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Management Theories: Classical, Human Relations, and Motivation, Quizzes of Organizational Communication

An overview of various management theories, including the classical approach, human relations approach, and motivation-hygiene theory. Topics covered include taylor's scientific management, fayol's 15 principles of management, the hawthorne studies, maslow's hierarchy of needs, and herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory. The document also discusses mcgregor's theory x and theory y, likert's system iv, and communication in human resource organizations.

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Download Management Theories: Classical, Human Relations, and Motivation and more Quizzes Organizational Communication in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Basic Communication Model DEFINITION 1 -Source/Receiver-Encoding/Decoding-Message-Channel-Noise TERM 2 Basic Communication Process DEFINITION 2 -Competence-Field of Experience(Background)- Communication Context(situation)-Effect-Primary Goal of Communication(Shared Realities) TERM 3 Basic Communication Principles DEFINITION 3 1. We can't, not communicate(Constant communication)2. Communication is irreversible3. Communication involves ethical choices(what to tell. share good news, and not bad news)4. Meanings are Constructed(code behind words)5. meta- communication affects meaning6. Communication Develops & sustains relationships7.Communication Effectiveness can be learned8. Fields of Expertise affect ability to communicate TERM 4 Organization DEFINITION 4 Dynamic systemengage in collective effort to accomplish goal5 features Social Collectivity Organization/individual goals exist individual goals lead us to organizational goals Coordinating activity Organizational Structure(levels of structure) Environmental embeddedness Marketing embedded in Broad, Broad embedded in MSU TERM 5 Taylor and Theory of Scientific management DEFINITION 5 Relationship between managers and employees and the manner which jobs should be designed-Jobs should be designed though Time and Motion Studies-Micro level of organizational function-observed organization in systematic & Scientific way-Based on Scientific methodCalled enemy of working man TERM 6 Taylors Main Concerns of industry operations DEFINITION 6 1. Uneven quality of work(apprenticeship)2. Soldiering TERM 7 Taylors concerns: Soldiering DEFINITION 7 Systematic Soldiering Social pressure to keep productivity low, so wage stays high resulted from rate busting and piecework system how people were rewarded for their work-Piecework pay system --pay worker per brick laid. ---if worker came along and was more productive, (laid more bricks than other workers), other workers would tell him to slow down. -------+Manager would lessen rate per brick laid -------+Rate buster: more productive worker TERM 8 Taylors concerns: Uneven Work Quality DEFINITION 8 ----Newcomers learned tasks by watching experienced workers.----effective only if experienced workers were doing job efficiently TERM 9 Taylor system of Scientific Management DEFINITION 9 Principles of Scientific Management(book) There is one best way to do every job Proper selection of workers training workers differencebetween management and workers Based on Time and motion StudyScientific method TERM 10 Taylor: One best way to do every job(Time and Motion study) DEFINITION 10 Scientific methods determine best way to do job one best way to do every job is taught to all workers determine most time efficient way to accomplish task TERM 21 Control(fayol's elements) DEFINITION 21 managers make sure goals are being met TERM 22 Fayol's 15 principles of management DEFINITION 22 characterized into 4 organizational groupings Structure Power Attitude Reward TERM 23 Structure (Fayol 15 principles) DEFINITION 23 (How an organization should be structured)1.Scalar Chain(strict vertical hierarchy) employee talk to manager, manager talk to VP, etc 2. Unity of Command(One manager giving orders)3. Unity of Direction(Supervisors manage similar projects)4. Division of Labor(employees assigned to specialized tasks)5. Order(clear how things work & where things go)6. Span of Control(limit number of people under manager control) lower managers supervise more people(20-30), high management supervise less people(6) TERM 24 Power (Fayol 15 principles) DEFINITION 24 7. Centralization(commands come from central body of power)8. Authority and Responsibility(managers are intelligent/experienced)9. Discipline(workers should be obedient) TERM 25 Reward (Fayol 15 principles) DEFINITION 25 10. Remuneration(Fair pay for good job)11. Equity(treated fairly regardless of position)12. Tenure Stability(Give employees time to prove themselves) not all employees get acclimated quickly TERM 26 Attitude (Fayol 15 Principles) DEFINITION 26 13. Subordination of Individual Interests(Attitude) interest of whole must take precedent over interest of individual buy into common goal 14. Initiative(managers value employee efforts/opinions)15. Esprit de Corps(all for one & one for all) TERM 27 Weber Theory of Bureaucracy DEFINITION 27 effective organizations should be operated through clearly defined hierarchy, characterized by division of labor and organized under centralization of decision making power"Ideal type" theory lays out features of an abstract organization of given type overall: a closed, impersonal system. Doesn't promote individuality TERM 28 Weber: 6 Principles of Bureaucracy DEFINITION 28 1. Clearly defined hierarch2. division of labor3. centralization4. Closed Systems closed off to avoid distraction & promote production 5. Importance of rules(establish Rules, written down)6. Functioning of authority(system of authority, power, and discipline 3 types TERM 29 Traditional/legitimate (Weber: 3 types of authority) DEFINITION 29 based on tradition rather than ability position based in hierarchy Give person title, and they will assert power TERM 30 Charismatic (Weber: 3 types of authority) DEFINITION 30 based on personality. ability to attract & interact with followers highly unstable followers may change feelings on leaders charisma cult like leader TERM 31 Rational-Legal (Weber: 3 types of authority) DEFINITION 31 based on expertise, rationality, norms system of rules and norms dictate selection of person more impersonal Weber believes Rational-Legal dominates TERM 32 Machine Metaphor DEFINITION 32 Applied to the Classical Approach-Organization best understood by comparing to Machine-Organizational "Lens" used by Fayol, Weber, & Taylor to form theories-Organizations run in mechanistic manner rely on principles of standardization/replaceability(replace parts of machine)specializationpredictability(if one part is broke, predict that machinewon't work) TERM 33 Communication in Classical Organization DEFINITION 33 Task, Vertical, Written, Formal1. Communication Content (Task)2. Communication direction/flow (Vertical/downward)3. Communication channel(written)4. Communication Style (Formal/distant) TERM 34 Task Related: (3 types of Communication in Classical approach) DEFINITION 34 any communication regarding job itself-dont talk about anything unless it is task related TERM 35 Innovation Related: (3 types of Communication in Classical Approach) DEFINITION 35 talk about how to do job betternew ideas(Fayol likes idea) (Taylor would tell people to get back to work) TERM 46 Efficiency (Mcdonaldization) DEFINITION 46 Best Route to any goalMachine Dominance TERM 47 Predictability (Mcdonaldization) DEFINITION 47 Repetitiona big mac is the same from any mcdonalds TERM 48 Calculability (Mcdonaldization) DEFINITION 48 Quantity over quality TERM 49 Non-Human Technology (Mcdonaldization) DEFINITION 49 Timers and cooking machines make food production almost automatic TERM 50 prescriptive theory DEFINITION 50 Fayoldirections on how organization should be created/managed TERM 51 Ideal type theory DEFINITION 51 lays out features of an abstract(ideal) organization of given type TERM 52 School of Human Behavior DEFINITION 52 built due to negative reaction toward classical theoristsEmphasis on individuals(know employees on personal level)cooperation, participation & Interpersonal skills TERM 53 Major assertions: School of Human Behavior DEFINITION 53 1. Non-economic rewards important2. Anti-specialization3. Importance of informal organization(chatting while getting water)4. Value of communication and democratic leadership TERM 54 Hawthorne studies DEFINITION 54 Studies conducted at Western electrics Hawthorne Plantconducted by Mayo-Wanted to improve productivity in workplace-Similar to Taylor's theory of scientific management TERM 55 4 major phases of Hawthorne studies DEFINITION 55 1. Illumination studies2.Relay Assembly Test room studies3. Interview program4. Bank Wiring Room Studies TERM 56 Illumination Studies (4 phases of Hawthorne studies) DEFINITION 56 -Determine influence of lighting on worker productivity Control Group: Constantly well lit room Experimental Group: Lighting was raised and lowered Findings No effect on worker productivity both groups productivity increased Led to Relay assembly studies TERM 57 Relay Assembly Test Room Studies (4 Phases of Hawthorne Studies) DEFINITION 57 -Isolated 6 women who assembled telephone relay systems- introduced changes including incentive plans, rest pauses, temperature, humidity, work hours, and refreshments. productivity went up in most situations Conclusion: Social satisfaction from human association more important to work behavior than were any of the changes Led to interview program TERM 58 Interview Program (4 phases of hawthorne studies) DEFINITION 58 Interviews with employees of Hawthorne plant about what they wanted Goal: learn about impact of working conditions on productivity workers talked about personal feelings & attitudes. not job Conclusion: problems of mocker-management cooperation resulted from emotionally based attitudes of workers TERM 59 Bank Wiring Room Study (4 Phases of hawthorne Studies) DEFINITION 59 Non-experimental observation of Men in bank wiring room- men develop norms Talk together create pressure to speed up/slow down Conclusion: social pressure greater than Organizational power TERM 60 Hawthorne Studies Conclusions DEFINITION 60 Productivity increase associated with change in work environment such as work house temperature lighting and breaks pay incentives Researcher Attention Management style Social Factors Work place is more than a Machine, it is a social system TERM 71 5. Self Actualization (hierarchy of needs) DEFINITION 71 Fulfill personal potential Be all you can be Risk-free environment to be creative TERM 72 Hierarchy of Prepotency DEFINITION 72 Lower level needs met firstNot true, order of meeting needs doesn't matter TERM 73 Hierarchy of needs research findings DEFINITION 73 Not everyone seeks 5 needsSelf actualization can be impossibleContributes to satisfaction of human needs TERM 74 Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory DEFINITION 74 factors that cause satisfaction are different from factors that cause dissatisfaction Something causes satisfaction, it won't cause dissatisfaction Simply addressing hygiene factors will not increase motivation 1. Hygiene factors2. Motivating Factors TERM 75 Hygiene Factors(Herzberg) DEFINITION 75 Lack of Hygiene factor causes dissatisfaction Company Policy(clear cut, written) Supervision(good supervisor, considers individual needs) Relationship with Boss Work Conditions Salary Relationship with peers(people quit due to IP altercation TERM 76 Motivating Factors(Herzberg) DEFINITION 76 Lead to satisfaction achievement Recognition Work itself Responsibility Advancement Growth TERM 77 Problem with Herzberg Theory DEFINITION 77 Everyone has different listpeople don't value factors in the same wayEvidence: some people are motivated with Hygiene factors TERM 78 Motivation-Hygiene Theory contribution DEFINITION 78 Focus on psychology and social needs of workers through task design & job enrichment TERM 79 McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y DEFINITION 79 Represent the Divergent assumptions that managers hold about organizational functionPromoted theory Y TERM 80 Theory X DEFINITION 80 Manager influenced by negative aspects of classical management3 propositions of Theory X manager management responsible for organizing money, material, and people for economic ends people must be controlled & motivated to fit needs 3. Without intervention and direction, people would be passive or resistant to achievement of needs TERM 81 Theory X: Human Nature Belief DEFINITION 81 people don't like to workThey are Lazy and self-centered, stubbornpeople not motivated to work, so manager has to step inpeople don't have faith in employees to complete task thus strong forceful hand is essential to handle unmotivated workers TERM 82 Theory Y DEFINITION 82 Managers adhere to precepts of human relations movementManagers should conceptualize workers as motivated by higher-order needs in hierarchy TERM 83 Theory Y: Human nature belief DEFINITION 83 people are motivated to work managers should foster and utilize abilities of employees. Effort exerted in work is as natural as play or restGives people the benefit of the doubtBelieve people want to achieve self-actualization TERM 84 Family Metaphor DEFINITION 84 metaphor applied to Human relations approachPeople thrive when needs are fulfilled & opportunities for self-actualization are provided.(Parents often provide kids with family metaphor) TERM 85 Human Resource Approach DEFINITION 85 Acknowledges both Classical, & human relations approach concerned with productivity & individuals Employee input is valuedEmployees have untapped resources-can do moremanagers guide and harmonize employees to make sure job is done TERM 96 Learning Organizations DEFINITION 96 Workplace that emphasizes mental flexibility, team learning. shared vision, complex thinking, and personal mastery TERM 97 Knowledge management DEFINITION 97 see organization as embodying a cycle of knowledge creation, development, and application TERM 98 Team management DEFINITION 98 structure organization to maximize contribution of employees individually and collectively TERM 99 employee involvement DEFINITION 99 participative process using all workers, designed to encourage employee commitment to organizational successgoal is creating knowledge-enabled organization, in which knowledge of workers facilitates high performance TERM 100 Systems Approach to Organizational Com DEFINITION 100 Understanding processes of organizational behavior and communication through systems metaphor TERM 101 Systems Metaphor DEFINITION 101 Organizations are complex organisms that must interact with environment to survive TERM 102 System components DEFINITION 102 system assemblage of parts/components. -In Biological system, parts include cells & organs-In Organizational system, parts are people and departments that make organization3 Concepts characterize system components hierarchical ordering interdependence permeability TERM 103 Hierarchical Ordering (system components) DEFINITION 103 System consists of smaller subsystems and is embedded within larger super system exp: human body(super system) made of organs(subsystems) TERM 104 Interdependence (system components) DEFINITION 104 System components depend on each other for effective functioning exp: brain need heart to pump blood to function If one component breaks down, all components break down, and system fails TERM 105 Permeability (system components) DEFINITION 105 System has permeable boundaries that allow info and materials to flow in and out.permeability varies by system TERM 106 Throughput DEFINITION 106 transformational process of inputs TERM 107 system processes DEFINITION 107 system characterized by input-throughput-output process system inputs materials/info from environment through its permeable boundaries, then transforms inputs. finally the system returns transformed info and outputs it to policyholder 2 processes define input-throughput-output operations exchange Feedback TERM 108 Exchange (System process) DEFINITION 108 input and output processes need exchange with between system and environmentThroughput process requires exchange among systems TERM 109 Feedback (system process) DEFINITION 109 System control is maintained through feedback.2 types of feedback important to system functions1.Deviation- reducing(Corrective, negative) feedback maintain steady system functioning 2. Deviation-amplifying(positive, growth) feedback serves to transform/change system functioning through growth & development TERM 110 System Properties DEFINITION 110 emerge from interaction of components and processes.4 properties holism equifinality negative entropy requisite variety TERM 121 Sensemaking (Weick's theory) DEFINITION 121 making sense of equivocalityWhen sense making is effective, Weick proposes retention process in which rules and cycles are saved for future organizational use. TERM 122 causal maps (Weick) DEFINITION 122 Form of Retained Rules and Cycles result of effective sense making used to make sense of future equivocality in information environment TERM 123 Cultural Metaphor DEFINITION 123 anthropological approach to understanding organizations as sites of interlinked beliefs, values, behaviors, and artifactsusing cultural metaphor we are looking for qualities that make an organization what it is"Each organization has own way of doing what it does, and own way of talking about what it is doing" TERM 124 Cultural Approach DEFINITION 124 having the right kind of culture can make or break an organization TERM 125 Making sense of equivocal Information Environments DEFINITION 125 Organizational members use assembly rules and communication cycles to make sense of equivocal information TERM 126 Communication Cycles (Weick's) DEFINITION 126 Used When equivocality is high & many possible explanations for an event.Organizational members introduce & react to ideas that help make sense of equivocal environment TERM 127 Network analysis DEFINITION 127 When components of systems are people and social groups, mapping becomes important TERM 128 Network properties DEFINITION 128 System of links among components Content(goods/emotion flowing through network) mode(medium through with network linkage is maintained) Density(# of interconnections in network) Levels of analysis Intra-organizational:(individuals within 1 organization) inter-organizational:(links between many organizations) TERM 129 properties of network links DEFINITION 129 1. Strength(is a lot of communication flowing)2.symmetry asymmetrical: people at different level in organization symmetrical: same level 3. Multiplexity(number of kinds of content that flow through link) 2 organizations share materials & information=multiplex link TERM 130 organizational culture DEFINITION 130 system of shared values(what is important), and beliefs(how things work) that interacts with companies people/systems/structure to make behavioral norms TERM 131 Peters and waterman's characteristics of effective organizations DEFINITION 131 themes identified in organizations deemed excellent cultures1. bias for action2. closeness to customer3. autonomy and entrepreneurship4. productivity through people5. hands-on, value driven6. stick to knitting7. simple form, lean staff8. simultaneous loose-tight properties TERM 132 Deal and Kennedy's attributes of cultures DEFINITION 132 4 key attributes to organizational culture1. values(social responsibility)2.Heroes(leaders)(exp: walt disney)3.Rites and rituals(Ceremony to celebrate culture)(exp: promotions)4. Communication network(culture values instituted/enforced) TERM 133 Deal & Kennedy basic types of organizational cultures DEFINITION 133 1. Tough Guy(feedback- quick , high risk) sports sales organization your company(feedback-slow, high risk) construction, play-hard(feedback- quick, low risk) large companies 4. process(feedback-slow, low risk) exp: bureaucracies TERM 134 Salvation army study (key attributes) DEFINITION 134 1. Values christian, family 2. heroes christ, clergy 3. Rights & rituals sunday is sacred, prayer, holiday bell ringing 4. Communication Network leaders/clergy downward communication TERM 135 New approaches to culture DEFINITION 135 occurred because culture is1.Complicated2. emergent3. not unitary4. Ambiguous
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