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European & World History: Key Terms & Definitions from French Monarchy to Africa Scramble, Quizzes of Introduction to Sociology

Definitions for key terms in european and world history, ranging from the french absolute monarchy under louis xiv to the scramble for africa in the late 19th century. It covers topics such as the great powers of the 18th and 19th centuries, the french revolution, the napoleonic wars, and the industrial revolution. It also includes definitions related to military technology and tactics, as well as the political and social structures of various european nations.

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Download European & World History: Key Terms & Definitions from French Monarchy to Africa Scramble and more Quizzes Introduction to Sociology in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Enlightenment DEFINITION 1 A cultural movement of intellectuals in 18th-century Europe that sought to mobilize the power of reason, in order to reform society and advance knowledge TERM 2 Absolute Monarchy DEFINITION 2 A monarchical form of government in which the monarch exercises ultimate governing authority as head of state and head of government, his or her powers are not limited by a constitution or by the law TERM 3 Habsburgs DEFINITION 3 Royal Family that produced rulers for both the Austrian and Spanish empires. Severe inbreeding was one of the Habsburgs great downfalls, and ultimately led to what was known as the Habsburg jaw line. By the 19th century the House of Habsburgs was no more after Maria Teresas death in 1780 TERM 4 Spanish Tercio DEFINITION 4 A Renaissance era military formation made up of a mixed infantry formation of about 3,000 pike-men, swordsmen and harquebusiers or musketeers in a mutually supportive formation. Sometimes it was called the Spanish Square. It was widely adopted across Europe TERM 5 Louis XIV DEFINITION 5 Ruled as the king of France from 1643-1715. He was the longest reigning European King in history. He used his palace in Versailles to stir up the nobility and show off his wealth. From this he was able to control the nobility and gain power. He was very over the top and stylish, which he used to gain power TERM 6 Matchlock DEFINITION 6 The first mechanism, or "lock" invented to facilitate the firing of a hand-held firearm. This design removed the need to lower by hand a lit match into the weapon's flash pan and made it possible to have both hands free to keep a firm grip on the weapon at the moment of firing, and, more importantly, to keep both eyes on the target. TERM 7 Flintlock DEFINITION 7 Introduced at the beginning of the 17th century, the flintlock rapidly replaced earlier firearm-ignition technologies, such as the matchlock. It incorporated a piece of Flint on the cock which struck a piece of metal which produced a shower of sparks igniting the gun powder. TERM 8 Bayonet DEFINITION 8 a knife, sword, or spike-shaped weapon designed to fit in, on, over or underneath the muzzle of a rifle, musket or similar weapon, effectively turning the gun into a spear. In this regard, it is an ancillary close-quarter combat or last- resort weapon TERM 9 30 Years War 1618- 1648 DEFINITION 9 The war was initially fought between Protestants and Catholics within the Holy Roman Empire (Northern Europe). However as it wore on it gradually involved most of the European states and turned into a Habsburg-Bourbon (Austrian/Spanish-French) conflict. There was no clear winner TERM 10 Jannisaries DEFINITION 10 Infantry units that were from the Ottoman Empire and fought for the Sultan. They were extremely feared throughout Europe as the elite fighting force. They were prevalent from 14-19th century. TERM 21 Frederick the Great DEFINITION 21 Known as the best soldier of the 18th century until napoleon came along. Ruled as the King of Prussia, and hailed from the ruling family of Brandenburg. He inherited Prussia from his father, Frederik William, in 1740 after his death. His main enemy was Austria (Ruled at the time by Maria Theresa). Austria aligned themselves with France and Russia in 1756 to destroy Prussia. Frederik the Great holds his own for 7 years, until Peter III (who is kind of slow) from Russia decides to make peace with Frederik due to mutual respect. Peter III wife Catherine the Great kills Peter shortly after. Prussia avoids major engagements from there on out and becomes a large power at the end of the 18th century. TERM 22 Maria Theresa DEFINITION 22 Daughter of Charles IV of the Habsburg family rulers of the Austrian Empire. She took the throne in 1740 after her fathers death. Prussia immediately invaded Austria after she took the throne, trying to defeat Frederik the Great. Her death in 1780 ended the House of Habsburgs as she was the last living Habsburg. TERM 23 Catherine the Great DEFINITION 23 The wife of Peter III who had made peace with Frederik the Great, which in turn ended the war against Prussia. He was killed by her shortly after. She brought Russia to the status of great European power during her reign TERM 24 Seven Years War 1756- 1763 DEFINITION 24 It was fought in the Americas between the Brits and the French for dominance of the New World and associated colonies TERM 25 Social Contract Theory DEFINITION 25 Philosophers came up with the idea and thought that people came up with governments out of necessity TERM 26 Louis XVI DEFINITION 26 Took throne and was heavily in debt, as a result wanted to raise taxes for more revenue. Called an estate meeting to discuss issues in Paris, which resulted in the voting by the orders (1st and 2nd could gang up on majority 3rd estate to get their way). Louis XVI was eventually captured during the revolution of the 3rd estate, and forced to give into demands. TERM 27 Ancien Regime DEFINITION 27 The aristocratic, political, and social society created in France which was contested during the revolution in 1789 TERM 28 1st Estate DEFINITION 28 Clergy, included Bishops, Priests, and Sons of Priests TERM 29 2nd Estate DEFINITION 29 Nobility were born nobility and died nobility, and also meant that your children would be of nobility TERM 30 3rd Estate DEFINITION 30 Everyone Else, 97% of population TERM 31 Estates General 1789 DEFINITION 31 Summoned by King Louis XVI to propose solutions to his governments financial problems, wanted to discuss raising taxes. This involved the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd estates, however 3rd estate had little voice in the whole matter. TERM 32 July 14, 1789 Storming of Bastille DEFINITION 32 Louis XVI as a response to this uprising dispersed troops and began to fire into the crowd. More people began to rise up as a result and eventually troops resisted to fire into the unarmed mob and side with the revolution. Louis XVI will eventually be captured. TERM 33 National Assembly DEFINITION 33 Louis XVI eventually gives into the demands of the people and gives them rights and the creation of the National Assembly TERM 34 Flight to Varennes 1791 DEFINITION 34 King Louis XVI attempted to flee Paris to form a counter- revolution but was unsuccessful, eventually being captured and thrown in jail by the revolutionaries TERM 35 Louis Executed 1793 DEFINITION 35 Louis was convicted of treason and beheaded by a guillotine TERM 46 Austria war of independence 1809 DEFINITION 46 It was a part of the War of the Fifth Coalition and saw the Austrians and Brits pinned against Napoleon and the Polish (who were quite autonomous). The Polish relinquished lost territory, and saw the Austrians defeated. TERM 47 Archduke Charles DEFINITION 47 Defeated Napoleon in 1809 during the War of the Fifth Coalition (Austrian war of Independence) TERM 48 Tsar Alexander I DEFINITION 48 Czar of Russia during the Napoleonic invasion of 1812. Napoleon ends up occupying Moscow, but when on the way out get stuck in harsh winter, conditions, and little food which ultimately leads to great losses for the French forces. TERM 49 Continental System DEFINITION 49 This was the Foreign Policy of Napoleon in regards to the British. He tries to cripple Britain economically and forces all of Europe to not trade with them. Many countries simply smuggle, but Czar Alexander I and Russia simply ignore the pact and trade with Britain. Napoleon decides to invade. TERM 50 Invasion of Russia 1812 DEFINITION 50 Napoleon invades Russia after they had violated treaty. Russians destroy all the crops and cattle during Napoleons march to Russia. Napoleon makes it to Moscow, but when he ends up turning back after no engagement he encounters harsh winter, no food, and constant little skirmishes which leaves him when he returns to Paris with 100,000 men out of the 600,000 he invaded with. TERM 51 Battle of Leipzig 1813 DEFINITION 51 Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Sweden battle the French led by Napoleon in 1813. The battle was fought between 600,000 troops! Napoleon was defeated and retreated back to France. In order to maintain momentum the allies invaded France the following year and exiled Napoleon. TERM 52 Napoleon to Elba 1814 DEFINITION 52 The victors (allies) exiled him to Elba off the coast of Tuscany. They gave him control of the island and allowed him to retain his title of Emperor. TERM 53 100 Days - Waterloo 1815 DEFINITION 53 Napoleon escaped exile and returned to Paris. Louis XVII dispatched an army to intercept him, but the army later sided with Napoleon. Once in Paris Louis XVII fled and Napoleon ruled for the period which is known as 100 days. Great Britain, Russia, Prussia, and Austria banded together which culminated in the Battle of Waterloo. The Allies were led by Duke Wellington who would go on and defeat Napoleon. Napoleon was then exiled a final time to a small island in the Southern Atlantic. He later died there. TERM 54 Congress of Vienna DEFINITION 54 The powers to be declared Napoleon an outlaw on March 13 and Prussia, Russia, Austria, and Great Britain supplied men who later defeated Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815. TERM 55 Code Noir DEFINITION 55 Originally issued by King Louis XIV in 1685, it outlined Frances policy on slavery. It was thought to ensure Frances sovereignty in her colonies. TERM 56 Macandals Revolt 1758 DEFINITION 56 Was known as a voodoo priest on the island, and was trying to organize slaves on the island. Would frequently raid French on the island, but was ratted out by ally. He would be put to death in 1758 for fear he would drive all the whites off the island. TERM 57 Boukmans Revolt 1791 DEFINITION 57 Killed by the French just a few months after the uprising took place, and his head was displayed on a stick to prevent further uprisings from happening. However this slave rebellion served as a catalyst for the Haitian revolution. TERM 58 Toussaint Louverture DEFINITION 58 The leader of the Haitian revolution, whose military genius and political awareness led to the successful revolt and later independently formed state of Haiti. He declared himself governor forever in 1801, but Napoleon sent men to the island and restored order by 1802. He was deported to France where he died in 1803. TERM 59 1798 British Invasion DEFINITION 59 Brits led by Admiral Nelson invade Tenerife the soul capital of the Canary Islands. They are actually beaten back by the populace. Admiral Nelson loses his right arm from canon fire during the battle. TERM 60 Fermage DEFINITION 60 A type of agreement, such as a lease or rental TERM 71 Mazzini DEFINITION 71 Nicknamed Soul of Italy he was at the forefront of creating a unified Italy and fought hard to do so TERM 72 Young Italy DEFINITION 72 They were the first group of people who were fighting for a nationalized Italy. They were trying to create a unified Italy that Mazzini wanted so badly. TERM 73 Hep Hep Riots 1819 DEFINITION 73 Young German students rioted for the creation of a German nation and while doing so murdered many Jews. TERM 74 1821 Mexican Independence DEFINITION 74 While much unrest is going on in Europe, Mexico successfully gains their independence from colonial Spanish rule. TERM 75 Brazil Independence 1822 Pedro I DEFINITION 75 Gained independence from Portugal, Pedro I known as the liberator was the first ruler of independent Brazil. TERM 76 Simon Bolivar Colombia DEFINITION 76 Simon Bolivar led the Colombian revolution and many other revolutions in South America TERM 77 Opium War 1839- 42 DEFINITION 77 Brits are finally trading a lot with the Chinese in the early 19th century, especially Opium which many Chinese eventually become addicted to. China eventually fights a war on drugs after about 1% of population becomes hooked. Decide to go after Brits and East India Co. Brits see this as an act of war and invade China. Since China isolated itself from Europe the Industrialized Brits were able to defeat China decisively half way across the world. TERM 78 Paris Revolution of 1848 DEFINITION 78 The Government is afraid to shoot civilians who are barricading the streets. To appease the revolutionaries Guizot is thrown out as city minister by Louis Phillipe. Crowd storms Guizots house and violence erupts, people are killed. People become angrier after this incident. From this revolution sprouts a National Guard, Govt workshops, and a constitution. The King flees and France becomes a Republic. The news quickly spreads through Europe. TERM 79 Louis Phillipe DEFINITION 79 King who eventually flees during the Paris Revolution of 1848. TERM 80 Guizot DEFINITION 80 Is the city minister of Paris who is dismissed by the King to try and appease the revolutionaries. When his house is later stormed violence erupts and people are killed. The revolution becomes worse. TERM 81 Napoloeon III DEFINITION 81 Takes over as the head of the newly formed French Republic and acts as the Republics first President. He served as Frances first President, and also as their last Monarch. He was the nephew of Napoleon I, and pursued an aggressive foreign policy which saw the assistance in Italian unification, the Crimean War, the Second Opium War, and the Taiping Rebellion. He was later chased out of presidency after Prussia, led by Wilhelm I and his right hand man Otto von Bizmark, humiliated France and defeated them in 1870 resulting in the bombardment of Paris. TERM 82 Vienna DEFINITION 82 Capital of Austria still, undergoes a revolution during the mid 19th century which will eventually put down along with that of the Italian revolution. TERM 83 Emperor Ferdinand DEFINITION 83 Emperor of Austria during 1848 while Austria is going through a full scale civil war. He is asked to leave the throne and does so in an attempt to end the Civil War. His nephew Franz Josef takes over because he had not made promises to all sides involved in Civil War as his Uncle Ferdinand had. TERM 84 Franz Josef DEFINITION 84 Nephew of Ferdinand who is put in power by Ferdinands succession TERM 85 Windishcgratz DEFINITION 85 Puts down Prussian and Austrian revolutions TERM 96 Battle of Balaclava (Charge of the Light Brigade) DEFINITION 96 The British charged into a valley which was surrounded by Russian military. The Brits are absolutely slaughtered, leaving 1/3 of them killed or wounded. It is glorified however as a heroic stand, when really it was just stupid and a military blunder. TERM 97 Napoleon III DEFINITION 97 Ruler of the new Republic of France after the revolution of 1848 who will later be captured by the Prussians TERM 98 Nicholas I - Tsar of Russia DEFINITION 98 Czar of Russia during the Crimean War who is looking for new and growing opportunity for Russia during this time. Tries to figure out why Russia lost and ends up revolutionizing society when he frees the Serfs in 1861 TERM 99 Florence Nightingale DEFINITION 99 A private English citizen who came from a prominent family went off to the Crimean War to be a nurse and treat wounded soldiers. This was totally revolutionary and brought to light hygiene and created the moving hospital TERM 100 Ottoman Empire DEFINITION 100 After the Crimean War the Ottoman Empire is very weak, and lacks its ability to act as a great TERM 101 Emancipation of Serfs 1861 DEFINITION 101 Nicholas I of Russia in an attempt to revolutionize society frees the serfs in 1861, however really accomplishes nothing TERM 102 Minie Bullet DEFINITION 102 Hollow at the base, grooved and conical to make it more accurate, it allowed the rifle to loaded and shot as fast as a musket. Soldiers could now aim the rifle, which resulted in much more casualties TERM 103 Percussion cap DEFINITION 103 Developed in 1839 it allowed rifles and muskets to be fired in any weather rainy, wet, cold, ect which in turn made them much more reliable. TERM 104 Krupp Steel Works DEFINITION 104 A German company that begins to mass produce steel unlike ever before TERM 105 Chassepot DEFINITION 105 French adopt this type of rifle which is very similar to the needle gun. It was a bolt action, breech loading rifle. It saw extensive time in the Franco-Prussian War during 1870. TERM 106 Nikolas Dreyse DEFINITION 106 Invented the needle gun in 1841 which was adopted by the Prussians TERM 107 Needle Gun DEFINITION 107 Adopted by the Prussians in 1841 it was the first breech loading rifle which enabled soldiers to fire lying down, the prone position or standing. Could fire 4x as fast as a muzzle loading rifle. However the seal was not that great on the breech which resulted in hot gas being blasted into your face at times TERM 108 Victor Emmanuel II King of Sardinia-Piedmont, then Italy DEFINITION 108 Became the first ever King of a unified Italy since the 6th century in 1849. He held this position till his death in 1878. TERM 109 Count Camillo Cavour DEFINITION 109 Served as the Prime Minister of Italy and was quite successful at navigating Foreign polices and wars during his time in office TERM 110 Pius IX DEFINITION 110 The Pope during the time of the Italian Revolutions and ends up being very against the new ideas of revolution being brought about by the Italians. He ends up excommunicating major figures of the movement to unify Italy TERM 121 Battle of Lissa 1866 DEFINITION 121 The first ever major Naval Battle between Iron-Clad vessels. It was fought against the Austrian and Italian Navys and saw the greatly outnumbered Austrians defeat a larger Italian fleet TERM 122 Ausgleich (Compromise) 1867 DEFINITION 122 Austria-Hungary Through this compromise Hungary established itself as an independent nation with its own parliament and ruler. Austria was also its own empire ruled by an emperor. They maintained a common emperor however who ruled over both Austria and Hungary TERM 123 Magyarization DEFINITION 123 A type of assimilation that occurred in Hungary after the compromise to try and make all citizens of the Hungarian Empire Hungarians, and crush nationalism that was sprouting up from Czechs in the Western part of the Empire. TERM 124 Romanian Independence 1878 DEFINITION 124 Russia allied with Romania and was able to successfully defeat the Ottomans and gain Romanias independence in 1878. Russia did benefit from the relationship by signing a treaty with the Romanians TERM 125 Bulgarian Independece (1885) 1908 DEFINITION 125 Russia again sides with the Bulgarians and declared war on the Ottoman Empire and gave Bulgarians their independence TERM 126 Serbian Independence 1878 DEFINITION 126 Recognized as a independent state through the treaty of Berlin TERM 127 US Civil War 1861- 5 DEFINITION 127 War the devastated the United States, resulting in the most American casualties ever suffered during any war in American history TERM 128 Total War DEFINITION 128 Type of warfare where all resources are put towards the war effort, to include food, iron, steel, workers, troops, railroads, ect. This was what the American Civil War accomplished TERM 129 Monitor and Merrimac (Virginia) DEFINITION 129 Most important naval battle of the Civil War and involved the Iron Clad confederate vessel the Merrimac against the Iron Clad Union vessel the Monitor. Both ships duked it out however there truly was no winner TERM 130 CSS Hunley DEFINITION 130 First ever submarine which scores the first ever kill of a ship when it sinks a Union vessel in 1864, sinking itself for good in the process TERM 131 Scramble for Africa 1885- 1914 DEFINITION 131 Europeans now with the ability to survive tropical diseases brought on by African climate scramble to seize as much African territory as they can. Hoping that if they establish a Global empire they will be able to reap the rewards TERM 132 Emancipation Proclamation 1862 DEFINITION 132 Address that freed the slaves in the Confederate South, however strategically left them in bondage in the Border States that were sided with the North TERM 133 Scramble for Africa 1885- 1914 DEFINITION 133 Europeans now with the ability to survive tropical diseases brought on by African climate scramble to seize as much African territory as they can. Hoping that if they establish a Global empire they will be able to reap the rewards TERM 134 German East Africa Maji-Maji Revolt 1905 DEFINITION 134 There were several African tribes banded together to oust the Germans, who were forcing the natives to grow cotton for their profit. They fought using cap guns, arrows, and spears and believed that German bullets would turn to water if they hit them. They were wrong and were violently put down. 250,000 people killed during rebellion TERM 135 Fashoda1898 DEFINITION 135 It was a climactic dispute between Great Britain and France in Eastern Africa (Sudan). The French wanted control of the Nile to drive the Brits out of Egypt, but the Brits were not having it and avoided war while kicking the French out of the area at the same time.
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