contact_Person"); $Machine_Available=mysql_result($result,$i,"Machine_Available"); $Result_ID=mysql_result($result,$i,"Result_ID"); $R_Precision=mysql_result($result,$i,"R_Precision"); $R_Recall=mysql_result($result,$i,"R_Recall"); $False_Positive=mysql_result($result,$i,"False_Positive"); $False_Negative=mysql_result($result,$i,"Flase_Negative"); $F_measure=mysql_result($result,$i,"F_measure"); $Timings=mysql_result($result,$i,"Timings"); $T_or_F=mysql_result($result,$i,"T_or_F"); $Multiple_choice=mysql_result($result,$i,"Multiple_choice"); $Satisfaction=mysql_result($result,$i,"Satisfaction"); $framework_details .=<<<EOD <tr> <td>$Tool_name</td> <td>$Tool_class_name</td> <td>$Commericial_or_Academic</td> <td>$Access_Restrictions</td> <td>$Price</td> <td>$Received_Date</td> <td>$Installed_Date</td> <td>$Expiration_Date</td> <td>$Contact_Person</td> <td>$Machine_Available</td> </tr> EOD; 31 } $i++; } $framework_footer="</table>"; $framework =<<<FRAMEWORK $framework_header $framework_details $framework_footer FRAMEWORK; print $framework; $framework1_header=<<<EOD <table width='70%' border='0' cellspaceing='2' cellpadding='2' align='center'> <tr> <th colspan='6'><u><h2>Search Details<h2></u></th> </tr> <tr> <th>Result ID</th> <th>Precision</th> <th>Recall</th> <th>False/Positive</th> <th>Flase/Negative</th> <th> F Measure</th> <th>Timings</th> <th>T/F</th> <th>Multiple choice</th> </tr> EOD; $framework1_details .=<<<EOD <tr> <th>$Result_ID</th> <td>$R_Precision</td> <td>$R_Recall</td> <td>$False_Positive</td> <td>$False_Negative</td> <td>$F_measure</td> <td> $Timings</td> <td>$T_or_F</td> <td>$Multiple_choice</td> </tr> EOD; $framework1_footer="</table>"; $framework1 =<<<FRAMEWORK $framework1_header $framework1_details $framework1_footer FRAMEWORK; print $framework1; ?> </body> </html> 32 • searchfunction.php source code: <html> <body> <?php $name= $_POST["Tool_name"]; $price=$_POST["Price"]; $type=$_POST['SearchType']; $dbhost='localhost'; $dbuser='zli'; $dbpass='19710221'; $link = mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass) or die ('Error connecting to mysql'); mysql_select_db("analysis_framework"); $framework_header=<<<EOD <table width='70%' border='0' cellspaceing='2' cellpadding='2' align='center'> <tr> <th colspan='6'><u><h2>Search Results Detail:<h2></u></th> </tr> <tr> <th>Tool name</th> <th>Tool class name</th> <th>Comericial/Academic</th> <th>Access Restrictions</th> <th>Price</th> <th>Received Date</th> <th>Installed Date</th> <th>Expired Date</th> <th>Contact Person</th> <th>MachineAvailable</th> </tr> EOD; $query="SELECT Tools.Tool_name, Tools.Tool_class_name, Tools.Commericial_or_Academic, Tools.Access_Restrictions, Tools.Tool_description, Tools.Price, Tools.Received_Date, Tools.Installed_Date, Tools.Expiration_Date, Tools.Contact_Person, Tools.Machine_Available, Result_ID, Result.R_Precision, 35 $framework1_header=<<<EOD <table width='70%' border='0' cellspaceing='2' cellpadding='2' align='center'> <tr> <th colspan='6'><u><h2>$my_id: Details continued<h2></u></th> </tr> <tr> <th>Result ID</th> <th>Precision</th> <th>Recall</th> <th>False/Positive</th> <th>Flase/Negative</th> <th> F Measure</th> <th>Timings</th> <th>T/F</th> <th>Multiple choice</th> </tr> EOD; $framework1_details .=<<<EOD <tr> <th>$Result_ID</th> <td>$R_Precision</td> <td>$R_Recall</td> <td>$False_Positive</td> <td>$False_Negative</td> <td>$F_measure</td> <td> $Timings</td> <td>$T_or_F</td> <td>$Multiple_choice</td> </tr> EOD; $framework1_footer="</table>"; $framework1 =<<<FRAMEWORK $framework1_header $framework1_details $framework1_footer FRAMEWORK; print $framework1; ?> </body> </html> 36 • documentunderstanding.php source code: <html> <body> <h1><center>Document Understanding Tools</center></h1> <p><h2><center><a href="">Paper Evaluation</a> </center></h2></p> <p><h2><center><a href="">Hands-On Evaluation</a> </center></h2></p> <p><h2><center><a href="">Experimen t Evaluation</a> </center></h2></p> </body> </html> • informationvisualization1.php source code: <html> <body> <p><center><h2> Information Visualization Tools </h2></center></p> <p> </p> <p><h3><a href="">Navigational Tool:</a> </h3></p> <p> </p> <p><h3><a href="">Immersive Technology Tool:</a> </h3></p> <p> </p> <p><h3><a href="">Data Mining Visualization suite Tool:</a> 37 </h3></p> <p> </p> <p><h3><a href="">Analysis and Visualization suite Tool:</a> </h3></p> <p><h3><a href="">Multi-View Visualization Tool:</a> </h3></p> <p> </p> <p><h3><a href="">3D Visualization Tool:</a> </h3></p> <p> </p> <p><h3><a href="">2D Visualization Tool:</a> </h3></p> </body> </html> 40 • paperevaluation.php source code: <html> <body> <?php $dbhost='localhost'; $dbuser='zli'; $dbpass='19710221'; $link = mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass) or die ('Error connecting to mysql'); mysql_select_db("analysis_framework"); $framework_header=<<<EOD <h2><center>Table contents of Tools in Paper Evaluation category</center></h2> <table width='70%' border='1' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='2' align='center'> <tr> <th>Tool name</th> <th>Tool class name</th> <th>Price</th> <th>Received Date</th> <th>Precision</th> <th>Recall</th> <th>Evaluation Type </th> </tr> EOD; $query="SELECT Tools.Tool_name, Tools.Tool_class_name, Tools.Price, Tools.Received_Date, Result.R_Precision, Result.R_Recall, Result.Evaluation_type FROM Tools left join Result on Tools.Tool_name=Result.Tool_name"; $result=mysql_query($query); $num=mysql_numrows($result); $i=0; while($i<$num) { $Tool_name=mysql_result($result,$i,"Tool_name"); $Tool_class_name=mysql_result($result,$i,"Tool_class_name"); $Price=mysql_result($result,$i,"Price"); $Received_Date=mysql_result($result,$i,"Received_Date"); $R_Precision=mysql_result($result,$i,"R_Precision"); $R_Recall=mysql_result($result,$i,"R_Recall"); 41 $Evaluation_type=mysql_result($result,$i,"Evaluation_type"); if(($Received_Date)==""){ $Received_Date="N/R"; } if(($R_Precision)==""){ $R_Precision="N/R"; } if(($R_Recall)==""){ $R_Recall="N/R"; } if($Evaluation_type =="") $Evaluation_type="N/R"; IF(($Evaluation_type =="Paper Evaluation")and ($Tool_class_name=="Document Understanding")){ //The following section is to find precision of a corresponding tool. $framework_details .=<<<EOD <tr> <td> <a href='tool_details.php?Tool_Name=$Tool_name'title='Find out more about $Tool_name'>$Tool_name</td> <td>$Tool_class_name</td> <td>$Price</td> <td>$Received_Date</td> <td>$R_Precision</td> <td>$R_Recall</td> <td>$Evaluation_type</td> </tr> EOD; } $i++; } $framework_footer="</table>"; $framework =<<<FRAMEWORK $framework_header $framework_details $framework_footer FRAMEWORK; print $framework; ?> </body> </html> 42 • handsonevaluation.php source code: <html> <body> <?php $dbhost='localhost'; $dbuser='zli'; $dbpass='19710221'; $link = mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass) or die ('Error connecting to mysql'); mysql_select_db("analysis_framework"); $framework_header=<<<EOD <h2><center>Table contents of Tools in Hands-on Evaluation category</center></h2> <table width='70%' border='1' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='2' align='center'> <tr> <th>Tool name</th> <th>Tool class name</th> <th>Price</th> <th>Received Date</th> <th>Precision</th> <th>Recall</th> <th>Evaluation Type </th> </tr> EOD; $query="SELECT Tools.Tool_name, Tools.Tool_class_name, Tools.Price, Tools.Received_Date, Result.R_Precision, Result.R_Recall, Result.Evaluation_type FROM Tools left join Result on Tools.Tool_name=Result.Tool_name"; $result=mysql_query($query); $num=mysql_numrows($result); $i=0; while($i<$num) { $Tool_name=mysql_result($result,$i,"Tool_name"); $Tool_class_name=mysql_result($result,$i,"Tool_class_name"); $Price=mysql_result($result,$i,"Price"); $Received_Date=mysql_result($result,$i,"Received_Date"); $R_Precision=mysql_result($result,$i,"R_Precision"); $R_Recall=mysql_result($result,$i,"R_Recall"); 45 $Evaluation_type=mysql_result($result,$i,"Evaluation_type"); if(($Received_Date)==""){ $Received_Date="N/R"; } if(($R_Precision)==""){ $R_Precision="N/R"; } if(($R_Recall)==""){ $R_Recall="N/R"; } if($Evaluation_type =="") $Evaluation_type="N/R"; IF($Evaluation_type =="Experiment Evaluation"){ //The following section is to find precision of a corresponding tool. $framework_details .=<<<EOD <tr> <td> <a href='tool_details.php?Tool_Name=$Tool_name'title='Find out more about $Tool_name'>$Tool_name</td> <td>$Tool_class_name</td> <td>$Price</td> <td>$Received_Date</td> <td>$R_Precision</td> <td>$R_Recall</td> <td>$Evaluation_type</td> </tr> EOD; } $i++; } $framework_footer="</table>"; $framework =<<<FRAMEWORK $framework_header $framework_details $framework_footer FRAMEWORK; print $framework; ?> </body> </html> 46 Appendix C: Parts of imported data information in the repository. Due to the sizes of the data, some tables in the repository are very large, and only parts of fields in the tables in the repository are shown. • Parts of imported information for the table Tools Tool_name Tool_Class_name Contact_Person Machine_Available FAST Document Understanding Ryan Google Earth Information Visualization Albert Torg workstation Lucene Information retrieval Xiaoyan Yu Hypertree Java Library information visualization Rao Shen Carrot 2 Information Visualization Seonho Kim CMap tools Knowledge Management Tools Uma Murthy UCINet Social Network Morgan • Parts of imported information for the table Tool_Class Tool_class_name Description |Document Understanding Used to find information in unstructured text Information Visualization 3D Navigation Tool |Social Network Analysis Most draw from graph theory and statistical methods to analyze networks of communication or relationships between entities • Parts of imported information for the table Tool_Mapping Tool_name Technology_name FAST vector space model Google Earth keyhole • Parts of imported information for the table Technology Technology_name Origin First_published_date Tech_Usage vector space model Cornell University 0000-00-00 To compare similarity of queries to documents term frequency-inverse Cornell University 0000-00-00 Used to weight terms document frequency relative to their degree of commonness in the entire collection. keyhole Google 0000-00-00 To navigate a map • Parts of imported information for the table Scenario Scenario_ID Tool_class_name Expected_Result 0001 Document understanding Finds all 22 true positives, and no other documents 0002 Information Visualization NULL 0003 Social Network Analysis Finds all nodes in the network with a high between UCINet 47 • Parts of imported information for the table Result Result_ID R_Precision R_Recall False_Positive Flase_Negative 0001 0.91 0.45 1 12 | 0002 0 0 0 0 | 0003 0.91 0.32 6 19 • Parts of imported information for the table Instance • Parts of imported information for the table Analyst Analyst_ID Analyst_name Main_objective 1001 Morgan Finding patterns in social networks 1002 Albert Using visualizations to find insights 1003 Ryan Extracting knowledge from unstructured text • Parts of imported information for the table Collection Collection_ID Origin GIS_data Date_of_Generation 0001 SAIC No 2001-01-01 |1001 SAIC No 2001-01-01 10001 SAIC No 2005-09-15 0002 SAIC N/A 0000-00-00 1003 SAIC No 2004-10-01 Instance_ID Tool_name Collection_ID Analyst_ID Scenario_ID 0001 FAST 0001 1003 0001 0002 Google Earth 0002 1002 0002 0003 UCINet 1003 1001 0003
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